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  • Can anyone recommend the best or a better alternative to submitting a clients site to multiple directories than Universal Business Listing?  Is UBL the best or is there something better and/or less expensive out there? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | fun52dig

  • Hi SEOmozzers!  I'm the Dr./owner/in-house SEO for my eye care practice.  The URL is  Our practice is in O'Fallon, MO.  Since I'm an optometrist, my main keywords are "optometrist o'fallon" and "o'fallon optometrist". As I get more familiarity with SEO, Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools, I've discovered the Keywords that Google feels best represent my website.  About a week ago I noted Google counted 21 instances of "optometrist" on the 28-30 pages of my website, which ranks as #32 in the most common keywords.  #1 is "eye" with 506 instances. Even though 21 occurrences seemed low, I went though every page adding "optometrist" a couple times in the body where it would naturally be appropriate.  I also added it to the address shown on the footer of every page.  I changed the top navigation option of "meet Dr. Hegyi" to "our optometrist". I must have added at least 4 occurrences to every page on my site, and submitted for a re-crawl.  I even tried to scale back the "eye" occurrences on a few pages. Today I see that Google has re-crawled the site and the keywords have been updated.  "Optometrist has DROPPED from #32 to #33. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions why I'm not seeing increased occurrence in Googles eyes? I realize this may not be a big factor in SERPs, but every bit of on-page optimization helps. Or is this too minor of an issue to sweat? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JosephHegyi

  • I'd like to add PPC as a service for my company. However I'm at a loss as to how to charge for it. I've received cold calls from those "SEO guys" charging $200 for PPC services. But I doubt that they're very profitable or even ethical. For you PPC guys, are you billing hourly on top of the campaign, and how are you outlining this for your customers? Thanks!

    Paid Search Marketing | | WilliamBay

  • Hey Moz Community, Because honest user reviews are the best way to inform people about SEOmoz PRO tools and benefits, we'd love for those of you who are on LinkedIn to leave a recommendation for our product: If you do choose to leave a review, please be honest in what you say. Even if it's not 100% hearts & flowers, we'd rather you keep it real. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | EricaMcGillivray

  • If I'm optimizing for a specific keyword, is it accurate to assume that by ranking for that specific keyword that I will also be able to rank for similar or root keywords merely by ranking for the original keyword? For example, if I'm targeting 'free online bucket list' is it safe to assume that I will also be able to inadvertently rank for 'online bucket list' or 'free bucket list'? Can I assure clients of this? Or if I'm targeting 'Colorado grocery store' should I also naturally rank for 'grocery store Colorado' and not need to make both of these my targeted keywords?

    Keyword Research | | derrickkuhn

  • I've downloaded Article Demon a while ago and have been trying to use it all though it hasn't been as easy to use as I would have liked. I was just wondering what you guys feel about Article Submitting software, if it's useful or if it's a waste of time? Regards

    Link Building | | HeadStud

  • Hello SEOmozers! I have a question for you all. What are "naked backlinks"? Can you also give an example? Thank you! woo aka STPseo

    Link Building | | STPseo

  • I have a staff of 10 full time people and 8 part time people working on my websites generating dynamic and unique content daily. Been doing this since 2003. We have over 5K indexed pages.  There is another site with about 5 indexed pages that ONLY has RSS feeds on our site (one of which are articles from our site). How in the world do they have a higher domain authority than us?

    Search Behavior | | TheVolkinator

  • I use both UBL (universal business listing) and LocalEZE to submit local listing information. UBL submits to the big database companies but LocalEZE has direct relationships with many of the local listing sites. UBL says they submit to LocalEZE but my LocalEZE agent just told me that they don't publish data from UBL so I basically have been lied to by UBL for a year saying they use LocalEZE to publish as well. I feel companies have a responsibility to make ethical business decisions and I don't know how comfortable I am using UBL. Does anyone have any recommendaitons for providers other than UBL for mass local listing data submission?

    Image & Video Optimization | | qlkasdjfw

  • One of our big natural search competitors for gift keywords is We are competing for many keywords like "teen gifts",  "gifts for him", "gifts for her". For many of these, the Google SERP has multiple pages on the first page. I have never seen more than one of our pages ( on  a SERP page. Any clue how/why has multiple pages in search results ? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | znotes

  • How long does it take for crawlers to update links? As in number of back links

    Link Building | | tom14cat14

  • I am trying to tag my bing cpc in GA using the URL builder tool: It is incredibly tedious, and in order to get to the level of adwords, I have to create a unique URL for each keyword! Ahh, please tell me there is a better way!

    Paid Search Marketing | | QuickLearnTraining

  • I think my ranking are not accurate... It says this but it think it is fault. Under here i put what it says. Is it possible that i get the wrong results? The site is And an other questions is : when people in spain search do they automaticly search on or ? | Mando a distancia
    | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   Mando distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 2 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   Mandos a distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   mandos distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    |   mandos distancias Keyword History Ranking Analysis | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces | | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | Mando distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 2 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | Mandos a distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | mandos distancia | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |
    | mandos distancias Keyword History Ranking Analysis | pending | Moved unknown 0 spaces | 1 | Moved unknown 0 spaces |

    Technical SEO | | seoroyal

  • Hello, We've decided to create 24 articles of content for our ecommerce site, everything from an FAQ to history of the products to 10 articles on the top 10 products. Really useful to the user. How do you suggest that we make our content visible to the users? We could put a nice button on our right banner that says "Extensive Help Session" or we could put a banner on our home page or we could make it a tab at the top of the screen. We could additionally make a well organized footer with links to the articles. Or we could do all of those but that might be overkill. What do you suggest?

    Content Development | | BobGW

  • I've used the "fetch as googlebot" tool in Google webmaster tools to submit links from my site, but I was wondering if there was any type of tool or submission process like this for submitting links from other sites that you do not own? The reason I ask is, I worked for several months to get a website to accept my link as part of their dealer locator tool. The link to my site was published a few months ago, however I don't think google has found it and the reason could be because you have to type in your zip code to get the link to appear. This is the website that I am referencing: (my website is Is there any way for Google to index the link? Any ideas?

    Moz Pro | | texmeix

  • How is it determined which terms and associated urls are chosen when SEOmoz tracks your On-Page Report Card? I'm receiving a lot of F Grades for terms I'm not really interested in and a lot of terms I'd like to be tracked aren't. Is there a way I can manually choose which terms and pages I'd like to be shown?

    On-Page Optimization | | ClaytonKendall

  • Can I use the same video (hosted on my website, static URL) for 2 completely unique press releases/articles)? Would this make it less unique although the subject on those to press releases would fall into the same category (travel) but will have different content?

    Link Building | | echo1

  • Google data show little or no traffic for some local and long tail keywords.  Do they just have a cut off that anything say under 50 keywords does not show up?  Is this data 100% accurate?  Are there other methods or tools for measuring this better? Thanks much!

    Technical SEO | | BrandonWentland

  • A manufacturing client has distributors around the world. Can I add these distributors to my client's Google Places account through the bulk upload feature? Is there a better way to ensure that people searching in the company's various territories see a Google Places entry for the appropriate distributor?

    Image & Video Optimization | | joshfialkoff-77863

  • How can I research why I'm getting 600 impressions and 35 clicks? My main targeted keyword is coming up in 3rd place, but the number of clicks has not gone up very much.

    Keyword Research | | Mariannag7282

  • Hi i have been waiting for a long time to buy [removed by admin] as i have the name and it is now up for sale for 12 dollars. but here is the problem. i am in spain at the moment and not due back for two weeks, i have joined go daddy as they say they have it up for sale at 12 dollars but after joining the site and trying to buy it i am coming across major problems as the screen is just coming blank. it is not taking me direct to the auction or buy now section of the site and i do not know what is going on. spent nearly four hours trying to sort this out. would anyone please help me find out what is going on as i really need this domain name for my site so i can start using the .com for the site and replace it with the

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Over the past few months I have encountered webmasters who claim to be using instruments far better than open site explorer but they will not disclose what they are. Are there better ways of determining the value of a link than OSE? Is "link juice" more important than page/domain authority where the link resides? Or vice-vesa. Any help understanding this would be appreciated. I do not want to offend other webmasters but I also do not want to be fooled by them either while negotiating a link exchange with them

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | casper434

  • A client of mine owns a studio space where he teaches yoga and martial arts.  It's a new business and we're deciding how to create the website(s) and which domain(s) to buy. The idea right now is to have 3 websites for each side of the business, and I'm looking for validation of this idea. I haven't been able to find an answer in the Q&A forum that quite applies to our situation. Website 1: for the studio itself. The audience is other yoga teachers, martial arts teachers, or personal trainers. He will rent out the studio space to them and they bring in their own clients. Content and keywords will relate to this. Website 2: yoga classes. The audience is members of the public who want to take yoga classes. Content and keywords will relate to this. Website 3: martial arts. The audience is members of the public who want to take martial arts classes. Content and keywords will relate to this. We will make certain there's no duplicate content on the sites, but it makes sense for them to link to each other because they're similar in nature (personal health and fitness at the studio), and the latter 2 services are offered at the studio, of course. Question 1: (a) is it a good idea to get a separate domain for each site? for example:,,  (b) Or would it be better to keep it all under and use subdomains like and   In either case, the keywords "yoga" and "martial arts" would be in the domain name, which has benefit.  Does that still apply for subdomains?  (c) Or would these services even be considered similar enough that I just use and  There will of course be several pages on yoga and several on martial arts. Question 2: if registering multiple domains, they will interlink as much as possible.  (a) what do we consider when buying the domains?  (b) use a different address for WHOIS of each domain?  (c) can technical contact be the same address (mine, the consultant)?   (d) use a different credit card for each?  (e) ok if the name on the credit card is the same?  (f) can we register them all the same day?   (h) same domain registrar?   (i) same host?   we don't want to appear black hat by having multiple sites, but I think it's very legitimate to have the business split into 3 sites like this just because they're separate sides of the business with different audiences, content, keywords. Question 3: when the domains come up for renewal in 1 year (or more), would it be safe to switch them all over to one credit card then, for convenience to the owner? Question 4: is there anything important I haven't mentioned here? I appreciate any input and discussion.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Kenoshi

  • Hey guys, got a question about the Huffington Post and its Twitter widget - see screenshot attached HuffPo seems to be aggregating links somehow under the "Top links on this topic" heading within the Twitter widget. At first I thought this was an official Twitter wdget; However, I can't find it on Twitter's site and I'm starting to think it's a custom widget possibly developed by HuffPo themselves. My question is how do I get my site to rank under their "Top links"? Is it feeding on Twitter presence or is it feeding from Google News or through something else? Many thanks in advance for any light shed on this topic Edit: Link to Huffington Post page example from screenshot Screen%252520shot%2525202011-10-24%252520at%25252017.26.54.png

    Social Media | | JDauncey

  • Hi i have been redoing my site because i needed to start from scratch and as a result i lost a lot of rankings and traffic but things will get better when i have finished the site and got it the way i want it, but my question is. i am in spain at the moment and i looked at my site and foiund that it is not on the first page but in england it is on the first page and would like to know how i would need to improve this to make my site go on the front page for spain. Any advice would be great as i want to try and gain global traffic for the site

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, One of my client want a website revamp in two phases. The first phase would be to move the CMS from Sharepoint to Drupal keeping the same content and URLs but the page extension will change (it could become php or just the name of the page without any extension) The second phase will be a content revamp with URL change. The first phase will last 3 weeks and then we will push the second phase with the new content and the new URL. Some shortcuts to make it a more readable: old url = OURL old url with new extension = OURLEX new URL = NURL My problem is how can I manage the redirections. Should I: Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rule I created in phase 1 and add rules for OURLEX to NURL Or Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rule I created in phase 1 and add redirect OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create one rule that will redirect all the OURL to the OURLEX Phase 2: remove the rule I created in phase 1 and add redirect OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create a rules for each OURL that will redirect all the pages to OURLEX Phase 2: remove the rules I created in phase 1 and redirect the OURL to NURL Or Phase 1: create a rules for each OURL that will redirect all the pages to the OURLEX Phase 2: keep the rules I created in phase 1 and add rules to redirect the OURLEX to the NURL Or something else you think is better Difficult to explain, let me know if it's understandable. Thanks for you help! GaB

    Technical SEO | | Pherogab

  • We have a client, for whom we built a Magento website, where he is selling eSmoking products like eCigars, etc . Now, he wants us to do the SEO of his website. Im not sure, if the general practise is fine for him,  because of the nicotine laws by the fda, yahoo and google will not do it. Let me know, how I should proceed.

    Image & Video Optimization | | qubesys

  • I'm working with a publisher who said that having DFA links on his site will hurt his SEO. He is taking my link and pointing it back to his site and then to mine.  Does that sound right to you?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GFTMarketer

  • Hello Seomoz friends. I've about to pull all my hair out and need to turn somewhere.   Our site, has been around since 2004.  We used to be ranked at the top of page two on google under the keyword "live chat".  We are no on page 4, heading to page 5. Can anyone take a look at the site and see if anything jumps out at you?  The only way we have been able to get on the first page, is the pay for google adwords (which we've been doing every month for 7 years). Again, the site and the keyword is "live chat". Any help or feedback would be appreciated SO MUCH! Thanks! Eric

    Web Design | | EricWeber

  • I set up a profile for a site with many pages, opting for setting up as a root directory. When SEOMoz crawled, they only found one page. Any ideas for why this would be? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | Group16

  • Our company offers services for nonprofit organizations and we are finding that "non profit" and "nonprofit" are both used very frequently in search queries. I suspect Google will treat the two variations similarly but am looking for something more concrete than my anecdotal experience. How does Google treat compound words that are commonly searched for as multiple words? Any suggestions on resources or tests to find a concrete answer for "nonprofit"?

    Keyword Research | | Jon_KS

  • Correct me if I am wrong, but for SEO purposes, it is best to host your website in the correct country? I set up hosting in Germany for our new website, but now I am concerned on how to set up our wordpress website through our german host and setting up the database. Or would I be safe to host it in the US? Can I set it all up in English and then translate it to German and then upload it that way?

    Web Design | | hfranz

  • I have a client who shows up in the Places results for his targeted keyword phrase, but one of his competitors' listing shows 5 gold stars next to the reviews which causes him to stand out visually. I was under the impression that at one time the stars only showed for listings that had official Google reviews, but the other listings in the results also have "Google Reviews" but no stars.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | joshualfink

  • I work for a marketing agency that just redesigned, rewrote and relaunched a client's website. They used to rank #4 on Google for the company's name (which is a fairly common one, for what it's worth). Now they're at #10 and want to know why. I'd like to explain to them what happened but don't know myself. Can someone explain it to me? And can I tell them if/when their ranking might go back up? In case this matters, I can tell you that it looks like Google hasn't yet crawled the new site. Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Technical SEO | | matt-14567

  • So I have a site that was getting about 200 hits (not a lot). They came to me and asked to do SEO. There were over 50 pages in HTML format so I created header/footers and changed the .html pages to .php. I set forwards up in the htaccess and everything. I did everything that I was suppose to. Now when I go to the analytics it almost looks like it lost all it's traffic from the keywords it was ranked in. Any ideas on why?

    Reporting & Analytics | | blackrino

  • Hi I've got a client with lots of content that is hidden behind a registration form - if you don't fill it out you can not proceed to the content.  As a result it is not being indexed.  No surprises there. They are only doing this because they feel it is the best way of capturing email addresses, rather than the fact that they need to "protect" the content. Currently users arriving on the site will be redirected to the form if they have not had a "this user is registered" cookie set previously.  If the cookie is set then they aren't redirected and get to see the content. I am considering changing this logic to only redirecting users to the form if they accept cookies but haven't got the "this user is registered cookie".  The idea being that search engines would then not be redirected and would index the full site, not the dead end form. From the clients perspective this would mean only very free non-registered visitors would "avoid" the form, yet search engines are arguably not being treated as a special case. So my question is: would this be considered cloaking/put the site at risk in any way? (They would prefer to not go down the First Click Free route as this will lower their email sign-ups.) Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | TimBarlow

  • my clients site is When you enter that URL it redirects to, dont ask why, thats the way they set it up and thats what im stuck with. So, how do i resolve the 301 issue here. we want all things to point to, in terms of SEO but does the fact that there is a redirect going to /shop make this an issue? we appear to have: all these URL's go to the same same page so what is the best way to correct this? thanks for any help on this Lee

    Technical SEO | | IPIM

  • I want to enable crawling facility for dynamic generated search result pages which are generating by Magento Solr search. You can view more about it by following URLs. Right now, Google is not crawling search result page because, I have added following syntax to Robots.txt file. Disallow: /*?q= So, How do I enable crawling of search result pages with best SEO practice? If any other inputs in same direction so, it will help me more to get it done.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Dear Sir/Madam, I have been using SEOmoz PRO tool from last 15 days and have used most of the SEO tools and got a fair idea about my sites performance but I am still confused as how can SEOmoz PRO tool help me in optimizing my website.It gives me the comparison reports which is great.But I want to know about what SEO plans should I implement to improve my site's SEO Ranking. Can you please suggest and revert back at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    Moz Pro | | 1prashakth

  • Today, I was checking Google webmaster tools and found that, there are 117 dynamic URLs are restrict by Robots.txt. I have added following syntax in my Robots.txt You can get more idea by following excel sheet. #Dynamic URLs Disallow: /?osCsidDisallow: /?q= Disallow: /?dir=Disallow: /?p= Disallow: /*?limit= Disallow: /*review-form I have concern for following kind of pages. Shorting by specification: Iterms per page: Numbering page of products: Will it create resistance in organic performance of my category pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Does any one know how you can try to make authorship profiles show in SERPs other than just making sure the profiles were installed correctly?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Google has stated that you can do this to get spiders to content only, and faster. Our IT guy is saying it's impossible.
    Do you know how to exlude display ads from robots.txt? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | GregBeddor

  • Hi mozzers. I have questions. 1. Can you Share tools for google and msn adwords,example templates,etc.. 2. Any project Management Software or Template for ppc 3. The Best Book from A to Z about ppc advertisement 4. Share your MOS Importanz Stepps to Build really competitive campaign and to Be Number 1 on pair Search results. Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | leadsprofi

  • In my webmaster tools account it says that I have almost 8000 crawl errors. Most of which are http 403 errors The urls are§ion=friends&module=profile&do=remove&member_id=224§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=166 And similar urls. I recently blocked crawl access to my members folder to remove duplicate errors but not sure how i can block access to these kinds of urls since its not really a folder thing. Any idea on how to?

    Technical SEO | | NoahGlaser78

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