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  • I tried to create a campaign with youtube video or my youtube channel as my primarly URL. But the crawler crawled the entire youtube site, which is of no use to me.

    Moz Pro | | chandrac

  • Hello Folks, I'm curious why my landing page is ranking at #1 on ( brazil ). keyword: build wizard diablo 3. My lp is above well know domain names such as: , , and also above a keyworded domain name: Is just because my website is focus in brazilian google( ) or is because my landing page are better than the others( i don't think so)? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | augustos

  • Hi, i like to start the strong project like a jobs bord. My question is, i was thinking to buy a broad keyword domain or brand. From my experience, and seo strategy, i believe or ithink to start with brand name, unique brand name, and i can build more naturaly backlinks or all type of seos, maybe is better than a jobs domain. What do you suggest me?

    Keyword Research | | leadsprofi

  • Hi, I would like information on RSS Feed creation & submission This RSS was created for me... (when I try to subscribe using Google chrome a html page appears saying 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.' seems to work in Firefox & IE I then decided to create an RSS with Google Feed Burner using the link above and from that this is my new url I'm just wondering am I going the right way about doing things here? Also, I plan on submitting the RSS feed to to other rss feed sites. Should I submit the First RSS or the Feedburner RSS? Thank you kindly.

    Technical SEO | | Socialdude

  • What is the convinience of using html5 for seo.As i read is not too good using many h1 in each metacontent (due to crawler alerts) , but it is good to use html5. We have follow or so this web guidelines whtat do you think about taht?

    Technical SEO | | ofuente

  • Hi, So when building links what PA and DA do you like to follow. I was thinking of building links with anything more then a PA of 10 and da of 30 should be fine. Cheers, Vishal

    Competitive Research | | vishalkhialani

  • is probably a "how long is a piece of string" question but wondered how to use the keyword difficulty tool, particularly in relation to the % and the wording moderate, what are these actually saying? Perhaps some of you could give details of how you use this tool and apply the % and term to real world situations, Thanks in advance, Lee

    Keyword Research | | LeeMiller

  • Hi everyone, we just launched this new site and I just ran it through SEOmoz and I got a bunch of duplicate page content errors. Here's one example -- it says these 3 are duplicate content: You'll see from the pages that the titles, images and small pieces of the copy are all unique -- but there is some copy that is the same (after all, these are pretty much the same shoe, just a different color). So, why am I getting this error and is there any best way to address? Thanks so much!

    Technical SEO | | ketanmv

  • I am new to SEOmoz & trying to work my way through the ca-trillion errors that have been found on my site, but for each one I want to ensure that I am helping rather than harming my site. The tool has (as a "notice") said that my category pages & Archives are NO-INDEX, is this how these pages should be dealt with? In addition, the crawler has also (as a "warning error) discovered that my categories, and Archives do not have a meta this of great importance for non indexed pages of this type? Thanks so much to the SEOmoz forum members, you have so far been of invaluable help to me.

    On-Page Optimization | | KMack

  • Hello, I'm new on SEOMOZ. I use Free API for calculate mozrank over many web site maybe 3 millions links or more. Can I calculate mozrank unlimited for free or not ? What is cost to calculte mozrank about many different links with FREE API ? Best regards, HL

    Moz Pro | | lacahu

  • Hi, I am seeing strange behavior of Google for my rankings. I have a very competitive keyword (I can't disclose because of NDA) but for example keyword like "Cameras" on , it stayed on #4 spot for years, we have been practising all good SEO techniques for this. From last couple of weeks, it goes to 9 then stays there for 2 days, then come back to 4 for 2 days, then go back to 9 & then after 2 days come back to 4 & it is keep moving like that... at the time of this post, this one is on 9. Our site have been on top for very competitive kws even like word "Camera" we are 2 which is stable... None of our other kws ranks are changed but only word "Cameras" is affected. I am not sure how & why this is happening, I have been following SEOMoz from long time & hope can find solution here. Note : Keywords used here are not actual, but carry equal importance Please let me know.

    Algorithm Updates | | spopli

  • I was checking URL parameters section over Google webmaster tools. Google have monitored following parameters and exclude it from crawling. utm_campaign utm_medium utm_source I have built URLs with following tool to track visits from vertical search engine like Google shopping and other comparison shopping engines. So, I am quite confuse to see over my data. Will Google consider external URLs which are available with above parameters or require to consist on live website? Note: I am asking for my eCommerce website.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • What would be a really good reason(s) to pay for PRO membership after 1 month free trial expires? What do I get here that I didn't already use during my trial, or can get somwhere else for free or less money? Not trying to criticize, just looking for facts. Thanks.

    Moz Pro | | _Z_

  • Hi All: Is it true that URLs such as this following one are viewed as "spammy" (besides being too long) and that such URLs will negatively affect ranks for keywords and page ranks: My thinking is that the page will perform better once it is 301 redirected to a shorter page name, such as: It also appears that these long URLs are also more likely to break, creating unnecessary 404s. <colgroup><col width="301"></colgroup> Thanks for your insight on this issue!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | holdtheonion

  • I currently have a site ( that runs everything as http, recently we decided to start an online application to process loan apps. Now, for one certain section we configured ssl to work ( If I go to the HTTPS url for any of my other pages they show up...I was going to just 301 everything from https but because it is in a subdirectiory I can't... Also, canonical URL's won't work either because it's a totally different system and the pages are generated in an odd manor. It's really just 1 page that needs to be disallowed.. Is there any way to disallow all HTTPS requests from robots.txt while keeping all the HTTP requests working as normal?

    Technical SEO | | WebsiteConsultants

  • Following a thread here thought I'd login to G+ only to notice the new Google games tab, lol you've gotta give em A+ for trying ...... Think Google should try to be a little more original, wondered what everyone else thought of this new addition? Lee

    Social Media | | LeeMiller

  • Is anyone else having trouble seeing the new Facebook Insights page?  If I click on Insights I get a message at the top that says, "Take me to the new Page Insights" but if I click on it it does nothing. Apparently people are "talking about me" and I can't see the new stats!

    Social Media | | MarieHaynes

  • Hey guys! Suppose I disallow search bots from indexing anything on my secure server in my robots.txt, and 301 redirect all of my secure server traffic to my non-secure site.  Will the search bots see the redirect before they realize that they're disallowed from accessing that page?  Or will they see that page is disallowed and not follow the redirect? Should I change my robots.txt to allow search bots to crawl my secure site so they can find the redirects?

    Technical SEO | | john4math

  • Here, google mentions that article URLs should contain a 3 digit number: Why is this? Also, do you think it is good to have both a news sitemap and 3 digits at the end of a URL? Or, will one do?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • We have a static page we want to rank for a competitive phrase. Would it help, or would it make little to no difference, if we added a small dynamic item to the page so that each time the googlebot visited the page it wouldn't be 100% the same as the last time it visited? The reason to do this would be because of the belief that Google likes pages that update once in a while. The dynamic portion of the page wouldn't be as simple as a page counter, but it wouldn't be very elaborate either. A tiny portion of the page. Think of something like current temperature or current CPU utilization (it won't be that, but it will be a small updating number that is not incrementing like current time or a page counter). Would that make any difference at all? (I know there will be responses that I should add real updating data to the page to make it dynamic; let's take that one off the table for right now --trying to see if there's something I can do that is simpler for now). Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • What is advisable link count that you see in SEOMOZ crawl report?

    Technical SEO | | gmk1567

  • What will be the advisable "Link_count" that you in the Pro crawl report?

    Technical SEO | | NYC

  • mid august, i went from averaging about 7 million kb/day but since have been at about 800 thousand. time spent downloading each page went up maybe 30% but pages crawled stayed the same. apart from the speed issue, don't think we've done anything to trigger this (none of the usual suspects like link structure, errors, sitemap, or new code). any other ideas? and is this disastrous for my indexing or am i over-reacting. thanks for your help

    Algorithm Updates | | babble

  • Ever since the new Open Site Explorer came out, I've haven't been able to use the download feature.  It just gives me a prompt saying "No Data Received." Anyone else have trouble with OSE, or been able to get past this issue?

    Moz Pro | | EricVallee34

  • Not sure if I've got this right, but I was just playing around looking at what of the top seo guys were up to and I found this site by someone called Scott D Smith. So I open up his site in site explorer and take a look at his link profile. This guy has a bunch of .gov back links but whenever I try to see what the link is it just downloads a file and when I looked at the file it's an MS Access file. Is this right, seems like something is amiss or is this some secret seo tactic I've not heard about? lol Lee fyi - Oh and also the boing links they're displaying the same behaviour too.

    Competitive Research | | LeeMiller

  • Hi everyone, I have a TLD in the UK with a and also the same site in Ireland (.ie). The only differences are the prices and different banners maybe. The .ie site pulls all of the content from the domain. Is this classed as content duplication? I've had problems in the past in which Google struggles to index the website. At the moment the site appears completely fine in the UK SERPs but for Ireland I just have the Title and domain appearing in the SERPs, with no extended title or description because of the confusion I caused Google last time. Does anybody know a fix for this? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | royb

  • I have compared 3 sites in open site explorer. The total # of links in the subdomain metrics report for one of the urls is 46,787. Where is that number coming from? There's 125 total external followed links and 132 total external links. I cannot see the number for internal links, but I'm sure it isn't 40000+. So 46,787 is the result of the addition of what? Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry for this newbie question 🙂

    Moz Pro | | gerardoH

  • I was reading outbound marketing and they suggest that a good blog "does not" moderate comments. I have always taken the moderate approach, but their thought was this inhibits a conversation from taking place on the blog. I am wondering what thoughts others may have on this and its potential positive and negative impacts, both SEO and in general. Also I am thinking about using a Facebook plugin with my blogposts. I think this may be a good way to help get social visibility... Has anyone tried this yet?

    Social Media | | mmaes

  • HI, My Problem:  Multiple businesses in one location, under one Google Places account, one being reviewed. My Question:   see very bottom of this post Background:  I am trying to help a client get both of his businesses ranking in Google Places.  The problem is the office building has multiple doctors/practices in the same building and gave no business suite numbers to doctors that rent office space.  Here is the list of the other businesses in the office:  The problem escalates because the doctor I am trying to help has a chiropractic business & a spinal decompression business, both legal entities, both different registered company names, different phone numbers, and websites, but both located in this office building.  He rents two offices (they should be suites) in the building.  The problem escalates even more because the doctor has registered both locations (see below) in his Google Places account: Westchester Spinal Decompression Center
    1241 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 421-1502 ‎ Joint Effort Chiropractic
    1241 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 368-7668 ‎ The first (spinal decompression) was registered a long time ago and ranks #1 for "spinal decompression white plains NY."  The second he just confirmed the Google Post card a few weeks ago and has been under review since. More research so you can help me better: The "The Shop for Holistic Health / The Shop at Full Circle", a businesses location in the same office building has verified their account and ranks #1 for "women's health care white plains NY" and "midwife white plains NY."  Another business,in the same office building "Keras-Donaghy Melissa S", has not claimed their listing and ranks #1 for "Women’s Health physical Therapist white plains NY"  Another business, "Kuhl Josephine MD,"  has not claimed their listing ranks in the top 10  for "Adolescent Psychiatrist white plains NY." My Question:   What do I do, wait it out and see if Google will remove the "under review" under his current Google Places account or do I add a suite number now and see if Google will send another post card?  Or do I create a new account, add the business, add a suite number this time, and see if they will confirm it.  I don't want to do this because the doctor already has 12 reviews on this Google Places account.  If I do do this, what do I do with the Google Places account under review?

    Image & Video Optimization | | WebBizIdeas

  • Hi All, This is a rather lengthy one, so please bear with me! SEOmoz has recently crawled 10,000 webpages from my site, FrenchEntree, and has returned 8,000 errors of duplicate page content. The main reason I have so many is because of the directories I have on site. The site is broken down into 2 levels of hierachy. "Weblets" and "Articles". A weblet is a landing page, and articles are created within these weblets. Weblets can hold any number of articles - 0 - 1,000,000 (in theory) and an article must be assigned to a weblet in order for it to work. Here's how it roughly looks in URL form -[weblet]/[articleID]/ Now; our directory results pages are weblets with standard content in the left and right hand columns, but the information in the middle column is pulled in from our directory database following a user query. This happens by adding the query string to the end of the URL. We have 3 main directory databases, but perhaps around 100 weblets promoting various 'canned' queries that users may want to navigate straight into. However, any one of the 100 directory promoting weblets could return any query from the parent directory database with the correct query string. The problem with this method (as pointed out by the 8,000 errors) is that each possible permutation of search is considered to be it's own URL, and therefore, it's own page. The example I will use is the first alphabetically. "Activity Holidays in France": - This link shows you a results weblet without the query at the end, and therefore only displays the left and right hand columns as populated. - This link shows you the same weblet with the an 'open' query on the end. I.e. display all results from this database. Listings are displayed in the middle. There are around 500 different URL permutations for this weblet alone when you take into account the various categories and cities a user may want to search in. What I'd like to do is to prevent SEOmoz (and therefore search engines) from counting each individual query permutation as a unique page, without harming the visibility that the directory results received in SERPs. We often appear in the top 5 for quite competitive keywords and we'd like it to stay that way. I also wouldn't want the search engine results to only display (and therefore direct the user through to) an empty weblet by some sort of robot exclusion or canonical classification. Does anyone have any advice on how best to remove the "duplication" problem, whilst keeping the search visibility? All advice welcome. Thanks Matt

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Horizon

  • [Hey folks, Anchor text question for internal links on my site. We all know that proper anchor text is important for rankings, both in links pointing to your site and links on your site. Google webmaster tools is showing my top internal anchor text links to be letters. This is because of navigation on the site which is in a global footer on hundreds of thousands of pages. Do you think that this dilutes or minimizes the relevance of the real anchor texts that we are targeting which trail behind these, or if this went away it would have no effect on the rest of the anchor texts on the site. How would you handle this, we can just get rid of this navigation because it's passing PR and helping the pages get spidered. Thanks in advance. Anchor text 1.     g 2.     q 3.     d 4.     v 5.     k 6.     t 7.     o 8.     u 9.     a 10.   p 11.   m 12.   r 13.   e 14.   x 15.   y 16.   l 17.   i 18.   z 19.   c 20.   j 21.   s 22.   b 23.   f 24.   h 25.   w 26.   n](

    On-Page Optimization | | irvingw

  • I'm getting unusual swings in SERPS ranks from one day to another (I had several keywords ranked in top ten go to the the third or fourth page in a week). I knwo that there's always variation because of localized and custom search, but this seems to be something more.

    Reporting & Analytics | | bbelgard

  • I am attempting to fix the issues SEOmoz found when crawling my site. I have a list of 4XX errors that I am attempting to fix. Basically I know one option is to redirect them to another page, but I would like to have the option to remove the links completely. The only problem is I can not find where the links are located. Does SEOmoz provide where on my site these broken links are? Or do they only provide the url that is linked to?

    Technical SEO | | ClaytonKendall

  • A while ago we purchased some domains that are related to our industry. I'm fairly sceptical about using them, but I am interested what peoples thoughts are. We are currently producing quite alot of engaging content and although it's industry related, it is sometimes quite broad and not always appropriate for our company blog. I have been debating whether or not it will be a good idea to use one of the domain names that we have purchased to create more of an industry blog that is off our website. I'm not sure if this is considered a "black hat" technique by using domains registered to us? And also whether or not Google will punish because we are blogging from the same IP address and linking back to our site ? I look forward to hearing what people think. Thanks,

    Link Building | | esendex

  • I know that exact matches in the title tag are more powerful but how much will using an ellipse the title affect my results? For example I would like to use "What is… Actinide?" instead of "What is Actinide?"

    Keyword Research | | joehaddock

  • With panda etc is publishing Press Releases with prweb etc a strong seo method of getting good links form strong domains?

    Link Building | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hello Everyone, We recently developed videos for all of our products.  Upon clicking on each video, we have the video popping up in a lightbox.  The videos are hosted on Amazon s3. We would like to implement social sharing for each video and to do so, we are going to have the video load on each page upon being clicked using jquery.  My question is how we should structure the urls so that the actual product page gets the share value. So for example, if the page is should we have the video be and ensure there is a canonical url on each product page so that the benefit is given to Or is there another way that anyone would recommend doing this? The videos are AMAZING and I'd like to ensure that as these videos are shared on social networks, that the value of the share is directed to the actual product page. Any ideas mozzers? Thanks!

    Social Media | |

  • I had a blog associated with my site, then I had to merge two Google accounts and to make a long story short, my old Blogger page won't transfer to the new account.  So, I'm starting fresh. My Question: Would I benefit most from an on-site subdomain blog, adding content to my site on a weekly/monthly basis, or an off-site blog such as Blogger, linking back to pages and resources on my site? Then, any other juicy tips would be great.  Honestly, I won't expect a large subscription base.  There will be a natural draw for some trade associates, and I'll be linking and promoting them as well. Thanks for any input.  I'm new to the community, and SEO, but really impressed with this community.

    Content Development | | honestabejosh

  • I am targeting my website in US so need to get high organic ranking in US web search. One of my competitor is restricting website access to specific IP address or Geo location. I have checked multiple categories to know more. What's going on with this restriction and why they make it happen? One of SEO forum is also restricting website access to specific location. I can understand that, it may help them to stop thread spamming with unnecessary Sign Up or Q & A. But, why Lamps Plus have set this? Is there any specific reason? Can I improve my organic ranking? Restriction may help me to save and maintain user statistic in terms of bounce rate, average page views per visit, etc...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Hi I thinking about consolidation some info from 5 pages onto 1 by using the hashtag at the end of the link to send people to the rigt section of the page. Does each link to the count as link so that I wont really gain any linkvalue by doing it?

    On-Page Optimization | | home111

  • Question says it all I guess. What would your recommend as the best free tool to check internal broken links?

    Technical SEO | | RikkiD22

  • We created a product blog page that was highly optimized for SEO based on a recommendation from a colleague. These are now our best performing pages - however they do not convert as highly as the bona-fide product pages. After further investigation we're concerend that we shouldn't have split our content accross two pages - keyword cannibalisation. Is this correct and should we 301 our product blog pages to the other high converting pages?

    Technical SEO | | JohnHillman

  • I've noticed that my link count is high (165ish for some) on my category listing pages. I've been scouring my page to see if there's any way that I can reduce the link count without restricting functionality to the end user. Each product listing on the category page has 5 links currently: A link to the product in the title A link to the product from the image An 'add to compare' link An 'add to cart' link An 'add to wishlist' link When the customer chooses to show 30 products per page, the link tally goes off the scale. So I have two questions: Firstly - is it appropriate to keep link count down in this scenario? To elaborate - is it just inevitable that product listing pages will have lots of links, and should I just assume that Google knows this and forget about these warnings. Secondly - There are two links to the same page (the title and image links to the product page). Does SEOmoz include this in the link count, and more importantly, will Google take heed of these when deciding whether the page is too link-heavy?

    Moz Pro | | SimonGreer

  • I have one running here I want to add a different discussion piece, behind the "like us" form each month and not have to replace what I have Does anyone know how I can set up multiple different Like pages? Cheers Stephen

    Social Media | | firstconversion

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