Just at the right of the url you can see the cache version from Google of this page. By clicking to the "arrow" than points down.
You can see that the Snapshot is from 28-05-2018: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Pu-yOVqMlVAJ:www.paydaysunny.com/payday-loans.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=en
Surely the spider-bot will crawl the page soon again and it will show the new title, be patient and don't force this
Googlebot takes more or less time to reindex if your site is more or less active.
The other questions:
- The fastest and better way to index a website in Google is to create links in a very active website of your topic.
- Almost every PBN was very useful 2-3 years ago, today you have to create a very natural and quality PBN to cheat Google with links like this. It takes a lot of work / money, so I don't recommend you this tecnique.