Wiep's insanely actionable post that really hits a raw nerve for us SEOs - what to do with failed linkbaits (that's our egos on the line there for one): http://wiep.net/talk/link-building/linkbait-failed-now-what/
Needless to say, Mike's Excel for SEOs guide http://www.distilled.co.uk/excel-for-seo/
The 'Poke the Box' Workbook from The Domino Project & Seth Godin (debate the value of a PDF versus online, but its still vv good): http://www.thedominoproject.com/2011/03/poke-the-box-the-workbook.html
Conversion Rate Factory's traditional dissection of key marketing principles. I love how they publish less often, but just killers stuff each and everytime - I know to always click on them. (Their case studies are especially awesome). Here's just one gem: http://www.conversion-rate-experts.com/100-year-old-persuasion-strategy/
Ah, the most epic YOUmoz post of all time perhaps - the only problem with this in "blog post" format is its slightly more difficult to use: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/the-noob-guide-to-online-marketing-with-giant-infographic-11928
That's some of my most recent finds on StumbleUpon - sure there's plenty more!