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  • I saw that you recently changed your blog from "show all" to "show an excerpt" and then "read more", could you explain me the reason? It´s not supossed to be better for the blog readers to see the full posts in the homepage?

    Content Development | | diegodjm

  • I have flagged the reviews as not useful from multiple IPs.  I have attempted reporting the review as well.  Google does nothing.  It's very obvious that the review(s) are fake.  Often all the other reviews of the person's profile are for different cities and all 5 stars for businesses that they are most likely doing SEO work for.  Are (blackhat) SEOs using bad reviews as a technique to keep the competition out in your business/market? What did you do about it?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • Hi Having recently started with SeoMoz tools, I've started a link building project with a guest post strategy. One of the terms I've been working on 'property in spain' has been making steady progress.  From nowhere to mid page 2 on I checked today and our homepage (where the links were pointing to) has disappeared completely  from the results. Just not sure what's up.  Could we have been penalised?  I've not bought any links or done anything shady. Any ideas? Thanks guys

    Algorithm Updates | | mou

  • By this i dont mean paying for links as such...I mean the people that advertise on websites like Fiverr saying they will get you links to your site from edu/gov domains...or angela/paul style links etc. I'm doing all the proper link building stuff like blogging/guest blogs/articles etc etc but am up against competitiors with thousands of links...Is this a way to 'catch up' or should it be avoided. I'm new to all of this so be gentle lol...grateful for any replies

    Link Building | | bridaldesigns

  • We are in the process of changing our folder/url structure.  Currently we have about 5 sitemaps submitted to Google. How is it best to deal with these site maps in terms of either (a) replacing the old URLs with the new ones in the site map and (b) what affect should we have if we removed the site map submission from the Google Webmaster Tools console. Basically we have in the region of 20,000 urls to redirect to the new format, and to update in the site map.

    Technical SEO | | NeilTompkins

  • We are considering adding the +1 and facebook like widget to the footer of all our pages, but we can't decide whether to point them to our URL or to our respective Google Plus / Facebook Page. Ideally, we would prefer poiting them to our pages instead of our site URL, but I'm not so sure if we would get as much SEO advantage that way. I was looking for feedback towards the SEO advantages / disadvantages of this at what strategy you guys use. For example: Having +1 our URL would be shown to their friends at the organic results. Having +1 our page would grow our profile, allowing us to communicate with them and would also enable people search +Duplika at Google (like it happens with big brands). What do you suggest?

    Social Media | | Juanzo

  • I've got a client who verified their Google Places listing years ago, and noone knows who so I can't access it. The business is now moving and I need to update the address. What should I do? thanks

    Technical SEO | | garymeld

  • PA: 50 / mR: 5.39 / mT: 5.56 / DA: 41 Would you say from a website point of view these are ok stats and a guest post on here would be ok?

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Do Bing and Yahoo look for authoritative sites like google does? Do they punish sites for black hat or spamming? The reason I ask these questions is because one of my competitors was ranking in first place for many great keywords in Google, they have the highest authority out of all of their competitors. They must have been punished by Google because now they are not ranking for any great keywords in Google. However they are ranking 1st in Bing and Yahoo for most the top keywords, getting the the most visibility out of all the sites. I attached a small Graph with latest visibility for the sites with the top keywords from google and then I also included the company that was punished from google they are the green circles on the graph. dIVI4.png

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SEODinosaur

  • Hi there. Can someone please recommend a link building company? Can somebody recommend a tried and trusted linking building company that they have used and have really good results from? There are so many link builidng companies out there all promising they can deliver X,Y AND Z! Please help if anyone can recommend a company has am going roun in cricles! Thanks guys Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Hi I set up a campaign to monitor a website and chose to track the root domain, however the report showed every single page on my website was duplicated with itself when seen as www.mydomain.tld as opposed to just  mydomain.tld. I deleted the campaign and set it up to monitor only the www.mydomain.tld as I don't use any other subdomains, however in Bing results the website is listed without the www and so is not recognised in the ranking checker. How can I set it up so that seomoz recognises the pages as the same either with or without the www?

    Moz Pro | | PandyLegend

  • Hi there Can you please help me. I did some link building and worked with website last couple of months and rank got better but all keywords are on the second page, some of them are 11th and 12th. Is there anything I did wrong and google dont allow the website on the first page? Or should I just go on. It just looks strange keywords are on the second page for 2 weeks and not going to the first page for any single day. The website is quite old, around 10 years. Anyone knows what it is or where I can read about it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fleetway

  • At the start of a new SEO campaign - I make a list of bloggers and editors who will help my client along the way in his industry. I then start following these people on Twitter from my client's company account. I wanted to know if there are SEO's who follow and interact with these bloggers/editors from their own personal account - and not necessarily form the clients account? If so, how do you manage that? Or do people follow from both accounts? What do you do?

    Search Behavior | | ArjunRajkumar

  • As part of a re-design of our site including the integration of our previously separate blog, we are using some of our quality articles regarding our industry to get backlinks to our site. Fortunately in our niche industry it is possible to find many out-dated articles, broken links, and just low-quality article content. So my question is.. if we have one article that would potentially allow us to get not just backlinks, but that actual article copied in full onto the other site, are there concerns about duplicate content and the link being useless? --Should I be changing the article a bit every time? --Should I ask them to only copy the first few sentences and link back to us to read more? - Other options? Cheers all

    Link Building | | WebNooby

  • Hi, Is this the correct code for redirecting www to non www version on Apache server RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Hello! I am wondering what the pros and cons of using the regular Google Analytics tracking code on a mobile site versus the tracking documentation from Google specifically on it found at which is still in labs mode.  Does the mobile specific tracking have the same features as the regular one to be able to track events and report the same statistics?  Thanks for the help on this one!

    Reporting & Analytics | | CabbageTree

  • Google have sent me an email regarding manipulativre link or paid link etc. Tey are asking me to fix the issue then resubmit my site for consideration. My site IS still in the search results but i suspect that they may remove it soon. I suspect that a competitor may have a contact in google andthey are submitting complaints against my business but we do have many link to my site . How am i going to know exactly what link are the problem.

    Link Building | | SydneyMove

  • Hi Guys, Our website has some really good serps for our established keyword phrases some of which are quite competitive. We recently acquired and have begun selling some new brands through our online shop and launched new pages for these brands around 2 months ago. They are quite competitive ("merrell shoes" and "timberland boots" for example in terms. Do you think we should get some keyword rich links built into these new pages from external sites such as blogs - or is there chances of ranking well driven more off our overall site authority/link profile? In other peoples experience, what is a typical realistic timeframe to start getting meaningful serps on new pages/keyword phrases (I know that is hard to answer - but ball parks figures appreciated). Thank you everyone in advance. Kind Regards (and happy thanksgiving to our US friends)
    Conrad Cranfield

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ConradC

  • So I was just about to add a whole heap of CMS-related folders to my robots.txt file to exclude them from search, and thought "hey, I'm publicly telling people where my admin folders are"...surely that's not right?! Should I leave them out of the robots.txt file, and hope for the best that they never get indexed? Should I use noindex meta data on every page? What are people's thoughts? Thanks, James PS. I know this is similar to lots of other discussions around meta noindex vs. robots.txt, but I'm after specific thoughts around the security aspect of listing your admin folders in a robots.txt file...

    Technical SEO | | James-Distinction

  • It is possible to view the older Domain Authority for a domain with open site explorer? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | caroy

  • There are under 100 pages that we are trying to rank for and we'd like to flatten our site architecture to give them more link juice. One of the methods that is currently in place now is a widget that dynamically links to these pages based on page popularity...the list of links could change day to day. We are thinking of redesigning the page to become more static, as we believe it's better for link juice to flow to those pages reliably than dynamically. Before we do so, we need a second opinion.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RBA

  • Hi I'm trying to establish a methodology to best show the gap between potential and realised organic keyword traffic. To obtain potential keyword traffic I'm using the Google Adwords keyword tool to derive local monthly search volumes for exact keyword matches. To get the realised data I'm using Google Analytics. However, to get the I'm confused as to which is the best way of getting a comparable metric from Google Analytics (GA). I was using custom reports and the 'organic searches' metric. However, this provides different values to a standard report selecting non-paid search in the default advanced segments. What is the best report/metric in GA to use for both organic and paid search volumes that would be comparable to the Google Adwords keyword tool. Thanks Neil

    Reporting & Analytics | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi there, I been using to check my competitor link profile for a specific keyword, apart from Root domain being one of the most important factors, what else should I be looking for, Page Authority? Kind Regards

    Link Building | | Paul78

  • Due to a walled garden situation, I need to input all the servers we should have access to via IP Address. We need to track the way our users are browsing within the garden, so I require all the IP addresses that Google Analytics would use. I tried googling it, but was not able to find any definitive answers. Thank you in advance, Heather

    Reporting & Analytics | | hmckenna

  • Hi All, I have an issue whereby print versions of my articles are being flagged up as "duplicate" content / page titles. In order to get around this, I feel that the easiest way is to just add them to my robots.txt document with a disallow. Here is my URL make up: Normal article: Print version of my article I know that having dynamic parameters in my URL is not best practise to say the least, but I'm stuck with this for the time being... My question is, how do I add just the print versions of articles to my robots file without disallowing articles too? Can I just add the parameter to the document like so? Disallow: &printversion=yes I also know that I can do add a meta noindex, nofollow tag into the head of my print versions, but I feel a robots.txt disallow will be somewhat easier... Many thanks in advance. Matt

    Technical SEO | | Horizon

  • If i want to rank highest for one specific keyword (virtualization management, for example) and use that keyword in all the titles on my website, will that negatively affect my search rankings? SEOmoz is telling me that i should use unique titles for my different pages to ensure that they describe each page uniquely and don't compete with each other for keyword relevance.

    On-Page Optimization | | foonista

  • I have some urls in my site due to a rating counter. These are like: These are all duplicate content to my homepage and I want to 301 redirect them there. I tried so far: RedirectMatch 301 /[a-z]score[a-z]
    RedirectMatch 301 /.score.
    RedirectMatch 301 /^score$.*
    RedirectMatch 301 /.^score$.*
    RedirectMatch 301 /[a-z]score[a-z]
    RedirectMatch 301 score
    RedirectMatch 301 /[.]score[.]
    RedirectMatch 301 /[.]score[.]
    RedirectMatch 301 /[a-z,0-9]score[a-z,0-9]
    RedirectMatch 301 /[a-z,0-9,=,&]score[a-z,0-9,=,&]
    RedirectMatch 301 /[a-z,0-9,=&?/.]score[a-z,0-9,=&] None of them works. Anybody? Solution? Would be very much appriciated

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I have a popular page that is not one of the three pages that I am hoping to raise awareness of (want to focus on). The dilemma I am trying to understand is that I really don't want to encourage all the flow from the popular to ONE of my hopeful pages (focus pages). Rather, I want to focus the keyword portions of that page to help the three hopeful pages. So I consider the rel=canonical tag.... err no. rel=canonical would pass ALL my popular page link juice to ONE of my three hopeful pages. What's the best way to pass the keyword link juice relevant to each of my three hopeful pages their, um, portion, of the popular page link juice. I'm white hat by preference. All four pages are good legitimate landing pages, and of course I dread sabotaging the popularity of what is working. Suggestions? Advice?

    Moz Pro | | iansears

  • Say you have a page and it has 4 outgoing links to the same internal page. In the original Pagerank algo if these links were links to an page outside your own domain, this would mean that the linkjuice this page is able to pass would be devided by 4. The thing is i'm not sure if this is also the case when the outgoing link, is linking to a page on your own domain. I would say that outgoing links (whatever the destination) will use some of your link juice, so it would be better to have 1 outgoing link instead of 4 to the same destination, the  the destination will profit more form that link. What are you're thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TjeerdvZ

  • I know to increase rankings involves link building, but what kind of link building is worth it and what type is not? At the moment most of my link building effort is focused on guest blogging, which has worked well for me, I have seen some good movement on a range of keywords using this tactic but I cant help but think I could get a lot more movement in the serp's if I mixed it up a little. A few other link building techniques I know of are below, but I don't really use them, so my question is what ones should I be using combined with my guest blogging to give my rankings that little extra help. 1. Directory Submissions 2. Article Submissions 3. Press Release Distribution 4. Forum Signatures 5. Blog Comments 6. Social bookmarking 7. Social Sites (Squidoo, Weebly, Wordpress, blogger) If I have missed something please let me know. Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | activitysuper

  • Hi Mozzers Just quick question When an SEO company are supplying their testimonials for example
    Keyword Search Term has 33,000 visits a month
    Keywords is in position 1 but the search volume they are showing is broad, i was always brought up to do research on exact results unless im using the reserch for a PPC campagin? Has anyone got any ideas?? should it be braod im looking at or exact?? Many Thanks Matt

    Competitive Research | | mcliddy

  • Hi there, I am writing a post for a well respected blog in our industry. I'm debating on either to target 1 key-phrase in this post with an external back-link, or  to go target 2-3 back-links in the post. Just a few questions on this: Would including 1 external back link be more beneficial than having 2 or 3 external back-links in the post? Kind Regards

    Link Building | | Paul78

  • Guys am looking for a related posts script or tool that can read my site map or and post related articles under each of my articles. There are plugins like yarrp, linkwithin but they are for wordpress. I need something i can you use with a normal html website.

    Technical SEO | | Emeka

  • Should i use a subdomain or a subdirectory? i was going to use a subdirectory however i have been reading a lot of articles on the use of subdomains post panda and the advantages of using them instead of using subdirectories. Thanks Ari

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dublinbet

  • Is it best to have lower case URLs e.g or title case like I noticed in the seomoz tools that it would report the above two URLs as duplicate if the site had two links using pointing to each URL

    Content Development | | NeilTompkins

  • Hello, Google is displaying (not provided) for signed in users. Is there any workaround for this ? Any advanced segment by which can know more about such traffic ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • I am working at a company that has had SEO All in One installed on our Wordpress blog for awhile, but the Meta data is not being published. When looking at a draft of the post the fields are automatically filled with the blog post (I would like the possibility of manually changing the meta sometimes). However, regardless of that the Meta titles, etc.. on the live site are blank and don't use what is written in the SEO All in One pack at all. Any suggestions for me? Thanks!

    Content Development | | theLotter

  • Over the last 6 weeks I've been linkbuilding for one of my customers. The search term is: bed and breakfast portugal. It is not easy but we are making progress. The goal is the number 1 page (top 10 results) in I've been keeping score with Rank Tracker and also created a campaign. Last week we were still ranked 11 (for some time already) according to Rank Tracker but tuesday we made a jump to number 7. Whoehoe you would say but opening up Chrome and Firefox browser I am still seeing on the 2nd page? Maybe somebody can give me an explanation? I've de-personalized my search and also Rank tracker show s the command they are using: However also using that I'm not seeing my client back at position 7. How can the Rank tracker information be so wrong, I was hoping not off course 🙂 Your help is appreciated very much.

    Moz Pro | | newtraffic

  • Hello Forum I just worked on redoing an eCommerce website and part of the revisions were to change the site's URL structure. What I'm curious about is how to maintain the external links we had prior to redoing the website so that these external links continue to point to their respective product pages on the new website. From what I understand, you need remap the old links to the new links in your CMS and set up 301 redirects. What's the easiest way to find the all the old link URLs and remap them? Or is there a different, easier way?

    Link Building | | pano

  • Hi,,, Okay we have 1 main site , a few years back we went down the road of sub domains and generated about 10. They have page rank and age  but we wish to move them back to the main web site. What is the correct or best way to achieve this. 1 copy all content to the main web site creating  dup pages and then use a redirects from the sub pages  to the new dup pages on the main domain... or 2 write new content on the main domain for the subdomain pages and redirect to the new content. Problem with 2 is the amount of work involved...

    Technical SEO | | NotThatFast

  • Hi.. We sell Joomla addons here, This site was started in september 2011 and its converting very well from other sources, but I need it to rank high and get organic traffic as well. We have over 295 pages and almost alla re index, I guess, but doesnt come anywhere in the SERPS, so I thought of investigating it and found that, all the product pages h1 tag was messed up and gone. Just fixed it right now. So, how do I tell Google to refresh and recrawl my pages and index ?

    Technical SEO | | qubesys

  • <iframe style="border: 2px #CCCCCC solid;" src="" title="CPSC RSS Feed" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="224" height="258"></iframe> That is the code my client wants to add to an internal page where we can keep updated news on a specific subject. Only problem is this widget has links within it, these links are "followed". Should i worry about these links being followed? There are quite a few, does anyone know if they will be counted if within an iframe or is there a way to add "no-follow" attribute to them. Can i somehow tell the HTACCESS to add no follows to all links on specific pages? Any thoughts, solutions are greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | waqid

  • I am seeing huge fluctuations in the number of pages discovered the crawl each week. Some weeks the crawl discovers > 10,000 pages and other weeks I am seeing 4-500. So, this week for example I was hoping to see some changes reflected for warnings from last weeks report (which discovered > 10,000 pages). However, the entire crawl this week was 448 pages. The number of pages discovered each week seems to go back and forth between these two extremes. The more accurate count would be nearer the 10,000 mark than the 400 range. Thanks. Mark

    Moz Pro | | MarkWill

  • Hi I'm trying to establish a methodology to best show the gap between potential and realised organic keyword traffic. To obtain potential keyword traffic I'm using the Google Adwords keyword tool to derive local monthly search volumes for exact keyword matches. However, I'm confused as to which is the best way of getting a comparable metric from Google Analytics (GA). I was using custom reports and the 'organic searches' metric. However, this provides different values to a standard report selecting non-paid search in the default advanced segments. What is the best report/metric in GA to use for both organic and paid search volumes that would be comparable to the Google Adwords keyword tool. Also, I'm having problems getting my kids to eat their greens, any advice! 😉 Thanks Neil

    Reporting & Analytics | | mccormackmorrison

  • Howdy. I have just read this QA thread, so I think I have my answer. But I'm going to ask anyway! Basically is being retired, and is going to be launched. We're going to have to redirect numerous URLs from to I think the way to go about this is to continue paying for hosting for, serving a .htaccess from that hosting account, and then hosting separately. Anybody know of a way to avoid paying for hosting a .htaccess file on Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | SamTurri

  • My blog has about 130 pages or so.  Google has indexed most if not all of the posts and pages.  In contrast, yahoo has only indexed about 1/4 of the pages and posts. Are there any actions that can be taken based on this information?  For example, if i prepare a blog post should I prepare it so that it will most likely be indexed into yahoo knowing that google will also index it.  If so, how can i prepare blog posts that will most likely be indexed into yahoo's index?

    Reporting & Analytics | | jamesjd7

  • What is a proper way to redirect any url containing a give word (anywhere in the url) to another sepcified url? Is it like this? RedirectMatch 301 ^thisword$

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

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