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  • Has anyone seen this kind of 'hack'? When looking at a site recently I found the Google cache version (from 28 Oct) strewn with mentions of all sorts of dodgy looking pharma products but the site itself looked fine. The site itself is Looking in the source of the pages you can see the home pages contains: Browsing as googlebot showed me an empty page (though msnbot etc. returned a 'normal' non-pharma page). As a mildly amusing aside - when I tried to tell the istc about this, the person answering the phone clearly didn't believe me and couldn't get me off the line fast enough! Needless to say they haven't fixed it a week after being told.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JaspalX

  • Is there any speed checker to check your page load time on localhost so that bandwith does not affect the result? Preferably I'd like one that lists critical issuse or solutions that can be improved.

    Technical SEO | | sesertin

  • I previously had a domain with good ranking, but had to redirect this to a new domain for branding purposing and has only been around for 1 year instead 10 years like the previous. Does the weight of the entire pagerank from the old domain get transferred to the new domain?  How does Google handle this?  The old domain had a good keyword in the name, which help rank that keyword...does that keyword also get transferred to the new domain with Google?

    Algorithm Updates | | SEOCM

  • Hello - I am just trying out the trial and it said the next crawl was nov 1st but I see no change in any of the errors since the initial crawl... so just waiting to find out if what I changed was fixed or not. Is this normal ?

    Moz Pro | | Bethany_BabyBrowns

  • Helllo I need help understanding the following scenario. We do campaign tracking for number of our sites using urt parameters. These are normally PR links with utm parameters. I am not sure if we should remove the utm parameter and forget about tracking the links completely if it offers an added SEO value with direct links OR we just keep using utm parameters for PR tracking and use canonical tag instead on respective pages. For me SEO value is most important. But i am trying to understand what i am losing or gaining. Kindly sugggest Thanks

    Link Building | | CUnet

  • We have been putzing around with Google XML Sitemaps Generator (a plug-in on Wordpress) for our Wordpress blog and we cannot get it to write an XML sitemap! Could somebody suggest a viable alternative that actually works?  Thank you for your help! Jay

    Technical SEO | | theideapeople

  • NOTE: Lost on how to use this keyword difficulty tool, what is the objective of this tool - I am using micro niche finder which tells me how difficult a kw will be to rank for based on backlinks to that kw phrase ( ANY TRAINING VIDEOS ON SEOMOZ FOR THIS TOOL ) Need what is the quick takeaway of the use and benefit of this tool Is this kw research tool on seomoz Similar or Differeent to  market samari  or google free kw research adwords tool ? If it is similar to wordtracker or google free adwords  research tool then how is it similar and then how does it differ ? I guess what I am trying to gather where does it get its data from wordtrakcer have their own unique data it pulls from different data centers from the various different search engines if I remember correctly ... Just ran the report offered at keyword difficulty and was asked compare these 10 top to a website address so I put mine the box there hope I did the right thing if not then what i did wrong !!!!!

    Keyword Research | | helpwanted

  • I am having a problem with duplicate content with my log in page QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in
    QuickLearn Online Anytime - Log-in What is the best way to handle it? Add a couple sentences to each page to make it unique? Use a rel canonical, or a no index no follow or something completely different? Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | QuickLearnTraining

  • I've tried using Xenu, but this is a bit time consuming because it only tells you if the link sin't found & doesn't tell you which pages link to the 404'd page. Webmaster tools seems a bit dated & unreliable. Several of the links it lists as broken aren't. Does anyone have any other suggestions for compiling a list of broken links on a large site>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • I own a gaming site and a common practice with gaming sites is to link with other sites that post about similar game franchises. I noticed that some sites do this and they put nofollows on their links back. What is your thought on this? Should I remove their link if they do that? Should I keep it up and just be glad to get thousands of nofollow links in return for some dofollows out of my site?

    Link Building | | NoahGlaser78

  • I searched SEOMOZ for this but haven't yet found the answer.  It seems that it's been removed.  I'm sure it was announced somewhere that I missed

    Moz Pro | | bluenote

  • Background: We're creating a site that for a service provider on a wordpress platform, and it will include a blog with a page for each service category. Let's say the client is a wedding photographer we'd create a page for studio portraits, events, wedding, newborns, family etc. Question: Should each category page be a stand-alone page or a blog category? As a blog category it will be updated with new content continually and automatically. However, it could cause duplicate content issues as well as keyword dilution. Research: I've done research and obviously there are conflicting opinions - skip categories altogether, categories bring traffic, problems & solutions. I'm hoping for your opinion on the matter, or direction to content on the issue that will be helpful. Blog categories yay or nay?

    Technical SEO | | 5225Marketing

  • I run a business that offers eco friendly screen printing. Let's call it ECO SHIRT SHOP.  We offer a specialized type of printing thru the website, then contract to printers throughout the US to execute the printing. (They each have their own distinct print businesses that they operate as well.) As of now we only divulge that we have print facilities in places like chicago, seattle, etc.  but do not display addresses as we do not want to confuse customers. By not displaying these addresses, I feel we are missing huge opportunities to be listed by services like Yelp, Google places, etc - consequentially losing highly convertible geography specific search traffic. Ques: The print shops are open to us displaying facility address info, even somehow saying that Print Shop X prints for the ECO SHIRT SHOP network.  I want to be transparent with customers and get more localized traffic, but don't want to confuse operations or give away business. For all you strategy guru's out there, how would you handle this?  I am at a cross roads, and how we move forward is hugely important for the future of our business. Thanks, as always for your thoughts on this.

    Branding | | peteandmikey

  • I understand the concept that mozrank and Domain Authority are measured on a logarithmic scale . I'm trying to determine the percentage improvement in the Logrithmic value.  For example Original Domain Authority 60 Original Mozrank 5 End Domain Authority 63 End Mozrank 6. So 5% change in DA and 20% change in MozRank.   How do we convert these numbers to the real logrithmic change?

    Moz Pro | | webbroi

  • Hi, so, I have a website. Let's call it a cooking website with about 300 pieces of content cross-listed among 20 categories. I want to move my entire site, hook line and sinker, to Facebook. My first thought was to do this with a domain-wide 301, as that would preserve most of the authority and juice my site has built over the years... but would this have a corollary effect of unfocusing my keyword strategy? E.g. is there a risk in doing a sitewide 301 to a single landing page, in that some of the juice I'd be passing to my new home page would be from, say, "recipes for jelly donuts?" Has anyone had an experience making a large product transition like this, and are there any current best practices? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kenn_Gold

  • Howdy, I've read a number of posts on this issue and followed all the advice I could find. My issue is this: several of our targeted keywords have the wrong page ranking which results in a loss of conversion and high bounce rate. I use the operator to see how the pages are ranking which I find really useful. One of our targeted keywords is 'wedding stationery' and the page which should rank is however this page ranks 3rd on our domain. I've done the following: Optimised the correct page De-optimised the ranking pages Added links from the incorrectly ranking page to the page I want to rank using keyword anchor text Added internal links to the page I want to rank from high Page Authority pages using keyword anchor text Here is a link to the SERP which shows the ranking for our domain for the 'wedding stationery' search term. I made the changes a couple of weeks ago. Any advice or explanations as to what is causing this would be greatly received. Thanks in advance, Brendan.

    Technical SEO | | Confetti_Wedding

  • I have a client in the wedding industry who has quite a few awesome reviews on WeddingWire and a few other wedding resources. I've looked at the competition on Google Places, and Google counts their WeddingWire reviews. However, Google is not showing or counting my client's WeddingWire reviews, when in fact my client has better ratings and more reviews. Any ideas on why this might be or how I can get Google to include these reviews for my client? Thanks so much!!

    Image & Video Optimization | | Linwright

  • I know you can use robots.txt to tell search engines not to spend their resources crawling certain pages. So, if you have a section of your website that is good content, but is never updated, and you want the search engines to index new content faster, would it work to block the good, un-changed content with robots.txt? Would this content loose any search traffic if it were blocked by robots.txt? Does anyone have any available case studies?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi Guys I can't seem to find any info on this. Maybe you can help. We are using xcart as our shopping cart. When you land on a product page you have the option to "Quickview" the item. Google is picking up the quickview urls" and the vote on product urls. I have added the following to the robots.txt file but not sure if this will work. Any help on this would be great. Disallow: /?popup=Y Disallow: /?mode=add Undesired URL Examples: <colgroup><col width="735"></colgroup>
    | | <colgroup><col width="735"></colgroup>
    | |

    Web Design | | fasctimseo

  • I have several pages that rank high on google with very similar content should I redirect one of these pages to the other? Example Should I use a 301 Redirect?

    Keyword Research | | NICK_PATE

  • Hello, I was just wondering what is the best way in terms of time-spent/results to create links to your site. I just saw a couple of videos on article syndication and article spinning and was wondering if this really works. Cheers Luca

    Link Building | | Lvet

  • What is the best Joomla SEO plugin? Hopefully easy to use as well?

    Technical SEO | | bozzie311

  • Hi everyone! I'm trying to analyze a website which is regional in scope. The way the site for every market has been build out is like this : | OR | Since this is the first time I'm trying to work on these kinds of sites, I would want to ask for any guidance / tips on how to do about SEO site and technical audit. FYI, the owner of the sites is not giving me access / data to their webmaster account nor their analytics tracking tool. Thanks everyone! Steve

    International SEO | | sjcbayona-41218

  • Over the past week, I have experienced a significant decline in my SERP for about 20 high value keywords.  I have worked extensively to build a link profile by the following: 1.  Submitting to directories 2.  Ghost blog writing 3.  HARO interviews and postings 4.  Article submission to blog sites What can I do to try to find the cause of this decline?  How can I determine if it was something google changed with their algorithm  or if it was my SEO strategy that was wrong? I would rather not post my url.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | nayrmot

  • Hey, I have a couple of questions regarding e-commerce category pages and filtering options: I would like to implement the rel=canonical to the view all page as suggested on this article on googlewebmastercentral. If you go on one of my category pages you will see that both the "next page link" and the "view all" links are nofollowed. Is that a mistake? How does nofoolow combines with canonical view all? Is it a good thing to nofollow the "sorty by" pages or should I also use Noindex for them?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ypsilon

  • One of my clients' sites has just been redesigned with lots of new URLs added. So the 301 redirections have been put in place and most of the new URLs have now been indexed. BUT Google is still showing all the old URLs in the SERPS and even worse it only displays the title tag. The meta description is not shown, no rich snippet, no text, nothing below the title. This is proving disastrous as visitors are not clicking on a result with no description. I have to assume its got something to do with the redirection, but why is it not showing the descriptions? I've checked the old URLs and he meta description is definitely still in the code, but Google is choosing not to show it. I've never seen this before so I'm struggling for an answer. I'd like to know why or how this is happening, and if it can be resolved. I realise that this may be resolved when Google stops showing all the old URLs but there's no telling how long that will take (can it be speeded up?)

    Technical SEO | | Websensejim

  • Hey all, I just came on as the SEO Specialist for an Ecommerce site a few months ago and have been working quite hard on getting things in order with the site's architecture, dup content, backlinking etc. Last week we made the move from 3 subdomains of a top level domain to subdirectories as the content/products are too much alike to be running subdomains. The way it's working now is when a request comes in to the old subdomain, the redirect to the subdirectory is happening at the htaccess file with a permanent 301. That said, I got our SEOmoz ranking report today and we have plummeted all over the place keyword ranking wise. I am quite sure that it's due to the change in architecture that happened last week... but what do you all think? I would be appreciative of any advice or thoughts from the SEOmoz community. Much thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Punkaj

  • We are accumulating a signficant number of 500 errors, now reaching 3000 URLs after only 2 months since the re-coding of our site in Expression Engine. I haven't gotten a straight answer re: implications or solutions... by default, suggesting  that it's not of any consequence. History: The site was initially developed in EE (prior to that, an HTML platform) with a host of site issues. We then contracted an EE specialist to properly code the site. The 'new; site was released Sept 21st. I'd appreciate some guidance and recommendations, so I can go back in hand to the developer. What are the considerations or consequences, if any, for ignoring the 500 errors? What are strategies or solutions for removing them from Google Webmaster Tools and preventing future 500 errors? Thanks. Alan

    Reporting & Analytics | | ahw

  • How Do I Check To See If I Am Ranking Naturally or Is It Skewed by Cache - I heard every once in a while I have to clean up the cookies or cache which one should it be ? This is the problem I ran a ranks report for my keywords I saw myself ranking for 2 of my keywords on 1st page rankings but it conflicts with my rankings report i use seo powersuite to check for rankings So do I have to clean cookies or cache to ensure that when I check to see myself if i am ranking by typing the kw's into google and i see them come up on 1st that is not due to google making it easier for me to get to it and using cache or cookies to serve me the page high .. How does this work this cache or cookie thing -- can it skew what I am trying to check for and confuse me by not giving me the actual rankings ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | helpwanted

  • This is one of the strangest things i have yet to see on Link Building , one of the sites i follow up managed to build links on huge sites like : , ,  ,etc , its done in some downloadble file like that : basically when you click on the link it downloads a file , and i see that it was done hundreds of times in large numbers of top ranked sites , does any one know how to do it ?

    Link Building | | seowatches

  • Today, I was checking crawl diagnostics for my website. I found warning for search engine blocked by robots.txt I have added following syntax to robots.txt file for all dynamic URLs. Disallow: /*?osCsid Disallow: /*?q= Disallow: /*?dir= Disallow: /*?p= Disallow: /*?limit= Disallow: /*review-form Dynamic URLs are as follow. and many more... So, Why should it shows me warning for this? Does it really matter or any other solution for these kind of dynamic URLs.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Hi, I sorted my keywords in GA from highest incoming traffic to lowest, exported it and then imported these 280 or something keywords into SEO Moz. The  problem is, it appears that SEO Moz Keyword Rankings tool pulls traffic data (in the traffic column) only for NON-PAID traffic ... So what I'm seeing is that keywords that brings A LOT of traffic to my site (because of AdWords) sometimes have 0  of traffic in SEO Moz, because I'm on page 3 of SERP and I literally got no non-paid traffic that week. The thing is: I want to improve my rankings for keywords that I'm already performing well, even if they are paid keywords, because they already bring me a lot of traffic to my website. The way this is working is not helping me out, because when I sort by the traffic column very important keywords end up in the last place for me. Questions: Whey does SEO Moz pull traffic data from non-paid keywords only ? Shouldn't be at least an option for this or I'm missing something here ? While they don't change it, any Excel Gurus could help me how to export SEO Moz ranking data, import it on Excel and MERGE a new "paid traffic" column that I export from Google Analytics ? How to assing each keyword line the paid traffic value I'm getting from GA ? Thanks ! Felipe

    Moz Pro | | pqdbr

  • Hi all, We have a toys website that has several categories. It's setup such that each product has a primary category amongst the categories within it can be found. For example... Addendum's primary url is but it can also be found here Hence, in the for that url it has a rel=canonical that points to the first url. For some reason though seomoz ignores this and reports duplicate page content. It doesn't seem to record the canonical tag either. Any ideas what's going on? Thanks, Josh.

    Technical SEO | |

  • I have a ecommerce site.  I am trying to figure out the best layout for my directories.  Here are my two options. Option 1. - Each directory in root domain. Carrying Cases -
    Case Type -
    Specific Product - Option 2 - Put them in subdirectories Carrying Cases -
    Case Type -
    Specific Product - I know this is a very basic question but I am looking for the right answer.  I keep getting conflicting answers from different sources.

    On-Page Optimization | | PlasticandFoamPackaging

  • Hi,
    The situation is I have an old e-commerce site with good Pagreank (13 yrs old) and a new 3 month old site. Currently with duplicate content because it's e-commerce site. The old site has two languages on each product page, the new site only English. Traffic to old site is half English, half the traffic is the other language.
    Question is should I canonicalise to the new 3 month old domain that's only got English content at the moment? Soon it will also have both languages, but proper multi-lingual. The old site is meant to be for wholesalers, the new site for end-users. So the new site should get all the SE traffic it can get, I amnot worried about the old site not getting much because it has established userbase. If I canonicalise now, will I lose all the non English traffic to the old site? And is it a good idea to canonicalise to such a young domain? (on same IP C Block) What would you do?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Greywolf

  • If so,how? Sorry if this sounds like a really vague question but our client has asked us to take control of their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account and Im just trying to research the best practice for this? Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

    Social Media | | SoundinTheory

  • Hi i would like to know after receiving lots of email about tools to help with seo and promoting your site and would like to know if  anyone has used any as yet. I have kept away from paid tools as i have been reading that they are a waste of time but would like to know your thoughts. I would also like to know if there are any good free tools out there to use to help make your site better and increase traffic and if there are any techniques or sites that i should be using any advice would be great

    Link Building | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i have been told about linkedin and how good it is but every time i look at it, it puzzles me and i am not sure if it is worth joining or not. I am looking to promote in the UK and not abroad and would like to know how good it is. Even my accountant uses it but each time i look at it i cannot get my head around it and how to use it to promote my business. Can anyone please let me know how much it cost to join and if it will have any benefits for me to promote my business and my sites. I look forward to hearing from you

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I read a lot that article sites are a great way to generate links and traffic but i would like to hear from people on here to see about their experience with article sites.  I have tried  article sites and i have to be honest that most of them  are no follow links and have also not generate any traffic. I have written over 30 articles for  free article sites with no  traffic coming from them and this has been done over a eight month period can anyone recommend any good article sites that can produce traffic and also ones that produce do follow If you feel i am wasting my  time  putting articles on free sites then please do tell me

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi i am wanting to gain links to my site and make the links relevant and have seen many sites that do not have the keyword on their site and have been told as well as having the keywords in the image that they will also have anchor text from other sites. Can anyone please tell me the important of anchor text and how i should use it. Is it wise to build anchort text links within your own site and what other sites should you be looking for. I have used a few article sites to gain anchor text links but most of these are no follow which does not help me. any advice would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • As stated in the question, we have 2 sub domains that contain over 2000 reported errors from SEOMOZ. The root domain has a clean bill of health, and i was just wondering if these errors on the sub-domains could have a negative effect on the root domain in the eyes of Google. Your comments will be appreciated. Regards Greg

    Technical SEO | | AndreVanKets

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