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  • I'm working on a site that has a lot of indexed pages and backlinks to both and Will using a 301 redirect to send to merge all of the indexed pages and links over to, thereby strengthening the www?

    Technical SEO | | Yo_Adrian

  • Apologies if the following is a basic question but I am just starting out with SEO and I have seen this quite a lot recently on sites I have been on. My question is if you have a self hosted blog e.g. or and you use keyword anchor text in your blog post does that bring SEO benefits in itself or does the blog post have to be shared/commented by readers to have an effect? I have seen/heard of many sites spending a lot of money getting copy done or spending their own time and resources starting a blog but the blogs remain unshared or comment-less. I am starting my own blog to go with my social media and website so I wanted to establish the basics. Thanks in advance guys.

    Content Development | | jannkuzel

  • In the interests of creating some quick, but nice link bait; Does anyone know of any software or online info-graphic generation service? i.e. Something that is easier to create infographics in than gimp/photoshop. Something that you can enter some data in to create some nicely laid out graphs would be amazing.

    Social Media | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • The page only shows broad match volumes...

    Keyword Research | | Trbl

  • Hi Everyone, I have a considerable amount of clients that have a relatively small budget for SEO and was formulating a new strategy for them. Generally their sites are small < 10 pages, so to get them ranking I was thinking of doing the following: work with the client to choose up to 3 key phrases to target check the competition level of those phrases if they are fairly easy to rank for, pound those phrases to get them ranked. I would still include some variations of the text to get the long-tail phrases or plurals of words, but I was wondering if this would harm their overall rankings. Thanks Eric

    Keyword Research | | MLTGroup

  • When you started your SEO Business what software do you use to give information to your clients? How did you decide what to charge for your services? What services do you offer? Best tools to use? Any other information you think might be relevant? Thanks ahead

    Industry News | | paulbaguley

  • From time to time we're promoting blog posts written by our employees on their external blogs (separate domains) to our official company blog. This happens when the content is valuable for our visitors and it's worth to be shared. The post is copied in its entirety and we add the sentence This post was originally published on <external blog="" post="" link="">at the top. Will this be considered duplicate content? Should we add anything else to the republished blog post? Thanks!</external>

    Content Development | | lgrozeva

  • Hello there, One of the sites we do work for is a chain of care homes. We are in the process of adding a page reader so any visitors they have who are visually impaired will find it easier to access the info they need. We're doing this from a usability point of view more than anything (given their target audience), but while looking to see if there were any accessibility news sites /directories we could leverage for some links I came across mentions of the old Google Accessibility search. It seems to have been before my time as an SEO, so I wondered: is this still relevant, or has it just been assimilated into the regular algorithm (the only mentions I could find were very dated) if relevant and separate from the main search, are there many who use it what other things should we take into account when trying to optimise for this (assuming it's still relevant, of course) Cheers guys!

    On-Page Optimization | | themegroup

  • We produced a Movember poster to use at our showroom to encourage customers to donate, and I published it on some of our blogs as to raise the profile of our campaign. We've been getting loads of hits from people searching for "Movember poster", but as it has our branding on it won't be much good to them. It's a good image which has been making people laugh, so I think it's worth publishing an unbranded version which people can use freely so long as they link back to us if they use it on a website. Obviously I can publish the unbranded version of the poster on our own websites, but I think it might be worth publishing it on free image sites as well. I've got no experience dealing with image publication, so just wondered if anyone can give me any suggestions about the best way to go about it.

    Social Media | | StoresDirect

  • I regularly work on websites to which previous SEOs have built questionable backlinks. This morning I've just been analysing some backlinks - found 40 odd were coming from 20 odd websites which all had the same gentleman as personal registrant, who happens to be the boss of an SEO company. The SEO company name is mentioned in registrant details too, and often on the websites in question (including weblinks from some of these 20 odd websites to the SEO company). I did note the IP addresses / hosting for these websites did vary though, as did the postal address of the individual in question, perhaps throwing Google off the scent a bit. I should add that these websites are virtually all tourism related/themed, with up to a few dozen backlinks per page - usually articles. It's very clear they are backlinking to keyphrases. Now, this kinda thing<a></a> sets the alarm bells ringing. Firstly, this looks like an infringement of Google Webmaster Guidelines. Secondly, it doesn't sound like a White Hat technique for building links! Am I correct? I guess it might be denied they are partner pages due to the quality of content, perhaps, which isn't as spammy as it might've been. However, I suggest these are at least paid links because there is no other clear way of getting content on these pages, as far as I can see.<a></a><a></a> Should I demand these backlinks are taken down? What level of risk is posed do you think? I don't want this website to suffer a Google penalty at some point, particularly not after I've started work on it. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Link Building | | McTaggart

  • Does anyone else think that a large chunk of traffic labelled as "Direct" in your analytics isn't direct at all. When you analyse traffic trends it seems that a large percentage could just be browsers with their referring URL hidden so it only appears direct. Here's the evidence: When we've been affected by major search algorithm changes, we've seen big changes in direct traffic as well as organic, but not in referral traffic. If direct traffic is just bookmarks, typed-in URLs, and people clicking through from emails why is direct traffic 85% new visitors? We don't do any offline advertising, so you'd expect genuine direct traffic to be returning visitors -- either our brand loyalists or subscribers to our email newsletters. If you segment direct traffic into new and returning visitors and look at a major algo update as discussed in 1), you find all the drop in direct traffic is from New Direct visitors, with no drop at all in Returning Direct visitors. Can anyone explain who these New, Direct visitors are if not simply mislabelled new, search visitors. Cookie deletion can't be the problem (ie: they can't be Returning, Direct really) because the traffic doesn't behave like returning, direct (that is, it varies too much). I'd be really interest to hear theories, and whether anyone has any figures on the extent of HTTP referrer blocking.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Dennis-52961

  • I'm putting together an article about Web Designers and SEO. The basic crux is that most designers will at most (if you are lucky) add in title tags, maybe pretty URL's and HTML links and call it SEO friendly. (lot's who don't probably but also lot's who are even worse) Of course I want it to be a bit controversial so please feel free to let rip. My argument is clients who have previously had site's that have had "SEO on them", know think that all SEO is a waste of time as their previous experience didn't produce the traffic and sales they were expecting. I don't know many designers who independently consider a site marketing strategy and how a site is going to generate links in the long term. I'm sure most of us have read this post on SEO responsiblities but becasue the first port of call for most business owners are the web designers, our offering is undermined by their misunderstandings and in some cases mis-sellings. So under the working title, "Why Web Designers Are Bad For SEO", any care to share some imput.

    Web Design | | FDC

  • Today, I was checking my Google merchant center account. I come to know that, there are 145 inactive products are available from product feed. I have checked few products manually and found following error. "The URL specified in your data feed wasn't working correctly when we reviewed this item." You can view more by attached image. I have checked my URLs and it's working well. There is no issue in URL. So, How do I fix issue? 6327664099_0430ef187e_b.jpg

    Image & Video Optimization | | CommercePundit

  • Does anyone know a good way to find the number of Facebook Likes or Google +1's across an entire domain? It looks like SEOMoz only shows these metrics for individual pages.

    Social Media | | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi, Does anyone have an idea on how to determine how many sites within a list of 50 sites link to a specific site? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi, My website - is showing as having too many on-page links for over 4,000 pages. Take for example the homepage which is showing as 188 links, but I don't understand this because I've used SEO tools to display the links and I am showing around 90 links on this page. How can I see what all the links are? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Spyre

  • In my first seomoz test I have many tilte pages for products that are over 70 charachers long. The part #'s are long like 10-782-10-10-10-PPxxxx etc. All these part #'s are not my key products and I could delete or truncate.   My question is if the part numbers are not that important,  is it OK to leave them as is or is ranking being damaged because they exist?

    On-Page Optimization | | Wales

  • Both another consultant and my first seomoz test stated that I have two websites and that confuses the spiders. .  One is ( example) and the other is   Yahoo states that's how they role and I can not delete one.  I can do a 301 redirect and redirect one site to the other but they do not have a recommendaation as to which one to redicrect. Which one should I redirrect?

    On-Page Optimization | | Wales

  • Any thoughts on how many blog posts per page are enough for SEO? Assume about 800-900 words per post.

    Content Development | | casper434

  • How to remove date stamp in the SERP? I removed dates In the blog posts of one of the blogs and it removed date stamp in the SERP. How about regular sites? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | gmk1567

  • Daniweb is the poster child for sites that have recovered from Panda. I know one strategy she mentioned was de-indexing all of her tagged content, fo rexample: Why do you think more Panda affected sites specifying 'googlebot' rather than 'robots' to capture traffic from Bing & Yahoo?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I checked plenty of newspaper websites (example:,, and all of them include the date in the url. (ie:**2011/11/08/**business/global/italy-bonds-push-higher.html). What's the point? Google said that this has no importance and those folders are not even real, you can't get all the articles from the NYT in november 2011 if you remove the rest of the URL. If you use properly and the google news sitemap is there still any use for this tactic?

    Competitive Research | | Pherogab

  • Hi, I am just start to build 10 wordpress based ecommerce website cataloges. It is optimised and quick, but what should I do more? Link building? Build relevant category structure and start to register websites? I know both of them has to be unique. Thanks! Best regards,

    Link Building | | Netkreativ

  • Our client was just acquired by a larger company and they want to merge their 100-page website into the larger, parent company's 500+ page website.  They currently have a strong ranking for a focused group of keywords and are worried about losing their ranking position for those important keywords.  The keywords are roughly 80-90% of the focus of the old site, but will represent only 30-40% of the focus of the new site. Will this move hurt their rankings?  What can we advise them to do to retain the value of their current ranking strength for the target keywords?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DenisL

  • We have the situation where a group of products fit into 2 different categories and also serve different purposes (to the customer). Essentially, we want to have the same product duplicated on the site, but with unique content and it would even have a slightly different product name. Some specifications would be redundant, but the core content would be different. Any issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | SEOPA

  • I want measure my ranking for keywords in various countries and search engines. If I use a tool such as rank checker to determine my rank for,, etc... is that accurate, or does my IP still affect the rankings I see? If I use a VPS such as Hide My Ass (or another product you would recommend), would that make my ranking results more accurate? I also want to measure my ranking in Russia, where Yandex is very strong so a tool to measure my Yandex ranking + Google would be ideal. What method you would recommend to accurately determine my rankings in different countries? Thank you!

    Keyword Research | | theLotter

  • Hi All, We're creating a sub-domain for a new program launch on a client site and we need to choose the "right" sub-domain name that properly reflects the offering and hopefully keyword driven. The client is already using the preferred sub-domain name but until we get clarification that we can take it over, I'm doing my due diligence and expecting a worst case scenario in that we cannot use it. The current preferred sub-domain is only a landing page (not a full site) and it does NOT rank for anything and it's not being built out further. My question: Would pluralizing our preferred keyword have any effect in the way SEs see the two sub-domains as they're very closely related? or The new sub-domain would be a fully-functional-SEO-friendly site (well that's the plan anyway). Thanks for all your help.

    Technical SEO | | Bragg

  • Hey Everyone, I've started an SEO On Page analysis for a web site and I've found a lot of duplicate content and useless pages. What do I have to do? Delete this useless page, redirect or do canonical tag? If I have to delete what is the best way to do? Should I use GWT to delete? or just delete from the server? This URL for example:,0,1,13,0,0,aneis-evolved-boss-cock's.html [admin note: NSFW page} There is no content and it is duplicate in reference of this:,0,1,12,0,0,aneis-evolved-boss-cock's.html  [admin note: NSFW page} and the correct page of the product is:,423,anel-peniano-evolved-boss-cock's-pleasure-rings-collar-white-reutilizavel-e-a-prova-d'agua-colecao-evolved.html  [admin note: NSFW page} What is happening is that we have 8.000 pages like this. Useless and without any content. How do I proceed? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | luf0709

  • I have a client for who we write and post a daily blog article. The articles are optimized and linked to particular targeted content on his top level site. Now we are going to start e-marketing to his 3000+ website users to announce inventory changes and specials. My question is (from a SE standpoint) are we better off linking the e-mail content to the blog and introducing people to the blog (but adding an additional step for getting to the new inventory. Or are we better off putting a link in the HTML E-mail letter that we send out to both the blog and separately to the inventory section? Just to clarify, we wonder if the search engines would provide some additional authority for the extra blog traffic and thereby build the overall score of the blog & site. We are looking at the e-mail campaigns as a potential opportunity to impact SE scores not just awareness of new inventory. Thanks everyone!

    Reporting & Analytics | | webindustry

  • Hi all, I work for evenues, a directory website that provides listings of meeting rooms and event spaces. Things seemed to be chugging along nicely with our link building effort (mostly through guest blogging using a variety of anchor text). Woke up on Monday morning to find that our City pages have been de-indexed. This page: used to be at the top of page #2 in the SERPs for the keyword "Meeting Rooms in Seattle" I doubt that we got de-indexed because of our link building efforts, as it was only a few blog posts and links from profile pages on community websites. My guess is that when we did a recent 2.0 release of the site, there are now several "filters" or subcategory pages with latitude and longitude parameters in the URL + different page titles based on the categories like: "Meeting Rooms and Event Spaces in Seattle" --Main Page "Meeting Rooms in Seattle" "Classroom Venues in Seattle" "Party Venues in Seattle" There was a bit of pushback when I suggested that we do a rel="canonical" on these babies because ideally we'd like to rank for all 4 queries (Meeting Rooms, Party Venues, Classrooms, in City). These are new changes, and I have a sneaking suspicion this is why we got de-indexed. We're presenting generally the same content. Thoughts?

    Algorithm Updates | | eVenuesSEO

  • My client is in the competitive Private jet charter space.  Why is my client's website, ranking higher for serps on bing and yahoo for competitive keywords phrases?  like Private jet charter as an example.

    Algorithm Updates | | AndrewSEO

  • Google's policy is to allow other businesses to run PPC ads against your business name, even when trademarked, so long as the ads don't include the trademarked name. At least that's what I have experienced and read online. Source: Why do so many national brands have no PPC ads showing on their names in Google searches? And so on. Smaller brands, even when trademarked, are awash in competitors targeting their names: Consider these two hotels: There are two slightly different questions in play here, as I have clients I'd like to better protect against this type of PPC poaching: So, are there any different policies at Google Adwords RE: national brands and having competitor's ads show on their names? How do the major brands block the advertisers on their names? Thanks!

    Paid Search Marketing | | CakeWebsites

  • Quick question - is it a best practice to add a footer link on each page of a website that points back to your home page, with the anchor text being your official brand name?

    On-Page Optimization | | Bandicoot

  • It looks like Google is putting a definite emphasis on social signals, through Google+ anyway. Has anyone tested the effect of social circles on SEO yet? Same effects as the "magical +1 button?" +1 on shifting your time and resources to Social Media?

    Social Media | | 10JQKAs

  • We're rolling out quite a bit of pro video and hosting on a 3-party platform/player (likely BrightCove) that also allows us to have the URL reside on our domain. Here is a scenario for a particular video asset: A. It's on a product page that the video is relevant for. B. We have an entry on our blog with the video C. We have a separate section of our site "Video Library" that provides a centralized view of all videos. It's there too. D. We eventually give the video to other sites (bloggers, industry educational sites etc) for outreach and link-building. A through C on our domain are all for user experience as every page is very relevant, but are there any duplicate video issues here? We would likely only have the transcript on the product page (though we're open to suggestions). Any related feedback would be appreciated. We want to make this scalable and done properly from the beginning (will be rolling out 1000+ videos in 2010)

    Technical SEO | | SEOPA

  • Hi there I have a domain which is built in Drupal 1.5 . We managed to redirect all nodes to the actial SEF URL. The one issue we have no is redirecting the taxonomy urls to the SEF url. The obviuos answr is to do a manual 301 redirect n the htaccess file but this will a long process as there are over 500 urls affected. Is there a better way to do this automatically within Drupal? Your thoughts and ideas are welcome.

    Technical SEO | | stefanok

  • How do you add a facebook like box to the home page here nlpca(dot)com It's a large like box with pictures. I added this below the body: and this on our site (Joomla site):" data-width="217" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="true">
    What am I doing wrong?

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • I have a software reseller site that wants to have ever-present linking buttons to demos of the software they sell--the demos are on their software vendor sites. My concerns relate to SEO and leaking link juice; but, also to constantly providing visitors with the exit door. What are the best practices for such a situation?

    Affiliate Marketing | | Court_LOQUA

  • I have added a number of widgets and gadgets to my site that I suspect act like Iframes. If true do these widgets and gadgets and the content that they are linked to help or hurt my site from an SEO perspective? Examples are facebook gadget, wordpress blidget, weather gadget, google maps widget.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | casper434

  • I have been using SCRIBD to embed PDF documents on my site but until recently I did not include the link back to SCRIBD. Will my site get credit for this content or will it go to SCRIBD? Is there a better way to embed PDF documents for SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | casper434

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