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  • My site is ranking #1 on Bing for the non-www version of my homepage, but this is not showing in my ranking stats, since the site is setup in SEOMOZ as www version. Do I have to create a whole new campaign for the non-www version or is there a way to pickup these rankings?

    Moz Pro | | pdlcom

  • A client has a load of duplicate page titles on their site.  However, to cut a long story short, most of these pages are pointless and therefore we don't need ranking for them. As such, I'm not concerned whether any of the pages with duplicate content on them are ranked or not..... unless having duplicate page titles / content on these pages could mean that other pages on the site, like the homepage, don't rank as high because of this. Do I need to worry about duplicate titles on these pages, or can I ignore duplicate content on pages that I don't want to be ranked? Hope that makes sense!

    On-Page Optimization | | RiceMedia

  • I'm relitavely new to SEO, and I just wondered how keyword dense the homepage to our businesses site should be? Is there any value in loading the frontpage at the potential expense of readibility, or should our content elsewhere be responsible for our yield in search engine results? Look forward to any responses. Thanks, Mark

    On-Page Optimization | | RobertHill

  • I See lots of free word press themes with links in footer like  Kids Headphones | Colombia Classifieds | Broadway Tickets Is this a valid white hat link building method? What if the theme looked like a particular industry and the links related to the industry would that be better?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | DavidKonigsberg

  • The crawl of my website revealed an error showing a duplicate page title. Can someone please explain to me how to fix this? I'm not sure what it means or how to fix it. | House Church Chicago, Organic Church, Illinois 1 Pending Pending House Church Chicago, Organic Church, Illinois |

    Technical SEO | | severity

  • I have a website that has a page for each town. rather than listing all the towns with a link to each, I want to show only the most popular towns and have a 'more' button that shows all of them when you click it. I know that the search engine can always see the full list of links and even though the visitor can't this doesn't go against Google guidelines because there is no deception involved, the more button is quite clear. However, my colleague is concerned that this is 'making life hard' for the search engines and so the pages are less likely to be indexed. I disagree. Is he right to worry about this??

    Technical SEO | | mascotmike

  • I'm looking to create a website selling a specific niche range of products. For example 'hair extensions.' Using opensite explorer it's fairly easy to guage the competition for similar websites focused on this niche only e.g  - I just look at their authority, number of incoming links, anchortext links etc. However, I'm finding it more difficult to guage the competition if a large merchant, for example Amazon, has a page ranking for a specific keyphrase I'm after.  Often the large merchant doesn't have a lot of external links to the specific page, but nonetheless it has power from being on the domain of the large merchant. Are there any good tools / metrics for guaging the competition of such pages? Page authority I guess is one? Thanks

    Competitive Research | | Nicknak

  • I am only just realising that the Google Keyword Tool I use is aimed at Adwords customers and where competition is stated as low, they mean competition for adverts. When I have a ridiculously low amount of links and  an equally low Domain Authority finding keywords is not easy.     I presume there is some correlation between the SEOMOZ Keyword Difficulty score and the amount of Adwords traffic,  but even very low Adwords Traffic Search Terms still seem to be moderately competitive. I guess its a case of plugging away with the Keyword Difficulty tool.

    Keyword Research | | jp_cp

  • Hi, my first question and hopefully an easy enough one to answer. Currently in the head element of our pages we have canonical references such as: (Yes, untidy URL...we are working on it!) I am just trying to find out whether this snippet of the full URL is adequete for canonicalization or if the full domain is needed aswell. My reason for asking is that the SEOmoz On-Page Optimization grading tool is 'failing' all our pages on the "Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical" value. I have been unable to find a definitive answer on this, although admittedly most examples do use the full URL. (I am not the site developer so cannot simply change this myself, but rather have to advise him in a weekly meeting). So in short, presumably using the full URL is best practise, but is it essential to its effectiveness when being read by the search engines? Or could there be another reason why the "Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical" value is not being green ticked? Thank you very much, I appreciate any advice you can give.

    Technical SEO | | rmkjersey

  • Hi, What is hte quickest way to get up the rankings for a particular not hugley competitive keyword ? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Prongo

  • Hi, I'm working on the SEO for a site and I'd love to get the additional page links under our main site link in google, any ideas as to how we can achieve this ? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Prongo

  • What is the systematic what of doing keyword research? I have been optimizing some sites, keeping in mind the completion and relevance. But still I am not happy with the keywords selected. Can you tell me the international Standard why of selecting keywords for any site? A systematic way, which will work for any kind of website. Please give me some list of free tools also which I can use for it. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShashankGupta

  • Why SEOmoz says to keep title tag not more than 65 characters? I have this question that what is the disadvantage if my meta title is 150 character? Why everyone focus in keeping it short ? If i put all my important keywords in starting of title tag say in first 65 characters and keep the title 100-150 character how can it hurt my website? Google will consider 65 character, right but it won’t penalize me for having 110 character then please explain Why we focus so much… 🙂 I know i used too many why 🙂 just to tell i am nt a lawyer 😉 just trying to act like one 🙂 , just kidding.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShashankGupta

  • Our site is recognised as a news source for our niche - was just wondering if anyone had any idea how long the news story stays on the front page of the SERP once Google picks it up?

    Algorithm Updates | | DanHill

  • Hello, I have a question how about how google sees dashes, slashes, full stops etc. I am new to SEO so this might be dumb. I sell refurbished printer parts. The majority of people search for the part number in google. A typical part number might be "04.F5/S3A YA50" .  A customer might search for "04F5S3A YA50" or "04.F5/S3AYA50" or "04.F5/S3A YA50" or "04.F5/S3A-YA50". They aren't radically different but seem to effect the rankings. At the moment I use the following stucture for the meta tiles, descriptions etc 04.T5/S3A YA50 (04T5S3AYA50) by OEM | mysite Buy refurbished OEM 04.T5/S3A YA50 (04T5S3AYA50). Free next day delivery. 12 month warrnanty on all parts. www.mysite/4F5S3AYA50 Part number (Part number no spaces) by OEM | Mysite Generic text Part number (Part number no spaces) text www.mysite/(Part number no spaces My questions, should I try to include all the different ways a customer might search for a part number in my meta title, description, url etc.  Or should I try to include within the content of the page. Many thanks

    Content Development | | DavidLenehan

  • I have the opportunity to display information about a business on a handfull of high PR web pages (with relevant content, not directory listings). I'd like to use these listings to build local search citations and homepage authority/rank for chosen anchortext. The format allows name, address, phone number, email & url plus a description of the business (short paragraph that can contain a link) - see below. Should I link from the homepage url and body anchor text?   Will search engines ignore the anchor text used in the 2nd link? Example Limited, 123 Example Road, London N12 3AA United Kingdom Tel: 020 712 3456   Email: **** **Web:  ** A unique service offering special widgets to customers in the London area

    Link Building | | Tman3

  • I am curently managing a .com that targets Canada and we will soon be launching a .com/us/ that will target the US. Once we launch the /us/ folder, we want to display the /us/ content to any US IP. My concern is that Google will then only index the /us/ content, as their IP is in the US. So, if I set up .com and .com/us/ as two different sites in GWT, and geotarget each to the Country it is targeting, will this take care of the problem and ensure that Google indexes the .com for Canada, and the /us/ for the US? Is there any alternative method (that does not include using the .ca domain)? I am concerned that Google would not be able to see the .com content if we are redirecting all US traffic to .com/us/. Any examples of this online anywhere?

    Technical SEO | | bheard

  • I am doing some competitor analysis and one thing that I want to know is how many links my competitors have and how many different domains link to their sites. I got some figures on this both from the SEO Moz toolbar and from Majestic SEO. My problem is that the figues are massively different. E.g. SEO Moz says 9657 links from 95 domains, Majestic says 4895 links from 1722 domains. Who do I believe? And where do each of these tools get their data from?

    Moz Pro | | mascotmike

  • Does this link pass link juice:

    Link Building | | conradh

  • We are probably all familiar with general and Google guidelines for writing title and description tags. But Amazon. com often create another structure where they put in a), b) product name or description and c) the Amazon category the product is featured in, like this: | Mac Motion Chairs Model 2-Piece Recliner with Matching Ottoman Mocha Microfiber with Walnut Frame: Home & Garden Is this a well developed description tag? |

    On-Page Optimization | | KnutDSvendsen

  • From nowhere a backlink to our website has appeared that looks creepy and spammy to us. More astonishing is the fact that our analytics has recorded 477 visits within one day and all the visits are from different places in Vietnam. Here's the link should we do? Will Google hold us responsible for this?Thanks & Regards

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | IM_Learner

  • Anyone know of any good sites to post an infographic? These guys want $50.00 to review and MAYBE they will post: infographicsshowcase(dot)com. They have a PR4 , 70k alexa. PropertyAuction2010Survey_infographic-180x300.png

    Link Building | | Orikleinnyc

  • Hi Guys, I've been wondering if it is really worth it to invest in facebook ads, there have been mixed reviews lately from the positive: to the more negative: The industry I am trying to optimize for is gadget related, I've been running some adwords on it but I would want to venture on the social bandwagon which is facebook. Any Ideas? Suggestions? Reactions? Experiences you can share so I can come up with a better decision? Thanks A Bunch!

    Paid Search Marketing | | UPform5

  • Client has two website addresses: Website A is a redirect to Website B. It has one indexed page. But this is the URL being used in collateral. It has the majority of back links, and citations everywhere list Website A as the URL. Website B is where the actual website lives. Google recognizes and indexes the 80+ pages. This website has very few backlinks going to it. This setup does not seem good for SEO. Moreover, the analytics data is completely messed up because Website B shows that the biggest referral source is... you guessed it Website A. I'm thinking going forward, I should: Move all the content from Website B to Website A. Setup Website B to permanently 301 Redirect to Website A. Is that the best course of action?

    Technical SEO | | flowsimple

  • my client has 2 adwords accounts - one banned in 2009 and one where 9 of 11 ads are suspended - the other 2 ads run and he pays 6k per month for traffic - he still has net60 terms with no limit on ad spend b/c his offer converts so well. he wants to clear his name so we can proceed further without risk of being banned - he is paying me a pretty penny to turn his 4/10 qual scores into 9's and 10's - he will get 2x the traffic at 1/2 the price and i am looking to make a major 6 figure bump to his bottom line this year so he can jstify paying my exhorbitant fee. lol. i am not getting much help from the folks over at the Big G - to be expected - they have suspended 9 of his ads for "artificial ad traffic" - at least that is their reason - any way he is legit - in biz for 12 years online - with 60,000 customers on his list and over 1000 testimonials on his site - my question is is there any way GG will connect the dots in 4 months once i have his adwords campaign fully optimized and running smoothly and say "hey arent you the guy who we suspended twice over the past 2 years???" or are we to be judged simply on what we do from here forward with this new account? i am having his designer create 100 new landing pages to match the 100 unique ads for the 100 exactmatch kw's for the 100 unique ad groups - lotta work - but once its done its 10/10 across the board - with no mention of artificially boosting someone's traffic -- although isnt that what everyone is doing when they buy visits to their sites? this goes on all day long and no o ne seems to care - except GG but my client sells real human traffic not bot generated crap. all love, EZ

    Paid Search Marketing | | ezubkov

  • I have a client that insists on using the ProPhoto WordPress theme. This theme has an interesting habit of putting empty anchor tags in the site nav in order to nest css dropdowns. By empty I mean totally empty. For example: <a>Navigation Link</a> Since the anchor does not specify a destiation, do you think it would have any effect on link juice one way or the other? This wouldn't count as an additional link on the page would it? My inclination and personal practice is not to risk quirky things like this, but I'd like a second opinion before I suggest changes to the client's site. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Dameian

  • I am looking into starting to use the comparison shopping engines.  Any ideas on where to start wtih this?  Is there a good place to go that would manage all the different sites?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Shopadorn

  • On a site we developed of which .com is forwarded to .net domain, we quit getting crawled by google on about the 20th of Feb. Now when we try to run a crawl test on either url, we get     There was an error fetching this page. Error description     For some reason the page returned did not describe itself as an html page. It could be possible that the url is serving an image, rss feed, pdf, or xml file of some sort. The crawl tool does not currently report metrics on this type of data. Our other sites are fine and this was up to this date. We took out noodp, noydir today as the only thing we could think of. Site is on WP cms.

    Web Design | | RobertFisher

  • I have read tons of guides about canonical implementaiton but still am confused about how I should best use it. On my site with tens of thousands of urls and thousands of afiiliates and shopping networks sending traffic,  is it smart to simply add the tag to every page and redirect to the same url. In doing this would that solve the problem of a single page having many different entrances with different tracking codes? Is there a better way to handle this? Also is there any potential problems with rolling out the tag to all pages if they are simply refrencing themselves in the tag? Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | Gordian

  • I have a competitor who always ranks very on alot keywords relevant to our business and using Open Site Explorer I note they have a tremendous amount of links.  I also noticed that it appears their web company has gone out and set up numerous websites with relevant content, and then have linked back to the competitors main site.  Is this kosher?  I ask because before I settled on my current domain name, I purchased several keyword rich domain names; should I be thinking of setting up websites with relevant (and original) content and link back to my main site?

    Link Building | | leonenobleseate

  • Hello, I'm relatively new to SEO and looking to find a good tool for estimating the search traffic volume of different keywords in order to focus efforts on higher yielding terms. Right now I'm using Google's traffic estimator but it doesn't seem to have much data for long-tail keywords. Is anything else out there better or more accurate? Thank you!

    Keyword Research | | rawberg

  • What metrics tell you the most when you're looking at your competitors across the search landscape? PageRank/MozRank Inbound links Keyword rankings Alexa/QuantCast/etc. Pages indexed Something else entirely? What numbers speak volumes to you when you want to get an idea of how you benchmark against your competitors?  And how do you communicate these results?

    Competitive Research | | jcolman

  • With our new knowledge -- yielded from J.C. Penney, Forbes, Overstock, content farms, et al -- that the link graph/link profile can be algorithmically mined by search engines to uncover non-natural patterns of links occuring over time, is there any level of link-building that is safe to engage in? If so, then what are those "bright white"-hat tactics that are 100% safe for a site to use?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jcolman

  • I release this site, about 1 year ago: Cant understand why the site has so low value on domain mozrank e moztrust. The page has 1500 visitors/month and 3500 page views/month too. Most of the visitors from Google come to this site, with the keyword "bioespaco" the name of the company. Cant find what is wrong... Looks like something it penalizing the page (or the domain!?) Thanks! GDSAK.png

    Content Development | | comercialroldao

  • Hi Guys, If you have a baby of a domain which is only a few months old what should  be the priorty for getting establish once all the on site stuff has been done? I know the directories are not as important as they use to be but is there a top list that should be worked through steadly to get the new site setup on? Kind regards

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hey Mozers! We will be creating another brand pretty soon with some pretty cool interactive features and before we start development of the site I was wondering if there are any pros/cons to branding the site sans the www. For example and I would much prefer to brand it has but I just wanted to check first to see if that would have any negative SEO ramifications. It seems that it might just be a preference as I looked at Facebook and Twitter and they both do it differently, same with Groupon and LivingSocial. Looking forward to hearing from you guys!

    Technical SEO | | Riggz

  • Hello, I am a complete newbie to the world of SEO and I have read few thing available on the net about things to begin with (so google seo guide and then seomoz beginers tutorial) and I just wanted to ask if I understand the process correctly: So I have my website lest call it and there I might have a subpage about certain type of robots or specific parts that these robots are built from. I do my keyword search using adwords keyword search tool. Where I get 10 phrases (phrase1, phrase2, phrase3 so on..) that could be used by users to search information about certain type of robots I wrote on my website. Let's asume all 10 of those phrases have low competition so they can all be used. And they are from the long tail ofcourse so let's say I can get 10,000 searches from them per month. Some of them would have 200 searches, some 1500, some 5000 per month in that google adwords report. After reading those basic tutorials I understand it this way: I put one or two best phrases of those 10 in my <title></p> <p>2) I describe the website as accurately as possible to those keywords in <meta description> i.e. Those specific robots are built from those specific parts - we know all about them.</p> <p>3) I put all of them in <meta keywords> phrase1,2,3, etc.</p> <p>4) I use one or two phrases in <h1> on the page with article</p> <p>5) then I use those phrases in the text that's on that particular page of my website - text is about certain type of robots and parts etc.</p> <p>6) I put photos on that page with alt descriptions that may contain some of these phrases</p> <p>7) to be honest I don't know how am I suppose to build links from that page about certain type of robots to anywhere else on my website - but I undestand that's the part of SEO as well</p> <p>And that's pretty much how I understand the basics of SEO. I read about it and I just don't know if that's what I am suppose to do. Silly me!</p> <p> </p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | lolskizz

  • Outside of Google & Bing what is your favorite search engine and why? This could be for personal use, competitive research, user experience.

    SERP Trends | | elephantseo

  • Is it bad to change the canonical URL in the tag, meaning does it lose it's stats? If we add a new page that may have duplicate content, but we want that page to be indexed over the older pages, should we just change the canonical page or redirect from the original canonical page? Thanks so much! -Amy

    On-Page Optimization | | MeghanPrudencio

  • I am creating a process & strategy for publishing videos and would like some feedback on if it is worth syndicating the videos on multiple third party sites either manually or via TubeMogul. Currently the plan is to put the video on our main site, create a video sitemap, submit to webmaster tools so that hopefully the videos on our site show up in the SERPs. Then wait a week and syndicate on third party sites such as youtube, vimeo, viddler, etc. Are there any negative side affects? My thinking is that some people may only see the video if it is on youtube and the other niche sites because they may search those sites for videos rather than Google/Bing. Your thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | elephantseo

  • I recently redesigned a website that is now in WordPress. It was previously in some odd, custom platform that didn't work very well. The URL's for all the pages are now more search engine friendly and more concise. The problem is, now Google has all of the old pages and all of the new pages in its index. This is a duplicate problem since content is the same. I have set up a 301 redirect for every old URL to it's new counterpart. I was going to do a remove URL request in Webmaster Tools but it seems I need to have a 404 code and not a 301 on those pages to do that. Which is better to do to get the old URL's out of the index? 404 them and do a removal request or 301 them to the new URL? How long will it take Google to find these 301 redirects and keep just the new pages in the index?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Is there a tool that you can use to find out what words a competitor is using for google adwords?

    Paid Search Marketing | | jaredspencer

  • I'm fairly certain there is ultimately something amiss on our server but the Site Explorer report on my website ( is showing thousands of folders that do not exist. Example: For my "About Us" page (, the report shows a link: We do have "rss", "industries", "404-institute" folders but they are parallel in the architecture, not sequential as indicated in the error url. Has anyone else seen these types of error in your Site Explorer reports?

    Moz Pro | | dturkington

  • Hey Guys, I was wondering if you've seen or practiced some effective ways to take up real estate in the SERPS.  Ideally I'd like to see more results from my own domain although I realize that G seems to only display 3 for any single domain.  I'm looking for creative ways to take up more real estate other than subdomains. I recently saw a municipal website with 4 results (1 being a PDF) which suprised me. I have a couple in my head but what's worked best for you?

    Image & Video Optimization | | reegs

  • How do I find the link that is still refferring to a 404 error? Somewhere on my site there is a link pointing to an un-usable page and I cant find where that link is to fix the 404 error. I could just delete the page all together, but I would like to find the problematic link first.

    On-Page Optimization | | AtoZion

  • If you have a membership site, which requires a payment to access specific content/images/videos, do search engines still use that content as a ranking/domain authority factor? Is it worth optimizing these "private" pages for SEO?

    Technical SEO | | christinarule

  • Hey guys! I'm curious if anyone knows of any research or has any experience with using the word "buy" vs "shop for" as a call to action in meta descriptions, and what has better click through rates? A quick search of Google trends shows that they're both pretty close in terms of search, but im curious as to the psycological reaction that people have to those terms and what one they respond to better. I look forward to your response. Thanks!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | markwrightseo

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