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  • About 2 months ago one of our clients renamed a section of his website. The worst part is that the URLs of the page also changed. New page: Old page: The problem now is that the new page get absolutely no page-rank transfered from the old page. It also get no mozrank at all. Also if I try to find it in the Open Site Explorer it can not be found.The old page can, but not the new one. We have updated the sitemap.xml and also done proper 301 redirect for the pages since about 2 months. Any ideas here? This page was a very important page in terms of traffic so very much thankful for any input. Have a great day Fredrik

    Technical SEO | | Resultify

  • Hey all, I just had a crawl test done on my site(created using wordpress) and I received a ton of missing meta tag descriptions to fix. The odd thing is though I use "All in One" SEO Tool and the actual pages or posts on the site do have meta tag descriptions, however I noticed for every post an RSS Feed is being automatically generated and this Feed is the link missing the meta tag descriptions. Most of the errors display "Comments on" with a /feed in the end of the url. I am totally clueless on how to resolve these errors as I havent installed any WP plugins that generate feeds automatically. Has anyone encountered this problem before or know how to fix this?? The site url is http:// GovernmentGrantsAustralia . org I have left spaces above to avoid being a link dropper 🙂 Would really appreciate if anyone can help! FYI: I just found this link after digging through all the Q&A history, however I tried it and am not sure if it has worked as I still see the errors on my SEOmoz report. The link is: Hope someone can help me figure this one out! Thanks, Justin

    Technical SEO | | justin99

  • I have $1,500 to spend to promote 8 years old website. Almost no SEO work was done for the site in the past 3-4 years. The site has a couple hundreds (around 300) external backlinks pointing to the homepage, and around 30 backlinks pointing to internal pages. It gets around 60% traffic from referring sites, 30% direct, and 10% from SE. The homepage has PR 4. It ranks around 70th place in Google rankings for one of the main keywords. No keyword research has been done for the site. Looking for long term benefits. What would be the best way, in your opinion, to spend this money?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | _Z_

  • I am thinking of creating link baits such as infographic for my site. Problem is, link baits only serve to bait links towards those link baiting pages isn't it? It doesn't actually help in improving the SERP of my money pages within the site (which have content that doesn't bait links). Yes I do know however, it will help in the site authority which might ultimately improve the SERP of my money pages, but it is all too ineffective and far fetched is it?

    Link Building | | yunie_

  • I have a client that currently is using a sub-domain site from our local news paper site.  The domain authority looks huge, but it is not really their own domain. I know in the log run it best to change the domain name. I am afraid of a significant drop in Google Places  traffic when I change to a new domain. Has anyone dealt with type of situation?

    Web Design | | Joshen

  • For example, I'm wondering if is better than I'm currently using the structure as our canonical page for content. I'm also wondering, if the parameter doesn't affect crawling, if it would hurt rankings in any way. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Intridea

  • We are looking at implementing an XML and JavaScript driven UI where a user can toggle certain filters to display the matching products. This functionality is going to replace an existing catalogue page which contains static HTML content with dynamically generated content. The new JavaScript driven UI will contain the same links, eg ‘Buy’, ‘More Info’ and well as some additional content, for each product, but is not rendered on the page by the server. If we implement the previous static ‘catalogue’ by placing it within the <noscript>tag, but have the new functionality in the <script> tag:</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span><span>1)<span>      </span></span></span><span>Which will take precedence in Google’s crawl</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span><span>2)<span>      </span></span></span><span>Is this acceptable / best practice</span></p> <p class="x_MsoListParagraph"><span>Any help you could provide would be great.</span></p></noscript>

    Technical SEO | | Daylan

  • Not sure if it's OK to ask just about anything as long as it is relevant, but I would love to hear thoughts about good keywords to promote an app that will make it easy to migrate/move phone data and files - contacts, photos, music, calendars - from one phone - like a BB, iPhone or WinMo - to an Android phone or device? I'm having the darnest time coming up with phrases that people who are searching for such an app would use? Thanks

    Competitive Research | | holdtheonion

  • Hello everyone, I'm kind of new in the SEO community, around 1 year - 1 year 1/2. I want to learn more and get more portfolio. What could be the best way? I'm working in a website( to pratice some SEO techniques ), some landing pages: What could be the best to improve my portfolio and skills, offer free job SEO for family or friends? I would appreciate comments. Thanks.

    Industry News | | augustos

  • I want a tool that i can enter a domain into and get all the social backlinks available.  Preferably the tool that keeps the most recent database of this information.  I'm willing to pay for the tool, it does not need to be free. Not sure if i'm using the right terminology here, by "social backlinks" i mean Facebook Shares, Twitter RT's, Google +'s, etc.

    Social Media | | adriandg

  • If i have a page on my domain say PAGE-A and let's say it's located at: and this page has quite a lot of page authority from many many inbound links.  It is my understanding that if i "sculpt" the internal links on PAGE-A to point at only my primary targets, let's call the PAGE-B, PAGE-C, and PAGE-D; then those pages would gain some benefit from this link juice flowing through. Consider a similar situation where i have a page, say PAGE-F located at: and page-F gets 150 facebook shares.  would the links on page-F pass this benefit on in any way?  Or is only the direct target of the facebook share gaining benefit from this facebook sharing? Furthermore, lets consider a scenario where there are 30 or 40 similar pages like PAGE-F all with links out to my primary targets.  Would these primary targets gain anything as these 30 or 40 pages gained facebook shares? Repeat above question, replace 'facebook' with 'twitter'. repeat again for 'google+' ?

    Social Media | | adriandg

  • We run a blog/video real estate site ( as one of the venues for sponsored content for our clients looking for off-page SEO and inbound links. I'm working with a client who we've linked to a handful of times in the last few weeks, but I'm not seeing any external links from our site on PRO/OSE. Come to find that our writer has been linking to, instead of, which is the canonical site.  I wouldn't have thought that this would make a difference, and about an hour of web research seems to confirm that it shouldn't make a difference, save for losing a little bit of SEO credit. What am I missing?  Any input would be appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | mikescotty

  • We just started changing all the meta data and adding relevant blog content. Anything I'm missing? Any advise or "after panda" link building strategies?

    Industry News | | ibex

  • In seomoz pro campaign it is coming up with an error saying that all my trackbacks on my clients blog are 302 and badish. Should I disable trackbacks and pingbacks to avoid this warning or will it hurt my seo?

    On-Page Optimization | | MonsterWeb28

  • Both the website and blog are hosted on the same domain, just wondering if I should setup separate campaigns under SEOmoz for each? If so, why would this be helpful?

    Moz Pro | | Tatango

  • It used to by that we needed to just submit a product type, and now Google wants a google product type that fits within the Google Taxonomy. We always submitted the old product_type in accordance with the Google Taxonomy anyway so now we have 2 columns one for google_product_type and one for just product_type and they are the exact same thing. This seems wrong but does anyone know if there should be a difference?

    Technical SEO | | KentH

  • I use the same rewrite code on every site to consolidate the non-www and www versions. All sites in Joomla, linux hosting. Code is as follows: RewriteEngine On rewritecond %{http_host} ^ rewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R=301,L] Immediately following this code, I also rewrite /index.php to /. Thing is, I can get index.php to rewrite correctly but the non-www won't rewrite to www. I use the same code on every site but for some reason it's not working here. Are there common issues that interfere with rewriting a non-www to www in htaccess that could be interfering with the code I'm using above?

    Technical SEO | | Caleone

  • I know how important the title and description tag are and I know it is important to have them place at the top of the code. However, when I view the source on a Wordpress template, I see it looks messy. Here is an example of what the source looks like. Is there a plugin or an adjustment to be made so the code is cleaner? To get rid of spaces and blank lines in code. Or should I just not worry about the way the code looks? Notice the first example has a break after the <title>, then after the title there is this</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><strong><em><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </em></strong></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><strong><em> </em></strong>then the description?  Can that be moved?</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"> </p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><br /></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><br /></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span> </span><head profile=""></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><br /></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span> </span><title></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><br /></span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span> </span>tite text goes here <span> </span></title>  " /> Here there are no breaks after <title>and the <title> is directly above the description</p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"> </p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""></span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"> </span><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"></span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><head profile=""></span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /></span></p> <p style="color: #5e5e5e;"><span style="color: #5e5e5e;"><title>tite text goes here</title>

    On-Page Optimization | | hfranz

  • Hi I am working on a site that for search terms such as 'Chartered Accountants Swansea' appears near the top of the 2nd page of Google. When looking at what is listed on the 1st page for 'Chartered Accountants Swansea' I would appreciate any advice/guidance on what else could be done to give the site a final push to get on the 1st page of search results. Over the past 2 weeks I have been building inbound links from local citation sites yelp, qype etc along with sites from competitor analysis via opensiteexplorer. Looking at the sites that are on the 1st page I cant understand why many of them are ranking higher than me? Any insight and plan of attack would be most appreciated from any  search experts on the forum. Many Thanks

    Link Building | | idv

  • How often do SEOmoz index backlinks? I have got the same amount of backlinks now for nearly a month. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | SWK

  • For example, I have a page A that should be redirected to page D, but instead A redirects to B, B redirects to C and C redirects to D. It's something I came across and wondering if its worth the dev time to change it. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | pbrothers24

  • Does adding each sub-domain separately in WMT tell the SE that they are separate sites?
    Does the fact that listing only the root domain but seeing data for the sub-domains mean that the SE is seeing them all as the same site? Any thoughts are welcome

    Industry News | | AlanMosley

  • I want the SEOMoz reports to ignore duplicate content caused by link-specific parameters being added to URLs (same page reachable from different pages, having marker parameters regarding source page added to the URLs).  I can get Google and Bing webmaster tools to ignore parameters I specify.  I need to get SEOMoz tools to do it also!

    Moz Pro | | SEO-Enlighten

  • For example I want to see the top 20 sites in order of ranking for top keywords in my industry. Without having to know in advance the url's.

    Keyword Research | | CURT-20817

  • We own and are in the process of having the platform built in Megento and should be ready to launch Wednesday of this week. We currently have amazing rankings for all the major terms in the industry such as "HCG" #1 "HCG diet" #1 and I am super worried about losing ground. I want to identify the road blocks for the transition and figure out what I need to do as far as SEO. If you have done this transition before and have some red flags I would love to hear about them. I am stressed to the max about moving this site.

    Industry News | | HCGDiet

  • The typical listing looks like this (as im sure you know): However, one of my competitors has a listing that looks like the following: ( - link to image if its too small for you to see) How do they do this? Am i right in thinking this is a lot better for SEO because effectively it takes up 3-4 positions on search results? YIHQA.png Io1oX.png Io1oX.png

    Competitive Research | | CompleteOffice

  • Is it important to select the right category for directory listings from an SEO point of view? I have located  2 appropriate categories in for my website: Category 1 = PR 5, Page Authority 53 Category 2 = PR 4, Page Authority 44 I presume number of links on the page is also a factor.

    Technical SEO | | martyc

  • Hey folks, I have a weird problem and currently no idea how to fix it. We have a lot of pages showing up as duplicates although they are the same page, the only difference is the url structure. They seem to show up like: and What would I need to do to force the URLs into one format or the other to avoid having that one page counting as two? The same issue pops up with upper and lower case: and Is there any solution to this or would I need to forward them with 301s or similar? Thanks, Mike

    Technical SEO | | Malarowski

  • Hi there, At the company i am currently working for we have a problem with shortcut url with tracking in it. They send a lot of brochures with a shortcut URL which redirects to the page of the event with tagging. For example The real URL is: The URL in the brochure is: this then redirects to: h
    ttp:// Now we can measure the effect of the brochure on on-line traffic and conversion. This is great but a lot of website link to that shortcut url and if the event is put offline the links to it generate an 404. We have now about 800 backlinks that generate this 404 and i want to fix it. Another big problem  "i think" is the possibility that google will index this url with tagging. Now i have 2 options: 1. look at al the url with that 404 and redirect them with a 301 to the best page 2. create the shortcut on an page that is most suitable but then i will get the tagging in the URL and i guess google will see this as dublicate content. It is possible that in the future the shortcut url will be used again. What would you suggest as the best sollution.

    Technical SEO | | RuudHeijnen

  • Hi Everyone, I wonder what do you think about the HUB technique: #1. You make one post/page with most info about your targeted key-phrase and link to it from all other posts related to that key-phrase OR #2. In Wp for example you make a Category called Your-Key-Phrase and use the Category Description to add some useful content key-phrase related, and post all articles related to that key-phrase under that category so that when viewed the category at say: you see the category description followed by all the articles (excerpts) in that category. So, what do you think works best? Thank you, Alex

    Technical SEO | | pwpaneuro

  • Has anyone else had experience with different CMS's for Ecommerce . Ones that create static pages and others that dynamically create pages. What differences have you seen with rankings on google with the two. Here are two examples of sites using static framed pages and one with a system that dynamically creates pages - - static frames and - dynamically

    On-Page Optimization | | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi, I'm a newbie at all this - I hope someone can help me. We're thinking of running time-specific offers to try and convert as many of our customer site visits as possible e.g. 15% discount if you call between, say, 2 and 5pm. It would be really helpful to me to find out what times of day people are visiting our site. I can't seem to find a way to do this on Google Analytics. Can anyone help? Thanks so much Sue

    Search Behavior | | 3Amigos

  • We discovered a broken link and issue with a dynamically generated sitemap that resulted in 9,000+ pages of duplicate content (namely there was not actual 404 page, but content for a 404 page that populated on the broken page). We've corrected that issue so the 404 page is working correctly now and there aren't any more broken links on the site. However, we just reviewed our Google crawl report, and saw that now there are 9,000+ 404 links in the Google index. We discovered the initial error when our SERP performance dropped 60% in a month. Now that we've corrected all the duplicate content pages, will vast number of 404 pages negatively impact SERP results? If so, do you recommend doing 301 redirects to the page it should have gone to, and do you know of any automated tools performing the 301's (it's a standard HTML site, no CMS involved). Thanks for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | DirectiveGroup

  • Hello, I'm confused about the recommendations for avoiding keyword self cannibalization. I have a niche blog and some of my sticky posts on the homepage contain my site's main keyword in their title. For example, say if my homepage has "dog training" as it's main keyword, then there are going to be links to more longtail pages with titles such as "dog training London", "dog training Liverpool" etc. When I do this SeoMoz's on-page optimization tool tells me that this is keyword self cannibalization.  I am building links to the inner pages using the longtail keywords only. 1. Do I need to rename pages with just "london" and "liverpool" etc and remove "dog training" from those links? 2. What is the best thing to do in this situation? Thanks, Kevin

    On-Page Optimization | | KMack

  • Hi guys, I have added about 100 keywords to my Rankings Report in SEOmoz and I'm just wondering if there is a way to force the application to get my rankings ASAP rather than waiting a while for the rankings to come through? I'm in a bit of a hurry! 🙂 Thanks. C.

    Moz Pro | | CormacMoylan23

  • I have 180 warnings of  rel=canonical. The exact wording says this: Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. First - I don't know what that means - is that a good thing of bad thing? Second - Because of the above question, Im not sure if I have it or should have or it do have it but shouldn't. Which should I have? What should it look like? How do I fix it? Also, I have notices that say 'issue: 301 redirect' and a line about what a 301 redirect is. Again, do I have it, or not have it, should I have it? Do I have it but shouldn't?

    Moz Pro | | borderbound

  • I want to know about process, method or tool which can help me to define quality of external website during link building. We are searching too many questions and topics on Google to resolve daily mind bubbles which land us on different website with different subject. I found that, I was able to drop my website URL over there but confuse about quality of website. I am selling Football and create external link from baby care website. So, will it make sense? My concern is that, Can we create external links from different subject website or specific to subject oriented website? Is there any specific method which help me to understand more about external website and help me to take decision about link building?

    Link Building | | CommercePundit

  • Hello we are developers and we have just created a new webpage for a client of us. The problem is that we can not replace the old one by the new one, cause our client has developed over 15 satellite pages that calls directly to the code of the old page. If we completly remove the old page we will make those 15 pages go down. Those pages are working over domains specially register for SEO reasons. For example Main page is Satellite page is Satellite page has pretty good ranking for search term "aire acondicionado daikin" As I told you, we have a new page but we can not make the page work over root domain. So we thought we could make it work over, and make a redirection 301 of homepage and another important inner pages. We chose "/es" folder because it seems like a language folder, but we are not very sure of the effects of pages working on that folder instead of working on root directory. What do you think? Is this matter important or doesn't? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hello: I previously asked this question, but I would love to get more perspectives on this issue. In Blogger, there is an archive page and label(s) page(s) created for each main post. Firstly, does Google, esp. considering Blogger is their product, possibly see the archive and tag pages created in addition to the main post as partial duplicate content? The other dilemma is that each of these instances - main post, archive, label(s) - claim to be the canonical. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this issue and Blogger and how Google is treating the partial duplicates and the canonical claims to the same content (even though the archives and label pages are partial?) I do not see anything in Blogger settings that allows altering these settings - in fact, the only choices in Blogger settings are 'Email Posting' and 'Permissions' (could it be that I cannot see the other setting options because I am a guest and not the blog owner?) Thanks so much everyone! PS - I was not able to add the blog as a campaign in SEOmoz Pro, which in and of itself is odd - and which I've never seen before - could this be part of the issue? Are Blogger free blogs not able to be crawled for some reason via SEOmoz Pro?

    Moz Pro | | holdtheonion

  • Why is ranking better than for the term "comunicate de presa" Absolutely ALL the factors (links, domains linking, authority, onpage etc) seem to say that should have ranked better.

    Moz Pro | |

  • hello, what is the maximum rate of similarity between two pages to avoid duplicate content? We often talk (in France) at a rate of 70% Thanks for your answers Denis

    On-Page Optimization | | android_lyon

  • Hi Everyone, I ran into a problem I didn't know I had (Thanks to the seomoz tool) regarding duplicate content. my site is oxford ms and when I built the site, the web developer used php to build it.  After he was done I saw that the URL's looking like this "/blake_listings.php?page=0" and I wanted them like this "/blakes-listings" He changed them with no problem and he did the same with all 300 pages or so that I have on the site.  I just found using the crawl diagnostics tool that I have like 3,000 duplicate content issues. Is there an easy fix to this at all or does he have to go in and 301 Redirect EVERY SINGLE URL? Thanks for any help you can give.

    Technical SEO | | blake-76624

  • Some say hyphenated domain names are "spammy". I have also noticed that Moz's On Page Keyword Tool does NOT recognize keywords in a non-hyphenated domain name. So one would assume neither do the bots. I noticed obviously misleading words like car in carnival or spa in space or spatula, etc embedded in domain names and pondered the effect. I took it a step further with non-hyphenated domain names. I experimented by selecting totally random three or four letter blocks - Example: - rand omf act gene rator Each one of those clips returns copious results AND the On-Page Report Card does not credit the domain name as containing "random facts" as keywords**,** whereas does get credit for "business sales sarasota" in the URL. This seems an obvious situation - unhyphenated domains can scramble the keywords and confuse the bots, as they search all possible combinations. YES -  I know the content should carry it but - I do not believe domain names are irrelevant, as many say. I don't believe that hyphenated domain names are not more efficient than non hyphenated ones - as long as you don't overdo it. I have also seen where a weak site in an easy market  will quickly top the list because the hyphenated domain name matches the search term - I have done it (in my pre Seo Moz days) with I built the site in a couple of days and in a couple weeks it was on page one. Any thoughts on this?

    Technical SEO | | dcmike

  • I have a handful of e-commerce websites that overlap each other some in the same niche.   I have already heard that it would have been best to make just one website, but this is not practical for me.  Our business model goes back to a time before the internet.  We have relationships with manufacturers where they refer business to us because we brand web sites which will not switch customers to competing brands.  Our agreements make it ok to link to other websites so long as we have branded websites that focus on the specific manufacturers. For SEO, what is the best way to link these sites? Site wide links in footers.? Single links at on homepages? One way links from the most powerful site? Some other method? We have been wrestling with this question for some time.

    Link Building | | EugeneF

  • Hello I have job portal and I am listing job offers by: regions, position, sector, language skill For example, when user searchs job in Bratislava, Programmer, information technology, english. My URL is Title:Job in Bratislava, Programmer, Information technology, english I know, that URL is too long and no good for SEO. Is it solution? When user chooses max. 2 items for example: than I put in every next links atribute nofollow and google will index only pages with max. 2 items: or or but not, because english link has atribut nofollow. And I want to ask, what is the best solution for SEO when I am listing job offers by regions, position, sector, language skill and I have than long URL and Title Title:Job in Bratislava, Programmer, Information technology, english

    On-Page Optimization | | PeterSEO

  • I recently identified an issue with our site whereby we had three different URL types for each article. As an example, we might have something like: /articles/my-article-name /articles/my-article-name.aspx /articles/My-Article-Name We've since taken action to address this by implement 301 redirects from the second and third formats to the first (so everything is without the .aspx extension and is in lower case). But the results have been disconcerting. Before the change, one of our articles receives 150 or so hits per day via the .aspx version. The other two existed but had very low traffic (1-3 per day). We decided the non .aspx and lowercase version was the version we wanted. Sure enough, when we introduced the 301 redirects on September 25th the traffic for the .aspx version just stopped (after a day) and the traffic for the non-.aspx version climbed. But not enough. After the change, the non-.aspx version is receiving about 60-70% of the traffic that we used to have on the .aspx version. So, instead of receiving 150 per day (to the .aspx version) we are receiving around 100 or so to the non-.aspx version. This pattern has occured across all our articles and, as a result, our site-wide traffic has dropped by about 40% or so. Since we are using 301 redirects I had assumed that the search engines would just update to reflect the non-.aspx version. I am sure I am missing something here. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks. Mark

    Reporting & Analytics | | MarkWill

  • I recently bought a web page from a reputable Real Estate company (Real Estate Web Masters). They are known for their ability to write codes that index IDX feeds from MLS boards but they charge a huge rate compaired to other web devlopers in the Real Estate industry. After joining the SEO MOZ community and running a few SEO Bot Crawls I was scared when I reviewed the campaigns that I created. The report came back with Duplicate content on my blog and a bunch of on site errors and warnings. Below you will find a few quistions if you could help me with these answers I would appreciate it. 1. I have 28 URL's that show up on the error report that say they have duplicate content. Should I deleate all of these pages or erase all the content and try to make them more custom? I cant tell if this is a URL issue or a content issue. The bot reads the errors and sounds like it is trying to point out that there are more than one or two URL's on my page that point to the same blog post. If that is the problem then it is a programming issue. 2.Duplicate Page title= I have just created this blog so there are only about 30 submissions but almost every blog says it has a duplicate title? 3. Title element to long= how important is this to fix? I think this is also a programming issue becuase these title elements are created to show homes for sale within a certain price range say 200,000 to 300,000. There is a lot of desription within these tites on the homes that show up and there is a lot of homes for sale within that price range. So once again I think this would be a programming issue. I am trying to keep up with the Real Estate Web Masters on this subject but there SEO rates are $2500 a month and I am a start up company so I really need to learn how to do some of this on my own. Please advise! Relevant links My Web page Real Estate Web Masters The REW Forum I have asked for help from | I dont know if they will let you view this but I will update your response within that forum if that is ok with you.

    Whiteboard Friday | | bwpatton

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