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  • Hi, I was ranked 16th (second page) on google italy for the keyword "realizzazione siti internet" (high and competitive serach volume) on an internel landing page: and everything went fine, that was my strategy planed for placement of selected keyword.The same page was ranked also for more relating keyworks just few position far from the main keyword. Now starts the strange behavior, suddenly on the end of september decides to switch the landing page to the home page of the site! (absolutely not optimized for "realizzazione siti internet") and the for the others releated keyword the url disappear completely from the serp. Checking back into my link building database I found that some guys of my staff inserted wrong new links with the exact keyword "realizzazione siti internet" pointing to the home! not so good! those wrong links are about 10 with exact keyword and another 10 with releated keyword. So I decided to continue inserting links pointing to the right landing page to balance and to let google switch back to exact url. moreover I also tried to remove some wrong link with a little rate of succes 😞 Could somebody please tell me why now at about 45 day past the "landing switch error" the problem is not solved? somebody has suggestion or strategies to apply? thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | Filolari

  • I provide SEO for local service providers therefore I am mostly interesting in ranking highly in the "localized results" SERPs. Is anyone familiar with any good tools, infographics, blogs, or webinars that could be of benefit? How big of a radius do the localized results usually encompass? Are the keyword ranking reports from SEOmoz even relevant for reporting purposes? Should I include the city name (i.e. "Seattle Doctor", "Doctor in Seattle", "Doctor Seattle", etc.) in my keyword research or is this becoming less relevant? Any insight is welcome and appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

    Moz Pro | | GoChiroPractice

  • Ok so I am writing different pages and the first heading is an H3 just because I wanted to it be a certain size.  Then as you see the content, I have an H1 tag. Example page: you can see that "Acadia First" is the first thing you see on the page and it uses an H3 element. Long story short, my hierarchy is wrong.  Does this have any negative effect on my SEO efforts?

    Technical SEO | | blake-76624

  • This is my problem: duplicate_title Starts . this is the end. Itry to find the reason inside the css and htnl program but i can't find! please you can help me or give me the direction to how  i can do it?

    On-Page Optimization | | mrMaximo1979

  • Is there a difference between , and font-weight: bold, in terms of SEO weighting? Does font size make a diffence, relative to the average font size of the page?

    Technical SEO | | soltec

  • My website is relatively new, January. We climbed steadily to 6th for our search term then overnight rocketed to 1st. This only lasted a week and have been stuck at 9th ever since. When I use the SEO Moz tools our site should theoretically be top...I only joined today btw. Anyway in Google webmaster tools I noticed it said I had duplicate title tags, when I checked to see what the pages were- it was my home page! Google also seems to have cached two versions of our homepage, the root domain and the Default.aspx page. Now I have fixed this canonical linking issue today (using canonical link tag and 301s) so time will tell but has anyone got any first hand experience of this issue? Was it a big factor? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | SplashBacksNI

  • what Drupal 7 module for SEO article writing optimization, analyzation  does anyone recommend? Thanks in advance. We are updating our sites and need this information. If hter is not a Drupal module what else would you recommend?

    On-Page Optimization | | alternativelaw

  • I've been scoping out some of my competition and I noticed the number 1 ranking site is doing a lot of "interesting" stuff.  I saw a bunch of 1px blank images that they must be using for the alt tag keywords.  I also noticed several links to internal pages with different keywords without anchor text so they don't actually appear on the page.  Is this considered black hat?  Should I be doing something similar?  It feels like the work I'm doing to try to rank #1 with a clean/professional looking site are wasted when the #1 sites are doing things like this.

    Competitive Research | | technota

  • I wonder if affiliate links, like the ones offered by Amazon Associates program bring the same SEO as would a link to the same page without this additional "ref=..."?

    Affiliate Marketing | | maciek-

  • Hi, In the early days of my blog, I used permalinks with the following format: I then decided to change this format using .htaccess to this format: My question is, why do rogerbot still crawls my old URL format since these urls' no longer exists in my website or blog.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trigun

  • Hey as part of my link building efforts i was thinking of offering free articles to people in exchange for a backlink on that article i was planning to use the Anchor text 'Phone Recycling' on every article is that the optimal way or should it be different for each article

    Industry News | | 11225577994445555

  • Is there any value to buying a domain for its PR or age? Or is it no better than a brand new unregistered domain name? On the flip side, is there any potential danger of buying domains with PR and age?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peigenesis

  • Our Client owns two ecommerce websites. Website A sells 20 related brands.  Website has improving search rank, but not normally on the second to fourth page of google. Website B was purchased from a competitor.  It has 1 brand (also sold on site A).  Search results are normally high on the first page of google. Client wants to consider merging the two sites.   We are looking at options. Option 1:  Do nothing, site B dominates it’s brand, but this will not do anything to boost site A. Option 2: keep both sites running, but put lots of canonical tags on site B pointing to site A Option 3: close down site B and make a lot of 301 redirects to site A Option 4: ??? Any thoughts on this would be great.  We want to do this in a way that boosts site A as much as possible without losing sales on the one brand that site B sells.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EugeneF

  • I have a small question on your Mozzers! I have down in 30 days about 75 Backlink from 75 different sources of PR, National and International Press Release Domains. Some of them, are waiting for approval, from administrator, and some of them goes automatically published, but all have a good PR and PA&DA too. All 75 press release content was unique, 75 different contents, what do you think, are this links worth or not? THanks

    Link Building | | leadsprofi

  • If i turn an application off displaying a 503 error will that get my site unindexed from search engines?

    Technical SEO | | kchandler

  • Dear all, I have a site which owns .be, .cn, .biz,, .de, .us, .info, .net, .org  and all run from the same server and have no difference in content i.e. is the same as .com/our-services Google webmaster help created a video that said multiple international TLDs, same content 'should be ok' - - however, I would like confirmation from practitioners! What is the best practice in this case? Considering none of the content is customised, should I create root level redirects to our .com, or leave as is? Thanks! Christian watch?v=Ets7nHOV1Yo

    Technical SEO | | ChristianMKTG

  • Rand Fishkin touched on the tiny links that can appear for your search result - not the 6 pack of links that show the structure of your site, but the 2-4 links that show up on one line below your meta description. Any idea how to earn or influence these? He mentioned them in the "New Opportunities in Google's Search Results" webinar from May 2011 on Slide 19 if that helps. An example would be if you search "seo guide" in Google search, the SEOmoz link has those mini links below the meta description. Are they random or can they be influenced?

    Algorithm Updates | | Hakkasan

  • I have a client in Phoenix that is completely dominant for every targeted term.  However, he is
    dominant for those terms everywhere but in Phoenix (where we want him to
    be).  (NOTE- this is organic, not affected by local/hybrid).  I realize there are different data centers, but these results have been like this for three weeks now.  Does anyone have any ideas on why this is occurring and if so, suggestions on how I can get the results in Phoenix to
    match everywhere else in the country?

    SERP Trends | | mgordon

  • At our agency, we work with many local small business owners who often want to come up in multiple towns that are near to their business where they do not have a physical address. We explain to them again and again that with the recent changes that Google in particular has made to their algorithms, it is very difficult to come up in the new "blended" organic and Places results in a town that you don't have a physical address in. However, many of these towns are within 2 or 3 miles of the physical location and well within driving distance for potential new clients.  Google, in it's infinite wisdom doesn't seem to account for areas of the country, such as New Jersey, where these limitations can seriously affect a business' bottom line. What we would like to know is what are other SEOs doing to help their clients come up in neighboring towns that is both organic and white hat?

    Algorithm Updates | | Mike-i

  • We have an official hotel website under our brand called It is a resort in Hawaii. However, Trip Advisor comes before our official website but it doesnt do this for the other websites. Could anyone tell me why this is happening? It is ranking higher for royal lahaina resort

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TSpike1

  • Hi guys, We run 5 ecomm sites in the fashion industry. We set up blogs for each one of them. Our regular writer cannot handle the job of posting 1-2 unique articles per day on 5 blogs plus the extra copy writing jobs he has. We want to involve freelancers in writing our articles. We do not want to spin content (due to low prices of real articles). The issue we have is that we want to be able to check if the articles our contractors deliver us are spinned content or not. We would not accept spinned articles if we pay for unique content 🙂 Do you know any good spinned content checker that we can use? If possible, please post 2-3 software, free or paid, so we can use them simultaneously to check the articles. Thanks in advance

    Link Building | | tolik1

  • Hi Everyone, I am curious to know if IP Address plays any role in SEO....What if a website sharing an I.P with a porn site, BlueFart site, fake viagra pills site etc.? Does it affect the SEO? Please share your opinion on this. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seodoz

  • Our website has 5 main categories displayed in tabs in the header. The main landing page of each of the 5 categories is a paginated page (3pages- set up with canonical tags to avoid duplicate content) with a side bar which splits the main category into many subcategories. Each of these subcategories essentially filter the main landing page into more defined categories customers find useful (price/colour) BUT once clicked enter into a separate landing page. We have worked hard to avoid any duplicate content issues between these sub-landing pages and the main landing page. This was done as we wanted each of the subpages to organically rank (thus we went with this method rather than filters). Hope we didn't do the wrong thing there? The question is should these sub-landing pages route straight from home to have the best chance to get individually ranked or routed through the main category bearing in mind we have 5 main categories each with many subcategories. i.e.  or Thanks in advance for any advice given.

    On-Page Optimization | | jannkuzel

  • I'm an SEOmoz Newbie and have a very specific question about the auto generated WordPress Pages. SEOmoz caught and labeled the auto generated WP pages as Crawl Warnings like: Long URL - 302 - Title Element to Long - Missing Meta Description Tag - Too Many On-Page Links So I have learned the lesson and have now made those pages "no follow" / "no idex." HOWEVER, WHAT DO I DO WITH THE ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN INDEXED? Do I... 1. Just leave them as is a hope they don't hurt me from an SEO perspective? 2. Redirect them all to a relevant page? I'm sure many people have had this issue. What do you think? Thanks Dominic

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | amorbis

  • I'm looking to optimise my website for some keywords and keyphrases I'm getting a bit confused on how different pages might compete (or help) each other. As we are an automotive dealer I was thinking about building the hompage around 4 keywords (one for each franchise we represent e.g 'Ford'). These show high local monthly searches and medium competition for just the manufacturer name on its own. Then if someone drills down into a franchise homepage (linked from our homepage e.g. I was thinking to optimise the page around e.g. 'Ford Dealer' (which has medium local monthly searches and high competition). Then if someone drills down into a particular model I optimise around that and so on. Question is will I be playing the franchise homepage vs the group homepage (Ford vs Ford Dealer) as I have read here on Keyword Cannibalization? Or will it work together? Alternative I guess is not to focus around a franchise on the group homepage and then only focus on the franchise from the franchise homepage onwards but I feel I would be missing a trick? As a new kid on the block help will be most appreciated.

    Keyword Research | | design_man

  • I am making a new website but need to figure out the best way to do this in terms of SEO. I would like the website to have functionality of brochure website combined with an online store. My issue is that I will be using software called prestashop for my online store and CMS called MODx to develop my brochure site. (These can not be combined into one CMS). I can create brochure site with MOdx = & then from that a subdomain using prestashop for my online store = Can I get Google to index these as one site or would I be better off trying to get everything under the TLD. Ideally I would like just one site without subdomain Bacially what I am asking is... What are the effects of having subdomains in terms of SEO? Am I better of having everyhitng under TLD? Can I get Google to view TLD and Sub as one site? Hope this makes sense, thank you.

    Web Design | | Socialdude

  • I work at I ran a big linkbait brainstorming session a few months back. Several ideas came out of the meeting and we just released our first piece of "linkbait" that was conceptualized during the brainstorming session. I think it's safe to say this first piece of linkbait is a big fat failure as it has only received 2 likes and no comments in the past few days. I want to know what I could have done to make this post more compelling so our next post can be better. Any thoughts ?

    Link Building | | znotes

  • Hi - title says it all really! Just watched the video and throughout it they refer to the wireframes/site examples being available via the ppt download. However, even as a PRO member having purchased the DVD bundle I cannot find a link to download the presentation. Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance!

    Web Design | | BlakMajik

  • A site that I look after is having lots of soft 404 responses for pages that are not 404 at all but unique content pages. the following page is an example: This page returns a 200 response code, has unique content, but is not getting indexed. Any ideas? To add further information that may well impact your answer, let me explain how this "classic ASP" website performs the SEO Friendly url mapping: All pages within the custom CMS have a unique ID which are referenced with an ?intID=xx parameter. The custom 404.asp file receives a request, looks up the ID to find matching content in the CMS, and then server.transfers the visitor to the correct page. Like I said, the response codes are setup correctly, as far as Firebug can tell me. any thoughts would be most appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | eseyo2

  • Hi, I am looking to find good examples of on-site sitemaps. We already submit our XML sitemap regularly through GWMT but I now wonder if we still need an on-site sitemap, as we have about 30 static pages and 300+ Wordpress blogs which in a sense makes that a spammy page as it has too many links and a higher than average keyword density. The reason I am looking for good examples is that I want to create a basic on-site sitemap that aids navigation but is styled to look ok as well. The Solution I have in mind: then links to my 300 WP blogs, broken down into chunks navigated by using breadcrumbs. Will Google crawl this ok or should I stick to the current format listing ALL posts on one page? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | tdsnet

  • I have thousands of duplicate page content errors on my site, but I'm not exactly sure why. For example, the crawl is reporting this page - is a duplicate of this page - . All of these products are unique to the page - what is causing it to flag as duplicate content?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FutureMemoriesInc

  • I was just reading this, We have our official site, which has 200+ service pages, which we wrote once and we keep doing SEO for them, so they rank high all the time. Now my question is, how does Google handle the site freshness ? Service static pages or if we are adding blog items, then also they consider them as fresh site, right ? So, we dont have to update those service pages, right ?

    Algorithm Updates | | qubesys

  • Sort of a strange situation I'm having and I wanted to see if I could get some thoughts. Here's what has happened... Monday morning, I realized that my website, which had been showing up at the bottom of page 2 for a specific result, had now been demoted to the bottom of page 6 (roughly a 40 spot demotion). No other keyword searches were affected. I immediately figured that this was some sort of keyword-specific penalty that I had incurred. I had done a bit of link building over the weekend (two or three directory type sites and a bio link from a site I contribute to). I also changed some anchor text on another site to match my homepage's title tag (which just so happened to be the exact phrase match I had dropped in) - I assumed this was what got me. I was slowly beginning to climb up the rankings and just got a bit impatient/overzealous. Changed the anchor text back to what it originally was and submitted a reconsideration request on Tuesday. This morning, I get the automated response in Webmaster Tools that no manual action had been taken. So my question is, would this drop have been an automated deal? If that's the case, then it's going to be mighty hard to pinpoint what I did wrong, since there's no way to know when I did whatever it was to cause the drop. Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions to regain my modest original placement?

    Technical SEO | | sandlappercreative

  • I'm working on two sites, with seperate Google Analytics, both referring to each other. Am I able to easily find out which keywords/pages referrals are being generated from each site? e.g. - targets home consumers, and refers trade enquires to... - which targets bulk orders, and refers home growers back to jbaseedpotatoes. Question is, how can we track which keywords/pages are sending traffic between each site, quickly? Is it simply a case of trawling through each site's analytics to find out, or does anyone have any tips? Ultimately, we'd like to find out which keywords & pages are picking up traffic from the wrong target audiences. Thanks

    Branding | | JamesMio

  • | Hey there, does anyone know if the Parent Child feature has been released for facebook.I work for a franchise corporate office and we have one main facebook page, but we want to be able to add all our locations to our page just like weight watchers did. Weight Watchers - Locations | Facebook can someone help me on how to do this?? |
    |   |

    Branding | | AustinBarton

  • I created a link on my Google Plus page under the recommended links with the relevant anchor text and url. It turns out that this is a do-follow link from a webpage with a Page Rank of 8. Is this just too good to be true or have Google genuinely missed something?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MartinHof

  • Heya! I write a guide for a specific piece of Internet-based software which is about to undergo a major patch release. No-one's going to be using the old version, so my old-version articles are essentially going to be useless, as are keywords related to the old version number. Given that, I'm intending to update all my guides to be current with the new version. However, obviously I want to keep the Google juice for the old guides, as they rank pretty well. The three options I'm considering: Simply retitle the old guides to the latest version number - "How to use Blue Widget 2.0" becomes "How to use Blue Widget 3.0". Disadvantage - my URLs still include the old version number, 2.0. Write updated guides as seperate articles and 301 redirect the old articles to them. I've done this before with some success. So, I'd 301 the URL for "How to use Blue Widget 2.0" to the url for "How to use Blue Widget 3.0", my new article. Disadvantages - possible loss of link juice? Also, I believe redirects can be kinda tricksy. Just leave both the old and new versions up there, with a link from the old version saying "outdated, check the new version". My belief is that this would be the worst idea. Should I do one of them, or something else? And why?

    Technical SEO | | Cairmen

  • I see tons of 'push quality content'... push quality content..  Ok Ok.  However, I am a little confused about this.  Maybe I am understanding it wrong.  Say I have a website about donuts.  I am going to try to promote my donut website so people can see all my latest donuts and hopefully they will come into my local store and purchase them. I interpret quality content as writing about the topic of donuts.  However, people who eat donuts probably don't care about the history of donuts, or the different types of dough used.  They probably could care less about statistical facts that explain how my fictional donut company uses a whole wheat dough which will lower their cholesterol. What they want to see is a fat donut with icing on it.  They want to see someone biting into it and enjoying it. How does a local donut company go about becoming #1 on the serps if they do not want to write constantly about all things donuts?  A video would be nice for them perhaps? Like I said, perhaps I am overthinking this.  But I have understood the best way to write quality content is to identify a problem that people are having, then find the solution, then write about it (or video). But sometimes people just need to be TEMPTED.  Coca-Cola uses awesome commercials to promote their business.   They are not writing articles about high fructose corn syrup. How does this so called 'temptation' factor play into SEO?  I want to sell the sizzle not the sausage.  Ultimately marketing is about getting more sales which means more money for the business.  Being high on the SERPs helps get more sales (hopefully). Writing quality content is great and I am sure it works in plenty of areas.  But I am not sure how to apply it to certain industries.  Creative marketing ideas have to come into play to market the fake donut business. How do you tie these other strategies in so they help you with SEO? All I can think about is posting a 'cool' video on youtube/facebook and trying to get people to like it.  Cross your fingers and hope it goes somewhat viral? Thanks!

    Link Building | | SaborStyle

  • I am trying to rank for let's say the keyword "their site" , my competitor has, with next to no seo but are ranking #1 , my site lets say is my site is about the same age and has a PR of 4,their site has a PR of 0 and 2 backlinks, how difficult will it be to get to number 1, am at spot # 5 in google now. Thanks David

    Competitive Research | | David75

  • Hi All Can you please clarify this for me as its getting a little frustrating.  I get the weekly reports from the SEO Pro campaign tool and from one week to the next it keeps changing the ranking. For example cheap a boards For this page I have a on page score of A through the campaign: Last weeks report showed it was an A and then I get this weeks snapshot after the crawl and its saying its now an F but when I click on the link on the onpage tool it then is showing me an A and then changes the ranking again on the campaign. I am seeing this a lot - why is it happening? thanks Tracy

    Moz Pro | | dashesndots

  • In my crawl diagnostic summary its showing an error with duplicate page title and duplicate page content...why its been shown and how it can be rectified? I have pne page web site so i was unable to give options for sub domain name is it because of tht?I hope this error wont hamper my SEO process.

    Technical SEO | | strasshgoa

  • Its a bad idea to do a 301 to the home page of the site on all 404 pages as a way of pagerank recovery? If so, why? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | Bligoo

  • In Google's SEO Guide, they say avoid the use of drop-down menus, page 12: But, is this always true? What if you create the drop down purely using HTML & CSS? Is it fine to use a bit of javascript to create the drop-down menu, or should it only be HTML & CSS?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

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