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  • After 28 long years of wait this year I finally made it to the United States of America. I grew up on "The A Team" , "Knight Rider" and Mcdonalds cheese burgers from 2 years onwards. I am as American as a English person could possibly be. It wasn't until I arrived in Florida and spent two weeks in the great country that I understood the difference in the minds and mentality of people. People were nicer ! People on the whole had a can do mentaily. If your a success people congratulate you for it . Unlike the UK.... Plus people were not scared to make a fool of themselves... (People jumping up and down at traffic lights with advertising boards) Now to my question - I loved it so much I want to go back and I figured me and my wife and 3 year old may have a extended break next time where I can work on vacation maybe over a month or so. I would love to get to know as many SEO's and people based in the USA as possible please and introduce myself etc. Hey who knows maybe SEO Moz can change my future (fingers crossed) Thanks to all the people that get in touch !

    Industry News | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi all, I'm about to hit the crunch button and finalise the 301 setup for our website to redirect all traffic, and our old very nice ranking, to our new website. My only question is, how long will the ranking take to move to the new site? Once the 301 is in place what happens when someone searches my keywords? Currently when you search our preferred keywords we rank 1 and 2 depending on the wording. Once I've made the 301 happen, will you see the old site in Google rankings until they re-index it or will it swap straight away to the new site with its continued high rank (from the link juice) or will I have a blackspot period where I don't rank at all? I cannot afford to have a period of time, at this time of year, that I don't rank 1 or 2 - if this is even a vague possibility I might have to consider postponing my 301 till a less important time of year. Thanks for your help, Anthony

    Web Design | | Grenadi

  • Just wondering if there is a Bing / Yahoo equivalent to this: ?? Would be nice to compare the different search patterns between the two search engines, without just assuming that the relative search volume on google for certain keywords is the same bing/yahoo.

    Keyword Research | | adriandg

  • Then why does SEO moz have this list: ?? Included in that list are some pretty spammy looking sites such as: <colgroup><col width="345"></colgroup>
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    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adriandg

  • A few days ago I had asked a question regarding purchasing an expiring domain to redirect to a new related site. The post can be found here >>> The domain has some great links with several being from PR5 pages on aswell as several keyword rich domains. This made my day and I ended up paying $309 for it. So today I have the domain with the registrar network solutions who I believe are owned by Google, not sure if that is the truth or not as I can't find any info on that. now my domain is no longer indexed in Google and the toolbar's pagerank has dropped from a 4 to a 0. It was not my choice to use network solutions but namejet only use them or ENOM. I have now installed a wordpress site on the domain to see if any pagerank exist, if it does then the site will shortly be indexed in Google without me building any links to it. Just 2 days ago the site was in Google, had the correct command and now the info: command shows nothing. the site is either banned or all of the actual pagerank has been removed by Google. I am a little bit dissapointed in this even though it was initially an experiment to see if I could purchase good links through expiring domains. The thing is I am seeing people purchase domains with good links in excess of $3000. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | umtmedia

  • Hi There! I'm new to SEOMoz, but not completely new to SEO.  A bit of background: 9 year old content site, medium traffic (low 7 figures unique visitors yearly) with about 85% coming from SE traffic.  (It was 75% but Panda seems to have bumped that up.) I've created this with zero keyword research. I just built a site that I would have liked to have found online. It's a weight loss/fitness website with tools, calculators and articles. I'm going to be working harder on getting traffic from other sources, but I signed up here because I want to make sure I'm taking full advantage of my site when it comes to SEO. Having said that, I'm at a loss as to what to do with a campaign.   My site is huge, with thousands of pages and keywords.  I started a campaign, threw in a few keywords and some competitors just to get started, but this seems so...directionless. How do I figure out what I want to analyze? Thanks! Suzanne

    Reporting & Analytics | | Suzany

  • Hi, I am fairly new to the whole seo thing and am still getting confused a bit as to what to do to sort things out. I've checked the help pages but I cannot seem to find the issue. I've just signed up so my site is crawled for the first time and coming up with more then a 1000 404 errors. I checked a couple of the links via the report I downloaded and it does indeed show a 404 error but when I check the pages all seems to work fine. I did find one issue where an image if clicked on twice was pointing to an url with 'title= at the end. Now I have tried to get of that but couldn't find anything wrong. I'm a bit lost as to where to start!

    Technical SEO | | junglefrog

  • I work for an eCommerce site and many of the vendors we get our products from have videos our their site that explain how the products work and the different features of them, ect. We really have done nothing with video marketing, and would like to create some of our own unique videos, but this will be impossible for the vast majority of the products on our site. We know from a content standpoint embedding videos from our vendors to our product pages will be beneficial, but at the same time it shows our competitors and other site visitors where we are getting our products from which we would rather not do. How will this effect us from an SEO standpoint though? Will it help us to have new content, even though it is embedded from another site? Or will it hurt us because it is not unique? Or will it have no effect at all? Thanks for you help!

    On-Page Optimization | | ClaytonKendall

  • My web site is Turkish. And my keyword is "yurtdışı üniversite" I want to know, using Turkish characters like ş, ğ , ü in my URLs better for SEO?ışı-üniversite-kayıtları-için-acele-edin! OR!

    Industry News | | apesteli

  • Hi Guys, I am thinking of migrating our and our websites into sub folders on our .com website (eg: .com/uk and .com/nz). Do you think this is a risky strategy in regards to our performance in the localised search engines or should the centralisation of all these websites and their link authority into the .com help us move up the rankings? We are thinking of doing this in the next week, we have some really good rankings for the local googles, however we also have plenty of phrases sitting just on page 2 and I was hoping this might help boost them onto page 1? Has anyone else had experience migrating tld sites to sub folders on a .com and if so what was your experience of the impact on search rankings in the local googles and the timeframe that these changes took to have an effect? Did you have any negative results?

    International SEO | | ConradC

  • Hi, I have 270x blue notices within crawl diagnostics in SEOMoz Pro labelled rel=canonical. My site has the rel=canonical tag set-up as I was advised to do so. See Are these notices suggesting I have to remove the tag? Can somebody please explain this notice to me .. Thanks Olly

    On-Page Optimization | | ojkingston

  • I am getting duplicate page content and duplicate page title errors for and I thought that they were the same page, so I'm not sure how to avoid getting the duplicate content and title errors. Thanks for your help!

    Technical SEO | | DMacy

  • In 2012 we will be rolling out a directory of local services for our industry. This will ultimately be thousands of additional pages, with city/zip searching, individual provider pages etc. The main reason is for UX -- providing local resources for our industry to compliment the online experience (we're an online B2C retailer) My question is if there are pros/cons to putting this on a subdomain, or if having it on the root is ideal. I don't see a huge influx of backlinks (making a sub fine) but I suppose that could change down the road. I do see some indexing benefits for new terms like 'service x in los angeles' etc, but that would also be fine on a sub. It feels like it would be cleaner to keep separate and on a sub, but maybe we're missing something. We certainty don't want to hurt anything on our primary site which drives the business. Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOPA

  • If a real estate client of mine only wants to rank in the,, and listings (doesn't care about the U.S. search engines), would it be advantageous of me to have her domain name by .ca and forget the .com? She lives here in Phoenix, is originally Canadian, and goes back and forth. Interestingly, when searching in, most domain names or .com. Is this because these people are trying to target both search engines? Thank you! Chris Gray

    International SEO | | cgray01

  • Hi, My client www.nlpca(dot)com wants to know if we can just place the google plus button on their website or do we have to have a profile and such and share things regularly? Thanks!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • I recently started a blog for my client. So far the response has been decent but, as should probably be expected, most of the commenters want to put a link to their own site in the comment. Do I have anything to gain by allowing these comments to stay on the page?

    Link Building | | AmericanOutlets

  • The company I am with shows traffic coming in to .zip files in Google Analytics.  The traffic being recorded stopped a while back, but I know people are still downloading/visiting these .zip ULRs. I'm not sure how they were recording/tracking the .zip URLs (in Analytics) before, but I'd like to track them once again.  Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | poolguy

  • We are currently in the process of changing all of our image names and their alt-tags to be descriptive of their content. For instance, changing image names from image0001.jpg to blue-cell-phone-cover. We have hundreds of images on our site, would it be best to rename all of the images and update their tags in one sweeping change or trickle the changes, uploading changed images every other day or so?

    Image & Video Optimization | | Buildings

  • in my title tag i want to have: 3D Renders of Office Refurbishment & Interior Design Kent | Complete Group which unfortunatly is longer than 70 characters, however, to make it fit in 70 characters i could put: 3D Renders of Office Refurb & Interior Design Kent | Complete Group Notice that refurbishment has been changed to refurb, would this be ok for SEO purposes?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CompleteOffice

  • So I have a few pages with the same content just with a different URL. All pages  rel-canonical to: My question is... why can't google + (or facebook and twitter for that matter)  consolidate all these pages +1. So if the first two had 5 +1 and the rel-canonical page had 5 +1's. It would be nice for all pages to display 15 +1's not 5 on each. It's my understanding that Google +1 will gives the juice to the correct page. So why not display all the +1's at the same time. Hope that makes sense.

    Technical SEO | | kevin4803

  • I am working with a site right now and they are ranked #1
    for many keyword phrases based on their location and service. Their service is an
    Insurance agency, so they rank #1 for many keywords like “Miami Insurance” or “South
    Florida Insurance Agency” (their not actually ranked for Miami
    just giving an example). I also include their address on every page of the site
    (maybe that better helps Google maps?). Problem I am having is when searched
    just the keyword phrase they rank number 1 but when searching say “insurance”
    while being logged in to the area they rank for they do not come up. I hear that
    there might be specific ways to optimize for this. What I would like to know is
    what would I have to do to optimize for Google maps and what’s everything I possibly
    can do. I am good with search engine optimization but have never really dabbled
    much with Google Maps, I always thought they just ranked you based on your

    On-Page Optimization | | WhiteHat12

  • Hi guys, I have these types of URLs  with the format below that are seen as duplicate contents I wanted to permanently redirect them to my homepage.  I am thinking if this is possible in .htaccess using rewrite conditions? Thanks in advance...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trigun

  • Hi, There are some websites that keeps on scraping my content. I have blocked them already from accessing my website using .htaccess but they still get my content via RSS feed. I have tried delaying the RSS feed but I think this affected google rankings.  My question is, is there a way to change the URL of my RSS Feed? From:   to

    Technical SEO | | Trigun

  • Hi, i am running a global concept that operates with one webpage that has lot of content, the content is also available on different domains, but with in the same concept. I think i am getting bad ranking due to duplicate content, since some of the content is mirrored from the main page to the other "support pages" and they are almost 200 in total. Can i do some changes to work around this or am i just screwed 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | smartmedia

  • Hi Guys, To give way to the implementation of Google Panda, I have deleted some of my wordpress blog posts with low quality content. Now, I am seeing some errors in my Webmasters Tools.  What needs to be done so that these errors will be fixed? Thanks....

    Technical SEO | | Trigun

  • Hi All, I would like to hide all the products that are out of stock on my category pages, for example with a display:none (maybe there are better options/techniques do are welcome). The visitor has the options to reveal the out of stock items by using one of the filters, or by using a check-box "Show out of stock items". Would this still be in line with Google's guidelines? Am I taking a risk to get a penalty cause I'm hiding content? In my opinion it would not, cause I'm doing this to achieve a better user experience. Items are most of the time out of stock for a week not any longer. Hope to hear from you guys. Thanks in advance Richard

    Technical SEO | | Horlogeboetiek

  • Today, I was checking Google Analytics for my website. I found too many variation in Visits between Google & Bing. I can understand that, We are not getting specific visits from Bing due to bad ranking. Then, I have done detail R & D + read few useful articles to get it done. I found such a important discussion on Bing forum which is associated to draft on page. I also checked Bing webmaster tools to know more about my website. I found that, crawling from Bing is really slow and let duane know about it via Twitter. I have read Bing rankings cheat sheet. But, I am really confuse after reading it. Because, I am following Google webmaster guidelines as well as Bing webmaster tools guidelines. So, How can I improve my performance over Bing? Is there any rock solid method for Bing like Google which may help me to achieve milestone? I have one request for Rand to write down marathon blog post to rank high on Bing....

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • I start a new webshop within a month about spices and coffee. I'm thinking about the domain name to take. I would like to get visitors from coffee and spice keyword searches. How much does it matter  (in terms of SEO) if I use spiceandcoffee instead of spice-and-coffee? (The site will be hungarian and it sounds easy to remember without the hypen: fuszer-es-kave or fuszereskave.) Does Google weighing more separated keywords in domain, instead of non-separated?

    Technical SEO | | joo

  • Hi, All! I was looking at OSE for one of my client's site's pages, and I saw that all internal links were said to be images.  I was pretty sure their menu was CSS, and all the links were text.  So I did "fetch as Googlebot" and looked in the resultant code of one of the homepage to see the main navigation bar. The navigation link for one of those pages looked like this: `onmouseover="doMenu2on(this);">[](` [``` <code>![](images/arrow6.gif)Anchor Text Here</code> ```]( ``` The nav link for a page that does show internal anchor text in OSE looks like this: onmouseover="doMenu2on(this);">[]( [```
    <code>Anchor Text Here</code> So there is an image in the link (it's the little arrow before the text to indicate a sub-category), but the anchor text comes right after it.  Is Linkscape (and therefore potentially Google) seeing them as two different links to the same page and only counting the first?  But it's all wrapped within the same <a></a>tags. Any ideas on if this is a bug in Linkscape, or a real issue, and what should be done?  Thanks! Aviva``

    Moz Pro | | debi_zyx

  • My website is linked to a Google Analytics web property. But, I am not able to track search engine optimization data in Google Analytics. So, How can I get it done?

    Reporting & Analytics | | CommercePundit

  • So what would you guys say is the best way to market a infographic and get as much exposure to it as possible. The main goal is to get backlinks from blogs and somewhat of social buzz on twitter and facebook. So would anyone suggest doing a Press Release for infographic? And if so, does anyone have any suggestions on which press release site to go with?

    Social Media | | utesters

  • I have an old blog that I started long ago and it has tons of content. I'm thinking about migrating it my current blog but am worried about panda and bringing over mediocre content. The content is fine, not bad not good. Should I bring it over or should I just delete the blog?

    Technical SEO | | tylerfraser

  • Can anyone recommend a reliable proxy service (paid or otherwise) to tunnel scraping requests through? I've been using free proxes which are sometimes a bit slow/ timeout or just refuse connections.

    Technical SEO | | AlexThomas

  • Any pdf or videos that can clear up for me how to interpret those seomoz numbers that help determine what links to go for and not go for from competition ?

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • What Tools Can Be Used To Determine Kw's I Should Be Optimizing For ? My concern is that I may be optimizing certain pages with wrong kw phrases and building backlinks to wrong kw phrases that are not a good conversion keyword for the services that I am selling. What are the various ways and tools that can be used to determine if I am optimizing for the right kw's phrases and not the wrong ones that will not convert into a lead from the optin form. I am wondering if ppc spy tools such as spyfu, semrush help me identify if I in fact am opitimizing for the right kw's ?

    Keyword Research | | helpwanted

  • Hi Guys, We currently operate five websites, 1 on, 1 on, 1 on .de and 1 on .com (geo targeted to USA) and 1 on .com/au (targeted at Australia). Open Site Explorer currently credits our with 212 unique domains linking to us, our .com has 130, our has 110 and our .de (which is new) has around 10. We have a website on .com/au targeting Australia and we have gained around 30 - 40 links into this sub folder. Our rankings in google australia for this website are fantastic and it would appear to me that we have inherited all the domain authority of our .com. The UK is currently our most important market and we operate a website on a there. Our main competitors there have around 300 - 400 unique domains linking to them. What I am thinking of doing is deploying our UK content onto our .com root domain (which is currently geo targeted at the US which is a really small market for us) and redirecting all of the pages at the root folder of the .com and changing the geo targeting of the .com to the UK. Additionally I was going to migrate our and our .de websites into .com/nz/ and .com/de/ sub folders. I will also create a new .com/us/ folder for the US. I can only go off the fact that the only sub folder website we have (.com/au) has been very successful for us. Do you think migration of all of these websites onto the .com domain using sub folders will provide a meaningful boost to our rankings by virtue of having more back links into one domain? Are there any big risks in doing so and how long would you expect the redirects and changes to be picked up by google. I really appreciate any help and comments on this. Kind Regards
    Conrad Cranfield

    International SEO | | ConradC

  • I am about to land another fat client and it's in a highly competitive industry. While looking at the competition, it is clear to me that the competitors have an SEO link building team. Since Americans are too expensive for the budget allocated to this project, I need to outsource to India, Philippines, or some third world nation. CAN ANYONE RECOMMEND A GOOD LINK BUILDING COMPANY IN A DEVELOPING NATION (EDITED: 3RD WORLD) COUNTRY?

    Link Building | | Francisco_Meza

  • I cant believe people are still using services like this. The interesting thing is that they do seem to offer great customer service, but that "service" seems to only spin comment spam and back profile backlinks. Id love for our community to discuss more sites like this so that Junior SEO's or people just starting dong get wooed by the promise of AWESOME links. Cheers,

    Link Building | | Gaveltek-173238

  • Hello Everyone, What plugins do you use to speed up wp?

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I have a static website that I would like to retheme. I have the mockup, and its spliced. The website holds nice rankings right now, and I want to keep them in place. The one thing that will change with this new design is the header will no longer be text, but instead an image.  Is there a way to ensure googlebot still sees the H1 tag header exactly how it is now but use an image for the header instead? I dont want any blackhat tricks that will get me banned. Just wondering if there is a simple way to have googlebot see the header as text (not ALT img txt) so the site does not appear to have changed at all. (It hasnt, I only am changing the graphics and colors of background, and header image for better branding.

    Technical SEO | | getbigyadig

  • Here is the robots.txt from a client site. Am I reading this right --
    that the robots.txt is saying to ignore the entire site, but the
    #'s are saying to ignore the robots.txt command? See for documentation on how to use the robots.txt file To ban all spiders from the entire site uncomment the next two lines: User-Agent: * Disallow: /

    Technical SEO | | 540SEO

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