Hi guys,
Before I dive into my question, let me give you some background..
I manage an ecommerce site and we're got thousands of product pages. The pages contain dynamic blocks and information in these blocks are fed by another system. So in a nutshell, our product team enters the data in a software and boom, the information is generated in these page blocks.
But that's not all, these pages then redirect to a duplicate version with a custom URL. This is cached and this is what the end user sees.
This was done to speed up load, rather than the system generate a dynamic page on the fly, the cache page is loaded and the user sees it super fast.
Another benefit happened as well, after going live with the cached pages, they started getting indexed and ranking in Google.
The problem is that, the redirect to the duplicate cached page isn't a permanent one, it's a meta refresh, a 302 that happens in a second. So yeah, I've got 302s kicking about. The development team can set up 301 but then there won't be any caching, pages will just load dynamically.
Google records pages that are cached but does it cache a dynamic page though? Without a cached page, I'm wondering if I would drop in traffic. The view source might just show a list of dynamic blocks, no content!
How would you tackle this? I've already setup canonical tags on the cached pages but removing cache..