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  • HI I am looking to rank sites in multiple foreign search engines. I am thinking about the anchor text strategies I need to employ. My key phrase: golfschläger (golf club) I am targeting a German page (written in German). Would Google understand that if I use the anchor text “golf club” to my German “golfschläger” page, it is infact the same word and therefore give anchor text benefits to that page, or for anchor text benefits to pass does the anchor text have to be in the same language? thanks for any help!!!!

    International SEO | | Turkey

  • can someone please explain this "NOTICE" i am getting from my campaign...Is this a problem that needs attention?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Can I somehow look which of my answers were marked as good answers?

    Moz Pro | | sesertin

  • I want to crawl a site that has so many pages that Xenu and Screaming Frog keep crashing at some point after 200,000 pages. What tools will allow me to crawl a site with millions of pages without crashing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | iCrossing_UK

  • If we add UTM parameters to inbound links, for tracking specific referral behavior, will those link have the same SEO significance as links without parameters?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Usearch

  • Hi there, i do not manage to find how to buy your DVD set ? There is a page but no product to buy ... Thanks

    Moz Pro | | Sindicic_Alexis

  • For example, if I search for an 'x' item in a site's search box and if the site displays a list of results based on the query, would that page be crawled? I am asking this question because this would be a URL that is non existent on the site and hence am confused as to whether Google bots would be able to find it.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pulseseo

  • I ran the report for my site and had many more 4xx errors than I've had in the past month. I updated my .htaccess to include 301 statements based on Google Webmaster Tools Crawl Errors. Google has been reporting a positive downward trend in my errors, but my SEOmoz campaign has shown a dramatic increase in the 4xx pages. Here is an example of an 4xx URL page: This is strange because URL: is valid and works great, but then there is a duplicate entry with %2F representing forward slashes and 2 http statements in each link. What is the reason for this?

    Moz Pro | | maximphotostudio

  • A year and a half ago, SEO was all new to me and I may have made a mistake that looks to be a problem now. In a misguided quest to rank higher and faster, I used a domain for it's keywords and quick ranking potential rather than using my business' name URL. I've built the links and authority to where I'm now ranking well for many of my local search terms which is important for my local business success. The situation is that now I want to expand my business nationally as a franchise which will require my company's name in the domain(?), and the addition of entirely new pages and terms. My company's name' URL>    is pointed to my site  and GA shows a significant # of visitors type our name in to find us. I also think it would be odd for someone outside my town looking for franchise info to be pointed to a different domain with Austin in it. I was wondering what option would be best: Keep as is Change domains - ouch!? Make a new second site ? I have ' I could use for a new site just for franchising but I would be starting at the bottom for any rankings. Is there a solution, or did I dig myself into a hole?

    Branding | | OhYeahSteve

  • i created a new design of my website, very clean and highly orientated towards conversion. its a far better looking site than the old one but the navigation is almost the same. a few days after i uploaded the new site we were ranked number 1 on the biggest keyphrase in my industry. Does google crawl design feature, maybe with something like conversion heat mapping software and include that as a ranking factor? love your thoughts on this one.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | corgi

  • I am aways being my worst critique and constantly looking to improve. Thats how you become a winner right ! something I feel I can improve on is Keyword analysis and targeting. I would really appreciate hearing stories of other SEO's on here , gaining an insight into the techniques you use and how your keyword analysis has evolved as time has gone by. Thanks in advance.

    Keyword Research | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi i am very confused. I found out that go daddy was selling and they are the owners of the domain name so i went ahead and bid for the domain name. i then won it and was told i would have to wait six days to use it and now i have received this email from them. This message is to notify you that the current registrant of has renewed their domain name and we have ended the auction per the terms of the legal agreement (Universal Terms of Service) that you acknowledged at the time of bidding. If you have already paid for this domain name, you will automatically receive a refund within the next 6 days. We're sorry you did not win this domain. However, we have thousands of other great names available at Go Daddy Auctions. Visit our Web site to search for your next domain. If you have any questions, Customer Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: – Email:
    – Phone: (480) 505-8892
    – Online Support Sincerely,
    Go Daddy Auctions Team

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I have a page that has a missing Title Tag. I had a look at the page and it looks like an action, this is part of th cart. Is this a problem? How dod i deal with this?

    Technical SEO | | stefanok

  • Hi all, I got a resort & spa hotel that has as index page an autoswitching language that redirects you to EN if you're English, ITA if you're italia, ESP, RU etc etc. Does this affects the ranking? The root index.php only has this programming lines that redirect users to their browser language. This was done cause we really hate intro pages that lets you select language.

    Technical SEO | | digitec

  • Hello MOzzers! Happy sunday 🙂 I need some help, I have 3 diff link builders , they are building links for me individually , all 3 have diff keywords. What I need help with is some way to quickly check the reports they send me ( list of links they have built). Is there any software that I can copy paste the links in and then the software checks allthe links? Ir is there any way to do this quickly. I cant tell you how much I appreciate this help! Oh, the site in question where thelinks are being built is my own site Best regards, Vijay

    Moz Pro | | vijayvasu

  • It seems there's a lot of negative connotations with the phrase "Article Marketing" as it's associated with spam, spinning, etc. I couldn't find anything other than that, which begs to ask, what are the white hat tactics that you use after you publish your article? What tools do you use to streamline the process? Social Bookmarking? RSS? Any methods you use to score quick backlinks? How do you get your content in front of bloggers?

    Link Building | | 10JQKAs

  • Hi, I am starting an SEO job on an academic site that has been completely redone. The SEOMoz crawl detected three 404 Errors to pages that cannot be found anywhere on either Joomla or the server. What can I do to solve this? Thanks!!

    Technical SEO | | michalseo

  • Hi, All! Another local SEO question... For one of our clients, the title on their Place page is <official business="" name=""><city>.  Example: John's Sporting Goods Detroit.  Now, most citations will say "John's Sporting Goods."  Is having "Detroit" as part of the business name in Places problematic (NAP inconsistency) and we should remove it, or is it helpful for ranking for "sporting goods detroit" or is it neither?</city></official> Thanks! Aviva

    Image & Video Optimization | | debi_zyx

  • Hi, All! If you're doing trying to get a foreign site (in English) to rank for local SEO in that country (in English),.do citations in the native language help?  Google does seem to know that the business name in English and the foreign language are the same (e.g. if you search in English, it will return some results in the foreign language with the business name in the foreign language bolded).  And addresses Google can also tell are the same, as evidenced by Google map searches in both languages pinpointing the same location. So - are citations in the foreign language relevant to help the page rank higher for a local query in English? Any thoughts? Thanks, Aviva

    Image & Video Optimization | | debi_zyx

  • Hi, My website provider made a huge rewrite of code to make the website more SEO friendly and add more functions. It absolutely was a big step forward and gave me more possiblities to improve our site seo wise. We were actually first webshop of 200-300 on the new platform - and thats not always a good idea i guess 😉 I need some help on the best way to solve 1 big problem for us. They changed the URL structure. Ive been building the brand pages and have 2-6 linking root domains to each brand page: for the brand ej sikke lej the catalogue used to be : they changed it to . I told them the same day the new version was ot the the optimal URL would be . It wasnt utill i saw the crawl i understood what the URL change would mean to us. We have a decent amount of organic searches and now visitors come to an empty page with an error message. to the brand ej sikke lej i have 6 linking domains going to this page. The new brand pages are a lot weaker then the old one since they dont have the ingoing links.  Our site was indexed yesterday and the result rankingwise wasent pretty. How do i go about to fix this. Is it possible to -301 redirect old brad catalogues to new one ? They are not even in the new site map i am sending in. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | danlae

  • If I have an h1 tag on the page that describes the purpose of the page, is it a bad idea to make all of the sub-headings h2 tags? A designer mentioned that it was frowned upon to make all of the secondary headings into h2 tags, or to use CSS to selectively style the heading tags.

    On-Page Optimization | | dbuckles

  • Good evening, I currently have a blog that uses a popup window after 15 seconds that is used to add visitor to my newsletter. My question is :  Does it have a negative effect in SEO? Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    On-Page Optimization | | goperformancelabs

  • I've recently noticed in my adwords campaigns that using exact match domains improves my quality scores so I've been snatching up all kinds of domains which include different keywords. On these new sites (which I only use to bring down my CPC) I've been tossing up a landing page, scraping some content form my main site and direct a canonical tag to my organic site so google doesnt penalize me for duplcant content. It is ok to use a canonicle to an outside website and Is there any precautions when doing this? I just want to be sure I'm not hurting my main site where we rank well organicly on and I was also wondering if any of these sub sites which also have links to my main site carry any vaue. Appreciate any feedback! -Cliff

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | CliffAuerswald

  • A client has a news section at and also at The stories within each section are identical: What's the best way to avoid a duplicate content issue within the site? A 301 redirect doesn't seem appropriate from the user experience point of view. Is applying a rel=canonical < news="" story-a-b-c="">to each story within the subdomain news section the best option? They have 100's of stories, wondering if there might be an easier way?</> Also, the news pages list the story headline and the first 3 lines of copy. Do these summaries present duplicate content issues with the full story page? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | 540SEO

  • I am getting this error whe I try to crawl but my robots.txt file does not block any bots?

    Reporting & Analytics | | MirandaP

  • Hi Mozzers, So in one of my campaigns I'm trying to optimize for "Personal Trainer Minneapolis" and "Minneapolis Personal Trainer". Would the best tactic be: Develop and optimize two pages.  One for each of these similar keywords.  (Clearly not the best UX). or Try to optimize a single page for both. Thanks for your thoughts!

    Keyword Research | | JesseCWalker

  • As proposed by a number of people here, I have moved from to a self-hosted WordPress blog. I have also installed the SEO All in One plugin. This has been up and running for a month or so. My problem is that it is generated many (thousands) of warnings through my PRO Dashboard for Crawl Diagnostics. Specifically, I have a huge number of "Overly-dynamic URL" warnings. A typical URL is as folows: This has three querystring parameters, all generated by WordPress automatically. Here's another significant issue. With the SEO All In One plug in I can control the SEO-related parameters for each post (title, meta description, etc). However, WordPress generates a ton of virtual URLs which I can't (as far as I know) directly control. For example, the following page is a category page with all the posts for a single category. This is generating warnings because the meta description is missing. However, I do not know how to control such parameters since the page is automatically generated. These type of warnings dominate the stats I have through my dashboard. How can I resolve these? Thanks. Mark

    Moz Pro | | MarkWill

  • I was wondering, Is there any value in these days to advice clients to create LINK US or LINKS page with bunch of reciprocal links on it and  solely for link exchange, I remember reading somewhere that, it is little useless in terms for ranking nowadays? Am I right? Thanks!

    Link Building | | DigitalJungle

  • Hi, I have a website ( wich I put a spreadshirt shop into via iframe. The thing is I am not sure on how the iframe effects my SEO? Can I just optimise the main domain for search? Well I want the spreadshirt shop to be found under the domain name ( but the only real way to do it is by implementing an iframe because each spreadshirt shop has its own subdomain eg.: but the only real way to do it is via iframe, as they do not offer a complete domain redirect. (Or have I overseen some other way?) I hope you guys can help me on this one 🙂 Thanks in advance. Malte

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wellbo

  • Okay, we are looking for online tools to check our backlinks, and anchor links top domains, etc. OSE is not working for us, because looks  like , it gets updated in some months. We are looking for something, which can drag the statistics in fw hours and show up. Let me know.

    Competitive Research | | qubesys

  • When I look at the SEO-MOZ bar for our site and click next to subdomain (# links from #domains) it shows my main incoming links etc. but when I click on root domain ity shows mydomain/default.asp and 4 incoming links as well as a message that says this url redirects to another url.  Does this imply canonicalization issues or is there a 301 redirect to my non /default.asp correcting this issue. Thanks kindly, Howard

    Technical SEO | | mrkingsley

  • I've been getting 73 "title missing or empty" warnings from SEOMOZ crawl diagnostic. This is weird as I've installed yoast wordpress seo plugin and all posts do have title and meta description. But why the results here.. can anyone explain what's happening? Thanks!! Here are some of the links that are listed with "title missing, empty". Almost all our blog posts were listed there. MaeM3.png TLcD8.png

    Technical SEO | | JasonDGreat

  • I have heard pros and cons on directories forever, just wanted to check in to see what everyone is saying about them currently.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • I think the tactic of guest posts is a good way to earn links to a site. But I have a few concerns: -Links are usually at the very end of the page.
    -Guest posts are on blog posts which usually have much less link juice than top level pages.
    -A lot of sites abuse guest posting for spammy anchor text, e.g. "cheap auto loans"
    -Some SEOs have said that Google will devalue guest post links in the future (due to abuse) Does anyone have examples, tests, or case studies of guest posting helping a site improve their rankings? (or an opinion on the value of guest posting)

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • I recently ranked on yahoo, #4 for my keyword!  It has taken 2 months and finally, out of the blue, there I am.  This is my first time actually attempting an SEO campaign.  At first I was listed for my keyword, then i started dropping after a few days.  Then I made a new post, included those keywords, and I got back up to rank #4 again (for the new post).   Why is this happening?  Do I have to make a new post every 4-5 days to keep myself listed on the yahoo first page serps?

    Reporting & Analytics | | SaborStyle

  • I have a shopping car button named "Add to car" but it repeats on many pages on my website, is this affecting my seo? If yes.. What should i do so it does not affect? Should button appear on hover? Thanks

    Web Design | | SeMeAntoja

  • Hi, Seomozers I would like to know if theres any particular Wordpress Thema that works better for SEO purposes rathen than other. Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    Content Development | | goperformancelabs

  • Recently, a Hollywood celebrity was seen wearing a product manufactured by one of my clients.  Any out of the box ideas on how to leverage this for SEO?

    Branding | | Czarto

  • Hello, I am the proprietor of, Is there any merit to using keyword domains and have them redirect to the site, or a specific page on the site? For Example, the keyword term, Squash Racquets, if I were to purchase a domain name, and have it redirect to will this effect positively to my search ranking of the keyword term Squash Racquets? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Geoff

    On-Page Optimization | | GeoffBatterham

  • Can anyone help determine how a URL like "" would appear on the "not found" crawl error list in Google Webmaster Tools? The "www.bad-nsfw-content" site has nothing to do with our company and I don't how it would get associated with our site.

    Reporting & Analytics | | pbhatt

  • My Google Places page is stagnant. It never changes its rank, doesn't find corresponding reviews on directory sites, disappears altogether after a few days for certain keywords and ranks poorly overall. We have had a horrible time getting our web presence to be, address, phone, etc. Our business was previously a different name so all those listings were still active, we have had different doctors over the years...those were associated with the business name in different listings, we used a referral service that sponsored listings using a diffferent phone number, change web url in the past year so some sites indicated the wrong address. HUGE HEADACHE Are there any positives/negatives to deleting the Places page and starting over? Here is the page: Thank you for your help!

    Technical SEO | | PMC-312087

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