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  • Hi- I've got a big client who is setting up an in-house job board, ie. as part of their own site. They are a diverse company that offers a wide variety of roles across the whole country. The software they have chosen to use is not in any way SEO-focused. Therefore I'll need to recommend some modifications to the sitemap created by the web design team, within the time and budget available to me. At this stage I am thinking along the lines of determining the major geographical areas and job sectors and creating summary (landing) pages such as /jobs/california/electrical-engineering which contain any currently available roles for that geo+sector. I've tried to find guidance on job board SEO optimization or even case studies but haven't found much at all. This seems useful though: Does anyone have any tips or links to useful information on job board SEO? Thanks in advance! Jules

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Juller

  • I noticed a problem and I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix it. I was a sitemap for, a site that has around 50 pages. The sitemap generator come back with over a 2000 pages. Here is two of the results: These are actaully pages somehow. In my FTP there in the first /portableconentrators/ folder there is about 12 html documents and no other folders. It looks like it is creating a page for every possible folder combination. I have no idea why you those pages above actually work, help please???

    Technical SEO | | chuck-layton

  • Hi All. Just wanted to double check something with you folks. I've always been under the impression that you should complete the first category option in Places with a default category from Google's list of options, followed by 4 categories of your choice. However, does the 1st category need to be a default option or can it be any one of the 5? Also, do you think anything is gained in the rankings by adding a category of your own choice as the 1st category? There's nothing in the Quality guidelines that suggests the 1st category needs to be a default option, so I thought I'd throw this out there...

    Image & Video Optimization | | PerchDigital

  • I am doing some research into why we were bumped from Google's first page into the 3rd, fourth and fifth pages in June of 2010.  I always suspected Caffeine, but I just came across some data that indicates a drop in indexed pages from 510 in January of that year to 133 by June.  I'm not sure what happened but I believe our blog pages were de-indexed somehow. What I want to know is could that significant drop in indexed pages have had an effect on our rankings at that time?  We are back up to over 500 indexed pages, but have not fully recovered our first page positions.

    Technical SEO | | rdreich49

  • Do they really have a lot of value on how a site performs on Google? What is the best way to raise your PR Rank?

    Technical SEO | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • I run a Q&A site (, should I limit posts (questions) to 64 characters for SEO purposes?

    On-Page Optimization | | 10JQKAs

  • I have a simple question, I have a website and i want to create a news category. I want to know what is the best way to create a url friendly for this category. I was looking around for news website like New York Times, and others, they use a format like this for the url etc. My question is about the use of the date in that format, like subdirectory, can somebody explain me about it. Any reason to use this format? What is the diference between using this format like:çategory/article-date-id.html and this one use for the new york time shown before. Wich one will be work better? Thank You so much  for your help

    Link Building | | NorbertoMM

  • First off, I just wanted to mention I did post this on one other forum so I hope that is not completely against the rules here or anything. Just trying to get an idea from some of the pros at both sources.  Hope this is received well.  Now for the question..... "Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site:" Gotta love these messages in GWT. Anyway, I wanted to get some other opinions here so if anyone has experienced something similar or has any recommendations I would love to hear them. First off, the site is very large and utilizes faceted navigation to help visitors sift through results. I have implemented rel=canonical for many months now to have each page url that is created based on the faceted nav filters, push back to the main category page. However, I still get these damn messages from Google every month or so saying that they found too many pages on the site. My main concern obviously is wasting crawler time on all these pages that I am trying to do what they ask in these instances and tell them to ignore and find the content on page x. So at this point I am thinking about possibly using robots.txt file to handle these, but wanted to see what others around here thought before I dive into this arduous task. Plus I am a little ticked off that Google is not following a standard they helped bring to the table. Thanks for those who take the time to respond in advance.

    Algorithm Updates | | PeteGregory

  • What are your thoughts on using a service like Build My Rank for backlinks?

    Link Building | | CalgaryRealtor39

  • Crawl Diagnostics is showing a lot of Rel Canonical warnings, I've installed Wordpress SEO by Joose De Valk and Home Canonical URL plugins without success. Any ideas? I'm getting a lot of URL's that I thought I blocked from being indexed, such as author pages, category pages, etc. I'm also getting stuff like "" and "", those pages are similar to my homepage. I thought those plugins were suppose to automatically clean things up.. anyone use these plugins that have any helpful hints?

    Technical SEO | | 10JQKAs

  • I am wondering what I can do to get my site into Google News. I have followed their guidelines but had my site declined. I have a news sitemap, a staff page, a contact page with all info provider, etc etc. But my application was denied. One my largest competitors just got accepted so I would love to get in.

    Social Media | | NoahGlaser78

  • Hi, Happy Friday! I was advised to look at the SEO strategy of a UK SEO company and copy a technique they used, however, I have doubts that this technique is any good. So targets My Domain For my main keyword phrase, I was told to place a link to a newly created inner page in my footer, targeting the main keyword and on this page, create unique content which points back to my homepage. Now I also have which has a link to with anchor text My Domain. Based on the SEOMoz reports, this now seems to be Keyword Self Cannibalisation and I think that it is diluting link juice and the value of my SEO on my homepage for this term rather than helping. Can you advise if this technique is wrong?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tdsnet

  • Hi there, we redesign our Website, changing it for a jquery based version. This new design is much more usable and nice for our users, however the average page views for user decreased a lot. Basically this is due to the fact that once the user is logged in, it spends most of the time in the same Web form which is updated through jquery without refreshing it. We were thinking about adding a meta refresh tag, or ad some javascript for getting this task done in order to get the relation page views/visitor increased. Do you think refreshing the page every 4 minutes could be penalized by Google (or other Search engines) ? Which should be the interval between refresh ? Would it be better to make it very explicit (i.e. adding a meta refresh tag) or using a kind of hide javascript ? We want to increase the pageviews but of course, we don't want to get penalized

    On-Page Optimization | | martincad

  • Does a 301 re-direct pass social signals such as 'likes' 'tweets' and '+1s"?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Do URL shortener services like act as 301 redirects? I was thinking about utilizing one for longer query based URLs and didn't want to risk losing link juice. Thanks for the insight! Regards - Kyle

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kchandler

  • Are URL shorteners like considered 301 redirects? I was thinking about using them for some longer URL's in press releases but i didn't want to loose any link juice through the service. Thanks for the info! - Kyle

    Technical SEO | | kchandler

  • How to control date display in the Google video SERP? Even if pages don't have dates in it, Google displays dates for some results. Try with this: Search query: Thanks video Check the third result. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • Does anyone have any empiric data on the effect of an embedded map on SERP's? Please understand that I already have anecdotal info and a personal opinion. I am looking for data. Thanks

    Web Design | | RobertFisher

  • Forgive the newbie question, but now that I have found SeoMoz and OpenSiteExplorer, should I just piggy back on my competitors backlinks? What would be the downside? By way of explanation, I've never had the need to explore SEO before. Our site, has always ranked highly for all Widgets keywords because we have the keyword in our domain and our site has been around since 1998. But out of the blue this summer, a site, let's call them suddenly began outranking us on widgets keywords, and pretty much every keyword we can imagine in our little widget universe. Now that I have run OpenSiteExplorer, I can see how they've done it. They've pretty much spent the last year commenting on blog posts all over the place, editing wiki pages, etc., and built thousands of links for all these widget keywords. So, I'm wondering: why shouldn't I just go down the list of links and do exactly what they've done? Where they commented on a blog, why don't I just comment right along side them. Obviously, this has worked for them! Wouldn't it work for us too? Or is that too simple?

    Link Building | | brianmcc

  • I read an SEO article that recommended getting backlinks from social bookmarking sites like Does anyone have any thoughts on the usefulness of these types of links?

    Link Building | | casper434

  • In an effort to evaluate SEOmoz I started off my free trial with a fresh website that I am going to get to rank on the first page and hopefully to the #1 spot. I have been link building and changing the website around a lot. When I created the website hosted by HostGator with wordpress installed I marked down where it showed up the first time. After checking for many days to about the 100th spot I found it in spot 65. I have since then been spending some time (not a ton of time, but enough) guest posting, some bookmarking, press release creation and some other odds and ends stuff. The page has gone up to 23rd but there have been no signs of any work done on the link analysis. So, How long does it take?

    Moz Pro | | DLRISM

  • I need to do a clean-up old urls that have been redirected in sitemap and was wondering about this.

    Technical SEO | | Ant-808

  • I see an abundance of websites that don't link out at all, and there is no data available to seoMoz for the sites, some like http:// regal - diving dot com (trying not to get moderated AGAIN Innocent need to show which link and its a competitor kind of) are not linking to anyone else just internal links. How come they dont show info to SEOMOZ Should I link out from home page, is this detrimental does ANY single link from home page show google that I am not a PROPER web business. thanks

    Moz Pro | | landed

  • I am seeing canonical implementation in many sites for non identical pages. Google honoring these implementation and didn't have any issue. Did anyone have different experience? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • can someone please help I have being trying to find my user id on facebook for days now & i keeo coming up with so many diff answer 😞 I understnad my username is /glenbobquinn but because i have a user name my id is not easilty accessible Then people say hover over your profile pic and it should be in the bottom left of the screen this is what comes up So can anyone please tell me my **user id ** Thank you kindly

    Social Media | | Socialdude

  • Can I somehow sync the day of the week for each of my campaigns' crawls, so that all campaigns are updated on the same day?

    Moz Pro | | ATShock

  • How can i track image searches on google analytics? To filter the refferers by or /imgres does not work in new google analytics (and brings an impossibly small number on old GA). also, this would not cover local google image refferers, that don't come from anyone knows how to find image search sources? i haven't found anything helpful in google's documentation or forums. thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | zeepartner

  • HI, I am trying to find out what percentage of people click on organic search results on Google versus the percentage of people who click on advertisements. I have found many references online to studies that supposedly say 70-80% of clicks go to organic results and the rest go to ads, but I have never seen an actual study claiming this, let alone a recent one. Can anyone help? many thanks in advance, Annemieke

    Paid Search Marketing | | AnnemiekevH

  • the real time news feed style in which we all use the internet these days. How do you think this new change is going to effect things ? “This is the result of them saying we need to find a way to more effectively get fresh content up,” said Danny Sullivan, editor of Search Engine Land and an industry expert. “It does help with the issue of people thinking, ‘Wow, if I need to find out about something breaking, I’ll go to Facebook or Twitter for that.’ ” Is google reacting to a massive loss of traffic volume from Facebook and Twitter ? I also ask the question would Facebook benifit from some form of built in search engine or would this never happen ??

    Algorithm Updates | | onlinemediadirect

  • We are helping a small business directory in their SEO. They address 20 service categories(300 subcategories) with 60000 profiles. We are focusing on following elements: 1. Cutting the flab (they have 3.4 million pages indexed), but they get only 30000 visitors on the website. This will be done by removing long list of cities & by using "Nofollow". 2. Improve internal navigation & use Anchor texts 3. Focus SEO (Backlinks) at business category pages 4. Clean URLs, Titles 5. Implementation of Rich Snippets ( 6. Cleaning data If we can not take traffic volume to 300000 in a month, this project will be considered a failure. Does any directory has achieved this recently? We are in first 2 weeks of the project and It will help us our "To do" list 😉

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | UnyscapeInfocom

  • Hi, I have a UK website which was formerly ranked 1<sup>st</sup> in and .com for my keyword phrase and has recently slipped to 6<sup>th</sup> in but is higher in position 4 in I have conducted a little research and can’t say for certain but I wonder if it is possible that too many of my backlinks are US based and therefore Google thinks my website is also US based. Checked Google WmT and we the geo-targeted to the UK. Our server is also UK based. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | tdsnet

  • Hi, First post so please be gentle! My Crawl Diagnostics Summary is showing an error relating to duplicate page content and duplicate page title for and which are, in my view, the same thing/page? Could anyone shed any light please? Thanks Carl

    On-Page Optimization | | Carl287

  • Hi everyone, I am new to SEOmoz and SEO but learning fast.  Is there a way within SEOmoz to find out how many people are searching for specific keywords?  It is a question I ask myself, "how many people are using the keywords I think I would use to find my products or services"?  I've seen other SEO professionals produce reports showing how many searches happen for certain keywords. Thanks James

    Search Behavior | | avecsys

  • Hi.. We were just doing the on page for, While checking on ON PAGE tool, it keeps on showing, Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization Its an eCommerce website and all the products in that page had titles in h2 . I thought, that was creating problem, so I tried changing them to h3 and h4 , but still no good. What am I missing ?

    Technical SEO | | qubesys

  • We are close to launching a new property and are also in the process of writing completely unique product descriptions for every product. This will continue to take a lot of time. We are debating the following two options: A. Launch soon with about 10-15% of descriptions being very unique and the rest being standard (mostly manufacture supplied). Then continue to update product content as we complete new fresh descriptions. B. Wait to launch until everything is unique. This will probably set us back 2 Months. We of course would like to go live sooner than later, but don't want to jeopardize anything as it pertains to rankings. The fear internally with launching now is that product pages get crawled, but don't make our best 1st impression with the engines. The counter argument is that it doesn't matter much, pages will get crawled again, and the fresh new content will be considered. Any inputs on this? Is '1st impression' with Google key, or is there no harm in launching and updating. Everything else is very sound -- architecture, on-site optimization, usability/crawlability etc. It's just the matter of the unique vs. generic product page content. Many thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | SEOPA

  • Good afternoon. I've tried searching for an answer to the following question but I believe my circumstance is a little different than what has been asked in the past. I currently run a Australian website targeted at a specific demographic (50-75) and we produce a LARGE number of articles on a wide variety of lifestyle segments. All of our focus up until now has been in Australia and our SEO and language is dedicated towards this. The next logical step in my mind is to launch a mirror website targeted at the US market. This website would be a simple mirror of a large number of articles (1000+) on subjects such as Food, Health, Travel, Money and Technology. Our current CMS has no problems in duplicating the specific items over and sharing everything, the problem is in the fact that we currently use a domain and the .com domain in unavailable and not for sale, which would mean we have to create a new name for the US targeted domain. The question is, how will mirroring this information, targeted towards US, affect us on Google and would we better off getting a large number of these articles 're-written' by a company on etc? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | Geelong

  • Hi, I am planning to get to an agreement with some blogs to have my banner that link to my site. My question: Is this Good for SEO, Bad or Neutral? Thanks in advance, Maria Jesus

    Link Building | | goperformancelabs

  • Hello, people. I have a questions regarding on Video Optimization using microformat. As you all know, Google, Yahoo and Bing now support Schema. I want to use microdata or micro format to add explanation for my video. I am wondering now... that Schema has "VideoObject" micro data. Also Google support "facebook share" for video. Which one should I use for my video? Can anyone tell me difference between above two? HELP PEOPLE~! PLEASE!

    Image & Video Optimization | | Artience

  • Our Google Analytics Administrator account is not giving us access to the User Manager, and because of that we are unable to add users; have you ever ran in to a problem such as this, if so what was your solution. Thanks a Billion impressions, Vijay E2qE9.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | vijayvasu

  • For SEO and in general, which is the best website to host photos on and why: or or

    Content Development | | tennisexpress

  • I have a question about Link Building. What´s best for SEO, putting the links in main page or using a Link page inside with all the links? I would also like to know what´s best for SEO follow or not follow links, and how they work? Thanks in advance. Maria Jesus

    Link Building | | goperformancelabs

  • I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it- Looking through the GWT avg position data v SEOMoz ranking data and Market Samurai data there is a large discrepancy. For one term that we hold #1, and have held for a month or two GWTis showing that the avg position is 180 (and down 30). Any reason you know of why the GWT avg position data would be so out of whack with our SERP's and other data? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | MrPaulB

  • Has anyone got any tips on targeting searchers in Japan from a UK site? This is for a (very) small and niche B2B site. I've looked at the WBF on international SEO etc. so here, I'm hoping you'll be able to help with which engines & optimisation tips for those engines - I've read that Google Japan is big, but are there any others that people would recommend? Thanks!

    International SEO | | JaspalX

  • How reliable is site command? Is there any other way to check indexed pages.

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

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