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  • We are about to change nameservers and upload a new website design design, completely rebuilt website to that new hosting, will this effect our seo efforts previously and have an effect on our SEO rankings?

    Web Design | | CompleteOffice

  • Hello Friends, I have recently built a big site with nearly 300 pages (to begin with) and there are around 20 categories on the website. I want to get 3-4 keywords ranked for each category but I don't know how and where to begin. My site revolves around wedding industry but does not have a "Main Keyword" - not yet at least. A couple of "Main Keywords" (these keywords actually describe my website) that I thought of have ZERO traffic but I have few good keywords for each category. Can someone please suggest how do I begin with? Regards, Naimath

    Keyword Research | | Sizmic

  • On all my campaigns I'm returning high levels of 'Missing Meta Description Tags'. The problem with fixing this is they're all for category, tag and author pages. Is there a way to add a meta description to these pages (there are hundreds) or will it not really have any ranking effect?

    Technical SEO | | SiliconBeachTraining

  • When using the 'on-page optimizer' tool, I continue to get the same recommendation on every page to only use 1 canonical tag on the page. I'm not sure why there are 2 tags on each page in the first place so I don't know how to remove the one that's not needed.  Our site is on a WP blog and a sample page to view the source code would be: Does anyone know why this is happening, how to fix it and/or if I should even be concerned with it? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | shilohstreet

  • When I check our seo campaign I can see that the report was not updated. It still show that the next crawl is Nov 1 but it is already Nov 3.

    Moz Pro | | shebinhassan

  • I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it - Looking through the GWT avg position data v SEOMoz ranking data and Market Samurai data there is a large discrepancy. For one term that we hold #1, and have held for a month or two GWTis showing that the avg position is 180 (and down 30). Any reason you know of why the GWT avg position data would be so out of whack with our SERP's and other data? Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | MrPaulB

  • In the Organic Traffic Data Report I receive always the same message: "It appears there's a problem with our connection to your Google Analytics account. Please go to your Settings page to update your connection." In the settings I've choosen the correct Google Analytics Account with the correct profile. Thanks for any hints. Is it because using www. in the GA Profil but * without www in the campaigns settings?

    Moz Pro | | FlorianMuff76

  • My question is what´s best of Link Building: have it in main page or in internal Link Pages. I have the problem that have to reduce the number of outgoing links in my mainpage to rank better, but do not want to miss any linkjuice. How Linking in Main Page or Internal Pages affects SERP for your website? And should they be Follow or not Follow? Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    Link Building | | goperformancelabs

  • I have heard that edu and gov backlinks are important but how so in a niche area like mine - real estate? Perhaps I am missing the point but I do not see how either type of site would ever backlink to a commercial real estate entity. If these are that important in theory, are they obtainable in practice?

    Link Building | | casper434

  • Hi All - Im just learning, would appreciate some clarification on how keywords work. Specifically: For a phrase keyword, does order matter? E.g. is 'Bridging loans UK' the same keyword as 'UK bridging loans'? Again in a phrase, do the keywords need to be adjacent? So if I had a an H1 tag on my page which was 'We provide Briding loans for the entire UK', would this be considered a match for the keyword phrase 'Bridging loans uk' ? As I understand it, optimising your site for a certain keyword involves 2 things at a basic level:a) Including that keyword on your site, and b) Getting relevant inbound links from other sites with that keyword as the anchor text. Is this correct? Are there other large scale factors? What is the balance between those 2 (or more) main factors? Which is most important?

    Keyword Research | | nebbisch

  • I have about  350 websites all created in farcry 4.0 cms platform. When i do a site crawl using any seo tool ( seomoz, raven, screaming frog) it comes back telling me I have duplicate titles, description and content for a bunch of my pages. The pages are the same page its just that the crawl is showing the object Id and the friendly URL which is autocreated in the CMS as different pages. EXAMPLE these are the samge page but are recognised as different in SEOMOZ crawl test and therefore flagged as having duplicate title tags and content ... <colgroup span="1"><col style="width: 488pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 23771;" span="1" width="650"></colgroup>
    | <colgroup span="1"><col style="width: 488pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 23771;" span="1" width="650"></colgroup>
    | | | GOOGLE WEBMASTER  however does not show me these errors ? It shows no errors at all. Now i believe i can fix this by chucking in a rel=canonical at the top of  each page ? (a big job over 350 sites) But even so  - my problem is that the website developers are telling me that SEOMOZ and all the other tools are wrong - that google will see these the way it should, that the object ID's would not get indexed ( although i have seen at least one object id show up in the serps.) Do i believe the developers and trust that google has it sorted or go through the process of hassling the developers to get a rel=canonical added to all the pages? (the issue sees my homepage as about 4 different pages   /index AND object id.

    Moz Pro | | cassi

  • Hi Guys, I've been doing much cleaning on my blog lately and deleted numerous categories including their posts with low quality content. After deleting the categories, Google Webmaster Tools is reporting some 404 errors about the RSS Feeds for the deleted categories. I've created a 404.php file inside my theme and placed the following code header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
    header("Location:", true, 301);
    ?> this have catched all 404 errors and redirected them to the specific page. Unfortunately, it could not catch the inactive feed urls.  Is there a way to do this so that all inactive feeds will be redirected to my 404 page? Thanks in advance....

    Technical SEO | | Trigun

  • Hello Guys, I am relatively new to the SEO world. So I am just wondering what would be more helpful. Getting the homepage ranked for a list of targeted keywords or creating a separate page for each keyword and then getting those pages ranked? Look forward to hear back, Thanks! Naimath

    Link Building | | Sizmic

  • Hi, This is really a social media question, hoping you can help. We have 2 facebook sites that we are going to delete. One is a group and one is a page. Here they are: and How do we send a message to all people in both groups all at once letting them know of our new facebook page that we're making? We're also concerned that people will get 2 emails that are subscribed to both sites to be deleted.. Thanks!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • Does Seomoz Help Me Identify The Most Linked Articles From My Competitor Site -- Is there a feature to help me sort the results by this parameter I would like to set ?

    Link Building | | helpwanted

  • The site I am working on is a code nightmare for starters. I'm editing a file called layout that controls the section of each page. The programmer from a while back got unique titles by putting this piece of code in: <title><?= $this->metaTag ?></title> In all the different controllers and stuff I can see where the title is the name of the product plus review or something to that effect. How do I do this for the meta description? Right now the meta description is static in the layout file, and so every page has an identical one. I was hoping there was a way to make the meta description automatically use the first 140 characters on the page or something. Something like this:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • I want to check content (Keyword Density and such) for a page before I load it to the server.  The Term Extractor Tool is great for pages already loaded on the site but what if I want to scan content before I upload it?  Is there a tool out there where I can cut and paste content from a program like word and have it scanned for keyword relevancy prior to uploading it? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | fun52dig

  • I can't find anything online that deals with this issue. I have a page getting indexed by Google at and I don't know why. No links to it anywhere. The page it is closest to is and so I tried to set up a 301 to point one to the other. The problem is each individual widget review is at and so when I redirect /widgets to it also redirects each individual product to Is there some way to just redirect /widgets without having it affect each product review? I cannot change URL structure either, nature of the site. Any ideas?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Hi Guys, Does anyone know or can recommend any really good link building companies out there? There are lots and lots of link building companies but which ones can really do the job! Any recommendations much appreciated Thanks

    Link Building | | GAZ09

  • Would like to build some content sites and would appreciate some guidance on what you believe to be the most SEO friendly CMS platform.  I'm also hoping to find something that doesn't require much HTML and is pretty easy to jump into.

    Web Design | | EdStaton

  • It seems that SEO Moz inturprets & as the html ascii character code: & in my titles.  This is pushing the titles over the limit by 1 or 2 characters in some cases.  Does this matter? does google actually treat & the same way? or is this an SEO Moz bug?

    Moz Pro | | adriandg

  • Does anyone have examples of e-commerce sites successfully using ajax to power faceted navigation?

    Web Design | |

  • I am new to SEOmoz and was wondering if any, which tools on SEOmoz does not use or require backlinking and/or tagging?

    Moz Pro | | aschraegle

  • how long does it take for google see my new backlins and take an effect on my rank?

    Link Building | | ctam

  • Interesting article:

    On-Page Optimization | | TheVolkinator

  • My research on seomoz has resulted in conflicting ideas regarding the canonical tag. One article says avoid it, the other says embrace it. We have fixed a majority of our architecture problems using redirects for duplicate content, however, when we send out newsletters we still have these pesky tracking ids. I figured out how to remove them from analytics, but am unsure of how this affects our SEO. An example of one of our links is: The original url being the custom (non-Google) variables being nlid and uid. Is this a problem? Do I need rel cononical tags on each and every page?

    Technical SEO | | QuickLearnTraining

  • Does the word count of a webpage make a difference to search engines?  Are longer word counts on pages indexed higher or given higher priority? For example,say you have 300 words of copy packed with 20 keywords, and say you also have 700 words of copy that have the same 20 keywords worked in, does Google have a preference over which one it ranks higher?

    Content Development | | greentent

  • When looking at the Competitive Domain Analysis I noticed that I am the only one amongst my competitors that does not have a link from DMOZ. The problem is, I do have a link from them. When you search for my site on you can find my site and it has been that way for quite a while. Anyone know any possible reasons it may be doing this?

    Moz Pro | | ClaytonKendall

  • Do SEOmoz Pro members get the discount code for the SearchLove videos? I've looked on Pro perks but can't see anything 😞

    Industry News | | SteveOllington

  • Hi Guys! Ok a bit of a funny one here which is causing a confusion between us and a web designer and I was wondering if anyone on here might be able to help. Just a bit of back ground for you, the website has been built on Concrete 5 and when we tried to building a sitemap we found over 110,000 pages. When we spoke to the web designer they have told us that within Google webmaster tools, Google has only indexed 58. But.... (and this is where things get a little confusing, so bare with me.) I thought that cant be right so into the Google search bar I put in and had 217 results appear. So google cant have just 58 pages indexed, right? So after speaking to the designer he then posted on the Concrete 5 help forum, to try and help figure it out. I have posted his exact forum post below that the web designer has asked: I'm having some issues where a site we are working on seems to be making multiple pages going to the same page. An SEO specialist has run a report and found a number of duplicate pages created by C5. We are concerned that this is going to dilute or worse penalise the way google sees the site.
    [[155]atSelectOptionID... Is there a way of stopping google from accessing these duplicate 'cID' pages and stop them being made? Also is there a way of getting rid of the ones that are there? We've done a number of sites in C5 and are beginning to get concerned about this... So I guess my question is: If I can access the same content via 4-5 different cID's is that classed as duplicate content? Thanks in advance guys, and any help would greatly appreciated. 🙂

    Technical SEO | | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • I am considering using Google Site Search on our new site. I was told... "We have also seen a bump in traffic for sites when using Google Site Search because Google indexes the site more often (they claim using the paid Google Site Search has no effect on search rankings but we have also seen bumps in rankings after using it so that may just be what they have to say legally)." Is there any evidence of this? Would you recommend using Google Site Search? Thanks David

    Technical SEO | | DavidButler71

  • I'm branching out here from my novice seo status . . . In an effort to channel page rank to the pages I wish to rank for should I make all my non-money pages no-follow. Pages like "contact us", "about us", "application", etc. It seems to make sense to make these no follow so the page rank flows to the pages I wish to rank for. Am I on the right track?

    On-Page Optimization | | leaseman

  • We've been using canonical links to protect site SEO for contributor content and requiring canonical of our partners (as well as tagging internal duplicate content with canonical).  Most other media sites have been doing the same but this is a moving target.  I'm now hearing that the original source tag is now a better option. Special focus for us is placement on google news. Any guidance?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jbertfield

  • Hi, sorry if this question has already been asked, but I can't seem to find the correct answer. In my crawling report for the domain: I get rel cannonical notices. I have redirected all pages of to with a 301 redirect. Where is my error? Why do I get these notices? I hope the image helps. Ep7Rw.jpg

    Technical SEO | | wellbo

  • Does anyone have an infographic to explain how social media increases any lift in the SERP's.  I just am not grasping how if I re tweet a link that the search enegines see this and say "this must be important" let rank it higher.. Where is the Social Media Moz Guru?

    Social Media | |

  • My link builders are doing an excellent job of creating well written articles with my links in the body of the text.  However, most of them state it is a guest post at the top or bottom of the post.  I also notice that the sites the articles are on frequently accept guest posts. 1. Does having the label "guest post" devalue the links at all? 2. Does the fact that the sites often allow for guest posts devalue the links?

    Link Building | | TheDude

  • Hi, I'm considering outsourcing some SEO to a company I got a first month trial sweetener deal with. I've not done this before and am a little unsure about what they propose doing, not sure if I'm being a bit paranoid or too controlly. Details of what they propose: Send them 10 keywords we're interested in ranking for. Work they will perform:
    -Submit site to all major search engines
    -Submit 20 social book marks for site
    We'll produce 1 article + 19 spun variations of the article submitted to:
    -30 directory sites
    -10 press release sites and distribution networks Business Submitted to 5 business directories
    5 social networks created Work and ranking report highlighting what has been done at the end of the month. Most of the stuff I've done already or can do myself. The elements that make me a bit suspicious are the: - 1 article plus 19 spun variations? 5 social networks created? What does that even mean? I did get this for about £20 for the 1st month with no commitment afterwards so I am tempted to let them try. But should I be a bit wary it might do more harm than good in the long run? Any advice\opinions would be much appreciated.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | shabbychicoriginals

  • Hi, We have a client who is currently close to completing a site specifically aimed at the UK market (they're doing this in-house so we've had no say in how it will work). The site will almost be a duplicate (in terms of content, targeted keywords etc.) of a section of the main site (that sits on the root domain) - the main site is targeted toward the US. The only difference will be certain spellings and currency type. If this new UK site were to sit on a sub domain of the main site, which is a .com, will this cause duplicate content issues? I know that there wouldn't be an issue if the new site were to be on a separate domain (according to Matt Cutts), but it looks like the client wants it to be on a sub domain. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jasarrow

  • Hi I recently did some 301 redirects. But now when I type into the search results 'Kyocera black and white printers' my site map is coming up in the listings - does any have any advise as to why this may be happening and how to fix it? Please see image attached, thanks. 1XqHW.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • We have a triple listing for the keyword vca cursus (Dutch keyword). But the page we optimized for that keyword ranks lower than our vca examen page. First we had the number one spot but now we rank 2 to 5. In opensite explorer i compared the competiton and we scored on almost all factors better. Do you know the causes why the vca examen page ranks higher then the vca cursus  page. Is it possible to change that or reverse the triple listing somehow. And why does our competitor ranks higher?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PlusPort

  • Hi everyone, I am new to SEO and in the process of building links the clean way. Any suggestions on how exactly I can find websites that are linking out to quality websites already? I went thru most of my competitors link building strategy - and 90% of their links are  done either thru link exchange or paid links. So looking at my competitors strategy does not really help. So I need to find websites/blogs/forums that are ready to link to me if I can show them some useful content. How do I find these websites first? Please help! Cheers! Arjun

    Link Building | | ArjunRajkumar

  • Hey guys. I recently started doing a directory submission program for new website. Right now I am submitting to 20 directories per day, as well as social bookmarking around 10 blog posts per day. I noticed a small drop in our Google rankings since doing this. Is this because it is too much? Or is it just Google re-adjusting itself to cope with the changes. As ever, really appriciate the help I get off the guys on here. Big love to you all 🙂

    Link Building | | Nextman

  • Hi all, When I create a report on page level (links to pages per page), it seems that also internal links are included. Is it possible to create a report where per page only external links are shown? thnx Dennis

    Moz Pro | | djingel1

  • How many campaigns I can run on SEOmoz software in $99/ month?

    Moz Pro | | genetech

  • The value of inbound links is clear but do the number of outbound links matter when it comes to SEO and search engine rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | casper434

  • Hi there Would anyone know where i could fund affordable, reliable blog post writers who would be able to produce quality posts at affordable rates? What would the accepted rate be etc? Regards Stef

    Content Development | | stefanok

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