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  • I was checking Google US for some search term my company is interested for and found a thing I cannot explain well. The site Tradecarview is shown with a rating of 4.4 stars from 4209 reviews. (Please see attached image).The same rating is shown on their homepage, but I could not find much more details. (By the way: Tradecarview is a sort of directory for used car dealers to post their vehicles, something similar to Ebay or Yahoo motors.) The question is simple: is Google trusting the ratings given directly on the website? Maybe just summarizing the ratings shown here? Or are there other sources I couldn't find that Google used to specify the rating? What do you think? Thank you in advance for your answers, Dario Pe1ft.jpg

    Competitive Research | | Darioz

  • I just want to copy my content on the page and use the first or as well the second sentence of the content self for my meta description tag. Is that OK? Or should the Meta description tag be different?

    On-Page Optimization | | paulinap1983

  • In my campaign there are lots of nofollow links while my competitors dont have those links and they are better ranked in search results. What should I do to decrease thos nofollow links?

    Link Building | | tanveers

  • I am working on online retail store which is highly dedicated to Patio Umbrellas. My website is on 2nd page of Google web search for Patio Umbrellas keyword. I have one another internal page with Patio Umbrellas text link. I assume that, Google have confusion to give rank for my keyword during Patio Umbrellas keyword. I want to set NOFOLLOW attribute or NOINDEX FOLLOW meta for this page. Will it help me to rank high for Patio Umbrellas keyword. My ultimate goal is to reduce confusion for Patio Umbrellas keyword.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Hi, We are about to launch a subdomain and I am not sure about which subdomain will benefit us the most: Before I continue I must point out that unfortunately subfolders are not an option (sorry, hard to explain). Things to consider: is a global site with very high domain authority, DA = 95+ has no content and simply redirects to Our product is hotels so local search is important and the local (national) market accounts for a good majority of the market. According to the following post if we were to go for we would benefit from ‘some’ amount of inherited domain authority but would loose out on Geo target bonus. If we went for we would benefit significantly from Geo target bonus but would loose out completely on inherited domain authority I was more inclined to go for as our SEO agency advised that we will not benefit from the domain authority as we will be considered a new domain. However, after looking into it further I am finding it hard to decide because if we could capitalize on and inheriting part of its domain authority then it could help our seo efforts significantly. Thanks!!

    International SEO | | jay.raman

  • Looking for someone to help with on page SEO using SEOmoz as the tool the get the site up to speed and Panda compliant.  Please pm if you are interested in picking up a 2 week + gig.

    Jobs and Opportunities | | EmeryLedger

  • Hi everyone, Hoping that someone will be able to answer this question for us. If we rank first organically for a keyword, are we safe to assume that we'll rank first (or close to it) for variations of that keyword as well? E.g. If we rank first easily for "Hamilton Island", can we safely assume that we will rank well organically for close variations of that keyword such as "Hamilton Islands", "Hamiltonisland", "Hamilton Island Hotel" due to the fact that "Hamilton Island" is in those keywords? We're deciding which keywords to monitor in SEOmoz and we don't want to waste keywords on very similar terms if we don't have to. Really appreciate any responses! Cheers.

    Algorithm Updates | | HamiltonIsland

  • Hi i was thinking about to build auto blog website that will post about twice a day auto generated content related to my keywords that im trying to rank for. and for inbound linking, i will write original articles with a keyword anchor text, and will link to auto generated content for that keyword? so my question is: is it good idea to link from original content to auto generated?will it help my rankings ? Thanks

    Link Building | | xverticle

  • How many post  a day should i post on my website to look natural ? first website is 1-2 years old second is 7 years old, i bought aged domain third is about 3 weeks old Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | xverticle

  • I have a letting agency in London. So I have two clients, Landlords and tenants. Do I run different campaigns targeting each one? Thanks in advance

    Competitive Research | | Dan28

  • Hello everyone, it's me again 😉 I've just got a Pro membership on SeoMoz and I am full of questions. A few days ago I found very interesting tool called: Search Engine Pingler And description of it was like this: Your website or your page was published a long time, but you can not find it on google. Because google has not index your site. Tool Search engine pingler will assist for you. It will ping the URL of your Page up more than 80 servers of google and other search engines. Inform to the search engine come to index your site. So my question is that tool really helps to increase the indexation of the link by search engine like Google, if not, please explain what is a real purpose of it. Thank you to future guru who can give a right answer 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | smokin_ace

  • I have a website with 20 pages in Total, but i need it to be  on the top page of Google by 65 keywords and may be more. How many keywords per page shall I use? Currently I am promoting around 12 keywords  high competitive for main page? Is it ok? I will appreciate a good answer 😉 Thanks, Russel

    On-Page Optimization | | smokin_ace

  • Hi I've been asked to help a colleague with his website. It seems to be hacked. He recently received an e-mail from Google saying his adwords account was suspended 'due to high probability  his site may be hosting or distributing malicious software' I just checked his source and there seems to loads of weird on code on his pages, this would not have been but on by any members of the website owners. Please image attached when we try to access his website via google search I just contacted the hosting provider - does anyone have experience with this and how to prevent such hacking in the future. The site is build using HTML with no CMS. IjW19.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Hi whats the number of backlinks i can create a day, for each keyword that i want to rank for,  some say 5-10 or 20-30, other say there is no limited, if you create quality backlnks i know its not about quantity but quality ,but really whats a best answer? Thanks

    Link Building | | xverticle

  • I see traffic coming to my sites from mobile devices and I wanted to make sure they get the best experience on my sites but I don't want to create another version of the site on the same domain as this will cause a serious INNER duplicate content issue. Anyone know a good WP plugin that solves this issue with out creating inner duplicate content?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dan555

  • Looking at my competitors link results on OSE some of them have 30,000 links to their websites. They are top rank on google whereas I am page 2.  I know its quality over quantity but am I ever going to compete with that number of links? Is it worth getting some low value links just to bump up numbers while continuing getting good links? thanks for any advice!

    Link Building | | bridaldesigns

  • Posterous is setup to syndicate my content to my personal WP blog. After reading information on SEOmoz, I realize that Duplicate Content is not a good thing. Should I stop this process? Note: The way it works is I email a post to posterous and it posts it there and on my WP Blog and create a FB post and a Tweet.

    Content Development | | CMCD

  • RE: Regarding gmail access for Google Analytics Does providing access to my gmail account which is give you access to or allow you to see my email messages or private emails?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Amelia123

  • A while back I remember Rand and I having a conversation about how many links on the page and up until that point I had followed the NO MORE THAN 100 links on a page rule - which is what the MOZ tools are telling me now in the campaigns I have running. But then during a seminar both of us were holding this 100 link rule question came up and Rand commented that this was probably old hat now as the search engines can crawl a much greater number of links in the page. I was encouraged by his answer especially where ecommerce websites are concerned. But the MOZ tool is driving me nuts telling me that this 100 link rule is still something to be adhered too. It is especially frustrating when we are discussing ecommerce website sites with editable mega menus. Examples to support this question are or which are 2 ecommerce sites I am aware of using such mega menus that are editable and give a link count greater than 100. and I am sure there are many more sites like this, even Amazon for example. So, how much notice do we take of this warning in MOZ tools that is telling me about excessive numbers of links on the pages it lists as needing corrected?

    Moz Pro | | ICTADVIS

  • Hey guys, I'm looking to implement a strategy where I put a 20,000 word article on my home-page. It won't be a super-long page, this content will be divided into nested tabs. The content will also be found on individual pages (corresponding to the tabs) on the site, but these will have a canonical tag pointing to the home page, Will I get penalized for this kind of structure? Cheers, JC

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | trx

  • I own a blog that's getting popular,, and I have many good linking domains pointing to it namely, I wondered if anyone had any tips on how I could move this without loosing that tremendous link juice?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JoelWolfgang

  • Hi, Our website generates stock reports. Within those reports, we organize information into particular tabs. The entire report is loaded on one page and javascript is used to hide and show the different tabs. This makes it difficult for us to optimize the information on each particular tab. We're thinking about creating separate pages for each tab, but we're worried about affecting the user experience. We'd like to create separate pages for each tab, put links to them at the bottom of the reports, and still have the reports operate as they do today. Can we do this without getting in trouble with Google for having duplicate content? If not, is there another solution to this problem that we're not seeing? Here's a sample report: In advance, thanks for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yosephwest

  • In GWT I started seeing very strange pages indexed a few weeks, and Google is no reporting over 21,000 of pages (blocked by robots.txt) with weird URLs like this: The current robots.txt looks like this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-content Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes
    Disallow: /data
    Disallow: /slideshows
    Disallow: /page/*/?s=
    Disallow: /?s=
    Disallow: /search This website is running an up to date WP install with Yoast's Google Analytics and SEO plug-in.  I can't point to anything specific that happened with the site when these URLs started appearing even after I modified the robots.txt. What can be done to try and stop Google from creating and indexing these goofy URLs? I see lots of sites having this issue when I search in Google, but no one seems to have a solution.

    Technical SEO | | BoulderJoe

  • Hello, Someone approached a client of mine to sell a exact match domain name for a very competitive and high converting keyword. Would this be of any use and what are the best tactics to employ if it is purchased? I was of the opinion that the 'power' of exact match domain names are dying fast but would be interested to hear what people with experience in this think and what they have done with them (i.e. set-up a website on that domain or re-directed it)? Thanks, Rikki

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RikkiD22

  • We are noticing more and more spam around: Customer Name: Sylvia Abernathy Customer Email: Customer Phone Number: Service Type Requested: Please Choose From List Service description: We found your weblisting on one of the back pages of Google. Wouldn’t you rather be up front? Our experts in Search Engine Optimization can help you become more visible and more productive. A quick email will get you details. This is from a site around auto and truck service and is an actual cut and paste. My question is twofold: Is there a way to report individual Gmail addresses to Google as purveyors of spam and beyond a capcha, is there any other work around? This is form to schedule a service appt. so they are not emailing to an type address. It is a contact form. Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | RobertFisher

  • On Wednesday I noticed our domain was no longer ranking for our key word and our product Isolator Fitness,, I have been researching and not finding answers to why it happened and  what to do to fix it. We have about 800 other pages still listed. I am new to all this seo stuff, can anyone guide me in the right direction.
    History about 10 days a go I went google web master tools and noticed that there were a large number of errors due to the fact the robots could not crawl our site. Looked at the site and found that Privacy button on WP was turned to block robots. I turned it on and had google re crawl the site, looked like google was not able to crawl the site for about 3 months, on Monday I did a 301 redirect to on of our other sites for another product we sell, to This site had a good bit of back links would doing all this at one time cause this How do I determine if we did anything wrong Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | David75

  • I have just read and I would like to know which option is the best fit for my case. I have the website and every image in image library has a different url but is considered duplicate with others of the library. Please suggest me what should i do.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | socrateskirtsios

  • don't know why I did not see it before but my server "Expires:" tage is set to: Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Also I have no "Last-modified" http header either Crazy! How much do you guys think this type of thing hurts a site?

    Technical SEO | | kevin4803

  • Hello Mozzers! I am currently building a website, which basically contains information from different niches. Let's make it clear: My website is something like eHow. The idea is to write quality articles, written especially to give the searcher the right information, without any scam, product advertisement or etc. The incomes are from AdSense. Actually I got inspired for this website from the Google Panda update. So... my question is - would it be harder to rank with such a website(domain name) that contains different niches and keyword phrases? Lets change a lil bit the situation and show you an example - I am trying to rank with keyword "how to make nice cheezeburgers" with . At the same time I am also trying to rank with "The best movies of all times" with . Thank you, Ralchev 🙂

    Link Building | | Ralchev

  • I recently launched a site and shortly after performed a URL rewrite (not the greatest idea, i know). The developer 404'd the old pages instead of a permanent 301 redirect. This caused a mess in the index. I have tried to use Google's removal tool to remove these URL's from the index. These pages were being removed but now I am finding them in the index as just URL's to the 404'd page (i.e. no title tag or meta description). Should I wait this out or now go back and 301 redirect the old URL's (that are 404'd now) to the new URL's? I am sure this is the reason for my lack of ranking as the rest of my site is pretty well optimized and I have some quality links.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mj775

  • I know that Google prefers a varied back link profile, and so it's ideal to get both - but I wanted to know, are followed back links from blog comments, forum posts etc. (i.e. The low-hanging fruit) weighted significantly lower by Google than links appearing within the of a page, for example? If so, is it possible to quantify by how much?

    Algorithm Updates | | ZakGottlieb71

  • I'm launching a new stain removal website, and wanted to know what would be considered the best way to organize the content? Since most articles will roughly involve "removing X from Y" or "how to remove Z," I can see two ways... 1. Organize articles by Stained Items, Stain Agents and perhaps Cleaning Detergents. 2. Spread the categories out more, to try and group stained items according to categories... E.g. Hard surfaces, delicates, fabrics, ceramics etc. Any thoughts on which of these two might be the best way to organize the site, or are there any better suggestions? Not sure what the main considerations are here... Either of these two seem equally user-friendly.

    On-Page Optimization | | ZakGottlieb71

  • I am doing some pro-bono work with a local shelter for female victims of domestic abuse. I am trying to help visitors to the site cover their tracks by employing a document.title change when the page loads using JavaScript. This shelter receives a lot of traffic from Google. I worry that the Google bots will see this javascript change and somehow penalize this site or modify the title in the SERPs. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of javascript maneuver? All help would be greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jkonowitch

  • I have an ecommerce client who is willing to give a free product in return for a review of the product on their blog/site/etc.. Does anyone know of any sites where we can find these types of users?

    Branding | | waqid

  • Hello everybody! I have quite simple question about URL rewriting from subcategory to category, yet I can't find any solution to this problem (due to lack of my deeper apache programming knowledge). Here is my problem/question: we have two website url structures that causes dublicate problems: 1 and 2 pages are absolutely same (both also returns 200 OK). What we need is 301 redirect from 2 to 1 without any other deeper categories redirects (like redirecting to .../category/1/ or .../category/). Here goes .htaccess URL rewrite rules: RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ /index.php?lang=$1&idr=$2&par1=$3&par2=$4&par3=$5&par4=$6&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ /index.php?lang=$1&idr=$2&par1=$3&par2=$4&par3=$5&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ /index.php?lang=$1&idr=$2&par1=$3&par2=$4&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ /index.php?lang=$1&idr=$2&par1=$3&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/([^/]+)/$ /index.php?lang=$1&idr=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]{1,3})/$ /index.php?lang=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L] There are other redirects that handles non-www to www and related issues: RedirectMatch 301 ^/lt/$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.)/$RewriteRule ^(.)$$1/ [R=301,L] At this moment we cannot solve this problem with rel canonical (due to our CMS limits). Thanks for your help guys! If You need any other details on our coding, just let me know.

    Technical SEO | | jkundrotas

  • I am about to start adding some serious content to my site in hopes of providing more info to my visitors and to build organic traffic. I am looking for the best structure and places to put my inbound links. My website is and we specialize in trading systems for the commodities markets. I am going to be adding content about the particular commodities markets we follow; gold, soybeans, crude oil, etc. From my research I see it is best to place as many inbound links as possible to the content pages. On the other hand I see that it is important for the site to be user friendly and not have to much link clutter on the home page. I have a few options. Lets use "gold trading" instance. 1. Have individual links on the home page and most other internal pages that link directly to (lots of link clutter, but best SEO?). Problem is that I am doing this for like thirty pages and would have an additional thirty links on all of my pages. A possible work around is to place these individual links at the bottom of my pages. 2.  Have home page and other internal pages link to (just 1 link to add to each page), with the individual link still going to Here I am adding a folder "/trading/" to place all of the links in, but when you click on the link inside the trading folder it goes to and bypasses the /trading/ folder to get better SEO, shorter url? 3.  Have home page and other internal pages link to /trading/, with the individual link going to /trading /gold-trading.html This seems the proper way, but am I giving up link juice by going to trading/gold-trading.html vs #2 above going direct to /gold-trading Any advise/questions appreciated.

    Link Building | | trader247

  • If your working with a local business, is it a good idea to reach out to similar businesses in other states and ask for a link? Example: I own a paint shop in Minnesota, and I reach out to a paint shop in California to see if we want to link to each others site to help our SEO.  Because we aren’t in competition with each other wouldn’t this help us both?

    Technical SEO | | marker-311528

  • As I was reviewing my Google Webmaster tools, I notices a major drop in the number of back links.  It used to show over 4,500 links to my site yet the other day it dropped down to 41.  None of the directories I've submitted to are showing, nor any blog comments I've posted.  Since then, my SEO traffic has started to drop for some keywords.  Anyone know why?

    Reporting & Analytics | | MikeAndres

  • We are competing with other national brands and have a competitor who is NOT a national brand and who does NOT have any metrics ranking higher.  With the latest SEOMoz metric update this week, they (hawaiianjewelryshop) now have the highest DA in Link Analysis. Has anyone else experienced this?  Can SEOMoz explain this for us, please?  It would be great if Matt Peters would respond to this question. The sites in question are:

    Moz Pro | | NaHoku

  • Google, 301 redirects, and multiple domains pointing to the same content. This is my first post here. I would like to begin by thanking anyone in advance for their help. It is much appreciated. Secondly, I'm posting in the wrong place or something please forgive me simply point me in the right direction I'm a quick learner. I think I'm battling a redirect problem but I want to be sure before I make changes. In order to accurately assess the situation a little background is necessary. I have had a site called for about 15 years. It was a site that was used primarily by private resource and as such was never SEO'd. The site itself was in fact quite Seo unfriendly. despite a complete lack of marketing or SEO efforts, over time, SEO aside, this domain eventually made it to page one of Google Yahoo and Bing under the keywords Texas laws. About six months ago I decided to revamp the site and create a new resource aimed at a public market. A good deal of effort was made to re-work the SEO. The new site was developed at a different domain name: easylawlook Within a few months this domain name surpassed tx-laws in Google and was holding its place in position number eight out of 190 million results. Note that at this point no marketing has been done, that is to say there has been no social networking, no e-mail campaigns, no blogs, -- nothing but content. All was well until a few weeks ago I decided to upgrade our network and our servers. During this period there was some downtime unfortunately. When the upgrade was complete everything seemed fine until a week or so later when our primary domain easy law look up vanished off Google. At first I thought it was downtime but now I'm not so sure. The current configuration reroutes traffic from tx-laws to easylawlookup in IIS by pointing both domains to the same root directory. Everything else was handled through scripting. As far as I know this is how it was always set up. At present there is no 301 Redirect in place for tx-laws (as I'm sure there probably should be). Interestingly enough the back links to easylaw also went away. Even more telling however is that now when I visit link: there is only one link, and that link is to a domain which references tx-laws not easy law. So it would appear that I have confused Google with regards to my actual intentions. My question is this. Right now my rankings for tx-laws remain unchanged. The last thing I want to have happen is to see those disappear as well. If easy law has somehow been penalized and I redirect tx-laws to easy through a 301 will I screw up my rankings for this domain as well? Any comments or input on the situation are welcome. I just want to think it through before I start making more changes which might make things worse instead of better. Ultimately though, there is no reason that the old domain can't be redirected to the new domain at this point unless it would mean that I run the risk of losing my listings for tx-laws, ending up with nothing instead of transferring any link juice and traffic to easy law. With regards to the down time, it was substantial over a couple of weeks with many hours off-line. However this downtime would have affected both domains the only difference being that the one domain had been in existence for 15 years as opposed to six months for the other. So is my problem downtime, lack of proper 301 redirect, or something else? and if I implement a 301 at this point do I risk damaging the remaining domain which is operational? Thanks again for any help.

    Technical SEO | | Steviebone

  • I am trying to 301 redirect my old site to the new site (under the same domain. Most of the 404 urls are 301 redirects from 404 pages but they are still able to redirect. I need help understanding why I cannot redirect half of my list. <colgroup><col width="636"> <col width="342"> <col width="64"></colgroup>
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    | gastronomia.html

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Melia

  • Hello, One of my clients has a question on a new Quebec, Canada version of their website. The website content and copy is in the French Canadian language, but the IT Director has asked if, for the purpose of SEO, should the URLs be in French as well? So, this questions has two parts... For SEO, should the URL's be in French or left in English, to avoid crawl errors? For visitor UX, is there any reason to have them in French versus English?

    International SEO | | Aviatech

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