Latest posts made by DanDeceuster
Can a third-party advertising agency lock me out of Adwords?
Hey all, I've just started at a new company. We spend quite a bit on Adwords and I'm tasked with seeing how that is going and assessing that spend. The problem is, Adwords and Youtube ads have been given to a third-party advertising agency. They are only willing to share the number of clicks, cost and conversions, stuff like that. They refuse to give us access to the account.
Is this legal? I mostly want to get in there to look at keyword history, see what we have bid on, how often it was searched, stuff like that. But they won't let us in and I'm wondering if they are required to let us look at our account as I would think they are. Please help!
posted in Paid Search Marketing
Anyone have a collection or list of spammy websites?
Random I know. I started a fun pet project at Total spam. Totally says it's not spam. Satire and all, something only SEO people will get really.
Anyway I want to make a sidebar of other "not spammers" and need to find a bunch of spammy websites. Problem is they don't rank in search engines obviously so I know of only the ones who leave comments on some of my wordpress sites.
Anyone have a list of a bunch of them so I can link to them in my blogroll?
posted in Content Development
RE: Call to actions buttons
Kind of a loaded question but let me see if I understand. You have a call to action button and you want to use it in multiple places on your website but don't want a duplicate content penalty. You wonder if making the button in text might be more effective. Is that correct?
First of all, I think there is a lot of research out there that your image call to action will be more effective than any styled text could be. You have a lot of options with fonts, colors, shading, etc. in images, not so when styling text. I would definitely use a button in that regard. Also, you want it to stand out. That isn't always just bright colors, it's contrasting colors. SEOMoz for example has a light blue background. Right now there is a pink "call to action" of sorts (more of a look at me I'm important note) at the top for the expiring private messages. Stands out, doesn't it? Because a warm color (pink) contrasts with the cool color palette established by the blue background.
You don't have to worry about a duplicate content penalty on images that I'm aware of. What I would do is only use it once per page in the best place you can put it and make sure every time you use it on all your pages you maintain the same alt text. I've seen that it's possible Google isn't a fan of repeating an image with different alt text or calling lots of different images but using the same alt text.
posted in Conversion Rate Optimization
RE: Vanity URL's and http codes
Like I said in the last paragraph, if this is temporary, 302 redirect the original destination URL to the new destination URL as well as the redirecting URL to the new destination. If these changes are permanent, make them 301 instead of 302 redirects.
posted in Algorithm Updates
RE: Vanity URL's and http codes
Let me make sure I understand you. You have a vanity URL like or something. It redirects to your website which is or something like that. This redirect is a 301 permanent redirect.
Are you asking if changed what you should do with the redirect? That's how I understood the question. So say now goes to or something along those lines.
If this is the case, all you want to do is change your 301 redirect of to the new destination URL and keep it a 301. That is, unless is only a temporary URL. If it will be reverting back to then don't do that.
Instead, when you redirect to use a 302 redirect, keeping the 301 from to in tact. Hopefully that answers your question. Let me know if your scenario is different.
posted in Algorithm Updates
RE: Wordpress Ping List, does pinging Google Help? Could it hurt?
For me the only goal at the end of the day is to be indexed by Google and Bing as soon as possible. That is happening for me on my WordPress sites without changing any thing with the ping feature built in. So in my opinion adding more pings to more places might get you indexed elsewhere and may help in other places, but if you over ping Google or Bing I could see them not appreciating that. So I don't risk it. Kind of the don't fix what ain't broke mentality for me.
posted in Content Development
RE: Wordpress Ping List, does pinging Google Help? Could it hurt?
My understanding is that WordPress has a built in ping feature by default, pingomatic I think? Either way, I have never changed anything related to pings on my wordpress sites and they all get indexed very quickly. One of them is indexed within a minute or two of going live. Only way Google is finding that so fast is through the ping, so I know it must be helping. I don't think it would be all the helpful to increase the number of times or properties of Google you are pinging. I have stuck with the built in default WP feature and it is working just fine for me.
posted in Content Development
RE: How to auto generate a unique meta description?
This worked like a charm! The site is on something called Zend cart I think and I had to sort through several Controllers but eventually found all the metaTag stuff in there and added a metaDesc variable next to them, unique meta descriptions on every page! Thanks!
posted in Intermediate & Advanced SEO
How to auto generate a unique meta description?
The site I am working on is a code nightmare for starters. I'm editing a file called layout that controls the section of each page. The programmer from a while back got unique titles by putting this piece of code in:
<title><?= $this->metaTag ?></title>
In all the different controllers and stuff I can see where the title is the name of the product plus review or something to that effect.
How do I do this for the meta description? Right now the meta description is static in the layout file, and so every page has an identical one. I was hoping there was a way to make the meta description automatically use the first 140 characters on the page or something. Something like this:
posted in Intermediate & Advanced SEO
RE: Studies on influence of meta description on CTR
I wouldn't necessarily look for stats or studies about meta descriptions here, but look at research done on PPC copy as well. There is likely a whole lot more of it for one, and its a very similar concept. Which words get more clicks? That's what it boils down to. I'm sure if you look more for stats in the PPC side of things you can find more concrete sources on what language is most effective.
posted in Search Behavior
Best posts made by DanDeceuster
RE: What's your best hidden SEO secret?
The secret to good SEO is to stop wasting time with automation tools. SEO simply cannot be automated and left to a robot. If it could, none of us would have jobs 
If it automates directory submissions, bookmarks, articles, blog comments or anything else, it's useless and should be left alone. Far too many SEO folks waste far too much time tinkering around with them...only to figure out they are useless and that they wasted a lot of time. The Onion comically gives us another great way to stop wasting time:,19273/
posted in Intermediate & Advanced SEO
RE: Studies on influence of meta description on CTR
I wouldn't necessarily look for stats or studies about meta descriptions here, but look at research done on PPC copy as well. There is likely a whole lot more of it for one, and its a very similar concept. Which words get more clicks? That's what it boils down to. I'm sure if you look more for stats in the PPC side of things you can find more concrete sources on what language is most effective.
posted in Search Behavior
Can a third-party advertising agency lock me out of Adwords?
Hey all, I've just started at a new company. We spend quite a bit on Adwords and I'm tasked with seeing how that is going and assessing that spend. The problem is, Adwords and Youtube ads have been given to a third-party advertising agency. They are only willing to share the number of clicks, cost and conversions, stuff like that. They refuse to give us access to the account.
Is this legal? I mostly want to get in there to look at keyword history, see what we have bid on, how often it was searched, stuff like that. But they won't let us in and I'm wondering if they are required to let us look at our account as I would think they are. Please help!
posted in Paid Search Marketing
RE: Subdomain gets different IP
Ask yourself why you are using a domain and if you can accomplish the exact same thing by simply making a subdirectory. If you can, drop the subdomain. Always use subdirectories.
Google treats sub domains as separate websites, so having a different IP address doesn't matter, just makes it more separate I guess. That's why I wouldn't bother. Why separate your content?
posted in Content Development
RE: Do or don't —forward a parked domain to a live website?
There is SEO benefit to forwarding these domains if they have any incoming links. If so, a 301 redirect to your main domain could send some link juice and help rankings.
If these parked domains aren't even indexed by Google and have no links, then there is no SEO value in a 301 redirect because Google won't even know about it anyway. I would still do it as there is no harm that could be done, that's for sure.
I would recommend against doing any kind of meta refresh, as Google frowns upon those. Just 301 redirect the parked domains to your live website and it will either do nothing or help a little, but it can't hurt.
posted in Technical SEO
RE: Best Dynamic Sitemap Generator
I use if the website has proper navigation and is less than 500 pages. It works pretty well, you can download the sitemap afterwards in xml, html or txt.
posted in Technical SEO
RE: How does Google treat the symbols ® and ™ if they are part of keyword?
Google strips special characters out of search. For one, no one in a million years will do a search with Google and include a trademark symbol anyway. But if they did for some reason, Google would simply strip it out. You do not need to optimize for keywords with special characters. Just optimize for the keyword itself and you will be fine.
posted in Keyword Research
RE: Call to actions buttons
Kind of a loaded question but let me see if I understand. You have a call to action button and you want to use it in multiple places on your website but don't want a duplicate content penalty. You wonder if making the button in text might be more effective. Is that correct?
First of all, I think there is a lot of research out there that your image call to action will be more effective than any styled text could be. You have a lot of options with fonts, colors, shading, etc. in images, not so when styling text. I would definitely use a button in that regard. Also, you want it to stand out. That isn't always just bright colors, it's contrasting colors. SEOMoz for example has a light blue background. Right now there is a pink "call to action" of sorts (more of a look at me I'm important note) at the top for the expiring private messages. Stands out, doesn't it? Because a warm color (pink) contrasts with the cool color palette established by the blue background.
You don't have to worry about a duplicate content penalty on images that I'm aware of. What I would do is only use it once per page in the best place you can put it and make sure every time you use it on all your pages you maintain the same alt text. I've seen that it's possible Google isn't a fan of repeating an image with different alt text or calling lots of different images but using the same alt text.
posted in Conversion Rate Optimization
RE: How effective is RSS feeds submission, links from Blog Directories?
These techniques work just fine. Panda may have hurt the quality of these aggregators and directories, but they still pass link juice. I would probably not pay for it, but there are a lot of free ones, and if you have a blog you might as well submit to them as it is quick and easy.
posted in Social Media
RE: Partners and Customers logo listing and links
I would probably not include all 100 customers. Maybe a sampling of your customer base?
You could also nofollow the external links to sites that could be questionable. You could also noindex, nofollow that page as well. All are options.
In fact, you could just put 100 links on the page if you want. I highly doubt you will incur any kind of penalty at all. Matt Cutts has dispelled the myth that you can only have 100 links on a page. You can have as many as you want as long as it makes sense and doesn't look like your are spamming search engines with link farms. I probably wouldn't worry too much about it.
posted in White Hat / Black Hat SEO
Blog Posts
This might sound a little crazy, but the best SEO you can do right now is no SEO. Yes, follow the guidelines previously mentioned. I would consider this search engine compliance more than I would search engine optimization. But don't go around the Internet looking for any and every opportunity to do something that is going to increase your search engine rankings.
What we can learn about Penguin from Google's ability to detect spam in Gmail.
In our industry we ask a lot of questions. How do I make better content? What can I do to build more links? Which seat can I take? But perhaps the most frequently asked question in the SEO community is regarding the nature of search engines and their algorithms.
SEOMoz does an incredible...
Let's face it, SEO is a little bit complicated to people who have never heard of it. At least once a week someone asks me what I do for a living and if they don't know what SEO is I have trouble answering that question in less than five minutes.
I've worked at SEO agencies where you have to sell the service as a salesman but also explain the process as an account manager to a client...
6/20/2011 defines a link as "anything serving to connect one part or thing with another; a bond or tie." Interestingly, the given definition for a relationship is "...
This is a follow up to my previous YOUmoz post on understanding the value of a link. Because of the positive feedback from that post as well as new research emerging from SEOMoz regarding social media's effect on SEO, I've decided to expound on social links.
When Rand posted his data and findings of ...
This is my first YOUMoz post so please bear with me if I bore you to death.
Everyone in the SEO industry seems to have this odd fascination with discovering the most important ranking factors employed by search engines. I even remember at SMX Advanced a year or two ago in Seattle that
Far too many of us in the SEO industry tend to think in absolute terms. You are either White Hat or Black Hat, this works or it doesn't, this link is amazing or it is get the point.
This is dangerous thinking because if something isn't absolutely perfect or golden, we tend to evaluate it as useless. In nothing is this more obvious than in link building.
With over 15 years in the digital marketing and education industries, Dan Deceuster is a seasoned expert when it comes to branding, advertising, marketing and more online. I’ve worked with small businesses, large corporations, and everyone in between. I have also launched my own companies both as an entrepreneur and an angel investor.
I know what it takes to build a successful brand online, so whether you’re a small business or large corporation, if you’re looking for a professional website, a strategic plan or help with any digital marketing, please contact me to see how I can help. Whatever you’re trying to do, if you’re trying to do it online, I can help you be successful.