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  • Why do certain sites for example TripAdvisor rank for their multiple international sites e.g,,, etc for a English search phrase ? From my view point they are just spamming the index with the same content.  These searches are performed on

    Algorithm Updates | | NeilTompkins

  • I heard that Google doesn't use 'meta keywords' for ranking. Is that true and does it harm to use the meta tag? And how do the other big SEs use the tag?

    Technical SEO | | kortingsplanet

  • Over the last 24 hours we've seen a drop in traffic to our website from Google.   Basically since Satursday 19th Nov the traffic has drop about 50% normal levels. The strange thing I noticed is that when you search Google for a search phrase the snippet Google is showing as the title is not the same as we have in a meta title tag on the page and this is across many pages, not just 1 or two. Anyone know why this is and what is happening ? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | NeilTompkins

  • My new client has had his URL for 8 years and built up good SEO, visitors and links. He has now lost it and the cost of getting it back is prohibitive. Apart from contacting all the places he is currently getting links from, is there anything he can do to salvage SEO and site visitors? Is there anyway he can get 301s done if he no longer owns the URL? If he starts again with a new URL, and loads all the new content on it, will submitting a site map help Google understand its not duplicate and all the content is just at a new URL? He is hoping that contacting Google and explaining will help them "look kindly", but I have never heard anything like this happening! Any ideas? Many thanks

    Technical SEO | | Chammy

  • Hello In Google analytics you can obtain the number of visits as a result of non-paid search. You can also set up custom reports to find the number of organic searches. The numbers are different, so what is the obvious difference between these two metrics that I'm missing. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Neil

    Reporting & Analytics | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi All, How do I get listed in DMOZ? I have submitted 2 times, but no luck..  Is there another way besides the site?  I have not even received a reply from them.

    Competitive Research | | doctormac

  • is there any tool that can be used to view search engine results on a given day in history for a particular term?

    Moz Pro | | matmox

  • Hi, When Google is counting internal links on a page and it comes across two links to the same url, do both of the links count towards Excessive Internal Links? The reason I ask is that on our website we allow users to navigate through the website in different ways (either by dropdown menus or side menu or through breadcrumbs); which cause some links to appear multiple times on the same page. Any thoughts? K.

    On-Page Optimization | | soltec

  • I hope you're sitting comfortably, this could be a long one and loaded with questions! Cut to the chase:  Why is traffic from google product ads showing as 'organic' traffic in GA? Here's the scenario: Google Shopping I have thousands of products in a feed to google shopping (froogle, google base, google merchant, whatever you like to call it, I'll settle for google shopping for the purpose of this question). The URLs of this feed is tagged with GA tracking data (notably utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=Product-Search), I have also tagged this with internal tracking which comes through in the back-end to assign orders to that specific source.  In this case 'GOOGLEBASE'. Adwords Product Listing Ads As you know, a new (ish) feature of adwords pulls in your products from google shopping so that you get a richer ad (image, title, price) and displays this in the 'advert section' of the SERP. Once setting up a few of these, I noticed I was getting a fair amount of traffic for these new ads, taking one example, which resided in a relatively specific ad group (advertising Aviation Snips). Naturally, I wanted to find out which keywords were driving that traffic in order to improve the ads, or kill them if they weren't working. What was interesting is that I can't find anything about that traffic anywhere in adwords or google analytics.  254 clicks to 'aviation snips' must show up somewhere in analytics, if not the keywords, then what about the product? Analytics is showing nothing like that quantity of visits to those product landing pages where you'd expect.  It's like ghost traffic. Google Analytics Since experimenting with product listing ads the organic traffic in GA has suddenly shot up, looking at the new keywords they are all queries which when I test them show up product listing ads in the SERP so it's obviously the paid listing ads driving this traffic. Why is google reporting these as organic, rather than paid? I also noticed a keyword appear as * in the PAID segment of analytics.  I thought this was my missing aviation snips traffic, but digging into the landing pages for the * keyword, they are many different ones. There's a connection between the * and product listing ads, but what is it? Is the traffic being doubly reported? Back End Meanwhile we've seen an increase for orders tagged in the back-end of GOOGLEBASE which makes sense - google are pulling in my google shopping feed into the paid part of the SERPs and these are generating sales. Here are some of my initial thoughts / theories: 1. When google pulls in google shopping results into the organic part of the SERP, these get reported as ORGANIC in google analytics, even if you've tagged them otherwise.  It seems they strip the tags out.  This makes it very difficult to know if your google shopping feed is working well, or if you are doing well on standard organic traffic. 2. Google isn't separating out traffic as PAID with their new product listing ads, completely skewing the reports.  It makes it look like you've gained great natural organic listings when if fact you are paying. 3. With relation to the missing Aviation Snips data - maybe google is showing a huge variety of products for that adgroup (even though it's specific) and therefore I can't see the traffic to the specific products that you'd expect.  This I'm most confused about and wondered if I've missed a trick in setting the product listing ads up? I've attached a couple of screenshots which I hope will help clarify some of this.  I can see product listing ads being great if you could get proper data to analyse and improve them. So here are my questions again if anyone can help? How do I see which keywords are driving the product listing ads? How do I see the landing pages for the product listings ads? What is the * keyword coming through in GA? How can you get GA to report product listing ads as paid rather than organic? Thank you so much.  If I can gather enough data on this all and work it out I'll try to write up in a blog post to help others. 0rOMM.png GUAE0.png fWPL7.png

    Paid Search Marketing | | ewanr

  • Please have a look at this site for me louise also has about six blogs on different books she has written. She has sold a few thousand copies which is great and has help people find out where they came from. Not many of these people have linked to her site's and she is not getting the traffic she deserve's for lots of long tail keywords and some broader ones. What simple on page changes can she make and what would be the best broader keyword's to go after. What would a good strategy be she has a very small ( tiny )  budget but can write and is enthusiastic , It's also a great way for her to be involved with people who are interested in simalar thing's. Oh yeah she has never used facebook of social networks how could she effectivly market her books and engage with potential reader's. Thanks in advance Oh and by the way Im not getting paid to help her Just incase you think i'm trying to get you to do my work for me. I just think this is an interesting case. I do do sales for an IT and SEO company but she is not one of our clients. So far I have just explained to her about keywords in titles meta tags and  internal linking and just explained to her a bit about link building. But really  need some help thanks very much. PS was this question too long?

    Link Building | | duncan274

  • Hi All, Kenji Crosland here. I just joined (yesterday!) to do some of the blogger outreach and content creation/link building. Although most of the links we've gotten in the past are branded links, we've decided to actively pursue anchor text links with specific keywords. If you check, you'll see that vittana has a relatively high domain authority. At the beginning of next week we'll be conducting a blogging contest with A-list celebrity tech bloggers. I don't think we'll have time to contact influencers in other areas for this contest unfortunately. When these A-list bloggers write their posts, we want them to have a link to this page: To me, this seems a great opportunity to win on certain keywords we've discovered that should be easy to win and yet have a high volume of monthly searches. These are 5 word plus keywords that have over 300,000 searches per month. The students page, however, isn't optimized for those keywords. In the long run we want to win for the more difficult keyword "literacy". The word "literacy" is what we think will be a part of our new tagline: "Literacy is not enough". Because of time constraints, we won't be able to create landing pages to win for those "low hanging fruit" keywords in time for the blog contest. My question is: to what extent should we optimize the page for the five word plus low hanging fruit keywords that we've discovered. I imagine if the content isn't relevant our clickthrough rates will suffer even if we do win for it (Altering our meta description is a possibility here) . Should we just try for the difficult keyword from the get go and come up with other ways to win for the low hanging fruit keywords? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vittana_seo

  • What Ways Can I Identify My Link Audience For My Linkable Asset- I am offering a free report to home owners ! This is my linkable asset that I personally created. How do I identify my link bait target audience who would link to this free report What tools can i use to help me identify them What query opertors can i use to help me find them How can i use OSE to help me identify them - can OSE help me identify competitors offering similar reports and how is linking to them I

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • Seo Site Analytics - Server Logs Vs Real Time Visitor Tracking I host with hostgator & they provide a tool Awstats to provide statistical data on site activity How does this AWSTATS type data fall short for lets for people more advanced in seo practices like seo companies ? What is the difference between real time visitor tracking and hosting companies servel logs data being provided by Awstats ? How thorough is Google Analytics so what data does google anlaytics provide that Awstats does not provide and how does it differ from google webmaster tools ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | helpwanted

  • I'm looking for a tool to help with keyword research, and judging by the presentation and few reviews I could find, SECockpit at seems to be a nice product. They pull their data (partly) from SEOmoz, which is a good sign. Any feedback ? Thx Gil

    Keyword Research | | iung

  • Hi Maybe I am missing this but I can''t seem to see it. I am doing some analysis on a client's site and want to get a csv list of links from the client's site to external sites. So what I am looking for is a list of Out Bound Links (OBL) from the client's site. I want to run these past a black list / bad link neighborhood checking script I have. This would actually be a nice feature in SEO Moz Pro, unless it actually already does and I am just missing it or not setting filters correctly. Thanks Trevor

    Moz Pro | | tstolber1

  • Hi Friends, This issue is crimping my analytics efforts and I really need some help.  I just don't trust the analytics data at this point.  I don't know if my problem should be called duplicate content or what, but the SEOmoz crawler shows the following URLS (below) on my nonprofit's website.  These are all versions of our main landing pages, and all google analytics data is getting split between them.  For instance, I'll get stats for the /camp page and different stats for the /camp/ page. In order to make my report I need to consolidate the 2 sets of stats and re-do all the calculations.  My CMS is looking into the issue and has supposedly set up redirects to the pages w/out the trailing slash, but they said that setting up the "ref canonical" is not relevant to our situation. If anyone has insights or suggestions I would be grateful to hear them.  I'm at my wit's end (and it was a short journey from my wit's beginning ...) Thanks. URL

    Reporting & Analytics | | DMoff

  • Hello Is there any definitive information on whether the recent changes to the way Google encrypts search results for people logged into Google affects the traffic present via the Google Adwords Keyword tool? Plus, how does SEOmoz ensure/minimise the affect of personalisation/localisation etc. on the rankings data provided via the pro tool. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Kind regards Neil

    Reporting & Analytics | | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi, first post here so hope i have posted this in the right place. From reading the forums a number of people have asked for site reviews and received some very good feedback so I thought I would jump aboard too. One of my companies, Digital Cow, is based around the world of affiliate marketing and had been doing very well until recent Google changes killed the whole process of making sites based around other people's datafeeds. Through considerable testing we have countered this by increasing the blend of duplicate content and unique, niche related, content. As a result a website we launched about 2 months ago is currently getting around 350 unique hits a day but seems to have stagnated. We know the potential is there for thousands of daily hits on this site and well over 20,000 hits a day on all our websites, but we are having issues with Google at the moment. One week we could be position 10 for a keyword, next position 90, then back to position 10 again and so on. In the last week some 95 keywords moved up the ranking and 62 moved down - we are seoing for a couple of hundred keywords. A small sample of some of these words and our ranking for them are listed below bodysuits women 13
    tumbum 14
    bright leggings 18
    bright tights 18
    bridal hold ups 19
    opaque hold ups 20
    girls in leggings 21
    pretty polly hold up 21
    fish net hold ups 22
    slimming tights 22
    tum bum 26
    magic knickers 27
    toeless tights 28 and there are many more. The website in question is If anyone could spare a moment to offer their opinion on what they think of the site re seo that would be most welcome. Given it's an ecommerce site there are limits to the content we can add on the homepage. Many thanks Carl

    Content Development | | Grumpy_Carl

  • Duane Forrester from Bing said that you should not have a canonical pointing back to the same page as it confuses Bingbot,
    “A lot of websites have rel=canonicals in place as placeholders within their page code. Its best to leave them blank rather than point them at themselves. Pointing a rel=canonical at the page it is installed in essentially tells us “this page is a copy of itself. Please pass any value from itself to itself.” No need for that.” He also stated that a canonical is much like a 301 except that it does not physically move the user to the canonical page. This leads me to think that having such a tag may leak link juice. “Please pass any value from itself to itself”
    Google has stated that GoogleBot can handle such a tag, but this still does not mean that it is not leaking link juice.

    Industry News | | AlanMosley

  • Hi, I wonder if anyone can help…

    Technical SEO | | tdsnet

  • Hi i am wanting my site to come up in the search engines under certain search words such as Hypno Band but i do not want the words displayed on my site. I would like to know if there is a way to let the search engines know that the page is relevant to the chosen keywords without having them on my site. I have been reading about anchor text and would like to know the best way to use these and the best way to let the search engines know that the page is rellevant to the keywords. any help would be great

    Algorithm Updates | | ClaireH-184886

  • I've been having difficulty finding an SEO mentor that can answer my questions and rate the strategy that I'm currently using, as well as bouncing ideas off their experience. Basically, most SEO companies will not want to do this, and will more likely want to sign you up for a monthly plan in link building, however I want to learn SEO on my own with my team, and many companies in Sydney, I guess, see us as competition and don't want to reveal their 'secrets'. I've read a bunch of books on SEO and we are starting our SEO campaign now, however having someone to speak to now and again to get feedback on our strategy would be invaluable, however is proving very difficult to find. On one hand, I know I just have to take action towards link building and other things,
    however on the other side, it would be good to have someone to give a helping hand and bounce ideas off who has experience. If someone is interested in becoming a mentor for myself as I work to build my digital agency in Sydney pleaes get in contact with me. The pay is $30 - $40p/h depending on experience. Regards

    Industry Events | | HeadStud

  • Hi, i have been trying to check some ranks with my site but for some reason over the past couple of days the rank tracker has not been working. I thought it could be a fult with my computer but i have tried a few computers and i am still getting the same responce. Can anyone let me know if they are experiencing any problems

    Moz Pro | | ClaireH-184886

  • We have created many high authority back links for our clients and after several months we have noticed 10% or so have actually been indexed (via multiple sources). I am trying to find a way to easily get these backlinks indexed. There is a bunch of software out there, some create RSS feeds and others social bookmark these pages. Any suggestions?

    Link Building | | waqid

  • I am certain that I have hit a google penalty filter for my site for my main keywords "play poker online" in I rank 670th and used to be on the first page between 1 and 10 in June. On Bing I am like 9th On my site I found the entire site duplicated as follows Original: Duplicate this duplicate was not intentional and seems to be a result of my hosting at godaddy. for every page on my site and it shows up in webmaster tools I blocked the duplicate with robots.txt and a few days ago dropped it and wrote a rel=connonical tag in the top of each page visitors dropped from 100 per day in august to 12-20 in the last month. Google says that if duplicate content is made to try to game serps they may filter or penalize my site. Have I triggered this penalty or a different sort of over optimization penalty? Will the rel= canonical tags fix this or should i do something else? This Penalty Business is Not my Idea of a good time Thank You Jeb

    Technical SEO | | PokerCanada

  • When sorting links with "Group by Domain" it only works for the 1st page. Pages 2 - X do not group the results. Am I doing something wrong? Can we simply set it to "view all" to avoid paging?

    Moz Pro | | DanielElmore

  • An article ( is claiming that using this product micro data ( might help product pages rank better. Do you have any experience using these tags and would it be worth the time to implement these on a site with 1000's of products? Would it make sense to selectively implement them on specific products that actually have a good chance of ranking high instead?

    Algorithm Updates | | pbhatt

  • I work for a small family insurance agency in CA and I am trying to learn how to compete in this extremely competitive industry. One of the ideas we had was to purchase all the long-tail keyword urls we could and use them as landing pages to direct traffic back to our primary site. (ex. Our thought was that we could put landing pages on each that looked almost identical to the main page and use the navigation in the landing pages as links to direct traffic to the applicable category pages on the main site. (Ex. -> My concern is that I want to make sure we don't tick off Google. Implementing this strategy would result in each of the category pages getting lots of links from the landing page navigation very quickly. I don't think the links will be worth much from an SEO perspective, but I don't want them to look like spam either. Any suggestions on if this sort of tactic would put us at risk of being penalized? If so, does anyone have any suggestions on a better way to implement a strategy like this? Thank you in advance for the help! I'm totally new to this and any advice goes a long way!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | matthewbyers

  • Hi Everyone, I have a questions on 301 redirects, i hope someone can give me some help on this. There was some 301 redirects made on some of the URLs at the beginning of the year, however we are now re-structuring the whole website, which means the URLs which had been given a 301 redirect are now getting another 301. The question is, should i delete the first 301 redirect from the htaccess file? Kind Regards

    Technical SEO | | Paul78

  • I know that it is important to have your primary keyword target as the first word or two words of your title tag.  But what about your meta description tag? does it matter where they keyword is in the description tag?  I see a lot of other sites stuffing their keywords right at the front of the description tag and it looks somewhat unnatural.  What's your take? do you put the primary keyword as the first word or two words of your description tag?

    On-Page Optimization | | adriandg

  • Hello, I have a website that I have been working for 7 months. Everything is alright in the index of the search engines like Google, Bing e Yahoo. I also have like 1000 visits a month wich is not bad for the topic Im pointing at in my country. However my pagerank insist to be on 0, and I really dont understand why. Some of the my competitors that started at the same time, already have a pagerank of 3 and they do not have the same visitors that I do. In the rank system of Alexa im climbing very fast and the visits of my website are growing. So why does the pagerank dont climb aswell?! Tks in advance, Pedro M Pereira

    Technical SEO | | PedroM

  • Hello and Welcome MozFriends! so I watched the WBF this morning, and I got the idea of making Keyword Tiers for a site like so. Site Products- wheelchair, Powerchairs, Hospital Beds, Lifts, Lift Chairs Specific Items- 16" wheelchairs, 4 wheel power chair, Patient lifts and such. The Keywords for the Front page would be very general not referencing the sites specific items at all. Like Medical Equipment, supplies things like that. Keywords for products would be the Manufacturers names, and the category name. Specific Items would have specific keywords to draw an audience that has a goal and is searching for that specific product. So my theory/experiment is this. Instead of making the whole site generate traffic for one type of audience, I am making certain tiers for certain audiences. The higher up in the Site Hierarchy the more global the keywords are designed for. It may just be complete and utter non sense but I would like to hear any thoughts on it if it works. Thank You Friends! Justin Smith

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • Guten tag SEOMozians! I'm looking for your opinions and thoughts regarding MozRank. I recently noticed a website of mine going from a modest MozRank of 5 to an out of the park 9 in the span of two weeks. Any thoughts on where I might look to see what may have caused such a spike? Cheers, Jonathan

    Search Behavior | | creativedepartment

  • No matter how secure we try to make our wordpress blogs they still got hacked. We recently got hacked(server level hacking, javascript insertion that took our server down, through the askimet plugin), anyway there was nothing really showing in the front end, no inserted links and nothing suspicious looking code. Oh well we are changing the passwords now and going through and deleting the javascript. The problem im facing is that i am handling over 100 blogs, so its very time consuming to do this. I know that once or twice a year everyone goes through a wordpress crisis but we really cant afford nor have the resources to fix it all the time. Are there any alternatives to wordpress blogs(as good as wordpress). Wordpress has been showing good results so far so it works as far as SEO goes, but we are trying to figure out what to do in order to not get hacked. Besides alternatives id like to know if there are any work arrounds to not get hacked with little maintenance needed. Any tips?

    Content Development | | CMTM

  • Hello may be many know answer to this question ? if i want to contact some webmaster who don't have a contact firm and hides his information in whois of the domain. what are the other ways to contact the webmaster for the website? Blindly shooting an email ? i want to contact some webmasters for link building thanks

    Link Building | | idreams

  • I blog for hotels and I am wondering whether it is best to have on a wordpress tagline the name of the hotel such as Holiday Inn and Suites vs Holiday Inn & Suites. In Google AdWords, the "and" keyword always beats out the "&" word in exact search. The "&" just always looks cleaner. Also, when I refer to the hotel within a blog post, should I use the "and" or "&" in the name? Please help me understand which is best for seo. Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | lwilkins

  • At SES Chicago, the "freshness" topic came up in a couple convos. There were also some, what I would call, crazy ideas intended to take advantage of freshness. I have been reading up here: Most of the suggestions that I heard seemed more likely to look like spam signals than freshness signals. Are you paying attention to "freshness"? Are you "freshening up" old content? Has it altered your content strategy otherwise? If so, how?

    Industry Events | | Gyi

  • Pls how do I set up Open Site Explorer Advanced to look for backlinks to files in ONLY a certain directory? so if the domain is, I don't care about links to  OSE can find those very neatly! What I do care about is ONLY links to and I can't seem to figure out a way to do this. the /profiles directory has thousands of profiles in it - and we think we have hundreds of thousands of backlinks - so ideally, I'd like to use regex or DOS like filtering to look at only those which start with 9 or 8 or whatever.

    Moz Pro | | seo_plus

  • Hi, If I wanted to rank for 'cheap football boots' and 'football boots' which tag would be the best option: 1. Cheap Football Boots (notice both keywords im targeting are included) 2. Cheap Football Boots, Football Boots (both keywords separate) and the keywords sit on an EMD ( Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | activitysuper

  • A Big Shout To Everyone -- Good Morning and What's Up 🙂 As I read today through seomoz professional guide to link building and the section why link building matters and in addition to this a newsletter I received today that changed my whole thinking towards link building for rankings vs for relationships. It is already happening on social networks if you are active there, but what about on your website. What are your thoughts on the following ? Google's job is provide the most relevant results to surfers online, and looking the link profile of a site & the page itself is the key to determining which page to serve on plate to the surfers link query ! Webmasters Site Objective:
    I think that we as webmasters have to ask ourselves what do we want to achieve with link building. To get quick traffic or build slow authority links, high rankings, lead generation, sales & other things here I may be missing etcccc Other Objective  Networking & Relationship Building Alliances : What I discovered today is that building links for 1st page rankings are great and will provide me with steady traffic, but not all of it is targeted traffic, but what else can I do to bring targeted traffic and at the same time try to build alliances with other related non competing business owners online. The idea... is to apply old school networking / relationship building alliances to get targeted traffic to my site that can actually benefit from my services. How Do We Achieve This I become a editor for approving resource links for me site, only the best will be placed on my site as a resource. Build  a valuable tightly themed categorized resource section with related non competing resources that can help my sites visitors find what they are looking for, send visitors to non competing resources that may purchase their services which helps me build a relationship with them, and may can with rankings as well, provided I am selective with my qualification process. Questions & Concerns Below : What should I be thinking about when creating a resource categorized links page How many outgoing do follow links should I allow from this links partner page How will this links resource page affect my own SE 1st Page Rankings and is it worth it based on getting targeted traffic Any pros / cons I may be missing here

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • If I intend to have 5 versions of an e-commerce site, one for each countries marketplace, would it be best to: a) Host each site in its own country b) Host all sites from 1 server/1 country I'm presuming that hosting in each country is better? But how quantifiable is this, and is it worth the extra hosting and management costs? Any advice gratefully received..

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cottamg

  • Hello, is there anybody how has got some experience with 307 HTTP status code? We would like to use 307 HTTP status code (temp redirect) for disabling temporary some of our shop-categories where all products are out of stock. Generally a few days or hours later products are back in stock and category page is also back. Is it a good idea to use 307 beccause link sould be disabled temorary or should we use 301 instead? Best regards Steffen

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | steffen_

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