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  • A website changed its platform from the old one to magento ecommerce. In webmaster tools google says that yesterday was the last time that crawled the site, but the old rankings for keywords are gone , traffic went down big time and now i'm not sure where to start working in order to bring everything like it was. any advice ?

    Algorithm Updates | | footballearnings

  • Hi Mozers, I have a question about the duplicate content warnings I am recieving for some of my pages.  I noticed that the below pattern of URLs are being flagged as duplicate content.  I understand that these are seen as two different pages but I would like to know if this has an negative impact on my SEO? Why is this happening? How do I stop it from happening? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | mozmonkey

  • I'm new in SEO, so sorry if i ask already discussed questions. After some search I still have questions that i need to confirm if i am right: 1. Google calculate only first link from some domain (for example on some page ( So this is good to create other link on page but no reason on Right? 2. Plural and singular forms of search words. We can be top ranked for plural form and out of top50 for singular form. What is best practise to be top ranked for both? 3. Google images. We have changed image file names and added alt and title option. There are any other way to go on top?

    Link Building | | ctam

  • I've been building backlinks for about 2 months now, but the links are not showing up in seomoz.  What is going on? I've built backlinks across many different domains and using a variety of techniques including: directories blog posts blog commenting pr websites industry sites that allow blog posting and press release posting industry forums Some of the links I built were from finding links competitors had and then creating a similar link, like blog commenting.   In some cases I took blog articles from our site and published them on industry blog sites. I've searched for many of the pages and I CAN find them, so they ARE being indexed by Google, but they are not showing up as backlinks.  I've read some posts that say it can take anywhere from 2 to 5 months or longer before the links show up.  I've also read that Google's Webmaster Tools may show the links before  seomoz does. Couple questions: Why don't the links show up as backlinks in seomoz? Will they show up eventually in seomoz and, if so, when? Should the links show up in Google Webmaster tools before they do in seomoz? Is there any good reason to believe some of the links will never get recognized, or should I be confident that they will eventually get recognized?

    Link Building | | rickt007

  • The canonical URLs (and all our link building efforts) is on the www version of the site. However, the site is having a massive technical problem and need to redirect some links (some of which are very important) from the www to the non www version of the site (for these pages the canonical link is still the www version). How big of a SEO problem is this? Can you please explain the exact SEO dangers? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | theLotter

  • Hello Three days ago launched an AdWords campaign (text ad) designed to bring people to my site ( I've been tracking the visits using Google Analytics and I find  that 67% of Paid Traffic visits are new visitors (see attached image). I find this very weird, I was expecting that people who come to my site through adwords to be completely new visitors (100% instead of 67%) . What's happening? are people using my ads as a sort of "bookmark" to come back to the site? Thank you for your help gsqMj.jpg

    Paid Search Marketing | | QPLF

  • Hi Guys, I am trying to educate myself a much as possible about link building to get higher positions. Please can you tell bit more about Page Authority & Domain Authority ? Also how important are these factors really? Thanks Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Hi i am still finding my way around semoz and still learning what the tools do and i am trying to find out how i can increase my page authority. My competition page authority is 52 while mine is 36 and i would like to learn how i can increase mine to beat my competition. If anyone could give me some step by step instructions on what tools i should use and how i should use them to increase my page authority many thanks

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • I work for an ecommerce site and we are currently in the process of redesigning our product page. Any useful, must-do tips for this? If it helps, our site has both hard goods and apparel that can be imprinted and customized to the buyers liking. Thanks for any help!

    On-Page Optimization | | ClaytonKendall

  • I'm having a problem with our campaign especially the crawl report. Because the last update is Nov 4 and isn't supposed to be updated weekly? I already submit a helpdesk support ticket and even send a seperate e-mail regarding this issue but until now the report is still not updated. Anybody here can help me raise this issue/ Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | shebinhassan

  • The competitive analysis data I get on my blog is Wordpress domain data.  That doesn't help me much.  I know Wordpress has a lot of domain authority.  Can I get comparitive information based solely on

    Competitive Research | | GerryWeitz

  • We have been ranking No.1 for a nice term for over a year, but in the last few months a competitor has taken 1 and 2 (we are 3rd now).  It seems hes using a linking web i.e each of his pages has about 20 text links at the bottom of his page to irrelevant sites which in turn do the same thing giving them a nice PA thats about 5-4 more than mine now. But the interesting thing is that his top 3 links are from videos he has put up on to Dailymotion which has linked back to himself with (no follow links). We use youtube for our embedded videos, but are we missing a trick? should we be using daily motion too? on a side note it looks like he has made some articles from junk submit article sites, that link to his site, his facebook fan page and the dailymotion video.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | eunaneunan

  • I am not getting accurate views in ose. Its still saying i have links from domains which i do not. I am wanting an accurate anchor text distribution but ose is not providing me with it. Does anyone know where i can get this kind of info from? I waited for an update with ose but i personally find it inaccurate as it is still telling me links are there when they are not.

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • Hey there, I need to improve the  Domain trust of my website. I've seen the blogitems of Rand but I still have questions. If I want to increase the Domain Trust..I "simpely" have to get links from websites with a high Domain Trust.  This will eventually  improve my Domain trust. But what are the effects if I do this by reciprocal linking. Does this eliminates the trust that comes from the other website.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PlusPort

  • Any idea why companies like Skechers would be doing this: ? I suppose it makes sense, but I've never seen it done before. If this works, why on earth would we be using absolute URLs still?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stevewiideman

  • Hi guys, I have been running SEOMoz for just over a month and slowly cleaning up one of my Wordpress Blogs.   While going through the crawl reports I have noticed that I have duplicate pages showing on the crawl. For example, the main post would be; Then I see another URL which would be; ** ** When I click on either URL it goes back to the actual post title URL. What's with these page URL's ?   Isn't these two URL's showing duplicate content to the search engines ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Content Development | | dcc

  • So there are a few different routes to take when you're SEOing your site. My quest is to determine which is the best way to approach this. Let's use a real life example of a product. It's project management software, online collaboration software, employee scheduling tool, business process streamlining tool, client management tool and task/to do manager. It works for virtually any industry. I've created my keyword document and it's HUGE. I've created my wireframe with related keyphrases in buckets. Each one of the example keyphrases listed above have slight variations then a whole list of long tails. I have a few options as I see it: Create site sections within the main site that focus on each (This can make the site look slightly sloppy and categories would have to be masked so it doesn't appear spammy) Create a page in the blog relevant to each keyphrase and link all subsequent blog posts within that keyphrase family directly to that blog post (This seems like my best option) and have cta's or conversion mechanisms on this page Link all keyphrases to the home page (Seems like a terrible idea) Not sure if I answered my own question here, but I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks. What are your thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cmdsonline

  • Howdy all, The short of it is that I currently run a very niche business directory/review website and am in the process of expanding the system to support running multiple sites out of the same database/codebase. In a normal setup I'd just run all the sites off of the same server with all of them sharing a single IP address, but thanks to the wonders of the cloud, it would be fairly simple for me to run each site on it's own server at a cost of about $60/mo/site giving each site a unique IP on a unique c-block (in many cases a unique a-block even.) The ultimate goal here is to leverage the authority I've built up for the one site I currently run to help grow the next site I launch, and repeat the process. The question is: Is the SEO-value that the sites can pass to each other worth the extra cost and management overhead? I've gotten conflicting answers on this topic from multiple people I consider pretty smart so I'd love to know what other people say.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | qurve

  • I read through this 2008 Moz post and comments: but a few years have passed since the discussion. I am looking to completely revamp my site which is primarily static and built on WordPress, and create a rich community environment that is highly interactive and serves the visitor well. The question continues to come up why I'm using WP vs DotNet vs Drupal vs Juumla. The honest answer is: 1) it's easy for a non-tech like me to update, 2) seems like a lot of plugins are available for use, 3) has a high adoption rate (stable) But also, I kind of don't know what I don't know. I wanted to open up the conversation to see why others favor a specific platform as it relates to the following needs: Must be non-tech EASY to use (no high learning curve Lots of plugins and interoperability - can add and remove as needed/times change Must support forum/community needs and conversations Must be able to create granular authentication / permissions for different audiences to see "permissioned" content BONUS if it can interoperate with MS Dynamics CRM (unfortunately, sigh) I've been burned in the past by using teams that had a predilection for a platform simply because they were comfortable with it - not because it was right for my needs. I have a hard time understanding pro/con conversations if the technologies are too focused on the tech and not enough of what the technology delivers, and I'm naturally resistant to technologies that require a techie, rather than a marketing expert to use them.Thoughts anyone? Would love to hear Mozer opinions - thanks in advance 🙂

    Web Design | | JeanieWalker

  • We are located in Canada but sell our products world wide. We are ranking ok on but are not in the top 50 on Is it due to my ip address? Is there any tips that you can give me to help up my rating for Any info you can provide me with will be amazing. Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | drewzal

  • I manage a number of client's Google Places from the same IP and heard this is not a good thing.  Are there Do's and Don'ts when managing multiple Google Places?  Create separate google accounts for each or can you use the same account?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Souk

  • I had a thought recently, and perhaps it is a pretty bad thought, but i don't see the flaw in it, or how google would really detect it, so please correct me where I am wrong here. Say we ran some sort of marketing campeign and through that campeign we created about 100 extra pages on our domain.   A lot of these pages are heavily shared on facebook, twitter, google+ etc.  These pages also have several backlinks here and there. Now this campaign is over and so these pages no longer seem relevant to us. If we were to add 301 redirects to all these pages, to three different (and unrelated) internal pages (our primary targets) would this pass all the accumulated link juice on to those three target internal pages? Or would this behaviour get penalized by google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adriandg

  • We're looking for ways to drive traffic to our site through targeted keywords, but because our non-profit is unique (micro-loans for students in developing countries) it is unlikely that people will be using such a keyword. We're looking for other keywords to target searchers who might be interested in giving micro-loans for students or at least are interested in microfinance in general. Eventually we do want to win for keywords like "microfinance" but these are a little competitive for us right now. Any suggestions/ideas? NOTE: We're running a blogging contest soon which should be a great opportunity for links with specific anchor text.

    Keyword Research | | vittana_seo

  • Where can I find a list of all Page Authority Metrics?  I'm looking for an exhaustive list of all link metrics that calculate Page Authority? Thanks

    Moz Pro | | poolguy

  • Hi, I am trying to figure out how to fix duplicated error Most of them are from wordpress "feed" Does anyone know how to fix this problem? | Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 21 1 0 Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 21 1 0 Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting |

    Reporting & Analytics | | BistosAmerica

  • Quick question on the HT.Access / Redirects... II have a site and I am running througth SEO moz for backlinks and noticed a large descrepancy on the links on the root vs the redirect. There are more links on the root and less on the redirect.  Does this affect SEO for Google or does Google follow the redirects and give credit accordingly. Thanks for your help!!! Matt

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joeups

  • I'm looking to combine my company's US web presence and its United Kingdoms web presence under one common look-feel and company name.  Seeing as how we are fairly small, I'm thinking the best way to do this would be to simply create a "uk" folder and creating UK specific content in there. I would also like to have some geolocation on the site to make sure users receive the content that is relevant to them. With that in mind, here my questions: 1. Would creating a "locations" page with links between the UK and the US versions of the site, be enough so that Google is sure to crawl all content?  (As I understand it, Google would appear as an American visitor to my geolocation script, and wouldn't see UK content unless there was a page that would explicitly direct it in that direction, correct?) 2. I've read elsewhere that I can target specific folders to a specific geographic target using Google Webmaster Tools.  However, if the "main" site is US specific (there would not be a "us" folder)  Setting the geographic target for JUST the "uk" folder would still work? 3. Finally, there will unfortunately be some duplicate content between the two sites.  (we have a catalog of courses, for example, that contain different groupings of courses between the two sites, but the individual courses will appear with the same descriptions within the sites)  What would be the best way to deal with something like that?  I would hate to point all canonical links back to the US "main" site on every instance of duplicates, but I'm not sure how else to deal with it? Thanks for any help you can give.  I know this is all a bit top level, but I'm a bit paralyzed with fear of starting, seeing as how I've never had to deal with these questions before...

    International SEO | | TroyCarlson

  • Hi The products from my e-commerce site are showing on Google shopping hower I don't have any seller ratings.  How do I get these as I don't see how my customers could add them? Thanks James

    Content Development | | avecsys

  • Does anyone have any good examples or case studies? Right now I'm working on a site with both B2B and B2C products crowded onto one site.  I'd love to find some examples of companies that have built their online B2B brand separately from their consumer products. I found the Constructive Playthings case study on Marketing Sherpa but nothing else.

    Branding | | TexaSEO

  • Hi I'm fairly new to SEO and SEOMOZ.  I've created a campaign for my own site and I've added 3 competitor sites.  There are 1,385 total links to my site and a massive 49,450 links to one of my competitor's site.  However under "Ext. Followed Links", there are 1,045 to my site and only 911 to the same competitor site. Am I correct that it is the "Ext. Followed Links" which are more important from an SEO point of view as the other links have the "no follow" attribute set?  Or have I got this wrong? Thanks James

    Link Building | | avecsys

  • Hi i have come across this feedburner account and have found it a great way to get our message out there but after spending a few hours trying to work out how to get a feedburner account to do the same as this and failed i would like some advice on simple steps on how to promote our website by using the same methods as this company. As you can see they have lots of articles on the same page but i cannot see an option for doing this on feedburner, can anyone please advise me on what i need to do.

    Social Media | | ClaireH-184886

  • I've seen this question asked a few times, but I haven't found a definitive answer.  I'm quite surprised no one from Google has addressed the question specifically. I ran across this post the other day and it piqued my interest: If you're able to make your result stand out by using stars, smiley faces, TM symbols, etc it would be a big advantage.  This is in use currently if you search for a popular mattress keyword in Google.  It really is amazing how the special characters draw your attention to the title.  You can also see the TM and Copyright symbols if you search for "Logitech Revue"   Radioshack is using these characters in their adwords also. Has anyone found any definitive answers to this?  Has anyone tracked CTR and long-term results with special characters in title or description tags? Any chance of getting penalized for using this? As a follow-up, it looks like you could also put check symbols into your meta-description tags.  That has all kinds of interesting possibilities.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | inhouseninja

  • Hello guys, Im planning to do some big changes on my ecommerce, On my ecommerce i normally ship services so tons of relative products but it will change from each brand. For example i would like to say the same thing on each product landing page but just changing the keyword for the proper product lading page , but my fear is that this will look like duplicate content. How can i deal with information on each landing page on a ecommerce that have more than 1k on services.   I dont want to write this differently on each 1k  on pages for products since they are doing the same thing but in different brands. I hope you can help me on this. Note: Is there any source of doing this type of Seo for automate page service generator?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aldovacano

  • Just curious what other ecommerce SEO's are doing to battle fresh content. We've been having our clients work on internal blogs, adding articles one click away from landing pages, and implement product reviews when possible but I don't know that it's enough. Our bigger customers have landing pages (usually category pages) with very competitive keywords. So my main issue is what to do with fresh content on category pages.. I've toyed with the idea of having the landing page content re written every now and then. We used to use a blog parser to bring snippits of comments from the blog into landing pages but I believe that to be a problem with duplicate content. News snippits from other sites don't seem beneficial either. Anyone have any other ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I have an issue with a client's website where it has 3700+ pages, but roughly half of them are duplicates. Thankfully, the only difference between the original and the duplictes is the "?print" at the end of each URL (I suppose this is Magento's way of making a printable page version of the same page. I don't know, I didn't build it.) My questions is, how can I get all the pages like this to redirect to pages like this... Also, do they NEED to be Canonical, or will a 301 redirect be sufficient. Also, after having done this, if anybody knows, is there a way I can turn that feature off in Magento, because we're expanding our product line, and I don't want to have to keep chasing after these "?print" pages after the fact.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClifThompson

  • I have two websites that generate hundreds of organic hits each day. I want to switch both of them to WordPress. What is the best way to go about developing these sites then making them live while still keeping the current ones up?

    Web Design | | C-Style

  • I have a few sites that are outranked by competitors having hundreds of directory links and links from unrelated sites. Obviously I'am doing everything I can; on page optimization is superb, building good links as much as I can, but not huge amounts, taking care of fresh content whcih is of better quality than the competitors, ect. etc. But for one specific site I just can't get higher than #3 while my competitor ranks #1 and #2. I have been fairly succesful making sites rank well in somewhat competitive niches, but this is one of the things that keep bugging me. Sometimes I even feel like buying these type of links myself... But I keep telling myself that Google will catch up one day. Any advice is kore than welcome. Thanks

    Link Building | | VisualSense

  • We have the following case: Site A with domain authority 65 and 2,750 linking root domains (139K total links) and Site B with domain authority 68 and 1,336 linking root domains (38K total links) There's a suggestion to move Site A as a folder of Site B so it becomes something like this: using 301 redirects for the existing domain A. We'd like to better understand what such move will result in. I imagine at first Site A will drop in rankings, but after that will it be better for it to be under Site B domain? Also, moving all the pages a step behind in the URL path may slightly affect their rankings. What do you think? Would you move Site A or leave it as a separate domain? I understand there can't be an exact estimation what will happen, but I'll appreciate your thoughts.

    On-Page Optimization | | lgrozeva

  • In the SeoMoz report generated, it recommended removing the meta keywords tag as it was no long relevant? why is google no longer considering this?

    On-Page Optimization | | mancmusicman

  • Our site was listed on the first page for the phrase Active SEO on We suddenly find ourselves on page 4 overnight and we're not sure what's going on. We have not undertaken an Black hat techniques however the site is fairly new. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MassivePrime

  • Hello i have a doubt. in my webmaster tools my sitemap is showing like this | /sitemap.xml | OK | Images | Nov 27, 2011 | 2,545 | 1,985 | i am not sure why the type is showing like Images i have one blog attached to the same webmaster account and it is showing correctly.. | /blog/sitemap.xml | OK | Sitemap | Nov 28, 2011 | 695 | 449 |

    Technical SEO | | idreams

  • Hi There I've been offered a sponsored article in a national newspaper that can contain up to 3 dofollow links. Something similar to this The question is would this be seen by Google as a paid link (which it is really I guess) and thereby pass no link juice?  It's pretty expensive so don't want to get it wrong. Any thoughts gratefully received!

    Link Building | | mou

  • hi, Local search case i try to evaluate local competition on a local query such as "hairdresser + the city name" in Google for a merchant without website neither a google adresse listing. Top results : 7 google adresses pack : ok Organic results : SERP  display only directories ! The first 10 pages are reviews platforms & local directories (qype, yelp, yellowpages etc..) except only 1 or 2 urls with personalized domains name. 1/ Would it be easy with to make a website + with a brand new domain name ( to dominate these serp (organics) quickly (first 2 months)  ? 2/ Would it be better to first launch a targeted submission campaign (popularity)  on those local directories with personalized data  (first month) , and later on, to build a website ? 3/ Or ideally, from start,  to make both a local campaign (Google adresse + submission) and launch a new website ? Tks in advance...

    Competitive Research | | mlc

  • I make SEO in a major website (over 1M visitors/month). Our brand name is the most important term searched in Google, except this fact: our brand is written in plurial, but not the search term, so without "s". Some weeks ago, the autosuggest in Google SERPs began to show our exact brand with the famous " s ". YEAH! that's increase our visitors over 10%. But 2 weeks after, all this collapse....our brand does't appear anymore in auto suggest for same term... nada!... Even if we still ranking #1 and still have our 6 mega sitelinks... and the homepage PR increase by 1 during the same period. What Happens??? My theory point to autosuggest itself. Autosuggest to exact brand name show in Webmaster tools an increase over 180% on this term, but the historical most searched term (without this "s" decrease by 20%. Is it possible that Google looked a this as a lowest interest for us? If yes, this is bad! Any other idea?  Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | Olivier_Lambert

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