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  • Hi fellow mozzers! We are currently relaunching our website and are in the process of ensuring all our local citations are up to date and consistent. In doing so, I've noticed that there are still countless listings under our old address, which probably isn't doing our local rankings a whole world of good! I have been hunting these down by searching "company name" "old address" to bring up any references, but I wondered if there was a tool to find these quicker, in the same way Whitespark finds citation sources to begin with? Similarly, is there a tool that flags up listings that have the correct NAP info, but that has maybe been formatted differently enough so as to cause consistency probs? Thanks all!

    Image & Video Optimization | | themegroup

  • Today, I was reading about NoFollow on Wikipedia. Following statement is over my head and not able to understand with proper manner. "Google states that their engine takes "nofollow" literally and does not "follow" the link at all. However, experiments conducted by SEOs show conflicting results. These studies reveal that Google does follow the link, but does not index the linked-to page, unless it was in Google's index already for other reasons (such as other, non-nofollow links that point to the page)." It's all about indexing and ranking for specific keywords for hyperlink text during external links. I aware about that section. It may not generate in relevant result during any keyword on Google web search. But, what about internal links? I have defined rel="nofollow" attribute on too many internal links. I have archive blog post of Randfish with same subject. I read following question over there. Q. Does Google recommend the use of nofollow internally as a positive method for controlling the flow of internal link love? [In 2007] A: Yes – webmasters can feel free to use nofollow internally to help tell Googlebot which pages they want to receive link juice from other pages
    (Matt's precise words were: The nofollow attribute is just a mechanism that gives webmasters the ability to modify PageRank flow at link-level granularity. Plenty of other mechanisms would also work (e.g. a link through a page that is robot.txt'ed out), but nofollow on individual links is simpler for some folks to use. There's no stigma to using nofollow, even on your own internal links; for Google, nofollow'ed links are dropped out of our link graph; we don't even use such links for discovery. By the way, the nofollow meta tag does that same thing, but at a page level.) Matt has given excellent answer on following question. [In 2011] Q: Should internal links use rel="nofollow"?  A:Matt said: "I don't know how to make it more concrete than that." I use nofollow for each internal link that points to an internal page that has the meta name="robots" content="noindex" tag. Why should I waste Googlebot's ressources and those of my server if in the end the target must not be indexed? As far as I can say and since years, this does not cause any problems at all. For internal page anchors (links with the hash mark in front like "#top", the answer is "no", of course. I am still using nofollow attributes on my website. So, what is current trend? Will it require to use nofollow attribute for internal pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Does anyone have a theory as to why this site does not get hit with a DC penalty? The site is great, and the information is good but I just cannot understand the reason that this site does not get hit with a duplicate content penalty as all articles are posted elsewhere. Any theories would be greatly appreciated!

    Algorithm Updates | | KMack

  • I tried to track a british domain and it looks like SEOMOZ interprets it as a subdomain as it has a address. When I list it as a subdomain, it says that the domain is not responding (i guess coz its pining What do I do to create a profile?

    Moz Pro | | jwainstain

  • GWT says that a large popular site with DA 70 has a link to one of our recently published pages.  Is it possible to find the location of that link using GWT?  I don't think the SEOmoz tools can find it, perhaps because our page is too new. Best,

    Reporting & Analytics | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • In Blogger, have at least three pages produced for each post - main post, archive and tag - each has their own canonical tag - are these considered duplicate content by Google? Not sure the best way to handle this.

    Content Development | | holdtheonion

  • Do outbound links from Quora pass link juice or other SEO benefits?

    Social Media | | sftravel

  • For 3 weeks in a row my rankings have been showing between 15 and 26 for Bing Australia, when bing itself shows it is between 3 and 5
    I understand it can get the rankings on a day when it may have moved, but 3 weeks in a row is a bit strange.
    I checked the Bing US and i rank 5. Is there a problem? Keyword
    Web Development Perth Website

    Moz Pro | | AlanMosley

  • If Bing is running the Yahoo search results then it seems to me the ranks for both Bing and Yahoo should be the same. So why are my SEOmoz ranking reports showing different positions for each?

    Moz Pro | | Thos003

  • Instead of connecting Google Analytics into the SEOMOZ campaign monitor, is there a way to link Omniture or alter their output to plug into SEOMOZ?

    Moz Pro | | Dekoda_Jones

  • If you do a search on "personal loans" on Google the first non-local/personal result is They have far fewer links showing in OSE and YSE than the other sites. I know is a Citbank site so I'm trying to determine if they are ranking so high b/c they are getting 301 link juice from old authority pages. Is there anyway to check to see what sites are sending link juice through a 301 redirect instead of a direct link?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fthead9

  • Hi, I would like some tips on how to manage SEO on Large sites with limited. For example, I have a client with a large Ecommerce store that wants to rank high for every product and every category. Obviosly every page has to be keyword optimised, but what is the best strategy for acquiring links and should we target all deep pages or just the home page and category pages, then use good internal linking to pass the link juice around? All advice welcome! thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | websearchseo

  • I submitted our site, to Google to pontentially be a local news source in Nashville.  I received the following note back: We reviewed your site and are unable to include it in Google News at this
    time. We have certain guidelines in place regarding the quality of sites
    which are included in the Google News index. Please feel free to review
    these guidelines at the following link: Clicking the link, it anchors to the section that says: These quality guidelines cover the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior, but Google may respond negatively to other misleading practices not listed here (e.g. tricking users by registering misspellings of well-known websites). It's not safe to assume that just because a specific deceptive technique isn't included on this page, Google approves of it. Webmasters who spend their energies upholding the spirit of the basic principles will provide a much better user experience and subsequently enjoy better ranking than those who spend their time looking for loopholes they can exploit. etc... Now we have never intentionally tried to do anything deceptive for our rankings.  I am new to SEOmoz and new to SEO optimization in general.  I am working through the errors report on our campaign site but I cannot tell what they are dinging us for. Whatever it is we will be happy to fix it. All thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jay

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | styleblueprint

  • For link-building purposes, seemingly it was okay to post the same article to multiple sites for links in the past.  However, after the most recent Panda update our thought is that this may not be a good practice.  So the question is, how many times is okay to submit an article for link building purposes.  Should you always only submit to one site?  Is it okay to do more than once?  What is the right way to submit for link-building in Google's eyes? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Robertnweil1

  • I have recently become a pro member of SEOmoz and I've been going through the crawl diagnostics summary in an attempt to fix some of the errors. Currently I have 2,167 pages where the title element is too long. I would like to fix this, but I have certain keywords present on all of the pages that I am ranking first for. I am afraid if I take these words out of my titles it will hurt my rank for those keywords. Is it better to leave the keywords in or remove them to get under the 70 character mark?

    Technical SEO | | ClaytonKendall

  • In the process of redesigning a clients site. The text and the design need to change to focus the site on conversions more than it is at present. The client is not happy with the current host, they want to change, my feeling is to either change a while before the site redesign is launched or a while after. Anyone got any opinions, experiences to share. Justin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GrouchyKids

  • One of my clients sites has almost OK URL's, set up something like the following: keyword2_keyword3_keyword1 Ideally the URL's would be more like this: keyword1-keyword2-keyword3 My question is is there any point in changing them and 301 redirecting them over just to get the target keywords in a better order and change the _ to a - ? Has anyone tried this and its worked or not worked, I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. Justin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GrouchyKids

  • I'd be grateful for any advice regarding sourcing, adding & attributing images/photos for my WordPress blog.  Budget is tight so have to rule out paid stock libraries, but I heard that Flickr images can be used under Creative Commons providing they are correctly attributed. eg. eg 2. Example 1 does not seem to link back but example 2 does.  Are there any rules on this? I have looked at some plugins: Insights, iFlickr, WP Flickr Manager, Photo Dropper. Looking to save time by streamlining the process of adding images, resizing and attributing. Many thanks.

    Content Development | | martyc

  • IMy website is Costume Machine at . My site has been banned for 1 year now. I have requested that google reconsider my site 3 times without luck. The site is dynamic and basically pulls in feeds from affiliate sites. We have added over 1,500 pages of original content. The site has been running great since 2008 without any penalties. I don't think I got hit with any linking penalty. I cleaned up all questionable links last November when the penalty hit. Am I being hit with a "thin" site penalty? If that is the issue what is the best way to fix the problem?

    Technical SEO | | tadden

  • Right now my crawl diagnostic information is being skewed because it's including the onsite search from my website. Is there a way to remove certain pages like search from the errors and warnings of the crawl diagnostic? My search pages are coming up as: Long URL Title Element Too Long Missing Meta Description Blocked by meta-robots (Which is how I want it) Rel Canonical Here is what the crawl diagnostic thinks my page URL looks like: 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252Bcleaning/ Thank you, Jonathan

    Moz Pro | | JonathanGoodman

  • I setup LivePerson web chat on my site.  In doing so I integrated it with Google Analytics as a conversion goal so I can track the visitors that engaged in chat. I want to see the affect these chats have on my other conversion goal, a completed lead.  How do I figure out the conversion % of new leads for people who have enaged in web chat vs. those who haven't?

    Reporting & Analytics | | TheDude

  • I need a referee on an issue. I have hired a company that does a decent job of creating a social presence for our company and its web presence.   But the main feature I hired them for was to create and cast articlesinto the social sphere  with back links to our main site. This was based on a premise that backlinks still matter. Instead the articles and posts they create are 1) posted on a separate url blog page maintained by them (but branded similar to our brand term) and 2)  casts out to other social sites with back links to their 'blog-type' site, not our main site.  In essence its a blog off the main url with articles/posts touting our product but linking back to the off site blog. I have requested that all the articles created monthly by them and cast out into the social sphere containe anchor text appropriate hyperlinks to our main site, not the blog type site, and they are resisting.  I am willing to make a switch if the premise of creating links to my main site still holds in the SEO world.  Their assertion is that it doesn't. They are getting the blog site to rank for certain key words that we also are trying to rank for and the blog site does  have links to our site on their site such as an "our website" button.  And they do create a lot of social activity buzz with twitter, youtube etc for our brand name.  In all i like what they do except in two months they have created 305 back links to the blog and our main site has only 8.  When they report they show me all the words the blog site ranks for, as if the main site doesn't exist. But wouldn't best practice still be for them to create the backlinks to our main site, not the blog and worry more about how the main site is ranking, not the cast site? Or has the SEO world changed so much that it doesn't matter.  I want to be fair but I am drwaing a line in the sand on this.

    Content Development | | arainey007

  • Has anyone who uses SEOBook Rankcheck in Firefox (version 7) had problems with the tool picking up rankings for Bing, but not Google?  I've got keywords that I know I rank in the top 10 (and my Raven account confirms it), but when I run a report on Rank Checker, those same words aren't ranking; instead I just get a "-".  I've tried restarting my computer and emptying my cookies; but no luck. Any thoughts?

    Reporting & Analytics | | EricVallee34

  • Our site is dynamic in nature we have tens of thousands of indexed pages with  numerous individual brands pages - all of the brand pages are equally important. We are trying to distribute link juice to those pages as much as possible - so my question is --- Is it smart and or useful or perhaps damaging or spammy to have a space on the bottom of each page throughout our site with links to each and every single brand page ? is this practice considered as duplicate content etc ?

    Link Building | | AJMKristi

  • Hi, I have a list of a thousand sites. I want to qualify the sites based on Pr and Da so that I can do my outreach. Pls advice how this can be done without manually putting each site in ose. Cheers, Vishal

    Competitive Research | | vishalkhialani

  • Hi, I have read lots of articles on long tail keyword research and all of it seems to apply to models and makes, i.e. "Canon power shot digital _camera _2MP" However, I work in the interior design industry, which doesn't have models and makes, if you see what I mean. Does anyone have any advice on how to do long tail keyword research for this sector or similar? Thanks for your help. Mik

    Keyword Research | | increation

  • Hi, I am working on a newly launched Q&A site. We have very few questions and users right now and very very low seo traffic. In order to increase the number of users and  seo traffic  we intend to create a number of pages containing potential questions. Each page would have the following structure: Question. Ex: "What are the top wholesale suppliers of coffee in China?" Some content. Ex: Are you looking for wholesale suppliers of coffee in China? Post your question here? Question form Some additional content So there would be a page for wholesale suppliers of coffee for every country. We would publish the pages gradually and the content would be unique but yet similar (ex: only the Country changes). What do you think about this approach? Is it a good idea or can it be dangerous? We don't want to incur in any kind of penalization, we just want to give the possibility to people who are looking for specific information to find us and be able to post the request on our website.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ypsilon

  • Hello, one of my clients has a site that ranks well in but is a Canadian company and therefore has a canadian address. They have not yet done any local optimization so if I was to add them to local directories, would that hurt their ranks in the states or anywhere else?

    Image & Video Optimization | | matmox

  • A website link to our site from internal pages of  that site where page rank is 0 but page rank of home page of that website is 5 ,it will helpful or I should get links from a page  where page rank is available there?

    Link Building | | SEOteam2011

  • Hi, I have an old Wordress website with about 300-400 original pages of content on it. All relating to my company's industry: travel in Africa. It's a legitimate site with travel stories, photos, advice etc. Nothing spammy about. No adverts on it. No affiliates. The site hasn't been updated for a couple of years and we no longer have a need for it. Many of the stories on it are quite out of date. The site has built up a modest Mozrank value over the last 5 years, and has a few hundreds organically achieved inbound links. Recently I set up a swanky new branded website on ExpressionEngine on a new domain. My intention is to: Shut down the old site Focus all attention on building up content on the new website Ask the people linking to the old site to my new site instead (I wonder how many will actually do so...) Where possible, setup a 301 redirect from pages on the old site to their closest match on the new site Setup a 301 redirect from the old site's home page to new site's homepage Sounds good, right? But there is one issue I need some advice on... The old site has about 100 pages that do not have a good match on the new site. These pages are outdated or inferior quality, so it doesn't really make sense to rewrite them and put them on the new site. I call these my "black sheep pages". So... for these "black sheep pages" should I (A) redirect the urls to the new site's homepage (B) redirect the urls the old site's home page (which in turn, redirects to the new site's homepage, or (C) not redirect the urls, and let them die a lonely 404 death? OPTION A: -> -> -> -> -> -> OPTION B: -> -> -> -> -> -> OPTION 😄 : do not redirect, let page 404 and disappear forever : do not redirect, let page 404 and disappear forever : do not redirect, let page 404 and disappear forever : do not redirect, let page 404 and disappear forever : do not redirect, let page 404 and disappear forever -> My intuition tells me that Option A would pass the most "link juice" to my new site, but I am concerned that it could also be seen by Google as a spammy redirect technique. What would you do? Help 😐

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AndreVanKets

  • seomoz tool gives me back duplicate content on both these URL's I want to use as this just look nice & clean. What would be best practice to fix this issue? Kind Regards Eddie

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Paul78

  • Hi, I have created a SEO Moz campaign for my travel blog The Crawl diagnostics tool raised a warning saying that for few pages I have a 'Too many on-page links'. All the problematic pages are of the following style: .... I am not sure what I should do with that ...  Since I continue to publish articles on that blog I imagine that that problem will keep growing and growing ... What should I do with that? Thanks P.S. That blog uses Wordpress CMS. Nancy

    Web Design | | EnigmaSolution

  • Hi i keep getting messages about this 123 reg service which i use to buy some of my domain names and i would like to know what you think of the instant traffic service they offer where they register your domain with search engines. Does this service work or is it a waste of money and you should do it manually. Please let me know what you think. I have put the info below increase web traffic and get to pole position With 123-reg InstantTraffic, we don’t just get your site listed on search engines – we help you gain pole position! Increase your visitor numbers Pip your competitors to the post Stay visible - guaranteed InstantTraffic uses real-time search engine data and analysis tools to get your site listed and let you know how it’s performing against similar websites. Please don't buy InstantTraffic if you already use one of our ecommerce packages on the same domain name. The two packages cannot be used together. To get started: choose the website you would like to optimise from the drop-down list below and then choose your InstantTraffic pack. If your domain name is not listed you will first £19.99

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi. Can anyone suggest apps that might be applied for SEO change/version control? I've tried using Excel and Word in the past but both fall short when dealing with multiple client sites. Nothing suitable pops up so far. Specifically I want to be able to log any on-page changes that might impact SEO for historical analysis and possible roll-back (manual) eg change date, page title, headings, url, anchor text, alt image txt, body copy etc. The ability to have one view that can be filtered in various ways including by client and by url would be ideal. Maybe this is something SEOmoz is considering for Pro campaign management? Surely there's demand... Thanks Andy

    On-Page Optimization | | Bluesnapper

  • I manage several online web projects that have no link to each other. Now my question is if it will have any negative impact on ranking if I administer all those webpages with one account. Usually google penalizes sites that are obviously linked to eachother. Is administaring several sites with one analytics account reason enough for google to penalize my sites?

    Technical SEO | | mtueckcr

  • Some of the pages are ranking for terms I have optimised other pages for. The pages which are ranking are quite rightly falling, because they aren't optimised for the terms they're showing for. However, I have pages which are optomised for those terms. How do I switch the SERPS to the page I want?

    On-Page Optimization | | GlobalLingo

  • Hi, have been reading a lot about submissions to directories and posting spamming blogs and forums and how they're a bad idea, saw a great post on it by Rand in a white board Friday lecture, the only thing is I've been analysing a company and that appears to be what makes up its entire link profile, all the links point to their home page with their primary phrase as the anchor text. Just wondered how a company with some 4k links the majority being follows, hasn't been penalised for what are a really bad set of back links. Should add that this is an insurance company, they're no light weights in their industry but certainly not one of the big boys. Thanks, Lee Example here

    Competitive Research | | LeeMiller

  • Hi SEOMoz Guys, Hope you guys are doing well. I've been searching online and bumped into this archived page ( I would like to get an updated take on this issue whether or not the meta no cache code on a page bears negative/positive or no SEO impact / effect. <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"/> Thanks! Steve

    On-Page Optimization | | sjcbayona-41218

  • Hey all, I just had a crawl test done on my site(created using wordpress) and I received a ton of missing meta tag descriptions to fix. The odd thing is though I use "All in One" SEO Tool and the actual pages or posts on the site do have meta tag descriptions, however I noticed for every post an RSS Feed is being automatically generated and this Feed is the culprit without meta tag descriptions. I am totally clueless on how to resolve these errors as I havent installed any WP plugins that generate feeds automatically. Has anyone encountered this problem before or know how to fix this?? The site url is http:// GovernmentGrantsAustralia . org I have left spaces above to avoid being a link dropper 🙂 Would really appreciate if anyone can help! Thanks a million, Jus

    Technical SEO | | justin99

  • Tribute to Steve Jobs on the homepage of Google. I couldn't help but check to see whether it was do follow. RIP Steve Jobs, a true visionary and pioneer.

    Link Building | | seo-wanna-bs

  • Hey guys, We have a conundrum, with a large E-Commerce site we operate. Classified listings older than 45 days are throwing up 404's - hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. Note that Webmaster Tools peaks at 100,000. Many of these listings receive links. Classified listings that are less than 45 days show other possible products to buy based on an algorithm. It is not possible for Google to crawl expired listings pages from within our site. They are indexed because they were crawled before they expired, which means that many of them show in search results. -> My thought at this stage, for usability reasons, is to replace the 404's with content - other product suggestions, and add a meta noindex in order to help our crawl equity, and get the pages we really want to be indexed prioritised. -> Another consideration is to 301 from each expired listing to the category heirarchy to pass possible link juice. But we feel that as many of these listings are findable in Google, it is not a great user experience. -> Or, shall we just leave them as 404's? : google sort of says it's ok Very curious on your opinions, and how you would handle this. Cheers, Croozie. P.S I have read other Q & A's regarding this, but given our large volumes and situation, thought it was worth asking as I'm not satisfied that solutions offered would match our needs.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sichristie

  • Now that Google considers subdomains as part of the TLD I'm a little leery of testing robots.txt with something like:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: / in fear it might get the blocked as well. Has anyone had any success using robots.txt to block sub-domains? I know I could add a meta robots tag to the pages but that would require a lot more work.

    Technical SEO | | fthead9

  • Using the Keyword difficulty tool, under local search volume column, all I get is unavailable for UK queries, is this temporary? Cheers Pete

    Moz Pro | | PeteMSBR

  • I am looking at two different sites. and  out of the two sites scrubsandbeyond is performing so much better, probably six times better.  I am just curious if there is anything that sticks out as to why.  Blueskyscrubs has a lot more and seemingly higher quality links.  There are nearly 2000 domains linking into them while scrubsandbeyond only has around 500.  The links they do have don't seem to be that great either.  I don't see a huge difference in their on-page SEO either.  So if anybody has any ideas or sees something obvious I am not seeing I would love to hear from you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kicksetc

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