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  • I have just ran a report in seomoz on my domain and has noticed that there are duplicate content issues, the issues are: www.domainname/directory-name/ www.domainname/directory-name/index.php All my internal links and external links point to the first domain, as i prefer this style as it looks clear & concise, however doing this has created duplicate content as within the site itself i have an index.php page inside this /directory-name/ to show the page. Could anyone give me some advice on what i should do please? Kind Regards

    Technical SEO | | Paul78

  • I have been doing some competitive analysis basing my company on others and have noticed a pattern. Very high ranking sites seem to have limited the internal and external on page links on their subdomains to under 100. my site has a lot of links but all are relevant and lead to unique content. I am interested to know if anyone else has noticed this pattern in changes in the SERP results. bIs google now penalizing pages with to many on site nav links? And if a full site restructure is needed to allow google to index and rank these pages or if a it is a non issue and does not need to be addressed. Panda confuses me!!!!! HELP!

    Web Design | | Brother22

  • I have received a number of missing meta tag descriptions on my website. They all are with the comments to posts and it says /feed at the end of most of them. What is causing this error??

    On-Page Optimization | | haveuheard

  • What is the group's opinion on whether or not the <title>tag should have the exact same text as the <h1> tag on the same page? Obviously both should contain the phrase that page is optimized for but is it better to have them be variants of each other, or both the same and maybe equal to the key phrase that page is optimized for? Thanks.</p> <p>Example:</p> <blockquote style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #f7f7f7; padding-top: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 5px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: auto; font-family: monospace;"> <p>title: los angeles blue widgets</p> <p>h1: los angeles blue widgets</p> </blockquote> <p>Or,</p> <blockquote style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #f7f7f7; padding-top: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 5px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: auto; font-family: monospace;"> <p>title: los angeles blue widgets</p> <p>h1: blue widgets in los angeles</p> </blockquote> <p>Where the page is trying to optimize for "los angeles blue widgets"</p></title>

    Technical SEO | | scanlin

  • While performing keyword research around the term "windows", I noticed the keyword "windo" gets 18,000 global monthly searches with .23 competition. Why is this? Do y'all think the Google Autofill and Instant Search features affect reports generated by using the Google Adwords keyword tool? For example, if a user starts typing a search query only to find the site they were looking for before they finished typing the search query, does Google count the partial keyword the user never finished typing into the Adwords Keyword report? I've always wondered about this. Sometimes I find it tempting to attack a misspelled keyword because of the massive search volume and low competition for that keyword. I realize that many consumers may not be very good at spelling, and this may reflect a large search volume towards a misspelled keyword. On the other hand, I see this trend of high volume, misspelled keywords many times while performing keyword research for a variety of clients. Thanks.

    Paid Search Marketing | | GlobeRunner

  • Good afternoon – I was wondering if someone could help me with regards to my site @ I have been generating good content and building links for some time and we're getting great results but I was wondering if my site may be suffering from not redirecting to the www. I have heard that google treats “” & “” separately and wanted to know if this has been true in anyone’s experience? For instance through site explorer I am finding that using site explorer without the www. We have a 39 PA but with www. It’s 63. If I redirected all visitors to www. Would my SERPS potentially improve? I know this is probably a SEO101 question but would love feedback on this I’m too afraid to do anything drastic without asking first. Thank you for your input! – Cliff

    SEO Learn Center | | CliffAuerswald

  • I've been digging through SEOMoz and couldn't find a straight answer to this, so I thought I'd ask here. How important is page load time to Google and your SERPS position? If you're answering, I'd also love to know 1) how you know that your answer is correct and 2) if you've personally seen a webmaster improve his page load time and subsequently his position in the SERPS.

    On-Page Optimization | | Cairmen

  • We are an agency that builds and hosts websites for several companies (some of which happen to be in the same industry - and therefore naturally link to each other - we do not dictate).  In regards to handling their domain registrations, webmaster tools account, google analytics account, and servers, what is the best practice to avoid Google thinking that these companies are affilliated? Even though they aren't affiliated, we are afraid that us being the "webmaster" of these sites and having shared servers for them that we may be affecting them.

    Technical SEO | | grayloon

  • For the past few years I have been publish press releases on my site for a number of business. I have high traffic on my site. I noticed that with the Google Panda 2.5 update dropped visibility by 83%. Should I stay away from publishing press releases now? Does Google consider Press Releases to be "content scraping" since multiple sources are publishing the release?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BeTheBoss

  • Anyone have any other good ways to get a Infograph picked up? Current ways Do a press release(prweb) -Contact bloggers -Submit to Infograph sites -Put on clients site

    Link Building | | DavidKonigsberg

  • I know the old standard for title tag optimization is to use your brand name in the title for a multitude of reasons, all of which are indisputable  The most important reason being any strength and awareness can aid in click-thru.  But does this hold true for exact match domains?  Considering the way a search result is displayed, any awareness and strength derived from using the brand in the title is automatically included in the search result of an exact match domain without having to sacrifice valuable characters in the title.  The organic value (or value beyond simply seeing the brand displayed and nothing else) can't have that much of an impact, can it? For Example, given the result attached, is it worth it to repeat in the title if it is already showing in the result? dog.png

    On-Page Optimization | | NextGenEDU

  • I was wondering if there are any tips to help a FB page rank well for a given search term? Any help welcome! Adam

    Social Media | | adamlewis10

  • For some reason every webpage of our website (  has a rel=canonical tag. I'm not sure why the previous SEO manager did this, but we don't have any duplicate content that would require a canonical tag. Should I remove these tags? And if so, what's the advantage - or disadvantage of leaving them in place? Thank you in advance for your help. -Josh Fulfer

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mhans

  • I would like to know if anyone knew if the relevance of a page changes if I bold the first few sentences. Our journalist wants to bold the first few sentences in every article to make it easier to read, how does that affect SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | mtueckcr

  • We're looking for a new CMS and out development company suggested Sitefinity. I've had great success with Wordpress. Is either system better. I love worpdress but have had no experience with Sitefinity. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | StandUpCubicles

  • Hi, So ICANN is going to be coming out with new custom brand TLD. Essentialy if I have got it right you can register something like .ibm .amazon instead of .com or .org My problem is I can't seem to find a creative way to leverage this. I can understand ibm having one for its brand but me ? What do you think? how can we can make use of this for seo and linkbuilding ? Cheers, Vishal

    Algorithm Updates | | vishalkhialani

  • Hello everybody! I'm in doubt with which one is the best: To have a Twitter profile name with: 1)the company's name.
    Of course it's good for branding, but it's a B2B, industrial market. 2)a relevant keyword.
    Will it bring traffic, considering that is a B2B, that works different. The question is: does Google gives relevance to username with keyword in it? If yes, have it a great value, or should I use the company name? Thanks!  =]

    Social Media | | seomasterbrasil

  • Hello, sorry question 2! I run the report it says we have 120 links roughly per page. I know this is bad however I have question about an oscommerce site. I identified some links that can be deleted for example Product picture is a link then the title and then  its says details (so I can delete the details and that should save about 15 links) Now I really can only delete the breadcrumb for example car>>ford>>spareparts>>engine If I delete the breadcrumb I would lose four links would you say thats a good idea? or leave the breadcrumb due to the seo benefits. Many thanks for your help. Sonja

    On-Page Optimization | | reallyitsme

  • Hello, I wanted to have a clean url for example : and our web developer installed this module which does this great. However there are now two products one with unclean url for example and the clean one - on  both pages page it says: <link rel="canonical" href="">Is this correct? Reason being is I'm aiming for the long tail and the site is not getting any visitor although we have unqiue 250 products+ and getting less then 20 visitors a day after almost a year! I would appreciate any help because I'm getting in real trouble because the site is performing so badly!

    On-Page Optimization | | reallyitsme

  • I am advising a client who wants to streamline their online customers experience through the use of cookies. The first time someone visits, they will visit the normal index page, and on that page will be asked to identify themselves as a Personal or Business customer - and taken through to a relevant page. This will result in a cookie being added. The next time they come back to, the cookie will automatically direct them from the index page to or My question is, what are the SEO implications of this, especially given the fact the index page is their primary landing page for almost all organic traffic? Bots I realise that googlebot etc do not store cookies, so this should result in no change from the bots perspective (i.e. no redirect) but is it that simple? In effect we'll be showing the bot one thing and second time + visitors something else. Is this not effectively cloaking? All advice gratefully received!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seomasters

  • We're thinking of adding social elements to our confirmation page, which as of right now doesn't ask for any specific action. Might as well take advantage. i.e. "Tweet this" or "Share this" with a shortened link to the landing page. Does anyone have any great examples of Twitter/Facebook being incorporated into a confirmation page? Visually pleasing, striking, great copy? It can be a confirmation for any type of action, whether you've just bought something, subscribed to something, joined a site, anything really.

    Social Media | | PurchSEO

  • Surely shopping cart sites are going to have a lot of duplicate content? Does google recognise this? Is there anything I can do let google know?

    Content Development | | borderbound

  • I read Google webmaster centeral's blog post and help article about rel="canonical" which was compiled by Matt. I am working on eCommerce website and found too many duplicate pages with same product as follow. 1.
    11. I have consider 1st product as a primary product and set following rel canonical tag on remaining products. Primary product also contain following rel canonical tag. This was my experience to set canonical tag. But, I am not able to see any improvement on crawling. I was in that assumption due to duplication Google did not crawled my pages. But, Now what is problem with it? How can I fix it and specify proper canonical link element for better crawling? Note: I am working to compile unique content on each product pages and make it live very soon.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Sometimes it might be clever to analyse the stategy of a competitor to see with which keys they rank successfully. For example I have a webshop, so I type in and seomoz spits out: books, dvds, ... I can now see with what keys i wont have a chance and can think of missing keys where my chance might be. Is there a possibility to find out with seomoz?

    Moz Pro | | SEOBavaria82

  • Im currently building a blog on Wordpress, and I will be blogging about Office Interior Designs. When I look at my competition they have some great blog posts about office interior designs and I have no idea about how they get: a) The ideas to blog about, how do they find out about these office interior designs b) how they get the content for them, how do they know what to write about each one, do they need permission etc, c) if i am interested in doing a blog on the same office interior design as them, how can I get information )and permission from the company that done the office interior design) on the office interior design so i can blog about it and also how do i get the images and stuff. an example is I would like to cover this aswell, as i think my future readers would like to know about this. how did they get the images, and the information about the project so they could write a blog post about it? And how would I go about doing the same thing?

    Content Development | | CompleteOffice

  • If one was to own 5 sites that were in a similar vertical and at some point decide that managing 5 sites was more of a pain than managing 1,2, or 3, is it possible to combine sites via 301 redirects and increase the overall DA, and for urls that are similar, PA? So, we have site,,,, and Assuming that they have a DA of = 32 = 36 = 27 = 21 = 44 Is there any testing that has shown combining the first 4 would increase the from DA of 36 to DA of 51, etc? Is there any testing regarding the same, but with Page Authority? Thanks PS Assume other variables are equal. I also realize this could look as if they were all ECommerce, but what if they were service or bricks and mortar?

    Web Design | | RobertFisher

  • I've been cleaning up the back link profiles for a certain page on our site, my question is once I'm happy with the new link profile and I want to submit the URL for reconsideration can I submit just one URL or will Google take a look through the entire site?

    Technical SEO | | DanHill

  • If I wanted to rank for "red hot widgets" and my domain was, would it be better to obtain backlinks (via "red hot widgets" anchor text) pointing to: A) (homepage) or B) Many thanks.

    Technical SEO | | martyc

  • I read a post some time back on zemanta and thought its a great idea to build links and it has a great  outreach strategy The two things you need are alot of quality images and the budget  for the monthly cost. I do plan to try it in the future and wanted to know if anyone has given it a try here ? Cheers, Vishal

    Link Building | | vishalkhialani

  • Hi there, I have the following situation with one of our job sites. We migrate the site to a new application, which is better from design point of view and also usability. For this we use a lot AJAX especially in searches. So every time a user is filtering down their search new results will be shown on the page, at the same url and with no page load. But, having this implementation. affected Bounce rate - which increased from 38% to nearly 60%, PI/visits - which are now half, at 3 and also Avg Time on Site is half that is used to be coming to 2,5 min from nearly 6 min. From Rand post, it is clearly that the content is very important in Google Panda, and all of these parameters we should consider, as it is telling the quality of the content. So, my question will be, can this site be hit by Panda updates (maybe later on) because Bounce Rate, PI/Visits and Avg Time on site, decreased in such way? At the moment we don't measure the Ajax impresion, but as I understood that we can do that though virtual pages in GA, does anyone of you have the experience how to handle this? Won't be this an artificial increase? Thanks, Irina

    Algorithm Updates | | InformMedia

  • Today, I have checked indexing for my website in Google. I found very interesting result over there. You can check that result by following result of Google. Google Search Result I aware about use of robots.txt file and can disallow images folder to solve this issue. But, It may block my images to get appear in Google image search. So, How can I fix this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Suppose you are using a third party tool such as an affiliate program.  Typically, all the files are organized under one subdirectory.  In addition, you may have little or no ability to modify any of the files in terms of SEO.  Would you recommend hiding the entire subdirectory with a noindex? Best,

    On-Page Optimization | | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Do these mile-long pages with a call to action at the bottom really produce more conversions? For example, see Has anyone A/B tested this format vs. breaking up the content into tabs or some other format with multiple pages? Personally, these turn me off as they seem disorganized, they take forever to read, and they always sound like scams.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | john4math

  • I had read a post in SEOmoz about keywords. According to it, The best keywords are 1. High Volume (many searches/month) 2. Low Competition 3. High Value (large % of visitors convert) My question is how can i find about 2nd and 3rd point. High search volume is shown in many Tools including Google adwords, but how can we be sure to find keywords that are low in competition and at the same time high value.

    Keyword Research | | seoug_2005

  • I was wondering if you have a like button on the blog and people use it to like a post , is it possible to find out who all have liked the post ? ( there is a counter to show the number of people who have liked the post, but could not figure out who have actually clicked the like button )

    Social Media | | avant_seomoz

  • I am using SEOMOZ for a client to track their website's performance and fix any errors and issues. A few weeks ago, they created a sub-domain ( to create a niche website for some of their specialized content. However, when SEOMOZ re-crawled the main domain (, it also reported the errors for the subdomain. Is there any way to stop SEOMOZ from crawling the subdomain and only crawl the main domain? I know that can be done by starting a new campaign, but is there any way to work around an existing campaign? I'm asking because we would like to avoid the setting up the campaign again and losing the historical data as well. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Hello All, It will be helpful if anyone can list the benefits of linking the company logo (on every page of the website) to the home page, and how important it is in terms of internal linking / SEO factors. Thank you.

    Image & Video Optimization | | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hi everyone, I'm wondering whether someone can enlighten me as to how a particular page / domain is ranking for a term that the page appears to be in no way optimised to receive traffic to. The search engine is Google Australia and the Search Term (albiet low volume) is "Bunbury Builders" the top organic result is the homepage for "Content Living" There is one single mention of Bunbury on the page (as a phone number in the footer of the page). I've disabled javascript, css, and spoofed my user agent as Googlebot and I can't see anything suspect going on here at all. I also ran the domain through open site explorer and I couldn't find a single anchor text reference to bunbury directing visitors back to this domain. We haven't yet begun targeting this term, but I was curious to see (for my own education as much as anything else) how they were achieving this ranking position. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | NaomiC

  • We often use images from a dynamic image server, to cater for image asset management, multiple sizes etc.  Similar to Adobe's Scene7, although that came out after we chose our product. So may have all its images with a URL like;width=100;height=100;angle=90,  instead of A potential client wants to capitalise on traffic from Google image search. We could build an image sitemap, listing the images on each page. What should we place in the image:loc field? The code:;width=100;height=100;angle=90 Apparently we have to verify the hosting site in Webmaster Tools, but I can't see where. I have a single Webmaster Tools account, where most of our sites are defined. Would I have to verify it for each site using the dynamic imaging program? Love to hear from anyone with solutions for getting images indexed when they are hosted at third-party dynamic imaging programs.

    Image & Video Optimization | | ozgeekmum

  • I would like to create a widget that I can give to other website owners to place on their blog.  Obviously the point of doing this is to get backlinks.  The widget is a simple calculator.  (Think of it like a mortgage calculator). I see that there are two ways of creating widgets: 1. Javascript 2. Iframe I've been reading this excellent tutorial on building a widget using javascript and jquery:  However, with my limited knowledge of javascript it's going over my head. I understand that if I offer a widget that is in an iframe that the links don't get counted as backlinks, but rather as links from my own site.  But, what if I offered code like this: <iframe src="" width="300" height="250"></iframe> This tool was provided by MySite Would that be helpful to me?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • A while back I experimented with buying some expired domains that had some PR.  I built a small website on each and created content with anchor text that linked back to my main site. For one of my sites I noticed a significant drop in rankings this week.  At first I thought it was because of the latest Panda update.  But, the drop was slow, not sudden like most Panda hits have been. Then, I noticed that some of my previously purchased domains that had held their PR for quite a while are now PR N/A.  I'm guessing that the latest algorithm change caught on to what I was doing. Probably what I was doing was grey hat.  I honestly think that every SEO goes through a period where they try out some grey or even black tactics.  This makes me even more desiring to be completely White hat now....and build links that are going to last. I was just wondering if any of you guys have experienced anything like this this week?  Would love to hear your thoughts. EDIT:  A second question - What would you guys do with these domains?  They're still in the Google index so they're not penalized, likely just stripped of PR.  Would you scrap them completely?  Remove the links back to my sites?  Do nothing?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MarieHaynes

  • In doing keyword research I discovered that the Google Adwords Tools returns results with a space in search terms where an apostrophe should be. For example:  Searching for 'mens fashion' or 'men's fashion' will return keyword ideas like 'men s fashion trends', 'men s fashion styles'. Same thing happens if yous search for '50s fashion' or 'mens suits'. Not only that but if you search for 'men s fashion' in the adwords tool you get 14,800 exact matches! Who would you use that term? And if you do search for it in Google, it will auto correct to 'men's fashion'. If you know the answer to what a term like 'men s fashion' signifies, you can skip the rest of this post and answer my question (thanks!). If not, here's what I did to try and figure it out - but I'm stuck and I need your help. First off, I did a search for all 3 terms: (mens fashion, men's fashion and men s fashion) in the adwords tool. The tool responded with different numbers for each, with  'men s fashion' far exceeding 'men's fashion'. See image 1 I did a search for each of the three terms in Google. The top 10 results for each were different. See image 2 Google reads 'men s fashion' as 'men's fashion'. I know that because: Google says 'showing result's for men's fashion' (obvious!) Google instant lists terms beginning with 'men's fashion...' See image 3 Related searches are identical for those two but not for 'mens fashion'. But it's not completely the same since as I mentioned you get different results, and the number of results found are different as well. So that brings me back to my question: When the tool says that 28 people search for [men's fashion] and 14,800 search for [men s fashion]. What on earth does it mean? bknQU tNKo7 C0P7S

    Keyword Research | | 5225Marketing

  • Hi, Just a quick note. I hope you are able to assist. To cut a long story short, on the page below -> Features Specials & Packages (middle column) we have 3 links per special going to the same page.
    1. Header is linked
    2. Click on image link - currently with a no follow
    3. 'More info' under the description paragraph is linked too - currently with a no follow Two arguments are as follows:
    1. The reason we do not follow all 3 links is to reduce too many links which may appear spammy to Google. 2. Counter argument:
    The point above has some validity, However, using no follow is basically telling the search engines that the webmaster “does not trust or doesn’t take responsibility” for what is behind the link, something you don’t want to do within your own website.   There is no penalty as such for having too many links, the search engines will generally not worry after a certain number.. nothing that would concern this business though.  I would suggest changing the no follow links a.s.a.p. Could you please advise thoughts. Many thanks Dave Upton [long signature removed by staff]

    On-Page Optimization | | daveupton

  • Apologies if my question sounds like a school Maths lesson 😉 If you have 2 sites: Site 1) is linked to by sites A,B & C Site 2) is linked to by sites X,Y & Z You then 301 redirect site 2 to site 1.  Most of the juice from site 2 (obtained from links X,Y,Z) should be passed over to site 1. But what if site 2 is linked to by the same sites A,B,C as site 1 instead of X,Y,Z. Since both sites have exactly the same links will the same, less,  or any weight be passed over by the 301 redirect? Many thanks.

    Technical SEO | | martyc

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