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  • Hello; I have installed the WP Yoast Widget in my Blog, and 2 weeks, after my issues went away, they came back X's 300! lol So I uninstalled it, and my issues obviously got worse, and then I re-activated, and reset everything, and still got the 300+ issues. Is there a secondary plug in you would suggest, to run at the same time as Yoats, or theat will fix all issues? Ever think of making an SEOmoz Widget for WP since it is gaining so much popularity?? Thank you Great work by the way! Loved the Webinar today!

    Technical SEO | | smstv

  • Seems like SEO is about to get that much harder: Any thoughts on this?

    Web Design | | PaulM01

  • If you have only one SEO guy doing link building for you, 6-8 hours a day,with a budget of $1000 -$2000 what would be the best 5 things to concentrate on?
    Based on personal experience, could anybody suggest a daily/weekly plan?

    Link Building | | echo1

  • I often have other websites link to my website.  They will do this with an image that they pull off of my website.  (actually my website continues to serve the image).  These inbound links are great, but they don't have alt text.   Is there a way for me to attach alt text to the images, or is this something the other website needs to code themselves?

    Technical SEO | | EugeneF

  • I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a "voting" app on Facebook. We have some user-generated recipes that we want to post and allow our fans to vote for their favorite. Similar to this:!/New7WondersofNature?sk=app_114026852036251 I've contacted Woobox but they only allow users to choose between 2 options and we would need 5. Any thoughts?Thanks!

    Social Media | | EssEEmily

  • I use Google Alerts to track domain-level backlinks (via the link: trick) but is there a way to track/be alerted of long urls, not just the domain, without having to set an alert for each specific url?

    Link Building | | EricPacifico

  • So, my dilemma is this. Even though we are delving into more advanced SEO rather than the standard splash pages, I believe that our results are good, but they can be better. I've researched ALOT from, but I'm not so sure that I am grasping the concept of building links externally.... So this question is primarily discussing what you may have experienced and how IT started to make sense.... Not asking for all the right things or places to go, just NOT what to do or where to go... ok ok, if you CAN or would like to discuss the right places, I'd be much obliged and thanks beforehand! What are your thoughts?

    Industry Events | | NewGlobalVentures.comSEOTexas

  • We are a virtual company doing business in 30 states nationwide. All our business is done via the phone, fax, email and express mail. Back in 2008 I optimized our small 8 page website for our key terms and was able to rank the site #1 nationally for our main keywords.  (I did a 6 month consulting gig for the company). The site remained #1 in Google until last year when some serious competitors entered the space and knocked us down to the middle of page one. Then with the Panda update #1 &  #2 we have seen our traffic drop 50% mostly due to not receiving the City + Keywords rankings any more. I have now been hired full time to bring us back but my question is this Do I need to build out city specific pages on the existing website? Do I need to buy keyword specific domains and create microsites? Do a combination of both? I would love to do both but I have to prioritize my efforts. Any thoughts would be great.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FidelityOne

  • One of the first things I did after signing up for the 30-day seomoz trial is analyze 3 competitor's inbound links from external sites. On the Competitive Domain Analysis page, I was able to obtain links from more than half of the sites identified as their top links. All submissions were approved between 9/13 and 9/28. Now, a month later, under the Competitive Comparison section, I only have one external followed link, while the competitors have hundreds. For Top Pages, the only page that shows up is the root domain, For two of the competitors, 7 out of their top 10 links are from I have a link from the same site, confirmed as of mid-September, yet it doesn't show up. Any ideas? I must be doing something seriously wrong.

    Competitive Research | | c2g

  • I was looking at the competitiveness of ranking for the keywords "patio furniture" & "outdoor furniture" and was shocked to see ranking so well.  While I am just getting into the research, I was unable to see anything that would justify it's rank.  What are your thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | Mattbyo

  • Hello all -- just looking for those who have implemented site-wide 301 redirects due to a domain change. I am about 2 weeks into mine and am seeing minimum 5, maximum 21 spot drops in many of my targeted terms. My pages have strong GPR, with most being 3 or higher. Anyone out there been able to track a ballpark of when rank will return? The 301 redirects were implemented correctly, with 1 to 1 setups in most cases. Google has updated the listings with the new domain name, but I'm taking a huge rank hit. Any experience on how long I can expect (I know it's different for every situation) would be great! Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | Bandicoot

  • I'm comparing metrics between my site and competitors. Statistics on Site Explorer show that one competitor has no internal links. How is that possible? Thanks for your insight. P9WX7R9hpdD

    Moz Pro | | addventures

  • 80% of my site's organic traffic is coming through a resource that is only somewhat related. Does Google think the main topic of my site is terms this resource targets thus bumping the terms I care about to a sub-topic level of sorts? If this is the case, would putting the resource information into a sub-domain help to solve the problem?

    Algorithm Updates | | tatermarketing

  • The best way to find sites that you can appoach for links.

    Link Building | | paulbaguley

  • Yesterday at about 5pm I switched our site to a new server and accidentally blocked our site from google for the evening. our domain is and we are ranked in the top 3 in almost all pos related keywords. When i got in this morning i realized the mistake and went to google web tools and noticed the site was blocked so i went to  fetch as google bot and corrected that. Now the message says: Check to see that your robots.txt is working as expected. (Any changes you make to the robots.txt content below will not be saved.)
    robots.txt file    Downloaded    Status    1 hours ago    200 (Success) When you go to google and type "pos systems" we are still #2 so i assume all is still ok. My question is will this potentially hurt our rankings and should i be worried and is there anything else I can do.

    Algorithm Updates | | POSNation

  • Let's imagine that you own a successful website that publishes a lot of syndicated news articles and syndicated columnists. Your visitors love these articles and columns but the search engines see them as duplicate content. You worry about being viewed as a "content farm" because of this duplicate content and getting the Panda penalty. So, you decide to continue publishing the content and use... <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow"> This allows you do display the content for your visitors but it should stop the search engines from indexing any pages with this code.  It should also allow robots to spider the pages and pass link value through them. I have two questions..... If you use "noindex" will that be enough to prevent your site from being considered as a content farm? Is there a better way to continue publication of syndicated content but protect the site from duplicate content problems?

    Technical SEO | | EGOL

  • Our commerce system allows products to be shared across multiple categories/sections of our site. E.G. /boxes/blue-box.html /circles/blue-box.html This enables the product to show up in different areas of the site, but does not link to an evergreen URL. We are considering using the canonical tag to resolve this issue, but our question relates to the similarity of the pages. Each section folder (e.g. /boxes/ and /circles/) has a different header, left navigation and footer. They are similar in layout and some content is the same, but a good portion is different in the header and nav. Each category nav basically deals with deeper links in it's own category. The product title, image, description, etc. is all the same and makes up the bulk of the page. Is this a good candidate for the canonical tag or should we attempt to accommodate an evergreen URL?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | josh-att

  • Ok, so I've been doing a bit of link research and found that most of our competitors use anchor text to link to their homepage on their site and not a specific landing page. Our current strategy is to link to the correct landing page depending on the anchor to get these to rank, as opposed to getting our homepage to rank for different keywords. If that makes sense. The main reason I can think of to send all links to the homepage is that it would increase the domain authority of the site as a whole. Instead of spreading the links to certain pages depending on the anchor text. It would also give your one page a greater chance to rank for all keywords? Quick example I am a site that sells sports clothes. I have 2 main pages from my homepage: Homepage Football Rugby _Should I link to the football page for all links anchored with "football", and all linked anchored with "rugby" to the rugby page OR should I anchor all links including "rugby" and "football" to the homepage? _ What do you think is the best strategy? Thanks in advance.

    Competitive Research | | esendex

  • Working with a company that is considering moving to a new domain and wanted some advice.They have 2 domains (they own both) and one is a shorter version of the other. The current domain is over 10 years old and has a domain authority score of 80. It is 9 characters long. The new domain (which they also own) has a DA score of 43 and is only 3 characters long. The debate is as much about branding as anything but there is a concern on how it will affect search. I was hoping for so advice and any pitfalls others may have experienced. Thanks!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 2comarketing

  • I am looking at our site structure, and don't want to have to rebuild the way the site was linked together based on it's current folder structure so I am wondering what option would work better for our URL structure. I will uses car categories as an example of what I am talking about, but you can insert any category structure you like. For example I would like to have pages like this: But instead due to the site structure I will need to have pages like this: But wonder if I shouldn't do the following to ensure the proper phrase is known for the page: The "/ford/ford-convertibles" just seems odd to me as a human, but I haven't seen anything on how well a keyphrase in a URL split by /'s does and I know dashes for phrases are fine. This means I am inclined to go with the"/ford/ford-convertibles"style because it keeps the keyphrase separated by dashes even if it is a bit repetitive. There will be other pages too like "/ford/top-10-fords-ever" but I don't wonder about that since it isnt "ford/ford-xxxxx" Thoughts on whether /'s in a keyphrase are as good as dashes?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SL_SEM

  • I'm doing some research for the term "love quotes" I'm trying to understand why following URL is ranking so high it only has one link? Any advise would be appreciated. Rgds Mark

    Technical SEO | | relientmark

  • Anyone know when it is?

    Moz Pro | | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Is it safe to remove old 301 Redirects from an SEO standpoint and can 301s dramatically affect seo? Prior to switching our old domain over to our new domain, we had (and currently still do) tons of 301 redirects, because of optimizing our file names and structure. Then our old domain was redirected to our new domain in the same redirect file. So that being said, now that our new domain has been up and running for about 3 months, would it be safe for me to get rid of the old 301 redirects and redirect anything that was on our old domain to our new domains home page? This would clean up our redirects tremendously and I hope would help with SEO.

    Technical SEO | | hfranz

  • Should I use a 301 redirect for redirect to or use a rel=canonical?? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | LeslieVS

  • We have 3 websites. USA, Germany and UK. Currently our analytics account is set up with 1 account with each domain as a Profile. I am wondering if I would see more accurate results if I have them set up individually, under the same Google account, but different Analytic accounts. The reason I wonder is because I noticed when I was going through setting this up, it asked for each Country Time Zone for each domain. I was not sure if this was for me to see the times, or if this was to provide more accurate data. Maybe this is just a personal preference topic?

    Reporting & Analytics | | hfranz

  • I have a client that has a "completely pristine" web environment that is unwilling to put a wordpress installation on their server. Their management team wants a wordpress blog for the marketing department.  Is there a means where we can host the wordpress blog with a regular hosting company but yet have it appear as part of the main site e.g., vs. having to put it in a subdomain ( and lose all the SEO benefits of the blog content?

    Web Design | | jtroia

  • Hi i done a post a while ago about a compeditor stealing content from our site time and time again and this morning i have found a referal link from a site that i am not sure what it does and would like more info please. The site is I have read about the site and I am just wondering if people can use this site to copy our site any advice would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Good afternoon. I have a question.
    I have a main site + many subdomains,,, .... I need to combine google Analytics reports into one. Information from:,
    showed in Yk64j

    Reporting & Analytics | | meteorr

  • Typically, our SEO questions are around "how to's" and etc. So, to change it up I will ask a business question: What is your biggest selling point when presenting your SEO services to a new client? In a spirit of transparency, I will tell you mine ahead of time. With PPC, TV, Radio, and Print at some point in time that ad comes to an end. When it ends, that is it. There is no residual from that advertisement - or very minimal at best. With SEO, once you are ranked well and well optimized you continue to get clients for a much longer period of time. With clients who TV and print, this rings especially true and is easily provable. I can't wait to hear yours.

    Industry News | | RobertFisher

  • I have a page that is doing ok in google, it is for a service but i am not to sure if i should re write it and update it. The content page is in position two on page two in google, so should i re write the page to try and increase page rank for the service or should i leave it alone any advice would be great

    Link Building | | ClaireH-184886

  • Our site works on templates and we essentially have a link pointing to the same place 3 times on most pages. The links are images not text. We are over 100 links on our on page attributes, and ranking fairly well for key SERPS our core pages are optimized for. I am thinking I should engage in some on-page link juice sculpting and add some "no follow" tags to 2 of the 3 repeated links. Although that being said the Moz's on page optimizer is not saying I have link cannibalization. Any thoughts guys? Hope this scenario makes sense.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robertrRSwalters

  • Hi there. I've got a client that runs a photography studio and is seeing a massive drop in traffic. I was wondering if it could be seasonal - it's her first year trading so she has nothing to compare it against - or whether it could be some other issue. Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | neooptic

  • Hey SEO MOZ, We have a client that holds the license to a famous Australian designer.  The Designer and our client both get mentioned a lot in the print world.  They get coverage in publications like the New York Times, Home and Garden Magazine and other top print media publications.  Sometimes it's our clients business name mentioned and sometimes it's the designer's name who they hold the rights too. I'm wondering how we can utilize this exposure for their SEO?  It already drives traffic to their website but it also be great to harness this exposure to increase their rankings. I know one way is to see if the article is also printed online and see if you can get a link on their.  But I'm wondering if there are other ways to use this? Also do you have experience contacting major publications to see if they can put a link in an online published article and if they ever respond to these requests? Really appreciate this!

    Link Building | | TWSOM

  • Hey Guys, I had a quick look around however I couldn't find a specific answer to this. Currently, the SEOmoz tools come back and show a heap of duplicate content on my site. And there's a fair bit of it. However, a heap of those errors are relating to random capitals in the urls. for example. "" is being treated as duplicate content of "" (Note the difference in capitals). Anyone have any recommendations as to how to fix this server side(keeping in mind it's not practical or possible to fix all of these links) or to tell Google to ignore the capitalisation? Any help is greatly appreciated. LM.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CarlS

  • Can you please advise me on services that submit urls for socialbookmarks, directories and various back links.  Such as , I seem to be running across quite a few different services that appear to be legitimate but I'm obviously suspicious of anything that seems too easy. Have you guys hear of dripfeedblasts and do you have any recommendations for this type of tool, or would you suggest staying away from them all together. I'm a novice and trying to learn time saving strategies to save on hiring additional manpower. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | jjwelu

  • A recent crawl diagnostic for a client's website had several new duplicate page content errors. The problem is, I'm not sure where the error comes from since the content in the webpage is different from one another. Here's the pages that SEOMOZ reported to have duplicate page content errors: The only thing similar that I see is the headline which says "Glossary Terms Used in this Site" - I hope that the one sentence is the reason for the error. Any input is appreciated as I want to find out the best solution for my client's website errors. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | TheNorthernOffice79

  • I have got a site targeted for a New Zealand audience. The site is about property in Australia. The SERP for the keyword "real estate australia" is dominated by domains which are obviously set for Australia. Does google give domains priority in the SERPs for New Zealand or are and domains treated evenly for New Zealand based searches? Would a domain have higher priority in this SERP?

    International SEO | | OnPage1

  • The site I am writing about is I don't get it. I see that some of my competitors have more inbound links and have been around longer. Their SEOmoz trust etc is also higher. But I don't get how many could possibly be ranking higher since they're sites are all template based site via Web Tech Design and the content is duplicated from one to the other. The other weird thing is that they do everything wrong - they stuff their keywords tag, some of them use the same keywords/meta data on every single page, some of them don't even have meta tags, some of them don't even have a blog with ANY original content. Apart from listings has TONS of original, well-researched, and keyword rich content. I just don't get it. Is it possible that google has some sort of relationship with that company? Or am I totally missing something? Some of these sites include:,,

    Competitive Research | | annasus

  • Our mozTrust number is just 1.06. Looking at the rankings for important keywords for us, the sites around us all have over 4. However on closer inspection, even some with a mozTrust of over 4 don't really have much of a different linking profile than our site. With one competitor, I've looked on OpenSiteExplorer comparing link metrics, and we get tickmarks for everything other than mozTrust (1.06 us, 4.5 them). What could posssibly be causing such a low number, and how important a factor is this in SERPS?

    Moz Pro | | freebetinfo

  • My website has around 900 incoming links and I have a Google 50 penalty that is sitewide. I have been doing research and from what I can see is that the 50 penalty is usually associated with scetchy links. The penalty started last year. I had about 40 related domains to my main site and each had a simple one page site with a link to the main site. (I know I screwed up) I cleaned up all of those links by removing them. The single page site still exist, but they have no links and several of them still rank very well. I also had an outside SEO person that bought a few links. I came clean with Google and told them everything. I gave them all of my sites and that the SEO person had bought links. I gave them full disclosure and removed everything. I have one site that I can't get the link removed from. I have contacted them numerous times to remove the link and I get no response. I am curious if anyone has had a simular experience and how they corrected the situation. Another issue is that my site is "thin" because its an ecommerce affiliate site and full of affiliate links. I work in the costume market. I'm also afraid that I have other bad links pointing to my site. Dooes anyone know of a tool to identify bad links that Google may be penalizing me for at this time. Here is Google's latest denial of my reconsideration request. Dear site owner or webmaster of We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines. In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines. If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit and resubmit your site for reconsideration. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality

    Technical SEO | | tadden

  • Hi Guys can anyone point me in the right direction. My funnels used to work fine until our app team decided to add variables in a directory structure instead of a query string. I need to be able to track page steps that now look like this Step 1 = /Reservation/Search/Var1/Var2
    Step 2 = /Reservation/Quote/Var1/Var2 I've set up this but it's not working Step 1 = /Reservation/Search.*
    Step 2 = /Reservation/Quote.* What am I doing wrong?

    Reporting & Analytics | | apolloseo

  • A new site has appeared in our industry, and has taken the number 1 spot that we had for some time (years), in addition to some other great rankings above us for good keywords. The site to my eyes is no better than ours, but what it does have is lots of links from different root domains. However these root domains are spam, as far as I can see. You know the type, nonsensical blog comments, even links in nonsensical content on other sites. You couldn't make any sense out of the text if you tried. I think this is the reason this site is ranked above ours now. His domain and pages have higher mozTrust and mozRank already, despite it being a brand new site. I realise the importance of incoming links, especially from different, good quality individual domains, but my question is, do we join him by getting spammy links everywhere?

    Link Building | | freebetinfo

  • Quick question, Assume my keyword is the German soccer team "1.FC Nuremberg". What is the best URL design to target that keyword? or Any thoughts? Does it make - even a tiny - difference? /Thomas

    Technical SEO | | tomypro

  • I collect the information contained in open site explorer reports and csv backlinks audits on the 15th of every month.  I noticed that the numbers are unchanged from 9/15-10/15.  How often are the reports typically updated?

    Moz Pro | | seagreen

  • We had this great, great thing happen which is that the Wall St. Journal quoted me in a story about contract workers. The story (here, and my blog about it here) was awesome, but it had absolutely no link. It got the name of my company right, but the only link comes in a comment that I wrote, and that is on a separate comment page that has not shown up in my Open Site Explorer, or any other tool that I can see for inbound links. Is there anyway to help Google to understand that the Blogmutt that the WSJ wrote about is the same as the on the internet? I don't imagine there is, but I'd be interested if anyone has any ideas. Thanks in advance, (First time posting here) -Scott

    Link Building | | scodtt

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