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  • Time and time again i see SEO moz come out with a new rankings report and tell me that I've gone up or down in the rankings by 9 and I get really excited.  Then i go look at the search and once agian we are in the exact same position!  What it seems like is sometimes SEO Moz decides to count the local search block, and other times it decides not too.  Is there any way to fix this? To make it always count the local search block would be preferred.

    Moz Pro | | adriandg

  • Good evening, I have noticed using some h1 checkers, that my primary h1 tag is blank. I manually introduced an h1 with my main keywords, but system recognises as 2 different h1 tags, and therefore it could be harmful for my SEO purposes. I created my wordpress website using Artisteer. Is there any specific way (or plugin) to change this primary h1 tag so it wont appear as blank? My site is Thanks in advance Maria Jesus

    Content Development | | goperformancelabs

  • Hello, What social media do you recommend for nlpca(dot)com and what kind of buttons convert best for a site like that? We're working on facebook right now: So far I like the buttons on the top right of this site: weddingmountain(dot)com. Thanks!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • A client has new website design completed by another developer, was launched in April of this year. No 301 redirect was set up so duplicate content is an issue. Client has had a website with same domain name for about 10 years, but has not had any SEO work completed before or since his new site design. For non-www there are 6 referring links - 1 considered to have authority, for www there are also 6 but 3 considered to have authority. More links seem to coming from www than non-www. But for one of the clients keywords they are ranked #1 for their area and that links to their non-www address. And even though no redirects set up by developer, non-www has had far more visits according to Google Analytics. So many basics that still need to be done for site: no meta-descriptions on any page, H1 and page titles could use keywords, call to action moved above fold, etc. Considering this is a new site, and new SEO work and many more inbound links needed, does it matter which address I redirect to? _Cindy Barnard

    Technical SEO | | CeCeBar

  • In June of 2010, we lost rankings for four of our best key terms for our website  No other terms were majorly impacted, so our assumption was that is was either due to Caffeine or a filter on those terms. We have worked with several companies using various strategies since then with little or no success.  We later found that their linking strategies were less than white hat (I'm being polite) The best advice I was given recently is that we were over-optimized for those four terms (life insurance, life insurance quotes, term life insurance, term life insurance quotes) and we need to balance that out by linking with other terms.  I know this will not be a fast process. My problem is I see many of my competitors in this extremely competitive space using black hat (grey at best) techniques and rising quickly to the first page of Google.  Some of the SEO companies working with my competitors offered help to us, which I consider ethically questionable.  These four terms convert the best, as you would imagine, so it has become very cut-throat in this competitive environment. We want to keep our hats white, as we are interested in longevity, not a quick hit and run (our site has been live and working for 8-plus years, by the way).  I have become extremely gun-shy and generally suspicious of working with a new SEO company, so my question (finally) is: I would like some recommendations and success stories you have had with working with SEO companies (white hat only).  Thank you for listening to my rant.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | rdreich49

  • I am working on a wordpress website that uses the WP E-Commerce plugin. I am using the Yoast seo plugin but not totally familiar with it. I have noticed that WP E-Commerce creates duplicate content issues. Here's an example: is the same content as I was wondering which of these following options are the best solution: 1. 301 redirect the multiple instances to one page
    2. noindex all but one instance
    3. Use the canonical tag (i've used this tag before for telling SE's to use the www version of a page but not sure if it's the appropriate for this)
    4. a combination of one of these 3 options? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | theanglemedia

  • We use PRWeb for our press releases and carefully choose the anchor text with a link back to our site at This year, we've put out about 8 releases, all with these links included. However, when I drill down to in Open Site Explorer, I'm only seeing one link coming from one of those releases. It is definitely an external, followed link when I highlight the releases with MozBar, and I don't see any other differences that would help explain this. Can anyone explain why these links aren't showing up? Thank you.

    Link Building | | IFSNA

  • Is there a way to find out what domains a competitor has 301'd to their main site? I am wondering if a competitor has hidden back links using a 301'd site.

    Link Building | | EugeneF

  • Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for tagging video content?  We need to optimize the video HTML code to improve search results. thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | BPIAnalytics

  • Know of a tool where I can show the overall success of a set of keywords, us vs. the competition? A visibility report where a #1 ranking is worth 30 points, #2 is worth 29, so on and so on down to #30 worth 1 point, outside of the top 30 is worth nothing. (something like this). Trying to show an overall visibility scorecard, not sure if I can do it here or with some other tool. Didn't see it on Raven. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | akim26

  • So based on a question asked yesterday, I am wondering what my next step is. Yesterday's question was, I have made updates to Title and Meta Descriptions for my client's site and suddenly they are not showing up in the top 50 for numerous keywords that they used to. The only words in the page source that were edited were "fluff" words that were replaced with relevant keywords reflected in much of the on-page copy yet now the client is not showing up. Ideas? From responses and research, it seems there's a lag time in Google to pick up the updated titles/info and these changes can cause a drop in rankings for a short time - however, I can't very well turn to my client and say sorry your website isn't showing up for a few weeks...wondering what my next step should be, or is there a greater issue I'm missing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | laidlawseo

  • Hi there, how are you guys doing? We wrote an ebook to promote our new website and I was investigating the idea of putting it on Lulu. Did anyone ever use Lulu? If so, do you have any feedback please? I got a free ISBN number on Lulu and it looks like I may be able to distribute it on Amazaon. Also, I'm giving out the ebook for free. Thanks guys! I hope you're having a great day

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ericc22

  • Hello Folks, We are having a SEO situation here, and hope your support will help us figure out that. Let's say there are two different domains and subdomain.domainA is what we want to promote and drive SEO traffic. But all our content lies in domainB. So one of the thoughts we had is to duplicate the domainB's content on subdomian.domainA and have a canonical URL redirect implemented. Questions: Will get indexed in search engines for the content in domainB by canonical redirect? Do we get the SEO benefits? So is there any other better way to attain this objective? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hello all. I am a new member of SEOmoz and liking it so far. This is my first post to you all (my new family). I have a client who is starting a new company. We know for sure that he needs a new domain name. The question is two part: Part One Should he buy (is it worth the money) a parked domain that has some age to it. For example, a 9 or 10 year old domain that is getting "0" traffic and has no PR? Or Should he just put that same say $1000 price tag back in his wallet and spend the money on a link building campaign to his new $9.95 domain name? Part Two We found a domain he really likes but only the ".co" ".net" and ".biz" are available. The .com belongs to a big company that has made a simple landing page from the .com domain name (that we really want) and will probably never let it go to us. So we will always be stuck without the .com portion of the domain registrations for this domain name if we go for it. Question: a. Will we have difficulty competing for our own name recognition since the "big company" owns the landing page (even though it is a "0" PR page? b. Can we live on only the .co extension or would we live to regret not getting all the extensions related to our domain name? thanks everyone! I look forward to contributing here as well.

    Branding | | webindustry

  • If a user searches using but is based in the UK, is it classed as a Google UK search or a Google US search in terms of monthly search volumes? Most of my clients are targeting UK consumers and often rank well on Google UK but outside the top fifty for Google US. I have mentioned that that is fine unless a client happens to use Am I talking rubbish?

    Algorithm Updates | | Switch_Digital

  • We use canonical tags for multipart videos, using part 1 of the series as their canonical tag. The logic behind this is that if you have eight parts, it's better for part 1 to get all the link juice for the entire series, so that when someone searches for the main keyword, part 1 is the highest ranked part to appear in search results, and the link juice from every part is aggregated into that one page. The problem is the Facebook made changes to their URL sharing practices to reflect the canonical tag. So as long as the tag is used Facebook ignores the image and description from say part 2, and uses the description from part 1. Can this be waived by using Facebook Open Graph Protocol? Thanks!!

    Social Media | | Tug-Agency

  • A client recently engaged my service to deliver foundational white hat SEO. Upon site audit, I discovered a tremendous amount of black hat SEO tactics employed by their former SEO company. I'm concerned that the efforts of the old company, including forum spamming, irrelevant backlink development, exploiting code vulnerabilities on BB's and other messy practices, could negatively influence the target site's campaigns for years to come. The site owner handed over hundreds of pages of paperwork from the old company detailing their black hat SEO efforts. The sheer amount of data is insurmountable. I took just one week of reports and tracked back the links to find that 10% of the accounts were banned, 20% tagged as abusive, some of the sites were shut down completely, WOT reports of abusive practices and mentions on BB control programs of blacklisting for the site. My question is simple. How does one mitigate the negative effects of old black hat SEO efforts and move forward with white hat solutions when faced with hundreds of hours of black gunk to clean up. Is there a clean way to eliminate the old efforts without contacting every site administrator and requesting removal of content/profiles? This seems daunting, but my client is a wonderful person who got in over her head, paying for a service that she did not understand. I'd really like to help her succeed. Craig Cook

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SEOptPro

  • If we have content on our site that is found on another site, what is the best way to know which site Google views as the original source? If you search for a line of the content such as "xyz abc etc" and the other site shows before yours in search results, does that mean that Google views that site as the original source?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hello- My company is having a very difficult time performing well for the term "locum tenens".  This term literally defines our industry and target market (temporary physician staffing, essentially) and is by far the most searched term in our industry (30k / month, give or take).  For us, “locum tenens” is like “ice cream” is to Ben & Jerry’s. Of course, there are other keywords we're concerned with, but this is by far the most important single term. We've moved up to page 3 a few times since launching our redesigned site in April, but seem to continuously settle on page 5 (we've been on page 5 for many weeks now). While I didn’t expect us to be on page 1 at this point, I having a hard time understanding why we’re not on at least 2 or 3, in light of the sites ahead of us.  We have a ton of decent, optimized content and we’ve tried not to be too spammy (every page does have locum tenens on it many times, but it describes our service – it’s hard not to use it many times). We are working on developing backlinks and are avoiding any spammy backlink schemes (I get calls every day from companies saying they can give me 400 backlinks a month, which I have a hard time believing is a good long term strategy).  It just sort of seems like our site is cursed for some reason that I can't understand. We are working with a competent SEO firm, and still have not made much progress for this term.  So, I’m hoping maybe the community here might have some helpful advice. Our site is Any insight you guys may have would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a great day. Jason

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ba_seomoz

  • Everyone knows subdomains worked for Hubpages to recover from Panda. Does anyone know of other examples of sites that have recovered from Panda using subdomains?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hi all i need a list of all urls google has indexed from my site i want this in excel format or csv how do i go about getting this thanks in advance

    Reporting & Analytics | | Will_Craig

  • I already have one campaign running with several keywords and competitors tracking, I was wondering when should I start a new one ? is this option is for those who have multiple websites ? we only have one !.

    Moz Pro | | processia

  • What loss of value would this link experience? If the link is actually a link to the from site that is 301'd to your site like this example below: i.e., My thought is that simply because you're going through a redirect  (In this case a 301) you will lose slight value there. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and reasoning on any other affects if any (direct or indirect) you think it may have.

    Technical SEO | | Webfor

  • right now our organization has the a robot text file set to block search engines from indexing the non-www version of our URL - looks like this #Dynamically generated robots.txt file for
    User-agent: * Disallow: / Of course, we do allow search engines to crawl the www. version Is this the best way to do this?

    Technical SEO | |

  • For the site I work on we would like to make a change on the homepage from having categories on the left nav to a meta menu on the top nav. The reason we are doing this is an attempt to both make finding products better for the customer and we feel it is more aesthetically pleasing. Could this negatively affect our SEO and ranking even if we use the exact same links? Are there any other negative repercussions you feel could come from this? Thanks for any help!

    Web Design | | ClaytonKendall

  • I would like to track the amount of impressions on all pages in a "sub category" and clicks to a certain button for a contact form. I know that I can add snipets to my analytics code but I'm not sure how to and witch snipet to include. Is it possible?

    Reporting & Analytics | | SuperlativB

  • Is there a way to tell where a competitor's facebook shares and likes are coming from? How to also tell what ads they have running in Facebook and their spend? I am looking at OSE's data and its telling me a competitor has 8.5K Facebook shares and 1K facebook likes. I go to their facebook page and it has about 25 likes. This site should not have anywhere close to the facebook shares/likes its receiving so wondering where they are getting their boosted traffic from.

    Moz Pro | | rjb627

  • Hi, If a page in the source code has boht following elements: class="blogg_rubrik">TITLE OF THE PAGE Is that bad for SEO, since the first H1 is empty? Shouldn't a page use only one H1?

    Technical SEO | | Ypsilon

  • Hi Mozzers, Any of you know a way to bulk check which CMS a list of sites run on? Let's say I'd like to develop a plugin for a CMS (e.g. Wordpress or vBulletin). But that'd only make sense if some of the sites in the niche use this platform. And I'd like to avoid checking them manually with WASP. Thanks! Thomas

    Competitive Research | | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I'm 90% sure that local SEO doesn't have an affect on international rankings (it doesn't logically make sense that it would) but I wondered if someone could verify that assertion for me, either from experience or by pointing me in the direction of a resource/article that states it. Have searched high and low but can't find anything thanks j

    Image & Video Optimization | | jamesjackson

  • As it says on the tin; Is there such thing as a good text/code ratio? And can it effect SERPs? I'm currently looking at a 20% ratio whereas some competitors are closer to 40%+. Best regards,

    Technical SEO | | ARMofficial

  • Any advice on the following greatly appreciated: How to get multiple subdomain data into 1 Google Analytics profile? Can we get multiple subdomain data into Google Webmaster Tools (and if so how?) or do we need to set GWT up per subdomain?

    Reporting & Analytics | | AndyMacLean

  • Hi Guys, Is there a way in Wordpress to transfer or redirect a category and all posts under it into a sub-domain? Thanks in advance..

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Trigun

  • A new client has and a large numer of city specific sub domains i.e. I think that these subdomains would actually work better as subfolders i.e rather than The majority of links on the subdomains link to the main site anyway i.e. rather than Having mostly main domain links on a subdomain doesnt seem like clever link architecture to me and maybe even spammy. Im not overly familiar with redirecting subdomains to subfolders. If we go the route of 301'ing subdomains to subfolders any advice/warnings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndyMacLean

  • Hi, I have a Wordpress SEO Question. I ran the SEOMOZ checker on my website and it discovered roughly 70 of my 250 blogs had a URL length problem. I have removed the year and month from the WP structure as I read elsewhere that it is not important. The blogs displayed as follows: and the new structure is: I have resubmitted the new structure to Google Webmaster Tools XML and updating the on-page sitemap on my main site. My blog was cached on 25<sup>th</sup> October and seems to be caching every 7 days, my website cached on the 24th and I wonder if I should do any follow up work to ensure the content gets crawled properly. a)      Individually 301 redirect the old URLs to the new. b)      Individual Canonical links for each. c)      Adding the old pages to the robots file and disallowing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Web Design | | tdsnet

  • I had changed the meta tags for a site about a month back and Google has also crawled those new tags but in search results when I search for the term 'Aztex Sodablast' it is continuing to show the old tags while on the site, the new tags are being displayed. What may be the issue and how could I correct the problem?

    Technical SEO | | pulseseo

  • Hello Everyone, We suddenly noticed that our keywords fell off the map and discovered that porn had been placed (via.htaccess redirects and masking) on our site. The porn links caused Google to drop us.We scrubbed our .htaccess file and asked Google to reindex our site 3 weeks ago.Does anyone have experience with reindexing?If so, how long were you down and did your keyword positions return eventually?Thanks,Bob

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | impressem

  • Your thoughts? Yes or no?

    Link Building | | HeadStud

  • I have come up with a very creative way to get some great back links using white hat methods. The problem is that the back links to the site would be to an interior page or external promotional website which then have links back to the main website. What kind of value for the main domain would this potentially achieve. What are peopLes thoughts on this idea?

    Link Building | | FidelityOne

  • We changed hosting companies two weeks ago, and we had a number of configuration issues that caused the site to go on and offline over that weekend. We fixed the problem but our traffic took a noticeable hit. I am assuming this is because our rankings dropped due to the site being down. Now that we're stable again, how long will it take for the traffic to return? is there anything I can do to speed up the process?

    Technical SEO | | AmericanOutlets

  • I have a client that wants to use micro formatting to keep a portion of their page (the disclaimer) from being read by the search engines. They want to do this because it will help with their keyword density on the rest of the page and block the “bad keywords” that come from their legally required disclaimer. We have suggested alternate methods to resolve this problem, but they do not want to implement those, they just want a POV from us explaining how this micro formatting process will work. And that’s where the problem is. I’ve never heard of this use case and can’t seem to find anyone who has. I'm posting the question to the Moz Community to see if anyone knows how microformats can keep copy from being crawled by the bots. Please include any links to sites that you know that are using micro formatting in this way. Have you implemented it and seen results? Do you know of a website that is using it now? We're looking for use cases please!

    Technical SEO | | Merkle-Impaqt

  • Has this happened to anyone else? I keep running reports in OSE and then exporting them, but I only get 120 rows exported to the csv when it should be several thousand. Thought I'd ask around before raising it to the Moz team!

    Moz Pro | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Looking for experienced feedback on a new client challenge. Multiple pages of content in the English language are replicated across multiple CCTLDs in addition to the .com address we're working with. Is duplicate content a concern in this case? What measures are recommended to help preserve their North American search inclusion while not serving as a detriment to external (European/Asian CCTLDs) properties aimed for other geos/languages? EDIT: After posting, this was read. Any thoughts?

    International SEO | | eMagineSEO

  • How would you plan for the levels of traffic on an in-house web server? The scenario is that website is basically running on a T1 (1.5 Mbps) connection pipe, and traffic projects to increase significantly with content growing from about 40 uniques a day (on less than 20 poorly optimized web pages + associated PDF documents), to over 150 search optimized content pages + offsite traffic and link building. I'm trying to figure out what kinds of avg traffic levels (plus spikes) would represent a maximum bandwidth capacity for this...given that its a narrow specialty B2B focus. Any answers would be useful.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GLogic

  • Scenario: There is a website called and it is a new domain with about 300 inbound links  (some going to the product pages and categories), but they have some high trust links The website has categories a, b, c etc but they are all on a subdomain so instead of being the entire site's structure looks like Would you go to the effort of 301ing the subdomain urls to the correct url structure of name, or would you leave it as it is? Just interested as to the extent of the issues this could cause in the future and if this is something worth resolving sooner than later.

    Technical SEO | | Kerry22

  • Hi Guys, We've been optimizing a client's site for about a year or so now and on a call the other day the client brought up that he owns and operates another site that's marketing the same product, but to a difference audience (we work on the direct to consumer side, this is a distributior focused site),with the same exact content as the site we are optimizing. Obviously this is a major duplcant content issue and we need to get it resolved very quickjly. We have already reccomendt to the client that we re-write content, but this is where my questions comes in - Which site should we rewrite the content on? The site we are optimizing is the more impoorant of the two, while we still want the other site to hold rankings we dont want to end up accidently optimizing the other site wherein the site we are working on full time suffers a lost when a "compeiting" site creates compeltely new content and may, accidentally, end up ranking higher than the site we are focusing on full time. As links also play a role, would that be a KPI to look at here in determining which site gets new content and which does not? In this scenairo, would would you guys recommend? Just want to make sure I'm dotting all my I's, and crossing T's here. Many thanks to all in advance, Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Havas_Disco

  • We have been updating page titles and meta descriptions for a client (not changing ANY links and the content we are replacing is "fluff," no major keywords or any relevant information) yet in the past few weeks, rankings have plummeted. I used the SEOMoz grader to check and make sure we have the keywords in there, in the right places for the updated page source info, and we're getting A's yet for those same keywords, the website is nowhere to be found. For example for the phrase "organic t shirts," we get an A for this page: but when searching organic t shirts, no Green Promotional Items... Ideas?

    Algorithm Updates | | laidlawseo

  • Hi, Our website is nlpca(dot)com facebook page: They recently added facebook. I told them for posting on the wall to do the following: Identify your target audience, possible people to like us Identify what they really really are searching for on Facebook and the web, and give it to them. How could we improve on this strategy. At first my boss wanted to post article sinippits and links to the articles, but I told him to create facebook content with the above (1) and (2) strategy Your thoughts?

    Social Media | | BobGW

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