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  • I have heard quality is the most important factor for page rank but after the 7 Nov 11 PR update I am no longer a believer. The PR on my home page dropped from 4 to 3 and the rest of my inside pages remained the same even though I have added a significant amount of content since the previous update and kept it fresh. Any thoughts on this most recent PR update?

    On-Page Optimization | | casper434

  • We run a Canadian website and are interested in seeing what SERPs look like from specific postal codes. Is there any way to manipulate Google to think our IP address comes from another location? Thanks!

    International SEO | | ClaytonKendall

  • 301 redirects are clearly preferable to 302 redirects for pages that need to be indexed by search engines. If I have 302 redirects to minor pages not getting much traffic regardless of the code, how important (if at all) is changing the redirects to 301? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | theLotter

  • Currently we use an MLS which is an iFrame of property listings. We plan to pay an extra fee and have the crawlable version. But one problem is that many real estate firms have access to the same data, which makes our content duplicate of theirs. Is there any way around this ? Thanks

    Web Design | | SGMan

  • Hi, some weeks ago a created a blog: Some one told me that it has got more trust that a "normal"
    Is it true? So, i wrote some articles and dropped  a guide (linking inside to to blog. My question is:
    Right now i'm writing a lot of article ad i'm looking for the best channel where publish my content (post with link inside). My focus is improving quantity and quality of backlinks. Which way must i use? 1. Use my (give freshness to blog and new backlink)
    2. Create ad internal blog and add article (without link?)
    3. "Don't lose time" - Put new article only in external blog that will link to my site. I must manage a lot of new sites and i should increase SERP position. So, i have to choose the right way right now. Thanks 😉

    Technical SEO | | Greenman

  • A site I work on is ranked number 1 for a few keywords. To see how much a keyword is searched per month I rely on Google Adwords Keyword tool ( Using this tool I see that the keyword receives 880 local monthly searches and another keyword they rank #1 for receives 1300 local monthly searches. To me these keywords are not the biggest as far as traffic but they are not small by any means. Now here is the issue. Like mentioned above, the site nmber 1 for multiple keywords. They have been ranked number 1 for these keywords for months. Looking in analytics the other day I notice that on a month to month basis both of these keywords are getting 1, or 2 visits. This past month (October) one of the keywords did not receive ANY visits, and that is being ranked #1 for a 1300 monthly searched keyword. It just doesn’t make sense. I would imagine getting at least 100 or so visits a month from these search terms. Could someone please help me understand this a little bit better?

    Algorithm Updates | | WhiteHat12

  • I'm seeking some social media plugin advice, in relation to SEO. This may not be possible to answer yet, or ever? But it could be worth a discussion. As far as i can see, there are two main forms of plugins (taking facebook as an example): 1 that directly connects a user to your brand page on said platform (eg like us on facebook) 1 that allows a user to 'like', 'share', 'recommend' the page that you are on as a sign of respect and/or sharing content For a home page, I am confused as to which one to use, without filling out the whole page with plugins. One objective is to increase fan numbers, the other is to increase content sharing, and possibly SEO? I've noticed that Google has been returning some personalised results based on mine, or my google+ connections +1's. So to the question... Do you think having more fans on the new Google Pages for business accounts will improve SEO to the same, if not higher weighting than a +1 does? and therefore is it more important to get more brand page followers, or +1's of the homepage?

    Social Media | | ARMofficial

  • Is there a way for us to track the keywords of our competitor and so we can use that to optimize our sites?

    Moz Pro | | shebinhassan

  • How to track the action on the mobile version. Action by pressing the "add comment" this code: onclick = "_gaq.push (['_trackEvent', 'comments', 'pressed'])
      - Not suitable for mobile version Please help.

    Reporting & Analytics | | meteorr

  • Hey there, Today my site received it's first Google pagerank and noticed something strange. My domain got a PR of 2 whilst most of the other inner pages got PR1, so far so good. But then one particular inner page which is just 2 weeks old and has zero backlinks has PR 3. I'm not one to fixate on PR but this just struck me as weird. What do you guys think?

    On-Page Optimization | | barabis77

  • Hello, With reference to seomoz blog post -  , i would like clarification about the following - User searches Google for "Product Name" and clicks on your AdWords advertisement. User leaves site and searches a few more times, click on competition and comparing prices and features. User ultimately decides to with your product, Googles "Your Brand + Product Name", clicks your organic listing, and buys the product. This whole process takes less than 30 minutes. "Your Brand + Product Name" will appear in your organic keyword report with 1 visit. My question is whether "Product Name"  will also appear in organic keyword report with 1 visit if the visitor is not signed in. ( as search won't be encrypted ) Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoug_2010

  • Hi Mozzers, Currently I am optimizing ONpage after I made a report for which keywords the website already ranks in the serps. I was surprised about the numbers of keywords the website ranks in Google. The website ranks for multiple keywords in 1 landing page. They get a lot of traffic, but has a position #5 or #7/#8, onpage grade is for most of the keywords a C or D and lots of them a F, so it's worth to optimize it. How should I do that when the landing page is and the 5 different keywords are partofcategoryname. Should I put all these keywords in the title and landing page body content as the onpage tool recommend me that? I was thinking about the option I described above OR to create a new landing page for the specific keyword each. However, the already ranked landing page has a PA of 38. When starting to build new landing pages is starting to build from PA 0. Anyway, it's definitely I chance to do onpage, I just don't know what I should do since there are 5 different keywords that already ranks for the landing page with good traffic. I want to let it rise in the serps to increase the traffic of course. Looking forward to recommendations! thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | Falcopa

  • The current SEO strategy for my company blog is to include a percentage of short tail keywords in each blog post, and not to link to the main site because they are concerned with diluting the blog. I would like to change the strategy and instead use the blog to promote long tail keywords by having each entry focus on around a different long tail keyword.  I would also like to use the short-tail keywords for internal linking to strengthen our important pages with keyword rich anchor text (no more than 1 link per 100 words). I would love the advice of the SEOMoz community about which strategy is more effective (or if there is something else entirely we should be doing). Thanks!

    Content Development | | theLotter

  • What is the frequency of crawl. My crawl diagnostics shows data from over a month ago

    Moz Pro | | deBreezeInteractive

  • Anyone have any experience using Textbroker through Raventools?  I like that it is alongside all of the other tools in the software, but I have no experience with the quality of content that will be returned.

    Content Development | | esztanyo

  • I have created 5 spokes like wheel in last month I used the following sites to create my link wheel I could find that all links are indexd by google search engine . I know that some SEO expert says they ypur link wheel shumitted to social bookmark and rss feed. Do i have submit this to social book mark and rss feed ? Because this is already indexed. If i submit to them what will be the effect

    Link Building | | wise95

  • Hello, I am comparing my site with my competitors.  According to Open Site Explorer, my site has 541 internal follow links, and a total of 1,286 total internal links, implying I have 745 no follow internal links. I tried to drill into these internal no follow links using the "Inbound Links" report in OSE.  But I'm receiving an error stating that No Data is Available for this URL. Does anyone have any insight to this?  I'd really like to understand where those no follow links are coming from. Thanks in advance. eh70

    Moz Pro | | TheBOTWGuys

  • (Using Firefox 7.0.1) I just downloaded the toolbar and the Custom Search Profiles do not work--clicking on any of them adds "%" and numbers to the search query. I've created a couple of specific locations and I'd really like to get this figured out. Does this function work correctly for anyone?  Am I doing something wrong?

    Moz Pro | | Court_LOQUA

  • We dropped from a page rank of 4 to 3 because of the Google Freshness update. Are there any insights anyone can give me? Our site is

    On-Page Optimization | | totalvac

  • My site is ranking better than some of the competition sites even though the Moz Rank and Moz Trust are lower, anyone know why?

    Competitive Research | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • We have a large quantity of URLs that we would like to de-index from Google (we are affected b Panda), but not Bing. What is the best way to go about doing this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi, I’m a noob so if this is a really obvious question, I apologize. Our domain authority increased this week.  I wonder if there is any easy way to find out what changed.  (We didn’t do anything.) Thank you! Ann

    Moz Pro | | anns

  • Guest Posting - What Are Best Ways To Start In Any NIche ? How do I go about finding these type of oppty's -- manually, using seomoz tools, other tools etcc

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • What Linking Strategies Are Meant To Get Traffic and Which Ones  To Build Trust and Authorty ? I do wish to implement a backlink strategy to get me some quick traffic -- tell me if you agree with what I have in mind below as far as getting me immediate traffic or am I off the mark or close meaning it will get me traffic but may have to wait till one of my articles get selected as a interesting article worth mentioning to their their friends and family ? Link Building For Traffic identify high traffic relevant blogs who want guest posts Submit  articles to digg and stumbleupon Submit to top and other articles directories for syndication oppty Submit 1 video to youtube weekly

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • Interested in taking a link building course ...any suggestions on top 3 ? Aaron Wall seo book has something there at a whopping $300 a month not sure if this worth it any feedback on this ?

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • I've got a list of URLs which I need to get URL+domain mozTrust for. Short of systematicly scraping with my PRO log-in details.. is there any (free) way to do this?
     - The seoMoz API seems to only give mozTrust for it's paid API (not looking for that level of detail in the paid API yet) Cheers

    Technical SEO | | AlexThomas

  • An e-commerce site I am working on currently displays 6 Super-Categories with a drop down that contains about 100 Categories for items which filter down to sub-cats and then the actual products. The issue is that every page starts off with these 100+ links just in navigation alone.  I can only assume this is crippling our ability to spread link juice efficiently. I have looked at larger sites that have moved towards side navigation. A few examples: * * * My issue is that we would like to move towards less links on the homepage to funnel our incoming links more efficiently but I cannot figure out how large sites cope with this.  As far as I can tell they are using side nav that disappears after selecting a category of item in which the navigation is replaced with filtering tools and the nav is hidden above (see the sites above). Is this the best way to handle this issue?  Also is there a way to find out exactly what they are doing because I am trying to explain this to our IT person and I just get a response that our site is fine how it is and these navigation links don't affect anything...even though each page starts off with the same 100 follow links of navigation. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MichealGooden

  • I'm recommending some on-page optimization for a home builder building in several new home communities. The site has been through some changes in the past few months and we're almost starting over. The current URL structure is where homebuilder = builder name Oakwood Estates= name of community features = one of several sub-paths including site plan, elevations, floor plans, etc. The most attainable keyword phrases include the word 'home' and 'townname' I want to change the URL path to: Is there any problem with doing this?  It just seems to make a lot of sense. Any input would be appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | mikescotty

  • A recent SEOMoz crawl report is showing a bunch 404's and duplicate page content on pages with urls like and on and on. This is a wordpress install. Does anyone know what could be causing this or why SEOMoz would be trying to read these non-existent feed pages?

    Technical SEO | | Brandtailers

  • Hi there, Need some advice please on URL structure. I have been doing SEO for quite sometime now, however one thing that always get me is URL structure. I have a decision to make, its either: URL 1   /conditions/allergies/food/ URL 2   /conditions/allergies-food/ Lets say i am optimizing for the key-phase "Food Allergies" what do you think is best practice? I know that this is not a major factor in gaining high SERPs & maybe i'm thinking about it too much, however your input would be really helpful. Kind Regards,

    On-Page Optimization | | Paul78

  • Should i change my all the page titles for pages that show up in local SERPs to reflect this new limit?  Is there any benefit to leaving it at the old limit and having more keywords in there?  Or would there be benefit to conforming to google's new standard and having shorter titles?

    Technical SEO | | adriandg

  • I have two sites. Previously I had flyfitters 301 redirecting to plasticandfoampackaging.  I stopped that about a month ago.  I moved the nameservers and stopped the redirect.  I am a novice but it seems to be working perfectly.  However, SEOMOZ is showing that the redirect still exists.  Does the site need to be recrawled or do I need to update the info somewhere? Please advise. Thanks Patrick

    Moz Pro | | PlasticandFoamPackaging

  • Hi, I'm creating recommendations for one of my client's site. It's a news site highly based on a regional aspect. One of the main features would be that you can navigate on a high level, we call it inter-regional (with all the regions news) and on the regional level (with only news related to the region) which act as a filter which means that most of my content will be duplicate. To allow the user to navigate the site on the two levels means that all the news pages will be duplicated, one with the inter-regional URL and one with the regional URL. Example: The regional URL is the official one, since it has all the keywords I want, and I'm planning to have a canonical on both version with the regional URL. Is there a risk that this would affect my ranking? Any alternatives? I read that I could prevent SE to crawl inter-regional articles using my robot.txt but I'm not fond of that. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Pherogab

  • Just trying to get more feedback - so we recently edited title and meta descriptions for existing website SEO and we've noticed in the past several weeks, our client's website has dropped out of the top 50 in a variety of terms we were targeting that they used to show up for (note: when updating SEO, we DID NOT remove any relevant terms we were targeting). When the website does come up in searches, it is the old meta description and title. So far, the feedback we've gotten is that first, it takes Google a few weeks to recrawl and index - however, we are now on week 3 after the changes and still no rebound in rankings. We were also told to check with the SEO Moz page grader to be sure the keywords were being optimized correctly - got As and Bs for the test terms I tried. We also submitted an XML site map to speed up the crawl process as another user suggested. We've tested the site with various tools to make sure there are redirect errors, etc. and everything looks fine. Again, it's now been 3+ weeks and no ranking rebound. Any other suggestions on what could be happening?

    On-Page Optimization | | laidlawseo

  • I work with a large group of community sites and we were approached by a company called Text Link Ads to purchase links on our sites for SEO purposes. This means we can't add "nofollow" and the resulting page is crawl-able. This goes directly against Google's policy but I think it would be tough to find out exactly what we're doing. It could be a great revenue source and this company has many, many sites they work with. That said, this sounds like what you say right before something bad happens. So, two part question: Has anyone worked with this company before? And should these links be avoided or are they not so bad? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | joshcanhelp

  • Hello, Our website currently has what I would call educational and sales pages - which sells our services and also a techy section for the developer community. The developer pages on the website have some of the highest authority pages that we have and equates for about 50% of the content. It has been proposed to move the developer pages onto their own domain - away from the main website. Now, would this crush a lot of the SEO benefit that we have on our main site? Does anyone know of a workable solution that would help retain the SEO. Would linking to our main site from the developer site help? It would be great to hear what people think, Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | esendex

  • If there are canonical tags pointing to the web version of each mobile page, what should a robots.txt file for a mobile site have?

    Technical SEO | | bonnierSEO

  • Do you guys have any suggestions  on  a good XML Sitemaps generator? hopefully free, but if it's good i'd consider paying I am using a MAC so would prefer  a online or mac version

    Technical SEO | | kevin4803

  • One of my clients believes someone is trying to hack their site.  We are seeing the requests with a server protocol or HTTP 1.0 so they want to block 1.0 entirely. Will this cause any problems with search engines or regular, non-spamming visitors?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • Hi there if you get a domain off someone and change registrant details and hosting, to what extent does this affect the power of the site? Any opinions of interest, many thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pauledwards

  • I personally haven't seen anything like this before. I am optimizing my first worldwide page. The rank checker at seomoz and another rankchecker as well says that I achieve rankings in the Us and in the UK as well for my 2-3 word terms. However if I copy a paste a whole sentence from either of my pages (8-10 words) google can not find my site. If I put the terms in quotes than it is ok, but it still cannot find the home page. Not any sentence with or without quotes from the home page, although this page has the most incoming links. Anybody any idea how can it be?

    Reporting & Analytics | | sesertin

  • As we all know paid links can harm your SEO efforts because Google doesn't like these type of links. I was wondering, if paid links are bad, why does SEOmoz includes so many paid directories in the SEO Web Directory list???

    Moz Pro | | nvs.nim

  • Hi there, could please anybody advice on this issue. I got some links during last 2-3 moths but cannot see them in How long it usually takes for links to appear there? Does it mean the links doesn't work for google? All the links are good from the SEO point of view.

    Link Building | | fleetway

  • All, My site is rather complicated, but I will try to break down my question as simply as possible. I have a robots.txt document in the root level of my site to disallow robot access to /_system/, my CMS. This looks like this: # /robots.txt file for
    # mail for constructive criticism **User-agent: ***
    Disallow: /_system/ I have another robots.txt file in another level down, which is my holiday database - - this is to disallow access to /holiday-database/ControlPanel/, my database CMS. This looks like this: **User-agent: ***
    Disallow: /ControlPanel/ Am I correct in thinking that this file must also be in the root level, and not in the /holiday-database/ level? If so, should my new robots.txt file look like this: # /robots.txt file for
    # mail for constructive criticism **User-agent: ***
    Disallow: /_system/
    Disallow: /holiday-database/ControlPanel/ Or, like this: # /robots.txt file for
    # mail for constructive criticism **User-agent: ***
    Disallow: /_system/
    Disallow: /ControlPanel/ Thanks in advance. Matt

    Technical SEO | | Horizon

  • I was reading  the "How Search Engines Work" which is chapter 1 of the Beginners Guide to SEO by SEOMOZ. Came across an interesting point: "Don’t put the text that you want indexed inside images. For example, if you want your company name or address to be indexed, make sure it is not displayed inside a company logo." Surely most people will alt text their images with keywords or am i missing something here?

    Technical SEO | | stefanok

  • Hi there I have a domain which has a sitemap in html for regular users and a sitemap in xml for the spiders. I have a warning via seomoz saying that i have too many links on the html version. What do i do here? regards Stef

    Technical SEO | | stefanok

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