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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi All, I would love if someone could help and provide some insights on this.  We're a financial institution and have a set of products that we offer. We have recently joined with another brand and will now be offering all our products to their customers. What we are looking to do is have 1 site that masks the content for both sites so it appears as there are 2 seperate brands with different content - in fact we have a main site and then a sister brand that offers the same products. Is there anyway to do this so when someone searches for Credit Card from Brand A it is indexed under Brand A and same when someone searched for Credit Card from Brand B it is indexed under Brand B. The one thing is we would not want to rel:can the pages nor be penalised by googles latest PR algorithm. Hope someone can help! Thanks Dave

    | CFCU

  • Hey, I noticed that the number of duplicate title tags increased from 14k to 30k in Google Search Console. These dup title tags derived from having the incorrect canonical tags. For instance, These two are the same exact pages with two parameters (These are not unisex by the way). Anyway, when I viewed the page source, it had the parameter in the canonical tag so.... it would look like this So whether it be The canonical tag had the "?d=Womens" I figured that wasn't best practices, so for the canonical tag I removed the parameter so now the canonical tag is  for that specific page with parameter (if that makes sense). My question is, why did my number of errors doubled after what I thought fixed the solution?

    | ggpaul562

  • Hi Does anyone have an opinion on breaks in meta & whether Google reads what is after the break? For example Tubular Shelves | Easy Store Plus | Heavy Duty Shelving Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone I've just been looking at a few https websites and noticed the http urls weren't redirecting to their https equivalents - why would a website owner not bother redirecting? As an example: I look forward to your feedback. L

    | McTaggart

  • Hi Folks, Working on an ecommerce site. I have found a month on month fall in the Index Status continuing since late 2015. This has resulted in around 80% of pages indexed according to Webmaster. I do not seem to have any bad links or server issues. I am in the early stages of working through, updating content and tags but am yet to see a slowing of the fall. If anybody has tips on where to look for to issues or insight to resolve this I would really appreciate it. Thanks everybody! Tim

    | Toby-Symec

  • Hi I know previously it was recommended to stick to under 100 links on the page, but I've run a crawl and mine are over this now with 130+ How important is this now? I've read a few articles to say it's not as crucial as before. Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi everybody, On our pages we have crafted good text paragraphs for SEO purposes. On desktop everything is fine but on mobile the paragraph of text pushes the main content really low on the page. Is there a way of hiding the text while preserving the SEO juices and not getting penalised by Google for spamming techniques? I'd appreciate any recommendations on how to deal with this. Thanks very much!

    | Firebox

  • Hey, let's say I'm on the following page.. I view the page source and it looks like this.. My question is, should I remove the parameter for the hreflang tag???? I just need some clarification that NO parameter page should have a canonical tag and / or href lang with parameters..

    | ggpaul562

  • Working on an old site that currently has category urls (that productively rank) like this example: I want to enhance the existing mid page one rank for terms related to "Lake Name Boat Rentals," 301ing the old urls to the new, would you construct the new urls as: or... And why? It's all for one particular lake with "name" being just an anonymous placeholder example. Thanks!

    | 94501

  • As Google seems to have new interest in Rel Author for articles, is there anything comparable for q&a comments, where you have many commenters? IMHO, Google is trying to get at the quality of the authors advice via authority of some kind, especially for YMYL content. Best... Mike

    | 94501

  • Thinking about taking some pages that are one question discussion form pages and attempting to gain an answer box in Google SERPs. Just like here on Moz, each page has one questions and often many, many, answers. This would mean making an unordered list with the question and the components of the answer in a box, maybe with a jpg. The info in the box would be kind of a summary of key points in answering the question. I'm looking for suggestions on: a) Is this a good idea? b) What might help achieve the intended search result? c) Does it matter that the box answers are summarized from a variety of folks forum posts, so not just one author? d) Might it drive up bounce rate on the actual page? e) Other considerations? These are pages that have been around for awhile and aren't currently active discussions. Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Years ago a site I'm working on was publishing news as one form of content on the site. Since then, has stopped publishing news, but still has a q&a forum, blogs, articles... all kinds of stuff. Now, it triggers "News Errors" in GWT under crawl errors. These errors are "Article disproportionately short" "Article fragmented" on some q&a forum pages "Article too long" on some longer q&a forum pages "No sentences found" Since there are thousands of these forum pages and it's problem seems to be a news critique, I'm wondering what I should do about it. It seems to be holding these non-news pages to a news standard: For instance, is there a way and would it be a good idea to get the hell out of Google News, since we don't publish news anymore? Would there be possible negatives worth considering? What's baffling is, these are not designated news urls. The ones we used to have were /news/title-of-the-story per... Or, does this really not matter and I should just blow it off as a problem. The weird thing is that we recently went from http to https and The Google News interface still has us as http and gives the option to add https, which I am reluctant to do sine we aren't really in the news business anymore. What do you think I should do? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • We have a group of category-like pages that have a lot of authority. We're interested in adding more internal links on these pages in kind of a "Popular Discussions" sidebar format (these are forum pages). These pages already have about 90 internal and 5 external pointing links on them. About how many new links would you add to give those newly-linked-to pages a little boost? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • OK, imagine you have a blog, and you want to make each blog post authoritative so you link out to authority relevant websites for reference. In this case it is two external links per blog post, one to an authority website for reference and one to flickr for photo credit. And one internal link to another part of the website like the buy-now page or a related internal blog post. Now tell me if this is a good or bad idea. What if you nofollow the external links and leave the internal link untouched so all internal links are dofollow. The thinking is this minimizes loss of link juice from external links and keeps it flowing through internal links to pages within the website. Would it be a good idea to lay off the nofollow tag and leave all as do follow? or would this be a good way to link out to authority sites but keep the link juice internal? Your thoughts are welcome. Thanks.

    | Rich_Coffman

  • Hi guys, hope you're all good. I am currently in the process of designing a new sitemap hierarchy to ensure that every page on the site gets indexed and is accessible via Google. It's important that our sitemap file is well structured, divided and organised into relevant sub-categories to improve indexing. I just wanted to make sure that it's all good before forwarding onto the development team for them to consider. At the moment the site has everything thrown into /sitemap.xml/ and it exceeds the 50k limit. Here is what I have came up with: A primary sitemap.xml referencing other sitemap files, each of the following areas will have their own sitemap of which is referenced by /sitemap.xml/. As an example, sitemap.xml will contain 6 links, all of which link to other sitemaps. Product pages; Blog posts; Categories and sub categories; Forum posts, pages etc; TV specific pages (we have a TV show); Other pages. Is this format correct? Once it has been implemented I can then go ahead and submit all 6 separate sitemaps to webmaster tools + add a sitemap link to the footer of the site. All comments are greatly appreciated - if you know of a site which has a good sitemap architecture, please send the link my way! Brett

    | Brett-S

  • Hi everyone, Hope you're all having a great day, I have a question in regards to a site which I am about to disavow. Over the past 2 months a certain page of ours has dropped from the 2nd page, all the way to the 7th. I haven't been able to diagnose why, however, yesterday I discovered that a site has been using an Lafitte link on his sidebar, the link is a do-follow. Webmaster tools indicates that this site has linked to us over 24,000 times. I understand that this link could potentially ruin our rankings - however, in terms of disavowing, what is the best approach here? Do I disavow their domain, or do I disavow the actual affiliate link also? The link is placed within an image, once  the image is clicked it redirects you to another link for a second then redirects to our money site. We have got in touch with our affiliate program and they have made the link a no-follow, however, we are pretty certain this site is causing issues for us and we want to go ahead and disavow. Thanks, Brett

    | Brett-S

  • Here is another tough one we've been dealing with. We publish a niche book. For a decade we kept the information offline (no e-books). However, it was widely scanned and reproduced online. We've filed dozens of DMCA complaints over the years, but have found trying to rid the internet entirely of these infringing pages to be futile. We get 1 closed and find 3 more. Two years ago we decided to put the information online ourselves, to generate an official community for our work it instead of "fighting it". We built a full site with hundreds of pages from the book for readers to use, free. Google indexed us, and we followed basic SEO... But in spite of a prime aged domain and a lot of links, we are literally BURIED in google. There are dozens of complete garbage spam sites that rank way higher than us. I understand ranking takes time, and the niche is competitive. But the low quality landing pages that are ranking above us is just too confusing. We fear our work has been indexed by google so much over the years on other sites they will never connect it to us. We'll always be buried on page 14 as another scrape. What would you do to correct this for a client? Could you?

    | RetBit

  • Hello, I have a client who wants to change domain names. The site is designed using WordPress, there are many plugins that will redirect links but they have to be same domain links. When I change the domain I would like to redirect all the old links to the same pages on the new url. How do I accomplish this? The plugin redirection or Yoast will not allow a redirect from one domain to another. Thanks for any help on this matter. I have 200+ Urls to redirect.

    | donsilvernail

  • We are developing an online guide that will provide information and listing for a few different cities in Canada and the US. We have blog content that will be pulled into each different city's blog articles page. Some articles are location agnostic and can be displayed for any city, and other articles will only be city specific, and only appear under a particular city. From what I know of SEO, it seems that this is a perfect example for the use of canonicalization. So for article that will appear in multiple city guides, should there be a tag that points to a home for that article Thanks

    | EBKMarketing

  • Details: Hello.  Looking at the duplicate page url report that comes out of Moz, is the best tactic to a) use 301 redirects, and b) should the url that's flagged for duplicate page content be pointed to the referring url?  Not sure where the 301 redirect should be applied... should this url, for example: <colgroup><col width="452"></colgroup>
    | | which is listed in the first column of the Duplicate Page Content crawl, be pointed to referring url in the same spreadsheet?  Or, what's the best way to apply the 301 redirect?  thanks!

    | compassseo

  • We have a site on which both hreflang tags and canonicals are being used. There are multiple languages, but for this I'll explain our problem using two. There are a ton of dupe page titles coming up in GSC, and we're not sure if we have an issue or not. First, the hreflang tags are implement properly. UK page pointing there, US page pointing there. Further down the page, there are canonical tags - except the UK canonical tag points to the UK page, and the US version points to the US page. I'm not sure if this will cause an issue in terms of SEO or indexing. Has anyone experienced this before or does anything have any insight into this? Thanks much! Matt

    | Snaptech_Marketing

  • Hello, We did a 301 redirect from site a to site b back in March. I would check on a daily basis on the index count using query "site:sitename" The past couple of days, the old domain (that was 301 redirected) indexed pages has been rising which is really concerning. We did a 301 redirect back in march 2016, and the indexed count went from 400k pages down to 78k. However, the past 3 days it went from 78k to 89,500. And I'm worried that the number is going to continue to rise. My question - What would you do to investigate / how to investigate this issue? Would it be screaming frog and look at redirects? Or is this a unique scenario that I'd have to do other steps/procedures?

    | ggpaul562

  • Hi, I thinking about buying a sponsored post about our product on a website we have previously contributed a guest post. Can a new sponsored post make Google think our original guest post was paid for? Thanks, Ori

    | dizi377

  • In a travel related page I have city categories with city related information. 
    Would you recommend for or against duplicating some relevant city related in subcategory pages. For visitor it would be useful and google should have more context about the topic of our page.
    But my main concern is how this may be perceived by google and especially whether it may make it more likely being penalized for thin content. We already were hit end of june by panda/phantom and we are working on adding also more unique content, but this would be something that we could do additionally and basically instantaneously. Just do not want to make things worse.

    | lcourse

  • We just lost over 20% traffic after google algo update at June 26. 
    In SEO forums people guess that there was likely a Phantom update or maybe a Panda update. The most common advice I found was adding more unique content. While we have already unique proprietary content on all our pages and we plan to add more, I was also considering to add some  content from external sources. Our site is travel related so I thought about adding for each city page external data such as weather, climate data, currency exchange data via APIs from external sources and also some data such as population from open source databases or some statistical info we would search on the web. I believe this data would be useful to the visitors.  I understand that purely own content would be ideal and we will work on this as well. Any thoughts? Do you think the external data may rather help or hurt how google perceives content quality?

    | lcourse

  • Why doesn't the Wikipedia homepage have meta tags?

    | Edward_Sturm

  • Alright, So I'm trying to understand the value of a backlink from a blogger/site owner. Now, as I know, (let's use fashion industry), there are thousands of fashion bloggers with good metrics... Domain Authority 40+ Page Authority 40+ etc. etc. for their home page. And there are THOUSANDS of fashion bloggers that link back to ecommerce sites (backlinks). My question is, is there really much of a value with these backlinks? Sure, the domain authority and page authority is high (  for the given example), BUT wouldn't the page authority automatically be a 1 for a "post" ? Le'ts say one blogger writes a new blog for July 14th and dedicates that blog post about the awesome shoes they have and it links back to an ecommerce site; well, what impact does that make in regards to SEO? And if it does, how long would that take? The biggest issue I see is the ROI. You link build, you get links - and then wait. Or you hope that you'll move up in rankings, but yet they can take months for it to even move the needle. Especially the fact that if it's not a HOME PAGE link...there isn't that "much" of a boost compared to an internal page? So then the NEXT question I have too, wouldn't influencer outreach be the same as far as getting a PBN link, creating web 2.0's, etc.? Let's think about it. You're outreaching to someone so you can benefit something back. It's all unnatural at the end of the day. Would love to discuss. So in summary 1 - Value of influencer outreach links - especially if the post is a brand new content piece.. (page authority being automatically 1) 2- - What exactly IS white hat when really any type of link building is mimicking?

    | ggpaul562

  • Hello Everyone, I am new to SEO and need some help. I have 6 sites and I need to know what are the top 5 strategies for Off page seo. I mean the most important ones. Thanks Abie

    | signsny

  • Hi, My articles are indexed and images (full size) via a meta in the body also. But, the images in the slideshow are not indexed, have you any idea? A problem with the JS Example : Thank you in advance Julien

    | Julien.Ferras

  • It seems like a less-than-white hat approach, and anyway I don't know whether or not it could work. Does anyone have any advice about it? Thanks!

    | tcolling

  • I have been running around in small circles trying to work out why, after a year of careful SEO my companies site has suddenly dropped for all it's main keywords out of the first page to the second or third in our weekly report. One theory was that five backlinks with a spam rating of 10 might have had an impact - these have been removed, but I have been advised that these may not have been the cause. Our crawl diagnostics remain squeaky clean. I add one, carefully checked and optimized (as per Moz recommendations) blog posts once a week and nothing has been changed other than that. We have slowly and carefully built up a good backlink profile, but as well as the drop in rankings our weekly report also showed that we lost 109 backlinks from the previous week. I have not been able to find out what I could possibly have done wrong! I've checked all our crawl reports and webmaster tools and nothing has been flagged up. I did discover, whilst typing in some longtail keyword phrases that our preview site URLs as well as our live site URLs appeared in SERPs.  I checked with our web agency who assured me that this was fine, but that they had put a redirect on these yesterday.  I thought this was a bit strange as that seems odd as we have been live for a year.  I guess my question is could the fact that these redirects have not been active (until yesterday) have any bearing on what has happened or is this completely unrelated? Thanks Catherine - very stressed Mozer 😞

    | SEO_Selectaglaze

  • Hi SEO's we've build a site and our now trying to rank it but it won't go up despite of regular new unique content and a higher DA than most competitors. All tools like MOZ en Yoast SEO show green lights so we're kinda out of ideas right now. Till we saw the date in the SERPS for the meta description. This gives us the idea that Google sees it as a post and not as a page which might explain the low ranking. However there are no technical causes we can think off for Google to show the date. Any ideas on this matter? Could it be that Yoast SEO is causing this even although we tell it not to show dates? Love to hear from you!

    | Heers

  • Our customer reviews of products are mainly very short and many times not fully formulated sentences. Would you recommend to just publish the longer comments? I am concerned about googles evaluation of the quality of the page content.

    | lcourse

  • A little background on our case. Our website, ex: was officially live in December 2015 but it wasn't On-Site optimized and we haven't done any Off-site SEO to it. In April we decided to do a small redesign and we did it an online development server. Unfortunately, the developers didn't disallow crawlers and the website got indexed while we were developing it on the development server. The development version that got indexed in Google was We learned that it got indexed when we migrated the new redesigned website to the initial domain. When we did the migration we decided to add www and now it looks like: Meanwhile, we deleted the development version from the development server and submitted "Remove outdated content" from the development server's Search Console. This was back in early May. It took about 15-20 days for the development version to get de-indexed and around 30 days for the original website ( to get indexed. Since then we have started our SEO campaign with Press Releases, Outreach to bloggers for Guest and Sponsored Posts etc. The website currently has 55 Backlinks from 44 Referring domains (ahrefs: UR25, DR37) moz DA:6 PA:1 with various anchor text. We are tracking our main keywords and our brand keyword in the SERPs and for our brand keyword we are position #10 in Google, but for the rest of the main (money) keywords we are not in the Top 100 results in Google. It is very frustrating to see no movement in the rankings for the past couple of months and our bosses are demanding rankings and traffic. We are currently exploring the option of using another similar domain of ours and doing a complete 301 Redirect from the original to Does this sound like a good option to you? If we do the 301 Redirect, will the link-juice be passed from the backlinks that we already have from the referring domains to the new domain? Or because the site seems "stuck," would it not pass any power to the new domain? Also, please share any other suggestions that we might use to at least break into the Top 100 results in Google? Thanks.

    | DanielGorsky

  • Hey so, In my product page, I have recommended products at the bottom. The issue is that those recommended products have long parameters such as The reason why it has that long parameter is due to tracking purposes (internally with the dev and UX team). My question is, should I replace it with the clean URL or as long as it has the canonical tag, it should be okay to have such a long parameter? I would think clean URL would help with internal links and what not...but if it already has a canonical tag would it help? Another issue is that the URL is different and not just the parameter. For instance..the canonical URL is and so the internal link used on the product page (same exact page just different URL with parameter)  (missing product name), BUT still has the canonical tag!

    | ggpaul562

  • Hi guys, I hope you're all doing well! We're a small personalised gifts company who specialise in the provision of phone cases, mugs, macbook covers and the like. I head up the Digital Marketing but have little experience in the technical side of SEO and have very limited resources in terms of budget and staffing. Over the past few months, I've been working on stripping down the thin content on the site, fixing duplicate content issues and focusing on other digital channels to boost revenue. However, as of recent we've noticed a significant drop in traffic and our rankings. I've tried to diagnose the problem and I'm convinced there are some technical SEO fixes that need to be implemented. Our website is If any of you have any ideas, I'd love to hear some of them. Greatly appreciated, Danny

    | DannyNutcase

  • Hey guys, I'm curious on your thoughts around this scenario... Website A: 35,000 monthly pageviews 1,000 pages 375 root linking domains currently HTTPS focused on one topic weak rankings for competitive keywords Website B: 3M monthly pageviews 32,500 pages 3,500 root linking domains started HTTP to HTTPS migration 1 week ago. 1/3 of pages indexed as HTTPS. focused on many topics strong rankings for competitive keywords Requirement: I want to have a reliable read on how Website A's keyword rankings change after redirecting it's pages to Website A. This post-migration analysis will be used as a basis to assess the risk of redirecting another website we own that is similar to Website A into Website B. My question: Would you wait until most of the pages on Website B are indexed as HTTPS before doing a 301 of Website A to Website B? Please back up your answer with reasons why or why not 🙂

    | jeremycabral

  • So I am wondering what people think for a SEO strategy for sites where (1) the interaction is a one-off event and (2) content is not often shared or something that people want. Specificially regarding two sites this applies to: Site 1 is basically a mortgage site. So customers interact with the site once and then most likely never again once their mortgage is sorted. Mortgages aren't great content pieces and customers don't really read a lot of the content - it's part of the reason loan officers/mortgage professionals exist... Site 2 is also for a one off purchase but it's an embarrassing problem that nobody would share content for because they don't want people to know that they sought help for this. This also makes getting backlinks hard.  Also it is a one off purchase, never to be made again... Am interested in how people would adapt their SEO strategies to these circumstances - where content development and promotion is limited...

    | GTAMP

  • I'm debating on what the best category structure is for a recipe website and was looking to get some advice. It's a recipe/travel/health fitness blog but recipes reign on the site. Should it be: Option A website name\recipe\type of recipe\URL of specific recipe or Option B website name\type of recipe\url of specific recipe (and just cut out the 'recipe' category name) Any advise would be appreciated! Thanks!

    | Rich-DC

  • Hi everyone, I am in the process of building the knowledge base for our SaaS product and I am afraid it could impact us negatively on the SEO side because of: Thin content on pages containing short answers to specific questions Keyword cannibalisation between some of our blog articles and the knowledge base articles I didn't find much on the impact of knowledge bases on SEO when I searched on Google. So I'm hoping we can use this thread to share a few thoughts and best practices on this topic. Below is a bit more details on the issues I face, any tips on how to address them would be most welcome. 1. Thin content: Some articles will have thin content by design: the H1 will be a specific question and there will be only 2 or 3 lines of text answering it in the article. I think creating a dedicated article per question is better than grouping 20 questions on one article from a UX point of view, because this will enable us to direct users more quickly to the answer when they use the live search function inside the software (help widget) or on the knowledge base (saves them the need to scrolling a long article to find the answer). Now the issue is that this will result in lots of pages with thin content. A workaround could be to have both a detailed FAQ style page with all the questions and answers, and individual articles for each question on top of that. The FAQ style page could be indexed in Google while the individual articles would have either a noIndex directive or a rel canonical to the FAQ style page. Have any of you faced similar issues when setting-up your knowledge base? Which approach would you recommend? 2.Keyword cannibalisation: There will be, to some extend, a level of keyword cannibalisation between our blog articles (which rank well) and some of the knowledge base articles. While we want both types of articles to appear in search, we don't want the "How to do XYZ" blog article containing practical tips to compete with the "How to do XYZ in the software" knowledge base article. Do you have any advice on how to achieve that? Having a specific (or equivalent) type of markup to differentiate between the 2 types of articles would have been ideal but I couldn't find anything relating to help articles specifically when I searched.

    | tbps

  • Hello, on my fairly new website I am noticing that Google is not indexing images from my sitemap. Already 560 images submitted and Google indexed only 3 of them. Altough there is more images indexed they are not indexing any new images, and I have no idea why. Posts, categories and other urls are indexing just fine, but images not. I am using Wordpress and for sitemaps Wordpress SEO by yoast. Am I missing something here? Why Google won't index my images? Thanks, I appreciate any help, David xv1GtwK.jpg

    | Worthminer

  • I'm working with a very reputable open source civic data compiler who'd like to give their data to the knowledge graph for it to be used. Does anybody know where I should start with this? Or, do you think it's possible to e-mail Google and ask to be included in the Knowledge Graph? The company that owns this compiler will likely have connections to them. Thanks!

    | Edward_Sturm

  • My URL is: We have set up a CDN on our own domain:  We have an image sitemap: The image sitemap uses the CDN URLs. We verified the CDN subdomain in GWT. The robots.txt does not restrict any of the photos: We used to have a disallow to /thumb/ which had a 301 redirect to our CDN but we removed both the disallow in the robots.txt as well as the 301. Yet, GWT still reports none of our images on the CDN are indexed. The above screenshot is from the GWT of our main domain.The GWT from the CDN subdomain just shows 0. We did not submit a sitemap to the verified subdomain property because we already have a sitemap submitted to the property on the main domain name. While making a search of images indexed from our CDN, nothing comes up: checking the GWT of the CDN subdomain, I have been getting crawling errors, mainly 500 level errors. Not that many in comparison to the number of images and traffic that we get on our website. Google is crawling, but it seems like it just doesn't index the pictures!? Can anyone help? I have followed all the information that I was able to find on the web but yet, our images on the CDN still can't seem to get indexed.

    | alphonseha

  • We recently launched a new site ( on Magento Enterprise. We have run several crawl tests with Moz and keep receiving 302 redirect errors. We've used the admin console for our site to apply 301 redirects in every area that we could but have had no success. (Last audit was completed on August 14) We are receiving 301 redirects on the following types of pages totaling 43k issues 😞 A majority of these issues are when adding and comparing products to the following types of urls.**/catalog/**product_compare/**/wishlist/**index/add/product/**/checkout/**cart/add/ Any suggestions from any SEO gurus? Best,

    | CanyonOS

  • Hi - we just launched our redesigned website. On the previous site, we had multiple .html pages that contained links to supporting pdf documentation. On this new site, we no longer have those .html landing pages containing the links. The question came up, should we do a search on our site to gather a single link that contains all pdf links from the previous site, and set up a redirect? It's my understanding that you wouldn't want google to index a search results page on your website. Example: old site had the link new site, to see those same links would be like:[]=categories%3A196

    | Jenny1

  • Hey Moz, I have several questions in regards to whether I should a start a new second site to save my online presence after a series of Google penalties.  The main questions being: Is this the best way to spend my time/resources? If I’m forced to jump my company over to the new site can Google see that and transfer the penalty? I plan on all new content (no link redirect, no dup content) so do I need to kill the original site? Are there any Pro’s/cons I am missing? Summary of my situation: Looking at analytics it appears I was hit with  both Penguin 2.0 and 2.1, each cutting my traffic in half, despite a link remediation campaign in the summer of 2013.  There was a manual penalty also imposed on the site in the fall of 2013, which was released in early 2014. With Penguin 3.0’s release at the end of 2014, the site saw a slight uptick in organic traffic, improving from essentially nothing to next to nothing. Most of the site’s issues revolved around cheap $5 links from India in the 2006-09 time frame. This link building was abandoned, and replaced with nothing but “letting them happen naturally” from 2010 through the 2013 penalties.  Since 2013 we have done a small amount of quality articles on a monthly basis to promote the site, social media, and continuous link remediation. In addition the whole site has been redesigned, optimized for speed/mobile, secured, and completely rewritten. Given all of this, the site has really only recovered to page 2 and 3 of the SERPs for our key words.  Even after a highly circulated piece appeared on an Authority site (97 DA) a few months ago there was zero movement.  It appears we have an anvil tied around our leg until Penguin 4.0. With all of the above, and no sign of when the next penguin will be released, I ask, is it time to start investing in a new site?  With no movement in 2.5 years, it’s impossible to know where my current site stands, so I don’t know what else I can do to improve it.  I am considering slowly building a new site that is a high quality informational site.  My thought process is it will take a year for a new site to gain any traction with Google.  If by that time my main site has not recovered, I can jump to that new site, add a commercial component, and use it as a life boat for my company.  If I have recovered, then I have a future asset. Thanks in advance!

    | TheDude

  • Hi, I've just migrated our previous site (siteA) to our new url (siteB) and I've setup 301 redirects from the old url (siteA) to the new (siteB). However, the old url operated on https and users who try to go to the old url with https ( receive a message that the server cannot be reached, while the users who go to are redirected to siteB. Is there a way to 301 redirect https traffic? Also, from an SEO perspective if the site and all the references on Google search are does a 301 redirect of http pass the domain authority, etc. or is https required? Thanks.

    | opstart

  • Hi, Is there a tool out  there that can tell me what pages did NOT 301 redirect to the new sites? I need something rather than going into and typing in to see if it's still indexed and if it's not 301 redirecting.. I'm not sure if screaming frog can do that. Thanks.

    | ggpaul562

  • We have run into an issue with linking that we are completely puzzled by. We syndicate our content to various clients, taking care to ensure that we have followed all the best practices that Google recommends for syndicating content. But recently, we noticed Google Webmaster report links from ClientA to ClientB, and we cannot figure out why it thinks that way. We have never created, and we have never found the links that Google Webmaster claims are there. It is important for us to keep our clients isolated. Has anyone seen such behavior? Any ideas/pointers/hunches would be very much appreciated. Happy to provide more information. We even asked on the Google Webmaster Forum (!topic/webmasters/QkGF7-HZHTY;context-place=forum/webmasters), but thought this might be a better place to get expert advice. Thanks!

    | prakash.sikchi

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