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  • I have a question regarding a warning that I got on one of my websites, it says Duplicate content. I'm canonical url:s and is also using blocking Google out from pages that you are warning me about. The pages are not indexed by Google, why do I get the warnings? Thanks for great seotools! 3M5AY.png

    Technical SEO | | bnbjbbkb

  • I'm working on a site that is throwing off a -lot- of duplicate content for its size. A lot of it appears to be coming from bad links within the site itself, which were caused when it was ported over from static HTML to Expression Engine (by someone else). I'm finding EE an incredibly frustrating platform to work with, as it appears to be directing 404's on sub-pages to the page directly above that subpage, without actually providing a 404 response. It's very weird. Does anyone have any recommendations on software to clearly map out a site's internal link structure so that I can find what bad links are pointing to the wrong pages?

    Technical SEO | | BedeFahey

  • Ok, so I was just hired to do SEO for a company and so I did a backlink analysis.  As it turns out, they've got a pretty dirty link profile - footer links, white on white links, unrelated links, tiny font links, links from penalized sites, hardly any branded links... you get it. I was thinking about taking the worst of the worst links, removing them and leaving the rest, just to clean it up a little.  I don't want them to get penalized.... but... I don't want their rankings to drop either. Think I should leave them all and just start building relevant, branded links? OR Clean up the whole link profile? OR Just clean it up a little?

    Link Building | | poolguy

  • This comparison shopping engine url shows googlebot something dramatically different than My frustration is that a comp shop takes retailers content and copies and duplicates it and then uses it to capture traffic and send sales to other retailers other than the original provider of the content. Although this is a javascript function and not explicit bot detection does this qualify as unethical cloaking?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | tjgill99

  • For example: As a keyword, is "Cisco®" the same as "Cisco"? I tried a couple of things to find out: 1. I put both keywords in Google adwords tool. Google displayed search volume data only for Cisco. That means it ignores the ® symbol. 2. I typed in Cisco® and Cisco in Google search. of SERPs are the same. And the first page results are almost same excpet for Google Places listings. Based on above two observations, I think that Google treats Cisco® and Cisco in the same manner. So if we optimize a page for Cisco®, we will get benefit for the keyword Cisco as well. Does anybody has any other experience? (Note: the keyword used here(Cisco) is just an example. Thanks, Supriya.

    Keyword Research | | Amjath

  • We're wondering how important it is to use a keyword at least 4 times versus say 2.  Often times we use our keywords once or twice within the body of our pages with appropriate H1 and Alt text use. Will we notice significant SEO benefits by using the KW at least 4 times given that we are scoring 'A's on almost all our pages via the On-Page Keyword Optimization Tool? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | alltreatment

  • Or does google treat this behavior the same way as a reciprocal link and discount any credibility of the citation?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Curious if anyone has had success ranking multiple sites with same whois and server info? We have a client who has purchased multiple businesses over the years in the same industry. Each site has a solid amount of link popularity already and good respected Brand. But I'm wondering with the whois info being the same and the same servers, if ranking for multiple domains will be worth attempting.

    Search Behavior | |

  • Will it make a difference if a page has this format for URLs and breadcrumb navigation vs.
    or does it make sense to change the category page or will it not make a huge difference?

    Technical SEO | | Motava

  • I have a website that is nearly all about videos and is based on Wordpress. Does anyone know of a way to create a video sitemap that updates automatically as I write a new post? The video files and other data are all stored in separate meta-post locations... So it needs to be able to grab them. Any help is appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DojoGuy

  • I don't know what ranking factors they are using for this feed. The results vary greatly from a search done at or and I'm working with a website that regularly publishes finance-related news and currently gets traffic from google finance. I'm wondering what we can do to optimize our news articles to possibly show more prominently or more often. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joemascaro

  • Hello All, I've read quite a bit on here and the Matt Cutts blog about non-www vs www. I''ve also read a few recent posts on here but still left a little confused. First, my site is PR 4. We don't have many links, but the ones we do have (including internal) point to the You can also get to our site by typing and it will not switch to the www. version. Both versions have the PR4, I just want to make sure I'm not losing any PR or juice between the different versions. My question, would you advise 301 redirect to the www version? if so, I have Godaddy as our host, is it as simple as going into the hosting control and doing the redirect there?

    On-Page Optimization | | someoneguy

  • I had 300 good natural links to my site from different sites and site ranked great for my keywords. Somebody (I suppose my competitor) has hacked other sites 2 days ago (checked Google cache) and now Yahoo Site Explorer shows 600 backlinks. I've checked new links - they all are in the same hidden div block - top:-100px; position:absolute;. I'm afraid that Google may penalize my site for these links. I'm contacting webmasters of these sites and their hosting so they remove these links. Is it possible to give Google a notice that these links are not mine so it could just skip them not penalizing me? Is it safe to make "Spam report" regarding links to my own site?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | zarades

  • The on page optimization tool recommends a minimum word count of 50. Given the panda update, what word count would you recommend? Would that count vary if a photo appeared on the page, too?

    On-Page Optimization | | thappe

  • Does it do anything to place the Canonical tag on the unique page itself?  I thought this was only to be used on the offending pages that are the copies. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • I do NOT have a cms website. just php/html. How do I create a feed so I can register it with feedburner? Not for my blog just the website its self.

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • It is hard to sum up the question in one line, but basically my company has bought several descriptive domains that we would like to build out into microsites that link back to our main site. For example...say we are a florist. Our main site talks about all the different kinds of flowers we have and the work we do. So the idea is to buy (example only...) and have a mini site that has the same look and feel as our main site, but has unique content that talks solely about our wedding flower business and has a few links back to our main site. 1. Is this a no no from a google perspective? 2. Is this a good strategy in general? Thanks, David

    Link Building | | ciinc

  • I just received my weekly ranking report.  2 Up, 0 down, 8 the same this week.  However, last week my page was #2 for "innovation conference" and this week you report "not in top 50."  My first thought was penalty, but when I searched and removed personalization, we were still #2 for that search query.  So, something must be wrong with the report - either we're 1 down or "not in the top 50 is wrong."

    Moz Pro | | KNect365

  • I have a PR 4/5 (it varies) blog with around 20-25k uniques a month. I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a half-decent place to hire blog writers? Basically I would want someone to crawl disability news (I can provide tons of it, it autoposts to my 'Drafts' section on wordpress right now.). So basically would just need someone to re-write it. I also see lots of places pay you to write reviews of their products on your blog. Is there any service which effectively take control of content on your blog? They can post whatever they want (as long as it's not spammy and it's relevant to my niche) sell those reviews, and in exchange rewrite disability news articles for me? Thanks

    Content Development | | craven22

  • HI about 1 week, the SeoMoz told me that was crawiling all the time . i don´t know if it a problem whit the system or is new software implemented. i´ts says about 20 days crawiling thanks

    Moz Pro | | monotero

  • It seems Google's Panda update is targetting low quality sites with little unique content (I know there's more to it than that).  It makes sense that they may want to do this but what about classified sites.  They may use some scraped content as well as unique ads, and the ads may lack content as they rely on the users writing the ads.  However, they are helpful to the people that use classifieds. Because of these factors, these sites are suffering with the release of the latest Panda update. Any advice for classified sites and how they can combat the rankings drops???

    Algorithm Updates | | Sayers

  • One of my customers is in online jewellery sales business and they are going to change their CMS; the problem is there is no co-relation between URL permalink structure of the current CMS and the new one. What should we do so that we don’t lose our current organic traffic (also Google rankings) coming from indexed URLs in Google due to permalink structure change ? Typical example: Current URL:,AR-3.html The new URL is going to look like this:

    Technical SEO | | merkal2005

  • Hey Mozzers, I just read about the global rollout of googles Panda/Farmer Update for English queries, e.g. at searchengineland. Has anyone read something about when google is planning to roll out the update for non-English speaking countries, i.e. queries in other languages? I googled a bit but couldn't find anything, not even speculations. Cheers, Frank

    Industry News | | FranktheTank-47497

  • Hi, I've added a campaign to my account with the first crawl taking around a week. The 2nd crawl started 3days 17 hours ago and si still running. Is this something that others have experienced? The campaign is tracking 5 keywords and have 17 pages on the site. Steve

    Moz Pro | | stevecounsell

  • Hi I'd just like to ask the opinion of my fellow members here : We are currently ranking second for a very important keyword and would obviously like the top spot on the SERP - the site that is ranking first has the domain name as the keyword phrase(along with a good amount of quality links from a variety of domains) - now I know it is possible to outrank them since I do remember reading about this in one of Rands posts(I think it was the whole white hat black hat one he posted recently) - bascially we have more domain authority, slightly less links but from double the amount of root domains and a higher page authority too! Does having the keyword as your domain make THAT much of a difference when we are(imo) quite close in terms of great content and link profiles(and all the onpage factors) ? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | DanHill

  • Hey everyone, I am a web programmer and have been fooling around with SEO for about a year now and just started to get pretty serious about it so I signed up for SEOmoz.  We just launched our new site about 4 months ago ( and Google just started ranking us about a month ago.  I believe we have done everything right with H1 tags, H2 tags, Title tags, alt tags, inbound links, url structure, etc. but yet we still can't even seem to get to the 1st or 2nd page of Google for "Cincinnati Web Design".  I know it's going to be a competitive keyword because the people fighting for it are the SEO experts, but if you were to compare a person on page 2 or 3 to us, some of them have nothing to do with Cincinnati web design and I highly doubt they even bother with SEO, but yet they are ranked higher than us. i.e. - the only place I see Cincinnati is the address at the bottom and they have only 30 inbound links according to yahoo.  On top of that, they are an advertising firm, not a web design firm! I was wondering if you guys would take a look at our site above and offer some suggestions.  Do you think we are spreading the keywords too thin? I mean I just can't think of why a company like the Holland Advertising example above would rank higher than us.  We clearly have a more SEO optimized site, more inbound links, more quality links, 0 errors, 0 warnings, etc.  I am just at a loss.  Hope you guys can help. Thanks guys, Chris

    Competitive Research | | Cincinnati_WebTec

  • I've been seeing a lot of people recommend creating a video sitemap or Media RSS feed (mRSS) and submit to Google.  We have videos hosted on Brightcove and most on YouTube.  Brightcove can generate the sitemap for us.  But does anyone know how to generate a YouTube Video Sitemap for those videos embedded on our pages? Note:  I realize I could manually assemble the video sitemap, however manually assembling the sitemap is probably not an option for us due to the volume of videos we've published.

    Technical SEO | | LDS-SEO

  • Hello, I would like to ask if I can submit the same article to multiple article directories. I have read that while only the first published article will gain credit and show on search engines, but the all the  links generated from  the  publishing the article at different sites will still tally up and count as separate backlinks to my website. Is this true, or is 1 or a few links going to be counted from the 1 article?

    Link Building | |

  • I just got an offer from the employer where I've worked for about a year. I started as an Intern, but quickly grew into handling all of the SEO efforts of the company. I finally got an offer to be the Marketing Coordinator of SEM (basically the director/manager of SEM as I would report directly to the VP of Marketing). I was pretty disappointed when I actually got the offer however as it was only for $31,000/year with a possible $3,500 bonus for hitting some goals. I wanted to know if it was just me or if this was pretty underpaid? I was expecting something in the range of 40-50K, was I way off base? It is a fairly small company but I've gotten some pretty good results (2 keywords rank #1, 1 ranked #2 and 4 that have moved into top 30 after being 50 or below 4 months ago. Should I try for another offer or just look else where? Although I just graduated I've done PPC and SEO for about 2 and half years just as an FYI.

    Industry News | | Gerad

  • I have a photography blog that I'm really trying to promote solid commenting.  What is everyone's opinion on nofollow vs do follow comments?

    Link Building | | JBPhotography

  • I own and in the last 3 months over 15 sites have popped up copying my content and Google is scanning it as my own. Why would a site do this? Is it a hacker campaign to take away rankings? What benefits do they get from this. EXAMPLE1 :, EXAMPLE 2:  There are 15 more I have submitted to Google Webmaster to evaluate and I contact the site owners and majority do not respond. Why are they doing this and what can I do? Thank you - Alicia-

    SEO Learn Center | | miller428

  • I've just started managing a site that serves over 50 different countries and the entire web enterprise is being flagged for duplicate content because there is so much of it.  What's the best approach to stop this duplicate content, yet serve all of the countries we need to?

    International SEO | | Veracity

  • I have a predicament.  The site I manage ( has been hit by the Panda update but the system seems fixed against this site’s purpose.   I need some advice on what i'm planning and what could be done. First, the issues: Content Length The site is legal reference including dictionary and citation look up.  Hundreds (perhaps upwards of 1000) of pages, by virtue of the content, are thin.  The acronym C.B.N.S. stands for “Common Bench Reports, New Series” a part of the English reports.  There really isn’t too much more to say nor is there much value to the target audience in saying it. Visit Length as a Metric There is chatter claiming Google watches how long a person uses a page to gauge it’s value.  Fair enough but, a large number of people that visit this site are looking for one small piece of data.  They want the definition of a term or citation then they return to whatever caused the query in the first place. My strategy so far… Noindex some Pages Identify terms and citations that are really small – less than 500 characters – and put a no index tag on them.  I will also remove the directory links to the pages and clean the sitemaps.  This should remove the obviously troublesome pages.  We’ll have to live with the fact these page won’t be found in Google’s index despite their value. Create more click incentives We already started with related terms and now we are looking at diagrams and images.  Anything to punch up the content for that ever important second click. Expand Content (of course) The author will focus the next six months on doing his best to extend the content of these short pages.  There are images and text to be added in many cases – perhaps 200 pages.  Still won't be able to cover them all without heavy cut-n-paste feel. Site Redesign Looking to lighten up the code and boiler plate content shortly.  We were working on this anyway.  Resulting pages should have less than 15 hard-coded site-wide links and the disclaimer will be loaded with AJAX upon scroll.  Ads units will be kept at 3 per page. What do you think?  Are the super light pages of the citations and dictionary why site traffic is down 35% this week?

    Algorithm Updates | | sprynewmedia

  • Hi, My question is directed to CGI Parameters. I was able to dig up a bit of content on this but I want to make sure I understand the concept of CGI parameters and how they can affect indexing pages. Here are two pages: No CGI parameter appended to end of the URL: CGI parameter appended to the end of the URL: Questions: Can we safely say that CGI parameters = URL parameters that append to the end of a URL? Or are they different? And given that you have rel canonical implemented correctly on your pages, search engines will move ahead and index only the URL that is specified in that tag? Thanks in advance for giving your insights. Look forward to your response. Best regards, Jackson

    Technical SEO | | jackson_lo

  • when deciding the Site structure for a e-commerce site Is it better to keep everything or use categories like

    Technical SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • I ran the SEOmoz Competitive Link Finder tool for my URL and 5 of my competitors. The #1 result (where 3 of my competitors are listed but I'm not) is Here's the URL where they are listed: All 5 of us are US-based companies. Why would 3 of them be listed in the Singapore version of Google but not me? Is it common practice to add your URL to all local versions of Google, or should submission to the main be enough?

    Link Building | | scanlin

  • I have a client that picked up a bunch of keyword rich domain names and he wants to point them to his current corporate site as domain aliases. Could this in anyway negatively or positively effect his SEO? or ranking? Thanks  - Kyle Chandler

    Technical SEO | | kchandler

  • Hey SEO Mozosphere - Working on a link buying strategy. I know it is wise to target not only anchor text links but also branded text links to keep your anchor text distribution looking natural. However, do you think it would be too risky to ask for branded text links only from low PR sites and focus the more valuable keyword anchor text links on high PR sites?

    Link Building | | znotes

  • I am being told by one SEO company that article spinning is the best way to achieve best rank on google. They use software that modifies articles and then submit them into lots of blogs and directories. I am worried that this is not a good long term strategy vs manually writing articles and put them into directiries

    Link Building | | bfurman

  • My company currently uses Picasa to host our images and links to them on our website.  However, we'd really love to have our images start showing up in searches.  Is there a way to get maintain our Picasa (or use another, similar site) and get the images searched by webcrawlers to say we are the source?  Or do we simply need to start hosting all of the images on our own servers?  Thanks!

    Social Media | | tennisexpress

  • I just finished reading the Beginners Guide to SEO at SEOMoz and joined as a Pro Member.  I have created a campaign for my new SEO project and feel like I have a good understanding now of on-page optimization.  I am going to start fixing title tags and on page content for our top 50 pages and start a new campaign to go after some keywords.  Our website is 360dwellings. I am struggling to determine what the best keywords are for us to target.  Right now our primary markets are Denver and San Diego, we also display listings for all of Colorado as well. We had originally gone after competitive keywords like "Denver Homes for Sale".  What I am learning is that even ranking bottom of page one for that term doesn't bring a ton of traffic. Meanwhile, we rank well for a lot of niche content like "5280 best neighborhoods" "Denver Lofts for Sale" and "Denver Neighborhood Map". My questions is do we completely abandon going after big keywords like 'Denver CO Homes for Sale", and 'Denver Real Estate" and go as far as removing them from title tags?  We have pages for every Denver neighborhood like Park Hill and the Highlands, but there is no search data for these searches in Google Keywords.  My gut says that if each of those pages ranked for terms like "Denver Highlands Neighborhood Homes for Sale" that it would bring good targeted traffic.  Does anyone know of search terms for Real Estate that are low competition but have some search volume? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | 360ryan

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