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  • Google webmaster tool reports "DNS lookup timeout" for the past few weeks. What may be the causes? Seeing around 2000 errors. How to clear this issue? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • Hi Can you please advise if the following website is corrupted in the eyes of Google, it has been written in umbraco and I have taken over it from another developer and I am confused to why it is behaving the way it is. When I run this all I see is the header, the start of the main content and then the footer.  If I view text view all the content is visible. The 2nd issue I have with this site is as follows: Main Page: This page is made up of widgets i.e. locations, featured villas, content However the widgets are their own webpages in their own right My concern is that this part pages will affect the performance of the seo on the site. In an ideal world I would have the CMS setup so these widgets are not classed as pages, but I am working on this. Thanks Andy

    Technical SEO | | iprosoftware

  • I've noticed some popular bloggers who create a monthly blog post that thanks their sponsors and the links are followed. Do you think that Google lets this slide or are they stopping some or all of the links from these blogs from passing link juice?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Is the Open Site Explorer Tool working right now? I keep getting directed to a sign-up page.

    Moz Pro | | LarryEngel

  • Hi all, on our website I have unique content that we are writing especially for this online magazine. In last two months our traffic dropped two times. First time on October 20th and after 20 days traffic got back on November 10th. Second time traffic dropped on November 15th and it is still down Does somebody have idea what could be reason for this and how it can be fixed? thanks, Nikola

    Reporting & Analytics | | GearyLSF

  • I was just thinking, now that YSE is finally about to become no-more, that's likely to mean OSE and Majestic get an influx of people who previously used that mostly... I wonder if there will be numbers enough to clog things up and slow things down? Maybe it just seems like their are millions of us SEO's in giant herds marauding the plains of the web when in-fact there's not that many of us really, and we get a distorted, non-relative view of numbers due to being immersed in it. There's definitely ten times more than there was three years ago... I know some of you old fogies (just kidding) have been going a lot longer than that but the UK had a tiny fraction of agencies offering SEO of what it does now. *I reckon there should be a new question topic added for people like me, called random nonsense or something... I didn't know what to select for this question 😄

    Industry News | | SteveOllington

  • How do you set up Google Places account for mobile businesses where the drivers get calls from their homes and service customers in their respective cities? The problem is, the drivers don't want to list their home address as their business address, yet they still represent a service for a particular city. Any ideas?

    Image & Video Optimization | | ocsearch

  • Does it help, hurt or do nothing for SEO to utilize long-tail keyword URLs to point to specific pages of your website. For example, you're a vet and have your business name website, but what if you bought: etc. and pointed them to specific pages in your business website.

    Keyword Research | | laurieonorio

  • We’ve made pages with resources for our customers. These pages have been well received and gotten us some good traffic. But these pages only target our main keywords tangentially. If we continue to build up pages like this -- that give us traffic from our customers, but don’t directly target our main keywords -- will our target keywords -- and the pages that focus on those keywords -- suffer? Is it a zero sum game for our web site? Does increasing rankings and pages for certain keywords mean that other keywords / pages decrease as a result?

    Keyword Research | | boxcarpress

  • I have just started to use SEOMOZ and Raven Tools at the same time. What is the easiest way to import Open Site Explorer link data (.csv extension) into Raven Tools so that I can manage my link building campaigns? If somebody knows an easy way to do that I will appreciate. Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | merkal2005

  • Rolling out a mobile site for a client and I'm not positive about the following: Do these mobile pages need to be optimized with the same / similar page titles? If we have a product page on the regular site with an optimized title like "Men's Sweaters, Shirts and Ties - Company XYZ", should the mobile version's page have the same title? What if the dev team simply named it "Company XYZ Clothes" and missed the targeted keywords? Does it matter? Along the lines of question 1, isn't there truly just one index and your regular desktop browser version will be used for all ranking factors on both desktop and mobile SERPs? If that regular page indeed ranks well for "men's sweaters" and that term is searched on a mobile device, the visitor will be detected and served up the mobile page version, regardless of its meta tags and authority (say it's on a subdomain, m.example/.com/mens-department/ ), correct? Are meta descriptions necessary for the mobile version? Will the GoogleBot Mobile recognize them or will just the regular version work? Looks like mobile meta descriptions have about 30 less characters. Thanks in advance. Any advice is appreciated. AK

    Algorithm Updates | | akim26

  • If you sell a range of products say 3 at the most, all on their own pages, is it ok to link to the other products within the range from each page? I have tried this and it eventually leads back to the same page is this a good, bad or doesn't really matter thing? Also is the anchor text still important?

    On-Page Optimization | | LadyApollo

  • This is for telemarketing of seo services I want to have some insight into an industry before I call them could this be done with the adwords keyword tool api and then exported to excel. It would also be nice to have data on backlinks say from seo moz opensite explorer..   Its just that the research you do before you even call a potential client is so time consuming and you can never really check to see how they are ranking for there main keywords manually. We are trying to automate as much of this initial research as possible... Any Idea's Thanks

    Moz Pro | | duncan274

  • Hi everybody.  I recently purchased on an ecommerce site which deals 100% with digital product.  Unfortunately there is a rather large online community who illegally share my products.  I was considering ways to combat this piracy (It's impossible to stop it completely) and then I started wondering if it would make more sense for me to post something to the forums & blogs that pirate my stuff saying... "Although he disapproves of piracy, the owner of this product realizes that it is impossible to eliminate it completely.  Instead, he asks that you please head over to and like us on facebook, +1 us, etc.  But remember there are advantages to purchasing products on, here is a list of them... " What do you all think?  Would the SEO advantages of doing this outweigh the time & money it takes to fight the piracy?

    Branding | | PedroAndJobu

  • It's my understanding that adding a nofollow tag to pages that aren't of significance to users can help with page shaping and directing google to the most important links on my home page. I have 4 links on my home page that I'm considering adding a nofollow tag to: Privacy Policy, Legal Policy, Anti-Trust Policy, and Help-Desk Because these links are in the footer on every page I think they're probably sucking up some useful link juice.  It's doubtful that anyone would actually search for our privacy policy or legal policy to find our site.  I'd rather the juice to spread to other pages of use. What do you guys recommend?

    On-Page Optimization | | inhouseninja

  • Over the weekend we learned Google co-founder Sergey Brin donated $500,000 to Wikimedia, the parent company of Last year I believe Google donated $2 million to Wikimedia. I now ask, is this suspicious in anyway, seeing that Wikipedia ranks so well in Google for so many terms? There are several blog posts about it online here and there throughout the years, but what does everyone think?

    Algorithm Updates | | DanDeceuster

  • I have a few 404 errors found using seomoz tool. It also shows the url, but I am not sure where in the site is it linking from. Is there a way to find out the origin of the 404 error.  Thanks

    Moz Pro | | Accounts

  • Hey Guys, Hopefully I can explain this so that you can understand, let me know if you need me to clarify any particular points. I have a primary domain for my website, however someone has also pointed their domain at my server that has nothing to do with us or our website. Typing a keyword in a search engine will list our website as this has been crawled but it's listing the domain as their domain and not our primary. Is this because their domain has greater value then our primary? What's the best course of action to resolve the issue? The reason I ask is because the domain could potentially have a negative effect on business. If I setup hosting for this second domain and setup a redirect on it, all the traffic that is trying to reach us via respective search terms are then directed away from our site. I have been in contact with the domain administrator but they are yet to reply to my correspondence. Has anyone experienced something similar and come up with a good way to resolve it? Thanks guys, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | digitalclubb

  • Hi there Can anyone advice please on this funny/strange issue I have title on home page. When I type some of keywords the homepage appears in SERP with shortcut TITLE (just one keyword there). But when I type company name I have full TITLE. Could anybody advice please what can be a problem and how to fix it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fleetway

  • So I think I might have identified an issue with a site that I'm trying to get ranked for a specific keyword but, wanted to get some opinions before I started making some big changes on the site. On my homepage I have the keyword that I would like to be ranked for in the title lets say "Blue Widgets - Company Name', also on the home page I have some descriptions of our services including the keywords. I also have a couple of the keyword based links within in the content, navigation and footer. But these keyword based links all point to another page on the site: blue-widgets.htm. If I really want my home page to rank for the keyword "Blue Widgets' should all of these links point to the home page instead of the sub page? I know there are a great number of other factors that contribute to rankings but looking at my competition, this is something that they seem to be doing. The keyword based links within the content, navigation or footer all point to the homepage.  I also have a higher Domain Authority than some of the sites that rank higher than me so I'm not sure if building more links is the answer. Of course I always want to build natural links but these sites don't seem to be doing that either. Any comments, suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | TRICORSystems

  • I recently signed up for SEOmoz and love it so the keyword ranking section I know we rank in the top 20 for our keywords on Bing and yet for some reason the SEOmoz tool is coming back saying we arent even in the top 50. Why is this?

    Moz Pro | | nextraq

  • Hello Guy´s! The last days I have been surprised to see that the levels of PA, mR, and mT vary when it is or not  the "www" in the URL: 1. 2. Both URL's correspond to the keyword "viajes Argentina"  our incoming links... In this case, it´s convenient to do a 301redirect from URL 1 to 2? Thanks a lot for your help!!

    Technical SEO | | maty

  • I'm submitting a law firm's site to the Yahoo paid directory. The location of the firm is in a suburb of the large city for that region, and that suburb is so small that there is no option for it under Cities. Obviously, the client wants to target the large city, not the suburb they're located in. Wondering if it's OK to submit the site to Yahoo under the category of the large city if the business is not technically located in that city. The address is clearly listed in the footer and on the contact page. Might Yahoo reject the submission for that, or will their editors realize there's no listing for the suburb and allow it?

    Link Building | | c2g

  • I've been trying to influence branded SERPs recently by demoting certain pages from appearing in the Sitelinks feature provided in Google's Webmaster Tools. However, despite demoting various URLs, they continue to appear for the branded SERPs nearly a week after they should've been suppressed. What is your experience with Sitelinks? Do links you request to demote ever disappear or change positions in the SERPs for you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eMagineSEO

  • Just wondering what experience people have of this widget? I added it to a site I look after late last week and we took an noise dive over the weekend. Any thoughts / comments are appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | RodneyRiley

  • Hi there, We have a website which has been up and running for the past 5 years now and we have now decided because we have a big market in Ireland .ie we want to have a .ie website, the question is, is it ok just to replicate the for the .ie website? Are there duplication issues? Kind Regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Paul78

  • Hi there i have a .com and a for a site that has been around a while. However not much seo has been done on it, i was wonderign do i continue to optimise for the .com or switch to the to rank in Google UK index for various search terms. .COM = 40 domain authority .CO.UK - 10 domain authority. Let the debate start 🙂

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • I have setup a campaign and have a number of pages which are ranked as F, but that is because they are comparing against the homepage and not the internal page I have setup.  Is it possible to update the page which the campaign monitor is checking against. Or is it driven by the highest ranking page for that keyword. Thanks Andy

    On-Page Optimization | | iprosoftware

  • Hi, I have recently been asked to help I have a feeling they have a google penalty. All their Google Keywords have literally dropped out of the Google SERP but they are still shown on Yahoo SERP. I recently did a and the pages are still in google index. The only thing that comes to mind is that the site owner submitted to 380 web directories over a period of 2 months with do you think this could be causing the problem with google? Advise and suggestions are welcomed, thank you.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • Hey Guys, I am about make an important improvement to our site's robots.txt we have large number of properties on our site and we have different views for them. List, gallery and map view. By default list view shows up and user can navigate through gallery view. We donot want gallery pages to get indexed and want to save our crawl budget for more important pages. this is one example of our site: When you click on "gallery view" URL of this site will remain same in your address bar: but when you mouse over the "gallery view" tab it will show you URL with parameter "view=g". there are number of parameters: "view=g, view=l and view=m". Now my question is: I If restrict bots by adding "Disallow: ?view=" in our robots.txt will it effect the list view too? Will be very thankful if yo look into this for us. Many thanks Hassan I will test this on some other site within our network too before putting it to important one's. to measure the impact but will be waiting for your recommendations. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | holidayseo

  • We are in the process of relaunching one of our website's that will use a totally need folder structure. Previously we used Now we are changing to make the URL shorter, more precise - since we are using a new CMS, to be My question is currently we've in the region of 10,000 pages indexed in Google.  So we are going to have to create 301 permanent redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs. From your previous experience, is this the correct way of approaching the task.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NeilTompkins

  • Hello I have a store which was developed in Magento. I have about 8300 errors like this: URL:,,/ 1 Warning 302 (Temporary Redirect) Found 3 days ago <dl> <dt>Redirects to</dt> <dt></dt> <dd>Description</dd> <dd>Using a 302 redirect will cause search engine crawlers to treat the redirect as temporary and not pass any link juice (ranking power). We highly recommend that you replace 302 redirects with 301 redirects.</dd> </dl> <a class="more expanded">Minimize</a> These URLs, are generated by magento by the COMPARE feature. In my store we bought an extension called SEO Enterprise Suite and I asked the developers(www.mageworx) about this error.  Their answer is: Sorry for the late reply. Our extension adds NOINDEX,FOLLOW tag to compare and cookies pages so that they won't be indexed. I do not think that these redirects can hurt your SEO because these pages won't be indexed at all. The question is: What should I do? Is there anyway that SEOMOZ ignores these URLs?  What should I do next, I just dont like to have that HIGH number of errors and warnings. Thank you

    Technical SEO | | levalencia1

  • We have a niche keyword domain possibility but I am not sure which way, if any, is better. The .com and options are not available but there are various other ones - including .org, .net,  Is there any domain/seo benefit of one version over another? Any thought gratefully received..

    Technical SEO | | cpdigital1

  • Hi Everyone, Bit of a serious question here for me, Is it worth doing a guest post on a blog more then 2 times? As an example one blog I guest post on has a homepage PR6 which I have posted 2 times, now they have requested another guest post but im thinking would it just be better to guest post on a different blog? So my question in simple terms is: 5 guest posts on two PR6 websites or 10 guest posts on ten different blogs with PR3

    Content Development | | activitysuper

  • I would like to see visits for only and only the following 2 keywords using advanced segment in GA. logo design india and logodesign Here's how i set up the Advancned Segment - Keyword > Matches Regular Expression > logo design india|logodesign The problem is that advanced segment report is also displaying visits for keyword thelogodesigns. Have i set it up correctly ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • Hi Everyone, Hope you can help me out. We have customer reviews on our product pages and are also ranking highly for those keywords for those product pages. To improve our CTR for those keywords I think to show those reviews with organic results using rich snippets would be a good way of improving CTR. I have asked my programmer to integrate this, which he came back and said after the rich snippets have been integrated we then have to ask Google to integrate it in their search results, is this true? I hope this makes sense. Kind Regards

    Technical SEO | | Paul78

  • How do you go about submitting US news (based in the UK) to get indexed on Google News and show up in the US rather then the UK?

    International SEO | | CameronT

  • I have been waiting for many days now to use rank tracker but it is still broke. when i put the keyword into rank tracker the wheel just goes around and around and brings no results. Can anyone from the semoz team let me know when it will be mended

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • It seems not to have updated any backlinks to my domain in a long long time

    Moz Pro | | adam2012

  • Hi, I hope that someone with good htaccess knowledge can help. I am planning on moving my site to a new domain. I understand that I should make 301 redirects using htaccess for every URL. This is a big site so it will be impossible to not forget some of the thousands existing URLs. Now to the question: How do I make all the URLs that is not specified in htaccess to redirect to my new root? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mrlolalot

  • I wanted to know if the following plan would be considered white hat or black hat. I am in the process of creating an instructional how to guide for a particular task.  My how to guide will be a DIY guide so that with time and practice, customers can do this task for themselves and save money.  I think that it would be a great resource. I want to ask other websites for links to this how to guide but the problem is that my blog has a commercial feel to it.  These other websites that I plan on asking for a link probably won't link to my site because it promotes my services.  They would be non profits, etc.  My site needs to appear non commercial. In order to get around this stigma, I want to duplicate my how to guide twice on my blog.  The first instance will be for normal visitors searching for my services. In the second instance, my banner, my tel number, my call to action will be deleted from my site.  My website will be neutral.  When I request a link from the non profits, I plan on sending a link to the neutral portion of my blog in the hopes that they will see a non commercial site and link to me. What do you think? I could also tell the webmasters that I've neutered my website for this resource only. Will this plan give link juice to my root domain?

    Link Building | | jamesjd7

  • We have a competitor called SwitchWise who has done a whole heap of social bookmarking and article marketing, using a deceptive link with anchor text reading "i select electricity" which has got them ranking #2 in Australia for the term iselect (a big comparison company here in Aus). The articles are low value, the link is deceptive and it is generally bad for the consumer.  I could copy their tactics for my client, but I'm concerned about the links eventually being devalued and the company placed in the sin bin. What is the best course of action as I really don't want to let them get away with this, either we need to be  up there, or alternative we need to dislodge them. p.s I know this is not a great keyword, but it's more about stakeholder management in terms of what my client sees and how they interpret what we are doing relative to their competitors.

    Link Building | | Dekoda_Jones

  • I have been told that because of the technology this site was developed with it cannot be changed for example urls title and meta tags cannot be changed. why is that and what other types of sites also cannot be changed. For example i have been told alot of online stores cannot be optimised because the urls change every time some one goes to the page therefor you cant lionk to a certain page  is that true and what is the way around it if any.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | duncan274

  • We recently changed the template of our website but we kept the same url structure, most titles are the same, the content changed a little bit, the description is the same, and the same on-page SEO. Although we have been very careful and the actual template change took less than 5 minutes, we experienced a huge drop in rankings (even more than 10 positions in Google serp). Does anyone have any idea what could have caused such a drop? The weird thing is that Google still has the old website in cash and not the new one. We resubmitted the sitemap, made a few more redirects... but anyway... what else can we do? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Web Design | | echo1

  • Hi guys, We have been asked to research keywords in 5 different countries, Australia, India, South Korea, Brazil, Singapore (4 different languages inc. Portuguese, Korean, English, Indian). Being that I have never conducted keyword research outside of English, I thought maybe you guys could: 1. Point me in the direction of consultants/freelancers who can research terms in those languages. 2. Suggest tips one should bear in mind when designing an SEO strategy for multi-national websites (such as the different SE's used in countries and cultural-behavioral differences) Any articles, guides, tools etc. that can help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    SEO Learn Center | | Profero

  • We are considering using Wistia to host our “new” video content on our website. Currently we use YouTube and find many people watch our technical videos (Eg. Fitting videos have10k + views, which is very high for our niche industry) We currently have “the same” YouTube videos embedded on several different blog posts on our website, as the video is still relevant to what the post talks about Question: Since Wistia updates our video Robot.Txt file, would multiple embeds of the “same video” be seen as content duplication on google & “be harmful” as a result? Thanks

    Image & Video Optimization | | Ray_UK

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