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  • I have a customer that wants to use the domain name, what my concern is that the word arse may cause him problems with search engines, even get flaged as Adult content, or family filters. The site is a fun social site and nothing about it you couyld not talk about in church except the name of the site and domain. "cooks arse" am i being overly concerned or could this be a problem

    Branding | | AlanMosley

  • I've been using white-hat article marketing to post original content about my niche to credible article directories (yes, I realize many of them were recently devalued). My question is: Is it a good or bad idea to have future articles link to older articles, as a way to increase the chances of having the older articles indexed, or increasing the amount of link juice they pass to my site (since they point to my site)? I get 2 links per article and was thinking of using 1 to point to a prior (related) article, and the other to point to my site.

    Link Building | | scanlin

  • Hi, I want to understand how one can tweak adwords and make first line long. I am showing the example as attachment. Please check and guide. Is this ethical ? Regards, Preet adwords.jpg

    Paid Search Marketing | | PreetSibia

  • I apologize if this has been asked and answered or if the documentation is right in front of my nose, but I can't find it. I'm looking for information that explains what the various tools do and in particular, what each of the fields in the reports mean? For example, what does the "Find Links on this Domain" link mean in a Juicy Linkfinder Report? I know there are lots of resources on SEO and best practices and so on, but wondering if documentation on the specific tools exists. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | jkenyon

  • With my linkbuilding efforts, I know what keywords I want to target but my homepage ranks for most of my keywords. The other pages were written and built for specific keywords, but do they need linkbuilding TLC? They don't rank in the SERPs much anyway (if not at all) and the homepage is by-far the strongest in the SERPs.

    Link Building | | Bill4Time

  • Hello, Dose anyone has experience with Amazon s3 ? Hosting images, site elements and static files (pdf etc) on Amazon S3 bucket can influence the link structure / juice ? (by having external links to the amazon s3 bucket / account). If you host all the site images and site resources with Amazon S3 will all those "links" count as outgoing external links ? Is it worst then having everything linking internally ? Dose anyone knows if that can hurt you ? Personally I was not able to test it and I am sure I can't test it in the near future. Hope someone has and I can skip some steps with this. Thanks !

    Technical SEO | | eyepaq

  • Our site is secured throughout, so it loads sitewide as https.  It is canonicalized properly - any attempt to load an existing page as http will force to https.  My concern is with backlinks.  We've put a lot of effort into social media, so we're getting some nice blog linkage.  The problem is that the links are generally to http rather than https (understandable, since that's the default for most web users).  The site still loads with no problem, but my concern is that since a redirect doesn't transfer all the link juice across, we're leaking some perfectly good link credit.  From the standpoint of backlinkage, are we harming ourselves by making the whole site secure by default?  The site presently isn't very big, but I'm looking at adding hundreds of new pages to the site, so if we're going to make the change, now is the time to do so.  Let me know what you think!

    Technical SEO | | ufmedia

  • The crawl finished on the site and I'm getting over 4,000 warnings with 302 redirects with urls like this. /How-To-Install-A-Wall-Decal.html?xid_33e42=01f75b1ca2a53108d78f5c598ffd99e6 What can I do to remove or stop the spider from hitting those?

    Moz Pro | | i156

  • Hi, this is a very basic question but I want to confirm, as I remembered it was consider a good practice to use the absolute version of your links when linking to other pages of your site, not for any issue related to passing authority or PageRank, but because if someone scraps your content then they would take the links as well (as if they didn't remove them). Have the practices for internal linking with absolute or realtive URLs changed in any way? Which is the best way? absolute or relative? is there any harm for using the relative version? Relative:  Absolute: [](<strong><em>[](<strong><em> [Thanks!](<strong><em>

    On-Page Optimization | | andresgmontero

  • Do you guys find that visitors find pop up livechat software annoying, or do you find that it leads to significantly more conversions? What I mean by pop up is software that appears without the user clicking the 'chat now' button.

    On-Page Optimization | | ilyaelbert

  • When running Open Site Explorer on a particular URL, I get a list of linking pages. Many of these pages have a high Page Authority. I am assuming that this is a list of pages that presumably link to the URL I entered. First, is this correct? Next, when I click on an entry in the list I don't see any reference to the URL on the page, even viewing the page source. What does this mean and why is the link in the list?

    Competitive Research | | jkenyon

  • I understand that it is a best practice to write a different meta description for each page. However if you have 50 pages on a topic that are similar, is it okay to just change a couple words. For instance if you have a page about how to get an SEO job in each state, can you use the same meta description 50 times but change just the state name. Or is it much better to vary the meta descriptions significantly. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | SparkplugDigital

  • I go into my campaign keywords and have 48, but when I view my on page report only 17 show up? All keywords have been in there since last Friday except 2-26-11, 4 I added this Friday 3-4-11.

    Moz Pro | | SmallFry34

  • One of the things we struggle with is how to position ourselves when doing outreach such as link building on behalf of a client. We know many times it is best for outreach to come directly from the client themselves so that it comes across as more genuine. However, some clients prefer to outsource the entire process. When doing outreach on behalf of clients, how do you position yourself? Are you typically transparent about being a marketer working for an agency, or do you spin it more as being someone 'with' the company? Does it ever make sense to use aliases?

    Social Media | | Jeff-Hahn

  • I have a number of pages that rank on the 1st page for highly long tail phrases, despite the pages having outbound links to things like 'privacy policy' 'terms of use', make a payment, etc...all pages that can be accessed from the home page. Do you recommend I eliminate these administrative pages from the long tail-targeting pages, to reduce outbound page rank flow? Does anyone create a different breadcrumb navigation or remove one altogether for pages that are highly targeted to improve their rank?

    On-Page Optimization | | ilyaelbert

  • I'm to get some ideas on restructuring existing content for geo-targeting. Example: Botox Page Tis is a hypothetical situation -- laser cosmetics clinic in Atlanta trying to rank for Atlanta Botox. The existing content is general information about botox procedures. The problem is editing the content to add Atlanta to the H1 tag and page copy. I'm wondering if there are some techniques to make the edits flow better? My idea is to add a geo-page for each procedure, but I'm wondering if this might interrupt or confuse users in the navigation funnel. Your thoughts? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 190west

  • Is there a tool out there that will help you locate your competitors traffic sources? I would like to see how much of their traffic is coming from SEO related sources - vs. other sources. I know compete will do this - but they are ungodly expensive. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Hello - Our company will soon be launching a major product enhancement and we have discussed using a splash page when a visitor hits our homepage to promote the launch.  I'm thinking something similar to what Apple did on to announce addition of The Beatles catalog ot iTunes.  I've never actually implemented anything like this before and wanted to get feedback from the community on how best to handle this from an SEO perspective. Thanks, Jason

    Technical SEO | | TKSearchGuy

  • Dose someone have / know a full list / resource  with commands for google and bing ? Including filters for those commands ? ( -filter etc) (like:, etc) I use the basic ones b ut I know there are much more and that there are several filters that can be used with success to filter down results. Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | eyepaq

  • My dmoz description is not as KW rich as my sites normal description.  IS there an advantage or disadvantage to either? If so,  How do I prevent google from doing this?

    Technical SEO | | DavidS-282061

  • Hi, we have our regular website at and a mobile only page at Users on mobile devices will be automatically redirected to .mobi if they click on a link to in the SERPs. What is the best practice to ensure, that Googlebot is indexing and Googlebot Mobile is indexing without duplicate content issues and having Link-Juice benefits on mobile search at the same time? Thanks a lot

    Technical SEO | | jameda

  • What is your favorite tool for getting a report of URLs that are not cached/indexed in Google & Bing for an entire site? Basically I want a list of URLs not cached in Google and a seperate list for Bing. Thanks, Mark

    Technical SEO | | elephantseo

  • Hello all, think per instance in a comparator of cars, motorbikes, etc, where you have dozens of brands, types of cars and motorbikes like diesel or oil, 4x4 vs sport, etc So, in one part of your site you are reviewing them in detail, explaining everything. You also have a database with hundreds of models with several specs like top speed, length, engine, etc so you can automatically create an info page for these hundreds of models. How would you make both of them live together in your website? If you add the review to the automatted articles, then you would have an unconsistency as you cannot manually review all the products. On the other hand, doing it separetly will lead to a very, very similar title posts and urls (revision vs automated versions). In my particular case, I just had the revisions until now and my site is developed in Wordpress. I had all the url posts below the home ( and now I am going to add the automatted ones and am thinking on place the automatted ones like WP Custom Posts and the url would be But still have the problem with categories, tags, etc, etc Well, it is long question but what do you think about this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | antorome

  • I run a mini-content farm so to speak - a nationwide computer repair business. We have screened professionals that are specific to one industry. I was wondering if the SEO community would like to offer ideas on how to make this type of site more interesting  to end users. What are some things that could be integrated into the site that are 'location specific' that would be of interest to users. I'd like to be able to offer a list of certified, screen, professionals that is searchable by zip code and town. We are planning on showing the quality control rating, as well as current certifications, and a checkbox showing that they were background checked. Customer testimonials are also in the works. Any other ideas?

    Content Development | | ilyaelbert

  • I manage a site that has home page authority of 69, and overall domain authority of 63. To improve domain authority, would it help to remove some of the  pages that have 0 page authority?  There are over 1,000 pages to this site, and I always thought that the more pages you have, the better (generally). But, does it actually hurt the site to have pages that Google perceives as having 0 page authority, or does this have no bearing? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DiscoverBoating

  • Hello all We have an e-commerce website with approximately 3,000 products. Many of the products are displayed in multiple categories which in turn generates a different URL! 😞 Accross the entire site I have noticed that the product pages are always outranked by competitors who have lower page authority, domain authority, total links etc etc. I am convinced this is down to duplicate content issues. I understand there is no direct penalty but how would this affect our rankings? Is page rank split between all the duplicates, which in turn lowers it's ranking potential? I have looked for a way to identify duplicate content using Google analytics but i've been unsuccessful. If the duplicate content is the issue and page rank is divided am i best using canonical or 301 redirects? Sorry if this is an obvious question but If i'm correct we could see a huge improvement in rankings accross the board. Wow! Cheers Todd

    Technical SEO | | toddyC

  • Due to some historic difficulties with our URL Rewriter, we are in the position of having the root of our site 301 redirected to another page. So the root of our site: has a 301 redirect to: We're aware that this isn't great and we're working to fix this completely, but what impact will this have on our SEO?

    Technical SEO | | LianWard86

  • Hi mozzers! I'm fairly new to SEO topic, but I'm learning fast because all of you, so please take my warm thanks first! The problem: I have a web site based on PHP/MySQL that has no SEF addresses, it's made by unknown CMS, so I cannot use any extensions or modules, I have to write my own SEF extension. The question: Would you suggest me, please an article or idea, what I need to make my URLs search engine friendly? What's best to use: .htaccess or something else? This is the aforementioned web site: Thanks a lot, Kolio

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kolio_kolev

  • Hi, Here we go, i have a site that is is in first page but in last positon, and i got a competitor that is in first place but his is just duplicate content for every page. He just chage the keyword but still the same content. Really, what can i do, do the same thing, i dont want black hat my site. Do i have to keepping doing my on-page and link building and do not care about him?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Ex2

  • Anyone here run an agency? Do you outsource your link building to another company overseas so it's cheap, or what is everyone else doing nowadays?

    Link Building | | DavidKauzlaric

  • Hi, I got bunch of nice links in high pr sites. But some links was a 2 month ago and i cant find it in webmastertools, opensitexplorer and yahoo, because of that i dont know if my links are working good for my site.

    Link Building | | Ex2

  • My clients business is divided in chain stores. All stores are set under the same franchise. There is one domain with branches like and etc. I've taken care of duplicate content issues with rel="canonical" and duplicate page titles are also not a concern, anymore. Right now the concept is like this: If you visit the site for the first time you get to choose between the locations. Then a cookie is set and once you revisit it will redirect you via a php header command to the location stored in your cookie: My question is if this might hurt rankings in some kind of way as these aren't permanent redirects with a 301 but rather individual ones, based on your cookie.

    Technical SEO | | jfkorn

  • It's an age old question, "why is my site lower in the ranking than theirs" But in this case, I'm really not sure!... and we perform the SEO on both sites in question. The problem site is We are looking for ranking for phrases such as Used Machine Tools, Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines, Used Lathes etc. We aren't getting it as high as we have already with another customer of ours: We perform the SEO on both these sites, yet we've put far more work into the ESP one, and still not getting very far. There are more linking domains to ESP than BW, in truth the BW site has a higher mozrank, but by only a single point. We did not build the ESP site, whereas we built the BW one. There have been some URL problems with the ESP site, but we have hopefully improved things enough working with their original developer to be on the right track now. Any advice most welcome.

    On-Page Optimization | | rowleysit-259892

  • The SEO Moz crawl diagnostics suggest that we have too many on-page links on several pages including on our homepage. How does your system determine when a page has too many links.  It looks like when a page as more than 100 links it’s too many.  Should the system take into account the page authority, domain authority, depth of page or other metrics? In addition, no-follow links are being included.  As these are dropped from Google’s link graph, does it matter if we have too many?  For example, we could have 200 links, 120 of which are no follow.  Your tools would tell us we have too many links. Feedback appreciated. Donal

    Moz Pro | | AdiRste

  • the google keyword tool gives me those results: 5 x 1000             60500 5 per mille          49500 cinque per mille 49500 5 per 1000         49500 5per mille          49500 5permille           49500 The google results are different for every typing. Let's say I decide to bet first on "5 per mille". should I neglect the other ways of typing, or shoul I use them all while writing the content and the metadescription of the page?

    Keyword Research | | gvnns

  • We have a website with a searchable database of recipes. You can search the database using an online form with dropdown options for: Course (starter, main, salad, etc)
    Cooking Method (fry, bake, boil, steam, etc)
    Preparation Time (Under 30 min, 30min to 1 hour, Over 1 hour) Here are some examples of how URLs may look when searching for a recipe: find-a-recipe.php?course=starter
    find-a-recipe.php?cooking-method=fry&preperation-time=over+1+hour There is also pagination of search results, so the URL could also have the variable "start", e.g. find-a-recipe.php?course=salad&start=30 There can be any combination of these variables, meaning there are hundreds of possible search results URL variations. This all works well on the site, however it gives multiple "Duplicate Page Title" and "Duplicate Page Content" errors when crawled by SEOmoz. I've seached online and found several possible solutions for this, such as: Setting canonical tag Adding these URL variables to Google Webmasters to tell Google to ignore them Change the Title tag in the head dynamically based on what URL variables are present However I am not sure which of these would be best. As far as I can tell the canonical tag should be used when you have the same page available at two seperate URLs, but this isn't the case here as the search results are always different. Adding these URL variables to Google webmasters won't fix the problem in other search engines, and will presumably continue to get these errors in our SEOmoz crawl reports. Changing the title tag each time can lead to very long title tags, and it doesn't address the problem of duplicate page content. I had hoped there would be a standard solution for problems like this, as I imagine others will have come across this before, but I cannot find the ideal solution. Any help would be much appreciated. Kind Regards

    On-Page Optimization | | smaavie

  • I'm about to launch a series of viral videos for a growing UK brand, in which the viewer will have control of the storyline (e.g. tippex bear It will start with one theme (1 main 'landing page' video with a series of 'ending' videos). If successful, there will be more themes added in the same format (on-going campaigns). Each campaign will feature high volume niche keywords and will hopefully appear in the SERPs. The keywords will not compete directly with the main branded website but there will be some relevance. My question is, where is the best place to host the content? YouTube = max exposure, easier to get vid preview into SERPs but links to site are nofollow? must pay for customised page functionality - see this link **Microsite **= keyword rich domain for each theme with links to main site? more difficult to rank with new domains? Main website = (DA=44) easier to rank using existing domain, helps increase DA with new linkbait? Use video sitemap to appear in SERPs Blog = as above (blog hosted on main domain), but keeps main site focussed on core keywords I assume YouTube will achieve best reach/buzz, but would I miss out on any SEO benefits? Thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Tman3

  • I haven't done my homework on this, so I'd like to ask, if I am interested in launching a website in multiple languages. Let's say an Urdu version (that will have different content) of our English News website then how do I conduct some keyword research for popular keywords used by people searching the net in Urdu. Furthermore, how can I get an estimate of how many people are actually using the web in a particular language and from which geographical regions? Cheers!

    Keyword Research | | RishadShaikh59

  • hi, Which is the best , seo speaking, about the homepage display with a CMS (joomla here). 1/ To display articles as "blog" and thus articles are always recent but not the same  (chronological).. 2/ To display always a same article (just 1)  but updated sometimes to times ? 3/ Both of them are good ? Tks a lot in advance..

    Technical SEO | | mozllo

  • Hi, Just a question, On one campaign for example - Vegas Hotel ( Google ranking for **Clubs King Cross **is ZERO on Google AU when really its result 2 on google AU There are tones of other keywords the same 😞 Please let me know why Thanks MOZ Kiddies 😄 Ray

    Technical SEO | | kayweb2

  • Hi, I have been using OSE and have a compiled list of backlinks to my competitor's sites. The next step would be to go through and qualify all of these links for a link opportunities for my client's site. To save me a lot of time, I require a tool that will search all of these pages (say 1000) for specific keywords in tags or body content. A search query might be - site:(URL list) intitle:directory site:(URL list) "add site" etc Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

    Link Building | | DigitalLeaf

  • I was wndering if there was a trick to getting google to crawl my website daily?

    Technical SEO | | labradoodlelocator

  • I searched a snippet of one of our Articles (in quotes) and got two results back in Google, one for the article on our site and one for our development/staging site.  Does that mean that our development site is getting indexed by Google, even thought we "Disallow:/" in the robots.txt file?  Is this a big duplicate content issue? Thanks

    Content Development | | poolguy

  • In the last week and a half at a couple of shows in London, and including today on SEOmoz Q&A, I've heard polarised opinions on this topic, so thought I'd throw it out there to see what other people think, and what evidence/experience people have with this. Basically - some people are saying older links are worth less than new links, and others are saying old link are worth don't devalue and are possibly worth more. I have to admit, I don't have a strong opinion on this, as it is really hard to judge on live projects, and I think it is a case by case thing. Any thoughts?

    Link Building | | Tom-Anthony

  • I have come across a number of Twitter users that have 1000+ Followers, and they typically follow 1000+ people. I've noticed as of late that many of these people are found on fewer lists. I also know that many twitter users are selective about who they actually allow in their main twitter stream and therefore create lists to manage who they follow. Any thoughts on if /how twitter lists contribute to a user's authority and/or influence from the SERP's perspective?

    Social Media | | Thos003

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