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  • Does google penalize you for linkbuilding in blogs that are non related to the topic of your website? Are there any positive benefits to link building in unrelated blogs?

    Link Building | | 13375auc3

  • I've recently deployed rich snippets for a site that includes reviews on individual company profile pages.  We passed the Rich Snippet Testing Tool and notified Google of our pages.  It's been 2 months since we deployed this and still nothing.  Does anyone have any feedback on the average time it takes Google to recognize these markup and include in on the SERPs? Or any articles that reference which industries they will include reviews in the SERPs for and which ones they won't? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DustinSEO

  • What is the best SEO practice for deleting pages?  We have a section in our website with Employee bios, and when the employee leaves we need to remove their page. How should we do this?

    On-Page Optimization | | Trupanion

  • At times when I change something on my site it effects my rankings.  For my business I care mostly about my rankings in certain locations (not local).  How can I see how I am ranking in various locations at a given time?  I see several tools out there, but none of them seem to work. For example I recently I added a badge to my site and my ranking dropped a spot locally, but I do not think it did elsewhere.  The value of the badge is worth that if it is just local, but if it made me drop a ranking in one of my major markets it would not be worth it.

    Reporting & Analytics | | RobDalton

  • I have a client who ... in contrast to ALL of their competition ... has exclusive access to a music legend associated with their products. I can help my client draft exclusive content, like an interview. My client's competition are obviously on the top of SERPs, my client is at spot 20. How can I take this opportunity to increase my customer's visibility? This is a rare opportunity that will no doubt effect rank. I am about to craft a plan, but do not know where this exclusive content will have max impact. It will be on the customers blog social etc. But there may be a better place or method I was told to submit the content to the article farms, but I suspect this is cheap and may not work. I am able to help my client with many aspects of their SEO needs, but this is a special opp and I would love to learn where to turn. Any insight or wisdom is welcome. I realize their are a lot of missing details here. I am looking for basic guidance. Thanks Everyone!

    Content Development | | Giggy

  • Does anyone have any idea why opensiteexplorer has a specific number of linking domains while google webmaster tools say another? I understand opensiteexplorer needs to update itself, but I have seen this discrepancy for months! Any ideas?

    Link Building | |

  • Hey guys! I am proud to be a new SEOMOZ Pro member! I ran the report on my site and it says what I am primarily missing is domain linking.... What is this? it says I only have 3 of them for the specific term / subpage I am going after. In addition what does Linking Root Domains mean in my report? Thanks much!

    Moz Pro | | shandaman

  • Forgive this question, but I've always wondered is there a difference between a Facebook Page and Facebook Place page?  What if a business has both? Thanks

    Social Media | | christinarule

  • Hi, To what degree do you think user signals like bunce rate, time on site, pages per visit are a factor in search rank? I know Google says they don't use Google Analytics to get data (and I believe them), but I don't think they would need to use G/A to know your bounce rate and other user signals. All things being equal, wouldn't a non-blog site with a 70% bounce rate (that doubled in the last year) have a big negative to overcome in how Google sees the quality of that site and how it then ranks its terms? Thanks... Mike

    Reporting & Analytics | | 94501

  • What is the difference between the Google Directory and the DMOZ if any?

    Algorithm Updates | | BrandonC-269887

  • Howdy Everyone, I have a website that will span multiple countries. The content served will be different for each country. As such, I've acquired the top level domains for different countries. I want to map the cop level domains (e.g. to for development purposes (LinkedIn does this). I'm curious to know whether this is adviseable and if mapping a country-specific TLD to a subdomain will maintain local SEO value. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | RADMKT-SEO

  • What is consider best practice today for blocking pages, for instance pages, from getting indexed by the search engines or easily found.  Do you recommend to still disallow it in the robots.txt file or is the robots.txt not the best place to notate your /admin location because of hackers and such? Is it better to hide the /admin with an obscure name, use the noidex tag on the page and don't list in the robots.txt file?

    Technical SEO | | david-217997

  • Read Rand's post on the blog about diversity in traffic source I would be very interested to know from mozzers, how their experience has been with traffic share. While you answer, please be kind enough to share the following: 1. The niche of the website you wish to quote in your answer. 2. The means of promotion you use (SEO, Social Media, PPC, Display, Affiliate) 3. The reason you think you cited this example and do you think it has been a success or a failure or somewhere in the middle? Appreciate your time, thanks.

    Search Behavior | | saibose

  • Hi, 1/ Please could you tell me why Moztrust and Mozrank give not similar figures for subdomain and root domain ? 2/ Which is the best way for Google webmaster tool for configuring : Sub or Root domain ? 3/ Finally, regarding anchor text, Sub or root domain ? Tks for links or knowledge base about it....

    Moz Pro | | mozllo

  • Is it possible to de-index a specific URL from showing up in a specific locale? For example, if I want to de-index from but not, is that possible?

    International SEO | | craigsmith333

  • hi, According open explorer tool the site involved should improve its "domain authority" . So which is the fastest way for improving : Best content ? Backinks from authority domains ? Another technical adjustment ? Tks a lot ...

    Moz Pro | | mozllo

  • Hi, Quick question; I have set up a micro site in which i was going to take some of the content from my reviews and recipes my customers have posted and have them placed on my other site. The site i currently have is a large site receiving over 200,00 visitors every day. Will this be affected as duplicate content if i was to do this as i do not want to affect my rankings. Any suggestions what i can do to get round this? Cheers

    Content Development | | wazza1985

  • Will having 401s on a site negatively impact rankings? (e.g. 401s thrown from a social media sharing icon)

    Technical SEO | | Christy-Correll

  • Hope you don't mine me asking a PPC question on an SEO forum but... Has anyone tried yet? They just got funding. Crowdsourced CTR improvement for AdWords. Looks like a clever idea (for those of us who are not AdWords copywriting experts). Opinions or experiences? (I am not affiliated, just found out about it...)

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | scanlin

  • On March 3rd, the hits on my UK site crashed to 40% of the previous number. I am guessing it may be down to the google algorithm change:- However, I am aware this happened on 25th Feb in the US. Do you know when it happened in the UK. Could it have suddenly started affecting me on March 3?

    Algorithm Updates | | MattBB12

  • I am looking to add new content to pages that I currently have on my website.  The content on these pages was taken from another provider and my idea is to rewrite the content to make it unique. Because it is duplicate content, these pages don't get much traffic. Should I add the new content to brand new urls or just change the content on these (already indexed urls). The issue has seen these pages contain duplicate content. If the content simply changes, will it recognise these pages as having unique content?

    Content Development | | MattBB12

  • We have questions about our ranking and would like some advice.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Whiteflash

  • Hi, I work for a weather company. I have recently begun to define a keyword strategy to target specific keyphrase segments with the objective to maximise webpage visibility and increase CTR. One growing keyphrase segment is "location weather" based searches (e.g. "London Weather", "Manchester Weather"). I am keen to understand how I can maximise our presence for location weather searches within the SERPs. This seems to be a common trends seeing as Google announced that over 20% of all searches contain a relevance to locality. I have been trying to understand if there is a way to maximise our location based weather pages, perhaps using the Google Local search tactic and if there are any recommendations you could suggest? ISSUE: In order to maximise your presence through local search you need a fixed address, something  our site does not offer, however it does offer bespoke landing pages for a specific weather forecast based on locality (city, town etc) Essentially, are there any recommendations you can provide a website that offers specific location based pages (without a fixed address) to maximise our location weather based search rankings within the SERPs? Many thanks Simon

    Image & Video Optimization | | simonsw

  • Hello, I am getting Duplicate Content warning from SEOMoz for my home page: html I tried code below in .htaccess: redirect 301 /index.html This caused error "too many re-directs" in browser Any thoughts? Thank You, Eric

    Technical SEO | | monthelie1

  • Unbeknown to me our web developers have hosted our UK e-commerce site (and only serving the UK & outer islands) on a US based server.  Can this impact our SEO efforts?  My further concern is when it comes to sending out emails and opt-in regulations - I am right to be concerned about this as well?

    Technical SEO | | PH292

  • The social media icons in your footer are passing PageRank. I guess my question is. Why?

    Technical SEO | | NickPateman81

  • Hi mozzers, I've done a lot of link building for my site targetting high quality links. I'd like to try outsourcing some linkbaiting. Does anyone know of any good places to do this? I've been looking at Thanks!

    Link Building | | PeterM22

  • Hello All! Our site uses dynamically generated pages. I was about to begin the process of optimising our product category pages I was going to use internal anchor text from some high ranking pages within our site but each of the product category pages already have 1745 links! Am I correct in saying that internal anchor text links works to a certain point? (maybe 10 or so links) So any new internal anchor text links will count for nothing? Thanks Todd

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | toddyC

  • I read with interest the recent post on international SEO and the top level domain architecture approaches to local content: The issue I have is a little more complex: The business sells a wide variety of products (37) but one is by far and away the biggest and most popular.  This means that due to the link profile of the various country sites and HQ site, search engines categorise the site according to this product (this is easily seen with the Google Adplanner) and the other product lines suffer as a result. The current architecture is to have a .com site and then individual ccTLD country sites, again with all products on each site.  This creates an issue as in most countries the brand is not strong (compared to the keyword names and search volumes of the products) and so it is not that effective in generating organic traffic.  The .com hogs much of the inbound links and the country sites themselves are not that well optimised for a number of reasons. A proposed solution has been to leverage the strength of the .com and the  search volume for the product names, and to produce thematic sites based on each product: In this way, the sites, content and link profiles are aligned around the more desirable products and we can expect improved organic search performance as a result (or at least ensure relevant traffic finds the relevant content fast). In terms of providing localised content, the plan was to use content mirroring and to then assign each content mirror to a specific geo-location using the webmaster tools console (and other SE equivilents).  This is shown I think in one of Rand's videos.  Germany site for product A with unique German content   French site for product A with unique French content This makes economic sense to me as to utilise the ccTLDs would result in hundreds of separate sites with all the licence and server considerations that entails.  For example, for product A alone we would have to produce:
    ect ect ect This just would not be sustainable in license/server costs alone across 37 products and 24 countries. However, I saw in a recent presentation at SES London that (auto) geo-targeting is risky, often doesn't work well for SEO and can even be seen as cloaking. I think the above strategy could still work, but perhaps we should avoid the use of auto-geotargetting altogether and hope the search engines alone do their job in getting users to the right content as we optimise the unique content for each country (and if they don't, ensure our desgn, UX and country selectors do the job instead). SEO guru consensus is to use the ccTLD if you own it, but as described above, in the real world that just isn't possible or practical given the company's strategic position. Which leads to the final question- we do own the brand ccTLDs- if they are directed back to the content mirror for the country on the .com, is there any SEO benefit in doing so aside from directing back any link juice associated with the domain)?

    International SEO | | StevieCC

  • Hi, All! We have a new potential client, that when looking at his site with a tool, we noticed that the previous SEO company they worked with filled the homepage copy with lots of keyword-rich anchor text links pointing to different pages on the site - many links going to the same page, just with different keywords.  These links are not indistinguishable in format from the other text, which is why we only noticed it with a tool. I certainly wouldn't recommend doing that to start with, but once all these links are there, would you recommend taking them down?  Is there any conceivable chance it could help the site? Is there a significant reason to think it will harm the site?  Or will it just be pretty neutral? In all that's been written (much by SEOMoz) about only the first link's anchor text counting, do subsequent links work like a no-follow in the sense that they are a waste of the link-juice of the page, or is it as if they aren't there at all?  (And is "only the first link counts" still the most widely held theory, or have there been new developments since?) Thanks, All!

    On-Page Optimization | | debi_zyx

  • Hi there...  I´s always confused about which one should I focus, keywords in singular or plural. Some says: "look at Google Insight and look which one has more traffic", other says "go for the plural, because you´ll get both keywords at the same time (ex: dogs and _cat_s). Which one is the right way ?

    On-Page Optimization | | e-Lustre

  • This would be under the assumption that our company blog was hosted on tumblr.

    Link Building | | twin8885

  • For a consumer facing blog, how often do you recommend updating content to develop good rankings?  I understand that it's really dependent upon the niche/competition, but what are some best practices?  Content is expensive.  Thanks

    Content Development | | CSOD1999

  • I am seeing some very weird text to code ratios on a competitor site (over 100%) through the Analyze feature on the SEOmoz toolbar. I'm wondering how that's calculated, and what my competitors might be doing to raise that ratio so high artificially. I need to turn in a report on this soon, any help is greatly appreciated!! EHR

    Web Design | | EHR

  • I have suggested to a client with limited content on their site (considering it's in a very competitive sector with oceans of content possibilities!) that they probably shouldn't name the XML sitemap featuring their "seo content pages" (I hate that terminology BTW!) - google_sitemap_seo.xml My reasoning is that if I was a Google engineer or Google bot, I would probably ignore and disregard those pages because they are most likely poor quality content/doorway pages/boiler plate pages/ "enter your descriptive phrase here" pages. The push back from tech is that it doesn't make a difference so we're not going to do it.

    On-Page Optimization | | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • Greetings! I work for an online retailer, and we recently launched a voting tool that allows customers to voice their opinion whether or not we should carry a new item. It's been a huge success and we've been generating thousands of comments. As a result, it's helped our SEO, and our products are showing up on the first page for some keywords without having any external links pointing to these pages. Our plan is to sell a product if it does well during the voting period. Unfortunately, we're not able to process the sale on the voting page, and need to redirect users to another page on our site. I understand that a 301 redirect transfers "linkjuice" to the new destination URL. But does it also transfer "freshness?" I ask because our new landing pages will not be updated as frequently as the voting pages. Example of our Voting Page: Example of Redirected Item Page (where sale can be processed): Any help/comments would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • If I have 2 domains with different content that are in same topic, and each one lives on its own IP-address, what could be the result if I do permanent redirect of just one internal page from one domain to counterpart page of another? What if I use rel=canonical instead of R301? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kolio_kolev

  • Hello mozzers, I am currently designing an e-commerce system for various companies, my pilot being I you look on the left in the navigation, you will see only the top level categories are visible (and in the html). Sub categories are only shown if viewing a parent category, or a product in that category/subcategory. My question would be, should I be listing all my subcategories in that navigation (hidden from the user) to allow Google to index my pages easily, and will this promote more PageRank and internal links for my site, or will this just dilute my page juice? Many Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | jcarter

  • I have navigation that allows for multiple levels of filtering. What is the best way to prevent the search engine from seeing this duplicate content? Is it a big deal nowadays? I've read many articles and I'm not entirely clear on the solution. For example. You have a page that lists 12 products out of 100: And then you filter these products: The filtered page may or may not contain items from the original page, but does contain items that are in the unfiltered navigation pages. How do you help the search engine determine where it should crawl and index the page that contains these products? I can't use rel=canonical, because the exact set of products on the filtered page may not be on any other unfiltered pages. What about robots.txt to block all the filtered pages? Will that also stop pagerank from flowing? What about the meta noindex tag on the filitered pages? I have also considered removing filters entirely, but I'm not sure if sacrificing usability is worth it in order to remove duplicate content. I've read a bunch of blogs and articles, seen the whiteboard special on faceted navigation, but I'm still not clear on how to deal with this issue.

    On-Page Optimization | | 13375auc3

  • I would like that my videos rank better in Youtube. How to do that?

    Image & Video Optimization | | MichaelJanik

  • Take a look at this page and tell me what would you change from SEO perspective. It's always to easy to criticise so here is your chance. Good Luck.

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • I do that, because i am using joomla. is bad? thanks

    Technical SEO | | monotero

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