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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi i am trying to learn how to use track backs as a way to get link exposure. Cana anyone please explain to me the importance of them and how to use them please. Would i use one by putting a link back to my site or am i wrong on this. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi - We have a client who has a TLD that they wish to target several markets using .com/au .com/us .com/sg Each will use duplicate content with slight variations to cater for the local market (spelling, industry jargon).  They seem reluctant to register a TLD for each target market (which was our suggestion) and I am wondering what SEO penalties would apply for having a majority of duplicate content on the same domain – perhaps using subdomains would be better? Thanks!

    | E2E

  • Hello everyone! I'm working on a project for a small jewelry store. They have a store in North Carolina and an ecommerce site (on Shopify - which I loathe!). I'm not exactly an SEO expert, but the client likes the way I handle social media and I know enough to get them much farther down the road than they are now. The big problem is that most everything sold is handmade and one of a kind. So, the site has LOTS of dead links. I'd love everyone's suggestions on how to: Best avoid this in the first place as new products are added and promoted via Facebook, Twitter, blog posts and so on Suggestions for managing the sold items - I don't think it seems wise to leave them up as "SOLD" The site is I'm grateful for your assistance! And look forward to sharpening my SEO skills. ~Robin

    | RobinBertelsen

  • I am seeing with Webmaster Tools  that Google is trying to follow the text based truncated URL from SuperPages despite the fact that they are not in an anchor tag. The net result for Google is a 404 error as they try to access pages that do not exist. has anyone seen this issue before and any suggestions on how to prevent these errors? A Superpage listing: The first link works fine, but the text based link shown below is cut off and as a result Google gets to a 404 page. Dr. Hylton Lightman, MD - Pediatrician, Allergist, - Far Rockaway ... Dr. Hylton Lightman, MD, Far Rockaway, NY, Rated 4/4 By Patients. 26 Reviews, Patients' Choice Award Winner, Phone Number & Practice Locations  [Found on Bing]

    | irvingw

  • I have issue regarding duplicate pages on website as follow. I checked my Google webmaster tools and found that Google have already set Parameter with pr_page_id. So, what is this? Will Google index all that pages? Can I use following Meta tag to block indexing? Which one is best?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi there, If there is a website that has accidently generated say 1,000 pages of duplicate content, would the seo be hurt if all those pages were re-directed to the origional source of the content? There are no plans to re-write the 1,000 duplicate pages, they are already cached and indexed by Google. I thought about canonical tags but as they have some traffic and a little seo value i thought 301 re-direct would be more appropiate to the relevant pages? I am also right in thinking you would be able to remove the 301 in the .htaccess file once the index has updated? Also once removed the 301 - i could use those urls later from scratch if i wanted? Any info much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • I have a site where the canonical version is the subdomain www, with a permanent redirect to ensure this is so. When I do a page analysis from the MozBar for the domain I see that www and *.domain are both displayed, with numbers from *.domain being shown by default in the mozbar. Does MozBar show *.domain numbers by default, and do I correctly understand that the (higher) www numbers displayed in page analysis for www are valid and a result of my canonical strategy?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • One of our sites was haXX0red and at the moment I'm thinking it was a non-updated paid for WP plugin using the old version of timthumb. While not important to my question, the hack included .htaccess files in all the /uploads/ to redirect to a site (tonycar dot com) which I assume installed some sort of malware or spyware. I changed all ftp and admin log ins, updated the timthumb files and deleted all the .htaccess files, for added measure I've currently made the upload folders read only. I've requested a review through webmaster tools and the image that WMT claimed to be an issue has been removed as being an issue. That is to say if I clicked on the malware warning in WMT, it told me imagex.jpg was a problem and now it doesn't tell me anything is an issue, though the malware warning still persists. As I no longer have any indication as to what (if anything) is wrong, I tried going through some contacts at adwords to no avail, though they have said there's a note saying there's no malware currently on the site (I'm hoping that's by them and not just my reinclusion request). Assuming the all mighty G is now satisfied there's no malware on the site (or being processed by the site), does anyone have any idea how to get rid of the warning? Alternatively if the warning is accurate, how can I find out what's being effected?

    | StalkerB

  • SERP "French Furniture" in The URL thats started to be returned P7 is <cite>  categories.asp?cat=</cite> The meta description is relevant however our CMS system 'ecommerce templates' has some code in it to return a dynamic meta description dependant on what catergory is being searched. It seems that the meta description is being populated from our french furniture category but the URL is not dynamic.. This has only started happening this past week. usually the url is returned. in WMT is is nicely indexing with 5 links... on it's own... Any ideas?

    | robertrRSwalters

  • We're in the process of rolling out a new domestic (US) website design.  If we copy the same theme/content to our International subsidiaries, would the duplicate content penalty still apply?  All International sites would carry the Country specific domain,, .eu, etc.  This question is for English only content, I'm assuming translated content would not carry a penalty.

    | endlesspools

  • Hello, What is the code to redirect all the pages of a site from .php to .html extension? Thanks

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi I had a huge drop in traffic around the 11th of july over 50% down with no recovery as yet... ~5000 organic visits per day down to barley over 2500. I fixed up a problem that one script was introducing that had caused high bounce rates. Now i have identified that google has indexed the entire news section 4 times, same content but with var=0 var=1 2 3 etc around 40,000 urls in total. Now this would have to be causing problems. I have fixed the problem and those url's 404 now, no need for 301's as they are not linked to from anywhere. How can I get them out of the index? I cant do it one by one with the url removal request.. I cant remove a directory from url removal tool as the reuglar content is still there.. If I ban it in robots.txt those urls, wont it never try to index them again and thus not ever discover they are 404ing? These urls are no longer linked to from anywhere, so how can google ever reach them by crawling to find them 404ing?

    | Adsau

  • Anyone has a reliable way to get more pages indexed in yahoo and bing. Please dont say to get more inner page quality links.

    | mickey11

  • when deciding the Site structure for a e-commerce site Is it better to keep everything or use categories like

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • I'm doing local SEO for a chiropractic clinic that has four chiropractors. On InfoUSA and therefor on CitySearch, Insiderpages, Healthgrades, etc, there are individual listings for each chiropractor with the clinic's name, address and phone number.  Google places pulls reviews from those other sites and I don't think they will make the connection on the listings. The tricky thing is that health-care review sites such as have reviews for doctors and not for clinics necessarily. What's the best way to organize this?  Should I get all of these listings consolidated into one listing for the clinic in general that has the same info as the Google Places listing?  Should I get the individual chiropractor listings deleted?

    | jargomang

  • I am the in house SEO/Web for a multi-branch/multi-state company and I am having a hard time tracking the amount of calls that are coming off of our site to the many branches. I am wondering if there are any tips for use call tracking numbers without negatively impacting my local SEO results? In one of the webinars they touched on image replacement and also that it some situations it might be out to just use the tracking numbers.

    | mmaes

  • Hi, What are the SEO best practices for redirecting to the correct language site based on geographic location? Right now, we're using a 302 redirect to point users to the right country landing page. User reaches site: > Server detects location > 302 redirect to We'd like to optimize the site for all languages, but which country gets the SEO rank for the Thanks for your help! Roya

    | roya

  • It was a 10 page static HTML page website. 3 year old, PR2. Monday night, copied a WordPress from somewhere to this website's public_html folder and activate it. The home page was "index.html" before switching to WordPress. Now this html file (index.html) has been deleted, so WordPress' Home page can work. All other 9 static html pages are still there in Google index. Just notice it today that the home page URL disappears in Google completely. Why? All other 9 static html pages' URL are still in Google. robots.txt is Allow: / What may have gone wrong to remove the home domain URL from Google index? Thank you for your help!

    | johnzhel

  • Hi, What is SEO best practice when it comes to redirecting users from to their specific language/country, let's say for Germany? From what I heard in on of the whiteboard fridays, it seems to be Javascript based on IP and browser language, and then set a cookie - correct? Or should we let our users manually select their language/country at the first visit? Any suggestion appreciated, thanks!

    | rtora

  • Hi, i am getting lots of spam in my mail box about how companies can help you get more traffic and i see on lots of sites about tools that can bring you more traffic and help improve your site, and i am just wondering if anyone has tried any of these services or products to help promote their site. For example, i keep getting sent about submitting my site to over 200 directories or search engines and just wondering if these are a waste of time.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have re-designed one of my sites, the old site is all static pages on a Windows server, I have made the new sites and it is on a new server and is running on Wordpress. I have just finished testing it and so am nearly ready to switch over the nameservers to the new server, however I'm having some problems with 301 redirects. I have tried to set up a few 301 redirects on the new server to test before I change nameservers but they don't appear to be working. I would have imagined that they should (even though the actual page isn't hosted on the new server) or am I being very stupid here and I can't test a 301 redirect until the nameservers have been changed. Redirect 301 /magazines.htm http://.../~account/magazine-freebies Obviously the above with the stars (*) is the server address and route to my account.

    | Wardy

  • I am surviving with Google's crawling issue. Google had not index my product pages yet. I have Google a lot and read too many articles to get it done. But, I did not get satisfy answer with it. I just checked my product pages and found that: There is one tab with Manufacturers Details containing one paragraph. This content is available on too many product pages with same manufacturer. You can know more by visiting following URL. So, Does it matter to stop my crawling? If yes so How can I fix it?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi i am wanting to know if this is against google rules. I am building a website which will have lots of different sections and i wanted to know if you were allowed to have a new domain name pointing to a section of the site. so for example if i had a site with a domain name of manchester and then i wanted a section of the site to be called health I want to know if to help with traffic to the site and to have a better domain name, if it was allowed to have a new domain name pointing to that section of the site which could be called and have that pointing to the section. would love to hear your thoughts on this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Can someone plz tell me why has only 2 internal links in OSE despite the fact that the text content has a plethora of them. Thanks in advance.

    | socrateskirtsios

  • Is it better to submit all sitemap files contained in a Sitemap Index File manually to Google or is it about the same as just submitting the Master Sitemap Index File.

    | AU-SEO

  • We're confused as to why Google's crawl of our site has dropped hugely since our new site went live. The URLs of almost all pages changed, and were 301d to the new site. About 20% of our pages were blocked by robots.txt for the re-launch. The re-launch has been great for organic search, with hits up about 50%. Yet our new content is taking a lot longer to get indexed than before. Our KB downloaded a day according to webmaster tools are well down, as is time spent downloading a page. Any ideas as to why this is?i7hwX.png

    | soulnafein

  • Hi together, due to some technical reasons I have redirect (301) an existing link two times. Example: > 301 > > 301 Is there anybody how has got some experience like doing a double redirect? What about link juice? Best regards Steffen

    | steffen_

  • Hey folks, I recently noticed a very large drop in brand-name traffic (in the realm of 50%) which coincided with some SEO changes to target non-brand-name searches. Thing is, the site is still ranking #1 for all the brand-name searches that the traffic drop happened in. (checked terms via SEOmoz toolbar, and also proxy with Bruce Clay's toolbar). Any thoughts on where to start lookingfor the problem or what might have caused it? If this hadn't happened at the same time as other changes, I'd put this down to non-SEO problems.

    | BedeFahey

  • Oh Hai, I recently changed the permalink structure on my Wordpress based site, from the standard ?p=123 to a more SEO chummy /%postname%/. As a result, my site has completely dropped off the board for all my previously well ranked search phrases. Having since gotten into SEOmoz a bit more, I can see there are WP plugins available that apparently would've done this a lot more smoothly. I'd be most grateful if someone could explain if this drop off is just temporary, or have I somehow entered Google's shun book? The site has been like this for about 48 hours. Thanks, Tim

    | Southwesttim

  • Hi i have a site that i want to re build because it has moved away from what i wanted it to do and deleted a lot of the site and due to this has caused a lot of errors. My site is built in the old joomla and i want to build a brand new site in the new version. My site which is a lifestyle magazine runs very slowly and what i want to do because it has a lot of problems under the google webmaster control panel, is to rebuild the site and turn it back into the site it should be instead of trying to make it into so many different things. The problem i have is, i have thousands and thousands of great links going to the site and i am worried about losing these links. It would take me about a day to turn it into the site it should be and improve it. My hosting company have said that i can put it under a sub domain the new site and then when i have built it, they can then move it under the correct name. But what i am worried about is, the site is very slow at the moment, and i am worried that by doing this that it would not solve the problem of making it faster even though i have a dedicated server. I want the site to be brand new with no errors and i am worried by doing this that the site will run slowly because i am still working off the old script. I have tried migrating the older version into the new joomla but it could not be done and caused problems so this could be my only other option. Any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I understand that getting links to a site all with the same anchor text is probably not a good thing, but what is a good ratio of anchor text diversity? should about 60% of the links pointing to a page that i am trying to rank be the keyword i am trying to rank for? or is it more like 20%?

    | seobutler

  • We own 2 websites.  Website "A" has 100 external followed links pointing to it.  I put a 301 on that domain and pointed it to Website "B".  Shouldn't Website "B" now get credit for the followed links originally pointing to Website "A"?   I'm hoping my external followed link count for Website "B" increases. Please advise... Thanks in advance!

    | WhiteCap

  • We are getting some duplicate content warnings based on our blog.  Canonical URL's can work for some of the pages, but most of the duplicate content is caused by blog posts appearing on more than 1 URL.  What is the best way to fix this?

    | Marketpath

  • Hello, I have just discovered that a company in Poland is directing their domain to ours We have not authorised this, neither do we want this. I have contacted the company and the webmaster to get it removed. If you search for the domain name we ( come up top. My biggest worry is that we will get penalised by Google for this re-direct as it appears to be done using some kind of frame. Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing? Many Thanks Rob Martin

    | brightonseorob

  • We are working on an ecommerce site that sorts out the products by color and size but doesn't use the sortby= but uses sortby/. Can we tell Google to ignore the sortby/ parameter in Webmaster Tools even though it is not followed by an = sign? For example: Can we tell WMT to ignore the 'shopby/' parameter so that only the tshirts page will be indexed? Or does the shopby have to be set up as 'shopby=' ? Thanks!

    | Hakkasan

  • We are UK based web designers who have recently been asked to build a website for an Australian Charity. Normally we would host the website in the UK with our current hosting company, but as this is an Australian website with an .au domain I was wondering if it would be better to host it in Australia. If it is better to host it in Australia, I would appreciate if someone  could give me the name of a reasonably priced hosting company. Thanks Fraser

    | fraserhannah

  • We're trying to make sense of Google's new parameter handling options and I seem unable to find a good answer to an issue regarding the NoUrl option. For ex. we have two Urls pointing to the same content: Ideally, I would want Google to index only the main Url without any parameters, so To do this, I would set the value No Urls for the zoom, x and y parameters. By doing this do we still get any SEO value from back links that point to the URLs with the parameters, or will Google just ignore them?

    | propertyshark

  • Hi everyone, First time post - what a great community! On a trial at the moment but will definitely be signing up to PRO. The situation I'm helping to promote an event in Australia (lets call it "myevent"). The event also goes by a nickname "myev" (which isn't searched as much as "myevent"). The event for the most part is promoted offline as As it currently stands (and appears to have been the case for a number of years), and 302 redirect to The event is pretty much number 1 for keywords around "my event" and "myev", despite little attention being paid to on page optimisation and issues around duplicate content which I intend to fix. The domain being indexed by Google is . Open site explorer stats Open Site explorer shows as having a strong domain authority, and hundreds of backlinks. and have domain authorities in the 20s and about 30-40 backlinks each. The conundrum I've had a chat with the IT guys running the site(s) and they mentioned they'll be switching the way the redirects work, so everything goes to NOT the URL. I've done a bit of reading on the forums and understand that 301s should be used in order to pass the juice/authority from the existing domain (in this case I understand not all of this will be passed. What I'm not sure about is which URL should be the final preferred destination. I may not have a choice - has been the preferred URL for a long time - but want to know if this will affect the performance in search results if the isn't used as the final destination (even though we would be redirecting from it)? Any suggestions / ideas / help would be most appreciated. I hope this all makes sense - I'm relatively new to the whole SEO world! Best wishes and many thanks.

    | hergs

  • I have a Wordpress site and I think I have "split content" problem. We use to publish preview info, i.e. "leaked images of iphone 5". Some weeks later, official release with official images. And some weeks later, our own review with quality content and pictures. Sometimes the first post are well ranked, but the best content is in our review. How should I manage that? I tried to make a page of each product and link it, but posts stills rank better than pages. And now I have several pages for the same keyword, ie: and all linked in ... and What do you think is best approach to this kind of site? Thank you!

    | DSG

  • I have updated the page title of a website - it's a top product page and very high authority (64 PA on a 63 DA). The page has been recrawlled and the cache updated - but the page tiltle in the Google snippet is still the same. Any ideas?

    | OddDog

  • Hello We have a large ecommerce site, as you are aware that ecommerce sites has canonical issues, I have read various sources on how best to practice canonical on ecommerce site but I am not sure yet.. My concert is pagination where I am on category product listing page.. the pagination will have all different product not same however the meta data will be same so should I make let's say page 2 or 3 to main category page or keep them as is to index those pages? Another issue is using filters, where I am on any page and I filter by price or manufacturer basically the page will be same so here It seems issue of duplicate content, so should I canonical to category page only for those result types? So basically If I let google crawl my pagination content and I only canonical those coming with filter search result that would be best practice? and would google webmaster parameter handling case would be helpful in this scenario ? Please feel free to ask in case you have any queries regards

    | CNMOnline28

  • Hi, We have an issue with a particular channel on a lead generation site where we have  sales staff requiring different quality of leads in different parts of the country. In saturated markets they require a stricter lead qualification process than those in more challenging markets. To combat the problem I am toying with the idea of severing very slightly different content based on IP address. The main change in content would be in terms of calls to action and lead qualification processes. We would plan to have a "standard" version of the site for when IP location can not be detected. URLs on this version would be the rel="canonical" for the location specific pages. Is there a way to do this without creating duplicate content, cloaking or other such issues on the site? Any advice, theories or case studies would be greatly appreciated.

    | SEM-Freak

  • Hi, I am not sure what is considered best practice when linking between pages on the same site - absolute or relative: Link Or Link I notice a lot of CMS systems (WordPress) use the absolute method - is there a reason? Any help much appreciated. Barney.

    | barnst

  • Hi Guys, How much interlinking is okay for between pages? Can i start link my internal pages like Wikipedia does? 20,30 interlink per page? OR is it all depends on Page Authority? Can i go inter-link crazy on 1 year old legitimate site? Big Thanks?

    | DigitalJungle

  • We have just completed the redesign of our product page, which you can see here: Because we want the select size / add to basket section to appear prominently, you can see we are showing only a snippet of the product description in this section and then user has to click "more" to see it. My question is, can Google read the product description here since it's in Javascript? The code is as follows: 2011-12 Chelsea Adidas Away Football Shirt £44.99 Item Code:379606 Brand new, official Chelsea away shirt for the 2011/12 Premiership season, available to buy in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. This football shirt is manufactured by Adidas and is black in colour.[ More...](javascript:void(0);) Brand new, official Chelsea away shirt for the 2011/12 Premiership season, available to buy in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. This football shirt is manufactured by Adidas and is black in colour. Cheer on the Blues in style in the new adidas Chelsea Away Shirt, featuring a striking blue blocked design on an imposing black background complete with the club crest and adidas logo embroidery across the chest for a great style on or off the pitch. The new Chelsea Away Shirt is designed with adidas' ClimaCool technology to bring moisture away from your skin, keeping you cool, comfortable and performing at your best as you emulate the skills of Frank Lampard, Fernando Torres and John Terry on the pitch. Customise your shirt with Premiership shirt printing for your favourite Chelsea stars or choose your own custom name and number. Adult Football Shirt
    Short sleeves soccer jersey
    Chelsea club crest to left chest
    adidas logo and stripes
    Print sponsor to centre
    ClimaCool technology
    Machine washable Product code: 379606 The 2011/12 Chelsea away football kit is released on 7th July 2011. <form name="currenychange" action="" method="get">
              <select class="topselectbox" onchange="this.form.submit();" name="currency" style="float:right;">                    <option value="USD">US Dollars</option>                    <option value="EUR">Euro</option>                    <option value="GBP" selected="selected">UK Sterling</option>                    <option value="AUD">Australian Dollars</option>               </select>
                  </form> Available Now [Be the first to ask a question](javascript:void(0); "Ask a Question")
             [Be the first to review this product](javascript://) Rating: 5 out of 5 stars <form name="cart_quantity" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Which parts of this is Google going to be able to read? Should we make the product title our H1 header for this page and can it currently read that within the code above? </form>

    | ukss1984

  • here is the issue.  i have an ecommerce site that on a category page, shows each individual color for each product sold.  and there is a distinct URL for each color.  each product page shares the same content, with the only potentially differentiating factor being customer reviews (not nearly enough of these to differentiate anything). so we have URLs like: and so on. i am looking for a way to consolidate these URL while still showing all colors on the category page.  the first solution i am considering is using the hash tag.  so we would create,,  if possible, i would set the canonical tag as the second solution would be to use the canonical tag and keep the URLs as is.  the issue i see here is that we would need to create and show that page somewhere. would the URL that the above color URLs would canonicalize to. what would be the preferred solution?  or is there something else?

    | rakesh_patel

  • Google webmaster tools has a warning for our site map saying that this url (and a couple of others) have a 301 redirect in them. I've checked the link and don't see that it actually is redirecting. Any thoughts on why this is popping up?

    | IanTheScot

  • Hi Guys, Searched the web in an answer to the importance of crawl errors in Webmaster tools but keep coming up with different answers. I have been working on a clients site for the last two months and (just completed one months of link bulding), however seems I have inherited issues I wasn't aware of from the previous guy that did the site. The site is currently at page 6 for the keyphrase 'boiler spares' with a keyword rich domain and a good onpage plan. Over the last couple of weeks he has been as high as page 4, only to be pushed back to page 8 and now settled at page 6. The only issue I can seem to find with the site in webmaster tools is crawl errors here are the stats:- In sitemaps : 123 Not Found : 2,079 Restricted by robots.txt  1 Unreachable: 2 I have read that ecommerce sites can often give off false negatives in terms of crawl errors from Google, however, these not found crawl errors are being linked from pages within the site. How have others solved the issue of crawl errors on ecommerce sites? could this be the reason for the bouncing round in the rankings or is it just a competitive niche and I need to be patient? Kind Regards Neil

    | optimiz1

  • I have a site in Spanish that is hosted in Spain with a .es TLD. I already have many Spanish-language links from websites in Spain, but I obviously want more and I'm finding I might need to look beyond typical Spanish sites. In talking to some of my link builders who work on my English/American sites, they are recommending that I build links on the normal article sites, blogs and web 2.0 sites that I normally build links on but that I make all the content English and insert the anchor text in Spanish. For example, if my site were about "weightloss", my keyword would be "perder peso" (in spanish).  They are recommending that I have articles, reviews, etc written about weightloss in English with the anchor text "perder peso" worked into the English article.  Most of the sites are English sites that are hosted in the US (article sites, web 2.0 properties, etc). My question is what is the value of these links?  Does anybody have any experience with this?

    | jargomang

  • The client would like us to do seo for these 3 sites The sites have to targetted in US, Australia, and UK resoectively .All the above sites have identical content. Will Google penalise the sites  ? Shall we change the content completly ? How do we approach this issue ?

    | seoug_2005

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