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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I have payment gateway website, website provide services to US and other countries  as well. Can I do citation posting for the website? Website is having contact us page with US address on it.

    | marknorman

  • We launched a website in October The branded product name "Butterfly Body Liners" will not rank until page 2 of Google, but it ranks #1 in Bing. Organic traffic never really picked up so it's not easy to tell if it's been "hit" by any penalty. The strange thing is, this website: is ranking #1. This is an archived version of the site. Does anyone have any insight as to why this is happening?

    | LaughlinConstable

  • Example: Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • We have been a .org website for as long as the web as been around. We just recently got the .com for our organization and wondered what the transition process would be like. We offer a lot of content to help parents with parenting and so as a content driven site we have about 13k external links and 1,200 linking root domains links to our site. Will we loose all our links in the transition to the .com? Is there a way to do this well that helps our brand and also retains our google ranking? Thanks so much for any and all help.

    | movieguide

  • I have 1,000+ pages that all have very similar writing, but different results. 
    Nr of days on market
    Average sales price
    Median sales price
    etc etc etc All the results are very different for each neighborhood. However, as per the above, the wording is similar. The content is very valuable to users. However, I am concerned search engines may see it as low quality content, as wording is identical across all these pages (except the results). Any view on this? Any examples to back up such views?

    | khi5

  • I've some Duplicate issues showing up in Moz Analytics which are due to a Q&A plugin being used on a Wordpress website which prompts the user to login. There's a number of links looking like the one shown below, which lead to the login page: What's the best way to deal with this? -- extra info: this is only showing up in Moz Analytics. Google Webmaster Tools reports no duplicates.. I'm guessing this is maybe down to the 'redirect_to' parameter being effective in grouping the URLs for Googlebot. currently the wplogin and consequent redirects are 'noindex, follow' - I cannot see where this is being generated from in wp-login.php to change this to nofollow (if this will solve it).

    | GregDixson

  • Back in August of 2013 Google created a form that allowed people to submit small websites that "should be ranking better in Google". There is more info about it in this article Has anybody used it? Any experiences or results you can share? *private message if you do not want to share publicly...

    | GregB123

  • Hello, We want to build a niche scholarship tool for our Ecommerce site. It will sort through relevant scholarships for a certain demographic, say, Hispanic engineering students for example. My question is: If the tool's focus is Hispanic engineering scholarships, and we sell supplies that are in the same general category as products that engineers use, will the backlinks we gain from people linking to our tool be relevant. The main reason I ask is that I think most backlinks will be from Hispanic sites, and I don't know if there will be enough relevance to make the links help. What are your thoughts on this?

    | BobGW

  • This site was moved to a new host by the client a month back and is still not indexed in Google UK if you search for the site directly. Webmaster tools shows that 55 pages have been crawled and no errors have been detected. The client also tried the "Fetch as Google Bot" tactic in GWT as well as running a PPC campaign and the site is still not appearing in Google. Any thoughts please? Cheers, SEO5..

    | SEO5Team

  • I noticed that a few people are using to do "guest post".Is that a good way to diversify the link profile and get more traffic? Is anyone here using Triond? What do you guys think about the service?

    | Felip3

  • Which part of SEO do you think will take the most time? and Why?

    | marknorman

  • My site has a LOT of "read more" and when a user click they will see a lot of text. "read more" is dark blue bold and clear to the user. It is the perfect for the user experience, since right below I have pictures and videos which is what most users want. Question: I expect few users will click "Read more" (however, some users will appreciate chance to read and learn more) and I wonder if search engines may think I am hiding text and this is a risky approach or simply discount the text as having zero value from an SEO perspective? Or, equally important: If the text was NOT hidden with a "Read more" would the text actually carry more SEO value than if it is hidden under a "read more" even though users will NOT read the text anyway? If yes, reason may be: when the text is not hidden, search engines cannot see that users are not reading it and the text carry more weight from an SEO perspective than pages where text is hidden under a "Read more" where users rarely click "read more".

    | khi5

  • What is the best way to familiarize myself with schema and updating it on the website. I know it is important and I understand the concept. It's the implementation and actual mark-up that I struggle with. Are there certifications or courses I could take that would teach me implementation techniques? Is there a blog or person I should follow that is awesome at explaining it?

    | In-House-SEO-Team

  • I just got off a Google Hangout with John Mueller and was left a little confused about his response to my question. If I have an internal link in a div like widgetwill it have the same SEO impact as widget John said that as you are unable to attribute a nofollow in an onclick event it would be treated as a naked link and would not pass pagerank but still be crawled. Can anyone confirm that I understood it correctly? If so should all my links that have such an onclickevent also have an html ahref in the too? Such as widget Many times it is more useful for the customer to click on any area of a large div and not just the link to get to the destination intended? Clarification on this subject would be very useful, there is nothing easily found online to confirm this. Thanks

    | gazzerman1

  • I have a dynamic website which will have location-based internal pages that will have a <title>and <h1> title, and meta description tag that will include the subregion of a city.  Each page also will have an 'info' section describing the generic product/service offered which will also include the name of the subregion.  The 'specific product/service content will be dynamic but in some cases will be almost identical--ie subregion A may sometimes have the same specific content result as subregion B.  Will the difference of just the location put in each of the above tags be enough for me to avoid a Duplicate Content concern?</p></title>

    | couponguy

  • My other website is 4 years old and Page Rank 3. We are into business of design and development for 5 years and still we don't have any result from Google Searches. When I type I don't get any result. What's the reason?

    | vikaspooja

  • I'm looking for a bit of advice regarding links coming into main site from another site in the client portfolio. The main site we are working on has been going great, organic traffic has grown considerably.  The past few weeks there has been a subtle decline including ranking for a few keywords down a little. What I have noticed is that there is another site in the portfolio (that I am not working on) has had a steady tailspin in organic traffic since Jan and i've been informed it is a dying site in terms of the products offered.  This has some links in the main menu going directly to the main site. My gut feeling is to isolate the secondary site from the main (no-follow or remove links), but the impact on slightly dropped rankings on the main site is not directly related to those linked pages.  Would you go for it and isolate anyway?

    | MickEdwards

  • Images are compressed and resized to fit into an article, but each image in the article links to the original file - which in some cases is around 5Mb. The large versions of the images are indexed in Google. Does this decrease the website's crawl budget due to the time spent downloading the large files? Does link equity disappear through the image links? Either way I don't think it's a very good user experience if people click on the article images to see the large images - there's no reason for the images to be so large. Any other thoughts? Thanks. 🙂

    | Alex-Harford

  • When i enter a landing page (a site page) in Google KW Planner Tool it returns an interesting set of results that I would like help with please? The first few results are relevant to that page BUT then it shows KW results that are for any page of my site. The fact that its reporting on the whole of my site rather than just that page - does it matter? ie will google be able to work it out which is the target page vs links to the rest of my site through the site navigation? The site had been live since June 2013 and we struggle to get on Page 1 SERPs, for most of our top themes and i wondered whether this could be a contributing factor? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Google Webmaster Tools is showing the following message: _Googlebot couldn't access the contents of this URL because the server had an internal error when trying to process the request. These errors tend to be with the server itself, not with the request.  _ Before I contact the person who manages the server and hosting (essentially asking if the error is on his end) is there a chance I could have created an issue with an incorrect 301 redirect or other code added to .htaccess incorrectly? Here is the 301 redirect code I am using in .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /([^/.]+/)*(index.html|default.asp)\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^(([^/.]+/)*)(index|default)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^($ [NC] RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Could adding the following code after that in the .htaccess potentially cause any issues? BEGIN EXPIRES <ifmodule mod_expires.c="">ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 days"
    ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week"
    ExpiresByType text/plain "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 week"
    ExpiresByType application/x-icon "access plus 1 year"</ifmodule> END EXPIRES (Edit) I'd like to add that there is a Wordpress blog on the site too at with the following code in it's .htaccess: BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Thanks

    | kimmiedawn

  • I have been having a hard time finding any decent information regarding the robots.txt syntax that has been written in the last few years and I just want to verify some things as a review for myself.  I have many occasions where I need to block particular directories in the URL, parameters and parameter values.  I just wanted to make sure that I am doing this in the most efficient ways possible and thought you guys could help. So let's say I want to block a particular directory called "this" and this would be an example URL:  
    or In order for me to block any URL that contains this folder anywhere in the URL I would use: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /this/ Now lets say I have a parameter "that" I want to block and sometimes it is the first parameter and sometimes it isn't when it shows up in the URL.  Would it look like this? User-agent: *
    Disallow: ?that=
    Disallow: &that= What about if there is only one value I want to block for "that" and the value is "NotThisGuy": User-agent: *
    Disallow: ?that=NotThisGuy
    Disallow: &that=NotThisGuy My big questions here are what are the most efficient ways to block a particular parameter and block a particular parameter value.  Is there a more efficient way to deal with ? and & for when the parameter and value are either first or later?  Secondly is there a list somewhere that will tell me all of the syntax and meaning that can be used for a robots.txt file? Thanks!

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • I’m having an issue with Google Webmaster Tools saying there are 404 errors on my site. When I look into my “Not Found” errors I see URLs like this one:   Real-Estate-1/Rentals-Wanted-228/Myrtle-Beach-202/subcatsubc/ When I click on that and go to the “Linked From” tab, GWT says the page is being linked from The problem here is that page has never existed on, making it impossible for anything to be “linked from” that page. Many more strange URLs like this one are also showing as 404 errors. All of these contain “subcatsubc” somewhere in the URL. My Question: If that page has never existed on, how is it possible to be linking to itself and causing a 404?

    | Fuel

  • The site, has been having an issue with the way it displays in search results for the keyword "Myrtle Beach hotels". It is showing as a bulleted/itemized list similar to what's mentioned in this Moz article I'll begin with a little background. When I started working with the site it would display in SERPs as: Myrtle Beach Hotels - Reviews, Deals, & Photos -

    70+ items - Compare Lowest rates & see reviews on Myrtle Beach Hotels
    from $76. Holiday Inn Club Vacations Myrtle Beach - South Beach offers a ...
    from $27. Located among the south end Myrtle Beach hotels, Holiday Sands ... We did not want the site showing as an itemized list with 70+ items. We wanted it to show with the meta description we provided. 
    Our first attempt at getting the SERP to display our normal meta description was to simply change the meta description. That didn't work. Our second thought was to use pagination to reduce the number of items on the page. A few days after we implemented pagination we saw our normal meta description displaying in the SERP. Shortly after that we saw the SERP had reverted, but this time was showing 15+ items rather than 70+. This is when began seeing the SERP display change between a normal meta description and 15+ items. In another effort to stop the 15+ items from displaying in SERPs, we added relevant blog content like "Top 10 Oceanfront hotels" and "Best Kid Friendly Hotels" to break up the hotel listings on Again, our normal meta description displayed in the SERPs for the next few days, but shortly after reverted back to 15+ items. Since then we have been seeing the SERP switch between our normal meta description and 15+ items with no rhyme or reason. Because our listings are not using , I'm not really sure why the site would be displaying this way. Since I have been regularly monitoring the SERP for the keyword "Myrtle Beach hotels", has ranked as high as 5 and as low as 10. I open an Incognito Window and I take screenshots almost daily. I then record how the site was displayed in the SERP and its rank. I also look at organic visits and a Value Per Entry metric I've created. (I looked at Value Per Entry to determine if someone seeing 15+ items was more apt to convert) Average Visits on days with a normal meta description - 182
    Average Visits on days with itemized 15+ description - 174 Average Value Per Entry on days with a normal meta description - 131
    Average Value Per Entry on days with itemized 15+ description - 120 Average Rank on days with a normal meta description - 7
    Average Rank on days with itemized 15+ description - 6 This data shows that performance is better on days when the normal meta description is displayed regardless of rank. I have linked 2 screenshots for reference. The 2-6-14 screenshot shows the SERP display with 15+ items and the 2-7-14 screenshot shows the SERP display with the normal meta description we provided. My questions are:
    1. How does Google determine if a site should display in SERPs with an itemized or bulleted list?
    2. Is there something else I need to change on to prevent it from displaying in SERPs with 15+ items? m4znToY PRdDXZf

    | Fuel

  • Dear mates, I'm looking for register a new domain, and I'm looking for its history on, my question is how to know if this domain has been penalized by Google, banned etc?. Please let me know your ideas. Thank you Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • I am using Wistia videos for my website and they have an embed feature which gives option to include a backlink to one's site, which I thought was great. I took a random Moz whiteboard Friday video ( and I do not see the backlink feature if I click on "embed" button below the video. Question: why would Moz not use such feature? Bad SEO or simply because Moz does not need it?

    | khi5

  • Hello, I have an ecommerce site that sells pond pumps. I have every pump separated because each pump has different flow rates, specs, and replacement parts. All of the content is original, and even the content on the pages are (more than) 15% different - so it isn't getting flagged by Moz as duplicate content. Essentially it is set up like this: Acme Pond Pumps Acme Pond Pump 100 Acme Pond Pump 200 Acme Pond Pump 300 I am wondering if it is best to leave all of the products as separate pages, or if I should canonicalize them to the category page? Will each of the pages pass link juice upward anyways? The difference between the products are the specs, parts, and model number. Thoughts?

    | evan89

  • I am working with a company which uses Endeca to power the guided navigation for our e-commerce site. I am concerned that the duplicate content generated by having the same products served under numerous refinement levels is damaging the sites ability to rank well, and was hoping the Moz community could help me understand how much of an impact this type of duplicate content could be having. I also would love to know if there are any best practices for how to manage this type of navigation. Should I nofollow all of the URLs which have more than 1 refinement used on a category, or should I allow the search engines to go deeper than that to preserve the long tail? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    | FireMountainGems

  • Hello, A potential client of mine has been blacklisted because of bad SEO process basically they have over 1,500 toxic links on their site. They have penalised to such an extent that they are now on page 12 for most of their keywords and not ranking well on brand terms either. They are keen to on to a new domain entirely and ditch their current domain when we design their new site. I wanted to get people's opinion on whether this is the best course of action or should we try to salvage the current domain? Many thanks, Mat

    | Barques-Design

  • Hello! I have a website which is completely affiliate based. What is the best option for the links on-page? Examples would be: And So on... Which look ugly as sin when you hover over the Anchor Text. Ideally I would like a 301 redirect to, which would then have a rel nofollow. This way I could also track the exit pages via Analytics too guess, which I've not currently got set up and i'm desperate for it to be done. Does this method effect anything on search engines though? I've seen mixed report, but going back to 2011 which is too long ago in the SEO world. Another option is to use the likes of "" or use another domain and host 301s on there? The new integration from moz might come in handy here. Please advise on the subject, I really appreciate any help on this, as i'm at a brick wall. Thanks

    | Whittie

  • Hi All, We are having an issue at the moment where our business direction page is ranking above the main business profile page. Our website is, similar to Yelp but for South East Asia. An example of each page is below: Business Profile Page -  Business Directions - On many of our long tail searches for particular businesses, the business directions rank above the business details. Does anyone have any idea of why this would happen? I have researched Yelp and they do not have this issue. A few search examples in Google are as follows (one is in Thai): agonos dental clinic เวิลด์ชาร์มมิ่ง kawanku elektrik I have been rattling my brain and search for answers but cannot find anything. The communities help would be much appreciated. Many Thanks, Neil W

    | zodiothailand

  • If you go to and click on one of the links in the footer. you'll notice you are presented with an interstitial.  Can you tell me if that hurts our SEO and if we lose any link juice or suffer in any other way as a result of this linking method? my main concern is whether having anchor text that says "bathroom ideas" that goes to an interstitial that doesn't mention bathroom ideas is non-relevant... even if it refreshes 12 seconds to  a page that is.

    | KaplanSEM

  • I have some advanced statistics modules implemented on my website, which is very high level added value for users. However, wording is similar across 1000+ pages, with difference being the statistical findings.
    Page Ex 1:
    Page Ex: 2: As you can see same wording is used "Median Sales Price per Year", "$ Volume of Active Listings" etc etc....difference being the findings / results are obviously different. Questions: are search engines smart enough to realize the quality in this or do they see similar wording across 1000+ pages and p-otentially consider the pages low-quality content, because search engines are unable to identify the high level added value and complexity in pulling such quality data? If that may be the case, does that mean I ought to make the pages more "unique" by including a little piece of writing about each page to make them look more unique, even though it is not of value to users?

    | khi5

  • Hi, My company has enjoyed pretty good rankings for our main keywords in Google for the past 13+ years we have been in business. We have always been very white-hat about our SEO -- always erring on the side of not doing anything rather than risking a penalty. Well, last Thursday, we received the dreaded Google penalty due to a pattern of unnatural links. The hit is devastating - we are not even in the top 50 for our own company name anymore. Through research, we believe we have found the culprit -- and it has nothing to do with any of our own actions. We operate a discussion forum, and there was a link to one of the threads that was being used as the target for a lot of link spam -- Chinese blog comments, etc. We had nothing to do with this, but obviously someone had an agenda and was working on spamming to this page. Who knows - it may have even been the company that was being discussed negatively in the thread, attempting to have us blocked. We discovered it the same day we received the penalty notice, and issued a reconsideration request, detailing what we believe we found. So far, we haven't disavowed any of the links, but I am thinking we should. We have asked Google if they're able to just turn off any link juice for that one page, especially since we don't know who is doing this spamming, and whether they will continue. Has anyone experienced something similar? How does one prevent themselves from receiving a penalty that they had nothing to do with? What is there to keep any competitor from launching a spammy link-building campaign to get their competitor removed from Google? Is there anything we can do to resolve this? Thanks for any and all thoughts...

    | kylie_rw

  • I need SEO. A SEO consultant said: ''link building isn't considered a suitable way of promotion as per recent search engine updates'' they mention: ''Therefore we would be undertaking a range of promotional exercises such as blog postings, social book marking, press release, etc that are more effective for ensuring best possible rankings for the website.'' Do you agree? Thank you

    | BigBlaze205

  • What is the latest consensus on SPA web design architecture and SEO friendliness?
    By SPA, I mean rather than each page having its own unique URL, instead each page would have an anchor added to a single URL. For example: Before SPA: After SPA: (rendering a new page using AJAX) It would seem that Google may have trouble differentiating pages with unique anchors vs unique URLs, but have they adapted to this style of architecture yet? Are there any best practices around this? Some developers are moving to SPA as the state of the art in architecture (e.g., see this thread:, and yet there may be a conflict between SPA and SEO. Any thoughts or black and white answers? Thanks.

    | Robo342

  • Hi All, The structure of the main website goes by - We have a partnership with public libraries to give local users access to the publication content for free. We have over 100 subdomains (each for an specific library) that have duplicate content issues with the root domain, Most subdomains have very high page authority (the main public library and other local .gov websites have links to this subdomains).Currently this subdomains are not index due to the robots text file excluding bots from crawling. I am in the process of setting canonical tags on each subdomain and open the robots text file. Should I set the canonical tag on each subdomain (homepage) to the root domain version or to the specific city within the root domain? Example 1:
    Option 1: = Canonical Tag =
    Option 2: = Canonical Tag = Example 2:
    Option 1: = Canonical Tag =
    Option 2: = Canonical Tag = Example 3:
    Option 1: = Canonical Tag =
    Option 2: = Canonical Tag = I believe it makes more sense to set the canonical tag to the corresponding city (option 1), but wondering if setting the canonical tag to the root domain will pass "some link juice" to the root domain and it will be more beneficial. Thanks!

    | NewspaperArchive

  • I keep getting the "Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site" message in the GWMT for one of the sites that I manage. The error is as below- Googlebot encountered problems while crawling your site. Googlebot encountered extremely large numbers of links on your site. This may indicate a problem with your site's URL structure. Googlebot may unnecessarily be crawling a large number of distinct URLs that point to identical or similar content, or crawling parts of your site that are not intended to be crawled by Googlebot. As a result Googlebot may consume much more bandwidth than necessary, or may be unable to completely index all of the content on your site. I understand the nature of the message - the site uses a faceted navigation and is genuinely generating a lot of duplicate pages. However in order to stop this from becoming an issue we do the following; No-index a large number of pages using the on page meta  tag. Use a canonical tag where it is appropriate But we still get the error and a lot of the example pages that Google suggests are affected by the issue are actually pages with the no-index tag. So my question is how do I address this problem? I'm thinking that as it's a crawling issue the solution might involve the no-follow meta tag. any suggestions appreciated.

    | BenFox

  • I am the SEO consultant for a large online homewares store. This company currently ranks very well in Google. I can PM the domain name if anyone needs however i don't want to post it on this forum. The company has bought out a competitor and plan to use the same warehouse, same products, and same back-end system as the current site, so they want to completely duplicate the current website. Titles, meta descriptions, product descriptions will all be renamed/rewritten/reworded (however keep in mind there are not many ways to reword a 3 piece saucepan set) Pricing will mostly be the same (some difference though), images cannot be renamed, categories cannot be renamed... the structure of the site will be exactly the same... placement etc. (however will have different banners, logo etc.) I personally don't believe the new site will rank, because it will be too similar. Can someone please offer me a 2nd opinion... Thanks

    | ryanlenton

  • I have a lots of error on my Google webmaster tools under Search Appearance -> Structure Data there are two sets of items 1- "hentry" and source is "Markup:" and error says: "Missing: author | Missing: updated" 2-"hcard" and source is "Markup:" and error says: "Missing: fn" I am using WordPress. Can anybody tell me how to fix these errors please. Thank you Sina

    | SinaKashani

  • As anyone installed Yoast Wordpress SEO premium. Love to ear some feedbacks. I have some problems on installations that i am trying to solve as i am not an expert on SEO.

    | maestrosonrisas

  • This is a question about the non-branded, topical sitelinks SERP - i.e. those sitelinks without additional descriptive text, that tend to be shown for queries that are information centered as opposed to brand-centric. I'm been noticing an increase in these among some big brands in the travel vertical, and wanted to throw it out there to the esteemed Moz community. Are these the preserve of big site SEO/brands, or is there anything we can/should be doing to increase our chances of getting these topical sitelinks to appear? Cheers! rkdVaDN

    | linklater

  • Hello! I am not very experienced with SEO, but I am trying to help out on a site that has been around since 2010 and has well over a thousand pages of high-quality, original content, with more being added all the time. Only around 65 of the site's daily visits come from organic search results; this seems very low. There has already been significant SEO work done on the site. Is there something about the site that strikes anyone as obviously getting in the way of organic traffic? The URL is I would appreciate any thoughts you may have. Thank you very much!

    | nyc-seo

  • Hi all, May seem like a simple scenario and I might be missing something, but my subpage seems to be ranking for my main homepage keyword. The subpage PR is 28 and my domain authority is 17, how can I get my main home page to rank instead of the sub page (product page)? I want to stay away from exact match anchor text links, any suggestions?

    | SO_UK

  • Hi I have the following 2 pages: My dilema is that google sees the words "funeral planning" & "funeral plans" as the same thing, which might explain why the "funeral plan" page is not ranked v well. My issue is that the "funeral planning" page is at category level and introduces the wider subject of funeral planning, which isnt just funeral plans, so if i 301 my "funeral plan" page i will have no where to talk about funeral plans. My question is, Is the "funeral plan" page not ranked v well because of this or do i just need better optimisation of the funeral plan page so google is clear which is the key focus for each page? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • I have a well established domain that's been hit with some penalties. It hasn't been nuked off the map, just downgraded, especially on short-tail, one word type queries. I'm planning on redirecting this domain to another well established domain. The domains already have a history of lots of interlinking and are very similar from a subject matter standpoint. I feel that the penalized domain has been hit with an "over-optimization" of link anchor text penalty (I'm hoping it's algorithmic, but it could be manual). My question is if anyone has ever heard of a penalty like this being transferred to another domain through a 301 redirect. My hope is that the penalty just puts a cap on how much juice the redirect can pass, rather than transferring the penalty to the other domain itself. Any thoughts on this?

    | SEOMG

  • I asked here but figured out ask the Moz Community also! Is it actually best practice to create landing pages for nearby cities if you don't have an actual address there? Even if your target customers are there? For example, If I am in Miami, but have a lot of customers who come from nearby cities like Fort Lauderdale is it okay to create those LP's? I've heard this described as best practice, but I'm beginning to question whether Google sees it that way.

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi to all, Ok so I have been beating myself up trying to figure out how to create a good ranking title for my websites homepage. My competition uses commas in its title tags But these are 100% against what Rand and many posts say here. I watched his whiteboard where he says don't use commas. There are posts that say, don't use commas. The biggest one is mortonbuildings(dot)com - followed by - lesterbuildings(dot)com They basically have the same title tags with commas. So what's the catch here? What am I missing? of course these sites have Great Domain Authority, but I swear what they are doing is going against what Rand and many other seo professional's are preaching. I thought it should read better for visitors? But to me it looks like keyword stuffing with a brand name? Any help is greatly appreciated to let me know if these commas and strategies are good to do? or bad news? Again thank you for your time to help a small business. Chris

    | asbchris

  • One of the sites I manage has QuickView pages for many or most of the products it sells. These ordinarily appear as hover icons, but they also exist as individual pages. The QuickView pages are listed as "Issues" in Moz, and they only have snippets of HTML code. Would it be possible to take the QuickView pages off of the search engine index by using a NoFollow function? Thank you.

    | David_Moceri

  • why does my site not show up in Google even when you search exact homepage title tag or business name (Brand-It Web Design)?  You can even search the exact title tag for my site and it does not show up. If you search you will see that it is there.  But just the homepage doesn't show up in search for anything else.  We have probably tried everything in the world to get this working. Any suggestions?

    | Brand_It_Web_Design

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