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  • I am working towards optimizing the site search box of an ecommerce website and I wish to track the keywords which users are searching but which are yielding no results. Please see the image for the same. I wish to assimilate data on the same which would then allow me to add products which users are searching but which the site doesn't have. However my problem is that I don't know how you could obtain this data in analytics because these results manifest itself in the form of searchresults.php. I know that analyzing search refinements and percentage of exits in Google Analytics is an option but I want a more compact and simpler solution to the problem where I could see exactly all the data in one place. Does anyone have suggestions on how this can be done? Thanks in advance, Y35Mj.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pulseseo

  • Hi i own a website for movies, I wanna know how much visits will i get when i am on 1st position? Now aren't many searches, but in the near future, lets say june. How much visits will i get in june, on the keyword movies 2012, 1st position.... over 5000?

    Algorithm Updates | | prunarevic

  • Can you complete Mozrank with tracking functionality for blogs, call to action and landing pages (forms)?. Driek Geurtsen, Oned4marketing

    Competitive Research | | Picoleta

  • Hey Guys, Something is seriously going on with the SEO on my website and it's become business critical. We were ranked first on Google for phrases like 'Advertising agency Cambridge' and all of a sudden we have been dropped, not even ranking. To me this screams a penalisation but I can't understand why. I have never paid for links or done anything out of the ordinary that would get such a negative impact. Is there a way to check if a site has actually been penalised and find the reason? What would be the best course of action to appeal? Has anyone experienced something like this and have a timeframe for resolution? Thanks, Gareth

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | digitalclubb

  • Hi, I'm a somewhat regionally based voip provider for businesses. So I'm not interested in getting the #1 ranking for voip, but I'd like to get the top for my region. So in this case asheville voip and related searches. However, I know that alot of users in Asheville are not typing in Asheville voip when they google. They're just typing in voip or free voip, or cisco voip. Here's my Google Insight Search: So what I was thinking about doing was in addition to my main site. Building several smaller 'educational based sites' about the benefits of VOIP. Based on google insights something like And use it to capture leads and link to my main site. So my question is this: Is this a good strategy? If people in Asheville are just typing in voip phone, will automatically have a better chance at a higher ranking? Thanksd David

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | StraightRazorDesigns

  • I operate a stain removal website and was wondering how consistent it was worth being from title tag to title tag. To give you an example, here is a group of keyword phrases that I might wish to target: "getting out pet stains with vinegar" "how do I remove water stains from wood" "removing chocolate stains" Does the benefit to be gained (whatever that might be) from making these consistently of the form "how to remove X from Y, " or "how to remove X" outweigh simply giving articles titles based on the exact phrases above? I heard from someone that Google is getting more proficient at spotting "clumsy" title tags, although I'm not sure if any of the above examples would fall into that category, and was thinking that I should then probably proceed on the basis of directly titling articles based on the exact keywords I am uncovering... Any advice much appreciated.

    Algorithm Updates | | ZakGottlieb71

  • Need a little bit of help on this one. I have a product page which actually has 3 products on the page in question: I thought it would be best for each product to have a page on its own: however my question is: The page with the 3 products where should the 301 go to? Can you do a 301 to all the new product pages? Hope that makes sense Kind Regards,

    Technical SEO | | Paul78

  • Hello, We have a question regarding inbound link measurement. We used to measure our inbound links with yahoo site explorer. Now that it's been shut down we use However, Open Site Explorer only shows a fraction of inbound links compared to yahoo site explorer. For our website yahoo site explorer measured approx. 14,000 inbound links, whereas open Site Explorer only counts approx. 3,000. This is more than 10,000 links less. For our other website Open Site Explorer also shows 3000 links less than Yahoo. How can this be? Does Open Site Explorer count the links in a different way to Yahoo? Please explain. It would be great if you could help us with this. Thank you!

    Moz Pro | | Waplington

  • Instead of having to wait until the new scheduled date?

    Moz Pro | | MirandaP

  • Hey, I'm new to seoMoz and this is my first question (so far it's been great!). Short summery, I got a website in a specific nitch in google IL, my website is 2 years old.
    All my opensiteexplorer params are far higher than my competitor. On the exact keyword I'm ranked #3, wikipedia ranked #2, he's ranked #1. Cant figure out why is that. I've tried copying his links profile, linking from same site he does. Had partial success but my links profile is far larger in terms of quality and content. My page is graded "A" by seomoz tools. Attached my OpenSiteExplorer screenshot. I'm wondering what are your thoughts on that. Regards,
    Oleg. factors2.png

    Moz Pro | |

  • The site is displaying a strange description for keyword "taxi software" in (second position ). Instead of description, text "logo" is being displayed. I understand that there is no description on the site, but still why this text. I would appreciate if you would let me know if anything is wrong with the site.

    On-Page Optimization | | seoug_2005

  • Hello, What does the following command mean - User-agent: * Allow: / Does it mean that we are blocking all spiders ?  Is Allow supported in robots.txt ? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hello Forum, I've been optimizing an eCommerce site and our SEOmoz crawls are favorable for the most part, except for long URLs and overly-dynamic URLs. These issues stem from two URL types: Layered navigation (faceted search) and non-Google internal search results. I outline the issues for each below. We use an SEO-friendly URL structure for our product category pages, but once bots start "clicking" our layered navigation options, all the parameters are appended to our SEO-friendly urls, causing the SEOmoz crawl warnings. Layered Navigation :
    SEO-Friendly Category Page: Effects of layered navigation: As you can see the parameters include product attributes and page sorts. I should note that all pages generated by these parameters use the element to point back to the SEO-friendly URL We have also set up Google's Webmaster Tools to handle these parameters. Internal Search Function:
    Our URLs start off simple: Then the bot clicks all the layered navigation options, yielding Also, all search results are set to noindex,follow. My question is: Should we worry about these overly-dynamic and long ULR warnings? We have set up canonical elements, "noindex,follow" solutions, and configured Webmaster Tools to handle our parameters. If these are a concern, how would you resolve these issues?

    Moz Pro | | pano

  • I have a blog that's gone from not indexed, to indexed and ranked around 85 on 3 target key phrases. With a bit of SEO the blog jumped to around 11th on those 3 key phases in a week or so. Now, the following week, it has bombed back to 76th. Why the dramatic fluctuations?

    Search Behavior | | ksracer

  • Hey SEOMozers! Two prongs to this question; I'll keep it succinct. I've been working as an in-house SEO/SEM Analyst for about 5 months now.  While I'm generally savvy at telling the story behind the traffic/conversion data, and making forensic recommendations (I worked in SEO prior to this while in college), ideally I'd like to see my reports read less like these piddly Excel charts and percent change statistics.  Ideally they'd look more like Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight blog for the New York Times, or OkCupid's periodic dispatches on OkTrends: visual, statistically-informed, and predictive, the kind of report that under other circumstances might plausibly generate backlinks. Data analysts swear by R for statistical modeling, but is it useful for our Google Analytics data sets, holes and uncertainty and all?  Is the steep learning curve worth the effort?  Tutorials I've seen online assume a proficiency in programming or statistics that's beyond me, or they're written to support a textbook exercise.  Any recommendations for a book, online course, or general resource with more of a niche focus? And a general question about stats too, since it's related: what level would you prescribe if I really wanted to kick this up a notch?  I studied a humanity in college and while it helps with the numerical storytelling, I wonder if the practical arcana of Bayesian Methods/abstract probability theorems have a place in Web Analytics.  Do they?  Are there options for us bushy-tailed young analysts to pick this up without resorting to B School? Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | sweetfancymoses

  • I have received lots of warnings because of long urls. Most of them are because my website has many Attributes to FILTER out products. And each time the user clicks on one, its added to the URL. pls see my site here: The warning is here: Although search engines can crawl dynamic URLs, search engine representatives have warned against using over 2 parameters in any given URL. The question to the community is: -What should I do?  These attributes really help the user to find easier the products. I could remove some of the attributes,  I am not sure if my ecommerce solution (MAGENTO), allows to change the behavior of this so that this does not use querystring parameters.

    Technical SEO | | levalencia1

  • I understand that the scores it generates are essentially based on the difficulty of appearing on the first SERP for the keyword in question. That said, I am having a lot of difficulty finding keywords in my niche which return a score that would make this easily achievable for a site of my size.... The reason I'm pointing this out is because theoretically, a keyword could have a HIGHLY competitive first SERP, with a significant drop-off on the second SERP, which would make achieving a top ranking on that page substantially easier. So my question really is, is the importance of appearing on the first SERP so unequivocally important that it is a pointless activity to attempt deliberately to rank for keywords on the second SERP, which is ignored by the keyword difficulty tool? I know the breakdown of clicks goes something like 40% for top spot, 12% for second and downwards from there, but if a certain query has over a million searches per month, for example, it would still be possible to get considerable amounts of traffic by trying to rank highly on the second SERP, which the keyword difficulty tool cannot help with. So is this really a useless activity?

    Moz Pro | | ZakGottlieb71

  • I have not tested this yet and but I cant find anything useful on it searching online. My theory is that if you host a video on one of your own webpages and have the embed code of that video right under it then isnt everyone that grabs that embed code and sticks it on their site/blog giving you a backlink? When you click on an embed YouTube video it takes you straight to YT so surely someone embeds one of your videos that is hosted on your site it must give you a backlink? If this is the case then what would the ancor text be if any? and how would you change it? What's the value of this think over a pure text link from the same page? If this the above is correct then surely video is an incredible link building tool? The challenge still lies with making cost effective, quality video content but if you can get the hang of that then your on to a winner right? YouTube may get millions of hits and 'be the second biggest search engine' but having own branded, self hosted, killer-link-bait videos on your site must be the way forward? Adding a video site map will help tell Google the video is there and it should get indexed in video searches. Also if it gets visibility in universal search you get visitors coming straight to you site....

    Image & Video Optimization | | grahammilton1

  • (by Google Traductor) Hello, we are able to make agreements with sites of good quality and reputation to integrate our classified ads for agropeuariosector on the websites of these companies. We fear that thesesites begin to index all this content and begin to compete with us in organic positioning. On the other hand this would generateduplicate content? That strategy will be applied in order to do so. Greetings and thanks!

    Content Development | | romaro

  • Hi i am looking to promote my home page which is a lifestyle magazine and i am not sure what keywords i should be using to promote it. I am doing ok for the keyword lifestyle magazine but i am struggling on what other keywords i should be using to get people to the home page of the magazine. The magazine is nearly finished and we still have a couple of finishing touches to do but the basics of the magazine is as follows holiday and travel news, soap gossip, celebrity gossip, product reviews, lingerie brands, gastric band hypnotherapy, health, fashion and beauty and holiday reviews. I want the home page to be the main page where everyone visits but i am not sure what i should be doing to accomplish this. Any ideas would be of a great help

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i run a lifestyle magazine and we have articles that we need to promtoe straight away before they go out of date. I am looking at ways where i can promote an article to attract visitors to the site to read the article. For example We write articles and want to find a way where we can promote the articles where we could place a paragraph or two and then put at the bottom of that read the rest of the article here. Can anyone please suggest how we can do this to attract traffic to our site and then hence this traffic would then keep coming back to the site to read more news and articles.

    Branding | | ClaireH-184886

  • Question here, but first the lead in. As you all know, 301 redirects don't pass on 100% of link juice. I've set up my site using htaccess to redirect all non-ww to www and redirect all URLs to have a trailing slash. FYI, the preferred domain is selected in WMT and canonical URLs appear in the head section of all pages. So now what happens when sites that link to mine don't include either the www or the trailing slash, which is actually quite common? Of course, asking the site own to correct the link is ideal, but that's not always possible. So if thousands of links on external sites are linking to instead of, won't lots of link juice get lost in redirection? I can't think of anything more I can do to the URLs to reduce duplicate content and juice dilution. Thoughts? Kevin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kwoolf

  • I have an article which have high rank on Google. But recent, I use mod rewrite url so this article have new url. old: new: Now, google is indexing old url. I want to ask when I build linking to my site, which link should I use for link building? I should build linking for new url or old url. Thanks

    Link Building | | sonzin1304

  • My company is planning on discontinuing one of the product lines we currently offer.  In terms of SEO, would it be better to implement a 301 redirect to a generic page page (such as the homepage or main product page), or to create a custom 404 page explaining that the product line with links to other pages (according to the most next viewed pages in Google Analytics). Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | theLotter

  • Hi Everyone, I was doing a little Google Trends research on Real Estate and narrowed it down to my state.  I have found that on Trends it is showing a two or three towns above the one I am living in showing that it gets a lot of search volume.  They will put the top one as a 1 and then the others below it as like .87 or .675 etc.  I am taking that as 87% of the top one or 67.5% of the top city in search volume. I checked these numbers against the Google Keyword Tool and found that my town still gets more exact visits  (4 times the amount of the one Google Trends ranks #1)  I can't see the actual search volume on Google Trends but was wondering....Which one do you trust? I have done some testing on it and realized that for the most part, the numbers in the keyword tool RARELY change.  Do they maybe update it once per year? FYI: As you know I trended real estate so what I did on the Keyword tool is "Town State Real Estate" and looked at both Broad and Exact searches. I would appreciate any guidance you guys can give on how I should be paying attention to this data. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | blake-76624

  • I know that words in their 20's or 30's would be ideal, but it's proving hard for me to find relevant keywords with such scores (just a couple with scores in the 30's). Is going for words between 40-50 a waste of time? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | ZakGottlieb71

  • Can I verify an IP in google webmaster tools to search for any 404s? Or maybe i could do it with seomoz tools? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Hello; I have the domain which registerd in 2006 and i opened website 1 months ago and i start to do some seo like bought links pr1-pr7 50 links and 2500 social bookmarks 2000 blog links and also some wiki links am i doing good or bad ?

    Technical SEO | | Sadullah

  • I am thinking of implementing coral cdn to my site however I have serious doupts. It says you just add to the end of your urls. Now that is easy but in my read it totally masses up my url structure.How do you think google handles this? Does it handle that at all? I would like to implement a free cdn as for that particular page. Does anybody know any free service good and free? Anybody? Experience?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I have recently created a page and added expires headers, nonconfigured e-tags and gzip to htaccess code and just after that according to pingdom tools my page load time has doupled although my yslow ponts went from 78 to 92. I always get a lite bit lost with this technical issue. I mean obviously a site should not produce worse results with adding these parameters and this increase in page load time should rather be due to bandwith usage. I suppose I should leave this stuff in the htacces. Than what is an accurate way to know if you have done a real improvement to your site or your load time has really went up? This question is more up to date with css sprites as I always read that sometimes spriting every picture is a waste of resources. How can you decide when to stop?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I have created a Meta Description for a page that is optimized for SERPS. If I also put this exact content on my page for my readers, would this be considered duplicate content? The meta description and content will be listed on the same page with the same URL. Thanks for your help.

    On-Page Optimization | | tuckjames

  • Should they be different

    On-Page Optimization | | Dirty

  • do you think google counts the H1 of the landing page from an anchor text, for example if the anchor text of my product is .  blue sexy X, do you think its good if the h1 of the landing page says the exact same thing

    On-Page Optimization | | Dirty

  • General title tag questions how important is it not to change your title tag, I own a prom dress site and I'm always changing them between prom and homecoming' Is it bad to have title tags that are only different by one word across thousands of pages on your site.  I have thousands of dresses so each title tag only varies by the style # I have always had title tags that are for example black prom dresses, well i recently discovered that just black dresses is googled 10 times the amount so im debating changing them to black dresses so that the word dresses is closer to the front of the title tag, am I over reacting or is that a good idea or would it be bad to put black dresses, black prom dresses, black homecoming dresses I also put the year in almost every title tag 2012, is that bad, I ranked great for 2012 stuff but could it hurt my homepage domain rankings on major broader keywords

    On-Page Optimization | | Dirty

  • Moz Community, I would like Facebook promotion opinions. I have a local business (Seattle painting contractor) and have built a fan page  which engages our clients, local & national suppliers, friends and other contractors. Our original intent was to use the fan page to promote our main website; we never added a prominent "like us" button on our main page, we did not want to convert for facebook when our best content was on our site. I have been pleasantly surprised this past year how many fans we have accumulated by promotion and by accident. The main benefit has been rewarding engagement from other industry marketers such as Benjamin Moore paint company, and introductions to local design professionals..and these conversations once started continue by direct communication ( I have just added a facebook link on my blog..see attached picture Join our 2500+ fans. Primarily because the visitors to the blog tend to be the sort that engage on Facebook vs  the type that want a painting contractor (Google analytics traffic data and click through behavior). I now have more traffic to the blog than the front end site. What do you think of the button? What else should be promoting? Come Learn more, see what we are about, enage, share, & learn facebook_button.png

    Social Media | | johnshearer

  • We're working on a re-design and want to start with SEO rather than leave it until the end. Of course, saving time and money on a custom template would be great. Ultimento found at boasts great SEO features. Has anybody used it? Please comment. Thanks in advance! Kevin

    Web Design | | kwoolf

  • I have hundreds of domains that I have purchased over the years that arent going anywhere except GoDaddy's Cash Parking system, which returns very little revenue, if at all. I wonder if it would make more sense to just point these domains to actually e-commerce sites that I own.  If so, how best to take these domains and point them so that SEO credit is given properly. Most of these available domains dont have anything to do with the e-commerce stores.  So not sure it would help. Furthermore, if I were to purchase new domains that were more relevant to the keywords to our e-commerce sites, how best to set them up so we can generate traffic on them and point them over to the actual domains? Many thanks.

    Technical SEO | | findachristianjob

  • What software and graphics does Rand use to make his blog posts look so good? I recall seeing a blog about it that gave tips and insights for adding graphics to your blog posts.

    Content Development | | -Noah

  • I see on sites like scriptlance where webmasters post a project for SEO services and bidders offering their services to get you to the top of Google in 30 days. Is that out of the question or is it reasonable because they use a service like SEOMoz?

    Technical SEO | | webtarget

  • How can I check a link to see if there are links going to it (internal and external)? How can I check a large number of links to see if there are any links going to them? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Hi all, Firstly, I am a business owner and not a SEO genuis but I work on my site and am learning how to "tweek" everyday. That said, my site needs a bit more than a tweek.  Here is problem 1: I have massive duplicate page content which is being driven primarily by search and I'm not sure how to tackle the issue.  Working in Magento.  Could anybody give me an instruction on how to steer robots away from search results?  I would also like to know WHY a search result is here as well?  Example of about 20 pages of this type of result: | Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times | 50+ | 1 | 0 |

    Moz Pro | | VintageTimesAustralia

  • When starting out with a new client, where do you look first to build links for that client?  I have a lot of close friends who have small businesses with not a very huge budget for SEO and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to do a significant amount of quality link building without breaking the bank.  Any suggestions? My list so far is: Friends / Family of the client.
    Free (good quality) directories - Yellow pages, etc.
    Content creation / Article publishing
    Paid directories (BBB, etc) What i am wondering though is if anyone out there has some suggestions as to how to do some quality link building for a small client with a limited budget (lets say, $500).

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • I am new here. I recently got the errors from SEOmoz crawl on my site down to just a handful from a couple hundred. So I took the leap and moved my blog to (which I see recommended here) and now my errors are in the thousands. My blog which was a separate url has pages back to 2007. I am not sure if it is appropriate to post my site url in a question here? One error that really stands out is this: Description <dd>Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical.</dd> On my root page I have: rel="canonical" href=""/> Thanks for any help...

    Moz Pro | | CMCD

  • We will open a new office at a new location and I would like to add it to our Google places. How do I do this?  Per Google guidelines: "Do not create more than one listing for each business location, either in a single account or multiple accounts."  - Website & Phone: Provide a phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible, and provide one website that represents your individual business location_._ Do I have to another contact page on my website for that location too? I will end up having to business listing with the same name but different locations. I want people to know that we have 2 separate offices because they serve different clients. I want to show up in Google places for the second location as well. Any thoughts?

    Image & Video Optimization | | echo1

  • I thought my site is fine until I joined SEOmoz and had my site crawled, took couple of hours to crawl the site I received a e-mail "This is a friendly notification that we successfully completed a Starter Crawl of your campaign. No need to stress, we made an easy-to-understand report so you can fix any errors we found." HMMMM I was surprised at the number of errors that my page has. I went over the crawl diagnostics and found out that I have a large number of duplicate page content. That can't be since I place the content on the site myself. All the pages from the back-end are single. I would appreciate if someone from this wonderful forum educated me on this topic and if possible provided me with a straight forward solution to this problem. Looking forward to hearing some comments.

    Technical SEO | | Tolod

  • I have a page and I want to remove .html ending from urls. What should I write in the htaccess?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I am trying to find out if there are any reputable directories related to health supplements and general health information.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DonovanHarrell

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