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  • I have started working with a client who did an upgrade on their e-commerce sive in May of last year. It totally changed the URL structure and they didn't redirect old URLs or do any of the things they should have. Not unexpectedly they they went from about 300 visitors a day to 0 for then rose up to maybe 50 and have remained there ever since. There were some major onsite issues including about 15000 internal links that 302 back to the site. In any case I have fixed most of the onsite problems and worked on a little better categorization + content optimization, etc. We have only been working on this for about 30 days and organic traffic is up and they are ranking for much better keywords, but I expected a little quicker rise. Here is a screenshot out of GA of their descent. Its pretty rapid. I dont think it makes sense to redirect their old URLs at this point since most of them have been deindexed for 10+ months. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get back to their previous level. The domain actually has decent authority and link profile, etc. Is this just going to be a slow climb back? Any thoughts? Fxz9Y.png

    Technical SEO | | BlinkWeb

  • Think of our company as a real estate company, having hundreds of homes, each home has an optimized page and comes with a WP light box and 15 specific photos of a property. The code of the property would be unique, and so is the title tag (key phrase) for each property unique. Each property has a picture of the front, the living room, the master bedroom, a bathroom, the pool, the kitchen... Say the home code is HC007FE and the keyword is "greatest home example ever". How would you suggest naming the pictures and additionally the alt txt for these pictures? Thanks for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | Discountvc

  • We're creating a new website for a client, and we have already started link building to the pages, including some deep landing pages. Currently the site is blocked from being indexed - we're just concerned that there may be issues when we launch the site as there will be a lot of links pointing towards the pages from day 1. Are we ok to continue link building?

    Link Building | | aarondicks

  • Hi there, Here's our situation: there are two people working on the blog. person 1) writes the posts person 2) SEO optimizes the posts I know this is not ideal but it's the best we can do and it's a whole lot better than no blog. 🙂 I'm the fellow optimizing the posts. I've found that my best SEO efforts usually slightly undermine the readability of these posts -- not in an extreme way, I'm not going overboard with keywords or anything. Rather, things like a sexy & enticing article heading may have to be dummed down for search engines... Because of this dumming down, I like to wait a couple of weeks to SEO optimize our posts, the logic being that we get the best of both worlds: a happy regular readership on topic articles that are clearly described for (and aligned to the terms used by) our search engine visitors What I'm wondering is, Generally: can you see any problems with this setup? would you do it differently? Specifically: does Google (et al) punish this sort of backwards re-writing? and, does it somehow amount to less SEO mojo when done retroactively? Thanks so much for your time! Best, Jon

    Technical SEO | | JonAmar

  • Hi guys, Anyone knows a good keywords tool for Yahoo Ads and Bing Advertising? - We are interested to see the search volumes for these 2 search engines (all tough they are together now, people still have searching preferences and usualy only use one of them. - We need to see global search volumes as well as geo-specific data (country level) Thanks in advance

    Paid Search Marketing | | tolik1

  • I found date stamps in front of Google's SERP snippets always very helpful, but where exactly is Google pulling this information from? Some of my sites show dates from past year in the snippets although all of them have a current date stamp on the front page. Would love to make sure that all my sites have show latest date in the snippets.

    Technical SEO | | Juergen-119481

  • Hi, Has anyone made functions to get link metrics from SEOmoz API in Google docs spreadsheet? Page Authority Domain Authority Linking Root Domains Total Links _Thanks to Tom Critchlow I got the social metrics, now I just need the ones from SEOmoz api. _ Any help would be sweet.

    Reporting & Analytics | | EdgySEO

  • Hi, is there a limit on the number of service areas I can choose for my Google place/map listing.? For optimization purposes should I include the whole state, or each specific city. My keyword for google maps is not very competitive and I want to cover a few different states , I have the time to put specific cities just not sure if there is a restriction on number of service areas. Cheers

    Image & Video Optimization | | pablogalante

  • My company website recently got its site links in google search... WooHoo! However, when you type TECHeGO into Google Search one of the links is spelled incorrectly. Instead of 'CONversion Optimization' its 'COversion Optimization'. At first I thought there was a misspelling on that page somewhere but there is not and have come to the conclusion that Google has made a mistake. I know that I can block the page in webmaster tools (No Thanks) but how in the crap can I get them to correct the spelling when no one really knows how to get them to appear in the first place? Riddle Me That Folks! sitelink.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TECHeGO

  • Hey All, First off I wanna thank everyone who has responded to all my previous questions! Love to see a community that is so willing to help those who are learning the ropes! Anyways back to my point. We have a main site that is a PR 3 and our main focal point for lead generation. We recently acquired 50 additional sites (all with a PR of 1-3) that we would like to use as our own little back linking campaign with. All the domains are completely relevant to our main site as well as specific pages within our main site. I know that reciprocal links will get me no where and that google is quickly on to the attempted 3 way link exchange. My question is how do I best link these 50 sites to not only maintain there own integrity and PR but also assist our main site. Thanks All!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | deuce1s

  • Hi everyone, I would like to know your opinion on this. Do you feel like optimizing, especially pointing links to a subfolder, e.g. (english language), should be the same as doing that for the main URL (another language)? That said, do you think all the domain will benefit from anchors to subfolders? Thanks a lot!

    On-Page Optimization | | SEOpt

  • Hello mozzers, I have a question, for example if we see the seomoz company profile on linkedin, we see the number of employers, and for my company, can't see the number of employers on the public, what is reason? Maybe seomoz is using pro-membership on linkedin? or is doing the linkedin automatically for the employers who are registered with mail at domain name official of company. How to do this..? to see number of employers on public-profile, not on the right side, but on the content, at seomoz you can see the latest 5 new employers. Thanks

    Social Media | | leadsprofi

  • In one of my campaigns, competitive domain analysis shows that the total links is always the same as ext. followed links. This can't be right as the site has both external links and internal links. What would be the possible issue here? Thanks for sharing your insight.

    Moz Pro | | F-D

  • Hi, I'm setting up a Barcelona guide as a hobby: Naturally I take care to use good alt-tags, checking Google images I see one of the photos I took listed as number one: "hibernian bookstore barcelona". There is no doubt that this is the photo I took myself, but when  I place the mouse over the photo the origin is listed as: What is even more worrying though is that when I press the image I automatically download this: "Antispy 2011" from! Evidently some kind of "anti-virus" program. How is this possible?

    Image & Video Optimization | | vibelingo

  • Hi guys, I've done something rather stupid... allowed Google to index two variations of a single viral piece therefore fragmenting the way it's being distributed and diluting its effect. Here are the URLs: (68 Tweets, 254,000 stumbles) (24 Tweets, 155,000 stumbles) If I 301, what happens to counters? What can I do? PS: I cannot update my post on Youmoz now that it's published but I cannot stress the importance of a single solid location of something you want to act as a linkbait.

    Social Media | | Dan-Petrovic

  • I'm getting the following error when seomoz tries to spider my site: First Crawl in Progress! Processing Issues for 671 pages Started: Apr. 23rd, 2011 Here is the robots.txt data from the site: Disallow ALL BOTS for image directories and JPEG files. User-agent: * Disallow: /stats/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /newspictures/ Disallow: /pdfs/ Disallow: /propbig/ Disallow: /propsmall/ Disallow: /*.jpg$ Any ideas on how to get around this would be appreciated 🙂

    Moz Pro | | cmaddison

  • I am doing work for a local business who has duplicate Google Places listings.  I would like some input from those with experience in this as to how I should go about consolidating these listings. Listing 1 created ~3 years ago by someone in the local business. They don't have the login/password info for this listing. listing has inaccurate info, including the wrong url (it points to their old website which is no longer active, but redirects to the new site) 124 reviews associated with this listing listing is on 3rd page of Local Business results Listing 2 one year old All listing info is current and accurate and I have the login info 18 reviews associated with this listing listing is on 6th page of Local Business results Up until a week or two ago Listing 2 was ranked between 1-3 in the local business results along side the map.  Listing 1 was ranked around #6.  I assume that the duplicate listings with their conflicting info (different url's associated with each) hit some tripwire in Google and they have now been penalized.  Does this sound correct? What is the best method for consolidating the two listings and reestablishing the ranking?  Here are my thoughts, please let me know if there is a better way... gain access to Listing 1 by having the business claim/verify the listing update all info in Listing 1 so that it is current and accurate deactivate and/or delete Listing 2 Is this the best course of action?  Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | fastestmanalive

  • My SEOMoz stats show that I have duplicate titles for the following two url's: and I have checked my server files, and I don't see a live page without the php.  A while back, we converted our site from html to php, but the html pages have 301's and as you can see the page without the php is properly redirecting to the php page.  Any ideas why this would show as two separate url's?

    Technical SEO | | BradBorst

  • I a looking through the on-page SEO reports in SEOmoz for one of my sites.  It suggests that I change the url of a particular page to match the desired search term I want to rank for.  In this case it is a site for a local business and the url is when it probabaly should have instead been I have just a couple links to this page and I'm stuck towards the bottom of page 1 in the SERPs currently.  Questions... 1. Should I change the url to include the exact keyword term I want the page to rank for? 2. If yes, what is the best method to ensure that any existing link juice to the current url is retained?  Would I change the url, then create a new page with the old url and apply a 301 redirect to point it to the new page? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | fastestmanalive

  • Does anyone have any recommendations or resources for best practices in using Google Analytics. Specifically, as they relate to SEO and managing and monitoring several websites (i.e. registering/managing multiple accounts vs. master account, etc).

    Reporting & Analytics | | Gyi

  • Hi All I am a newbie to SEO and have a quick Q. Assuming that appropriate steps would be to; a) Ensure all onsite matters are are correct, title tags, meta descriptions, redirects, canonical issues. b) Submit to Directories c) Build Links I am approaching step b) Which Directories are worth submitting to? For those which require payment, how can I decide which are value for money or should I just use SEOMOZ list of links and assume that theyre worth the $50 - $100 if my higher ranking competitors have links from these directories. Also, can this be looked opon as grey/black hat 'buying of links'? Thank you Sean

    Link Building | | seanmccauley

  • We joined our Chamber of Commerce for the "link" as much as anything.  After 9 months of having a link from our local chamber it has never showed up anywhere.  You can see the link on my Chambers page, and you can click on it and it works.  But it does not show up anywhere else....Not in any backlink checker,  not in SEOmoz, not in Google Webmaster Tools. When I hover over our link on their page I see " url" Is this link worth anything?  What is a javascriptencodeclick?  Does Google know it exists and give me credit for it?  Our Chamber is clueless... they hire someone to do their website.  Their webmasters response to my question was: Hi, These links look like this because this is just the way our system parses URLs that are entered into the membership directory so they can be clickable when displayed in the lister. These links will not have a negative effect on Google or SEO indexing purposes if that is what you are concerned about. They are not encoded or encrypted, this just happens to be the name of the Javascript function.

    Technical SEO | | SCyardman

  • Hi Just wondering if anyone here has used the services of  a company called Bulrbpoint? I am considering using their directory submission service for a new site, as they offer placing sites in the Yahoo Directory, which is £150 alone. If anyone ha any feedback on their services, that would be great. Cheers Mik

    Link Building | | increation

  • How can you see what pages are cached by bing. I'm basically looking for these google approaches for bing: Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • So I am trying to track ecommerce transactions on a Prostores site and GA is dropping the source because the checkout is on prostores domain instead of the store domain. All ecommerce transactions show a source of the actual website as a referral. I've read googles documentation on tracking across multiple domains but just can't quite get it right. Can anyone help me out? Here is my tracking code: ss:commentdo nothing</ss:comment>

    Reporting & Analytics | | BlinkWeb

  • Hello, I worked on my site using a sandbox, this site got cached!!! So now all my pages on my regular site have several links from this IP address. I know this isn't that big of a deal. But I would like to get it straightened out. I've had disallow on the robots.txt for several weeks. How should I go about getting this IP address out of the google index? Thanks Tyler

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • In trying to figure out navigation for a new website, I am struggling with the first link rule vs. the reasonable surfer patent where the first link rule implies that Google "counts" the first link to a page including navigation, and the reasonable surfer patent that implies that navigation links carry less weight than body copy links. What is the best solution for creating main navigation so that it doesn't take away from the body copy links?

    Web Design | | cindyt-17038

  • After looking at Google Shopping results, I was wondering how the "Relevance" is determined.  It would obviously be hugely beneficial to be ranked as one of the top 5 most relevant products, since that is the default sorting criteria. Originally, I thought it was a combination of Price and Seller Rating.  But after examining a few examples, that doesn't seem to be the case. When doing a search for "Radian XTSL" - a car seat that our website features - appears at/near the bottom of the Google Shopping list, despite having a competitive price and ranking well for that term organically (8-13). Do you know what the ranking factors are?  And if so, can you give a few pieces of advice for best practices? Thanks!

    Affiliate Marketing | | BarrettAhern

  • Our website moved to a new domain a year ago, and we have our original domain to redirect to our new domain. We're working on contacting people who still link to our old domain to ask them to update, but 7% of our traffic is still coming as a redirect from our old domain. My question is, when should we just shut the old domain down entirely and stop redirecting people to our new domain? Or should we just keep it up indefinitely? What would be the positive or negative impact on our new domain's SEO if we shut the old domain down? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | UWPCE

  • So one of my client's wants to know why he shouldn't just hire GoDaddy to "do SEO" for him! He found this page: Without actually trying it, It looks like a bunch of stuff I already do (rank tracking, PR tracking, traffic tracking, ROI projections), stuff I shouldn't do (site submissions to search engines), and stuff I probably don't need ("keyword wizard"). That said, I am intrigued by: the dedicated phone number with track and monitor (is it better than Hosted Numbers?), the business listing (is it a link worth the $6/mo?), site analysis and optimization, and ROI dashboard. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does any piece of it have any value?

    Reporting & Analytics | | TheEspresseo

  • Hi, I'm running a wordpress blog ( and am getting the "too many links" on almost all of my pages. It appears that in addition to basic site navigation I have plug-ins that create invisible links that are counted in the least that's my guess. Is there a good way to control this in wordpress? A nofollow in the .htaccess? A plug-in that does this? (I'm sort of at novice-plus level here so the simplest solution is ideal.) Thanks! Jake

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | modhop

  • Let's ignore the "social metric" value of Twitter links and mentions and look at it from the pure link juice point of view. Twitter accounts such as used to have their own PageRank and were treated as separate URLs. Twitter changed that to!/randfish consolidating all their content to a single URL. When I search for "randfish" in Google, however, the result is the first URL version. Some clarification on this matter would be much appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | Dan-Petrovic

  • Comparing X-Cart and Magento, which do you think is better for SEO and why? I am leaning towards Magento and wanted to get some opinions?

    Web Design | | BlinkWeb

  • We all know that a company's address must be in the footer on every single page.  But what if that actual address resides inside an external php file.  Meaning the entire footer is an external php file. Will that affect local seo negatively? thanks for your help.

    Technical SEO | | RogersSEO

  • I have about 500 products with multiple urls for the same product, but different versions. I sell wine and have a different page for each vintage. I've decided that is not the best way to go, and want to point the older vintage pages to the latest version page, and make that the only page for the  product as time goes on. Do I have to put a link in the text from each older page to the newer, or can I use a 301 to redirect them to the new page? I don't want google to think I'm pulling something funny.

    On-Page Optimization | | JeanYates

  • Hello there! Most of the websites have links to low-value pages in their main navigation (header or footer)... thus, available through every other pages. I especially think about "Conditions of Use" or "Privacy Notice" pages, which have no value for SEO. What I would like, is to prevent link juice to flow into those pages... but still keep the links for visitors. What is the best way to achieve this? Put a rel="nofollow" attribute on those links? Put a "robots" meta tag containing "noindex,nofollow" on those pages? Put a "Disallow" for those pages in a "robots.txt" file? Use efficient Javascript links? (that crawlers won't be able to follow)

    On-Page Optimization | | jonigunneweg

  • Hi all, we've been asked by a blog to help them better indexing and ranking on Google News (with the site being already included in Google News with poor results) The blog had a chronicle URL duplication problem with each post existing with 3 different URLs: #1) (currently in noindex for editorial choices as showing all the comments) #2) (currently indexed showing only top comments) #3) (very same as #2) We've chosen URL #2 (/index.html) as canonical URL,  and included a rel=canonical tag on URL #3 (/) linking to URL #2.
    Also we've submitted  yesterday a Google News sitemap including consistently the list of URLs #2 from the last 48h . The sitemap has been properly "digested" by Google and shows that all URLs have been sent and indexed. However if we use the command on Google News we see something completely different: Google News has indexed actually only some news and more specifically only the URLs #3 type (ending with the trailing slash instead of /index.html). Why ? What's wrong ? a) Does Google News bot have problems indexing URLs ending with .index.html ? While figuring out what's wrong we've found out that gives no seems that Google News index overall does not include any URLs ending with /index.html b) Does Google News bot recognise  rel=canonical tag ? c) Is it just a matter of time and then Google News will pick up the right URLs (/index.html) and/or shall we communicate Google News team any changes ? d) Any suggestions ? OR Shall we do the other way around. meaning make URL #3 the canonical one ? While Google News is showing these problems, Google Web search has actually well received the changes, so we don't know what to do. Thanks for your help, Matteo

    Technical SEO | | H-FARM

  • Hello We have a large ecommerce site, as you are aware that ecommerce sites has canonical issues, I have read various sources on how best to practice canonical on ecommerce site but I am not sure yet.. My concert is pagination where I am on category product listing page.. the pagination will have all different product not same however the meta data will be same so should I make let's say page 2 or 3 to main category page or keep them as is to index those pages? Another issue is using filters, where I am on any page and I filter by price or manufacturer basically the page will be same so here It seems issue of duplicate content, so should I canonical to category page only for those result types? So basically If I let google crawl my pagination content and I only canonical those coming with filter search result that would be best practice? and would google webmaster parameter handling case would be helpful in this scenario ? Please feel free to ask in case you have any queries regards

    Technical SEO | | CNMOnline28

  • I clear the cache and log out from any accounts and I still get different results for the same keyword if I use different browsers. Any idea whats going on? And which browser would have my true ranking?

    Technical SEO | | musillawfirm

  • I'm interested, weather bad network neighborhood could cause some penalties in Google indexing and search? For checking your site neighbors follow this URL (enter your site URL in the end):

    Algorithm Updates | | bubliki

  • We've recently (in the past 6 months) implemented rich snippets into one of our websites, which lists events around the USA. We've run our code through Google's testing tools and all looks good. When we search for terms which we compete for, many of our competitors display the event sub-links in the SERPs but we still do not. Does anyone have any experience with rich snippets with regards to whether site reputation or  (we're a new website) others factors will impact if/when google will display our rich snippets in search results? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BTeubner

  • hi guys, a question please. if site: , you can see google index our website IP address, this could duplicate with our content pages. i am not quite sure why google index my IP pages while index domain pages, i understand this could because of backlink, internal link and etc, but i don't see obvious issues there, also i have submit request to google team to remove ip address index, but seems no luck. Please do you have any other suggestion on this? i was trying to do change of address setting in Google Webmaster Tools, but didn't allow as it said "Restricted to root level domains only", any ideas? Thank you! boson

    Technical SEO | | DarwinChinaSEO

  • Hello everybody, my question is really simple: what's the purpose of a sitemap? It's to help the robots to crawl your website but if you're website has a good architecture, the robots will be able to crawl your site easily! Am I wrong? Thank you for yours answers, Jonathan

    Technical SEO | | JonathanLeplang

  • The Home page Title Tag on my Wordpress CMS Website doesn't update. It has the Thesis Theme and All in One SEO plugin. I've updated it exactly the same on the Home page, for SEO plugin, and in the Thesis Theme - but still it displays the old one.. The site was last cached about a week ago - 3X since I've been attempting to change it. The other page's Title Tags update instantly when updated, but not the Home page. I've been digging for a solution and can't seem to find an answer. What could be the problem? (  -It should be: Austin Gym | Kickboxing in Austin | Impact MMA Fitness)

    Technical SEO | | OhYeahSteve

  • I feel like although directories carry a lot of weight and links, I'd think that my client would be able to gain a top position, since none of the others are competitor pages, nor are the directories engaging.

    Algorithm Updates | | randallseo

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