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  • Hi there, I'm trying to create a 301 redirect for the file "index.php" but I keep getting a "fail to redirect" message in Firefox whenever I insert it into the Web.config file. <location path="index.php"></location> Is there anyway around this? Thanks for any help According to Open Site Explorer, there are about 500 links to my index file but it only has a 302 status so will not be passing link juice.

    Technical SEO | | tdsnet

  • Hi All, We are currently building a landing page that contains a bunch of funny top 10's, some that aren’t suitable for all customers, it can only be accessed from a PR source or recipient of one of our emails. The question I have is; where will the authority gained from people linking to this page go? Would it be passed to the home page, if there’s a link to it? Or would you recommend a way to control it? Any insight welcome. Cheers Neal

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Exclaimer-286885

  • I have been using SEOmoz PRO tool from last two months but I am not happy with the SEOmoz PRO Ranking Report.The results are very inaccurate and I am not able to understand why there is such a difference in the ranking  results when SEOmoz tracks and when I track?Please reply at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    Moz Pro | | 1prashakth

  • I want to redirect non www to www in blog hosted by wordpress. Where can i find .htaccess file ? Shall i have to create a new one ? If yes, where should i upload it ? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • We do have javascript menus on each page.  These are used by a visitor to contact a specific office in a specif city.  Could this be where all these links are being counted?  I don't see them elsewhere? What about links that are in the footer?  They actually link to the same pages as the menus, but are just  straight links.

    On-Page Optimization | | Stevej24

  • I was wondering if Google counts the ampersand written as '&' as 5 characters or a single one? It seems that Google counts it as a single character and SEOmoz PRO counts it as 5 characters.

    Moz Pro | | DPSSeomonkey

  • We are now located in the Seattle area and I was wondering if there are any SEO events and/or meetups anytime soon?

    Industry Events | | N5c

  • Say you are looking at a bunch of keywords and you think a competitor ranks for one of them.  Is there any simple tool  you can use to 1.  put in keyword 2.  put in domain of site RESULT - it tells you exactly where the site ranks.  Like **The site shows up on Page 3 at position 35  for the keyword "yupper undies" **

    Keyword Research | | denimblog

  • What Does Vary Anchor Text 80/20 Ration Mean - Have Idea But Only A Guess 😞 If my anchor text is New York Real Estate - then it should vary using other words so what percentage should each page own anchor text vary ? Is it 80% anchor text and 20% non - anchor text EXAMPLE: 80%

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • Our main site,, is on an IIS 6 server.  When we started our blog, we wanted to put it in a subdirectory (, but we couldn't because our IT people refused to support it.  Instead, we built it on a third-party Apache server and configured it to open under  However, I came across this SEOmoz post about the glories of reverse proxies, so I've persuaded our IT people to take a swing at it. We got it to work on a staging server, but the permalinks won't change (still appear as  The IT guys say it's due to a configuration problem with WordPress.  Can somebody out there point me in the right direction as far as working out the URL issues with this?

    Technical SEO | | ufmedia

  • Alright, so I would consider myself a beginner at SEO. I've been doing merchandising and marketing for Ecommerce  sites for about a year and a half now and am just now starting to attempt to apply some intermediate SEO techniques to the sites I work on so bear with me. We are currently redoing the homepage of our site and I am evaluating what links to have on it. I don't want to lose precious link juice to pages that don't need it, but there are certain pages that we need to have on the homepage that people just won't search for. My question is would it be a good move to add the meta robots 'noindex'  tag to these pages? Is my understanding correct that if the only link on the page is back to the homepage it will pass back the linkjuice? Also, how many homepage links are too many? We have a fairly large ecommerce site with a lot of categories we'd like to feature, but don't want to overdo the homepage. I appreciate any help!

    On-Page Optimization | | ClaytonKendall

  • I've got some crappy pages that I want to delete from a site. I've removed all the internal links to those pages and resubmitted new site maps that don't show the pages anymore, however the pages still index in search (as you would expect). My question is, what's the best practice for removing these pages? Should I just delete them and be done with it or make them 301 re-direct to a nicer generic page until they are removed from the search results?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • For years I've run as a standalone blog. It's done well, 4k uniques a day, 5PR site. But it's standalone. I recently purchased, which doesn't get much traffic and is only a PR2. To help grow, my obvious desire is to move the blog ( over to and have it sit there as: so I can get the good google juice to start flowing to Yes, I know it's important to do the page redirects properly, etc. That's not my question. My question is: Do they have to look the same? The page design of is very different than the blog. When I move the blog over, do I HAVE to make it have the same look and feel as the larger site? Does google penalize you if your blog has a different page design than the site it is blogging for? My preference would be to simply move the blog over and change nothing... maybe change the menus to point to the larger site, etc. But will google not like it looking different? (Widgets is obviously an example... my site name is different)

    Web Design | | brianmcc

  • The Problem I have a stable of clients spread around the U.S. in the maid service/cleaning industry -- each client is a franchisee, however their business is truly 'local' with a local service area, local phone/address, unique business name, and virtually complete control over their web presence (URL, site design, content; apart from a few branding guidelines). Over time I've developed a website template with a high lead conversion rate, and I've rolled this website out to 3 or 4 dozen clients.  Each client has exclusivity in their region/metro area. Lately my white hat back linking strategies have not been yielding the results they were one year ago, including legitimate directories, customer blogging (as compelling as maid service/cleaning blogs can really be!), and some article writing.  This is expected, or at least reflected in articles on SEO trends and directory/article strategies. I am writing this question because I see sites with seemingly much weaker back link profiles outranking my clients (using SEOMoz toolbar and Site Explorer stats, and factoring in general quality vs. quantity dynamics). Questions Assuming general on-page optimization and linking factors are equal: Might my clients be suffering because they're using my oft-repeated template website (albeit with some unique 'content' variables)? If I choose to differentiate each client's website, how much differentiation makes sense? Specifically: Even if primary content (copy, essentially) is differentiated, will Google still interpret the matching code structure as 'the same website'? Are images as important as copy in differentiating content? From an 'machine' or algorithm perspective evaluating unique content, I wonder if strategies will be effective such as saving the images in a different format, or altering them slightly in Photoshop, or using unique CSS selectors or slightly different table structures for each site (differentiating the code)? Considerations My understanding of Google's "duplicate content " dynamics is that they mainly apply to de-duping search results at a query specific level, and choosing which result to show from a pool of duplicate results.  My clients' search terms most often contain client-specific city and state names. Despite the "original content" mantra, I believe my clients being local businesses who have opted to use a template website (an economical choice), still represent legitimate and relevant matches for their target user searches -- it is in this spirit I ask these questions, not to 'game' Google with malicious intent. In an ideal world my clients would all have their own unique website developed, but these are Main St business owners balancing solutions with economics and I'm trying to provide them with scalable solutions. Thank You! I am new to this community, thank you for any thoughts, discussion and comments!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | localizedseo

  • Does this mean that exact keyword phrase anchor text is not the dominating ranking factor anymore for serps? If so what is the new most important factor?

    Algorithm Updates | | AndrewSEO

  • Is it Necessary To Spin My Original Article  For Top Article Directory  Distribution like from Isnare if I have no interest in ranking for them just getting traffic form internal visitors, syndication oppty's for webmaster and ezine publishers ? I was told that it is not necessary to spin my original articles that were indexed in my blog before they are distributed to the 2 top article directories ezine articles and goarticles and the other top 13 or 15 --- If true - why ? and if false -- why ? I am not looking to rank in article directories my purpose is for syndication purposes and also any traffic I can get internally from visitors to the article directories. So would the article directories frown on me if I am submitting the same article from my blog to all other article directories as is straight from my blog. I

    Content Development | | helpwanted

  • My site has a pr of 4.  My friends site has a pr of 2 but I think that he is doing some black hat seo techniques.  I wanted to know whether the search engines would ding me for linking to (i.e., validating) a lower quality site.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jamesjd7

  • Hello, One of my clients has about 20 different google places pages at locations that are not real. The previous SEO company thought that would help with local search. My problem is that several great reviews have been written on each page by real customers. I want to close the places pages for locations that don't exist, but I don't want to lose the reviews. Is anyone aware of a solution for this? I have searched Google's forums and have not found anything.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Bjolley

  • Hi guys, We're trying to block Rogerbot from spending 8000-9000 of our 10000 pages per week for our site crawl on our zillions of PhotoGallery.asp pages. Unfortunately our e-commerce CMS isn't tremendously flexible so the only way we believe we can block rogerbot is in our robots.txt file. Rogerbot keeps crawling all these PhotoGallery.asp pages so it's making our crawl diagnostics really useless. I've contacted the SEOMoz support staff and they claim the problem is on our side. This is the robots.txt we are using: User-agent: rogerbot Disallow:/PhotoGallery.asp Disallow:/pindex.asp Disallow:/help.asp Disallow:/kb.asp Disallow:/ReviewNew.asp User-agent: * Disallow:/cgi-bin/ Disallow:/myaccount.asp Disallow:/WishList.asp Disallow:/CFreeDiamondSearch.asp Disallow:/DiamondDetails.asp Disallow:/ShoppingCart.asp Disallow:/one-page-checkout.asp Sitemap: For some reason the Wysiwyg edit is entering extra spaces but those are all single spaced. Any suggestions? The only other thing I thought of to try is to something like "Disallow:/PhotoGallery.asp*" with a wildcard.

    Moz Pro | | kellydallen

  • Several of my sites are aliased (hosted in subdirectories off the root domain on a single hosting account, but visible at Not ideal, I know, but that's a different issue. I want to block bots from viewing those files that are accessible in subdirectories on the main hosting account,, and force the bots to look at instead. I utilized the canonical meta tag to point bots away from the sub directory site, but I am wondering what will happen if I use robots.txt to block those files from within the root domain. Will the bots, specifically Google bot, still index the site at its own URL, even if I've blocked that directory with Disallow: /AnotherSite/ ? THANK YOU!!!

    Technical SEO | | michaelj_me

  • I'm working on building some links for a used car store and thinking about submitting a site to the Yahoo Directory. The page that I want to rank for this category is not the homepage of the site (as the store also sells new vehicles), so I'm curious if anyone knows if I can submit a specific page instead? If not, how does the idea sound of creating a separate domain that 301 redirects to my page of choice and submit that to the directory? EDIT: Found this in the Yahoo TOS: "The site may not appear in the Directory under a different URL." "The site must not be dedicated to directing the user to another page." Hm. Any ideas? Should I just submit the homepage?

    Link Building | | kylesuss

  • I'm thinking (and I could be wrong) that eventually the number of people that have +1'd a site will begin to impact search results. After all, it is Google's platform. What are your thoughts on this? And do you know if having someone +1 your site is different than having them "follow" you or add you to their circles? Should a business have more followers or +1's?

    Social Media | | juliaritz

  • I just started with a client, who has an internal page (not the homepage) that gets about 70% of all total links to the site and ranks #1 for a highly competitive keyword. For some reason, the first set of links, including the first anchor text link to the homepage are nofollowed. I removed the nofollows yesterday. Today, The internal page has already been reindexed in Google showing the followed anchor text link to the homepage Should I expect a jump in link juice pointing to my homepage immediately with a corresponding rankings boost? Homepage is #8 for target term. I hope this makes sense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MattAaron

  • My report indicated that I have 340 crawl warnings.  Not sure how to fix them.  Please provide links on where I need to go to fix them.

    On-Page Optimization | | cyaindc

  • My report also notes that I have 176 Rel Canonical.  What does this mean and how do I fix it.  Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | cyaindc

  • In my report of my website it was indicated that I had 19 links/locations blocked by meta-robots.  What does this mean and how do I fix it.  My website is a Wordpress website.

    On-Page Optimization | | cyaindc

  • Hi, Might be a silly question but wanted to ask it anyway. Lets say I run a gifts website and this year I decide I want to try for a more competitive keyword 'Christmas Gifts'. Now each year I see a lot of search on for example 'Christmas Gifts 2011' and because of the search volume the EMD for this is gone (an affiliate has brought it or something). So the affiliate works hard on ranking it builds up say PR2-PR3 but when it comes around to renewing the domain they don't bother because 2011 search volume has passed and they move onto 'Christmas Gifts 2012'. My question is this: If I was to buy the 'Christmas Gifts 2011' when it expires and redirect it to my Xmas page would it pass the PR and give my new page a boost?

    Search Behavior | | activitysuper

  • Hi, If I have a website with the domain and a title tag 'black socks' would I see any benefit redirecting to, to give my keyword 'black socks' a boost in the SE's from the EMD. I see it loads where an EMD is indexed for its term but when you click the result it redirects to a branded domain. I personally cant see this being true but wanted to double check.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | activitysuper

  • Concerned about being ripped off... when maybe it takes only 1 hour but they charge instead 5 or 10 😞 Any seo benefits link building wise when creating these accounts do we get a backlink when creating an account and any value from these profile links at all or little ? ATTN: NEED APPROXIMATE TIME HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR EACH IF DONE MANUAL 36 top article directories - 79 web 2.0 sites 34 video sharing sites 50 social bookmark sites 10 top social networking sites 12 rss aggregator sites The question is how do I know that they are not using software like senuke automate the creation of accounts and can this be checked I am afraid of footprints left behind if they use software to create these accounts . Isnare creates accounts for article directories except for a few they say to do on own or they do it manual is this dangerous them using software to do this

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • Reverse Proxys - Lost On It's Purpose To Help Seo - read an article on seomoz check link below. When should we use this reverse proxy and is it really worth the trouble at all ? Why create subdomains vs subfolders when organizing different sections of the website ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | helpwanted

  • Hi all, I have a customer that wants to create a mobile version of his website, he wants to create a subdomain to redirect visitors to the mobile version and this mobile version will be a separate folder hosted on the same hosting. I'm seeing really good things from frameworks like JqueryMobile but I thinks they are not really SEO friendly since they load pages with Ajax. So, the question is: its ok to use this kind of frameworks or should I create all the html and css by myself? I'm really looking forward to use the frameworks, since its faster and less time consuming than creating the whole site with html. But I don't want to waste time if it will not be SEO friendly. Thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | Pablotavano

  • Hello, my boss has decide a build website we have more than 12500 products in ourwebsite its, im new as seo but im confused and need help i want to know how somebody help me to increase my website traffic

    Technical SEO | | jimmylora

  • Is there any delay between crawling a page by google and displaying of the ratings in rich snippet of the results in google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NEWCRAFT

  • Hi We have a listing website that has a huge amount of listings.These listings are changing all time, they become passive or deleted. We would like to choose the response code for the passive for deleted pages. Which response type must we use ? Redirect to last category with 301 Give 410 Gone response code Give 404 Response code which option would we choose ? and any ideas ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEMTurkey

  • My boss has decided that on our new website we are building, that he wants all content and images managed by not allowing copying content and/or saving images. Some of the information and images is proprietary, yet most is available for public viewing, but never the less, he wants it prohibited from copy and/or saving. We would still want to keep the content indexable and use appropriate alt tags etc... I wanted to find out if there is any SEO reason and facts to why this would not be a good idea?Would implementing code to prohibit (or at least make it difficult) to save images and copy content, penalize us?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KJ-Rodgers

  • Today, I was reading help article for URL parameters by Google. I come to know that, Google is giving value to URLs which ave parameters that change or determine the content of a page. There are too many pages in my website with similar value for Name, Price and Number of product. But, I have restricted all pages by Robots.txt with following syntax. URLs: Syntax in Robots.txt
    Disallow: /?dir=
    Disallow: /?p=
    Disallow: /*?limit= Now, I am confuse. Which is best solution to get maximum benefits in SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • My site have significantly went down in google ranking today.  Is there a recent update with regards to google panda? Also, please help me review my website for possible errors so I may apply the necessary changes for my site to recover.  Here is my url: Thanks and God Bless

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trigun

  • Today, I was reading one help article on Google webmaster tools help regarding Google friendly sites. I found that, Natural links can give us more benefits compare to Unnatural links. So, I have search on Google regarding Natural vs Unnatural links and come to know about great video. But, I am still confuse with exact understanding. I am trying to create external links on different websites. So, is it natural or not? How can I justify value of external website before creating link over there.

    Link Building | | CommercePundit

  • Outsourcing Link Building - What Low Level Links Should I start with if my interest is get free immediate traffic as a direct result from placing links or what ever out there and what should I outsource 1st and why  ? What questions should I ask my self that will help me determine where I should start with low level links ?

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • Hey guys, I'm looking to sync our clients google analytic profiles to our clients  campaigns in SEO MOZ. However all our clients google analytic profiles are on the one google account and not separate accounts. So I'm asking does SEO MOZ only allow you to grab the traffic data of one clients profile from a google account instead of multiple profiles from the same google account for different campaigns? If so has anybody got a workaround or any suggestions? If I haven't explained myself clearly let me know and I'll break it down further. Thanks again. Rob

    Moz Pro | | daracreative

  • Wired Magazine has started to publish images under CC licence as reported here: The images are found here They allow noncommercial use (though this is not clearly defined) and request to attribute to the original source and "ask for a link back to the original story where the photo first appeared". The latter does not seem to be compulsory, but of course is a great SEO tactic to generate deep links. What's your take on this? Does anyone have experience with providing image material with the request to attribute you as the original source?

    Link Building | | zeepartner

  • I've recently worked for a company who up untill 3 weeks ago have shown up in the google places ranked at number 1 for the following key phrases. First Aid Training in Cornwall
    First Aid Courses in Cornwall
    Health and Safety Training in Cornwall as well as several more... However over the past 3 weeks they have gradually dropped out of the places listing all together, and I'm struggling to understand why this might be. Yesterday I released a new website for them which has had a lot more SEO input in to the site, is this likely to have an affect on the places ranking? the website is Any answers would be very appreciated.

    Industry News | | it-ok

  • Hi Guys, Is there something that I need to do to make my blog posts appear in the Blogs Section of Google Trends? I've noticed that there are blogs whose latest posts appear on the Blog section of Google Trends and would also like my blog to appear there if possible. Thanks in advance...

    Content Development | | Trigun

  • Dear Seomoz members, We are going to migrate our website to different server location(new data center). does this impact on our SEO rankings? If so what and all checklist i have to retain my SEO rankings. Regards, kathiravan subbiah

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kathiravan

  • If i am trying to implement infinite scrolling and remove pagination completely, will it effect my SEO ? Why or why should not infinite scrolling be implemented ?

    Web Design | | Myntra

  • eg: Page One
    <title>Page one</title>
    No canonical url Page Two
    <title>Page one</title> Page two is counted as being a page with a duplicate page title.
    Shouldn't it be excluded?

    Moz Pro | | DPSSeomonkey

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