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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi can anyone help me. I am trying to track information from sites. I am at the moment got solicitiors involved ref trade mark of a name and we are trying to prove that this name was being used before the trade mark application. A company has gone ahead with a trade mark in full knowledge that this is a common name and we have been told if we can prove that the name was being used before it was registered then we can knock out the trade mark. We have been told there is an internet archive but i cannot find one, can anyone please let me know how i can look at sites from before 2010 and see about if they were using this word to help our case.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We're looking at moving our websites to the cloud. Most services seem to default to providing a dynamic IP address, with static IP addresses being offered as paid extras. Is there an SEO disadvantage to having a dynamic IP address?

    | heatherrobinson

  • My site comes up well in the organic rankings but when I select shopping in Google it does appear.  Why would this be? Thanks James

    | avecsys

  • My client has a Photography website and has an al carte design.  It's in Flash and in 3 years only 3 pages of say 50 are indexed. Are my efforts being wasted?Should I redesign the site in an SEO friendly language? Or, if I build out a huge link building campaign it doesn't matter if I am in Flash or not? Thanks

    | AnthonyGrillo

  • There is a lot of conflicting and/or unclear information about robots.txt out there. Somehow, I can't make out what's the best way to use robots even after visiting the official robots website. For example I have the following format for my robots. User-agent: * Disallow: javascript.js Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /embedconfig Disallow: /playerconfig Disallow: /spotlightmedia Disallow: /EventVideos Disallow: /playEpisode Allow: / Sitemap: Sitemap: Sitemap: Is this correct and/or recommended? If so, then how come I see a list of over 200 or so links blocked by robots when Im checking out Google Webmaster Tools! Help someone, anyone! Can't seem to understand this robotic business! Regards,

    | Netpace

  • Hi there, I work within the travel sector, and I've had an idea of getting an embeddable application built, which would be of use to my company, but also lots of other companies (our competitors) and general websites in our niche. The idea would be that we'd get (and pay for) the application to be built, and then allow other parties to embed it into their site with a snippet of our code so we get the link back from them. There are obviously some technical issues here. The app will be built with Javascript (we can't use PHP on our web server , its a long story!) and I'd want a way to stop other swiping the code and using without the link to us. Is this going to be possible? Also, whats going to be the best way to get the link from them? If a competitor used it, they are less likely to do so with our company name plastered all over it, so it would need to be subtle, or an image link, or something. Not sure. Anyone done this sort of thing before? Thanks

    | neilpagecruise

  • What is the best way to handle large product pages with many different refinement possibilities. Ex. hard drive - 40 gigs - black case  etc. All of these refinements add to the length of the url and potentially create crawling issues as the url is to dynamic. I have seen people canonical all refinements and pages to the main cat page, I have seen others no follow certain refinements. Also in the SEOmoz crawling report it tells me that over two parameters is bad. What is the best way to handle this? Thanks

    | Gordian

  • When we click on one of our keywords under the keywords section of Google Webmaster Tools it shows our top URLs for that keyword. The problem is that it is giving us some very strange URLs that we have searched high and low to try to find but we don't know where they came from. Here is a screenshot: Do you know where this type of URL string could have originated and how to fix it?

    | Hakkasan

  • I have a website with a couple of domains pointing to one IP address. Let's say I have two domains and I also see during my SEO analysis that the and the (same for the and the are triggering server responses. How do I deal with this issue for best SEO. Canonical links? CNAME, or 301 redirects?  thanks

    | casper434

  • I have a Qatari website in Arabic and I would like to know if it is possible to track the Arabic keywords using in Arabic using SEOMoz rank checker. When selecting the three search engines, I have no choice over the language. Only the country can be modified. Any solution?

    | mrlee

  • I am very very worried as my organic traffic suddenly came to pretty much a halt last Friday. We have been working very hard on content in the last 2 years and have 0 duplicated content with many  thousand travel guides, tips and other travel related info. We are also publishing a successful travel blog which used to get quite a bit off traffic. Everything stalled last Friday and since we are operating in the travel industry which is very competitive, this will be very hard on us. In fact, I fear that we will not survive this drop for more than 2-3 months. How do we find out about what happened and what can we do to get our SERPs back? Thanks!

    | madsuh

  • IA few years back I noticed that Google Webmaster Tools returns 404s from regular text containing a URL, but no anchor tag. I came accross this again today. Is it worthwhile to create those URLs and 301 redirect them to proper pages.

    | Svetoslav

  • This is more of a technical question than pure SEO per se, but I am guessing that some folks here may have covered this and so I would appreciate any questions. I am moving from a blog (hosted on WordPress) to a WordPress installation on my own server (as suggested by folks in another thread here). As part of this I want to move from the format blog.<mydomain>.com to\blog. I have installed WordPress on my server and have imported posts from the hosted site to my own server. How should I manage the transition from first format to the second? I have a bunch of links on Facebook, etc that refer to URLs of the format so it's important that I redirect.</mydomain> I am running DotNetNuke/WordPress on my own IIS/ASP.Net servers. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • I have been trying to solve this problem with Google Places for quite some time now and just can't figure out where to go from here. I've tried several sent messages explaining the problem and even received several phone calls from Google Places trying to correct the issue with no luck.  I have even tried totally deleting the listing and started over from scratch and re-verified the address with a mailed postcard. My site: has a Google Places account set up and verified For some reason when you do a Google search for one of my keywords Miami Fishing Charters On the listings normally under the letter "E" on the Map another website has a placemark at my location Miami Fishing Charters Directory - Cached Fishing Charters Miami is a quality directory of the best fishing boats in the Miami area. The top Miami fishing charters are listed on this website.
    2550 South Bayshore Drive, Miami
    (786) 263-9231 (7) When you view this Google places listing further. I see it is using my images, videos, placemark on map but NOT the address, phone number, or reviews. Any help on this issue would greatly be appreciated

    | captainrichsmith

  • I couple weeks ago I switched my website from Drupal to a Wordpress CMS: Martial Arts Austin   My rankings have  remained the same, but the Domain Authority has plummeted from like 29 to 21. I know this is small fry, but I don't want my business to drop in ranking. The URL's were kept exactly the same, with the internal links and copy also kept the same with few additions. Also, according to Open Site Explorer, the site's stronger pages have now averaged out with the weaker and unused pages so they all now share the same Page Authority - that doesn't seem right. Is there reason for concern? Did I screw something up, or am I making too much of this? Thanks

    | OhYeahSteve

  • I'm using the MozBar on FF6 and have a question about the selector next to "Root Domain" When I set it to "Subdomain", I notice that DmR and DmT are different from the root domain. Am I looking at DmR and DmT for all subdomains (www included)?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi i have seen this great map system that i have seen on many sites which i think makes a site look great but i have tried looking for the past few weeks but cannot find where i can get one from. does anyone know how these sites do it and where you can get the product from. I use joomla for all my sites Any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • One of my clients has a newish e-commerce website that was just redesigned. Part of this new marketing push is shutting down an old yahoo store. The problem is that this old store's domain has a 10 year old link in DMoz and is there fore in about 200 other directories. Is pointing that old domain at the new website going to be enough to keep all of that link juice flowing?

    | Simple_Machines

  • We are creating a mobile site in html5 to serve smartphones only. On a seperate domain, From what I have read Google treats smartphones as desktops due to thier advanced web browser capabilities. So no need to bother with right? Googlebot should index the site once I create a normal sitemap.xml. My concern is that the mobile site pulls the same content as the main site which is already indexed. Would this not create duplicate content?

    | sfseo

  • In our page title's, we'd like to include the "@" symbol.  Will google display that symbol in the search results if we include it in the page's title?

    | sftravel

  • I'm working with someone who's setting up an online jewelry store. The jewelry is available in many metal types, so we're creating filters to provide a good user experience in trying to narrow down their choice. Let's take an example of a wedding ring that's available these options: 10kt yellow gold
    10kt white gold
    18kt yellow gold
    18kt white gold
    Platinum These are all entered as separate products, so that they can be used in the filtering system. However, apart from some minor changes to the title and description most of the content will be identical, across these 6 product pages. Also, many wedding ring styles are going to be very similar, so we're going to have very similar descriptions for a lot of the rings. We're concerned about problems this might cause with the search engines in terms of duplicate content. There's 2 issues that I an see (there may be more!): They will not index many of the pages and we'll leak link juice to those pages that will never get indexed They do index all the variations, but the content is so similar, that we have different pages competing for essentially the same keywords Also, these products are likely to come and go, so investing heavily on creating really unique content for them isn't really sustainable, affordable. Any advise? Thanks,

    | Leighm

  • I am new to this, so my question may seem a little rookie type... When looking at my crawl diagnostic errors there are 1604 warnings for "302 redirects".  Of those 1604 warnings 1500 of them are for the same page with different product ID's on them such as: In our robots.txt file we have Disallow: /emailproduct.aspx Wouldn't that take care of this problem?  If so, why is it still giving me these warning errors?  It does take into account our robots.txt file when generating this report does it not? Thanks for any help you can provide.

    | SoccerStop

  • Hi not sure if anyone uses joomla on here but if they do i would love there advice. I have just got a joomla site that is joomla 1.7 but i cannot find a sh404sef component to make the url friendly and would like to know if there is a component out there or if you can use an older one. I would have thought by now that they would have installed one with joomla 1.7 If anyone uses joomla, then i would be glad to hear from you.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, At times a theme would include small images that are part of the design layout, but the images have links and also show up on moz bar, which means alt tags can be added. My question is should they be added? Also sometimes the theme layout hides images in css or flash in those situations is there still a way to link alt tags to those images? For reference see where the logo is hidden and the slider images. Thanks Moz community, V

    | vijayvasu

  • Hi, One of our client has received a file from where his site is hosted.  Here is the message from the client- "i submitted my site for Search Engine Visibility,but they got some issue on the site need to be fixed. i tried myself could not fix it" The site in question is - Is there any problem with the site ? Contents of the file - bplist00Ó         k 0_  WebSubframeArchives_  WebSubresources_  WebMainResource­   L x Ï Ö Ý ] ¨ ¯ ¼ Û 6 SÓ         @ F¡  Ó         / :¡  Ó          )¡  Ò        ¡ Ô                _  WebResourceResponse_  WebResourceData_  WebResourceMIMEType^WebResourceURLO  cbplist00Ô      Z[X$versionX$objectsY$archiverT$top   † ¯    "()0 12DEFGHIJKLMNOPTUU$nullÝ                       !R$6S$10R$2R$7R$3S$11R$8V$classR$4R$9R$0R$5R$1€     € €   € € € € €   Ó #$%& [NS.relativeWNS.base€ € € _ ¢Ò*+,-Z$classnameX$classesUNSURL¢./UNSURLXNSObject#A´ þ¹ –5 ÈÓ 3456=WNS.keysZNS.objects€ ¦789:;<€ €€ € €€ ¦>?@ABC€ € € € € € \Content-TypeSP3PVServerTDate^Content-LengthYBK-ServerYimage/gif_ nCP="NOI DSP COR CUR ADMo DEVo PSAo PSDo OUR SAMo BUS UNI NAV", policyref=""_  Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)_  Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:23:21 GMTR62T87dfÒ*+QR_  NSMutableDictionary£QS/\NSDictionary >Ò*+VW_  NSHTTPURLResponse£XY/_  NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse_  NSKeyedArchiverÑ]_  WebResourceResponse€        # - 2 7 R X s v z } € ƒ ‡ Š ‘ ” — š    ¢ ¤ ¦ ¨ ª ¬ ® ° ² ´ ¶ ¸ ¿ Ë Ó Õ × Ù ~ ƒ Ž —    ¦ ¯ ¸ º Á É Ô Ö Ý ß á ã å ç é ð ò ô ö ø ú ü        ( 2 < ­ Å å è í ò           4 8 L Z l o …               ^               ‡O >GIF89a         ÿÿÿ!ÿ NETSCAPE2.0     !ù      ,           L  ;Yimage/gif_ ¢Õ                    _  WebResourceTextEncodingName_  WebResourceFrameNameO  6

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi I'm planning to redirect one large ecommerce site to another. Here's how I was thinking of doing it: crawl both sites with Xenu and export urls to a CSV match urls where possible, redirecting pages from site A to relevant ones in site B all others will be redirected to site B's home page Now, I'm dealing with thousands of URLs here, so any way to make it easier would be great. Could this mean just redirecting all of Site A's pages to Site B's homepage would be worth it? Or does redirecting relevant pages where possible seem the best idea? Thanks guys!

    | neooptic

  • We were having a discussion on title tags and optimising multiple pages for the same term. We rank well for the phrase 'chanel glasses' which points to our Chanel brand page. The Chanel brand page is optimised for this term, and has the phrase 'Chanel glasses' at the front of its title tag. Previously, the title tag on our home page had the words 'Chanel glasses' at the start in an attempt to rank twice for the term (as one of our competitors has managed). This never worked (though at the time, our DA/PA was lower than it is now). For this reason I switched the title tag on the homepage to try and rank for 'designer glasses'. My belief is, given we already rank highly for the term on a more relevant landing page, trying to rank for it again on the home page is not the best use of a title tag on our highest PA page. We may as well use it for something more generic like 'designer glasses' (though this term does not convert nearly as well, nor does it currently rank as well for us as we've not been attempting to get 'designer glasses' as anchor text. Plus it's more competitive. Another generic term maybe be preferable). My colleague's view is we should attempt to do what our competitor has done and try and rank twice on page one for this term. I like the idea of dominating the top  results, but I feel that since attempting to get double-listed hasn't worked for us so far, we should use the homepage for optimising for a different term ( ideally something that we don't already rank for elsewhere on the site). I see his point of view - if we were ranking nowhere for the search term then, yes we should concentrate on getting one page to rank, not two. But since we already rank well for the term, perhaps his strategy is preferable? Just for clarity, the title tags are not duplicate, but the idea was to share many of the same keywords between the two title tags. What are your thoughts SEOmoz?

    | seanmccauley

  • hello, Our site was hosted in North America and Google was crawling it reasonably fast. Since our traffic is mostly from India we moved it to India, now the crawling is terribly slow from Google. Is there anyway to fix the crawl rate(we have increased the crawl rate in GWT)

    | greyniumseo

  • I have a couple of affiliate gaming sites and have been cloaking the links, the reason I do this is to stop have so many external links on my sites. In the robot.txt I tell the bots not to index my cloaked links. Is this bad, or doesnt it really matter? Thanks for your help.

    | jwdesign

  • All, We used to allow users of our legal information site to syndicate content that was published in identical form on their blogs and, in some cases, other sites as well. No surprise that post-Panda, we're not ranking for those syndicated posts, they offer very little value. We still boast a very nice library of original content that drives traffic, however, I'm concerned that those lingering syndicated posts are bringing down our overall domain authority/credibility. Right now, syndicated posts account for roughly 25%-30% of overall site content. I'd like your opinions as to whether I should: 1. Delete the syndicated posts and 301 to an original page; 2. Do nothing 3. Do something I've yet to think of Any insight is welcomed! John

    | JSOC

  • We are moving our site from one platform to another. Currently on our site we have two homepages. "" and "" Both pages have some high quality links pointing in on them. The problem: We are going to be doing a 301 redirect from ""  page to "" as we are moving platforms at this time we weren't going to create a  "" page all. This leaves this page as an empty URL. With this webpage disappearing all together will we lose traction as we are redirecting an empty URL? Or is it better to recreate this "" on our new platform redirect it  and wait for google to deIndex this page for us? As well is there a tutorial for how to implement 301 redirects or is this something worth looking for a developer and pay someone to do?

    | HCGDiet

  • Is there any truth to keyword cooccurence being a ranking factor in google or any other search engines. Meaning that they not only look at the words you are targeting but the other words on the page to see if those words have a close relationship to the main theme ( the words being supposedly targeted) I heard that keyword coocurrence does not scale well over the billions of pages that are on the internet however, some waterdowned approached of keyword cooccurence is possible. what do you guys think?

    | mickey11

  • I am looking for some advice on video SEO when the video file is housed on a streaming server.  An example page is below.  The onlyvideo element on the page is a script reading in the filepath to the streaming server so I am not sure what the best course of action is. Currently, none of our videos are indexed.

    | SEI

  • Hello, Most of you heard from the launch of the new format for microdata: and my question is about the different types of Schema they provide. Our websites provide an overview of courses, visitors can search/filter training courses and most important: read peer reviews. Until now we formatted (the source) of those courses with the schema type "Product" because it allows us to provide search engines with metadata about reviews via the "Aggregrated Rating". Recently we updated the information about courses, to also provide start dates and locations to users, just like the schema type for: "Events". Because we would like to provide search engines also with both types of data I would like to know your opinion. looks like not to support the Aggregated Rating for Events and vice versa for Startdates/Locations for the Product type. And combining the two Schema types also does not looks like an option because we can't put them on the same level like it should be. So what would you recommend to use for kind of schema type(s), are we able to use the 'Product' type next to the 'Event' type and so to combine them? Thanks a lot!

    | Martijn_Scheijbeler

  • Hi Everybody, I have built a website ( which has gone viral and getting huge amounts of traffic world wide. The problem is, all the Facebook shares, tweets and other social traffic is all referencing the subdomain, and now where I want to build rankings. What are my best options for referring this ranking power to my main domain? Thanks in advance Ronan

    | notnem

  • The FAQs for Google +1 button suggests as follows: "+1 is a public action, so you should add the button only to public, crawlable pages on your site. Once you add the button, Google may crawl or recrawl the page, and store the page title and other content, in response to a +1 button impression or click." If my page has NoIndex tag, while at the same time inserted with Google +1 button on the page, will Google recognise the NoIndex Tag on the page (and will not index the page) despite the +1 button's impression or clicks send signals to Google spiders?


  • Hello, I never had amazing traffic, but during the last week my site seems to have almost dropped of search engines. Nothing drastic has changed during this time that I can see would have caused this. The site is Does any one have any ideas that can help? Thanks

    | jwdesign

  • I have a client who operates and gets business from several cities in the same geographic area. Does anyone have suggestions that will allow him to get leads for the same service from multiple cities. Any help appreciated.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi, A client of mine is selling his business to a brand new company. The brand new company will be using a brand new domain (no way to avoid that unfortunately) and the current domain (which has tons of authority, links, shares, tweets, etc.) will not be used. Added to that, the new company will be taking over all the current content with just a few minor changes. (I know, I wish we could use the old domain but we can't.) Obviously, I am redirecting all pages on the current domain to the new domain via 301 redirects on a page by page basis. So, redirects to My client and the new company both are asking me how much link juice (and other factors) are passed along to the new domain from the old domain. All I can find is "not the full value" or variants thereof.My experience with 301 redirects in the past has been within a single domain and I've seen some of those pages have decent authority and decent rankings as a result of the 301 (no other optimization work was done or links were added). Are there any studies out there that I'm missing that show how much authority/juice gets passed and/or lost via a 301 redirect? Anybody with a similar issue see any trends in page/domain authority and/or rankings? Thanks for any insights and opinions you have.

    | Matthew_Edgar

  • Hi, Our site has a fair amount of related/similiar content that has been historically placed on seperate pages.  Unfortuantely this spreads out our page strength across multiple pages.  We are looking to combine this content onto one page so that our page strength will be focused in one location (optimized for search).   The content is extensive so placing it all on one page isn't ideal from a user experience (better to separate it out).  We are looking into different approaches one main "tabbed" page with query string params to seperate the seperate pages.  We'll use an AJAX driven design, but for non js browsers, we'll gracefully degrade to separate pages with querystring params. We'd then rel canonical all three pages to just be Same concept but useAJAX crawlable hash tag design (!#). Load everything onto one page, but the page could get quite large so latency will increase. I don't think from an SEO perspective there is much difference between options 1 & 2.  We'll mostly be relying on Google using the rel canonical tag. Have others dealt with this issue were you have lots of similiar content.  From a UX perspective you want to separate/classifiy it, but from an SEO perspective want to consolidate?  It really is very similiar content so using a rel canonical makes sense. What have others done?  Thoughts?

    | NicB1

  • We've got pages that, when I search for them in Google and click on Cache, show NO styles, nothing from the CSS.  Is there any way that could effect rankings?  I don't think so, but it does fall into the category of showing one thing to the bots and another to the user, which is bad. Also, could blocking /scripts in robots.txt be preventing bots from accessing the CSS? Thanks

    | poolguy

  • Hi, A client of mine completed a video sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools a couple of months ago. As of yet the videos are still not indexing in Google. All of the videos sit on the one page but have unique URLs in the sitemap. Does anybody know a reason why they are not being indexed? Thanks David

    | RadicalMedia

  • I added noindex tags to a bunch (1,000+) of paginated category pages on my site. I want Google to recrawl the pages so they will de-index them. Any ideas to speed up the process?

    | AdamThompson

  • Say there is a link on an authoritative site to my site, and the link points to  However, I have set all URL variations (,,, etc.) to redirect to automatically.  Does the link juice from this authoritative site pass through the URL to automatically due to the automatic redirect? I guess my question is does the link juice automatically pass on to the destination URL, even though it is not the original URL the authoritative site pointed to?

    | NiallTom

  • Why would a page title not be displayed in the SERPS?  Everything appears to be formatted correctly in the code, yet the title of the company gets displayed instead of the page title?  Any general idea why this could be happening?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • let's say you have complete control over the webserver, and the hosting server. is there a way to set it up so that alexa statistics CANNOT be gained?

    | highersourcesites

  • What is the difference between URL rewriting and 301 redirects? Specifically if my home page is rewriting the www. version and the /index.html version rather than 301 redirecting them is this equivalent? Does it still pass the link juice on those alternate variations the same way a 301 redirect will?

    | rcarll

  • Hi, just posted this on google webmaster, and thought I'd post it here for ideas as well: When using the search term with the exception of the homepage the only results that come up are from three years ago. We are not sure whats going on, but other symptoms include:
    A drastic reduction of our crawl rate (via google webmaster)
    A reduction in traffic from google searches (via analytics)
    We first noticed it after a pronouced downward trend after the most recent agolrithm was released Recent activities include:
    Fixing crawl errors in GW with 301 redirects
    Optimizing older URLs and creating redirects for those. Any hints of suggestion of what might be the problem what greatly be appreciated

    | simplygoodmedia

  • Hi Long time reader 1st time questionairer (is that even a word?) Anyway I have started working for a company on a project and as I am in house they obviously throw everything they can at me. Todays question was about the seo friendliness for one of their sites I am going through and finding better keywords for categories and pages. I know that there are pages with 200+ outbound links which need fixing. My question is about the url structure The product on this page is nail feathers, the url is No matter what page of products you go to it includes browse.php?c= For seo purposes is this going to be a problem? I appreciate that we (which means me I think) will be adding content to the pages and the product names could be more keyword friendly. But I have no clue if we need to do something about the browse.php bit or not. Thanks for any help Paul Forcey

    | PaulForcey16

  • I am new to SEO and have started my keyword research. One keyword I would like to rank for has a competing site with over 400 back links, 300 of which are from dex. How hard would it be to outrank links coming from dex?

    | marker-311528

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