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  • i cant skip to sections i want without having to selct a point in time around my desired time. eg i want 50 minutes but can only select 35 or 80 minutes? really annoying when you have to rewatch a 10 minutes section you have seen because you missed something and needed to go back any suggestions on how to fix this?

    SEO Learn Center | | corgi

  • Hello, I am helping out Bentinho Massaro, a spiritual figure from Holland, for free since he is such a good guy. I want to give him 3 to 4 keywords for his home page title tag. That's all he has time for. site: The only things I can find so far that I think will fit are: Spiritual Awakening Bentinho Massaro The reason for #2 is that he is getting more and more famous. Any help you can come with to give him 4 options would be great. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | BobGW

  • Here's a strange one: I am working on a site for a local business and targeting local searches. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Various keyword position tools show the site ranking very well for searches like "Anytown Widget Store". Doing the same Google search from a browser in Anytown, the site shows up much lower.  So I tried changing the location in Google to other cities, using a variety of browsers and it comes up much higher out of town than in town. I have seen plenty of geographic discrepancies before, but usually they went the other way - searches from the actual local area did slightly better than the same searches done elsewhere, which would make sense. Any thoughts on why this would happen?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nick_Ker

  • robots.txt is forbidden - I have read up on what the robots.txt file does and how to configure it but what about if it is not able to be accessed at all?

    Algorithm Updates | | Assembla

  • A massive part of the conference is meeting people. I went last year and would like to make sure I meet as much of the moz community as I can this year. If you are going to be there please let me know and we can all make a point to say hi I'm debating whether to go back to the mohawk hairstyle for the conference, for ease of recognition 😉 Cheers and hope to see you there Stephen

    Industry News | | firstconversion

  • Hi, I am having a problem with geotargeting. I have gTLD ( but my international languages are in subdomains. My english version is showing in the google mexico search engine. I need to know what I can do to show our international as well as regional languages ( in the right search engines. Also, having problem with mexico (es) and spain (es) causing dulipication issues and showing in both search engines. I dont think geotargeting in webmaster tools would be the action or setting a lang attribute. Let me know what you think I should I do.

    International SEO | | Melia

  • I've been building links consistently to our site for the past three months. At first, some of my tactics were rather shady. As I learned more, I started to get more quality links. I have noticed that a very small percentage of my active links are currently indexed. Should I do something to get these older links indexed or just keep building new links? Will building shady links to unindexed links get them indexed? Will this get my site penalized? Does pinging help? What resource should I use to ping these unindexed links? Forgive me if this is a really basic question. I'm still learning the ropes.

    Link Building | | vindel1985

  • We have a client who has occupied the top spot on Google for the past several months. According to the Google Adwords keyword suggestion tool, this keyword should generate around 5,000 Global and Local Monthly average visits. Trends show this keyword has consistent month over month traffic. The keyword search type is broad match. When we look at analytics, they're only getting 5 visits per month. Shouldn't the top spot get the lion's share of traffic? We've noticed this trend on several of our clients whose traffic doesn't really increase proportionate to the estimated search volume that Google returns in the Adwords tool. Ideas? We see the estimated traffic and tell clients, "Once we get you in that top organic slot, you'll get most of that traffic," but it's not correlating. Thanks so much.

    Algorithm Updates | | GravitateOnline

  • Our site currently is focused in the USA and the entire site is in the English language.   We have considered broadening our scope to include content from foreign countries - i.e. Brazil. What is the best way to approach this -- can we use our existing domain and just have a specific section of the site that is dedicated to a particular Country with content translated into that Country's predominant language?    OR could this create SEO issues -- having a domain with both English and some other language? Would it be better to have this on a totally different domain with Country extension? This is totally foreign territory for me - bad pun intended. Any advice, help would be appreciated. Thanks. Matt

    Technical SEO | | MWM3772

  • The full announcement is here: My concern is that the ability for Google Analytics to parse information on specific keyword queries will be diminished. The article hints that Google Webmaster Tools will be exempt from the problem, and I've never relied on Webmaster tools as a go-to for tying specific keyword queries to Goal Tracking (form submissions and sales). The community's thoughts on this one are appreciated. 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | MKR_Agency

  • In Google Analytics, my average bounce rates plummeted basically overnight.  I went from a consistent average daily bounce rate of about 65% to an average daily bounce rate near 5%.  My average number of visitors has stayed the same.  I don't think there is any significant change I made to my site that may have caused this.  Has anyone else had the same problem and know why it happened and how to fix it?  Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ericc22

  • I just wanted to say thank you all for the advice you've given on this board. When I first joined we had been stomped by Panda three times and our traffic was down about 40% from last year. Since then, we've followed recommendations here and while we aren't quite back to where we were before, our traffic for the last three days from Google is higher than any time since May and trending higher. We are also up in Google rank for 70% of our tracked keywords and showing up for 15% that we weren't even on the radar for in August. We still have a lot of work to do but know that we are on the right track. We can now do the same on a site that survived the initial hit but got slapped in July. I just want to reiterate what others have said: Get rid of duplicate urls - 301 redirect all dups to a single page Flesh out or drop pages with low content value Find 404 pages that used to exist and instead of 404s, 301 redirect to current resources Fix speed issues This forum was well worth the subscription.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IanTheScot

  • I made a few changes to my website which bumped it up to 3rd place for the main keyword and brought it up to the first page for some of the other keywords.  I saw a spike in traffic and conversions for 2 days, but now it went down significantly again. How can I research the cause of this?

    Algorithm Updates | | Mariannag7282

  • Hi Guys I have been un-able to find a definite answer to this on various forums, your views on this will be very valuable. I am doing a few Amazon affiliate sites and will be pulling in product data from Amazon via a Wordpress plugin. The plugin pulls in titles, descriptions, images, prices etc, however this presents a duplicate content issue and hence I can not publish the product pages with amazon descriptions. Due to the large number of products, it is not feasible to re-write all descriptions, but I plan re-write descriptions and titles for 50% of the products and publish then with “index, follow” attribute. However, for the other 50%, what would be the best way to handle them? Should I publish them as “noindex,follow”? **- Or is there another solution? Many thanks for your time.**

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SamBuck

  • Hello and Welcome Moz friends! Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. On my website I've optimized our content to match the keywords I have selected for the site. I constantly am Re-writing articles, reading SEOMoz on tips and tricks how to make link juice flow. Yet only one of my keywords ranks decently, the rest never show up. I have the hardest time getting traffic to my site, and sales after that. Maybe I am implementing something incorrectly or there is something I am not doing. If you have any tips or anything to give me I would gladly accept it, any criticism is also appreciated. Thank you Friends, hopefully you can help me.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FrontlineMobility

  • Is there any data out there that tells the % of CTRs sites get on mobile SERPs? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | bonnierSEO

  • Hi guys, I'm having trouble coming up with a proper twitter background. I'm just going to start with a simple solid green with branding info in the top left. Do you guys know of an article that gives me the exact dimensions and placement to put things as far as where to put my logo and name in the background image and how wide and tall to make my logo and name. Or you can just tell me, but an article would be fine. The articles I've read are not consistent. Thank you!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • I have a customer that has asked me to find out the best way to move forwards with foreign languages. He sells Jukeboxes in the UK and has found recently that a large number of his customers are coming from abroad due to the financial climate. So he wants to appear on the first page of google in Russia, Arabic countries, French speaking countries and China. Whats the best route ? Add pages to his current site or look at purchasing domains for each country. Then submitting them to each google. So etc. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | onlinemediadirect

  • Google webmaster tools shows a 400 eroor for an old  link that contains a 30% off in it. The problem is the % I would like to 301 redirect this link :,-35%-OFF-Printable-Certificates-Blank-Gift-Certificates/c1353_1354_1359/index.html to We do not know how to do this in httaccess. Can you please advise? Thanks a lot! Madlena

    Technical SEO | | Madlena

  • Hello, I want to know what the best versions of twitter, facebook, and Google+1 buttons are, and where optimum placement  is. site: but I want to know in general as well Thanks!

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • Hi, My main domain is  I have this 301 URL redirected to  I set up an SEOmoz Pro campaign for each of these URLs in order to see if they were being treated differently in any way.  In most cases the report results are identical, or the small differences are understandable. However, there is one big difference between the two sets of campaign reports.  In the Keyword Ranking reports, the data for the Bing and Yahoo! reports are identical, but the data for the Google reports are dramatically different.  Out of 21 keywords, 9 are listed in the top 50 for, but only 2 are listed in the top 50 for (the specific positions are the same for the 2 keywords that are listed for both). Does this make any sense?  Could the SEOmoz Pro data be wrong?  If not, then I'm suspicious that Google may not be interpreting the 301 redirect properly.  I don't think this could be fully explained by a 1-10% reduction in link juice due to the 301 because I have one keyword for which my site ranks #1 in Google, Bing, and Yahoo! with, but it doesn't even rank in the top 50 in Google with  And why would these differences only exist for Google? Any insight would be much appreciated! Andrew

    Moz Pro | | dancenut

  • Hello Guy´s. Im terrible sad because we make an amazing SEO job for this client: And the website was hacked.. Message from the hosting platform: "It would appear that malicious individuals have found a way to upload spam
    pages as well as backdoors to your site(s). We
    have disabled the page(s) in question (via removing their permissions, e.g..
    chmod) until you are able to address this matter." Result: we loose all our SERP Somebody of yours was in a similar situation ? Notes: I was on Google Webmaster an anything seem to be normal. The domain was relative new, maybe a late sandbox efect ? Thanks a lot for your help. Matias

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | maty

  • Hi all, The online marketing manager requested to make a tree-like map of the website. He means that he would like to see a graphical representation of the website and his contents. This way we will be able to see if there are internal link issues. The problem is that there are thousands of pages and many subdomains, manual labour would make this a very tedious task. If you would get this question, how would you try to solve this? Any software recommendation?

    Technical SEO | | djingel1

  • Really interesting post by Search Engine Land about this "issue" for tracking conversion, especially for long tail keyword research. I suppose this change will be also applied on all google search pages (.ca, .fr etc.). I Really don't think Webmaster tools is a serious compensation in Analytics for this.

    Algorithm Updates | | Olivier_Lambert

  • I exported my back links report from the Open Site Explorer toolbar as a CSV but the file it showed was only about 400 urls. The tool bar is listing over 1,200 links, so at first I thought maybe it was only exporting one link for each unique domain, but it only lists 200 or so unique domains linking to my site. I know it will only export 10,000 urls, but obviously I'm significantly below this level. Here is a link to a competitors site which is having the same issue. about 900 links and only generating about 500 in the CSV report. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | bbelgard

  • I'm trying to compete regarding keyword X. Currently, I'm on first page, 7-8th position. If, for each one of the urls listed in first page for such keyword, I search for related:[url], I get similar results for all of them, but mine. Mine shows inconsistent results, none of which related to the same topic as the other 9 in the top 10. Looking at them, the only hypothesis I am able to formulate is that, somehow, google is linking the url to its paid banners in big media. However, such banners go through an adserver and/or are declared as nofollow. Is there any obvious reason that could be causing this? I wonder if we are on page 1 even though we're considered pretty-much 'off-topic' regarding the keyword.

    Algorithm Updates | | jleanv24

  • Is there a way to add a second email adress to my SEOmoz account, so that 2 people can get notifications from here?

    Moz Pro | | wellbo

  • Hi, I would like to know if anyone knows of a function where I can implement my facebooks insights of my fanpage to my google Analytics account. I want to be able to manage all my tracking through one software (GA) so that it is easier for me to see the correlations. Thanks a bunch,

    Reporting & Analytics | | wellbo

  • Hi there, I have just noticed that SEOmoz picked up some duplicates links that I would like to resolve but not sure how. For example, the "Finding work in the arts" article has two links: Both links can be found on this page (see attachment). Would automatically generated canonical tags by the CMS solve this issue? rmxiP

    Technical SEO | | CreativeChoices

  • Background info This is a new site and I am using Wordpress for a CMS not a blog and I have set a static page as the home page. The problem is when I configure the home page as a static page in wordpress it sets a 301 redirect to that page, which is this (so the software-consultancy page is now I thought about creating a separate Home page but I didn't see the point as the pages would be almost identical. **"Should I target keywords to the home page?" ** If I start link building using the phrase "software consultancy" to the home page should I link to or the 301 redirect URL ? My thoughts are that if the URL has the keywords I am targeting in it will help with SEO. Or should I create a separate home page and just link the company name back to the home and have a separate page for "software consultancy" my thought is that having exactly what the company does on the home page would be better. But I don't want to lose out on search engine traffic by not having the keywords in the URL I am going to be link building for. I guess if I link build to the 301 redirect URL I can always revert back to this URL if I want to change? FYI here is my site structure: The site is for a small software consultancy and I have the following structure:  -- (Set as Wordpress static Page so essentially a 301 redirect to / ) I would really appreciate some feedback on this, even if it's experience / advice and there is no exact answer. Many Thanks, J

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOKeith

  • all of the directories that are listed seem to be based in the US for US companies - am I missing something? By the way my target audience is solely based in the UK, Thanks, Jason

    Link Building | | JasonHegarty

  • Hello, Does anyone know of any resources or tutorials that outline how to serve a smartphone-formatted website using the same URL as the full site? I know that one solution is using media-queries to serve a seperate CSS stylesheet, but you still have the full HTML source code. In other words, I might want to serve a smartphone & desktop user different content, but under one URL. WP Touch (Wordpress Plugin) is a perfect example of what I mean, but how is it technically achieved? It serves two different sets of HTML for smartphone & full, but using one URL

    Web Design | | petecampbell-bmi

  • MozBot crawled a found a couple errors that isn't included on my sitemap plugin, such as duplicate page content on author pages. Should I worry about things not on my sitemap?

    Technical SEO | | 10JQKAs

  • On my wordpress shopping cart plugin, I have three pages /account, /checkout and /terms on which I have added “noindex,follow” attribute.   But I think I may be wasting link juice on these pages as they are not to be indexed anyway, so is there any point giving them any link juice? I can add “noindex,nofollow” on to the page itself. However, the actual text/anchor link to these pages on the site header will remain “follow” as I have no means of amending that right now. So this presents the following two scenarios –   No juice flows from homepage to these 3 pages (GOOD) – This would be perfect then, as the pages themselves have nofollow attribute.   Juice flows from homepage to these pages (BAD) - This may mean that the juice flows from homepage anchor text links to these 3 pages BUT then STOPS there as they have “nofollow” attribute on that page. This will be a bigger problem and if this is the case and I cant stop the juice from flowing in, then ill rather let it flow out to other pages.   Hope you understand my question, any input is very much appreciated. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SamBuck

  • Hi, we have a fashion shop and we try to keep the page title as unique as possible. However google also indexes the search so the say search for brand gucci - type - dress - size 8 - then  it indexes it with the homepage title rather then what the searched for. Should I block google from indexing search variation (because there could be thousand of variations) or is there a module that would use the search as a page title so gucci dress 8 for example. Many thanks for your time.

    On-Page Optimization | | reallyitsme

  • In previous months ago open site explorer listed many other sites linking to mine. I have checked those sites and they are still linking to my site. Why doesn't open site explorer list them?

    Moz Pro | | call4help

  • Hello, I was reviewing my PRO member campaign report. I see that I am getting warnings for too long of URLs. However, these URLs are my website URL with the Google URL builder tracking code that I set up for my marketing campaings. Why are these being indexed? For example: Thank you, Kristen

    Reporting & Analytics | | KLFeichtner

  • I apologize if this has already been answered, but after reading several posts on cannibalization, I can't seem to find what I am looking for. The site in question is and in particular the term "western wedding invitation".  We rank in the top 30 for this term in Google, but Google has indexed a particular product, versus our western wedding invitation collection page. The product that is indexed for this term: The page that we would rather be indexed: After running an onpage report in SEOmoz tools for the collection page, we recieve an A grade, but get a warning on the cannibalization line item. As you can see, we name each product within that collection as "Western Wedding Invitation-x" (and have done this for other product categories...not good).  After a good head slap, we realized that we are confusing Google as to what should be the main page. If we rename our products, the product's URL will change-Do we do a 301 for those products? If we rename our products, do we take out the words "Western Wedding Invitation" entirely or can we say "x-Western Wedding Invitation"? Or. because cannibalization is deemed a "low priority" in the reports, do we let things be and work on getting links to the collections page vs the individual product? Any insight would be most appreciated.

    Web Design | | UrbanityStudios

  • If a client asks "why should I spend time and money on SEO?", how would you answer? Is "to be found in search engines" the answer? If so, wouldn't it be more cost effective to use PPC instead of SEO? Is link building a waste of time and money? Is it better to just concentrate on quality content?

    Link Building | | SharpKiwi

  • Hi, i have a question regarding iframes and SEO. I know iframes are bad practice but if you have a brand new domain and want to improve its ranking more quickly, you can host the website file in a higher authority domain, and load an iframe on the new domain. Is this true? For example, if I build and host the website files on (domain authority 48), and then load the pages within an iframe on (domain authority 5), will that help increase the domain rank for What are the advantages (if any) and disadvantages for each domain and if we do this? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Essentia

  • Any tips on identifying the target audience?

    Search Behavior | | SharpKiwi

  • Hello,  Some competitors have which I am analyzing backlinks that point to files, eg. Dwg,. Fla. Pps. How is this possible?  Thank you.

    Link Building | | d2bcomunicacao

  • Searching for our branded term "smartdraw" in YouTube Search returns: #1
    #2  (our video) Comparing YouTube stats for the two videos: Result #1: Total Views: 15,103
    Likes: 9
    Dislikes: 0
    Comments: 3
    Favorites: 15 Result #2 Total Views: 72,223
    Likes: 11
    Dislikes: 0
    Comments: 3
    Favorites: 17 The #1 video does not include "smartdraw" in the title, rather "Smart Draw", does not include anything in the description, and does not include the keyword in the tags. The #2 video includes "SmartDraw" in the title, includes "SmartDraw" in the description, and includes "smartdraw" in the tags. The author of the #1 video has only posted 2 videos with 4 subscribers vs. 46 videos and 128 subscribers Does anybody have any suggestions on why it's ranked #1 or how I can improve our YouTube search rank for our brand name?  =/ Thanks!

    Branding | | SmartDraw

  • It's widely accepted that in title tags, the first word ranks the highest, and each word after that contributes less than the one before. So a page with the title "Philadelphia Parks" will rank higher than "Parks in Philadelphia" for Philadelphia, but the second page will rank higher for Parks. With this in mind, which keywords should I put first in the title tags of my product pages? Brand name? Product SKU? Is it better to prioritze general words with higher search volume (more impressions) or more specific terms with lower search volume (stronger long tail)? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AmericanOutlets

  • I'm sure we have all read about the latest round of Google's algorithm changes also known as the "Panda 2.5" updates. This latest update seems to have hit some pretty large press release sites including PR Newswire and Businesswire (both of these have a great page rank and domain authority making them a great tool for SEO's in regards to inbounds links). Ultimately this update has directly affected their sites traffic, keyword rankings, and the number of indexed pages in Google. But what will this do to our smaller sites that benefit from these great links? Will these panda updates continue to target these content farms and lower their domain authority? Will that extrapolate out and effect the domain authority of our sites? What are your thoughts for those of us that utilize these services, should we re-evaluate our process? I look forward to a great discussion. Regards - Kyle

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kchandler

  • We haven't made any significant changes to our website, however the pages that google has indexed for our critical keywords have changed to pages that have caused our SERP to drop dramatically for those pages. In some cases, the changes make no sense at all.  For example, one of our terms that used to be indexed to our homepage is now indexed to a dead category page that has nothing on it. One of our biggest terms, where we were 9th, changed and is now indexed to our FAQ.  As a result, we now rank 44th. This is having a MAJOR impact on our business so any help on why this sudden change happened and what we can do to combat it is greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | EvergladesDirect

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