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  • While blog commenting, many people tend to use their 'anchor text' when asked to provide with their name. Hyperlinking anchor text inside the blog comment is perfectly understandable for me but using anchor text when asked to provide your name is something that I see as spam and something that totally confuses a normal user who reads the blog comment and sees a weird name in the name section. Search engines too must be perfectly aware of this and thus I am of the opinion that such anchor texts don't care much weightage in the eyes of search engine. However many of my fellow SEO colleagues tend to differ. They say you should use anchor text when asked to provide with a name. And I am totally against this form of promotion That's why I wish to ask the opinion of  experts in SEO MOZ on this topic. Awaiting your feedbacks

    Link Building | | pulseseo

  • Hello! My question is as follows: Suppose there is SiteA which is a blog that has a url structure of Now suppose I'd like to redirect those articles to a new domain (which has the same url structure) BUT excluding a certain category, say, 'blah/' so in other words, some examples: ->redirects-> (there is a trailing slash here for some reason) BUT -NO REDIRECT- (because it's in the /blah/ category). Any and all feedback & help would be much appreciated 🙂  Thanks!~

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | apo11o177

  • Hi, I have a question regarding SEO for ecommerce: Do you guys think it could be a bad thing to display non-linked short product descriptions of products on the home page and category pages? Can that cause cannibalism between different pages and non-optimal keyword targeting? I have a shop of which it's homepage tend to rank for some unintended phrases. Thank you, E

    On-Page Optimization | | mrlolalot

  • SEO best practices says that one should put blog in a subfolder. Like www.example,com/blog In the above case, should we say that the blog is in folder or subfolder. Actually, i have been unsure about this folder vs subfolder thing. Some examples of this would be appreciated. What is the example of a blog in a subdomain ? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | seoug_2005

  • Is such a thing possible? Can we google for a specific keyword that can be found on the source code of a website? Is there any search operator for this? Thanks in advance!

    Industry News | | merkal2005

  • Post-Panda, should I worry about adding a bunch of geo-targeted landing pages at once? It's a community, people have added their location on their profile pages.  I'm worried if we decide to make all the locations into hyperlinks that point to new geo-targeted pages, it could get us extra traffic for those geo-specific keyword phrases but penalize the site as a whole for having so many low-quality pages. What I'm thinking is maybe to start small and turn, say, United States into a hyperlink that points to a page (that would house our community members that reside in the United States) and add extra unique content to the page.  And only add a new location page when we know we'll be adding unique content to it, so it's not basically just page sorting. Thoughts? Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | poolguy

  • The SEOmoz crawler has pointed out this warning on my Magento store.. redirects to Is this a problem? My site is new, so don't want to get penalised this early on! Any advice appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | MoA

  • I launched my site,, and blog,, a few years ago. I then learned I should probably merge the content, and foolishly created a subdomain,, and 301 redirected the blog to it.  As an aside, my site is on a microsoft server, thus cannot host my wordpress blog on it. After a bit more study, I realized that my blog wasn't helping me nearly as much as it could be, so I 301'd it again to In just becoming a pro member (long overdue) I realize that my entire site needs to be 301'd to merge non-www and www versions. I read somewhere that mr. cutts says not to 301 more than twice for fear of mistakenly being construed as something a bit to spammy. So, here I sit..not sure what to do. Does anyone have any advice on how to most efficiently correct this spaghetti bowl? Many thanks!

    Technical SEO | | adell50

  • I think I may have a problem with someone trying to get me in trouble for paid links. If you look at the following websites, scroll to the bottom and look at the featured links area. There is a link to my website with my keyword on all of them. Now I see a lot of the same links here which leads me to believe these sites are all owned by the same group. Also, 4 of the 5 are Bay Area news sites. The question I have is, are these links hurting me? I did not buy these and did nothing to put them there. I asked the previous owner of the domain who I am in touch with. He is the only other person to own it and he never purchased those links. My guess is a competitor is targeting me perhaps? Just wondering on everyone's take on this. I really can't afford to be getting hit by these potentially penalizing links right now, not when the busy season is starting up. Should I try to get them removed? Does anyone have experience with this or know how it might have happened?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Why are back links like not listed in the link report for sites that are listed in For a site with 18 back links and a DA of 28, how much affect, if any, would a paid listing in a directory like yahoo have on the sites DA?

    Link Building | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi there, Recently I have been using guest blogging as part as my link building strategy which is doing pretty well so far. Just a few question on this: Once I have managed to put a guest post on a blog, is there any SEO value in contributing to the same blog again? Kind Regards

    Link Building | | Paul78

  • We have a client who wants to secure an exact match domain for their new website, but it's very long. They're wondering about securing an additional domain that is much shorter for marketing purposes (business cards, email addresses, etc). We would then 301 redirect the short domain to the main domain. Are we going to see negative SEO implications from that?

    On-Page Optimization | | MackenzieFogelson

  • A client has 2 separate pages for video thumbnails. One page is "popular videos" with a sort function for over 700 pages of video thumbnails with 10 thumbnails and short desriptions per page. (/videos?sort_by=popularity). The second page is "latest videos" (/videos?sort_by=latest) with over 7,000 pages. Both pages have a sort function -- including latest, relevance, popularity, time uploaded, etc. Many of the same video thumbnails appear on both pages. Also, when you click a thumbnail you get a full video page and these pages appear to get indexed well. There seem to be duplicate content issues between the "popular" and "latest" pages, as well as within the sort results on each of those pages. (A unique URL is generated everytime you use the sort function i.e. /videos?sort_by=latest&uploaded=this_week). Before my head explodes, what is the best way to treat this? I was thinking a noindex,follow meta robot on every page of thumbnails since the individual video pages are well indexed, but that seems extreme. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | 540SEO

  • We have some clients who have raised concerns over how this new update will affect them. They are an Estate Agents who regularly update their property portfolio, blogs and news section etc. Can you advise how they may or may not be directly affected? Thank you.

    Search Behavior | | SoundinTheory

  • Hello, One of my clients has repeat customers. All of his surface level categories are optimized. None of his 2nd or 3rd level categories are optimized at all. Is there any harm in optimizing these 2nd or 3rd level categories. Is there any way it could cause a problem with repeat customers? I didn't think so but I want to make sure. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | BobGW

  • Need a trained eye to help with a quick search to see if there’s a poison pill buried somewhere on my site! This is an e-commerce site that I’ve worked on and ran for 5 years which ranks from middle to top in just about all of the quality analytic scores when compared to top 10 competitors in Google, yet this site can hardly stay on the 3<sup>rd</sup> page let alone the 1<sup>st</sup>.  Only weakness in metrics that I see is that I need more linking root domains and traffic.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  Lowell

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lwnickens

  • I know that the encrypted searches done by people logged into their Google accounts is causing the error, is there any workaround or any update from Google as to IF they will give us our keyword data back? I'm currently losing data on about 20% of my daily searches . . .

    Reporting & Analytics | | nsauser

  • For my top 132 keywords, my target ranks an average of 7 positions lower in Bing and an average of 9 positions lower in Yahoo.  Does anyone have some good resources to read, or any tips on why we would rank so much poorer in Bing/Yahoo than in google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adriandg

  • Rand Fishkin has become a hero of mine recently I respect what he has achieved and would love to have the chance to drop him one email and ask him a few questions. I contacted him via Google plus but I didnt received an answer I then wondered has Rand lost touch with the little people now he is a celebrity in his own right or can I actually email him directly and ask a few questions. Will he speak to us little people 🙂 Can I get him on Facebook or my Linked In account and get a recommendation...

    Moz Pro | | onlinemediadirect

  • Same keywords, different positions of different companies.  Aren't they using the same algo for their rankings?

    Technical SEO | | adriandg

  • Hi, I am making a paid marketing, and organic too, at the moment i am promoting a small product, peoples are signup every day, but i cannot meassure from which keyword which signup(CRO) do you know any software or something like that, to use together with google analytics and google adwords, and to monitor conversions and to know which keyword is bringing me sales and which not. Tell me any how to guide, a software to use for this etc.. help me if you are doing this job. THanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | leadsprofi

  • Hello, My client's home page is targething 2 keywords - one at 43% difficulty (SEOMoz Keyword Difficulty Tool) and one at 50% difficulty. I want to link build for this person, but I analyzed the top 5 competitors and there is no resource section on any of the sites. We want to write 20 articles for our site. So there's no people linking to content that I can find. This messes up my link building because I always make targeted content on the subject that people are already linking to How do I link build in this case. Nothing stands out as something I could do with my site for link bait. Thanks!

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hey Guys, I'm curious if there are ways a page can get indexed even if the page isn't linked to or hasn't been submitted to a search engine. To my knowledge the following page on our website is not linked to and we definitely didn't submit it to Google - but it's currently indexed: <cite></cite> Anyone have any ideas as to why or how this could have happened? Hopefully I'm missing something obvious 🙂 Thanks, Jon

    Technical SEO | | TakeLessons

  • Hi, we have just had a shocking experience moving from shared hosting to a dedicated server with a very large service provider.  Our website slowed down, the server has been down more times than up so we have moved back to shared hosting until we can find a supplier that can deliver.  nightmare!!  If anyone can recommend a good company it would be appreciated. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | SGIMarketing

  • When I look at my links in the Competitive Domain Analysis and I see I have 113,018 Ext followed links but Open Site Explorer shows 3,148.  Why is there such a difference? In addition, is there a way to view the External Followed links? I want to see where these 113,018 links are coming from. Thanks, Josh

    Moz Pro | | kdieruf

  • Hello Forum, My team and I just completely redid a yoga eCommerce site, including its SEO. The old version of the site didn't feature page-specific optimization and, as a result, Google's search results for our keywords almost always directed visitors to the homepage. For example, a Google search for the term "yoga bolster" sent users to the homepage, not the product category page for yoga bolsters. After redoing the site and optimizing specific pages (i.e. the yoga bolster page is now optimized for the keyword "yoga bolster"), the Google search results are still taking users to the homepage, not the optimized page. (i.e. if you search for yoga bolster, find our search result, and click the search result link, you're taken to the homepage, not the bolster page) It's only been about 36 hours since we've launched the new website and submitted it to Google's webmaster tools. Does anyone know why Google is still sending people to our homepage and not the keyword-optimized pages we created? Is this a timing issue?

    Web Design | | pano

  • We rank well across many online furniture keywords within here in Ireland, this is our core business and it is successful. Now we want to branch out into the related field of "kitchens". So the question is do we setup a new domain (a sister site) or keep it on the same domain with a new sub category. So the main categories off the home page would be: Sofas Bedroom Furniture Dining Furniture Kitchens I know all the benefits of keeping to the one domain (the domain has age, and already has DA of 30 with many landing pages with PA from 30 to 49), so for the short term SEO angle keep it on the same domain. But from a Branding perspective this is not a great approach. Is it better to have a dedicated domain/site for kitchens (and the bonus of having a keyword match in the domain)? We are always thinking longer term so we see this as a 3 year plan outwards rather than a get rich quick. There is an additional overhead of course with managment of the domain, templates SSL, PCI etc etc and we are conscious that a new domain is not a easy route to success. Looking at the top 10 for the main keywords within the "kitchen" keyword cloud most if not all are dedicated kitchen sites, or kitchens are the main business so their homepage is there kitchens landing page. The competition in the space have 20-30 DA and PAs roughly 30 being the highest DA, we are thinking that this has not a huge challenge to overcome? Thanks for any help, assistance or comments really appreciated. Ware regards, Eunan @ Love Furniture

    Web Design | | eunaneunan

  • What plugin should I use to make a webshop taht is good for seo as well? Should I use wordpress indeed or should i use some other open  source CMS?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • Getting our reviews to show in the serps is starting to become a crusade 😞 After 6 months of submitting our Hreview marked up content, Google responded with that we had a hidden div within the marked up content, to rectify and then resubmit, which we did. 4 months on, we haven't heard anything, and still no sign of our reviews showing up in the search results until today I noticed we now have a review link in the search results (or see attached see image). It's not quite what I was after, so is this Google experimenting? Have we marked something up wrong? Or do we just have to be more patient, so our listing is presented the same as everyone else, such as Qype, Touch, Yelp etc? Seems to be a very painful process! So any pointers very gratefully received 🙂 review-results.gif

    Industry News | | sjr4x4

  • Anyone know the best / easiest Joomla SEO extension?

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • Here's a question, if you put the date in your url (often a wordpress format) would that be seen by Google now as 'fresh' content? - part of their new update.

    Technical SEO | | pauledwards

  • I will often post photos that I have taken to my Facebook page (either personal or my fan page).  Sometimes these can get lots of likes. I got thinking that perhaps I host these photos on my site (i.e. and then share that "page" on Facebook.  That way any of the likes would be counted towards my site. What do you guys think?

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Hi i would like to know if blogger through google is a good way to build links and traffic. I have started to use blogger and would like to know if i am wasting my time using it for link building and traffic building for my main site

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello SEOMoz, The functionality of the Rank Tracker Tool is excellent - I was wondering if it might be coming to the API so we can do some deeper analysis? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | igzebedze

  • Hello folks The questions is, if a domain, 7 years old being sandboxed due to "notice of unnatural links to website" does it make sense to make a domain change (301 permanent redirect and make a "domain change" under google webmaster tools) to another, aged(!) domain name?
    Website being sandboxed for over 8 months already and there is no chance to do anything with those "unnatural" links to website... Any suggestions?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ferray

  • Please view website In the footer is the keywords the client is aiming for. These pages have been created separately to the sitemap. Is this tactic and pages white hat seo or is this considered black hat seo such as gateway pages? Could you please confirm Thanks Paul

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | paulbaguley

  • Is commenting on no follow blogs a good way of getting back links?

    Link Building | | totalvac

  • Hi, We are planning to host videos on our site for the first time.  It looks like YouTube is a bit too over focused on ads these days for commercial use, can anyone recommend any better video hosting services? I also realize that hosting somewhere like YouTube has little SEO benefit, am I better off hosting them on our site if possible? Please share your experiences with the various services and methods of hosting. Thanks

    Image & Video Optimization | | Maximise

  • "As search becomes an increasingly customized experience, particularly for signed in users" What does this imply ? Does it mean that search is more customized for signed in users than those for non signed in users ?

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2005

  • What's the Effective way to let major search engine to index Login-first SNS sites? the reason of asking that is because i saw a search engines index Millon of SNS pages but most of them requested to login, how search engine get through this? thanks Boson

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DarwinChinaSEO

  • Suppose you want a page in your website to rank for a two word phrase like "red wagon".  So you create a page and optimize it for "red wagon".  Suppose the domain name is taken, but the domain name is available.  Is it possible to take advantage of the available domain name to improve the rank of

    On-Page Optimization | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi Guys and Girls, I have been studying SEO for a few years now.  I have learned quite a bit along the way.  One thing that I have had BEAT in my head is "Create Quality Content".  When I used to ask "What Should I do to get more visits?" I was told, "Create QUALITY CONTENT".  That was great advice, and I have done that.  I have created over 600 pages since then.  I went from 200 visits per month to now just over 5,000.  Even more importantly, I have increased my lead conversions. I say all of this because, about two years ago I told a competitor basically how you rise up in the search engines.  He turned around and bought a domain that was 3 years older than mine and had a main keyword in the domain.  He then just started building links with a bunch of blog comments and forum posts (The blog comments have like 2,000 comments on them).  In other words, he did what I would NOT do yet he is #5 for this keyword and I am #9.  (Although, I turned around and built another site and now I am at #13 for that and it has been up for a year now. I say all this, not to bore you but to tell ask you, DOES IT WORK IF YOU DO BLOG COMMENTING, FORUM POSTING, LINK WHEELS, ETC.  Do you obtain higher rankings? Should I be doing a bit of video marketing? I know a lot of people will say, "Why would you spend your time on things that may slightly impact your rankings, but obviously it did something for this guy.  Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | blake-76624

  • Today, I found interesting stuff in Google result. I found that few Facebook fan page have created product page in Facebook to sell products via Facebook like follow. So, How can I get it done?

    Social Media | | CommercePundit

  • We moved the site to a new hosting. Previously the site used Godaddy Windows Hosting with white domain masking. After moving the site we just mirrored the site. We have to use mirrored domain for PPC campaigns because it mirrored site contains true BRAND name and there is better conversion with that domain plus all trade marked keywords are approved for mirrored domain. Robots.txt User-agent: * Host: Disallow: /Bin Disallow: /css is the main domain. Mirror site is (Without the "H" at the beginning) Most of the keywords are now picked up by mirror site. I have not noticed any major changes in ranking except that it ranks for mirror site. We updated the sitemap. Website is designed very poorly (not by us). Also, we submitted the change address request for ermitagejewelers to hermitagejewelers in webmasters. Please let me know any advice to fix that problem. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | MaxRuso

  • I've read that page titles can't/shouldn't be more than 70 characters long. Out of around 1,000 products we have about 150 that have legitimate titles that exceed this character limitation. We plan on automatically truncating these. Should I just cut the titles off at 70 characters or should I cut them off and add a "..."? Does it even matter?

    Technical SEO | | dbuckles

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