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  • We recently developed a new site for a client and they have opted to move forward with a domain change.  Should we create a new Google Analytics account for the new site?

    Reporting & Analytics | | TheOceanAgency

  • I was wondering if banned domains pass any page rank, link love, etc. My domain got banned and I AM working to get it unbanned, but in the mean time, would buying a new domain, and creating NEW content that DOES adhere to the google quality guidelines, help at all? Would this force an 'auto-evaluation' or 're-evaluation' of the site by google? or would the new domain simply have ZERO effect from the 301 unless that old domain got into google's good graces again.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ilyaelbert

  • The SEOmoz PRO tool shows how keywords rank in the organic part of the SERPs. Does anyone know if there is another tool out there that shows the same thing for ranking in the ads section of the SERPs? Also, does anyone know the winning lottery numbers (any lottery will do, I'm not fussy!). Thanks Neil

    Paid Search Marketing | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi Checked our original rss feed - added it to Google reader and all the links go to the correct pages, but I have also set up the RSS feed in Feedburner. However, when I click on the links in Feedburner (which should go to my own website's pages) , they are all going to spam sites, even though the title of the link and excerpt are correct. This isn't a Wordpress blog rss feed either, and we are on a very secure server. Any ideas whatsoever? There is no info online anywhere and our developers haven't seen this before. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Kerry22

  • I want to have a page that describes a specific property and/or product. The top part of the page has media options such as video and photos while the bottom includes the description. I know I can set up the media in tabs and have it separated by javascript, but everything resides on one page so there are no duplicate content issues. Example: BUT what if I need to the photos and the videos to have separate URLs so I can link to them individually? For example, for a real estate site blog, I may want to send visitors to the page of the home tour. I don't want to link them to the version of the page with the photos because I want them to arrive on the video portion. Example: Is there any way to get around the problem that would result from the duplicate content of the product/property description? I do not have the resources in the budget to make two unique descriptions for every page.

    Technical SEO | | WebsightDesign

  • Prior to the Panda update we had 1 main site, and 300 or so satellite sites. The satellite sites all had an identical template with identical content. The satellite sites all got flagged, and the main site persevered. We'd like to TRY to get all of these sites unbanned in bulk. My question 'DIFFERENT' should these sites be? I know that a real google employee will be looking. All of these sites will be in the same how 'different' can the content really be? I am going to try to do this in sets of 10 and purchase a different template for EACH city/satellite site, as well as having varying categories, but realistically how doomed/successful do you think this endeavor will be? Any advice? realistic timeline?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ilyaelbert

  • One of my client's websites includes a series of pages for an enrollment process.  All of these pages are blocked by robots.txt.  In Google Analytics these pages are showing data as landing pages for organic search traffic, and have been for quite some time.  There was recently a surge of organic search traffic landing on one of these pages, coming from multiple search engines.  The pages appear to be blocked and I'm not finding any of them in the search results for the keywords that are being reported in GA or by searching for the url.  Does anyone have any insights into why this might be happening?

    Reporting & Analytics | | rgibson100

  • Where is a good site for joomla and wordpress website templates that are free? I want to learn how to do everything on a zero budget (except for hosting and domain name) and I'd like to find some decent free templates.

    Web Design | | ilyaelbert

  • This is one of those things I have done for a long time and all of a sudden asked myself was it necessary: For our local clients, we add the city name (Houston, KC, Birmingham) after each keyword. An example would be A Title Tag might be Big Tester Houston | Test Site, etc. Where appropriate we do the same with H1 or H2's and occasionally in the content we will use the city name. The thought being that since the site is only for a given city, it will be deemed more relevant than a site from outside.( I understand there are other factors in SEO; this is a specific question around adding the city). Yes, we also optimize with local directories/citation sites. Is this overkill, is it even worthwhile? Is there any evidence one way or another? I would love some strong opinions backed up with something other than anecdotal evidence where possible.

    Reporting & Analytics | | RobertFisher

  • Hey guys, I am in need of a little help! I am currently an aspiring SEO (trying to absorb as much information as I can and implement changes to help my site organically)... Most of my experience revolves around SEM. That being said, I have a problem. My site is doing well through paid search... great quality scores, etc. However, the content on my site (and even my site as a whole) does not "appear" to rank well in Organic. To explain further... My site is and when I type in exact article names (or even federal auto loan) into Google, nothing shows up. And yes, my content is all original/unique content. I've even recently added a unique Calculator to my site. in the search bar shows results for all of my pages... but it just seems as though Google does not like my site for some reason. At least in Organic. The odd thing is, none of my other sites have this problem. Do you guys have any advice? The only thing I can think of is that somehow my 301 redirect was performed improperly. Yes, I had a permanent redirect performed on my site about 4 months back. The URL we were using prior just wasn't performing as well in Paid Search. But seeing as how that is the preferred method by Google... I'm really at a loss... Again, my site is Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Even generic SEO advice would be appreciated. Edit: Two other things to note... I have plugged my site into the SEOmoz Pro tool... the tool is not showing any issues for my site. I am also making use of Google Webmaster Tools and the only error that shows up for my site is a Soft 404 for one of my pmcs... Not sure why it is even pulling one of my pmcs... but as far as I can tell, there really shouldn't be any problems. Note on the 404 for anyone who might give a response on that issue... returns a 200 OK response. Edit2: Question presented below.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WPColt

  • If you take a look at this SERP for "boys costumes" you can see that Amazon, HalloweenExpress and Target all have attributes listed such as "Products 1-25 of 500" or Kids Legolas _Costume. _ These are getting blended with their meta descriptions.  How are they doing this?  Anyone see any lifts in ranking or CTR by doing this? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | Troyville

  • We have a PPC landing page template that I've used to aggregate blog post collections thematically. The hope was that they would start ranking. After 5 months, it has yet to happen.Thought it was a good idea at the time because these pages have a nice prominent call-to-action area. It now occurs to me that the pages are probably under-performing because they are not incorporated into the main site navigation. Do you think that if I move these under their appropriate categories in the main site I'll see some lift? (Of course, I will add 301 redirects as well.) Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | csmithal

  • A couple of weeks ago I created a Google+ page for my website and you can see the page here: I was logged in to my account when I did so. I'm now ready to start posting on my page and I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I've tried everything I can find to update that page as the page, but I cannot use Google+ as the page. I have no idea how to post anything. Please help!

    Social Media | | DanDeceuster

  • outdated site directory found here: not that directories are amazingly useful anymore, but with all the updates and vitriol thrown there way an update is in order. Its one of those "layup" link building tools but in its current state its less of perk and more of a boon. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | Gaveltek-173238

  • Hi. This is my first question here guys and gals so please be gentle.  We are creating a town based website that will hold news, events, articles and relevant local content.  We are also creating a business directory that will be part of this. My question relates to an issue we have regarding how the directory will be treated as part of the "network".  Although we aren't 100% sure on the domain name yet, we want the directory to be found as easily as the domain itself.  Even better, if the two could be treated seperately but strengthen the overall theme for the domain we'd be in keyword heaven. Therefore in your opinion (hopefully with pro's and con's) which do you think will rank better in Google, Yahoo and Bing (or all three);
    The directory seperate as a subdomain or as a folder within the main domain? So for example - providing we are including links between the two sections and the site is Which is better for the directory itself? or you're mad Steve, use a seperate domain altogether I hope you can help, obi-wan, you're my only hope..... PS - seomoz still rocks. Thanks

    Web Design | | rufo

  • Hi i am working on my site which is a lifestyle magazine and i have been reading about using linking within your own website to help you climb up the search engines. Now i am trying to find out if this is correct information and if so which is the best way to use this. I have an example page below, as stated i am still working on the site and the site will still take me a few more weeks yet. Now if it is correct that linking from within a site is a good way to climb the search engines, i would like to know how i would do it for this page. I am looking at climbing the search engines for soap gossip and celebrity news. I was thinking should i have a line at the bottom saying something like for all the latest celebrity news visit our site or something like this. any advice would be great

    SERP Trends | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, what can I do to make google think this is an Australian page? Link to it from domains?
    Put my address in on the page as Australia? Is there any other ofpage things that could be done? I would like it to rank for "Digital Signage" Thanks

    Link Building | | adam2012

  • Quick question: If my affiliates promote an ebook via an e-junkie affiliate link that points to a sales page on my domain, will I get any SEO benefit from the links? Will Google see that the e-Junkie affiliate link 'hops' through to my domain name? i.e. Affiliate's website --> eJunkie link --> ebook landing page on my domain Thanks for your advice! Ian

    Link Building | | internal-communication

  • When ever a browser calls my site, it is automatically 301 redirected to I am not sure if I should be concerned about this from an SEO perspective or not. Any thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | CanineConcepts

  • When using Google Analytics, what is the difference between total goal conversions and total goal completions? We have many goals set up in a lead generation environment. Therefore, the only element of conversion is submitted a lead and arriving on the "Thank You" page. THose thank you pages are tagged accordingly. When we run reports though, the number of "Total Goal Conversions" and "Total Goal Completions" never match up.

    Reporting & Analytics | | eMagineSEO

  • Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I'm currently optimizing a website and have a few structural questions: How should one view targeting keywords with respect to the home page of any given site? EG -> If the home page has the preferred keywords at the beginning of title and the page follows most if not all the recommendations from SEOMOZ tools, why are sub pages outranking my root domain for the set of keywords I'm after? When sub pages use my homepage keyword as the 2nd keyword in its respective title, does that give the overall homepage more power for the keyword it's after? EG.  Homepage Title "ABC DEF - DEF ABC - XYZ | Company name I'm targeting "ABC DEF" for the home page Subpage title -> "DEF ABC - ABC DEF - XYZ | Company Name. The sub page keyword  is "DEF ABC"

    On-Page Optimization | | FPK

  • I'm building some links right now and spotted an opportunity with a voiceover artists that we used for a marketing video. He posted our testimonial on his site and I plan to ask him to provide a link back. Thing is -- his site is entirely composed of flash content. Does this matter at all? Will this link still count? Thanks!

    Link Building | | kylesuss

  • One of the sites I work with is, which has lost a lot of ground in terms of SERPS. We were up to 12 and 13 for keywords such as uk visa and uk immigration but have since dropped down to 30-40. Has something changed recently? We know of the panda update, is it this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | qtasad

  • Hi, Im having a bit of an issue with Google Analytics internal site search, I am able to currently track the search terms through my website internal search but when I click onto destination pages I just get the search result page. When clicking destination pages I would expect to get the pages on which the user ended up after the results page, instead I just get the results page which is pretty much useless ?submitsearchXXXXXX hope you can help, look forward to your response. Thanks,

    Reporting & Analytics | | Tug-Agency

  • Should I have the same H1 tag in my header through out my entire site? Or is this considered to be  self canalization for my main keywords. For example right now I have an H1 tag with my main targeted keywords on every page on my site, even if the pages content doesn't necessarily match the keywords in the H1 tag.

    On-Page Optimization | | TRICORSystems

  • Seems it works once, maybe, then replies with a message that it can't complete the process when trying another keyword. _Cindy Barnard

    Technical SEO | | CeCeBar

  • I mean, like the complete opposite of what Panda is supposed to be doing... We've just had a discussion here and each went through a bunch of examples of sites that have sprung up and are ranking with the worst, spammiest backlink profiles ever, and poor content with little to zero on-page SEO. It's not accross the board by any means, and certainly there is no obvious pattern but there were a fair few examples we just looked at (I best not provide them for ethical reasons). It just "feels" like there's something going on...

    Algorithm Updates | | SteveOllington

  • Hi, My website has no footer area and I would like some advise on creating/optimising it for seo. Would it advise to keyword link to 10 of my key pages & Have my full company address and this will help with localising my website Company name address, Dublin, Ireland

    On-Page Optimization | | Socialdude

  • Our company has several websites where visitors can request quotes for home improvement. I'm thinking of making each site deeplink to each of our other sites, to create more linking domains and make all our sites help each other. Is this a good idea? Or will Google recognize that i'm only promoting our own websites and see this as a bad thing?

    Link Building | | Skydreamer

  • With the changes in the Google algorithm emphasizing freshness of content, I was wondering how they determine freshness and what constitutes new content. For instance, if I write a major update to a story I published last July, is the amended story fresh? Is there anything I can do in addition to publishing brand new content to make Google sure they see all my new content?

    Technical SEO | | KnutDSvendsen

  • I'm sure this has been asked and it also has been answered but I'd like some insight from another SEO as to why this site ->  <cite>www dot </cite> is ranking on the first page for the keyword(you guessed it) 'new homes in glasgow'  OSE shows about 4 backlinks.  Is it just the content on the page(that's jammed with keywords) and the matching URL? Any feedback would be appreciated 🙂

    Link Building | | DanHill

  • Hello, Cant find any clear answers on my issue and hope someone can help. Rather than being worried about losing local rankings with a move to the cloud, we have the opposite issue. The site is a large, international reference site with millions of visits a month. We have the site on servers hosting in UK, Europe and US. If we move the site to Amazon cloud hosting (obvious benefits aside), is there a danger of losing rankings internationally (depending on where the cloud datacentre is located)? Are their any other possible pitfalls and counters? Would be grateful for some advice on this. Thanks

    International SEO | | LoweProfero-AU

  • Hi all Mind it I pick some of your brains for a second opinion on something.... The current situation is thus: I have a fashion website which has over 10,000 free articles and videos, support forums with thousands of posts and user blogs. Also on the site is an affiliate store which is built using datafeedr. The store has about 90,000 products from hundreds of retailers. The goal of the site being a one stop fashion community site where people can get information, chat with other fashion fans and then use the store to search all the fashion sites at once. The problem I am having is despite endless seo work it is proving very difficult to rank the domain for even terms with low competition (We are used to ranking our clients for very competitive terms, often with several hundred million competitors including government websites, bbc, wiki etc). After testing we have come to the conclusion that it's the duplicate content in the store which is hindering our progress. Despite the exact layout of the store being unique, there is no original content on the product pages. There, we have decided to remove the store from the current url and on to it's own site. The question we have is would putting it on still hinder the main site? I recall reading that google are considering the subdomains and root domain as one these days, or if we were to put it on would google then consider us to be sending users to another website? From a branding point of view I would favour the approach but the .net approach could be easier. Finally, if we were to move the store we have about 45,000 pages indexed which would all return 404's so I guess it would be best to set up 301 redirects from the old url to the new? Many thanks

    Affiliate Marketing | | Grumpy_Carl

  • Analysing the competition in Open Site Explorer, as you all know the results come back with the following detail: Facebook Shares Facebook Likes Tweets Google +1 There is no link through to the pages that have liked, followed or tweeted the URL. I want to understand what the competition is doing in moire detail. How are these numbers actually defined? Is their any way (or whats the best way) to identify the individual pages that the numbers refer to? Thanks in advance. Justin

    Social Media | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi Mozers, Can anybody help me with this. For "keyword phrase"  SERP looks like this: 1. 2. 3. 4. ... 13. 14. Is it possible to include both to the top 4th-5th, or better merge this pages and promote only one? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | de4e

  • Hi, I would like to know if the following statement holds true today or it doesn't matter whether we use hyphens or underscore If you have a URL like keyword1_keyword2,  Google will only return that page if the user searches for keyword1_keyword2  ( highly unlikely ) . But If you have a URL like keyword1-keyword2, that page can be returned for the searches -  keyword1,keyword2 and even “keyword1keyword2” Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • My understanding is that they are only required on the "pointing pages" however I've recently heard otherwise.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DPSSeomonkey

  • I have started a long-term article marketing campaign and press release distribution. I will have about 4 articles and press releases in total every month. Although the press releases will not be self-promotional, sometimes they will be talking about a certain product that we unveil. The question is, due to the high quality of these press releases, should I put them on my website as well as publish them on third party websites? If so, because they target a specific service/product which we already have a dedicated page on our website, wouldn't that put Google in the position of choosing between the two pages? I was thinking to put them on my blog and link internally from there with the keywords that I target on those pages as anchor text. The same question for articles. Any suggestions?

    Link Building | | echo1

  • I recently purchased a site which is in the same niche as my personal blog. MANY of the keywords which I want both sites to rank for, they are already ranking well for (Eg I rank #1 with one site and #5 for the other). I haven't started linking the two sites to each other yet (waiting to announce the acquisition before I do). I have 2 questions for you all... How powerful do you think linking between these sites could be? How do you think I should handle the linking between these two sites?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PedroAndJobu

  • Does anyone have much experience implementing metadata for reviews? I run and operate a website that reviews study abroad programs and we've started the process of implementing this code to receive rich SERP snippets. We're going to use the framework used here: My main question is how long does it generally take to see the results? I would also like to hear from people who implemented this code, but ran into problems, and how they overcame them. Any other tips and advice would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Andrew

    Technical SEO | | dunklea

  • Completely custom built, or a 3rd party offering that can be customized? One of the most usable forums I've seen!

    Moz Pro | | SEOPA

  • Scenario: Company ABC has 50 related domains that are being forwarding to the main company URL. Q1: Would there be SEO value by creating a template landing page for each domain that includes product info, photos and keyword links to the main URL? Q2: If all 50+ landing pages were the same, would that penalize the main site due to duplicate content?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | brianmeert

  • We accidentally generated some pages on our site that ended up getting indexed by google. We have corrected the issue on the site and we 404 all of those pages. Should we manually delete the extra pages from Google's index or should we just let Google figure out that they are 404'd? What the best practice here?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dbuckles

  • We are changing ecommerce platforms. Is it best to use magentos own url re-writes to redirect every page of a site from its old url to it new one?

    On-Page Optimization | | LadyApollo

  • I have a client with multiple locations throughout the US. They are currently using different 800 numbers on their site for their different locations. As they try to optimize their local presence but submitting to local directories, we are trying to determine two things: Does having a local number reroute to an 800 number devalue the significance of it being a local number (I've never heard of this, but someone told them it did) Locality and consistency are important. Assuming they can't remove the 800 numbers from the site, are they better off keeping the 800 numbers on their site and using local numbers every else online OR just using the 800 numbers for all of their local listings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caleone

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