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  • During a spectacular presentation at Seattle Interactive Conference, Rand discussed how Google is able to see linkage between different social networks and a Google profile.  Outside of setting up your Twitter feed to send loads of messages to your Facebook fans (or vice versa), is there a best way to communicate the "linkage" between your social media profiles to the search engines? Eg - How do you best signal to Google that your Twitter, Facebook, G+ and your website are from the same entity?

    Social Media | | sftravel

  • We're launching a pretty large content program (in the form of a blog) and have a structure issue: Big fans of Wordpress for efficiency reasons, but our platform doesn't allow hosting of a wordpess (or other 3rd party) blog on the primary domain where we want it. Here are the options: 1. Sub-domain: We can easily put it there. Benefit is we use the efficient Wordpress tools and very fast to setup etc. Downside is that the root domain won't get benefit of any backlinks to the blog (as far as I understand). I also don't believe the primary domain will benefit from the daily fresh/unique content the blog offers. 2. Custom Rig: We could create our own manual system of pages on the site to look just like our blog would. This would allow us to have it at and benefit from any backlinks and fresh content. The downside is that it won't be as efficient to manage. 3. External Site:  Create a different site just for the blog. Same issue as the sub-domain I believe. User Experience is a top priority, and all of the above pretty much can accomplish the same UX goal, with #3 requiring a some additional strategy on positioning. Is #1 of #3 going to be a big regret down the road though, and is the backlink/content benefit clearly worth doing #2? (correct me if I'm wrong on my assumptions with #1 but at least with the backlinks I'm almost certain that's the case) Many thanks for your inputs on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOPA

  • Our client is in the planning stages of a site redesign that includes moving platforms. The new site will be rolled out in different phases throughout a period of a year. They are planning to put the new site redesign on a subdomain (i.e. during the roll out of the different phases while eventually switching the new site back over to the www domain once all the phases are complete. We’re afraid that having the new site on the www2 domain will hurt SEO. For example, if their first phase is rolling out a new system to customize a product design and this new design system is hosted on, when a customer picks a product to customize they’ll be linked to instead of the original The old website will start to get phased out as more and more of the new website is completed and users will be directed to www2. Once the entire redesign is completed, the old platform can be removed and the new website moved back to the www subdomian. Is there a better way of rolling out a website redesign in phases and not have it hosted on a different subdomain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BlueAcorn

  • What techniques do you use for the optimisation of images on Google. Alt tag , image title Surrounding text Anyone tested actual linking to the image url and not the page url. I have achieved hundreds of top listed images but when it gets competitive what is the most useful technique you have used. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi Guys, One of our clients has a good web site with lots of content that is ranked already on #2 for the top keyword (singular and plural) on Google UK. The keyword itself is a competitive one. The top spot is occupied by a wikipedia article that doesn't have much content in general.  Can anyone come up with an advice what strategy we have to apply to outplace that article? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | myclicks-163603

  • Why does Trip Advisor rank higher than our official hotel website for royal lahaina resort? Our other properties rank higher than trip advisor but this one doesnt.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TSpike1

  • One of our sites was recently re-designed.  The home page is a landing page ( and I moved the blog to this domain ( and put a link is the bottom left of the home page.  Since the change the SEOMOZ campaign overview is showing only 1 page crawled.  This is not setup as a sub-domain so why isn't it showing in the crawl?  Help!

    Moz Pro | | LabadieAuto

  • A friend wanted to setup a website where people would share and vote on "widget" ideas where the winning idea got build for free. They bought cute the domain name and branded their site as However, for SEO, they are having forward to Then, to complicate things further, they changed their business model to remove the voting feature and now the site is just set to show off the widgets they've made and let people order new custom widgets. They might add the voting feature back later. "Widget" and "widgets" in this case has an SEOmoz difficulty of 72% and 71%, so quite high and none of the two word or long tail phrases have much traffic. What do you think they should do: Remove all domain forwarding and use as their only domain as it's less confusing and better for branding Get another domain that includes their keyword widget for the SEO exact match benefit Keep it as is, even though "sharewidgets" is no longer quite as applicable Many Thanks!

    Branding | | skincareseo

  • Our client was having a design firm do some website development work for them. The work was done on a staging server that was blocked with a robots.txt to prevent duplicate content issues. Unfortunately, when the design firm made the changes live, they also moved over the robots.txt file, which blocked the good, live site from search for a full week. We saw the error (!) as soon as the latest crawl report came in. The error has been corrected, but... Does anyone have any experience with a snafu like this? Any idea how long it will take for the damage to be reversed and the site to get back in the good graces of the search engines? Are there any steps we should take in the meantime that would help to rectify the situation more quickly? Thanks for all of your help.

    Technical SEO | | pixelpointpress

  • We are doing a homepage redesign on our site and as I was going through the code I noticed no links are nofollow links. We have pages such as policies, contact us, links, about us and FAQ that we are not really concerned if anyone visits or if they are indexed. Would it be smart to nofollow these links? Also what other types of links would you recommend we no follow? We would like to get as much link juice as possible to our top categories, but don't want necessary pages to get forgotten. Also, do links higher up on the page get more link juice than items on the bottom of the page? Any knowledge or suggestions on the topic is greatly appreciated!

    Link Building | | ClaytonKendall

  • I don't know why but our company site can not be found by google at all. I have submitted to google webmaster, have social media point to, etc, Is there any reason for this? url for our website is Thank you

    Technical SEO | | BistosAmerica

  • Hello, I am trying to figure out why Tripadvisor is ranking higher for "Royal Lahaina Resort" than our official site website. Could any of you help here. It is confusing because our and our (Hotel Chain Group) ranks 1st but for one of the hotels it comes in second to trip advisor. Please help!

    Branding | | TSpike1

  • Where should reciprocal links be placed on our website?  Should we create a "Resources" page?  Should the page be "hidden" from the public?  I know there is a right answer out there!  Thank you for your help! Jay

    Web Design | | theideapeople

  • I'm about to purchase a domain that has highly trusted links pointed to it. I would like to 301 redirect that domain to point to a brand new domain in the same niche. Some of the links that the expiring domain would take me a long time to obtain so I am thinking to use this method to my advantage. I know that this is not really a legitimate way to go to build backlinks, but surely this is going to give me good serp improvement which is my main concern at the moment. I am going to test this method to see if it benefits me in anyway but I would like some opinions to this please.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | umtmedia

  • Hello, As an experiment I am trying to work with an SBI site but am noticing index.html is being forced on me as the homepage. As I understand it's good practice to 301 redirect the index.html page to the to the actual home page. Can someone please confirm that I am right in thinking this? Here is an example: According to yahoo 773 links are pointing to the index.html page and 771 links are pointing to the / page. I'm sure Google knows that these are the same pages and does not consider them as duplicate but surely the index.html page should be redirected right? am I going mad here? Now if we look at this site: the homepage has 198 links according to yahoo this page also has 198 links? now I am confused, are these 2 the same page? On this page: notice how there is no link to the actual homepage but there is a link to the index.html page. Am I missing something here because I can't figure it out, surely there should be just 1 homepage without a index.html page. Any help would be appreciated

    Link Building | | umtmedia

  • Hello All this is my first question here. we have recently changed our website design and backend. so the problem now is in google it is showing the old url's and when ever a client come from google he is prasented with a 404 error page if this happenes many times. will google penalise our site ? if yes. how to prevent this from happen. waiting for some replies.. thanks

    Technical SEO | | idreams

  • SEOmoz Community, I am a business owner and have spent the past year studying SEO. I've been through countless hours of videos and reading. For those questions that go beyond anything i've watched or read i've referred to this community. Everyone here has been VERY helpful and I have based some major decisions on what i've learned from everyone here. We launched our site this morning and now i'd like to see how we did from your point of view. Is my overall site/URL structure up to par? I still need to build backlinks and things of that nature but getting the site live is a major milestone for us. Any comments (good and bad) are welcome. Site: Thanks, Alex

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dbuckles

  • When there is a 500 Internal Server Error, is it better to return an HTTP 500 response and custom error page from the requested URL, or is it better to return a 302 redirect? The redirect would send the browser to the custom error page, which would return the HTTP 500 result. We tell Google not to index or follow our error pages, so if Google sees an error at a URL, we don't necessarily want Google to think that the URL should be ignored. That's why the alternative would be to redirect to a custom error page with it's own URL. Similarly, what's the best approach if the response is a 404? Return HTTP 404 and custom 404 page from the requested URL, or redirect? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dbuckles

  • Hi Everyone, Should i be careful of how many internal links I have on one page? For example if i have a page that contains 700 words, can i have 5, 10, 15 internal links linking to other pages on my website? Is there a ratio for best practice. I know that internal linking is important for spiders to crawl your website but at the same time dont make it look spammy. I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.

    On-Page Optimization | | Paul78

  • Hello Team, I noticed that my site has 1,000s of 404 errors. Not sure how this happened, maybe when I updated our CMS. My question is, should I worry about them. Should I delete them or just leave them alone. Thank you for your feedback!

    Technical SEO | | Dallas

  • Hello can anybody help me.  I'm trying to setup a feed from our company blog to our companies facebook page.  When I try and Google it the advice is out of date.

    Content Development | | catherine-279388

  • Hello everyone, After watching keyword research for motivated marketers (pro webinar), I've put together a master framework. This works like a charm, however, I'm having trouble with a few categories. They are picking up keywords that are not in the marker that are assigned to the category. For example, I have one category with 10 simple markers like red, green, blue, but when I apply the filter, the results include words that are outside these markers like Career One. .  Baffled! Anyone help? Thank you in advance. J

    Keyword Research | | jasonlewisdiiigy

  • Do bad links "hurt" your ranking or just not add any value. By this I mean, if you do have links from link farms and bad neighbourhoods, would it effectively pull you down in search engine rankings. Or is it more that it's just a waste of time to get these links, as it adds no value to your ranking. Are google saying avoid them because it will not have a positive effect, or avoid them becuase it will have a negative effect. I am under the opinion that it will not harm, but it will not help either. I think this because at the end of the day you are not 100% in control of your inbound links, any bad site could add you and if a competitor, god forbid, wanted to play some black hat games, couldn't they just add you to thousands of bad sites to pull your ranking down? Interested to hear your opinions on the matter, or any "facts" if they are out there.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | esendex

  • Hello, I recently received a project that has incredible SERP variation - one month in the top - next month not even in 100. I tried fixing some problems, I also found out the website owners were changing their content - taking their offers down, and so on, and I thought that was the main reason the SERP variate so often. Now I discovered a page that wasn't changed - meaning it's place in the menu and dropped down from the 4'th page to ..i have no idea where it is. The page is: - I looked for the exact title and it didn't ranked at all. Could someone give me some advice?

    Technical SEO | | A.Popoviciu

  • Ranking for "dermatology jobs" (<cite> )</cite> on (INDIA) is on first page whereas on (USA) its on 6th page

    Link Building | | getpromoted

  • I'm looking at packages to help with link finding, outreach, acquisition and management. But I'd appreciate some views from fellow forum members on the best choice; BuzzStream Link-Assistant Link Research Tools Other? BuzzStream looks pretty promising to me. Has anyone else got any experience or views? Thanks

    Link Building | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi everybody. One of my clients is migrating to a new ecommerce platform, and we need to get a list of urls from the existing site to start mapping out the 301 redirects. Usually, I'd use a tool like Xenu or Integrity to crawl and output a list. However, the database and server setup is so bad that it can't handle the requests from these tools and it sends the site down. This, unsurprisingly, is one of the reasons for the migration. Does anybody know of a way to get a full list of urls without having to make a bunch of http requests which will kill the site? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | neooptic

  • We are pushing SEO for only one of the domains, therefore I would like one to be dominant. We will be sending the blog post via email to their database, therefore each blog needs to have the same content. Thank you!

    Content Development | | MarketingResults

  • I have a trial Seomoz membership.  I've been comparing my site to some of the competitor websites and Im confused about the moztrust vs google page rank.  For instance some of my competitors have higher moztrust but my site has a higher google page rank.  Isn't moztrust meant to duplicate google pagerank??  Why would these vary so much?

    Moz Pro | | blac6789

  • Our website has some pages with content shared from a third party provider and we use AJAX as our implementation. We dont want Google to crawl the third party's content but we do want them to crawl and index the rest of the web page.  However, In light of Google's recent announcement about more effectively indexing google, I have some concern that we are at risk for that content to be indexed. I have thought about x-robots but have concern about implementing it on the pages because of a potential risk in Google not indexing the whole page. These pages get significant traffic for the website, and I cant risk. Thanks, Phil

    Technical SEO | | AU-SEO

  • I am working on a project, where we have one website, with a country specific domain, which is currently ranking well in local search. The client now wants to expand his business into two new countries (all english speaking) and would like to rank for the same keywords in these two new countries. The customer do not want to create new websites for the new countries. Because its a local domain and the website is setup for local search in GWT with locally hosted server, i expect challenges in optimizing for new countries without impacting the current local ranking. Question 1: What would be the recommended approach for maintaining their existing ranking on local search, while optimizing for the new countries.

    Technical SEO | | petersen

  • Hi there, We are re-branding & re-structuring our website, there will be quite a number of 301 re-directs, possibly hundreds. The question is: Should i wait until the re-branding has been completed and do al the 301's in one go?, or should I try and do 301's as i go along? Kind Regards

    Technical SEO | | Paul78

  • Hi, This page isn't listed for keywords 'composite material' It has been live for a few weeks and gets grade A report for onpage optimisation? regards Michael

    On-Page Optimization | | bluelilyseo

  • I see some chatter about badges, but no clear definition. A collegue of mine instituted badges on clients website, but these badges are only an image w/ hyperlink; no textual content. He is confident that this has worked successfully before as a link building strategy, which blew my mind. I thought we needed some text, and obviously optimizes anchor text for biggest benefit. Are these simple badges helpful, or do we need some html in there!? He also routes them through to track impressions and clicks.. does that have any effect as well? Thanks!

    Link Building | | SwissNinja

  • My WP blog is adding my email during the crawl, and I am getting 200+ errors for similar to the following; "" is added to Every post. Any ideas how I fix it? I am using Yoast Plug in. Thanks Guys!

    Technical SEO | | smstv

  • Hi all! I have just begun work on a Drupal site which heavily uses the URL Aliases feature. I fear that it is creating duplicate links. For example:: we have and In addition we are about to switch a lot of links and want to keep the search engine benefit. Am I right in thinking URL aliases change the URL, while leaving the old URL live and without creating search engine friendly redirects such as 301s? Thanks for any help! Christian

    Technical SEO | | ChristianMKTG

  • What kind of research tactics are the best for finding great ideas for content or articles?  What tools are the most helpful?

    Content Development | | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I am cleaning up a fairly large site. Some pages have a trailing slash on the end some don't. Some of the existing backlinks built used a trailing slash in the url and some didn't. We aren't concerned with picking a particular one but just want to get one set and stick to it from now on. I am wondering, would I clean this up within the same redirect in the htaccess file that takes care of the www and non www? example RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] I currently use that to redirect the www. to the non www as you can see. However here is what I was confused about. Would this code be enough to redirect ALL pages with a / to the ones without? or would I also need to add another code (so there is 2) to my htaccess like below? RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] That way, now, even the non www pages with a trailing slash will redirect to the non www without the trailing slash. Hopefully you understand what I am getting at. I just want to redirect EVERYTHING to the non www WITHOUT a / Thank you Jake

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PEnterprises

  • Which scenario does more to help SEO - A) An inbound link from a low traffic/low page rank site to my site B) An internal link where one page of my site links to another page on my site

    Link Building | | DVanSchepen

  • I would like to look at data or sources to get the most accurate measure I can on search engine market share. Does anyone have reliable sources on search engine volume/market share etc?

    Algorithm Updates | | MarloSchneider

  • I'm currently having trouble with what appears to be a cached version of robots.txt. I'm being told via errors in my Google sitemap account that I'm denying Googlebot access to the entire site. I uploaded clean and "Allow" robots.txt yesterday, but receive the same error. I've tried "Fetch as Googlebot" on the index and other pages, but still the error. Here is the latest: | Denied by robots.txt |
    | 11/9/11 10:56 AM | As I said, there in not blocking on the robots.txt for 24 hours. HELP!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Elchanan

  • I'd like to start a discussion thread on the direction of search as it applies to mobile and tablet. Jeff Haden, one of our contributors, wrote an article headline stating that SIRI would be the end of SEO. However, what the article really talks about is the direction mobile search is likely to take: 1. Search results will be bypassed 2. Even more emphasis on local 3. PPC will be irrelevant 4. Emphasis on social media I think these insights are fairly intuitive and it will be really interesting to see how the medium for mobile and tablet develops. It will be interesting to see what technologies will shape the means by which users find information and not just the search intent of the user. Please add any insights you may have or good reads you'd like to share here.

    Industry News | |

  • I notice for certain site (ex: that when I search, the top result has a very detailed view with options to click to different subsections of the site. However for my site, even though we're consistently the top result for our branded terms, the result is still only a single line item. How do I adjust this?

    Algorithm Updates | | syount

  • Hi, I'm optimizing a large, consumer electronic e-commerce superstore. Based on client's choice of keywords, I'm using product category pages as my target urls. Because of the proprietary CMS structure, product names and titles, featured on my landing pages (product category pages) create a keyword overkill, affecting various ranking factors. For example, one of the target urls / landing pages, dedicated to a specific product category, mentions the keyword over 190 times because of so many product titles in the "body" section. Would inline "rel="canonical" help? If yes, what part of the website should it "canonize"? If rel="canonical" is not the answer, what strategies would you suggest? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | dimanyc

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