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  • When I look at my back links in OSE, I see two landing pages on my site that are really the same page. and code here) These show different inbound link characteristics and page authority. The page in question has a rel=canonical tag. Am I doing something wrong?

    Moz Pro | | EugeneF

  • Hello all! Thanks everyone for making my experience with SEOMOZ so far a great one. There are some really awesome folks here answering questions and we obviously have a great community here. Question We host our sites on dedicated servers with Cpanel. We have a new project that will require that users can log in and create a free Website on a sub domain eg. or So the end user will be able to provide their choice of a sub domain. Then the user can create their website, upload their logo and so on for the free site. (Content management controlled by them) What software would you suggest we use for providing this free service? Thank everyone!

    Web Design | | webindustry

  • Hi there, I'm always trying to think of new ways of getting great links and thought HARO could be really beneficial to our SERPs, the only issue I think is that we are a UK website and mainly the reporters are based in the USA, writing for Chicago Tribune, NY magazines etc, is this an issue?, here are a few more questions: Has anyone had success using HARO? Anyone outside the USA had success with HARO? Kind Regards

    Link Building | | Paul78

  • For a first time, new website. I have a Barber shop in Hartford named "Dixie Cutters" with two domains, and Obviously the latter domain has two main keywords, barber and location...Hartford. So it would be better to use that and use a 301 redirect for to redirect to Many online directories including SE listings on Google Places, BIng and Yahoo have already been set up withe domain "" and the email address If I choose to make the primary domain with 301 redirecting to it....does this mean that I should then change the directory listings and more specifically, the SE business listings so that they have the primary domain listed ( with an email address Or can I leave all of this alone and keep as stated above without any SEO local consequences. I know consistency is a big issue with NAP. I also know it's recommended to use an email address with your domain name in the SE business listings. If a 301 is in place, can I use in my listings?

    Image & Video Optimization | | MozMan2

  • Ciao Mozzers! I'm currently looking at revising a clients signup process. We need to grab lots of information to populate their profiles with higher-quality content. Some ideas so far: Facebook Connect - grabbing information from Facebook profiles (a few clicks for users) Use multi-step/paginated signup form (with progress bar), perhaps using jQuery to show the next question once one is finished More shorter, specific questions > fewer longer questions I've been looking around for examples of pages which need to capture lots of information, and like what Quirky do, but has anyone got any other awesome examples or ideas for helping capture more information?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | edfryed

  • For example, take a look at and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.  See the link in the bottom left?  Does the fact that it is pushed all the way down to the bottom make the link worth less than if it was directly under the social media buttons?

    Technical SEO | | adriandg

  • Hello Forum , I am working with an online yoga equipment retailer and am trying to select keywords for their homepage <title>. Initially, I focused on 2 keywords: One is a high-level (i.e. not product-specific) keyword, "yoga equipment", that receives 5,400 monthly Google phrase searches per month. The other keyword is a more-specific keyword, "yoga mats", with 60,000 monthly Google searches. </span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">However, I'm noticing that Google is sending users who use other more-specific keywords to our homepage. For example, our search result for "yoga bolster" (1,900 monthly Google phrase searches) takes visitors to the homepage, not our page dedicated to yoga bolsters (this page is already optimized for the keywords "bolsters, yoga bolsters, etc") We have an optimized yoga mat page in our shop, but Google still sends visitors to the homepage instead.</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">1. Should I add a keywords like "bolster" to the homepage title? Example: "Yoga Mats, Bolsters, Products, and Accessories." Or should I stick to high-level keywords? </p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">2. Would it be a good idea to add the word "yoga" to each term: "Yoga Mats, Yoga Bolsters, Yoga Gear and Yoga Accessories"</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;">I appreciate the insight and thanks for your time.</p></title>

    Web Design | | pano

  • Hi, one of my customers had probably block the IP of SEOMOZ's bot. Could you give me : IP User-agent's name thks for helping me 😉

    Technical SEO | | dawa

  • Hi all. According to google webmaster tools made 29,245 links to ONE category to my website. I went to this site and they copied my article with my links without my permission. Its the same one on all sites in that domain. Thats a lot of links and I thinks that bad for my site. I can't find any contact details to that site. What do you think, any advise?? Please help!

    Link Building | | menswatchshop

  • I hope this one isn't too obvious a question to ask, as I'm sure it's been asked before. However - I'm considering a new site which would be focussed entirely on a UK market. US and other world traffic would be effectively useless. Using social media and standard linkbuilding techniques, how do I focus my efforts on the UK market? Getting links from, I guess - what else? Or is it just "SEO generally and some of it'll be for the UK"?

    Link Building | | Cairmen

  • We know that google now gives a penalty to a whole duplicate if it finds content it doesn't like or is duplicate content, but has anyone experienced a penalty from having duplicate content on their site which they have added noindex to? Would google still apply the penalty to the overall quality of the site even though they have been told to basically ignore the duplicate bit. Reason for asking is that I am looking to add a forum to one of my websites and no one likes a new forum. I have a script which can populate it with thousands of questions and answers pulled direct from Yahoo Answers. Obviously the forum wil be 100% duplicate content but I do not want it to rank for anyway anyway so if I noindex  the forum pages hopefully it will not damage the rest of the site. In time, as the forum grows, all the duplicate posts will be deleted but it's hard to get people to use an empty forum so need to 'trick' them into thinking the section is very busy.

    Technical SEO | | Grumpy_Carl

  • I'm building a site for a manufacturer where all products will be entered as blog posts. Then I have to build some awareness for the site. What personna am I best off doing this with? Company Name, My Name, A ficticious name that works for the company, or some other? Any Mozzers want to share thoughts or past strategies that have been successful?

    Technical SEO | | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi there, one of our big competitors is ranking first for a huge key term. We were wondering how they did it, so i went through normal processes: Age of domain - reasonable. Unique content - a little but the ranking page has pretty much none - meaning panda update isn't applying here, Back-links - nothing special really, not enough to be above everyone in my opinion. Then i had a look at social media shares, over 2,000 mainly as facebook shares. So i went on their facebook profile and it does not seem like they are spamming content on there. Are these shares from users sharing the link? if so can i find out how many per post? i imagine there is a team setup to share this content when it is published on their facebook page? It just seems so very unfair they are ranking number one like this, the content in their site is poor, it's not a relevant domain either. So much for panda update eh? Any thoughts appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pauledwards

  • Either something is seriously wrong with my website or seomoz is not analyzing my site correctly. When I view the source code for my site ( I clearly see elements such as page title, h1 tags etc. However, on the onpage reports seomoz says these elements are missing. I am not seeing any meaningful data in the reports because it isn't analyzing correctly. Please help!

    On-Page Optimization | | mortickles

  • Hello There Can anyone refer to me a document that will explain htaccess files to me from the begining to the end? I have done some Seo projects, so I know the benefits but I don't know the code for the files. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • Hello, Just read a great post about the implications of duplicate content for sites after the most recent Panda update: In the post is an image or crawl data history that shows months, not days or weeks, worth of trending data as it relates to duplicate content. So my question is this: How do I change my view/date range on my own campaigns so that I can view the trailing months of data rather than only what seems to be the past 4 weeks or so? This would really help me identify the impact of some  on page changes we've recently made for a client. Many Thanks, Jared

    Moz Pro | | surjm

  • Hello all, Have multiple ecommerce projects going right now and thought I'd throw this one out there. We use follow up emails to try to encourage reviews for customers to all of our ecommerce stores, but find that many of them are pretty tedious as far as registering to write reviews and requiring a lot of information to get started. We primarily use Reseller Ratings and Trustpilot, but were interested if anyone had better luck using some different sites that Google also crawls for review data. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NetvantageMarketing

  • Firstly sorry if this has already been answered - I did look I promise.
    Secondly sorry if the answer to this is blatently obvious! In the process of trying to optimise my landing pages, I am using On Page Optimisation reports.  I have several (ok lots) with F grades which is not surprising as the landing page is not the landing page optimised for a certain keyword.  If I change the landing page to the one that I have for a certain keyword then hey presto A or B grade (clever me)! Now here's the thing - presumably the landing page that is listed by default is the one that Google "sees" for a particular keyword.  How do I change this if I can or do I have to be patient or am I just being plain daft?! Many thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Jock

  • Hi all. I've purchased a domain name two years ago with the idea to offer wide range of services. I've also created a sub-domain providing specific service for highly competitive keyword. Sadly plans went wrong and I didn't use the root domain name at all, just the sub-domain providing that service. There aren't much links to that sub-domain, but all are quality links, until recently I've managed to keep positions between 5 and 7 without any effort, but yesterday I saw that it's dropped to 9. The question is, before I start to build links and write articles to get back up my domain, is it worth to move that sub-domain to my original root domain. As I said, there aren't much links to that sub-domain, it only has pagerank1, also for the last year the original root domain was redirected (301) to the sub-domain to not loose traffic and I'm scared if I reverse this procedure and redirect my sub-domain to the root domain that Google will get confused. It's a tricky question I know 🙂

    Technical SEO | | VasilTasev

  • Hello Mozland, I'm looking to have a mobile site built. We have a fair amount of traffic coming from smart phones, tablets etc and want to capture this traffic better. Do you have any advice on how to have it built properly, if/how it can be optimised, what good features to include, or anything else you think might be of help? Many thanks Martin

    Web Design | | Martin_S

  • Hi Is there a checker where it will show what local citation sites a Google Places listing has? My listing has been claimed on the likes of Yelp, Qype etc but I doubt if the others above me have as they have not even claimed their places account The reason being is that it can only be the local citations that is causing the following listing - or if there is anything else I would be interested to learn what it is?,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=828&wrapid=tlif132205140339110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=chartered+accountants+swansea&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=chartered+accountants&hnear=0x486e45555a4e97b1:0x3d77128e2fe7cb74,Swansea,+Neath+Port+Talbot&cid=7535215611406218142&ei=T-fMTvTbC4zA8QOpwLz6Dw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=2&ved=0CEIQ4gkwAQ to appear above on a search for chartered accountants swansea

    Image & Video Optimization | | idv

  • Hi, My client, which is a university department, used a regular facebook page to manage some 800 friend on a personal Facebook page. How would you go about convincing the friends to switch to "likees" on a new corporate account? Is holding a giveaway my best bet? Any other ideas? Thanks!

    Social Media | | michalseo

  • Hi, In the mozbar it has the following for this post: PA: 55 mR: 3.28 mT: 4.43 DA: 88 What does this data mean and how would you use it to spot a weakness in a competitor? Now the domain strength is very high 88, so I know you would have trouble attacking that if your own DA was 48. p.s this is just an example

    Moz Pro | | activitysuper

  • I followed the instructions here, but cannot see the report in Analytics under "Custom Variables". As I dont know JS syntax, I assume the code is wrong. I just added dohertyjf's code under my normal tracking code. Can someone tell me if and where the error is? | | Much obliged!

    Reporting & Analytics | | zeepartner

  • Hi - So I recently thought of linkbuilding and the right way to do it. After trying a couple of methods I realized that good and trustworthy websites are hard to find, and even those ask you for some kind of payment. So my option would be to contact foreign SEO agency - that would logically have a big portfolio of websites from a lot of different domains and establish partnerships - find solutions. Giving that we are in different countries and we operate different websites we could really make a great job without paying attention to competition on the same nieche. This idea came to me a couple of minutes ago, and I though it would be great to ask your opinion, and who knows - maybe we can even have a partnership - especially since I believe SEOmozzers are the best 😄 What do you think?

    Link Building | | A.Popoviciu

  • So I use myblogguest to find blogs to exchange content for links with. So a few things I need clearing up really, If you cant write relevant content to the website you want to push, does this mean writing content on something you know something about lets say football and putting anchor text links in the byline to a electronic shop would not work and is not worth doing? On the flip side lets say you get a copy writer to do it for you but the blogs wanting to use the content are not relevant to your website. So your articles about football and your website sells football equipment but the blogs wanting to use the content are general blogs with 20 categories covering everything. Cheers

    Link Building | | activitysuper

  • Can you get down rank in your search result for useing CAPS in your site titels? Many of my compitors useing it.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=a7d5043c494a2f9f&biw=1392&bih=749 Eksample og search result "flyttemand" Regards

    SEO Learn Center | | SortSEO

  • Hi, I was wondering whether .com links from the US for domains increase the search engine visibility of domain in the UK just as much as links for domains (assuming they are all top quality content links)? (Context: I have heard that it does from someone who should know, but I would like to double check on that) If half of the backlinks for a domain are from .com domains in the US is this a dangerous pattern Google would pick up on?

    Link Building | | linkbuildings

  • Hey anyone noticed Google's keyword tool seems to be returning weird data for search volume compared to just a few days ago? "iron fist clothing" exact match was returning around 1,000 local monthly searches and a monthly trend of approximately the same over the past year. As of yesterday it has zero searches for exact match and even the monthly trends have all been set to zero for every month going back a year Now I suppose this could happen in theory but the fact that the trend is showing up as zero for each month over the last year makes me think this could be a bug. I've also noticed this for one of my keywords on my SEO site, again suddenly gone to zero searches and monthly trends going back a year. However a quick check on webmaster tools shows the impressions going back a few months at the average of 1,300 that the old trend suggested it should be. Anyone else noticed this?

    Keyword Research | | barabis77

  • Hi Guys, Just looking through our crawl diagnositcs and we have a ton errors, well over 5000 actually, on 404 pages that cannot be accessed. Our website runs a lot of "Hot Offers" that are time bound, so they expire at the end of each month and we remove the page via our CMS. It's making the crawl diagnositcs loook bad, but will this be hindering our seo and Google 'stuff' because they are finding thousands of 404 errors? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Website: Lee Greenhill

    Technical SEO | | lee_greenhill

  • Hi, Is there any alternatives to Yahoo Site Explorer? I want to find backlinks of some unavailable pages and YSE was a great tool to deal with. But when I used tools like Open Site Explorer, etc., I couldn't find one same like YSE. Because when I tried, it shows'No data available for this URL' where on YSE I found inbound links. What Alternatives Are There? thanks in advance!

    Moz Pro | | VipinLouka78

  • I have a page on a client's site for testimonials (a dental practice).  The page is actually a post on a Wordpress install where customers can enter their testimonials as WP comments. In an effort to encourage more clients to give more testimonials I was considering setting up an iPad or other tablet at the receptionist's desk where patients would be able to enter their successes as comments on the page. If I made sure the patients all used unique names and emails in the Wordpress comments, would Google still see all the comments are from the same IP and view this as suspicious?

    On-Page Optimization | | jargomang

  • Hello guys, I need some help. I can see the following javascript in the header which is not added by me. What code is it ? Something related to Google Analytics ? <script type="text/javascript"> // script> Thanks in advance

    Reporting & Analytics | |

  • What would be the best Title of your Homepage if your top 3 keywords would be: taxi service Seattle (5400 exact searches) Seatle taxi                 (4400 exact searches) Seattle taxi service (1900 exact searches) Would you go for all of them or just the one with more searches? I guess you can target them all on one page being almost the same but what is the best strategy to apply in this case to get the most out of it? Do you take into account the broad numbers of searches which are different from the exact numbers? Tools I used:Google sktool Thanks for reading!

    Keyword Research | | echo1

  • We currently use a wp blog but we don not host on the web domain. What are the advanatges to moving the blog to the domain The only 1 I can think of is  every time we update the blog this should help keep the web site fresh with new content .

    Content Development | | NotThatFast

  • We have a page optimized for 'blue widgets'. We rank in organic spot #3 or 4 for that (moves around from week to week). Fairly happy with that. We have another derivative term 'blue widgets small' (example, but it's same format: <original phrase="">+ <single word="">) where we currently rank #6 organic in Google when people search on the 3 word phrase.</single></original> We'd like to rank higher than #6 for the 3 word phrase. Should we: (1) Build a bunch of links with anchor text equal to the 3 word phrase and point to the existing page (which is optimized on-page for the first 2 of the 3 words) or (2) Make a new page optimized for the 3 word phrase and then start building links to it with anchor text equal to the 3 words (and non-cannibalizing variants of the 3 words)? The 2 word phrase is pretty competitive and it has taken us months to get that page to be #3 or 4 organic for that phrase. The 3 word phrase is much less competitive and we don't think it would take that long to make a dedicated page rank higher than #6 for the 3 words. Suggestions? Thanks.

    Link Building | | scanlin

  • I am not quite sure why this is happening but the Moz point s total on my logo when I hover over it is around 6 times more than the one on my main section. Can someone explain why ? Screen-Shot-2011-11-23-at-01.21.22.png

    Moz Pro | | onlinemediadirect

  • Week after week we get enquiries for Link building services. Time and time again we are losing out on contracts and deals... My stance - We work on your site for a period of time doing link building so 2 days in the month a link building member will research competitors , yadi , yadi, ya 🙂 You get the picture right... But the customers are being told by less scrupulous companies the numbers of links they will receive. Impossible unless you are buying them right ? So it reaches that point when you start questioning being 100% honest... What advice would you give me on selling link building services...

    Link Building | | onlinemediadirect

  • We are getting ready to launch our new SEO weekly podcast in the next few weeks and thought I would get your opinion and suggestions on what you would want to hear. This is going to be a free weekly podcast all about the SEO news of the week, tips, what's working and what's not, and things like that.We will mainly be talking about the latest news in the SEO space on a weekly basis. Might even need a co-host from time to time. I thought I would check and see if you guys have any suggestions or recommendations based on what YOU would like to hear in an SEO podcast? I want this to be something valuable that people will enjoy and benefit from so let me know if you have any suggestions for topics we should cover, show format, etc. Thanks in advance!

    SEO Learn Center | | N5c

  • We have a long list of URL parameters in our Google Webmasters account. Currently, the majority are set to 'let googlebot decide.' How important is it to specify exactly what googlebot should do? Would you leave these to 'let googlebot decide' or would you specify how googlebot should treat each parameter?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I've been seeing this more and more... a page that ranks well for a great keyword but the traffic is much, much less than one would expect based on information from the Google Keyword Tool. The keyword gets 3600 searches locally, but the site, #9 on the SERP, got 11 visits last month. Does that sound like a plausible drop-off or is there something else at play? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | joshcanhelp

  • Hi, We've got some pretty strict anti-scraping logic in our website, and it seems we accidentally snared a Googlebot with it. About 100 URL requests were responded to with a 403 Forbidden error. The logic has since been updated, so this should not happen again. I was just wondering if/when Googlebot will come back and try those URLs again. They are linked from other pages on the site, and they are also in our sitemap. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dbuckles

  • We're trying to simplify our link analysis job when acquiring a new external link. We're wondering to know if Domain Authority Seomoz parameter is all what we need to take a decision. Does DA Seomoz parameter takes into consideration 'domain age', 'alexa ranking', 'dmoz links', indexed pages on google', and 'inbound links vs outbound links'?

    Moz Pro | | seoneogames

  • Hi there, Seeing a large number of errors in the SEOMOZ Pro crawl results. The 404 errors are for pages that look like this: I know that t%2F represents the two slashes, but I'm not sure why these addresses are being crawled. The site is a wordpress site. Anyone seen anything like this?

    Moz Pro | | rosstaylor

  • Does it really matter if somebody takes your content changes it slightly and republishes it? This is my original article on history of house paints which was also published on ezine in Feb. and from google alerts I discovered this page a minimally modified version. It is not easy to create content so these folks just copied and made a blog post. Their are now many versions of this on the web..who wins?

    Content Development | | johnshearer

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