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  • Newbie here: My client is Zion rootswear. They need links, bad. They have friends in high rank places, this is good. Ziggy Marley has a link to them on his homepage: Gear: Zion Rootswear   this takes the user to the website when clicked QUESTION Should I have the ziggy team change it to Ill assume this is obvious, yes they should....more juice...right? I need an expert opinion. Thanks Mozzers.

    Link Building | | Giggy

  • Hi there, pl take a look at this link, there is a section which says shared results and has a star against two agencies and  once article. can pl someone let me know what those starts are and how to get them? Thank you 🙂 so sorry - the link is Vijay

    Reporting & Analytics | | vijayvasu

  • We are set to relaunch our site on wordpress and will be creating a traditional blog section in the process. With doing so, we want to allow commenting on our blog; however, we are trying to find the best to accomplish our main goals of 1) increasing SEO and 2) creating a conversation hub that will refresh on page content I have looked toward the Facebook comment plugin; however, it doesnt add to the pages code (essentially seems that all comment posts are hidden in javascript). This does little to accomplish our goal of refreshing page content, but it does allow users an easy and seamless way to add to the conversation is a useful tool to get a mention on social channels. The thing we do like about more traditional plugins is 1) the ability to post the comment to the html so we can increase the refresh rate of page content and 2) ability to block IPs since we will likely allow comments to be open instead of requiring approval first (we want ppl to add to the conversation in real time to motivate more back and forth) so, with all that said, just looking to get opinions on the best comment plugins available to achieve our main goals of increasing our content SEO and refreshing page content by allowing seamless, user friendly commenting features.

    On-Page Optimization | | GreenDot

  • Hey guys, I just transitioned my website and I have a question. I have built up all the link juice around my old url styles. To give you some clarity: My old CMS rendered links like this: My new CMS renders links like this: My new CMS's auto-sitemap also generates them with the slash on the end. Also throughout the website the CMS links to them with the slash at the end and i link to them without the slash (because it's what i am used to). I have the canonical without the slash. Should I just 301 to the version with the slash before google crawls again? I'm worried that i'll lose all the trust and ranking i built up to the one without the slash. I rank very high for certain keywords and some pages house a large portion of our traffic. What a mess! Help!  🙂

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • How good or bad is it for google (my most important friend on the internet , but i like you too guys) if the subdomain gets a total different IP adress lets say main domian start with and subdomain starts with 83.xx.xxxx Thanx in advance

    Content Development | | turnon

  • I wanted to know how efficient using a subdomain is, taking in consideration all the updates Google has made lately. I am looking to use a subdomain for a well branded website for a niche specific part of their website. The subdomain will end-up having more than 100 pages. I'd like to see in what cases do you guys recommend using a subdomain? How to get the same benefit out of a subdomain as i am getting from the actual main domain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CMTM

  • I am currently working redevloping my site, I have terribly long URL's according to SEOMoz, can someone cover the real benefit of my editing my URLs, and then putting in all of those redirects.  Should I edit old material?  My site has been in wordpressformat for a couple of years now.

    On-Page Optimization | | copykatrecipes

  • Is there something you find yourself needing to do, but there is no tool to help you do it? A task you do all the time you're sure could be done easier with a nice app? I'd love to hear about it! If we like your idea, we'll create it and make it 100% free (for linkbait, of course!).

    SEO Learn Center | | AdamThompson

  • I have acquired a very  good number of high PR rank backlinks from quality websites to my site over the last several months.  However, when I check my LInkscape Analysis they do not show up and my number of incoming links seems to remain the same.  How long does it take for these to show up with the SEOMoz tools? Thanks

    Link Building | | LJB

  • Hi everyone,
    One of my ecommerce sites uses BigCommerce.  They have a feature where you can add different currency buttons to change the currency that the customer can shop as. This is great because if people from the UK visit our site, they can change the currency to their own rather than US. It just ads a variable on the end of the URL string to change the currency. However, in my webmaster tools I noticed that I think i am getting a bunch of duplicate content.  For example, it thinks i have duplicate title tags for the following: domainname/pages/my-cool-widget.html
    domainname/pages/my-cool-widget.html?setCurrencyId=4 I thought about adding "rel=no-follow" but unfortunately I don't have access to this file to edit the code.  Any suggestions?

    Technical SEO | | BeachDude

  • I subscribed to Raven before SEOMoz but I genuinely consider Rand and the rest of you to be the experts. I am learning as I go but I really value your opinions. I just had some fun putting together a website/business promo video. Can I put it on here for legitimate feedback without being accused of spam. I hope so. I'm wondering if the video takes too long to show what it is about, maybe lacks a call to action, or focuses too much on the security. I think very few people realize how safe a secure transaction reslly is so I made a point of explaining that but may have gone overboard. I think it's pretty entertaining but I am terribly critical of everything I do, so I would like some expert unbiased opinions. One more thing, what is the best way to promoe a video like this? watch?v=FSUGPxszmCQ

    Image & Video Optimization | | berglin

  • Two years ago, some articles and blogs were written and submitted to certain tech and news sites relevant to our field. Will it be fine to submit those to other sites now. It is our content only and not some one else, but would it be penalty to submit the copy to other article sites whereever those articles/content are relevant today also?

    Content Development | | sayeed

  • Hi Everyone, About 2 months ago i launched a website called, i did some linkbuilding for this website in the meantime with other roulette/gaming related websites and the website got a bit up in Google. But when i was checking my rankings today the frontpage of this website doesn't show up on the first 80 pages? Only some subpages are still on the same positions. Could this be for a rank-update like these happens all the time and your site dissapears from Google for several days, or could this be because of wrong/too many backlinks or something completely different? Regards, Yannick

    Link Building | | iwebdevnl

  • I'm submitting my site to Google News, have a few questions for creating my sitemap. The majority of my articles (800) are in a category called 'Disability News' (which is one of my main keywords). Around half of these posts are we're automated RSS feed posts (first 200 words of an article directly copied with a link thru to the original). The past few weeks I've been posting tons of unique content so I was thinking about moving all duplicate content into a category called 'Syndicated News' and excluding that from my Google News sitemap. Is this advisable? or should I just leave it as is?

    Content Development | | craven22

  • Hey guys, Would it be possible for you to release some sample documents, e.g. an 'initial proposal' example that can help us newbies when aiming to obtain prospective clients. I must admit I am much much more technical minded than articulate when it comes to these matters so a sample report would benefit me dearly that I could use as a starting point. My SEO services so far have been well.. totally free so far whilst I learn more about the techniques involved and determine whether it really is work I'd like to carry out in addition to my day to day development/design tasks. Now I am faced with a potential new client and after spending a fair number of hours Googling, I'm still not 100% sure how to structure the document and whether an initial audit should be carried out first to give me some statistics for the report.. Or whether the report should simply outline what I can offer. The samples I've found online, most of which are quite old, mostly tend to come from established SEO companies and have a corporate feel about them which doesn't reflect on myself as a single consultant. So if you could help out that would be fantastic and I'm sure would be a popular resource for others just starting out in the field. Thank you Dave

    Moz Pro | | davebrown1975

  • I have been doing a little bit of testing in regards to blog commenting on high authority blogs that no follow comments. The comments have all been manual and added value to the blog. I have noticed quite a big jump in rankings for some keywords. I was wondering if anyone else has a view on the effectiveness of these links when combined with other link building methods?

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • Hello, I am having some trouble with my google adwords. I decided to split my existing campaign into two campaigns, one for customers in the UK and one for the rest of the world. The keywords are the same - only the message is different. i.e. Tractor Parts Free UK shipping on Tractor parts & Tractor Parts Fast shipping to Europe from the UK According to Google Adwords my UK campaign has had no impressions and no clicks.  However if I search for one of the keywords it appears in the search results with the UK text. Anyone got any ideas?

    Paid Search Marketing | | DavidLenehan

  • I am looking to get more variety in my link building strategy and I wanted to try, because there are a lot of people sharing great stuff about it. However, when I tried to register I got note that I need to get invited to be able to participate, but I do not know any existing members. Any suggestions how to get an invite?

    Link Building | | GroupM

  • This is a followup to a Q&A posted by fideaux64 taking it from speculative to practical level. Question: Can a popular social profile page outrank an exact match branded domain. Domain: Facebook: Myspace: Results: This experiment is currently in progress. You're welcome to comment and participate. Note: Please do not link to the main domain - only Facebook or Myspace.

    Social Media | | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hi guys, I got a hopefully quick question.  I am designing a site currently that is made up of many different domain names as part of a network. I've heard that Google will penalize however is linking is passed back and forth between these domains if the registrant information was the same.  I have WhoIS privacy information on all the domains to stop telemarketers and spam as well as (hopefully stop Google from getting suspicious).  I'm not doing anything bad or against Google rules but I can see how they might think that if I have a huge network and links are being passed between these.  It's a friend of mine who owns like 2000 domains and he wants to put legitimate information on each one and rank them higher, it's an interesting concept but I won't go into to much detail. So my question is basically, does having WhoIS privacy on all these domains, will it affect me in anyway in the SEO process? Will google count the links passing back and forth as legitimate? Or might it get suspicious and think I am spam? Are there ways to see what server it's coming from? Should all these sites be on different servers? Any help is much appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | itechware

  • We use TubeMogul to diversify where we display our videos  (in addition to YouTube), but are looking into using a video hosting site so that we can drive traffic back to our own website. Would uploading videos through TubeMogul be essentially like competing with a much more highly-ranked website with the same content?  Worth it?  Are there any disadvantages to using TubeMogul in general? Thanks!

    SERP Trends | | tennisexpress

  • HI All, I am a new user to SEO moz pro and I have a few questions I hope you can help me with. We are adding a new product category to an existing site and I am wondering what tools to use to track our SEO efforts to build ranking for these new products. I have already started a campaign that tracks the ranking of our primary keywords but I am wondering if there are other tools I should be using as well. Currently our SEO strategy is centered around link building. I have been approaching sites that have content related to our products and offering to write articles, guest blogs, and create educational resources that benefit the sites users and have specific anchor text linking back to our site. Since we are trying to build rank for a new category of products should I be linking to the general product category page or should I try to link to sub categories or individual products? Also I have used the juicy link finder to help me identify related sites that I can approach but I haven't received very many good leads. Is there a more specific way to use the tool or another tool that I should try? If you have any suggestions about other SEO strategies/activities that we should be pursuing please share your ideas! Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | AndrewY

  • I've added NOODP and NOYDIR metas to our pages... but Google is still somehow showing the correct title tag that is on the page, but is changing the CASING of the | portion. In some instances, they are still showing a different title tag all together. Why would they be ignoring the <title>tag on the page and placing an uncased version of our domain name at the end?</p> <p> </p> <a download="MxQjo" class="imported-anchor-tag" href="" target="_blank">MxQjo</a></title>

    Algorithm Updates | | CareerBliss

  • Hi everyone! Hope you don't mind me using Q&A to ask for your feedback, but we are looking for testimonials from PRO members on our tools, web app, and resources. These testimonials will be laced throughout the site on a variety of pages and will include -- your name, company, and possibly a photo {smile!} If you are willing to give one, please feel free to either email me --, or leave in the comments below. We only need a line or two. Anything about what you think of our tools, how they have helped, etc., would be great! Thank you in advance, and I assure you this will not be a regular use of Q&A! We really appreciate your help and feedback everyone. #mozhug Joanna

    Moz Pro | | JoannaLord

  • I have a list of URLs of articles I have written and posted in many different article databases. But many of the URLs are not indexed by Google. How can I get them indexed? I was thinking of putting them into an RSS feed and then pinging that feed. Good idea or bad? If a good idea, can anyone recommend a free RSS hosting site? Thanks.

    Content Development | | scanlin

  • To rel-canonical or to 301, that is the question. We're frequently running an A/B split test on our home page to optimize conversion.  As a result about 10,000 backlinks to our homepage point to the B page.  (If we're running a test when a blog or newspaper checks us out, there's a 50% chance they're diverted to the B page. So when they copy our home page URL, they're unknowingly copying the B page link.) We can't contact all of these sites and ask for them to change their links.  A lot of the links are from big organizations that aren't interested in tweaking the links of old articles. So should we rel-canonical or 301 the B page?  We consistently use the same URL for our B page tests, so we'd only have to 'fix' one page. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | JoeNYC

  • I'm trying to use the Keyword Difficulty Tool to research some keywords. However, I keep getting local Seattle results in the SERPs.  For example, if I search for "guitar lessons". At least 4 of the 10 results seem to be Seattle based (I guess because of SEOMoz ip addresses).  Is there a way to eliminate local results?

    Moz Pro | | nixforsix

  • Hi, I currently have a lot of hotel listings pages with little or no content, as I'm scared that if I place duplicate hotel descriptions on the pages then Google will stop ranking the page.  I've found that having descriptions of some kind do help conversion significantly, so I'm considering generating unique hotel descriptions on each main page (page 1 in each set of listings) - these are the pages that Google indexes.  On subsequent pages (page 2, page 3 etc.) I'm thinking about resorting to displaying the duplicate affiliate content hotel descriptions - these pages can be crawled but are set to noindex.  My  question is, do you think this is likely to have an effect on my website in the rankings, and as a result push my primary pages (that contain 100% unique content) down in SERPs. Thanks Mike

    On-Page Optimization | | mjk26

  • We're looking to redesign one of our niche business directory websites and we'd like to place local content on the homepage catered to the user based on IP. For instance, someone from Los Angeles would see local business recommendations in their area. Pretty much a majority of the page would be this kind of content. Is this considered cloaking or in any way a bad idea for SEO? Here are some examples of what we're thinking: I've seen some sites redirect to a local version of the page, but I'm a little worried Google will index us with localized content and the homepage would not rank for any worthwhile keywords. What's the best way to handle this? Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | newriver

  • So Google just announced the +1 button, which is there answer to Facebook 'likes' button: They should begin showing up now on Google US. If you aren't seeing them, you can turn them on here: I want to know? What affect do you predict these are going to have? Is there anything we can do from an SEO point to begin leveraging +1 right from the outset?

    Social Media | | Tom-Anthony

  • Hi!! Okay - weird tech question. Domain is I have SSL attaching to checkout and my account pages. Tested and works well. Issue - I am able to reach the home page at AND If I access the home page via HTTPS and click on a link (any link) then the site is redirected to HTTP again which is good. My concern is the home page displaying via HTTPS and HTTP. Is this is an issue that can be resolved or is it expected behavior I have to live with.? I am being told by DEV there is nothing they can do about it but want to understand why and if they are correct. Thoughts? Thank you!! Lynn

    Technical SEO | | hiphound

  • I had a client claiming his industry (replacement home windows) conversion rate was around 15% based on his research. In my research i could find nothing of the sort, and really couldn't find a single place that provided this type of information. Anyone out there have some advice on where to research industry conversion rates (averages) or tools/thought processes to explore? Thanks! (these stats would primarily be used for goal setting and competitive analysis)

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | kchandler

  • Our company recently had a "company name + scam" listing as #2 in suggested search, and yesterday, it miraculously disappeared. Has anyone else noticed similar changes in suggested search results? I hope it stick, I'm just trying to understand exactly what caused that 1 listing to vanish.

    Algorithm Updates | | CareerBliss

  • We have hundreds of random bad links that have been added to our sites across the board that nobody in our company paid for. Two of our domains have been penalized and three of our sites have pages that have been penalized. Our sites are established with quality content. One was built in 2007, the other in 2008. We pay writers to contribute quality and unique content. We just can't figure out a) Why the sites were pulled out of Google indexing suddenly after operating well for years b) Where the spike in links came from. Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | dahnyogaworks

  • I own a movie trailer website. (Where you can watch movie trailers) Will having links on each page that are for "offical website" of each movie, increase my SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rhysmaster

  • Hello! Still very new to the SEO world and just trying to soak in as much information as I can. The site I work for took a substantial hit with the panda update, so we are looking into adding as much quality content as we can in the upcoming months. With our current site layout, space will quickly become an issue. Assuming the content is relevant and useful for the page, will putting the content into tabs be counter productive or devalue it at all?

    On-Page Optimization | | davegtt

  • I am working on an ecommerce site and my crawl report came back with 7000+ 302 redirects and maxed out at 10,000 pages because of all the redirects. The site really only has maybe 1500 pages (dynamic content aside). After looking into it a little more I see it is because of the product rating system. They have a star rating system that kinda looks like amazons. The only problem is that each star is a link to a dynamic address that records the vote and then 302's back to the original page the vote was cast from. So virtually every page on this site links out anywhere from 15 to 45 times and 302's back to itself, losing virtually all of its PR.  Am I correct in that assumption or am I missing something? I don't see the links being blocked by robots.txt or noindex, nofollowed. Also it is an anonymous rating system where a rating can be cast from any category page displaying a product or any product page. To make matters worse every page links to a printable version which duplicates the issue by repeating the whole thing over again. So assuming I am correct that is site has a major PR leak on virtually every page, what is the best recommendation to fix this. 1. Block all of those links in robots.txt, 2. no index, nofollow these links or 3. put the rating system behind a submit button or disallow anon ratings 4. something else??? Looking at their product ratings on the site virtually everything is between 2-3 starts  out of 5 and has about the same number of votes except less votes on deeper pages. I dont believe this is real at all since this site gets almost no traffic and maybe 1 sale a week, there is no way that any product has been rated 50 times. I think the crawler is voting as it crawls and doing it 5 times for every product which is why everything is rated 2.5 out of 5. This is an x-cart site in case anyone cares. Any suggestions?

    Technical SEO | | BlinkWeb

  • Im constanly getting approched to use cheaper link builders abroad does anyone have experience in this and is their anything I need to look out for I wouldnt normaly ask but ive got loads of link building to do and I dont have the time

    SERP Trends | | francesco27

  • How long does it typically take for SEO efforts to materialize?  We recently performed a complete website redesign (new site, and am wondering how long we should wait until we analyze the results and possibly change our seo/keyword strategy?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tdeboer

  • Does anyone have a recommendation for a calendar system that is SEO friendly?  I have been using Helios Calendar but the current version lacks proper SEO bones (canonical URLs, mini calendar generates links to empty events from 1950 to 2020, 302 re-directs, and it is generating thousands of crawl errors in Google Webmaster Tools. The developer has plans to implement some fixes, and I would rather not rip apart what is currently there to fix core issues. I have found that calendars in general are a nightmare.  If anyone has any suggestions, or has experience in tidying up Helios I would be interested. Thanks, Dan

    Technical SEO | | DanLaBate

  • Creating a few (multiple) social bookmarking accounts at multiple sites and getting blocked based on IP (guessing). Disclaimer: a few, not volume here. What is the best way around this? Preferably something simple. Not savvy on VPN. Someone also mentioned Proxies, not sure the best approach on that one. Thanks!

    Social Media | | bozzie311

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