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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I built a blog on my root domain while I worked on another part of the site at I was really careful not to have any links go to alpha - but it seems google found and indexed it. The problem is that part of alpha was a copy of the blog - so now soon we have a lot of duplicate content. The /alpha part is now ready to be taken over to the root domain, the initial plan was to then delete /alpha. But now that its indexed I'm worried that Ill have all these 404 pages. I'm not sure what to do.. I know I can just do a 301 redirect for all those pages to go to the other ones in case a link comes on but I need to delete those pages as the server is already very slow. Or does a 301 redirect mean that I don't need those pages anymore? Will those pages still get indexed by google as separate pages? Please assist.

    | borderbound

  • Is there an advantage/disadvantage to adding an .html suffix to urls in a CMS like WordPress. Plugins exist to do it, but it seems better for the user to leave it off. What do search engines prefer?

    | Cornucopia

  • I'm just entering the process of switching web developer companies, and I was wondering what process would be best for redirecting our old product (new and used cars) pages.  Our current design leaves much to be desired seo wise (, and redirecting all of them seems like it would be pretty complicated. In addition to that, we currently have 35,000 pages.  Is there a practical way to do redirects with this many pages?

    | ResslerMotors

  • My website has a QnA site - a bit like this one except  it's not private to premium members. It is a page with a left colomn for category links and it has a list of recently asked questions, each question is a link to view the full question and answers etc. Does google know this is a QnA ? Or will it say - hey, there are far too many links on this page, tut tut. Is there anything I can do to help it understand what the page is.

    | borderbound

  • Hi, We are thinking of moving a domain from a   .net  extension to a .com because of internal political reason. It's a french website with 3 000 pages.The organic trafic is  65 % from France and 35 % from Canada. We have decent rankings and we have around 150 000 organic visits/month. For sure,if we move the site, we will do all the rigth 301 redirect. We will also use Google Webmaster Tools to tell the new location of the site. But even if we do all the best practices. What would be the impact of changing the extension. Is anyone had some experience with this ? I will really like to have your opinion on this. Thanks Rick

    | Adviso

  • I have installed the chrome extension "Check my links". Now how do i run this extension to check links. Which button should i click on ? Thanks a lot for your patience !  I know this is a very simple question.

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi SEOMozzies, Love the Q&A resource and already found lots of useful stuff too! I just started as an in-house SEO at a retailer and my first main challenge is to tidy up the complex URL structures and remove the ugly sub sitemap approach currently used. I already found a number of suggestions but it looks like I am dealing with a number of challenges that I need to resolve in a single release. So here is the current setup: The website is an ecommerce site (department store) with around 30k products. We are using multi select navigation (non Ajax). The main website uses a third party search engine to power the multi select navigation, that search engine has a very ugly URL structure. For example www.domain.tld/browse?location=1001/brand=100/color=575&size=1&various other params, or for multi select URL’s www.domain.tld/browse?location=1001/brand=100,104,506/color=575&size=1 &various other non used URL params. URL’s are easily up to 200 characters long and non-descriptive at all to our users. Many of these type of URL’s are indexed by search engines (we currently have 1.2 million of those URL’s indexed including session id’s and all other nasty URL params) Next to this the site is using a “sub site” that is sort of optimized for SEO, not 100% sure this is cloaking but it smells like it. It has a simplified navigation structure and better URL structure for products. Layout is similair to our main site but all complex HTMLelements like multi select, large top navigations menu's etc are all removed. Many of these links are indexed by search engines and rank higher than links from our main website. The URL structure is www.domain.tld/1/optimized-url .Currently 64.000 of these URL’s are indexed. We have links to this sub site in the footer of every page but a normal customer would never reach this site unless they come from organic search. Once a user lands on one of these pages we try to push him back to the main site as quickly as possible. My planned approach to improve this: 1.)    Tidy up the URL structure in the main website (e.g. www.domain.tld/women/dresses and www.domain.tld/diesel-red-skirt-4563749. I plan to use Solution 2 as described in to block multi select URL’s from being indexed and would like to use the URL param “location” as an indicator for search engines to ignore the link. A risk here is that all my currently indexed URL (1.2 million URL’s) will be blocked immediately after I put this live. I cannot redirect those URL’s to the optimized URL’s as the old URL’s should still be accessible. 2.)    Remove the links to the sub site (www.domain.tld/1/optimized-url) from the footer and redirect (301) all those URL’s to the newly created SEO friendly product URL’s. URL’s that cannot be matched since there is no similar catalog location in the main website will be redirected (301) to our homepage. I wonder if this is a correct approach and if it would be better to do this in a phased way rather than the currently planned big bang? Any feedback would be highly appreciated, also let me know if things are not clear. Thanks! Chris

    | eCommerceSEO

  • I have just ran a report in seomoz on my domain and has noticed that there are duplicate content issues, the issues are: www.domainname/directory-name/ www.domainname/directory-name/index.php All my internal links and external links point to the first domain, as i prefer this style as it looks clear & concise, however doing this has created duplicate content as within the site itself i have an index.php page inside this /directory-name/ to show the page. Could anyone give me some advice on what i should do please? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • Hi, We've done mod-rewrite to our .php files to show .htm files several years ago for SEO purposes. My question is, doing this has become a hassle for adding new pages, etc. and I'd like to make a clean break with the .htm and move to their real file names and or directories (e.g. company.htm --> /company/ ). What kind of ranking penalty am I looking at if we switch? We're a small company with billion dollar competitors so a rank loss would be fairly devastating. I assume I'd need to do 301 redirects for all of the old file names (obviously yes for the change from page to directories) but for each individual page? Thanks, Matt

    | mynewco

  • Does the first anchor text link rule ( the first link is given weight ) applies to links in the body of the content only. If there are links in the drop down menu, and in the body of the content, does the above rule applies to links in the drop down menu.

    | seoug_2005

  • I run an ecommerce site with close to 2000 products. Nearly every page in the catalog has a too many on-page links error because of the navigation sidebar, which has several flyout layers of nested links. What can/should I do about this? Will it affect my rankings at all? Thanks

    | AmericanOutlets

  • Hi everyone, just a quick question, what are your views on the use of strong tags in content? how many is too many? What is you have strong tags around every keywords for a sentance etc?

    | pauledwards

  • Hi everybody. One of my clients is looking to move their e-commerce site to a new platform in the next few weeks. However, they been told by several sources that traffic will drop after a migration, which they want to avoid in the run up to Christmas. I've not heard this before, and I thought as long as you pay attention to structure, indexing and redirects a migration should have no impact. We'd be moving to a site with cleaner code, so surely there wouldn't be some kind of penalty for that? Your thoughts would be great! S

    | neooptic

  • Still one week left for my trial. I did not get the result I wanted to have on my ranking, I know it takes time and patience to get there. Even if I consider myself as tech savvy, I have the impression that even if you have the best tools to monitor what is going on that you still have to spend to much time to get better ranking. I would prefer to give the contract to someone else rather than spending time trying to figure out what is going on. I am in some sort of a catch22. I need to increase my ranking, I know my competitors have more backlinks then I can possibly reach ( we have 55 and they have around to 78000). I am wondering how they got all these backlinks in just 2 years. We've been in business much longer.. I could confirmed that my On-page SEO is very good, it's really on my backlinks that I have problems. I see already some of you saying that I have to create rich content, but for a B2B companiy, it's not as easy to generate the proper content and get the backlinks needed. Is there a very quick way to increase backlinks very quickly ?

    | processia

  • Hello, I have around 100,000 Error pages showing in Google Webmaster Tools. I want to block specific components like com_fireboard, com_seyret,com_profiler etc. Few examples: I tried blocking using robots.txt. Just used this Disallow: /com_fireboard/
    Disallow: /com_seyret/ But its not working. Can anyone suggest me to solve this problem. Many Thanks Shradda

    | TheMartingale

  • Let's say you are doing seo for a company that sells  5000 widgets. Let's call their site ... They have already set up ( purchased ) many domains such as which is one of the widgets they have on their main site. so they might have several hundred of these domains. What is the best use of these domains? Would it be : Have those pages be landing pages with content and pictures and optimized with a link to their main site widget page? Or have that domain have a 301 redirect to go  their main site, to the particular page showing that widget for sale off their main site? Miscellaneous sidebar question - Since both the main site widget page and the widget domain might be in competition and might have duplicate content, what are the ramifications of not using the canonical tag, and what other considerations might there be? How much must be duplicate content before considering using the canonical tag?

    | highersourcesites

  • Hello everybody, I used the open site explorer to check where my competitor has links and try to put mine there too. However I am extremely confused with the results. Eg the first link to my competitor coming from a domain with authority 91, is a download file. The other one is a link from ups, the courier service. When I click on it I get an access denied.The other one comes from samsung and when I click on it, I download an swf file. Next one, and it downloads a wp file. If I keep clicking on these links, in the end I am going to get a virus or something and learn nothing about what my competitor does. Any one have a clue how they managed to get linked like that?

    | polyniki

  • We switched over from our standard XML sitemap to a sitemap index. Our old sitemap was called sitemap.xml and the new one is sitemapindex.xml. In Webmaster Tools it still shows the old sitemap.xml as valid. Also when you land on our sitemap.xml it will display the sitemap index, when really the index lives on sitemapindex.xml. The reason you can see the sitemap on both URLs is because this is set from the sitemap plugin. So the question is, should we change the plugin setting to let the old sitemap.xml 404, or should we allow the new sitemap index to be accessed on both URLs?

    | Hakkasan

  • I saw that the website outranks for the therm "comunicate de presa" in SERP even though .ro beats .net in every seo indicator (links, domains linking, fb likes, g+, onpage etc) I saw that returns a lot of *.doc files with a title that contains the kw ("comunicate de presa"). Ex: It seems a little suspicios to me.Did anyone see this before (google giving higher importance to doc files)? Does anyone know why .net site is ranking better?


  • Some say hyphenated domain names are "spammy". I have also noticed that Moz's On Page Keyword Tool does NOT recognize keywords in a non-hyphenated domain name. So one would assume neither do the bots. I noticed obviously misleading words like car in carnival or spa in space or spatula, etc embedded in domain names and pondered the effect. I took it a step further with non-hyphenated domain names. I experimented by selecting totally random three or four letter blocks - Example: - rand omf act gene rator Each one of those clips returns copious results AND the On-Page Report Card does not credit the domain name as containing "random facts" as keywords**,** whereas does get credit for "business sales sarasota" in the URL. This seems an obvious situation - unhyphenated domains can scramble the keywords and confuse the bots, as they search all possible combinations. YES -  I know the content should carry it but - I do not believe domain names are irrelevant, as many say. I don't believe that hyphenated domain names are not more efficient than non hyphenated ones - as long as you don't overdo it. I have also seen where a weak site in an easy market  will quickly top the list because the hyphenated domain name matches the search term - I have done it (in my pre Seo Moz days) with I built the site in a couple of days and in a couple weeks it was on page one. Any thoughts on this?

    | dcmike

  • Hi all, I have read that a title tag and description tag length of 69 and 156 characters respectively, should be used as this is all that Google will show in the search results, but that search engine robots will read longer titles and descriptions and additional characters will have an effect on ranking algorithms. However, is there any SEO benefit in making title and description tags longer to include more keywords to aid ranking, even though the latter part won't be visible in the results. I have read elsewhere on this forum that there may be concerns with regards to keyword dilution, but what about keyword reinforcement, i.e. by a repetition of the main keyword at the end of the title/description (I mean in a readable manner here, not 'stuffed')? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    | gdavies09031977

  • About 2 months ago one of our clients renamed a section of his website. The worst part is that the URLs of the page also changed. New page: Old page: The problem now is that the new page get absolutely no page-rank transfered from the old page. It also get no mozrank at all. Also if I try to find it in the Open Site Explorer it can not be found.The old page can, but not the new one. We have updated the sitemap.xml and also done proper 301 redirect for the pages since about 2 months. Any ideas here? This page was a very important page in terms of traffic so very much thankful for any input. Have a great day Fredrik

    | Resultify

  • For example, I'm wondering if is better than I'm currently using the structure as our canonical page for content. I'm also wondering, if the parameter doesn't affect crawling, if it would hurt rankings in any way. Thanks!

    | Intridea

  • We are looking at implementing an XML and JavaScript driven UI where a user can toggle certain filters to display the matching products. This functionality is going to replace an existing catalogue page which contains static HTML content with dynamically generated content. The new JavaScript driven UI will contain the same links, eg ‘Buy’, ‘More Info’ and well as some additional content, for each product, but is not rendered on the page by the server. If we implement the previous static ‘catalogue’ by placing it within the <noscript>tag, but have the new functionality in the <script> tag:</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span><span>1)<span>      </span></span></span><span>Which will take precedence in Google’s crawl</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span><span>2)<span>      </span></span></span><span>Is this acceptable / best practice</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span>Any help you could provide would be great.</span></p></noscript>

    | Daylan

  • We run a blog/video real estate site ( as one of the venues for sponsored content for our clients looking for off-page SEO and inbound links. I'm working with a client who we've linked to a handful of times in the last few weeks, but I'm not seeing any external links from our site on PRO/OSE. Come to find that our writer has been linking to, instead of, which is the canonical site.  I wouldn't have thought that this would make a difference, and about an hour of web research seems to confirm that it shouldn't make a difference, save for losing a little bit of SEO credit. What am I missing?  Any input would be appreciated.

    | mikescotty

  • Has anyone done any experimentation on how Google treats links that are on a page that is being "rel canonical'd" to another page? For eg, has a canonical pointing to How does Google treat the internal links that are on page

    | Burgo

  • It used to by that we needed to just submit a product type, and now Google wants a google product type that fits within the Google Taxonomy. We always submitted the old product_type in accordance with the Google Taxonomy anyway so now we have 2 columns one for google_product_type and one for just product_type and they are the exact same thing. This seems wrong but does anyone know if there should be a difference?

    | KentH

  • I use the same rewrite code on every site to consolidate the non-www and www versions. All sites in Joomla, linux hosting. Code is as follows: RewriteEngine On rewritecond %{http_host} ^ rewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R=301,L] Immediately following this code, I also rewrite /index.php to /. Thing is, I can get index.php to rewrite correctly but the non-www won't rewrite to www. I use the same code on every site but for some reason it's not working here. Are there common issues that interfere with rewriting a non-www to www in htaccess that could be interfering with the code I'm using above?

    | Caleone

  • For example, I have a page A that should be redirected to page D, but instead A redirects to B, B redirects to C and C redirects to D. It's something I came across and wondering if its worth the dev time to change it. Thanks!

    | pbrothers24

  • Hey folks, I have a weird problem and currently no idea how to fix it. We have a lot of pages showing up as duplicates although they are the same page, the only difference is the url structure. They seem to show up like: and What would I need to do to force the URLs into one format or the other to avoid having that one page counting as two? The same issue pops up with upper and lower case: and Is there any solution to this or would I need to forward them with 301s or similar? Thanks, Mike

    | Malarowski

  • Hi Everyone, I ran into a problem I didn't know I had (Thanks to the seomoz tool) regarding duplicate content. my site is oxford ms and when I built the site, the web developer used php to build it.  After he was done I saw that the URL's looking like this "/blake_listings.php?page=0" and I wanted them like this "/blakes-listings" He changed them with no problem and he did the same with all 300 pages or so that I have on the site.  I just found using the crawl diagnostics tool that I have like 3,000 duplicate content issues. Is there an easy fix to this at all or does he have to go in and 301 Redirect EVERY SINGLE URL? Thanks for any help you can give.

    | blake-76624

  • Is it important to select the right category for directory listings from an SEO point of view? I have located  2 appropriate categories in for my website: Category 1 = PR 5, Page Authority 53 Category 2 = PR 4, Page Authority 44 I presume number of links on the page is also a factor.

    | martyc

  • Hi there, At the company i am currently working for we have a problem with shortcut url with tracking in it. They send a lot of brochures with a shortcut URL which redirects to the page of the event with tagging. For example The real URL is: The URL in the brochure is: this then redirects to: h
    ttp:// Now we can measure the effect of the brochure on on-line traffic and conversion. This is great but a lot of website link to that shortcut url and if the event is put offline the links to it generate an 404. We have now about 800 backlinks that generate this 404 and i want to fix it. Another big problem  "i think" is the possibility that google will index this url with tagging. Now i have 2 options: 1. look at al the url with that 404 and redirect them with a 301 to the best page 2. create the shortcut on an page that is most suitable but then i will get the tagging in the URL and i guess google will see this as dublicate content. It is possible that in the future the shortcut url will be used again. What would you suggest as the best sollution.

    | RuudHeijnen

  • Hi Everyone, I wonder what do you think about the HUB technique: #1. You make one post/page with most info about your targeted key-phrase and link to it from all other posts related to that key-phrase OR #2. In Wp for example you make a Category called Your-Key-Phrase and use the Category Description to add some useful content key-phrase related, and post all articles related to that key-phrase under that category so that when viewed the category at say: you see the category description followed by all the articles (excerpts) in that category. So, what do you think works best? Thank you, Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • What is the convinience of using html5 for seo.As i read is not too good using many h1 in each metacontent (due to crawler alerts) , but it is good to use html5. We have follow or so this web guidelines whtat do you think about taht?

    | ofuente

  • Hello Folks, I'm curious why my landing page is ranking at #1 on ( brazil ). keyword: build wizard diablo 3. My lp is above well know domain names such as: , , and also above a keyworded domain name: Is just because my website is focus in brazilian google( ) or is because my landing page are better than the others( i don't think so)? Thanks.

    | augustos

  • Hi everyone, we just launched this new site and I just ran it through SEOmoz and I got a bunch of duplicate page content errors. Here's one example -- it says these 3 are duplicate content: You'll see from the pages that the titles, images and small pieces of the copy are all unique -- but there is some copy that is the same (after all, these are pretty much the same shoe, just a different color). So, why am I getting this error and is there any best way to address? Thanks so much!

    | ketanmv

  • Hey guys! Suppose I disallow search bots from indexing anything on my secure server in my robots.txt, and 301 redirect all of my secure server traffic to my non-secure site.  Will the search bots see the redirect before they realize that they're disallowed from accessing that page?  Or will they see that page is disallowed and not follow the redirect? Should I change my robots.txt to allow search bots to crawl my secure site so they can find the redirects?

    | john4math

  • Hi, I would like information on RSS Feed creation & submission This RSS was created for me... (when I try to subscribe using Google chrome a html page appears saying 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.' seems to work in Firefox & IE I then decided to create an RSS with Google Feed Burner using the link above and from that this is my new url I'm just wondering am I going the right way about doing things here? Also, I plan on submitting the RSS feed to to other rss feed sites. Should I submit the First RSS or the Feedburner RSS? Thank you kindly.

    | Socialdude

  • I currently have a site ( that runs everything as http, recently we decided to start an online application to process loan apps. Now, for one certain section we configured ssl to work ( If I go to the HTTPS url for any of my other pages they show up...I was going to just 301 everything from https but because it is in a subdirectiory I can't... Also, canonical URL's won't work either because it's a totally different system and the pages are generated in an odd manor. It's really just 1 page that needs to be disallowed.. Is there any way to disallow all HTTPS requests from robots.txt while keeping all the HTTP requests working as normal?

    | WebsiteConsultants

  • What is advisable link count that you see in SEOMOZ crawl report?

    | gmk1567

  • What will be the advisable "Link_count" that you in the Pro crawl report?

    | NYC

  • We created a product blog page that was highly optimized for SEO based on a recommendation from a colleague. These are now our best performing pages - however they do not convert as highly as the bona-fide product pages. After further investigation we're concerend that we shouldn't have split our content accross two pages - keyword cannibalisation. Is this correct and should we 301 our product blog pages to the other high converting pages?

    | JohnHillman

  • I am attempting to fix the issues SEOmoz found when crawling my site. I have a list of 4XX errors that I am attempting to fix. Basically I know one option is to redirect them to another page, but I would like to have the option to remove the links completely. The only problem is I can not find where the links are located. Does SEOmoz provide where on my site these broken links are? Or do they only provide the url that is linked to?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hi there I have a website which has some png images on pages, around 300kb - is this too much? How many kbs a page, to what extent do you know does Google care about page load speed? is every kb important, is there a limit? Any advice much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • Now that Google considers subdomains as part of the TLD I'm a little leery of testing robots.txt with something like:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: / in fear it might get the blocked as well. Has anyone had any success using robots.txt to block sub-domains? I know I could add a meta robots tag to the pages but that would require a lot more work.

    | fthead9

  • I have recently become a pro member of SEOmoz and I've been going through the crawl diagnostics summary in an attempt to fix some of the errors. Currently I have 2,167 pages where the title element is too long. I would like to fix this, but I have certain keywords present on all of the pages that I am ranking first for. I am afraid if I take these words out of my titles it will hurt my rank for those keywords. Is it better to leave the keywords in or remove them to get under the 70 character mark?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hi i keep getting messages about this 123 reg service which i use to buy some of my domain names and i would like to know what you think of the instant traffic service they offer where they register your domain with search engines. Does this service work or is it a waste of money and you should do it manually. Please let me know what you think. I have put the info below increase web traffic and get to pole position With 123-reg InstantTraffic, we don’t just get your site listed on search engines – we help you gain pole position! Increase your visitor numbers Pip your competitors to the post Stay visible - guaranteed InstantTraffic uses real-time search engine data and analysis tools to get your site listed and let you know how it’s performing against similar websites. Please don't buy InstantTraffic if you already use one of our ecommerce packages on the same domain name. The two packages cannot be used together. To get started: choose the website you would like to optimise from the drop-down list below and then choose your InstantTraffic pack. If your domain name is not listed you will first £19.99

    | ClaireH-184886

  • What is the group's opinion on whether or not the <title>tag should have the exact same text as the <h1> tag on the same page? Obviously both should contain the phrase that page is optimized for but is it better to have them be variants of each other, or both the same and maybe equal to the key phrase that page is optimized for? Thanks.</p> <p>Example:</p> <blockquote style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #f7f7f7; padding-top: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 5px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: auto; font-family: monospace;"> <p>title: los angeles blue widgets</p> <p>h1: los angeles blue widgets</p> </blockquote> <p>Or,</p> <blockquote style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #f7f7f7; padding-top: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 5px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: auto; font-family: monospace;"> <p>title: los angeles blue widgets</p> <p>h1: blue widgets in los angeles</p> </blockquote> <p>Where the page is trying to optimize for "los angeles blue widgets"</p></title>

    | scanlin

  • I manage several online web projects that have no link to each other. Now my question is if it will have any negative impact on ranking if I administer all those webpages with one account. Usually google penalizes sites that are obviously linked to eachother. Is administaring several sites with one analytics account reason enough for google to penalize my sites?

    | mtueckcr

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