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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Do URL shortener services like act as 301 redirects? I was thinking about utilizing one for longer query based URLs and didn't want to risk losing link juice. Thanks for the insight! Regards - Kyle

    | kchandler

  • Hi, I have a website ( wich I put a spreadshirt shop into via iframe. The thing is I am not sure on how the iframe effects my SEO? Can I just optimise the main domain for search? Well I want the spreadshirt shop to be found under the domain name ( but the only real way to do it is by implementing an iframe because each spreadshirt shop has its own subdomain eg.: but the only real way to do it is via iframe, as they do not offer a complete domain redirect. (Or have I overseen some other way?) I hope you guys can help me on this one 🙂 Thanks in advance. Malte

    | wellbo

  • We are helping a small business directory in their SEO. They address 20 service categories(300 subcategories) with 60000 profiles. We are focusing on following elements: 1. Cutting the flab (they have 3.4 million pages indexed), but they get only 30000 visitors on the website. This will be done by removing long list of cities & by using "Nofollow". 2. Improve internal navigation & use Anchor texts 3. Focus SEO (Backlinks) at business category pages 4. Clean URLs, Titles 5. Implementation of Rich Snippets ( 6. Cleaning data If we can not take traffic volume to 300000 in a month, this project will be considered a failure. Does any directory has achieved this recently? We are in first 2 weeks of the project and It will help us our "To do" list 😉

    | UnyscapeInfocom

  • Our developers are recommending we sign up for a cloud based LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, & PHP) server to install 3<sup>rd</sup> party software (Wordpress). They said "the blog will be on a separate IP address and potentially can have some impact with SEM/SEO." Can anyone expand on what impact this might have versus having it on the same IP?

    | pbhatt

  • Hi- I've got a big client who is setting up an in-house job board, ie. as part of their own site. They are a diverse company that offers a wide variety of roles across the whole country. The software they have chosen to use is not in any way SEO-focused. Therefore I'll need to recommend some modifications to the sitemap created by the web design team, within the time and budget available to me. At this stage I am thinking along the lines of determining the major geographical areas and job sectors and creating summary (landing) pages such as /jobs/california/electrical-engineering which contain any currently available roles for that geo+sector. I've tried to find guidance on job board SEO optimization or even case studies but haven't found much at all. This seems useful though: Does anyone have any tips or links to useful information on job board SEO? Thanks in advance! Jules

    | Juller

  • How Do I Check To See If I Am Ranking Naturally or Is It Skewed by Cache - I heard every once in a while I have to clean up the cookies or cache which one should it be ? This is the problem I ran a ranks report for my keywords I saw myself ranking for 2 of my keywords on 1st page rankings but it conflicts with my rankings report i use seo powersuite to check for rankings So do I have to clean cookies or cache to ensure that when I check to see myself if i am ranking by typing the kw's into google and i see them come up on 1st that is not due to google making it easier for me to get to it and using cache or cookies to serve me the page high .. How does this work this cache or cookie thing -- can it skew what I am trying to check for and confuse me by not giving me the actual rankings ?

    | helpwanted

  • Does a 301 re-direct pass social signals such as 'likes' 'tweets' and '+1s"?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, so, I have a website. Let's call it a cooking website with about 300 pieces of content cross-listed among 20 categories. I want to move my entire site, hook line and sinker, to Facebook. My first thought was to do this with a domain-wide 301, as that would preserve most of the authority and juice my site has built over the years... but would this have a corollary effect of unfocusing my keyword strategy? E.g. is there a risk in doing a sitewide 301 to a single landing page, in that some of the juice I'd be passing to my new home page would be from, say, "recipes for jelly donuts?" Has anyone had an experience making a large product transition like this, and are there any current best practices? Thanks!

    | Kenn_Gold

  • How important are links from social bookmarking sites from an SEO perspective?

    | casper434

  • Is there any evidence that google acknowledges the time that a site has been online with all other things being equal for search ranking?

    | casper434

  • Today, I was checking crawl diagnostics for my website. I found warning for search engine blocked by robots.txt I have added following syntax to robots.txt file for all dynamic URLs. Disallow: /*?osCsid Disallow: /*?q= Disallow: /*?dir= Disallow: /*?p= Disallow: /*?limit= Disallow: /*review-form Dynamic URLs are as follow. and many more... So, Why should it shows me warning for this? Does it really matter or any other solution for these kind of dynamic URLs.

    | CommercePundit

  • I know you can use robots.txt to tell search engines not to spend their resources crawling certain pages. So, if you have a section of your website that is good content, but is never updated, and you want the search engines to index new content faster, would it work to block the good, un-changed content with robots.txt? Would this content loose any search traffic if it were blocked by robots.txt? Does anyone have any available case studies?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I am having a problem with duplicate content with my log in page QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in What is the best way to handle it? Add a couple sentences to each page to make it unique? Use a rel canonical, or a no index no follow or something completely different? Your help is greatly appreciated!

    | QuickLearnTraining

  • The site I am working on is a code nightmare for starters. I'm editing a file called layout that controls the section of each page. The programmer from a while back got unique titles by putting this piece of code in: <title><?= $this->metaTag ?></title> In all the different controllers and stuff I can see where the title is the name of the product plus review or something to that effect. How do I do this for the meta description? Right now the meta description is static in the layout file, and so every page has an identical one. I was hoping there was a way to make the meta description automatically use the first 140 characters on the page or something. Something like this:

    | DanDeceuster

  • I can't find anything online that deals with this issue. I have a page getting indexed by Google at and I don't know why. No links to it anywhere. The page it is closest to is and so I tried to set up a 301 to point one to the other. The problem is each individual widget review is at and so when I redirect /widgets to it also redirects each individual product to Is there some way to just redirect /widgets without having it affect each product review? I cannot change URL structure either, nature of the site. Any ideas?

    | DanDeceuster

  • I have been looking at trying out Scrapebox or SEONukex for a while, but don't want to wast my money.  Has anyone tried them out with positive success?  I am not looking for an automated submission platform necessarily.  I am simply looking for a platform to tell me which sites are relevant to mine, dofollow, etc.  That is what I would be using them for.

    | MyNet

  • We've been using canonical links to protect site SEO for contributor content and requiring canonical of our partners (as well as tagging internal duplicate content with canonical).  Most other media sites have been doing the same but this is a moving target.  I'm now hearing that the original source tag is now a better option. Special focus for us is placement on google news. Any guidance?

    | jbertfield

  • Hi, We have a client who is currently close to completing a site specifically aimed at the UK market (they're doing this in-house so we've had no say in how it will work). The site will almost be a duplicate (in terms of content, targeted keywords etc.) of a section of the main site (that sits on the root domain) - the main site is targeted toward the US. The only difference will be certain spellings and currency type. If this new UK site were to sit on a sub domain of the main site, which is a .com, will this cause duplicate content issues? I know that there wouldn't be an issue if the new site were to be on a separate domain (according to Matt Cutts), but it looks like the client wants it to be on a sub domain. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | jasarrow

  • The value of inbound links is clear but do the number of outbound links matter when it comes to SEO and search engine rankings?

    | casper434

  • We have a triple listing for the keyword vca cursus (Dutch keyword). But the page we optimized for that keyword ranks lower than our vca examen page. First we had the number one spot but now we rank 2 to 5. In opensite explorer i compared the competiton and we scored on almost all factors better. Do you know the causes why the vca examen page ranks higher then the vca cursus  page. Is it possible to change that or reverse the triple listing somehow. And why does our competitor ranks higher?

    | PlusPort

  • If you do a search on "personal loans" on Google the first non-local/personal result is They have far fewer links showing in OSE and YSE than the other sites. I know is a Citbank site so I'm trying to determine if they are ranking so high b/c they are getting 301 link juice from old authority pages. Is there anyway to check to see what sites are sending link juice through a 301 redirect instead of a direct link?

    | fthead9

  • Hello Folks, We are having a SEO situation here, and hope your support will help us figure out that. Let's say there are two different domains and subdomain.domainA is what we want to promote and drive SEO traffic. But all our content lies in domainB. So one of the thoughts we had is to duplicate the domainB's content on subdomian.domainA and have a canonical URL redirect implemented. Questions: Will get indexed in search engines for the content in domainB by canonical redirect? Do we get the SEO benefits? So is there any other better way to attain this objective? Thanks in advance.

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • So based on a question asked yesterday, I am wondering what my next step is. Yesterday's question was, I have made updates to Title and Meta Descriptions for my client's site and suddenly they are not showing up in the top 50 for numerous keywords that they used to. The only words in the page source that were edited were "fluff" words that were replaced with relevant keywords reflected in much of the on-page copy yet now the client is not showing up. Ideas? From responses and research, it seems there's a lag time in Google to pick up the updated titles/info and these changes can cause a drop in rankings for a short time - however, I can't very well turn to my client and say sorry your website isn't showing up for a few weeks...wondering what my next step should be, or is there a greater issue I'm missing.

    | laidlawseo

  • If we have content on our site that is found on another site, what is the best way to know which site Google views as the original source? If you search for a line of the content such as "xyz abc etc" and the other site shows before yours in search results, does that mean that Google views that site as the original source?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Everyone knows subdomains worked for Hubpages to recover from Panda. Does anyone know of other examples of sites that have recovered from Panda using subdomains?

    | nicole.healthline

  • A new client has and a large numer of city specific sub domains i.e. I think that these subdomains would actually work better as subfolders i.e rather than The majority of links on the subdomains link to the main site anyway i.e. rather than Having mostly main domain links on a subdomain doesnt seem like clever link architecture to me and maybe even spammy. Im not overly familiar with redirecting subdomains to subfolders. If we go the route of 301'ing subdomains to subfolders any advice/warnings?

    | AndyMacLean

  • Hi Guys, We've been optimizing a client's site for about a year or so now and on a call the other day the client brought up that he owns and operates another site that's marketing the same product, but to a difference audience (we work on the direct to consumer side, this is a distributior focused site),with the same exact content as the site we are optimizing. Obviously this is a major duplcant content issue and we need to get it resolved very quickjly. We have already reccomendt to the client that we re-write content, but this is where my questions comes in - Which site should we rewrite the content on? The site we are optimizing is the more impoorant of the two, while we still want the other site to hold rankings we dont want to end up accidently optimizing the other site wherein the site we are working on full time suffers a lost when a "compeiting" site creates compeltely new content and may, accidentally, end up ranking higher than the site we are focusing on full time. As links also play a role, would that be a KPI to look at here in determining which site gets new content and which does not? In this scenairo, would would you guys recommend? Just want to make sure I'm dotting all my I's, and crossing T's here. Many thanks to all in advance, Mike

    | Havas_Disco

  • I have a budget of about $10,000 over the next 2 months and I would like to raise my Domain Authority from 28 to past 50. What should I do with this money? I am looking for suggestions and ideas. If anybody wants to work on this, please PM me. I also need an On Page SEO expert to make corrections and suggestions. I can PM the actual domain to anybody interested.

    | trickyzoo

  • How would you plan for the levels of traffic on an in-house web server? The scenario is that website is basically running on a T1 (1.5 Mbps) connection pipe, and traffic projects to increase significantly with content growing from about 40 uniques a day (on less than 20 poorly optimized web pages + associated PDF documents), to over 150 search optimized content pages + offsite traffic and link building. I'm trying to figure out what kinds of avg traffic levels (plus spikes) would represent a maximum bandwidth capacity for this...given that its a narrow specialty B2B focus. Any answers would be useful.

    | GLogic

  • Our site is recieving traffic for both .com/page and .com/page/ with the trailing slash. Should we rewrite to just the trailing slash or without because of duplicates. The other question is, if we do a rewrite, google has indexed some pages with the slash and some without - i am assuming we will lose rank for one of them once we do the rewrite, correct?

    | Profero

  • Hello, Looking to create an export site for a gobal brand and considering the benefits of distinct domains/TLDs vs. directories by territory. I.e. vs. for our French content vs for our French Canadian content Apple segregate their content by directory but we're not quite Apple to be fair... Directory route would be technically cleaner but I don't wish to discount the SEO benefit of unique TLDs. Any thoughts / considerations / similar experiences? Thanks, Jan

    | Urbanfox

  • Hi Guys, I've been putting a lot of effort in getting my rank increase over the past few weeks. I had a lot of changes and improvements to do for my on-page. However, I still struggle to get over the top of some competitors which, in my opinion uses backlinks that might not be all relevant. I have attached a screen snapshot of my link analysis and I am asking the experts about where should I focus next. We are in the process to put a good content generation strategy, but in the short term, how could I perhaps build backlinks which can give me short term result. On the image, I rank better on the domain MozRank ? what did we do better than our competitors ? On the total links, wow, we are so way behind ! How could this be possible to reach that amount ? Where can get a list of all these links ? are they relevant ? Should I concentrate on one or many of these first ? External followed links.linking root domain ,followed link root domain, linking c-block ? what are the explanation and how to get better ranking on those ? I just realized that I have no-followed links, how can I identify these ? Your help would be appreciated. Best regards, 0FYUB

    | processia

  • By looking at the work from an SEO collegue it became clear that his weak linkbuilding graph probably is not the cause for his good rankings for a pretty competitive keyword. (also no social mentions where found) I was wondering what it could be, site structure and other on page optimization factors seems to be ok and I don't think there will be exceptionally good or bad user behavior... Finally I looked at the competitors and found that they have more links, better content en better design, so I got a little stuck. The only reason I can think of is that he is doing 301 redirects (or is rel=canonical tags). Is there a way to trace these redirects back to the source in order to include this important variable in your competitor research? thnx

    | djingel1

  • Does any one know how you can try to make authorship profiles show in SERPs other than just making sure the profiles were installed correctly?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi my site is and i have to be honest i am not really happy at the moment. i took a huge gamble because my site was getting around 10,000 visitors per day but because the site was getting really slow as i was using the old joomla my hosting company suggested to me to use the modern version of joomla as i was using joomla 1.0  Now for months i said no but they said the site would remain slow until i updated it. I decided to take a gamble and as i was going to now move it to the new joomla i decided that i would redo the whole site and make it better which i am doing at the moment. But even though i am paying for a dedicated server and have done what they have said and using the new joomla and according to them they have refreshed my database the site is still running slow. If anyone could do a test on the site and let me know what speed they are getting. Below is the email i have sent to my hosting company and below is also the resonce that i am getting from them.- I would love to hear your feedback as i have taken a huge gamble and when i get back from spain i will be continuing the finish the site which will take me another week to complate and get it the way i want it. here is the feedback hi can you please look into my site as i am getting lots of reports that it is slow. we redone the whole site which i am still working on because of it being slow and you said that you cleared everything in my database so there was nothing there so we can start from scratch. when i started building the new site you said that the database would be like a brand new one but it seems that this is not working. what i mean by this is, we listened to you and got a dedicated server as you said this would make the site faster, this did not work, you said about redoing the site and using the latest joomla as this would make the site faster and after a lot of work we done this although we are still continuing to build it and as a result of this we lost lots of traffic and links and rankings but even though we done this the site is still slow. i have to be very honest with you, i am not happy and feel disapointed as the site is slow and i need this sorting out. i am in spain at the moment meeting clients ref the site and it is embarrassing when they say the site is slow so please can you look into this for me Hello, Thank you for contacting TMDHosting Technical Support Team. We have checked your current server load and it is below 1: top - 11:53:54 up 123 days, 9:47, 1 user, load average: 0.24, 0.12, 0.11 this is shows that the system is running fine. You have close to 1GB RAM free which provides enough resources for your scripts to function. As the server state is healthy the optimization of your website should be applied on its coding and main functions. This is a development related optimization and we do not offer development services at this point. If your developer recommends a server with more resources provide us with his/hers requirements and we will provide you with suitable solution. Should you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Gabriel Reed from me., i will have to have someone look into this as it may be a case that i will have to get rid of my dedicated server and take the sites to another hosting company and see the difference with them and see if the site is faster as no one else using joomla has the problems that i am having. can you let me know what speed the site is then, and then compare this against some other sites. for example, female first, claire etc as when i do speed checks i am getting back over ten seconds and the site which is very small at the moment should not be more than 2 seconds Hello, Please note that even if you move the website to another hosting provider this will not change the reason because of which its speed is not as per your requirements. However it is up to you to explore different options. What we have ensured is that your server is not overloaded and it has resources for the functions on it to run. The optimization of your website coding I am afraid are outside of our technical the scope of our technical support. Additionally note that the loading speed of your website depends on huge number of other factors on certain remote locations which are not under our control. Should you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Gabriel Reed
    Senior Support Team If anyone can please comment on this and look at my site and test it for me on speed and advise me as i have done everything they have said and it seems that the site is no faster. There is not much content on there at the moment as they managed to lose over 20,000 pages of content while transfering it all which i am not happy about. So there should not be an issue on speed and now i am working through and putting some of the old content back on while writing new content

    | ClaireH-184886

  • If you search for the site "" in Alexa, for some reason, it's showing the site as "302 Found" instead of showing the website name, IXL.  If you drill into that, it shows the site as, but underneath that, it says "302 Found" again.  Every other site I search for seems to show the site's name properly.  I have no idea where it's getting this "302 Found" from.  Does anyone know how to fix this? Here's a link directly to the search results page:

    | john4math

  • The home page PageRank is 5 but every single internal page is PR 0. Things I know I need to address each page has 300 links (Menu problem). Each article has 2-3 duplicates caused from the CMS working on this now. Has anyone else had this problem before? What things should I look out for to fix this issue. All internal linking is follow there is no page rank sculpting happening on the pages.

    | SEOBrent

  • I'm getting spammy trackbacks/pingbacks on my Wordpress site. Should I bother deleting these or do these count as backlinks?

    | 10JQKAs

  • Is there a way to see in GA traffic from other IP address's.  I want to subtract all the times I visit the site from my IP and get a real traffic %.


  • Hi there, I've got an interesting case that I've not seen before and can't find anything about online.  Some of our SERP listings are not getting through to the correct website.  Instead they go to a domain called "" (doesn't resolve), which is not affiliated with our business or  the website the listings are actually for.  This only seems to happen 50% of the time.  For example, if I click on the listings once I'm taken to, go back and attempt again and I am sent to the correct website. Has anyone encountered similar issues and know how to resolve?

    | pethealthinc

  • Could you tell me whether the "canonical fix" is still a relevant and valuable SEO method? I'm talking about the .htaccess (or ISAPI for Microsoft) level fix to make all of the non-www page URLs on a website redirect to the www. version - so that SEO "value" isn't split between the two. I'm NOT talking about the newer <rel= canonical="" http:="" ...="">tag that goes in the HEAD section on an HTML page - as a fix for some duplicate content issues (I guess).  </rel=> I still hear about the latter, but less about the former.  But the former is different than the latter right - it doesn't replace it? And I'm not sure if the canonical fix is relevant to a WordPress-based website - are you? Also I can never find any page or article on the Web, etc. that explains clearly how to implement the canonical fix for Apache and Microsoft servers. Could you please point me to one? Thanks in advance!

    | DenisL

  • i type is a clients site and suddenly ends with "index2.php"  who will link to that? I can't seem to make it not appear...according the template creator... Is this "index2.php" affecting my link juice?


  • Can someone please tell me the 100% correct way to set this up.  Would I be right to set up a site this way... type in the browser..."" and it re directs to " or, if i type in "" it goes to or if I type in "" it goes to ""? or, type in "" and it goes to "" wouldn't most site link to a "www" version? PS whay isn;t the correct way set up by our HOST.? They should know what is most beneficial? Thanks


  • Hey mozzers Would be interested to know if anyone has used the rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes more info here If you have used it, has it worked and what are your thoughts etc:? And for those that have used it, is it a better way of handling pagination other than the obvious of Google saying so. Thanks

    | CraigAddyman

  • Hi, I am wondering on you through relevant to SEO in the following situation. I have a "travel" website and obvisouls as part of that I have a whole list of desitinations. So I have a drop down in my page navigation, which lists all my desitinations. At the moment I see have 2 main options to display the lists as follows: 1/. Perfect Anchors, but not good for usability - IE repeating the word "holiday in a list of 100 destinations, looks spammy for one, and when the headline says "Holiday Destinations", then from a use perspective its pretty pointless and takes away from navigation rather than improves it".
    New York Holidays
    Las Vegas Holidays 2/. Non Perfect Anchors - But better for usability
    New York
    Las Vegas So I am thinking - would the use of the title attribute provide a perfect solution?? Or am I wasting my time with this and it is just pointless considering it as an option. EG - what I had in mind was:
    3/. Ideal Solution for both SEO and usability??
    New York
    Las Vegas Thanks for you help in advance.

    | James77

  • Client wishes to drop the .php extension on all their pages (they've got around 2k pages). I assured them that wasn't necessary. However, in the event that I do end up doing this what's the best practices way (and easiest way) to do this? This is also a WordPress site. Thanks.

    | digisavvy

  • The SEOmoz CDN appears to have a "pull zone" that is set to the root of the domain, such that any static file can be addressed from either subdomain: The risk of this configuration is that web pages (not just images/CSS/JS) also get cached and served by the CDN. I won't put the URL here for fear of Google indexing it, but if you replace the 'www' in the URL below with 'cdn', you'll see a cached copy of the original: The worst-case scenario is that the homepage gets indexed. But this doesn't happen here: That URL issues a 301 redirect back to the canonical www subdomain. As it should. Here's my question: how was that done? Because can't do it. If you set a "pull zone" to your entire domain, they'll cache your homepage and everything else. googlebot has a field day with that; it will reindex your entire site off the CDN. Maybe the SEOmoz CDN provider (CloudFront) allows specific URLs to be blocked? Or do you detect the CloudFront IPs and serve them a 301 (which they'd proxy out to anyone requesting One solution is to create a pull zone that points to a folder, like but this doesn't help a complex site that has cacheable content in multiple places (do you Wordpress users really store ALL your static content under /wp-content/ ?). Or, as suggested above, dynamically detect requests from the CDN's proxy servers, and give them a 301 for any HTML-page request. This gets complex quickly, and is both prone to breakage and very difficult to regression-test. Properly retrofitting a complex site to use a CDN, without creating a half-dozen new CDN subdomains, does not appear to be easy.

    | mcglynn

  • We are a small start-up in germany in the Sports and health sector. We currently are building a network of people in that sector and give each person a seperate wordpress blog. The idea is to create a big network of experts. My question is: How long is the period for google to trust a completely new URL? We set up each project and create content on the page. Each week the owner of the site puts up an expert article that contain keywords. And we set certain links from other blogs, etc. Also, do you think it is more important for a site to get say, 20 backlinks from anywhere. Or 5 backlinks from very trusted blogs, etc.?

    | wellbo

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