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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hey, I know this has been discussed to death but look back through previous postings there doesn't seem to be a consensus on the exact Meta tags that an eCommerce site should include, specifically whether to remove the keyword tag or not since it is believed that Yahoo potentially still makes use of it. Currently our homepage has the following Meta Tags: <title>Buy Printer Cartridges | Ink and Toner Cartridge for Inkjet and Laser Printers</title> Description" content="<a class="attribute-value">Visit Refresh Cartridges for great prices on ink cartridges, toner cartridges, ink, printers and accessories.</a>" /> Keywords" content="<a class="attribute-value">ink cartridges, cheap cartridges, inkjet cartridges, inkjet ink cartridges, ink cartridge, printer ink cartridges, laser cartridges, toner, laser printers</a>" /> Content-Type" content="<a class="attribute-value">text/html; charset=iso-8859-1</a>"/> author" content="<a class="attribute-value">Ink Cartridges, Inkjet Cartridge, Printer Cartridge, Toner Cartridges Refresh Cartridges</a>" /> expires" content="<a class="attribute-value">0</a>" /> robots" content="<a class="attribute-value">noodp,index,follow</a>" /> Language" content="<a class="attribute-value">English</a>" /> Cache-Control" content="<a class="attribute-value">Public</a>" /> verify-v1" content="<a class="attribute-value">sJXqAAWP6ar/LTEOMyUgG6nqothxk62tJTid+ryBJxo=</a>" /> viewport" content="<a class="attribute-value">width=1024</a>" /> This is too messy but before I do something drastic that I'll possibly regret please can you confirm that, in your opinion, I am best to remove everything with the exception of this: <title>Buy Printer Cartridges | Ink and Toner Cartridge for Inkjet and Laser Printers</title> Description" content="<a class="attribute-value">Visit Refresh Cartridges for great prices on ink cartridges, toner cartridges, ink, printers and accessories.</a>" /> Content-Type" content="<a class="attribute-value">text/html; charset=iso-8859-1</a>"/>
    viewport" content="<a class="attribute-value">width=1024</a>" /> I realise there is a verify-v1 tag in there but this can be done through a file on our server so while cleaning up that might as well go. Would there be an argument for keeping any of the other tags or are they all pretty much redundant now? Many thanks! Chris

    | ChrisHolgate

  • I have seen conflicting information regarding the use of rel=nofollow on internal links, but the gist of it seems to be that it's not a good idea. The top linked page on a particular site is a consultation page. Contact is not far behind. Both are linked from the header and footer or sidebar. At first, I thought no-following them would be the perfect solution. After what I've read, it seems I need to remove some of the instances of linking instead of nofollowing. Any e firsthand experience or feedback?

    | kimmiedawn

  • Is it advisable to have a site structure that is navigated via URLs rather than cookies? In a website that has several location based pages - each with their own functions and information? Is this a SEO priority? Will it help to combat duplicate content? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    | J_Sinclair

  • Can the <priority>tag be used to tell search engines the hierarchy of a site or should it be used to let search engines know which priority to we want pages to be indexed in?</priority>

    | mycity4kids

  • Over the past week or so, my eCommerce site has experienced a large drop in organic traffic from Google.I have used analytics to determine that the pages that have seen the biggest losses in traffic are product pages. I know there are so many seo checklists/site audit checklists out there recommending different things, but does anyone have a good checklist (or link to a good checklist) that would fit our situation best? Thank you!

    | Gordian

  • We recently purchased and 301 redirected the site to (our main domain). The problem is that had URLs indexed like the 301 sends them to which obviously doesn't exist so is a 404! What should be done in this situation? Should it be ignored and not re-directed at all, or is there a way to delete/disavow these dead pages? An SEO has advised we redirect all pages to the homepage, but won't that mess up the link profile? Any advice would be great!

    | JamesPursey

  • Hi there We're currently under a manual penalty for some unnatural links to our domain and have been working on fixing that but had our first re-consideration request rejected so we're doing a second round of link removals The issue we have is that we were planning to change our domain before the SSL certificate expires in a couple of weeks and renew the certificate with the new domain but are unsure whether to stop working on the reconsideration request, change the domain and wait until the manual penalty moves to the new domain before continuing the link removal. Alternatively try and use the domain change to select which links are 301'd to the new site and leave behind the bad links in the hope that the manual penalty wouldn't be applied to the new domain Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated

    | Ham1979

  • I posted a similar question a while go, so I will attempt to articulate my question a little better.... I am the owner of an E-Commerce site that operates in Canada. I have been brainstorming ways to find opportunities and niches for Canadian online shoppers in an industry that is dominated by corporate American E-commerce sites. I saw  another Canadian e-commerce site try to combat this issue, and I wanted to get some advice on whether this strategy is sound. Here is an example. is a large e-commerce site in Canada. They take a competitive product like a "Tide Lundry Detergent"  and include local and intent terms in their page titles. For example "Buy TideLaundry Detergent from Canada at - Free Shipping". If a Canadian shopper searches for "Tide Laundry Detergent", they are going to find results for,, Tide's website, etc.. I would imagine that Canadian shoppers would start to add terms such as Canada, Buy, or online to try to find Canadian sellers. If that is the case, then ranks and arguably serves the customer with those intentions much better. I guess my question is, if the dominant search terms in my industry are polluted with irrelevant or American companies (even in Canada), is this form of localization a good idea? The terms don't seem to be searched much according to any keyword research tool I've used, but I know that I add "canada" to my search terms in order to find Canadian results? Thoughts?

    | evan89

  • If a website Uses <select>  to dropdown some choices, will Google see every option as Content Or Hyperlink?</select>

    | Zanox

  • So the position of the attribute effect the rel canonical tags' ability to function? is the way I see it across multiple documents and websites. Having a discussion with someone in the office and there is a website with it set up as: Will that cause any problems? The website is inquestion still has both pages indexed within Google using the as well as

    | jasondexter

  • My site is set up like this (i have x6 categories and all are similar) Home Page - Category - sub category - X4 detail pages My category page provides a summary/introduction of the subject, my sub category page is the "money page" with ability to quote & buy - my detail pages provide supporting material. What is the best internal linking strategy between these pages? (in addition, in one category i have x6 sub categories but only one of them is a "money page", should i be linking all of these pages back to the money page?) Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Hi folks, A client of mine created a new page and used meta robots noindex to not show the page while they are not ready to launch it. The problem is that somehow Google "crawled" the page and now, after removing the meta robots noindex, the page does not show up in the results. We've tried to crawl it using Fetch as Googlebot, and then submit it using the button that appears. We've included the page in sitemap.xml and also used the old Google submit new page URL Does anyone know how long will it take for Google to show the page AFTER removing meta robots noindex from the page? Any reliable references of the statement? I did not find any Google video/post  about this. I know that in some days it will appear but I'd like to have a good reference for the future. Thanks.

    | fabioricotta-84038

  • Is it worth the time to go through a site that was built in Dreamweaver and change the relative urls to absolute urls?

    | kimmiedawn

  • Hi Everyone, I have published 46 articles so far on my blog. Recently I changed my SEO strategy including changing main page titles, changing the targeting pages for each keyword, ... . Do you think it is a good thing to go back through all of my blog posts and change the internal link building and modify them accordingly. Thanks,

    | AlirezaHamidian

  • When viewing pages indexed by Google, I've noticed the Page Titles have be down stripped as follows: Actual Page Title: CITY Keyword - STATE keyword
    Google Indexed Page Title: 1 - None of the keywords in the actual PAGE TITLE are present; all words have been replaced with a random digit We launched a new version of the site several months back.. Any Idea on what can be causing this?

    | SpadaMan

  • A site lost a great deal of traffic in July, which appears to be from an algorithmic penalty, and hasn't recovered yet. It appears several updates were made to their system just before the drop in organic results. One of the issues noticed was that both uppercase and lowercase urls existed. Example urls are: To clean this up, a 301 redirect was implemented a few months ago. Another issue found was that many product related urls had a parameter added to the url for a tracking purpose. To clean this up, the tracking parameters were removed from the system and a canonical tag was implemented as these pages were also found in Google's index. The tag forced a page such as to be picked up as So now, there is a 301 to address the upper and lowercase urls and a canonical tag to address the parameters from creating more unnecessary urls. A few questions here: -Is this redunant and can cause confusion to the serps to have both a canonical and 301 redirect on the same page? -Both the 301 and canonical tag were implemented several months ago, yet Google's index is still showing them. Do these have to be manually removed with GWT individually since they are not in a subfolder or directory? Looking forward to your opinions.

    | ABK717

  • Kindly let me know how to create inforgraphic I am non designer. Any Best tool or template to buy to create infographic?

    | marknorman

  • Hi All, I am hoping you can help me? We have recently migrated to the Umbraco CMS and now have duplicate versions of the same page showing on different URLs. My understanding is that this is one of the major reasons for the rel=canonical tag. So am I right in saying that if I add the following to the page that I want to rank then this will work? I'm just a little worried as I have read some horror stories of people implementing this attribute incorrectly and getting into trouble. Thank you in advance

    | Creditsafe

  • We have ~3,000 photos that have all been tagged.  We have a wonderful AJAXy interface for users where they can toggle all of these tags to find the exact set of photos they're looking for very quickly. We've also optimized a site structure for Google's benefit that gives each category a page.  Each category page links to applicable album pages.  Each album page links to individual photo pages.  All pages have a good chunk of unique text. Now, for Google, the index page should be a directory of sorts that links to each category page.  Alternatively, the user would probably prefer the AJAXy interface. What is the best way to execute this?

    | tatermarketing

  • I have 4 websites (1 Main, 3 duplicate) with same content. Now I want to change the content for duplicate websites and main website will remain the same content. Is there any problem with my thinking?

    | marknorman

  • So i'm sure this is a very generic question.. of course everyone wants to be #1. We are an ecommerce web site. We have all sorts of products, user ratings, and are loved by our customers. We sell over 3 million a year. So let me give you some data.. First of all one of the sites that keeps taking the #2 or #3 spot is amazons category for what we sell.. (i'm not sure if I should say who we are here.. as I don't want the #1 spot to realize we are trying to take them over!) Amazon of course has a domain authority of 100. But they never take the #1 spot. The other site that takes the #2 and #3 spot is not even selling anything. Happens to be a technical term's with the same name wikipedia page! (i wish google would figure out people aren't looking for that!) Anyways.. every day we bouce back and forth between #4 and #2.. but #1 never changes.. Here are the stats of us verse #1 from moz: #1: Page Authority: 56.8, Root Domains Linking to page: 158, Domain Authority: 54.6: root domains linking to the root domain 1.42k my site: Page Authority: 60.6, Root domains linking to the page: 562, Domain Authority: 52.8: root domains linking to the root domain: 1.03k So they beat us in domain authority SLIGHTLY and in root domains linking to the root domain. So SEO masters.. what do I do to fix this? Get better backlinks? But how.... I can't just email GQ and ask them to write about us can I? I'm open to all things.. Maybe i'm not using moz data correctly..  We should at least be #2. We get #2 every other day.

    | 88mph

  • I have many pages that will soon have a lot of statistical data (real estate related). Each page represents a neighborhood, and the stats will be unique for each neighborhood. However, the stats follow a pattern on all pages: Nr o Sales year-to-date, Median Sales Price etc etc. It is great value to users, but I wonder if such pattern of similar types of calculations (though unique results for each neighborhood) across many pages will potentially be seen as lacking uniqueness as it all pages follow a similar pattern and sentence structure (Nr of Sales year-to-date, Median Sales Price etc). Adding to this, these statistics will be the only stuff that is truly unique content on these pages.

    | khi5

  • I want to show some additional info on our website that will only be visible to the IP address of our office. Do I need to be concerned that google may consider this cloaking?

    | lcourse

  • I have Wix website and want to change its url structure, but not able to do so, any one know how to do so?. Does below URLs work for SEO? And Is Wix is good for SEO or not?!how-it-works/c46c!party-event/c1lzb

    | Dan_Brown1

  • Hi Everybody, My previous SEO company had set the page titles like : keyword | keyword | keyword | keyword | keyword | keyword | keyword | My new one is changing every thing and replacing them with sentences including one or two keywords in each one. Could you please let me know which one is better approach? Thanks

    | AlirezaHamidian

  • Hi guys and gals, I have a really tricky client who I just can't seem to gain consistency with in their SERP results. The keywords are competitive but what the main issue I have is the big page jumps that happen pretty much on a weekly basis. We go up and down 40 positions and this behaviour has been going on for nearly 6 months.
    I felt it would resolve itself in time but it has not. The website is a large ecommerce website. Their link profile is OK in regards to several high quality newspaper publication links, majority brand related anchor texts and the link building we have engaged in has all been very good i.e. content relevant / high quality places. See below for some potential causes I think could be the reason: The on page SEO is good however the way their ecommerce website is setup they have formed a substantial amount of duplicate title tags. So in my opinion this is a potential cause. The previous web developer set-up 301 redirects all to their home page for any 404 errors. I know best practice is to go to the most relevant pages, however could this be a potential issue? We had some server connectivity issues show up in webmasters tools but that was for 1 day about 4 months ago. Since then no issues. they have quite a few 'blocked URLs' in their robots.txt file, e.g. Disallow: /login, Disallow: /checkout/ but to me these seem normal and not a big issue. We have seen a decrease over the last 12 months in Webmasters Tools of 'total indexed web pages' from 5000 to 2000 which is quite an odd statistic. Summary So all in all I am a tad stumped. We have some duplicate content issues in title tags, perhaps not following best practice in the 301 redirects but other than that I dont see any major on page issues, unless I am missing something in the seriousness of what I have listed.
    Finally we have also do a bit of a cull of poor quality links, requesting links to be removed and also submitting a 'disavow' of some really bad links. We do not have a manual penalty though. Thoughts, feedback or comments VERY welcome.

    | Jon_bangonline

  • A friend was hit with a manual penalty for unnatural links-impacts links. (see attached) I'm thinking it may be because they copied their entire site over to (without redirecting it, so they have duplicate content as well) Out of 76+k links, nearly 11,000 are from their blog. If that's the case is the problem solved by upgrading within to redirect to (then making a reconsideration request?) Or do I risk negatively affecting their site somehow? They saw a significant increase in traffic when they moved the content over but I'm thinking that was more a matter of increasing content on their site than increasing backlinks. The .org site ranks relatively well, whereas the blog doesn't really rank at all.Worth noting: it's a partial match, not a sitewide match. Does that negate my theory about the blog being the cause in any way? Since many of the links from it are sitewide? The blog has a header link to the .org homepage, plus individual links to it in posts. There are also three links in the header to pages on their .com website which redirects to three corresponding pages on the main .org site (the whole .com redirects). There are 23 footer links from the blog to the targeted .org pages as well. In the attached screenshot of who links most from Google Webmaster Tools, note that links most, but it's a lawyer's site so they naturally have referring content there. Could that be a problem?Thanks everyone! 🙂M8JVEI6.jpg?1 M6gYE90.jpg

    | kimmiedawn

  • This is a real-life problem on my ecommerce store for the drying rack we manufacture: Some people call it a Clothes Drying Rack, while others call it a Laundry Drying Rack, but it's really the same thing. Search volume is higher for the clothes version, so give it the most attention. I currently have 2 separate pages with the On-Page optimization focused on each name (URL, Title, h1, img alts, etc)  Here the two drying rack pages: clothes focused page and laundry focused page But the ranking of both pages is terrible. The fairly generic homepage shows up instead of the individual pages in Google searches for the clothes drying rack and for laundry drying rack. But I can get the individual page to appear in a long-tail search like this: round wooden clothes drying rack So my thought is maybe I should just combine both of these pages into one page that will hopefully be more powerful. We would have to set up the On-Page optimization to cover both "clothes & laundry drying rack" but that seems possible. Please share your thoughts. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? Is there another solution? Thanks for your help! Greg

    | GregB123

  • Hi all! Last week various changes were carried out on a website which has large traffic daily.
    The changes included; Re-structure of product meta titles ~500 Re-structure of product meta description ~500 Canonical link included on the majority of pages ~600 Meta details have only been changed mildly Title has gone from
    Name | Product Code | Category | Company Name
    Name | Category | Collection | Company Name
    IF the title is shorter than 62 characters, the price gets added in.
    Name | Category | Collection | Price | Company Name Descriptions have been cut shortIF description is over 156 characters the word on the limit is cut off and replaced with ... Canonical LinksReasoning for adding a canonical link for each product was to point Google in the right direction. Upper and Lower case within the URL are reachable .aspx / .html at the end of each page Canonical link added in the meta directing to a lower case version of the URL. Rankings have been reduced across various keywords, however a few have had a positive impact. Would you say this is a dip before a mild rise, or something I've done is harming the rankings and needs to be reversed? I'd appreciate any advice given. Many Thanks

    | Whittie

  • An ecommerce website I own called sells outdoor games, for example cornhole boards, bags, etc. One such product is a cornhole board carrying case. If you search the above phrase, my site has three pages that rank on the first page. The term isn't high volume, so I'm assuming that is part of the reason. Is this a good, normal thing or does this mean I have inadvertently broken up my ranking power from one powerful page to 3 OK pages? Does anyone know how I can take two of these pages and use them to make the 3rd page more powerful? For example, I would prefer 1 page ranks higher on page 1 in the serps and the other two fall a bit from supporting the other. Thanks, Adam

    | Soft-Lite

  • Hello, I have a client that was hit very bad by the Google Penguin 2.1 update. He mentioned he did an intensive link analysis and removed all the bad links; however there were a lot of them (around 6000).  His domain has a decent sized domain authority of 30/100. I'm wondering if it's worth it to try and save his domain, or start fresh from a new one. Due to the high number of links I'm not 100% confident that all the bad links were taken care of, and I've heard that even if you remove the links Google won't lift the penalties. What would you do...get a new domain, or risk the next couple months trying to save the existing one?

    | reidsteven75

  • Client Question - How much time this keyword  takes to rank? Is there any tool or any calculation to find out the estimate time for a particular keyword?

    | marknorman

  • Hi Mozzers. My website uses a landing page for Google Adwords traffic targeting keywords like HR Software, HR Systems etc. The design of the landing page is similar to our website but a key difference is that, being a landing page, we've removed the navigation (it is still possible to navigate to the main website by clicking on the logo). We've A/B tested this and found that by removing the navigation we get more people converting/signing up for the free trial of our service. We track conversions using Google Analytics. Depending on the keyword the conversion rate is between 2.5% and 5%. However, because we've removed the navigation the bounce rate is really high, circa 80% for our landing page compared to an average for our website of approx 40%. Would having such a high bounce rate harm our organic rankings for the rest of the website? Thanks

    | OctopusHR

  • So i am working on a site that has a really bad link detox score.  It was over 1250.  We have it down to 950, which is still showing deadly risk.  Competitors sites are like 450. So we are currently done link removal and buildling new links, but I am wondering if there is any point since the link detox score is still so high. We did disavow like 2000 links, but you all know how much good that does. What are your thoughts?

    | netviper

  • Hi Mozzers, I am working with a large website that has some of its content translated across multiple languages. I am planning on using The Media Flow to create an HREFLANG Sitemap for content on various languages. Please see the attached image for the questions below. Thanks! Section Highlighted Yellow: When there is a URL that does not have a translated version, should it not be included on the same HREFLANG sitemap? Alternately, could I just remove the languages that are not being targeted, so  this would just reflect English language targeting? fqO9Dvk

    | J-Banz

  • I have a client that uses a third party rental agency to book their cabins. The client has that 3rd party company's number on the site and I have been tasked with building citations. I feel this will create a problem by using another company's number instead of a custom one just for this  business. Thoughts on this matter?

    | Atomicx

  • Hello, I have a site,, that 301 redirects to the main site, Not only is still indexed, but it recently stole rankings from for "decompression belt" related terms. What could be causing this? How do I reclaim the rankings for Thanks for reading!!

    | DA2013

  • Hello, i have a website in html5 and recently i did a new folder in my site: for example, and there i installed Wordpress. I would like to know if that is correct, because 1 have 2 sites different and maybe i had that install WP in ? Must i add in WMT? Thanks for all.

    | pompero99

  • Does Google still don't index Hashtag Links ? No chance to get a Search Result that leads directly to a section of a page? or to one of numeras Hashtag Pages in a single HTML page? If I have 4 or 5 different hashtag link section pages , consolidated into one HTML Page, no chance to get one of the Hashtag Pages to appear as a search result? like, if under one Single Page Travel Guide I have two essential sections: #Attractions #Visa no chance to direct search queries for Visa directly to the Hashtag Link Section of #Visa? Thanks for any help

    | Muhammad_Jabali

  • Hello all,
     I am trying to figure out how to add leverage browser caching to these items. Whats hard is I understand the purpose, but unlike a css file, how do you specify an expiration on an actual direct path file? Any help or link to get help is appreciated. Chris

    | asbchris

  • Example I have a page with a slideshow of 35 pictures. They are all unique pictures and relevant to the page, have unique alt text, though no captions or description surrounding the images. Page also has a lot of unique written content. Question: is this large nr of pictures potentially overwhelming for search engines and they may think it is spammy and it would be a safer bet to only keep the top 10 pictures on such page? I did review this great whiteboard Friday - - and I noticed this at very end: "The other part, and I see this happen a lot especially with bigger clients, is when you put lots and lots of images on one page, like an image gallery, those pages tend to be very hard to get indexed. The reason for that is there's not a lot unique textual content. A lot of times it's just overwhelming to users. It doesn't provide a lot of benefit in a search result." My page has been indexed, but will ranking potentially be hurt and to play it safe I better reduce nr of pictures? I do understand the "do what is best for the user" scenario and that is what I am doing with a lot of amazing original pictures not found on any other website. However, with search engines we obviously have to consider how they operate as well. Thank you

    | khi5

  • I started the site 10 years ago as selling mainly surfboards and ranking mainly for surfboards, paddle boards came along and now paddle boards make up for 95% of all the business and we are missing alot of ranking in the paddle board related keywords so what is the best course of action? my plans: keep and keep it surfboards focused, create a new domain and move all paddle board related content products etc over to this domain with redirects to transfer the link juice. Doing this will still keep my surfboard site and all its long term domain credibility and i can offer a link over the the site for people looking to buy paddle boards and vice versa on the new paddle board site for people looking to shop surfboards. Would this be the best course of action or does can anyone offer any better suggestions. I know google supposodly has taken off much ranking emphasis of the domain but as i pick apart the competition who rank welll in the paddle board space they all have "paddleboards" in the domains and a paddle board specific site to keep it tightly themed which pays off across the board in content, ppc campaigns, and overall ease of use as surfboards and paddle boards are two seperate products and paddle boards is very hot right now so i dont want to stay commited to domain if its going to create confusion or not help me rank well for paddle boards leading into the future. Any ideas? Thoughts on the best route to take?

    | isle_surf

  • For technical reason we are having to change our XML sitemap URL's from to - What checklist do I need to do to make sure this transition goes smoothly and is there any problems that I might come across?

    | JohnW-UK

  • Adding code to redirect/clean up ugly URL's slows down mobile site performance, so it is necessary if we are already using rel=alternate tags on our desktop/www pages?

    | recbrands

  • Hi, I recently started a website on famous Photoshop images. These are available in the internet, but on different sources, so i gathered them all and made them available in my website. So my content is not unique but it was gathered from different sources and made available in one website. How can i get links naturally? Yes, it is a great content, but how people will know about my site so that they can reblog on their blogs? How can i make the users to reblog my content and get links naturally? Can anyone experienced help me?

    | hari1

  • Hi Mozzers, I am conducting a site audit for a client, and I am confused with what they are doing with their robot.txt file. It shows in GWT that there is a file and it is blocking about 12K URLs (image attached). It also shows in GWT that the file was downloaded 10 hours ago successfully. However, when I go to the robot.txt file link, the page is blank. Would they be doing something advanced to be blocking URLs to hide it it from users? It appears to correctly be blocking log-ins, but I would like to know for sure that it is working correctly. Any advice on this would be most appreciated. Thanks! Jared ihgNxN7

    | J-Banz

  • Hi All, I've been reading more about the meta keyword tag and why it may not be a good idea to include them on pages and am looking for thoughts/feedback on this idea. If you have employed this tactic, can you give me some insight into any results you saw.  If you decided to not employ this tactic, why did you choose not to? I wan to understand all sides of this before employing any changes to my company's websites. Thank you for your help!

    | airnwater

  • Hi, We currently have a site where there are several subcategories for every main category. So this means that visitors will have to click through 3-4 subcategories before reaching products that they could have easily found if the site would be using filters on category pages. My question is - if a subcategory page with 4 products is currently a category page (optimized heading, description) and I'd want this category to be available through filters, how do I still keep it optimized for search engines? So under a category "Cleaners", we have all cleaning products. There are 8 "Cable cleaners" under this category. This is currently a subcategory, but I'd just solve this with a filter in the "Cleaners" screen. Not sure what's right from an SEO standpoint here.

    | JaanMSonberg

  • We are moving from BigCommerce to Shopify but maintaining our domain name and need to make sure that all links redirect to their corresponding links. We understand the nature of 301s and are fine with that, but when it comes to adding the site to google webmaster tools, not losing link juice and the change of address tool we are kind of lost. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you so much in advance!

    | WNL

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