This is more a user experience / conversion rate question than anything else.
We sell several levels of membership to our organization. Seven to be exact. They range from Student memberships at $35 a year to very specialized memberships at $4,500 - $6,500 a year.
I looked for information on how these products should be listed, but found nothing. Currently, they are listed with the most expensive level listed first. It's the only one displayed above the fold.
I believe this is a bad choice. At a glance to a consumer, it looks like a membership costs $4,500 instead of a more reasonable (and more popular) $500 a year price.
I don't want to start with the $35 option either. That is heavily discounted for students. Would it be odd to list the best sellers first and then have everything else listed underneath? Or does it need to be in price order?
So, if anyone has an opinion or has had experience with something similar or has seen a case study, I'd appreciate the input. Thanks