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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi SEOmozzers!  I'm the Dr./owner/in-house SEO for my eye care practice.  The URL is  Our practice is in O'Fallon, MO.  Since I'm an optometrist, my main keywords are "optometrist o'fallon" and "o'fallon optometrist". As I get more familiarity with SEO, Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools, I've discovered the Keywords that Google feels best represent my website.  About a week ago I noted Google counted 21 instances of "optometrist" on the 28-30 pages of my website, which ranks as #32 in the most common keywords.  #1 is "eye" with 506 instances. Even though 21 occurrences seemed low, I went though every page adding "optometrist" a couple times in the body where it would naturally be appropriate.  I also added it to the address shown on the footer of every page.  I changed the top navigation option of "meet Dr. Hegyi" to "our optometrist". I must have added at least 4 occurrences to every page on my site, and submitted for a re-crawl.  I even tried to scale back the "eye" occurrences on a few pages. Today I see that Google has re-crawled the site and the keywords have been updated.  "Optometrist has DROPPED from #32 to #33. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions why I'm not seeing increased occurrence in Googles eyes? I realize this may not be a big factor in SERPs, but every bit of on-page optimization helps. Or is this too minor of an issue to sweat? Thanks!

    | JosephHegyi

  • I am trying to understand why google isn't indexing key content on my site. is indexed and new pages show up in a couple of hours. My key content is 6 pages of information for each of 3000 events (driven by mySQL on a wordpress platform). These pages are reached via a search page, but no direct navigation from the home page. When I link to an event page from an indexed page it doesn't show up in search results. When I use fetch on webmaster tools the fetch is successful but is then not indexed - or if it does appear in results it's directed to the internal search page e.g. has been fetched and submitted with links but when I search for BeyondTransition Ironman Cozumel I get these results.... So what have I done wrong and how do I go about fixing it? All thoughts and advice appreciated Thanks Denis

    | beyondtransition

  • I think my ranking are not accurate... It says this but it think it is fault. Under here i put what it says. Is it possible that i get the wrong results? The site is And an other questions is : when people in spain search do they automaticly search on or ? | Mando a distancia
    | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   Mando distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 2 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   Mandos a distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   mandos distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   mandos distancias Keyword History Ranking Analysis | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces | | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | Mando distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 2 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | Mandos a distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | mandos distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | mandos distancias Keyword History Ranking Analysis | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |

    | seoroyal

  • Hi i have been waiting for a long time to buy [removed by admin] as i have the name and it is now up for sale for 12 dollars. but here is the problem. i am in spain at the moment and not due back for two weeks, i have joined go daddy as they say they have it up for sale at 12 dollars but after joining the site and trying to buy it i am coming across major problems as the screen is just coming blank. it is not taking me direct to the auction or buy now section of the site and i do not know what is going on. spent nearly four hours trying to sort this out. would anyone please help me find out what is going on as i really need this domain name for my site so i can start using the .com for the site and replace it with the

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Our site currently is focused in the USA and the entire site is in the English language.   We have considered broadening our scope to include content from foreign countries - i.e. Brazil. What is the best way to approach this -- can we use our existing domain and just have a specific section of the site that is dedicated to a particular Country with content translated into that Country's predominant language?    OR could this create SEO issues -- having a domain with both English and some other language? Would it be better to have this on a totally different domain with Country extension? This is totally foreign territory for me - bad pun intended. Any advice, help would be appreciated. Thanks. Matt

    | MWM3772

  • Google data show little or no traffic for some local and long tail keywords.  Do they just have a cut off that anything say under 50 keywords does not show up?  Is this data 100% accurate?  Are there other methods or tools for measuring this better? Thanks much!

    | BrandonWentland

  • Hi i have been redoing my site because i needed to start from scratch and as a result i lost a lot of rankings and traffic but things will get better when i have finished the site and got it the way i want it, but my question is. i am in spain at the moment and i looked at my site and foiund that it is not on the first page but in england it is on the first page and would like to know how i would need to improve this to make my site go on the front page for spain. Any advice would be great as i want to try and gain global traffic for the site

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I work for a marketing agency that just redesigned, rewrote and relaunched a client's website. They used to rank #4 on Google for the company's name (which is a fairly common one, for what it's worth). Now they're at #10 and want to know why. I'd like to explain to them what happened but don't know myself. Can someone explain it to me? And can I tell them if/when their ranking might go back up? In case this matters, I can tell you that it looks like Google hasn't yet crawled the new site. Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    | matt-14567

  • my clients site is When you enter that URL it redirects to, dont ask why, thats the way they set it up and thats what im stuck with. So, how do i resolve the 301 issue here. we want all things to point to, in terms of SEO but does the fact that there is a redirect going to /shop make this an issue? we appear to have: all these URL's go to the same same page so what is the best way to correct this? thanks for any help on this Lee

    | IPIM

  • hi Please see the URL
    The corresponding mobile version is If we search for "Google video leaks; Gmail to get a make over soon" on Google the mobi version comes up instead of the web version. One reason could be because of the browser title. We do use meta title in our web version of the article. For the past few months our mobi version of the file comes up higher on SERPs when compared to the web version. What could be the reason? regards

    | greyniumseo

  • In my webmaster tools account it says that I have almost 8000 crawl errors. Most of which are http 403 errors The urls are§ion=friends&module=profile&do=remove&member_id=224§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=166 And similar urls. I recently blocked crawl access to my members folder to remove duplicate errors but not sure how i can block access to these kinds of urls since its not really a folder thing. Any idea on how to?

    | NoahGlaser78

  • I Have a Wordpress Site, and just realized that the search results are being indexed on Google creating duplicate content. Whats the best way for me to stop these search result pages from being indexed without stopping the regulars and important pages and posts from being indexed as well? **The typical search query looks like this:  ** AND this also includes results that are linked to the "view more" such as: Your help would be much appreciated. regards Stef

    | stefanok

  • I hear a lot of conflicting opinions regarding when to use pages over posts. If you were using wordpress mainly as a static site and less of a blog would you use pages over posts? Let's say it is a yacht review site. Would you set up most of the content (boat review pages) as pages or posts? I hear some say in that case you would want to use mostly pages and use posts for news related items. Then there are others that suggest only making the few (contact, about, privacy, terms) as pages and everything else created as posts organized into categories. Any thoughts? Also, is there a tool to find out if a website that is not yours is using a page or a post? Thanks

    | PEnterprises

  • As the .htaccess file cannot be worked on, I added this php code 301 redirect if the URL does not contain a www on all the pages (small website - 10 pages) : header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); header( "Location: $location" ); I want to know if this is ok for SEO? Has anyone done this on a windows server? Or if you have any better methods, it would be great if you can share. Please help. Thanks.

    | ArjunRajkumar

  • I'm trying to find a program or a site that will give me quality traffic data. If I'm going into a presentation or simply a round one meeting I like to prepare a 1 pager with info I've found. Without authentication access to their Google Analytics I feel like I'm a step behind. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. -JoeGrrrcia


  • I have a domain name that is in use and has a domain age of 4 years.  My question is this, will taking that domain name and promoting it under a completely new business in a completely different industry with a totally different business model hurt getting this new business to rank? The domain name is my first and last name.  I've been promoting videos that I like under this domain name.  I would now like to use the domain name to promote my local SEO services.  Will this hurt my efforts to rank with search engines since Google and others have been indexing the site for a certain industry and topic? Thanks

    | fun52dig

  • We've just discovered that there are multiple duplicate URLs indexed for a site that we're working on. It seems that when new versions of the site was developed in the last couple of years, there were new page names and URL structures that were used. All of these seem to be showing up as Duplicate Meta Descriptions in Google's WMT, which is not surprising as they are basically the same page with the same content that are just sitting on different page names/URLs. This is an example of the situation, where URL 5 is the current version. Note: all the others are still live and resolve, although they are not linked to from the current site. URL 1: (Version 1 - January 2010) URL 2: (Version 2 - July 2010) URL 3: (Version 3 - November 2010) URL 4: (Version 4 - January 2011) URL 5: (Version 5 - April 2011) Presumably, this is a clear case of duplicate content. QUESTION: In order to solve it, shall we 301 all of the previous URLs to the current one - ie. Redirect URLs 1-4 to URL 5? Or, should some of them be NoIndexed? To complicate matters, there is Pagination on most of them. For example: URL 1: (Version 1 - January 2010) URL 1a: URL 1b: URL 1c: URL 4: URL 4a: URL 4b: URL 4c: URL 5: URL 5a: URL 5b: URL 5c: Since URL 5 is the current site, we are going to 'NoIndex, Follow' URLs 5a, 5b and 5c, which is what we understand to be the correct thing to do for paginated pages. QUESTION: What shall we do with URLs 1a, 1b and 1c? Should we apply the same "No Index, Follow" OR should they be 301'd to their respective counterparts in 5a, 5b and 5c? QUESTION: In the same way, since URL 4 is the version just before the current live Version 5, does it make a different on whether the paginated pages (ie 4a, 4b and 4c) should be No Indexed or 301'd? Thanks in advance for all responses and suggestions, it's greatly appreciated.

    | orangechew

  • Hi all We're looking at moving our 2 websites onto a cloud hosting package. The content on our sites is very similar (but not duplicated) so at the moment they are on separate servers. If we move to the cloud, is it enough for them to have different IP addresses on the same cloud system, or should we host in separate clouds? Thanks in advance Heather

    | heatherrobinson

  • A friend of mine has a site ( ) that was ranking number one for their key word (Drimnagh() and has now completely disappeared off of the ranking.  I did some checking and can't see a problem.  She does have duplicate meta and titles throughout but this shouldn't be a punishable offence that I know of and is something that I am going to correct with a quick plugin install. I couldn't see any redirects or code stopping search either.  When you do site:URL it shows up OK as well. She is client of mine (for website not for SEO) and she is really upset about it so any help from the forum would be appreciated.  This isn't even a site I did but you couldn't get a better person to work with so I am eager to help where and if possible. Guinness all round if someone solves it next time you are in Ireland

    | kdaly100

  • I am revamping my website ( It's going to be major and I am concerned about the potential traffic loss since over 60% of my overall traffic comes from organic search results in the military basic training area. Are there any good SEO website templates I can start from? I see a lot out there but would prefer the advice of professionals. Thanks

    | TheVolkinator

  • Google webmaster tools shows a 400 eroor for an old  link that contains a 30% off in it. The problem is the % I would like to 301 redirect this link :,-35%-OFF-Printable-Certificates-Blank-Gift-Certificates/c1353_1354_1359/index.html to We do not know how to do this in httaccess. Can you please advise? Thanks a lot! Madlena

    | Madlena

  • Hi There, My IT colleagues are trying to improve performance on our homepage, and they suggest to use Json. They were inspired by Facebook that uses json. Now they ask me if this can have an impact on SEO. Most expert readings point to this page Fine. Can anyone explain me in a few simple words how I should proceed when I want to optimize my homepage for both performance and crawling when using json. Do i need 2 separate pages (ugly/pretty)? Kind regards Pieter

    | TruvoDirectories

  • I've been working in digital marketing for a few years and over the past 2, I've concentrated on getting my head around (or trying to!) the world of SEO. Everything from reading this forum, listening to webinars and re-reading the beginners guide to SEO has provided me with the confidence to put in actionable insights into my work such as on page optimisation, keyword research, link build and passing this knowledge onto co-workers However, one area I am beginning to realise is just as important is having the ability to code for yourself. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction of where to start, what I program I should concentrate on? and what I shuld focus my energies on? Any help would be great Simon

    | simonsw

  • Hi there, I have just noticed that SEOmoz picked up some duplicates links that I would like to resolve but not sure how. For example, the "Finding work in the arts" article has two links: Both links can be found on this page (see attachment). Would automatically generated canonical tags by the CMS solve this issue? rmxiP

    | CreativeChoices

  • I've read a few posts saying not shorten links at all but we have a lot to tweet and need to. Is googles shortener the best option? I've considered linking to the category index page the article is on and expect the user to find the article and click on the article, I don't like the experience that creates though. I've considered making the article permalink tiny but I would lose the page title being in the url. Is this the best option?

    | Aviawest

  • Hello all -- just looking for those who have implemented site-wide 301 redirects due to a domain change. I am about 2 weeks into mine and am seeing minimum 5, maximum 21 spot drops in many of my targeted terms. My pages have strong GPR, with most being 3 or higher. Anyone out there been able to track a ballpark of when rank will return? The 301 redirects were implemented correctly, with 1 to 1 setups in most cases. Google has updated the listings with the new domain name, but I'm taking a huge rank hit. Any experience on how long I can expect (I know it's different for every situation) would be great! Thanks.

    | Bandicoot

  • Hi all, The online marketing manager requested to make a tree-like map of the website. He means that he would like to see a graphical representation of the website and his contents. This way we will be able to see if there are internal link issues. The problem is that there are thousands of pages and many subdomains, manual labour would make this a very tedious task. If you would get this question, how would you try to solve this? Any software recommendation?

    | djingel1

  • MozBot crawled a found a couple errors that isn't included on my sitemap plugin, such as duplicate page content on author pages. Should I worry about things not on my sitemap?

    | 10JQKAs

  • It's widely accepted that in title tags, the first word ranks the highest, and each word after that contributes less than the one before. So a page with the title "Philadelphia Parks" will rank higher than "Parks in Philadelphia" for Philadelphia, but the second page will rank higher for Parks. With this in mind, which keywords should I put first in the title tags of my product pages? Brand name? Product SKU? Is it better to prioritze general words with higher search volume (more impressions) or more specific terms with lower search volume (stronger long tail)? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks

    | AmericanOutlets

  • I'm doing some research for the term "love quotes" I'm trying to understand why following URL is ranking so high it only has one link? Any advise would be appreciated. Rgds Mark

    | relientmark

  • Hi, i have a question regarding iframes and SEO. I know iframes are bad practice but if you have a brand new domain and want to improve its ranking more quickly, you can host the website file in a higher authority domain, and load an iframe on the new domain. Is this true? For example, if I build and host the website files on (domain authority 48), and then load the pages within an iframe on (domain authority 5), will that help increase the domain rank for What are the advantages (if any) and disadvantages for each domain and if we do this? Thanks

    | Essentia

  • I often have other websites link to my website.  They will do this with an image that they pull off of my website.  (actually my website continues to serve the image).  These inbound links are great, but they don't have alt text.   Is there a way for me to attach alt text to the images, or is this something the other website needs to code themselves?

    | EugeneF

  • Let's imagine that you own a successful website that publishes a lot of syndicated news articles and syndicated columnists. Your visitors love these articles and columns but the search engines see them as duplicate content. You worry about being viewed as a "content farm" because of this duplicate content and getting the Panda penalty. So, you decide to continue publishing the content and use... <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow"> This allows you do display the content for your visitors but it should stop the search engines from indexing any pages with this code.  It should also allow robots to spider the pages and pass link value through them. I have two questions..... If you use "noindex" will that be enough to prevent your site from being considered as a content farm? Is there a better way to continue publication of syndicated content but protect the site from duplicate content problems?

    | EGOL

  • Hi i done a post a while ago about a compeditor stealing content from our site time and time again and this morning i have found a referal link from a site that i am not sure what it does and would like more info please. The site is I have read about the site and I am just wondering if people can use this site to copy our site any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Is it safe to remove old 301 Redirects from an SEO standpoint and can 301s dramatically affect seo? Prior to switching our old domain over to our new domain, we had (and currently still do) tons of 301 redirects, because of optimizing our file names and structure. Then our old domain was redirected to our new domain in the same redirect file. So that being said, now that our new domain has been up and running for about 3 months, would it be safe for me to get rid of the old 301 redirects and redirect anything that was on our old domain to our new domains home page? This would clean up our redirects tremendously and I hope would help with SEO.

    | hfranz

  • Should I use a 301 redirect for redirect to or use a rel=canonical?? Thanks!

    | LeslieVS

  • I have read here that domain names with keywords might add a boost to your search rank For instance using a completely inane example might get a boost compared to (monkey fighting league)  when searching for "monkey fights" There seems to be a hot debate as to how much bonus the first domain might get over the second, but leaving that aside for the moment. Question 1. Would get the same kind of bonus as a root domain bonus? Question 2. If the answer to 1 above was yes would a 301 redirect from the suddomain URL to root domain URL retain that bonus I was just thinking on how hard it is to get root domains these days that are not either being squatted on etc. and if this might be a way to get the same bonus, or maybe subdomains are less bonus prone and so it would be a waste of time Thanks

    | bThere

  • Quick question, Assume my keyword is the German soccer team "1.FC Nuremberg". What is the best URL design to target that keyword? or Any thoughts? Does it make - even a tiny - difference? /Thomas

    | tomypro

  • Hi my site which is a lifestyle magazine has gone under a major refit. I am still working on it but it should be ready by the end of this week or sooner but one problem i have is, google is not visiting the site. I took a huge gamble to redo the site, even though before the refit i was getting a few thousand visitors a day, i wanted to make the site better as i was getting google webmaster errors. But now it seems google is not visiting the site. for example i am using sh404sef and i have put friendly url in the site and on the home page it has its name and meta tag but when you look at google it is not giving the site a name. Also it has not visited the site since october 13th Can anyone advise how to encourage google to visit the site please.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Can you please advise me on services that submit urls for socialbookmarks, directories and various back links.  Such as , I seem to be running across quite a few different services that appear to be legitimate but I'm obviously suspicious of anything that seems too easy. Have you guys hear of dripfeedblasts and do you have any recommendations for this type of tool, or would you suggest staying away from them all together. I'm a novice and trying to learn time saving strategies to save on hiring additional manpower. Thanks

    | jjwelu

  • Hi guys I'm after some help with trying to achieve the following: 1. Canonicalise to http://www. 2. Remove the index.php from root and subfolders. I have the .htaccess code below, which seemed to work fine, but the urls use the POST method and this isn't working with the rewrites. Can anyone please advise as to what I am doing wrong? As you can probably guess .htaccess isn't my strongest SEO discipline! The code I have is: http:// to http://www. RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] /index.php to / Options +FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.php\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ [R=301,L] Subdirectory /index.php to / RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\ /([^/]+/)index.(php|html|htm?)[#?]?
    RewriteRule ^(([^/]+/))index.(php|html|htm?)$$1 [R=301,L] Just to add to this I have found this which I think is what I need to restrict it to GET: RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php [NC]RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php/*(.*) /$1$2 [R=301,L] Thank you in advance for any suggestions as to how I may put this code together.. Trevor

    | TrevorJones

  • Hi Guys, So here's the deal. Let's say I have a site at which talks about tomatoes, and I also have a subsection that talks about potatoes at I want to stop providing information about potatoes altogether so i'm thinking about doing a 301 redirection from all of the pages at*) to the home page. The thing is, actually has a great page authority (3475 links from 145 domains) so I really don't wan to lose all that juice... Here are my questions: Will the links be added to the ones i have for the homepage already? Since my home page and my /potatoes section ranked for 2 different subjects, how is this transfer going to affect my rankings for the homepage? will it now also rank for both tomatoes AND potatoes? How much time does it usually take for google to recognize the 301 and pass the link juice? Any other tips on optimizing this process? Thank you for your time! -francois

    | nyakim

  • My website has around 900 incoming links and I have a Google 50 penalty that is sitewide. I have been doing research and from what I can see is that the 50 penalty is usually associated with scetchy links. The penalty started last year. I had about 40 related domains to my main site and each had a simple one page site with a link to the main site. (I know I screwed up) I cleaned up all of those links by removing them. The single page site still exist, but they have no links and several of them still rank very well. I also had an outside SEO person that bought a few links. I came clean with Google and told them everything. I gave them all of my sites and that the SEO person had bought links. I gave them full disclosure and removed everything. I have one site that I can't get the link removed from. I have contacted them numerous times to remove the link and I get no response. I am curious if anyone has had a simular experience and how they corrected the situation. Another issue is that my site is "thin" because its an ecommerce affiliate site and full of affiliate links. I work in the costume market. I'm also afraid that I have other bad links pointing to my site. Dooes anyone know of a tool to identify bad links that Google may be penalizing me for at this time. Here is Google's latest denial of my reconsideration request. Dear site owner or webmaster of We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines. In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines. If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit and resubmit your site for reconsideration. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality

    | tadden

  • Hello, I have a website having many subdomains having same copy of content i think its harming my SEO for that site since abc and xyz sub domains do have same contents. Thus i require to know i have already deleted required subdomain DNS RECORDS now how to have those pages removed from Google index as  well ? The DNS Records no more exists for those subdomains already.

    | anand2010

  • Hi, Sometimes Google does not show the page you intended for a certain keyword. Logically you would say that the intended page is not relevant/strong enough. But in my case several pages ranked fine for a long period of time and all of a sudden another less important page gets the highest result on a keyword search. (We are in the camping business) For instance: One of our campsites called Tenuta primero used to rank position 9 in google with page below for a long time (search: 'camping tenuta primero') This was the page we intended to rank with. Now all of a sudden the position for search 'camping tenuta primero' is position 33 with review page below. What could have caused this? Pages are in Dutch but main keywords are camping are tenuta primero. Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Dennis Overbeek | |

    | SEO_ACSI

  • MOZ Helpers, Currently our clients videos are hosted on Viemo and that will not change as our client likes the creative/artist vibe and community via Viemo. That being said we need to create a video sitemap. BTW, Our site uses wordpress. When someone in house uploads a video in the future we want them to be able to enter the video title, description, and tags on the video and when they hit "update" the video and information will get added to our video site map. Wistia has this option here , but like I mentioned above our client has all videos via Viemo. I found a Google XML wordpress plugin, but that said it only works for Youtube video's. The Jr. developer is not confident in creating one himself from the Google webmaster instructions and asked me to search for another solution. Check out the attached pic, that is what I am looking for. Is their a plugin or another option where we can use for easy sitemap updating and management for our Viemo videos? Thanks in advance! M video-seo-dialog.png?id=video-seo video-seo-dialog.png?id=video-seo

    | matthew-220200

  • Hey Mozzers, So I've been reading somethings lately and some are saying that the top search engines do not use ror.xml sitemap but focus just on the sitemap.xml.  Is that true? Do you use ror? if so, for what purpose, products, "special articles", other uses? Can sitemap be sufficient for all of those? Thank you, Vadim

    | vijayvasu

  • I would like to see if there is a way to add conditional logic to the robots.txt file so that when we push from DEV to PRODUCTION and the robots.txt file is pushed, we don't have to remember to NOT push the robots.txt file OR edit it when it goes live. My specific situation is this: I have, and and somehow google has indexed the and and I'd like these to be removed from google's index as they are causing duplicate content. Should I: a) add 2 new GWT entries for and and VERIFY ownership - if I do this, then when the files are pushed to LIVE won't the files contain the VERIFY META CODE for the DEV version even though it's now LIVE? (hope that makes sense) b) write a robots.txt file that specifies "DISALLOW:" is that possible? I have only seen examples of DISALLOW with a "/" in the beginning... Hope this makes sense, can really use the help!  I'm on a Windows Server 2008 box running ColdFusion websites.

    | ErnieB

  • Do search engines (specifically Google) crawl the url in the canonical tag as it loads or do they load the whole page before crawling it? Thanks,


  • IMy website is Costume Machine at . My site has been banned for 1 year now. I have requested that google reconsider my site 3 times without luck. The site is dynamic and basically pulls in feeds from affiliate sites. We have added over 1,500 pages of original content. The site has been running great since 2008 without any penalties. I don't think I got hit with any linking penalty. I cleaned up all questionable links last November when the penalty hit. Am I being hit with a "thin" site penalty? If that is the issue what is the best way to fix the problem?

    | tadden

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