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  • Hello, is there anybody who has got some experience with 303 HTTP Status Code? Our software development would like to use 303 "See Others" instead of 301 for redirecting old product-links to the site-root, instead of showing 404 errors. What is the best practise for redirecting old product links which are gone in online-shop context? Best regards Steffen

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | steffen_

  • Hey, I will give a thumbs up and best answer to whoever answers my question correctly. The Canonical Tag is supposed to solve Duplication which is fine. My questions are: Does the Canonical Tag make the PR / Link Juice flow differently? If I have and but put a Canonical Tag on reading then what does this do? Does it flow the Link Equity back to Can you use the Canonical Tag to change PR flow in any means? If I had and If I put a Canonical Tag on reading then would the PR from /kids-toys flow to /washing-machines or would Google just ignore this? (The pages are completely different in this example and content is completely different). Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdiRste

  • Hi Moz'ers! I have a questions for you guys. Can you explain why the website "Netspiren" has a lower "domain Authority" than "Duft og Natur"? See screenshot. I know it's a tough question without a detailed analysis, but looking at OSE's data, does the mozrank,moztrust, C-block don't reflect the power of the Domain Authority. What's you take? BTW: "Netspiren" has always had more and better links, and also had a higher Domain Authority. Something about the Domain Authority changed since the past 1-3 OXE updates. Looking forward for your take on this! Have a good weekend! mnRPI.png

    Moz Pro | | FrederikTrovatten22

  • Hi Mozzers, Can you answer something for me please. I have a client and they have 301 re-directed the homepage '/' to '/home.aspx'. Therefore all or most of the linkjuice is being passed which is great. They have also marked the '/' as nofollow / noindex in the Robots.txt file so its not being crawled. My question is if the '/' is being denied access to the robots is it still passing on the authority for the links that go into this page? It is a 301 and not 302 so it would work under normal circumstances but as the page is not being crawled do I need to change the Robots.txt to crawl the '/'? Thanks Bush

    Technical SEO | | Bush_JSM

  • Hello and thank you for your attention. I am optimizing a travel website and I have a few problems. Every time I get a good rank for a particular keyword the owners take down the page because the offer is over. They also take down the category because the season is over.  That is why I loose all the rankings. What is the best option in this cases and how should I guide the whole team that putts offers and new categories on the website? Would a Static sitemap be enough - I do not know what to do as moving a category from the main menu to a sitemap - another page on the website would result in loosing authority - and SERP. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | A.Popoviciu

  • Hey, we recently optimised our website page load speed as part of our overall optimisation. Page load speed according to the Google Developers Page Speed test was previously 51 out of 100 and is now 92 out of 100 and this was improved within the last seven days gradually, cached half way through the improvement process. I appreciate this is regarded as only a small part of the whole process, however, I’d be interested to know if anyone has a concrete opinion/proof on whether such a big improvement would actually make a difference to our rankings in the SERPs.

    SEO Learn Center | | tdsnet

  • Someone just reported that our website was showing malware attack page on their browsers. We checked and saw a bad php code on the above of our index.php file. We removed it and made it clean. Still all the visitors are getting malware attack page. How to fix this ? Site is already clean.

    Search Behavior | | qubesys

  • Hi All, Out of all our keywords their are 3 that are showing our home page in the serps rather than the specific product page URL on ( ranks the correct URL) Im not sure why this is happening as most links built using the anchor text are pointing to the correct page. Why would google prefer ranking our home page on local search and rank the correct page on (only 3 keywords have this problem) I have tried to correct this by creating links from strong internal pages with anchor text pointing to the correct URL. I have also concentrated on building links from domains using the anchor text and correct URL but to no avail. It has been 2 weeks now, since i tried to sort it out, but im not sure what else i can do to tell Google to rank the correct page. Any ideas? Regards Greg

    Technical SEO | | AndreVanKets

  • Our site is hosted on google and is fully https. But since google's limitation is that all https needs to be on the appspot domain, we are redirecting users from our website to the appspot domain. What is the impact of this on SEO?

    Technical SEO | | incandescent

  • Do search engines Read RoR sitemaps ? Are they necessary ?  Isn't xml sitemap enough.

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • We've all seen it before, right before a result, you see "You visited this page on ____" What effect does a single visit have? Multiple visits?

    Algorithm Updates | | 10JQKAs

  • Hi Guys, I wanted to use this Wordpress plugin to minimize the access of spammers on my site. The plugin is called Bad Behavior. Any feedback with regards to this if its safe to use? Thanks in advance....

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trigun

  • Guys, I was just wondering what is the current up-to-date resolution for HTTP and HTTPS, One of my client needs SSL for transaction,and they only need single page to be encrypted(SSLed) , So should I Force SSL that page only and direct entire HTTPS pages to HTTP to avoid duplicate page issue, or would it considered cloaking. It is been long time i did something similar, Or current Search Engines algo can handle it by themselves and i should just leave it . Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | DigitalJungle

  • Hi We have a client who has several car dealership fracnhises located located across two suburbs - so we are creating a places listing for each (with a separate address and phone number).  My questions is should each location also have a separate URL (the dealership only has one website covering all locations).  The Google guidelines state that you must; Website & Phone: Provide a phone number that connects to your individual business location as directly as possible, and provide one website that represents your individual business location. Use a local phone number instead of a call centre number whenever possible. Do not provide phone numbers or URLs that redirect or “refer” users to landing pages or phone numbers other than those of the actual business. Really appreciate any feedback!

    Image & Video Optimization | | E2E

  • I ranked very well for my keywords.  They are not competitive.  Nonetheless, I got convertible traffic to my blog.  Suddenly, I run a search for the keywords and there is this other website ranking higher than me.  it seems to be a new website.  No data on opensiteexplorer.  So, the only thing that I can conclude and which I've been thinking that google does is to test new webpages out for a bit higher up on the rankings.  If the bounces are lower than average, then I suspect that they will give you better rankings in the future.  Is this somewhat how it works?

    Keyword Research | | jamesjd7

  • I have a domain with a domain authority rank of 16 and 0 inbound links.  I have owned the domain for over 6 years and no longer have any use for it. Additionally, it has no good keywords in the domain. It has been a one page website for about 4 years. The broad question is what criteria do people using in deciding whether or not to renew a domain name? I have a bunch coming due and am interested if I should take the time to try and sell on SEDO or just let them expire. Whould love to hear how people handle this situation.

    Technical SEO | | FidelityOne

  • Do you know any methods to block robots.txt file from external users?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • So we have already built a site under a parent company's URL: And now we have their branded product lines in directories:, and We also own the actual URL Brand Name 1 (which is also the exact description of the product): We do not yet own the URL for Brand Name 2 (which is also the exact description of the product): This is because a squatter is sitting on it and is asking $10,000+ for it. What we are trying to determine is how valuable these brand name URLs are since they will be redirecting and not the actual site's primary domain name. Anybody know how much of an effect owning those and redirecting has on ranking for those brand names that are also very descriptive of the products? Would we be smarter to spend $10,000 on adwords or 10,000 on the domain? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | grayloon

  • I am working with a client and recently discovered that they have several URLs that go to the same page. I am afraid this is happening all over the site. So, my question is: Is this hurting the SEO and how? If so what is the best way to go about fixing this problem? Thanks for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WebMarketingandDesign

  • We understand that some companies offering class c ips can still  be fingerprinted.. Is there any hosting site that does offer class c ips that prevents that? Or is the best bet using privacy on all domains and then using multiple hosting companies, checking the ips they offer as you go?  If that is the case, are there any recommendations for the best host companies that offer the  least fingerprinting?

    Technical SEO | | Stevej24

  • I need to verify all the inbound links I have coming in to my site.  I've tried using OSE but have been told it does not scrape many smaller sites so cannot be sure of it's accuracy (especially since when I ran it, it returned a small % of the link i know are out there). Is there a way to do this in Analytics?  Or another way? Thanks

    Link Building | | NiallTom

  • For this search: I see the following URL ranking #1 Why is this happening? I could likely figure it out but I'm busy so I was hoping someone could dig around and let me know 🙂 Anyone? Incidentally, Benetton is in the middle of a massive campaign at the moment so it's strange timing for them to have this showing up and screwing with their GA tracking... EDIT: I should clarify, Benetton is not a client - I don't know anyone who works for or with them. I'm just curious why this is showing up. cmNWx.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | TomCritchlow

  • Hi, I am working for a large mobil-site (+200.000 pages), to improve their SEO, and am trying to figure out the best way to set up a linkbuilding strategy for the site. The urls are very dynamic and often rather long so deep linking is difficult. Any input/ideas would be welcome 🙂 Jens Peter

    Link Building | | jpndk

  • Hello, In the keywords difficulty tool, one of my client's sites has a different number for links to root domain and links to page even though they're both the home page. How do I tell if I have a cononical URL problem, and what do I do about it if I do? Thank you.

    On-Page Optimization | | BobGW

  • Get ready to have your minds blown. Try a search in Google for any of these: proform tour de france tour de france trainer tour de france exercise bike proform tour de france bike In each instance you will notice that, the maker of the bike, is not #1. In fact, the same guy is #1 every time, and this is the URL: Here's the fun part. Click on that result and guess where you go? Yup, The exact same page ranking right behind it in fact. Actually, this URL first redirects to an affiliate link and that affiliate link redirects to I want to know two things. First, how on earth did they do this? They got to #1 ahead of Proform's own page. How was it done? But the second question is, how have they not been caught? Are they cloaking? How does Google rank a double 301 redirect in the top spot whose end destination is the #2 result? PS- I have a site in this industry and this is how I caught it and why it is of particular interest. Just can't figure out how it was done or why they have not been caught. Not because I plan to copy them, but because I plan to report them to Google but want to have some ammo.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • I have a site that has been developed to default to the non-www version. However each page has a rel canonical to the non-www version too. Could having this in place on all pages hurt the site in terms of search engines? thanks Steve

    Technical SEO | | stevecounsell

  • Hi there, We are migrating to a new website, which we are writing lots of new content for the new website. The new website is hosted on a development site which is password protected and so on so that it cannot be indexed. What i would like to know is, how do i check for duplicate content issues out there on the world wide web with the dev site being password protected? Hope this makes sense. Kind Regards,

    On-Page Optimization | | Paul78

  • Is it possible to block all but one URL with robots.txt? for example, if we block the /subfolder/ directory we want all URLs except for the exact match url to be blocked.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • So I am doing my back link research for the hosting industry and I am running across two different types of link schemes that make it hard to compete with straight white hat techniques. I am determined to keep our efforts white hat to retain long term value, but at the same time I am constantly tempted to slowly add links in the more grey ways. So here are some of the common practices I see a lot of (e.g. 8 of the top 10 sites for top terms use these). Link Buying/Article Links - You know this one well, their link profile has a 10:1 ratio of keyword links compared to brand name links, and the majority of those keyword links are on nonsensical blogs, or on related "tech" sites but obviously labeled as paid links. - I don't like this much, and have even reported some of these. "Hosted by" - So the majority of hosting companies out there have pre-built collections of templates for wordpress, joomla, and other CMS systems, and they have taken the extra step of putting "Server Hosting by XXXXXX" in the footer of those templates. This leads to thousands of small sites being hosted with the keyword backlinks. While I understand this, at the same time I would hope they wouldn't get credit for links all coming back from IPs that they own. While they aren't creating these sites they know the majority of users won't change the template (or know how to). Lastly there are some "Link to us and get discounts" programs going on with customers as well. So, seeing the linking setup this way, would you try to report each instance you see to Google? If so do you think they would really change anything considering how rampant it is among the results? Lets hear some opinions! In the mean time I am going to go work on my awesome content, press releases, and cross-company promotional campaigns ;).

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SL_SEM

  • Hi All, New to SEOMoz, so thanks in advance for any answers! Looking at our Crawl Diagnostics and "Too Many On-Page Links" is first on the list. The site was build with the intention of users being able to quickly get to where they want to go with drop down menus (sub nav), so we built the navigation using bullet points/css. Yes, agreed there are too many links on each page from our navigation, main nav cats are 4 with sub nav about 40, but what is the best way to resolve the problem other then removing most of the links (from the sub nav drop down)? Could we just use the attribute rel=nofollow for the sub nav links? TIA

    On-Page Optimization | | bmmedia

  • Hi Guys, I want to start linking building, but because it takes a lot of time it seems where is the best place to start? I have quiet a lot of PR articles and material, but are there any good places to target and quikcly? It seems link building can be a bit boring, so any help on how to best get the best links to help rankings would be very much grateful! Thanks guys Gareth

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • In Google's webmaster guidelines, they mention to view your site in a text browser to ensure all text is visible. All of our text is visible, but is very messy and is all jumbled on the page. I've noticed most sites text browser layout is clean. H How important is it to SEO that the site views cleanly in a text browser? Does anyone know of any feedback from Google engineers about this point?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Is there any value in purchasing a domain name for a search term we want to target? If there is, would it be better to have it forward directly to our site, or create a landing page that would then link to our site and our products?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FutureMemoriesInc

  • I was hit by Google’s latest Page Rank update.  I know “don’t be obsessed with Page Rank”, but it concerns me.  I thought that I was developing a very good link profile and actually was hopeful that it would go to a PR-5 and it dropped to a PR-3. I have another site and have done very little link building and it also dropped to a PR-3. Can anyone give me some honest feedback about my concern?

    Link Building | | b4tv

  • Our client seems to get 20 - 30 visits a month to pages which people arrived on via a search, without visiting home page and navigating there. Is there a way we can identify both the phrases the person used to arrive at the page, and the page itself? The graph is tantalizing, but without deeper insight into what the phrases and pages were, we can't focus on the phrases in question. And we'd like to do this, because the phrase may represent potential long tail phrases we could use. Thanks! Eric.

    Keyword Research | | eric_gossamar

  • So here's a weird one... Client comes to me for some simple changes, turns out there are some major issues with the site, one of which is that none of the correct content pages are showing up in Google, just ancillary (outdated) ones. Looks like an issue because even the main homepage isn't showing up with a "" So, I add to Webmaster Tools and, after an hour or so, I get the red bar of doom, "robots.txt is blocking important pages." I check it out in Webmasters and, sure enough, it's a "User agent: * Disallow /" ACK! But wait... there's no robots.txt to be found on the server. I can go to and see it but nothing via FTP. I upload a new one and, thankfully, that is now showing but I've never seen that before. Question is: can a robots.txt file be stored in a way that can't be seen? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | joshcanhelp

  • Hi, My Client is facing pushback from her company on separating assets into different pages (webinars, press releases, by-lines, etc) vs lumping them all together in one page. We need to define the SEO benefits of doing this in an organized fashion vs one big lump. Can you help? Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | ScratchMM

  • Hi all, I'm trying to configure a PRO campagin for a https website. Butt it won't work. The software says it found a one redirect (for http to https I guess), and that's it. So now I don't have any data.... Can anybody help me? Thnx! Martijn

    Moz Pro | | Men4Media

  • Hello this is so strange i have just noticed when looking in webmastertools there are some pages of our website it is showing like 404-like content but in reality the page is getting 200 response and it is good. but why does google read that as 404-like content! we have product information and image of the product and even buy button in the page.. not only product pages but also for some content pages it showing 404-like content! thanks in advance for your valuable opinions on the topic..

    Technical SEO | | idreams

  • I've been tweaking a Wordpress little by little over the last 3 to 4 weeks but I'm making no progress in the rankings for my keywords. All keywords are still reporting >50 in the SEOMOZ Campaign. Here's the clients pet keyword: "Sailing in Scotland" The site is indexed and shows IF I search for the company name "Caprice Yacht Charter" What am I missing? Thanks in advance Steve

    On-Page Optimization | | stevecounsell

  • Hi just had my weekly report on my website to show me how i am ranking in the search engines and i am puzzled, i have not changed my page except from one paragraph and the page has gone from a grade a to a grade f. can anyone explain how this works out

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Here is a Facebook question: I would like to hide some content behind a Facebook wall - i.e. only make it visible to users who press the like button. Something like the New Yorker did with a Jonathan Franzen story. My question is: how do I do that? Thanks! Thomas

    Social Media | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Hello Everyone, I have a question for you. Today when I checked on, it is showing following message. 404. <ins>That’s an error.</ins> The requested URL /search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=519& was not found on this server. I was able to see sitelinks till yesterday but they also have disappeared now. Can someone please tell me why is this happening? Is this a temporary issue? or something needs to be done.

    Algorithm Updates | | SEOcandy

  • Noticed a search result recently that really caught my eye and certainly stood out among the other 10 results on the page, the META description contained the following snippet: "Learn more about our ★★★★★ rated service..." Any opinions on how using such alt-chars might effect search positioning when used in either the title or description META tags? The starts certainly looked very different to anything else on the page... The claim of 5 star rated service was pretty much accurate so it was genuine and fair to use it...

    Technical SEO | | digitalarts

  • Hi Guys I'm looking for some clarity of what I can and can't add to the custom attribute fields in a Google Places listing. From my understanding, you can add additional information about your services, but not what those services are. The issue I'm trying to resolve is that a client of mine offers far more than the 5 services/ category options Places allow. They are a home services company, covering all sorts from plumbing, painting and decorating, through to extensions etc. They have about 25 different services. At the moment I'm restricted to just getting rankings for 5 services (correlated to the categories in Places), when I'd like to rank locally for them all. As Google is showing local results for most search queries related to their services whether those searches are geographically modified or not, I'm in a position where even if I am ranking top 5 organically for the terms, I'm still on bottom of page 1, or top of page 2. Would it be wise to add these additional services to the custom attributes section of the Places listing, or would this set off the potential for a listing suspension? Any ideas how to combat this problem would be very welcome.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PerchDigital

  • Hello, We have a problem that means we are unable to track our AdWords and organic work at all. Looking at "/All Traffic Sources" and clicking on "Ecommerce Tab" in Analytics we can see that (made up ratio :)):
    £2 is attributed to Google/ CPC
    £1 is attributed to Google / Organic
    But £100 to Payment Provider/ referral and also various referrals from banking transaction pages. All of the revenue/conversions are being credited to the payment provider or the bank security checks the payment goes through. After having done some research we have found that the problem may be that Google Analytics attributes the purchase to the most recent click (on the payment provider button) rather than the initial click on the cpc campaign/organic or direct etc. Some people have suggested using the "&utm_nooverride=1"  
    tag which we wanted to run past you guys and confirm whether adding  
    this tag to the payment provider 'buy now' button on our website will  
    presumably fix this referral problem? Alternatively does the tag need  
    to be entered into our CPC campaigns as well? Or can you please guide  
    us in another way? We have also heard that "cross-domain" tracking could be the solution. So we are really confused what to do and where hoping someone had maybe been through something similar and could advice before we fully launch into a solution. In addition, it should be noted that our 'Goals Funnel Visualisation'  
    of 'checkout' breaks up at the penultimate stage of the checkout. All  
    customers exit through the /checkout_process (penultimate) but are recognised returning to the successful checkout page but there is a missing link in between these  
    two stages as 0% pass through is shown even though they do return? Thank you so much in advance for all your help.

    Reporting & Analytics | | jannkuzel

  • Hi there, There are a couple of us in the office that are involved in link building - and sometimes it's difficult to keep track of where everybody is trying to build links. Does anybody know if there is a tool available where users can input both website addresses to check whether you already have a link from the desired website? Thanks in advance for your help.

    Link Building | | James77

  • Hi, I was slightly affected by the panda update on the 14th oct generaly dropping by about 5-8 spots in the serps for my main keywords, since then I've been giving my site a good looking over. On a site I've got city listings urls for certain widget companys, the thing is many areas and thus urls will have the same company listed. What would be the best way of solving this duplicate content as google may be seeing it? I was thinking of one page per company and prominenly listing the areas they operate so still hopefully get ranked for area searches. But i'd be losing the city names in the url as I've got them now for example: Any ideas on how best to proceed? Cheers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NetGeek

  • Hello everyone. I'm in charge of the website in which apart from many other things we provide free program downloads in spanish in a similar way to softpedia, tucows, cnet, softonic and others. I'm not a great SEO but I try to do my best. Several months ago based on my most important competence ( and I decided that I would give a host name under the domain for the landing page of each program download. For downloading Nero for example the landing page would be and like this for the whole of our 800 program database. The thing is that after 5-6 months since that change and after many other improvements, the traffic coming from google to these downloads dropped dramatically. We thought it could have been related to Google Panda but we recently hired an SEO consultant and he says that it's because of not having the downloads under the same host name. That we lose the page authority and the link flow from the hostname The SEO consultant seems to be great, very up to date with all new changes in google. We made many improvements thanks to him and I can say that I trust him with everything. But now comes the time for deciding if we move our program download landing pages back to the hostname. I would like some second opinion about this because the fact that the biggest ones in Spain like Softonic and Uptodown have a hostname  for each program download when these companies invest really a lot in their SEO makes me be unsure of going back into having all under the same hostname. Thanks a lot.

    Algorithm Updates | | HispaZone

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