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  • Hi I am in the process of writing meta titles and meta descriptions for a clients product portfolio.  I have the complete list exported from the cms system in to excel. I know I can add some clever logic to build the meta information but for this purpose I want to do this manually.  Does anyone have a editor online or an excel sheet that shows you the charactor limits when writing the titles and descriptions. This would be handy if someone has, otherwise it's a case of having to write the excel sheet to do this, not that hard to do but i thought i'd ask the question.

    On-Page Optimization | | seohive-222720

  • We have successfully rolled out 5 sub-domains using very industry specific KWs as the sub, e.g. familylawyers. We're rolling our an employment focused sub.and ideally would use However I'm tempted to use a long established (5+ years) sub-domain with a topic related KW that now hosts a non-active blog with PR3 - It has 49 indexed pages, some with PR2. So there's potential for getting a kickstart on traffic and trust with some redirects. Should I go for instant gratification or build for the long haul with the slightly more beneficial URL KWing? I should add that this sub-domain will have thousands of pages that are geo and sub-category focused - a typical URL would be. THX for any opinions.

    Technical SEO | | legalseo

  • I came across this today when doing a Google search - a site that has a small promo code listed on their page shows a preview with that promo highlighted...I dug around their code a little bit, but couldn't find if it was something they were doing to manipulate their preview in the search results. Is Google automatically highlighting promotions in previews, or did somehow manipulate the page to make their promo highlighted?  And if so, how? You can see the site at and you can see the preview with the promo highlighted attached. ZDY52.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | klars524

  • Just double checking this one. Is it less than ideal to have a blog on a subdomain rather than as a sub folder on a domain?

    Technical SEO | | PerchDigital

  • Hi, Does anybody know of any good UK Link Building training courses or trainers? I have read loads of information on here and other sites which tells you that you need to get good high quality links but have not found much information on exactly how you go about doing this (apart from looking at competitors links - which is easy). So I would love to get some training for me and another team member here on Link Building specifically.We have all the other areas of SEO pretty much covered and get pretty good rankings for long tail and some broad phrases.  We just need a bit of extra Link Building help to boost some rankings up even further. Thanks in advance Andy

    Link Building | | BoxLimited

  • We are a web hosting company and some of our best links are from our own customers, on the same IP same IP, but different Class C blocks. How do search engines treat the uniqie scenario of web hosting companies and linking?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FirePowered

  • I need some help with doing the Mod Rewrite on our htaccess file. Basically I've a URL like this : and I want to rewrite the URL into something else (such as new-toy-search-xbox.html) Could someone please take me through the steps of how to do this? I've had a look at the Apache site but it's really confusing the way it's explained!

    Technical SEO | | DanHill

  • For example, we have optimized all of a clients interior pages to the point where it is competing with some of their competitors main pages.  Unfortunately, they do not show up on most of the Google Places keywords.  Their competition, who are lower than them organically, automatically show up in Google Places while they do not show up at all.  Organically they are 2nd or 3rd in most of their keywords, but no one near the top in Google Places. Thank you!

    Keyword Research | | Champions

  • I have a eCommerce store over BigCommerce platform. It is possible to sell via Shopping Comparison Sites like: Nextag, PriceGrabber, Bizrate,, If I decide to advertise my products over those sites, will it be consider a trust link for Google? Our store is new and we don't have links referring to us, I need solutions. Also, there is a yellow pages site, that ask for monthly fees to advertise on there web site, advertising will be business name, addressee, phone number and web site, will it be a positive link for Google or just a paid link? This is our store: Furnace Filters Canada Thank you for your help and support, BigBlaze

    Link Building | | BigBlaze205

  • With the nofollow tag used very widely on the internet these days I was just wondering about how an RSS feed might help me find a way around it.  Basically my question is this : I post a comment on a blog, it's approved and my comment together with my link(nofollow tag applied) is there. Now when the blogs RSS feed updates, does this nofollow tag get applied to the feed? As far as I can tell it does not - but I'm not too clue'd up on how the feed is generated. Anyone want to help me understand how it works and if what I'm suggesting would be 'a way around the nofollow tag' ? Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | DanHill

  • Hi All My site is live for a year now. I;m getting tons of traffic (alexa 54k) and business are good. The only problem is that I have 0 page rank....I have checked again and again the site;s structure to see if there is anything wrong with the site but everything seems to be ok. Google just added search links to the site (megamoneygames) which looks very nice. For example, none of my competitors have search links but they all have page rank of 4 while I have 0. In addition, for some reason the site's age (days) shows 0 although it is live for a year now... Do you have any idea of what is going on? do I have errors in the site? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Pariplay

  • Rank tracker can't find ranked for sinus lift on (us), but If I perform a real search thru I can find it ranked at 15 . Why ?

    Moz Pro | | Filolari

  • Wehave 2 websites for the same keyword Website 1 is indexed on place 2 but we do not like that name any longer it does not fit our long term marketing Website 2 is indexed on place 5 and this domain fits better What will happen if we redirect website 1 to website 2? Fall down to postion 5 Fall down to position 5 and after a certain period we get back at position 2 or 3 thanx in advance for your reply

    Technical SEO | | turnon

  • Is it bad to NOINDEX, FOLLOW your pagination pages?

    On-Page Optimization | | poolguy

  • Here's a question I can't seem to find an answer to. Does web hosting within a targeting city make a different in the engines? For example, a site targeting the Denver area, with web hosting in Denver. Will this boast the ranking or is targeting limited to countries? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | mkoster

  • Does Google (or other search engines) penalize websites if they have a too many inbound links from a single domain? (Say for instance, I have 500 inbound links, and 400 of them are from one root domain.)

    Link Building | | EricVallee34

  • What's up guys, Having some troubles with SERP rankings. My sitemap (navigation) is appearing instead of my actual keywords. I have tried a few methods to fix this; setting a preferred domain, using a 301 redirects, deleting out of date pages via Google webmaster tools. Nothing seems to work. My next step was to refresh the cache for my entire site - does anyone know how to do this? Can't see any tools... Any help would be great. Cheers, Jon.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jamesjk24

  • Hello All, I wanted to ask something regarding a link-building tactic that I was thinking about trying. Many sites have what seem to be automated systems for adding a URL to a page in a site, but first require a reciprocal link to be posted from a page on your own.  I was thinking about starting up a separate small blog/information site that related to subjects in my industry, and posting links to related resources on other sites as well. Could I use this as a vehicle for acquiring links that point to my main domain, while reciprocating links from the separate domain where the blog/informational site was located?  Has anyone tried this before? Do these automated systems only accept a reciprocal link request if a link is verified from the same domain that you request your link to be pointed at? I realize that some webmasters who verify links manually may have an issue with this, however I feel I can overcome that concern more often than not by delivering quality, relevant content on the informational site (as well as promoting that site separately).  I think any savy webmaster would prefer it this way as well. I'm certain this has been tried before, but would like to find out what kind of results I might expect.  Any experience or advice that may be given here will be much appreciated. Mike

    Link Building | | mreisbeck

  • Please share your tips for improving your chances of getting approved for Google News. Thanks Mozzers!

    Content Development | | SparkplugDigital

  • Hello, I know that if its good for the user, its not a bad move. But for this question I am specifically asking for how it affects my ranking. Does it help my ranking to link to appropriate authority sites?
    Have you done any tests to see if linking out to authoritative sites like .gov info pages, industry leaders, etc. help with a sites ranking. I am thinking about taking of all of these outgoing links and just link to my important pages. Thank you, Tyler

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tylerfraser

  • The site didn't go down. There were no drop in rankings, or traffic. But we went from averaging 150,000 pages crawled per day, to ~1000 pages crawled per day. We're now back up to ~100,000 crawled per day, but we went more than a week with only 1000 pages being crawled daily. The question is, what could cause this drastic (but temporary) reduction in pages crawled?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fatwallet

  • I did a search of the Q&A and didn't see a direct answer to this, so here it goes!  Is a backlink from an HTTPS address valued the same as an HTTP? Thanks!

    Link Building | | endlesspools

  • I would like to be able to capture the keywords when someone comes to my site with a PPC click or a keyword search. I can't imagine that this is an uncommon request, but I can't find the tools that would let me do that, or heck something that will help me build it myself. What is everyone using to capture search information from people who contact you?

    Reporting & Analytics | | ciinc

  • It looks like LinkedIn's links are using the prefix for the external Websites links and is recently using 302 redirects.

    Link Building | | explorionary

  • Doing a piece on the royal wedding, what PR service should I use?

    Social Media | | rmteamseo

  • How correct is Google´s keyword tool regarding the estimated number of Global Monthly Searches? Judging from my adwords campaigns the real number of impressions is 1/3 compared to the estimated number for an exact match. What is your experience?

    Paid Search Marketing | | europeandomaincentre

  • Hi We have a problem with how Google is is displaying our title tag when a user does a search on our company name Increation. I have attached two images of how the title tag for our Homepage is dispayed in Google Search Results. One of them is "increations" - this is the result which is displaying incorrectly. The other shows Kitchens | Bathrooms | | Luxury Kitchens |  - which is how we want the title tag to be dispalyed. This inorreclt result is only displayed when a user types in Increation into Google. (BTW it only happens on Google, not the other search engines). To give you some background an external SEO company did some work for us (before I joined as usual :-)). They built a lot of anchor links with the word "Increations" pointing back to our home page. Is this whats causing the probelm? Also how can we resolve this issue so that the correct Title Tag is displayed. Thanks for your help. Mik increation_search_results_google#hyhfZ

    Technical SEO | | increation

  • Hi, I'm seeing a problem with Roger Bot crawling a clients site. In a campaign I am seeing you say that the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL. The tag is as follows:- /~/Standards-and....etc Google say:- relative paths are recognized as expected with the tag. Also, if you include a <base> link in your document, relative paths will resolve according to the base URL Is the issue with this, that there is a /~/, that there is no <base> link or just an issue with Roger? Best regards, Peter

    Technical SEO | | peeveezee

  • I am   beginner in seo. I have development a website in prestashop. I have a problem: for more product i have the same description, but different properties: for example : and Only diffrent for this is the properties from table. Its posible to be penalized the google for duplicate content? A solution for this issue?

    Technical SEO | | vilcu

  • I have a hotel directory. I am thinking of adding a feed that takes reviews of hotels from Tripadvisor and puts them on my site. I know that Google are cracking down on duplicate content with the Panda update. Would these reviews be seen as duplicate content and could it harm my site if I do this?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | mascotmike

  • It was a long night last night (working, not playing), therefore forgive the potential stupidness of this question... Running an OSE report on a website earlier their top linking domain was * This is a valid TLD, and I know for sure that the website has not acquired links direct from the website but from What I am asking is does the Moz Calculation and/or the pagerank calculation give more value to these links? * has a Domain Authority of 71 and 156,497 linking root domains. If so i'm gonna go buy me a bunch of domains..... Opinions please.

    Moz Pro | | eseyo

  • Hi, I'm pretty new to SEO and something I've noticed is that a lot of things become relevant and irrelevant like the weather. I was just wondering if having a sitemap.xml file for Google's use is still a good idea and beneficial? Logically thinking, my websites would get crawled faster by having one. Cheers.

    Technical SEO | | davieshussein

  • A new site popped up that has completely replicated a site own by my client. This site is literally a copycat, scraped all the content, and copied the design down to the colors. I've already reported the site to the hosting provider and filled a spam report on Google. I noticed that the author changed some of the text, and internal links so that they don't link to our site anymore. Some of these were missed. I'm also going to take a couple preventative actions like change stuff in .htaccess, but that doesn't help me now,  just in case it happens again in the future. I'm wondering what else i can or should be doing?

    Technical SEO | | flowsimple

  • Hi, On April 11th, a month after the farmer update was released for U.S. users of Google, the primary keywords for ALL our sites significantly dropped in Google.  I have some ideas why, but I wanted to get some second opinions also. First off, I did some research if Google did anything on the 11th of April... they did.  They implemented the farmer update internationally, but that does not explain why our ranks did not drop in March for U.S. Google users... unless they rolled out their update based on what site the domain is registered in... in our case, Canada. The primary news release site is, but we have many running on the same server.  EG., and many more. We were number 1 or had top ranks for terms like ¨Hotel News¨, ¨Hotel Industry¨, ¨Hotel Financing¨, ¨Hotel Jobs¨, ¨Hotels for Sale¨, etc... and now, for most of these we have dropped in a big way. It seems that Google has issued a penalty for every internal page we link to. Couple obvious issues with the current template we use... too many links, and we intend to change that asap, but it has never been a problem before.  The domain is 10 years old and still holds a page rank of 6. Secondly, the way our news system works, it´s possible to access an article from any domain in the network.  E.G. I can read an article that was assigned to on we don´t post links to the irrelevant domain, but it does sometimes get indexed.  So, we are going to implement the Google source meta tag option. The bottom line is that I think we put too much faith in the maturity of the domain... thinking that may protect us... not the case and it´s now a big mess. Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  Do you think it was farmer or possibly something else? Thanks, Jarrett

    Web Design | | jarrett.mackay

  • hey.. I"m working in review blog one day per 1 or 2 weeks and I post up to 6 articles one time; is it unnatural for SEO ? how many articles should I post in blog per day? another many backlinks should I get to just one post? I'm using Magic Submitter software to get help but I don't get more than 50 backlinks one time..what's real number of backlinks should I get and for how much time to be 100% natural for Google? any helpful info about backlinks techniques worth to hear..thnx

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | akitmane

  • In the event that a person uses a service like Blogger or a photo service like Photo Shelter, but use a CNAME to resolve or to, how does that affect Domain Authority and Page Rank in real world results, and how does it affect the user when/if they leave the service and establish their own site? For example: A client has a blog on Blogger called but uses CNAME so what is shown is The Domain Authority is quite high since he is really on Yahoo's domain. How does that affect SERP rankings? Is it ignored, since it is merely a sub-domain, or does the parent domain actually give a benefit? The second part: If John Doe decides to host his own WordPress blog, what happens to that domain authority? Has he lost it all?

    Technical SEO | | WilliamBay

  • Hey Guys, With the recent farm/panda update from google i'm at a cross roads as to how I should optimize product pages for a project i'm working on for a client. My client sells tires and one particular tire brand can have up to 15 models and each model can have up to 30 sizes. IE: 'Michelin Pilot Sport Cup' comes in 15 different sizes. Each size will have it's unique product page and description bringing me to my question. Should I use the same description on every size? I do plan on writting unique content for each tire model however i'm not sure if I should do it for every size. After all the tire model description is the same for every size, each size doesn't carry any unique characteristics that I can describe. Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | MikeDelaCruz77

  • For paid advertising: If I say this keyword is phrase match: red cars Will google or bing show the ad for keywords: cars that are red
    cars with red Do they include "Stop" words? Thanks.

    Paid Search Marketing | | tylerfraser

  • Hi - If I remember rightly someone from the SeoMoz team has mentioned a video submission site called Wisteria?  Is this right?  If so what is the URL and what are the benfits over TubeMogul from an SEO perspective / ease of use etc ? Thanks

    Image & Video Optimization | | PH292

  • I have been using Open Site Explorer for the following website I have been link building for serveral months now and added over 100 links including directories such as yet when I run the Open Site Explorer report it says I only have 10 root domain links.......the ones that were there before I started my link building. Any ideas on why this might be? Or does Open Site Explorer take a certain amount of time to collect this data?  If so does anybody know how long this takes? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | BelfastSEO

  • Hi guys I'm looking for a good resource to brush up on PPC. Any help would be great. Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | flemingsteele

  • How many members are on your SEO team and how many clients do you handle?

    Search Behavior | | caseyhen

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