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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Howdy, I've read a number of posts on this issue and followed all the advice I could find. My issue is this: several of our targeted keywords have the wrong page ranking which results in a loss of conversion and high bounce rate. I use the operator to see how the pages are ranking which I find really useful. One of our targeted keywords is 'wedding stationery' and the page which should rank is however this page ranks 3rd on our domain. I've done the following: Optimised the correct page De-optimised the ranking pages Added links from the incorrectly ranking page to the page I want to rank using keyword anchor text Added internal links to the page I want to rank from high Page Authority pages using keyword anchor text Here is a link to the SERP which shows the ranking for our domain for the 'wedding stationery' search term. I made the changes a couple of weeks ago. Any advice or explanations as to what is causing this would be greatly received. Thanks in advance, Brendan.

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • Hi i am very confused. I found out that go daddy was selling and they are the owners of the domain name so i went ahead and bid for the domain name. i then won it and was told i would have to wait six days to use it and now i have received this email from them. This message is to notify you that the current registrant of has renewed their domain name and we have ended the auction per the terms of the legal agreement (Universal Terms of Service) that you acknowledged at the time of bidding. If you have already paid for this domain name, you will automatically receive a refund within the next 6 days. We're sorry you did not win this domain. However, we have thousands of other great names available at Go Daddy Auctions. Visit our Web site to search for your next domain. If you have any questions, Customer Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: – Email:
    – Phone: (480) 505-8892
    – Online Support Sincerely,
    Go Daddy Auctions Team

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, I am starting an SEO job on an academic site that has been completely redone. The SEOMoz crawl detected three 404 Errors to pages that cannot be found anywhere on either Joomla or the server. What can I do to solve this? Thanks!!

    | michalseo

  • I am considering using Google Site Search on our new site. I was told... "We have also seen a bump in traffic for sites when using Google Site Search because Google indexes the site more often (they claim using the paid Google Site Search has no effect on search rankings but we have also seen bumps in rankings after using it so that may just be what they have to say legally)." Is there any evidence of this? Would you recommend using Google Site Search? Thanks David

    | DavidButler71

  • I read a lot that article sites are a great way to generate links and traffic but i would like to hear from people on here to see about their experience with article sites.  I have tried  article sites and i have to be honest that most of them  are no follow links and have also not generate any traffic. I have written over 30 articles for  free article sites with no  traffic coming from them and this has been done over a eight month period can anyone recommend any good article sites that can produce traffic and also ones that produce do follow If you feel i am wasting my  time  putting articles on free sites then please do tell me

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi all, I got a resort & spa hotel that has as index page an autoswitching language that redirects you to EN if you're English, ITA if you're italia, ESP, RU etc etc. Does this affects the ranking? The root index.php only has this programming lines that redirect users to their browser language. This was done cause we really hate intro pages that lets you select language.

    | digitec

  • A client has a news section at and also at The stories within each section are identical: What's the best way to avoid a duplicate content issue within the site? A 301 redirect doesn't seem appropriate from the user experience point of view. Is applying a rel=canonical < news="" story-a-b-c="">to each story within the subdomain news section the best option? They have 100's of stories, wondering if there might be an easier way?</> Also, the news pages list the story headline and the first 3 lines of copy. Do these summaries present duplicate content issues with the full story page? Thank you!

    | 540SEO

  • When I look at the SEO-MOZ bar for our site and click next to subdomain (# links from #domains) it shows my main incoming links etc. but when I click on root domain ity shows mydomain/default.asp and 4 incoming links as well as a message that says this url redirects to another url.  Does this imply canonicalization issues or is there a 301 redirect to my non /default.asp correcting this issue. Thanks kindly, Howard

    | mrkingsley

  • I've been getting 73 "title missing or empty" warnings from SEOMOZ crawl diagnostic. This is weird as I've installed yoast wordpress seo plugin and all posts do have title and meta description. But why the results here.. can anyone explain what's happening? Thanks!! Here are some of the links that are listed with "title missing, empty". Almost all our blog posts were listed there. MaeM3.png TLcD8.png

    | JasonDGreat

  • My Google Places page is stagnant. It never changes its rank, doesn't find corresponding reviews on directory sites, disappears altogether after a few days for certain keywords and ranks poorly overall. We have had a horrible time getting our web presence to be, address, phone, etc. Our business was previously a different name so all those listings were still active, we have had different doctors over the years...those were associated with the business name in different listings, we used a referral service that sponsored listings using a diffferent phone number, change web url in the past year so some sites indicated the wrong address. HUGE HEADACHE Are there any positives/negatives to deleting the Places page and starting over? Here is the page: Thank you for your help!

    | PMC-312087

  • Do they really have a lot of value on how a site performs on Google? What is the best way to raise your PR Rank?

    | CalgaryRealtor39

  • I noticed a problem and I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix it. I was a sitemap for, a site that has around 50 pages. The sitemap generator come back with over a 2000 pages. Here is two of the results: These are actaully pages somehow. In my FTP there in the first /portableconentrators/ folder there is about 12 html documents and no other folders. It looks like it is creating a page for every possible folder combination. I have no idea why you those pages above actually work, help please???

    | chuck-layton

  • Crawl Diagnostics is showing a lot of Rel Canonical warnings, I've installed Wordpress SEO by Joose De Valk and Home Canonical URL plugins without success. Any ideas? I'm getting a lot of URL's that I thought I blocked from being indexed, such as author pages, category pages, etc. I'm also getting stuff like "" and "", those pages are similar to my homepage. I thought those plugins were suppose to automatically clean things up.. anyone use these plugins that have any helpful hints?

    | 10JQKAs

  • I am doing some research into why we were bumped from Google's first page into the 3rd, fourth and fifth pages in June of 2010.  I always suspected Caffeine, but I just came across some data that indicates a drop in indexed pages from 510 in January of that year to 133 by June.  I'm not sure what happened but I believe our blog pages were de-indexed somehow. What I want to know is could that significant drop in indexed pages have had an effect on our rankings at that time?  We are back up to over 500 indexed pages, but have not fully recovered our first page positions.

    | rdreich49

  • I am seeing canonical implementation in many sites for non identical pages. Google honoring these implementation and didn't have any issue. Did anyone have different experience? Thanks.

    | gmk1567

  • Are URL shorteners like considered 301 redirects? I was thinking about using them for some longer URL's in press releases but i didn't want to loose any link juice through the service. Thanks for the info! - Kyle

    | kchandler

  • Hi.. We were just doing the on page for, While checking on ON PAGE tool, it keeps on showing, Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization Its an eCommerce website and all the products in that page had titles in h2 . I thought, that was creating problem, so I tried changing them to h3 and h4 , but still no good. What am I missing ?

    | qubesys

  • I need to do a clean-up old urls that have been redirected in sitemap and was wondering about this.

    | Ant-808

  • How reliable is site command? Is there any other way to check indexed pages.

    | gmk1567

  • Is there any speed checker to check your page load time on localhost so that bandwith does not affect the result? Preferably I'd like one that lists critical issuse or solutions that can be improved.

    | sesertin

  • We have been putzing around with Google XML Sitemaps Generator (a plug-in on Wordpress) for our Wordpress blog and we cannot get it to write an XML sitemap! Could somebody suggest a viable alternative that actually works?  Thank you for your help! Jay

    | theideapeople

  • For an existing web site we are developing a local info web site section where each area would get a review and information about local bars and restaurants. The site manages areas in the following hierarchy: Country > Broader region > Perfecture > Municipality > Neighborhood e.g. Italy > Northern Italy > Lombardia > Milano > Center Local Info pages would exist for all the above levels so you could have a page for Italy as a whole, a page for Lombardia, and a separate page for the Center of Milano. On certain countries there are many synonyms especially in the Neighborhood level but also a few in the Municipality level. We would like to build a generic SEF url structure/pattern that would be able to represent the above and be as short as possible for the purpose of SEO. 1. the obvious solution would be to incorporate the unique identifier of e.g. but this does not represent the hierarchy and does not include the interesting keyword of e.g. Milano when looking at the neighborhood level 2. Another option would be to include all levels e.g. But this would end up with large URLs 3. I am thinking of another solution which would include the current level and its parent at any page.  Not capturing the hierarchy very well but at least it includes the parent name for richer keywords in the url itself. 4. Or a hybrid where the first levels are always there and the rest are concatenated on a single segment any thoughts? thanks in advance

    | seo-cat

  • I am working on a wordpress website that uses the WP E-Commerce plugin. I am using the Yoast seo plugin but not totally familiar with it. I have noticed that WP E-Commerce creates duplicate content issues. Here's an example: is the same content as I was wondering which of these following options are the best solution: 1. 301 redirect the multiple instances to one page
    2. noindex all but one instance
    3. Use the canonical tag (i've used this tag before for telling SE's to use the www version of a page but not sure if it's the appropriate for this)
    4. a combination of one of these 3 options? Thanks in advance!

    | theanglemedia

  • Background: We're creating a site that for a service provider on a wordpress platform, and it will include a blog with a page for each service category. Let's say the client is a wedding photographer we'd create a page for studio portraits, events, wedding, newborns, family etc. Question: Should each category page be a stand-alone page or a blog category? As a blog category it will be updated with new content continually and automatically. However, it could cause duplicate content issues as well as keyword dilution. Research: I've done research and obviously there are conflicting opinions - skip categories altogether, categories bring traffic, problems & solutions. I'm hoping for your opinion on the matter, or direction to content on the issue that will be helpful. Blog categories yay or nay?

    | 5225Marketing

  • Hey all, I just came on as the SEO Specialist for an Ecommerce site a few months ago and have been working quite hard on getting things in order with the site's architecture, dup content, backlinking etc. Last week we made the move from 3 subdomains of a top level domain to subdirectories as the content/products are too much alike to be running subdomains. The way it's working now is when a request comes in to the old subdomain, the redirect to the subdirectory is happening at the htaccess file with a permanent 301. That said, I got our SEOmoz ranking report today and we have plummeted all over the place keyword ranking wise. I am quite sure that it's due to the change in architecture that happened last week... but what do you all think? I would be appreciative of any advice or thoughts from the SEOmoz community. Much thanks!

    | Punkaj

  • I have heard the term link juice being used in many different contexts. Where can I find a good definition for it?

    | casper434

  • I recently changed the URL of a page and used a 301 redirect from old to new. I just realized I lost all my Facebook shares. Now it shows 0 on that page. What can I do to get back my count of shares? I cannot find any information.

    | MiamiWebCompany

  • I recently traded links with a site that I will call   When I used open site explorer to check the link it came back with a different page authority as yet the link does appear on the page. Why would this be?

    | casper434

  • Hi, I'm new to SEO and we just recently relaunched our site. Our site consist of 6 hotels that acts as a subsite. We noticed that when search for one of the hotels what is coming in the google is the main website. Example: We search for flora grand. We expect that in Google it will display the first link as But it show the main site which is What do I miss here?

    | shebinhassan

  • I created an RSS feed to information on my blog using the notes capability of google reader and feedburner. when I update my blog does this feed recognize the change or do I need to do a manual update of google reader?

    | casper434

  • Scenario: There is a website called and it is a new domain with about 300 inbound links  (some going to the product pages and categories), but they have some high trust links The website has categories a, b, c etc but they are all on a subdomain so instead of being the entire site's structure looks like Would you go to the effort of 301ing the subdomain urls to the correct url structure of name, or would you leave it as it is? Just interested as to the extent of the issues this could cause in the future and if this is something worth resolving sooner than later.

    | Kerry22

  • Hello, Can anyone show me some authority info on wheher links are better with or without a .html ending? Thanks is advance

    | sesertin

  • My research on seomoz has resulted in conflicting ideas regarding the canonical tag. One article says avoid it, the other says embrace it. We have fixed a majority of our architecture problems using redirects for duplicate content, however, when we send out newsletters we still have these pesky tracking ids. I figured out how to remove them from analytics, but am unsure of how this affects our SEO. An example of one of our links is: The original url being the custom (non-Google) variables being nlid and uid. Is this a problem? Do I need rel cononical tags on each and every page?

    | QuickLearnTraining

  • Hi Guys! Ok a bit of a funny one here which is causing a confusion between us and a web designer and I was wondering if anyone on here might be able to help. Just a bit of back ground for you, the website has been built on Concrete 5 and when we tried to building a sitemap we found over 110,000 pages. When we spoke to the web designer they have told us that within Google webmaster tools, Google has only indexed 58. But.... (and this is where things get a little confusing, so bare with me.) I thought that cant be right so into the Google search bar I put in and had 217 results appear. So google cant have just 58 pages indexed, right? So after speaking to the designer he then posted on the Concrete 5 help forum, to try and help figure it out. I have posted his exact forum post below that the web designer has asked: I'm having some issues where a site we are working on seems to be making multiple pages going to the same page. An SEO specialist has run a report and found a number of duplicate pages created by C5. We are concerned that this is going to dilute or worse penalise the way google sees the site.
    [[155]atSelectOptionID... Is there a way of stopping google from accessing these duplicate 'cID' pages and stop them being made? Also is there a way of getting rid of the ones that are there? We've done a number of sites in C5 and are beginning to get concerned about this... So I guess my question is: If I can access the same content via 4-5 different cID's is that classed as duplicate content? Thanks in advance guys, and any help would greatly appreciated. 🙂

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • Hi, sorry if this question has already been asked, but I can't seem to find the correct answer. In my crawling report for the domain: I get rel cannonical notices. I have redirected all pages of to with a 301 redirect. Where is my error? Why do I get these notices? I hope the image helps. Ep7Rw.jpg

    | wellbo

  • Hi I recently did some 301 redirects. But now when I type into the search results 'Kyocera black and white printers' my site map is coming up in the listings - does any have any advise as to why this may be happening and how to fix it? Please see image attached, thanks. 1XqHW.jpg

    | Socialdude

  • Hey guys, I have noticed with one of our new sites, the home page is showing page rank two, whereas 2 of the internal service pages are showing as 3. I have checked with both open site explorer and yahoo back links and there are by far more links to the home page. All quality and relevant directory submissions and blog comments. The site is only 4 months old, I wonder if anyone can shed any light on the fact 2 of the lesser linked pages are showing higher PR? Thanks 🙂

    | Nextman

  • We are an agency that builds and hosts websites for several companies (some of which happen to be in the same industry - and therefore naturally link to each other - we do not dictate).  In regards to handling their domain registrations, webmaster tools account, google analytics account, and servers, what is the best practice to avoid Google thinking that these companies are affilliated? Even though they aren't affiliated, we are afraid that us being the "webmaster" of these sites and having shared servers for them that we may be affecting them.

    | grayloon

  • right now our organization has the a robot text file set to block search engines from indexing the non-www version of our URL - looks like this #Dynamically generated robots.txt file for
    User-agent: * Disallow: / Of course, we do allow search engines to crawl the www. version Is this the best way to do this?


  • Hi, If a page in the source code has boht following elements: class="blogg_rubrik">TITLE OF THE PAGE Is that bad for SEO, since the first H1 is empty? Shouldn't a page use only one H1?

    | Ypsilon

  • What loss of value would this link experience? If the link is actually a link to the from site that is 301'd to your site like this example below: i.e., My thought is that simply because you're going through a redirect  (In this case a 301) you will lose slight value there. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and reasoning on any other affects if any (direct or indirect) you think it may have.

    | Webfor

  • Hi, Our site got demoted by Google all of a sudden back in early July. You can view the site here: and you may read the discussions I posted in Google's forums here: Those discussions chronicle what happened, and what we've done since. I don't want to make this a long post by retyping it all here, hence the links. However, we've made various changes (as detailed), such as getting rid of duplicate content (use of noindex on various pages etc), and ensuring there is no hidden text (we made an unintentional blunder there through use of a 3rd party control which used CSS hidden text to store certain data). We have also filed reconsideration requests with Google and been told that no manual penalty has been applied. So the problem is down to algorithmic filters which are being applied. So... my reason for posting here is simply to see if anyone here can help us discover if there is anything we have missed? I'd hope that we've addressed the main issues and that eventually our Google ranking will recover (ie. filter removed.... it isn't that we 'rank' poorly, but that a filter is bumping us down, to, for example, page 50).... but after three months it sure is taking a while! It appears that a 30 day penalty was originally applied, as our ranking recovered in early August. But a few days later it dived down again (so presumably Google analysed the site again, found a problem and applied another penalty/filter). I'd hope that might have been 30 or 60 days, but 60 days have now passed.... so perhaps we have a 90 day penalty now. OR.... perhaps there is no time frame this time, simply the need to 'fix' whatever is constantly triggering the filter (that said, I 'feel' like a time frame is there, especially given what happened after 30 days). Of course the other aspect that can always be worked on (and oft-mentioned) is the need for more and more original content. However, we've done a lot to increase this and think our Guide pages are pretty useful now. I've looked at many competitive sites which list in Google and they really don't offer anything more than we do..... so if that is the issue it sure is puzzling if we're filtered and they aren't. Anyway, I'm getting wordy now, so I'll pause. I'm just asking if anyone would like to have a quick look at the site and see what they can deduce? We have of course run it through SEOMoz's tools and made use of the suggestions. Our target pages generally rate as an A for SEO in the reports. Thanks!

    | Go2Holidays

  • As it says on the tin; Is there such thing as a good text/code ratio? And can it effect SERPs? I'm currently looking at a 20% ratio whereas some competitors are closer to 40%+. Best regards,

    | ARMofficial

  • I had changed the meta tags for a site about a month back and Google has also crawled those new tags but in search results when I search for the term 'Aztex Sodablast' it is continuing to show the old tags while on the site, the new tags are being displayed. What may be the issue and how could I correct the problem?

    | pulseseo

  • We changed hosting companies two weeks ago, and we had a number of configuration issues that caused the site to go on and offline over that weekend. We fixed the problem but our traffic took a noticeable hit. I am assuming this is because our rankings dropped due to the site being down. Now that we're stable again, how long will it take for the traffic to return? is there anything I can do to speed up the process?

    | AmericanOutlets

  • I have a client that wants to use micro formatting to keep a portion of their page (the disclaimer) from being read by the search engines. They want to do this because it will help with their keyword density on the rest of the page and block the “bad keywords” that come from their legally required disclaimer. We have suggested alternate methods to resolve this problem, but they do not want to implement those, they just want a POV from us explaining how this micro formatting process will work. And that’s where the problem is. I’ve never heard of this use case and can’t seem to find anyone who has. I'm posting the question to the Moz Community to see if anyone knows how microformats can keep copy from being crawled by the bots. Please include any links to sites that you know that are using micro formatting in this way. Have you implemented it and seen results? Do you know of a website that is using it now? We're looking for use cases please!

    | Merkle-Impaqt

  • Google has stated that you can do this to get spiders to content only, and faster. Our IT guy is saying it's impossible.
    Do you know how to exlude display ads from robots.txt? Any help would be much appreciated.

    | GregBeddor

  • Last week, after a significant drop in traffic, I noticed a subdomain in the index with duplicate content. The main site and subdomain can be found below. I've 301'd everything on the subdomain to the appropriate location on the main site. Problem is, site: searches show me that if the subdomain content is being deindexed, it's happening really slowly. Traffic is still down about 50% in the last week or so... what's the best way to tackle this issue moving forward?

    | ccorlando

  • Hi I run a website which has 2 domains running from it. One domain has a extension and shows products aimed at the UK market.  The other domain is a .com which shows products aimed at the US market. As both domains run from the same website, the content is mostly identical APART from the product listings as they change depending upon whether you're in the UK or US. My reason for doing is this mainly for paid search purposes as I can have a more accurate domain depending upon which country I target. Both sites are set to encourage the bots to index it, and in google WMT each domain is targeted to its specific country. So, my questions are, Is this set-up possibly damaging my SEO efforts for either or both websites? If so, would setting one domain to no-index, improve SEO efforts for the other? Thanks in advance for any replies! Cheers Joe

    | joeprice

  • Hi, One of my client want a website revamp in two phases. The first phase would be to move the CMS from Sharepoint to Drupal keeping the same content and URLs but the page extension will change (it could become php or just the name of the page without any extension) The second phase will be a content revamp with URL change. The first phase will last 3 weeks and then we will push the second phase with the new content and the new URL. Some shortcuts to make it a more readable: old url = OURL old url with new extension = OURLEX new URL = NURL My problem is how can I manage the redirections. Should I: Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rule I created in phase 1 and add rules for OURLEX to NURL Or Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rule I created in phase 1 and add redirect OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: remove the rule I created in phase 1 and add redirect OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create a rules for each OURL that will redirect all the pages to OURLEX Phase 2: remove the rules I created in phase 1 and redirect the OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create a rules for each OURL that will redirect all the pages to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rules I created in phase 1 and add rules to redirect the OURLEX to the NURL Or something else you think is better Difficult to explain, let me know if it's understandable. Thanks for you help! GaB

    | Pherogab

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