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  • I am getting this pop up on every page I visit: A username and password are being requested by The site says: "SEOmoz" I've searched some forums and see that others are experiencing it as well. The advice was to log into my seomoz account, however that did not work...any ideas?

    Moz Pro | | texmeix

  • I have development team pitching my client on using Dot Net Nuke (DNN) for the CMS.  I have no experience with DNN and not sure why the developers want to use it.  They do want to use Server SQL and may build some software for a different part of the project in .NET. What SEO and UX questions should I ask about using DNN?

    Web Design | | Joshen

  • Search Exchange Internet Marketing conference is here in Charlotte Oct. 3-5. Rand is giving the SEO keynote on Wednesday. Who is attending??!! Jay

    Industry Events | | theideapeople

  • When I find keyword opportunities in Wordtracker, I'll sometimes run them through Adwords Keyword tool only to find that Google says these keywords have 0 search volume. Would you use these keywords even though Google says users aren't searching for them?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Prior to my accepting a project, the client decided to change the name of their company and purchased a new domain name to match. They hired a designer to build their new company site which has now been up and running for a little under 12 months. Up to this point they have done a good job of slowly redirecting small handfuls of linking domains from the old site to the new.  They want to make one last push and point the remaining 250 linking domains from their old site to their new site. Will redirecting 250 linking domains to a new website from an old website freak Google out? If so, how many domains should be redirected at one time? My main concern is not wanting to upset Google and see the floor fall out on current keyword rankings, domain authority and page rank, etc.

    Link Building | | 5outhpaw

  • Ok, I need help with a simple (although, for some reason, I'm having trouble with it) advanced segment. Dilemma**:** All of our techs have a backend cookie that they use to log into our website. I want a way toexclude all visites where the landing page contained this in the url:/backend/cookie.php?username= Advanced Segment: We have a lot of techs and each one of them has a different "username=example". So how can I set up an advanced segment where it will exclude any visit where the visitor came in one a landing page containing /backend/cookie.php?username=

    Reporting & Analytics | | NerdsOnCall

  • I have an error in my SEOMoz crawl report is a 4XX client error on two of my websites, in both cases the error is coming from the link on my wordpress blog which is and (comments/feed/ is always the problem) Should I just ignore this error because it's supposed to open your RSS reader and not a link, or is this really an error I should address? thanks!!

    On-Page Optimization | | texmeix

  • I'v been seeing a lot of websites use a technique to present content to website visitors when the scroll down the page called "Lazy Loading". Does this hinder SEO and indexing since the content is not actually on the page until the user acts/requests it?

    Web Design | | JusinDuff

  • I apoligize if this question as been asked before, I couldnt' find in the Q&A though. I noticed Google has been indexing our IP address for some pages (ie: instead of I suspect this is possibly due to a few straggler relative links instead of absolute, or possibly something else I'm not thinking of. My less-evasive solution a few months back was to ensure canonical tags were on all pages, and then replaced any relative links w/ absolutes.  This does not seem to be fixing the problem though, as recently as today new pages were scooped up with the IP address. My next thought is to 301 redirect any IP address URL to the domain, but I was afraid that may be too drastic and that the canonical should be sufficient (which it doesn't seem to be). Has anyone dealt with this issue?  Do you think the 301 would be a safe move, any other suggestions? thanks.

    Technical SEO | | KT684

  • I dont mean how do i take away links on the page but i know right off i am going to have at least 50 right off the bat and with my footer and menu bar and such im up over the limit of 100. My seo guy took care of it on my one site and dont know how Site with issue is one that was fixed that doesnt appear to be too many on seomoz was if anyone can inform or decypher the code please let me know

    On-Page Optimization | | lance01

  • I'm currently using the PRO campaigns to track my main keywords. However, I'm trying to do some research on KW opportunities, and having no luck finding a way to conveniently check rankings for new keywords. What tool do you use to get ranking results for large keyword lists?

    Keyword Research | | AdoptionHelp

  • We use the Pro Web App for our keyword/ranking reporting. First, am I correct in assuming that this uses exact match to report the traffic? That being the case, is there a way in Moz (beyond entering endless permutations of our targeted keywords) to track traffic we're getting out of broad match searches? For example, say we optimized for and are tracking the keyword "lambada dancing llamas" for a company called Llarry's Llamas. Let's say that Moz reports little to no traffic for that keyword, but GoogleAnalytics indicates that we've gotten traffic from "larrys dancing llamas", "dancing llamas", "llarry llamas" and so on. So, obviously we're getting broad match traffic out of the lambada llamas, just not a lot of exact match, which is all that the Moz app shows. How do other people track this kind of traffic?

    Moz Pro | | MackenzieFogelson

  • What's your philosophy on reversing 301 redirects? Does it depend on how long the redirect has been in place? Is it okay to implement a 301 redirect and remove it if the desired results aren't achieved? Also, what about multiple 301 redirects and removing those? I'm working with a site that has several 301 redirects in place and there's no definite knowledge as to when these were placed. I know there's always a danger and the possibility of unintended results when moving these around. I'm just curious as to what others' experience has been with placing and removing these either within a short period of time or over the course of as much as a year. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamieCottle28

  • Hi All, There's been some internal debate going back and forth about redirecting the homepage of a site to a directory. There are a few different POVs circulating, one of which is that it's no different than redirecting to a /index page. Basically, the homepage is ranking for the keyword that we want the directory to rank for but I can't seem to justify placing this type of redirect. The content on both pages is different, but for the term both the homepage and the directory make sense to rank. Has anyone ever done anything like this before? Can anyone see any reason to do something like this? I believe this move would dilute the link value we currently have going to the homepage and potentially cause us to lose our #2 slot with the homepage in favor of a lower spot with the directory. I'd love to hear any thoughts on this/learn if anyone has experimented with this tactic. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamieCottle28

  • So I noticed today that there is now Real Time Data: and I cannot figure out how to access this.

    Reporting & Analytics | | joseph.chambers

  • I want to use the Google Analytics landing page reports to look at the bounce rate of top level pages excluding the homepage. So pages with urls: Does anyone know a regular expression that will allow me to do this? Just to clarify I do not want to look at the bounce rate of the homepage or any pages deeper than e.g: etc Thanks in advance

    Reporting & Analytics | | CPLDistribution

  • We have just re-designed our site and added a big drop-down navigation menu to help users get straight to the category/sub-category they are looking for, take a look at to see what I mean. Since doing so our rankings have dropped which we've been told may be because there are now so many links on (particularly) the home page diluting the rankings of that page. We've been advised that if we hide the drop-down menus using "style='display: none'" until they are required that the search engines will ignore them which we have now done but is this correct or will they still be indexed? And if so do you have any other suggestions? Thanks, Tariq

    On-Page Optimization | | tjhossy

  • Greetings - can anyone offer an opinion on the services of They claim to be able to effectively optimize the deep pages of online retailers. I welcome any and all feedback! Eric

    On-Page Optimization | | Ericc22

  • So i just discovered that a site I now managae has a .com version - as well as the .org version that is the one everyone knows about! I'm guessing this is not a good thing... So the whole site eg has a mirror page What should I do about this?    Is it really bad to have 2 versions out there? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | inhouseninja

  • Hi mozzers Just looking for opinions/answers on if it is ever appropriate to use obfuscated Javascript on links when a page has many links but they need to be there for usability? It seems grey/black hat to me as it shows users something different to Google (alarm bells are sounding already!) BUT if the page has many links it's losing juice which could be saved....... Any thoughts appreciated, thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TrevorJones

  • Hi seomoz community! My question is this: Which is more effective in a) generating traffic and b) increasing authority in the long and short term? Press releases or back-linking through blogs and forums? Some more detail: You have $6000 to spend over a 6 month period on which ever technique you choose. $6000 can buy you 20 press releases, each distributed to over 250 online news outlets (yahoo finance, td waterhouse, ABC, etc), emailed to editors of publications in your industry niche, and tweeted by 10 to-15 influential tweeters. Every release is published by the same news organization plus 5-10 new sources per release. The news organizations all have relatively high domain authorities (60-90) and generate 2500-3000 unique pageviews in total for each article. They also all link back to my site through the articles. $6000 can buy you 6 months of back-link building - outsourced overseas in India. Based on keywords that our target audience are using to find our competitors (long-tail included), we post links through blog/forum comments that appear in results when those search terms are queried. The blog/forums have varying domain authorities in our industry but none higher than 60. Again the question: Which technique is more effective in a) generating traffic and b) increasing authority in the long and short term? Press releases or back-linking through blogs and forums? My current website has a domain authority of 66. Please share your opinions or thoughts. Thanks 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | fourthdimensioninc

  • When doing SEO for a company that does not have a specific location (they are an online-only retailer), and doesn't want their manufacturing location given, what is some advice on other great SEO tactics that will help counter the disadvantages of not using anything location-related (Google Places, directory submissions, etc). Obviously backlinking and on-page optimization, but in regards to the fact that Google is becoming more and more encouraging of sites that are location-optimized and listed in many records such as Places, Yelp, directories, etc., does anyone have any advice?

    SEO Learn Center | | questfore

  • Very simple question here . I've redirected a bunch of older pages with decent ranking to some newer pages on my site, using the Thesis theme's built-in redirect function. However, in the SERPS, the older pages (and, importantly, older titles) still show up. When clicked on, they redirect to the new page, but it's still irritating because the older titles make the site look out of date. Is this Working As Intended, or have I or my theme done something wrong? And if it's the latter, what's the best way to achieve a redirect, preferably with a Wordpress plugin?

    Technical SEO | | Cairmen

  • Would it be possible to display Ranking data on a graph to show progress over a period of time? It would be great to be able to show a client how a certain keyword has improved over a time period.

    Moz Pro | | barnst

  • Hello Can you help me. I'm starting out in SEO and sometimes I think I miss the Elephant in the room. I have tried and tried to find our via 'Google' or 'Seomoz' articles the answer to this question. How does 'Google Panda' link a facebook business page to it's actual business website if the url is not identical eg '' 2 ''? As no one is talking about this I'm assuming I am missing the elephant. If you can see it can you point it out gently? ta!

    Social Media | | catherine-279388

  • Right now, I am working on eCommerce website. [Lamps Lighting and More] I can find out both URLs in website as follow. HTTP Version: HTTPS Version: I have check one of my competitor who has implemented following canonical on both pages. Please, view source code for both URLs. **** Then, I checked similar thing in SEOmoz website. 🙂 Why should I not check in SEOmoz because, They are providing best SEO information so may be using best practice to deal with HTTPS & HTTP. LOL I tried to load following URL so it redirect to home page. is redirecting to But, following URL is not redirecting any where as well as not set canonical over there. I can find out following code on **User-agent: *** ** Disallow: /api/user?*** So, I am quite confuse to solve issue. Which one is best 301 redirect or canonical tag? If any live example to see so that's good for me and make me more confident.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CommercePundit

  • Today, I read very useful blog post on SEOmoz regarding social media search and trends for better keyword research. I come to know about Google Ngram Viewer. What is this? I don't get it. Can it help me in my eCommerce website marketing?

    Social Media | | CommercePundit

  • About 3 months ago, someone copied almost all of my content (format and all) changing only the site name and links.  Of course, I was horrified and immediately tried a DMCA but the guy is hosted in Czech Rep so it turn into a pain in the butt. Long story short, the stolen content is still up.  I figured eventually I would see a hit for the duplicate content but so far, absolutely nothing.  Same rankings, same everything; best thing is, his site doesn't appear to even be on Google. My question is, does stolen content still matter anymore?  I thought it used to be a huge problem, and I read posts and such of blog owners who have fretted over the consequences to their beloved site.  It seems like Google figured out that since that content was on my site for the past year, I must be the original owner.  They might have even blacklisted the other site; can't find them by typing in their domain anymore.

    Industry News | | mclaughlin

  • We've been using Wordtracker for years to find viable long tail keyword options. Lately, we've begun to doubt the true usefulness of this tool.  We have implemented good optimization efforts using relevant keywords that Wordtracker suggests as reasonably well-searched with relatively low competition. Even when we rank well for these words, we get no traffic for them. Subsequent checking of these words in Google AdWords reveal that Google has found no searches for these words at all. Suspicious, we've begun cross-checking our keywords in AdWords and the Moz Keyword Difficulty tool. But now I keep getting contradictory reports. For example, a keyword I recently checked reported thus: In Wordtracker: high competition and low search In AdWords: high competition and decent search In Moz: only moderately competitive Who do I believe? How do other people weight the opinions of the various keyword research tools?

    Keyword Research | | MackenzieFogelson

  • My client just launched a german version of their site: English Version: Germain Version: Is there a best practice to get the new section of the site indexed in Are you able to submit a different sitemap to each Google domain? How do you go about doing keyword research, its got to be different search trends than, right? A am complete beginner when it comes to international SEO so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Regards - Kyle

    Competitive Research | | kchandler

  • So right now I am looking to develop an infographic for a client and I was wonder from your guys' experience, how much has it cost? I have all the statistics and basic idea of how i want it to look, and its not going to be a super interactive type, more of a standard style graphic. I'm curious about where you went to find your designer and just kind of a ballpark price to work off of so I know what the market is like out there. Any input in anyway would be greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarloSchneider

  • I just signed up for SEOmoz and already goofed up on setting up my root domain, I left out www. part. I can't find a way to edit it. Can I change it, or do I need to start a new campaign and delete this one?

    Moz Pro | | ArenaS

  • I have just taken over a client and have been shocked to see a lot of wasted 'link juice' from hundreds of websites linking to old/dead pages within my client's domain. My question is - what is the best method to re-capture that juice given that it is impractical to change the links at source. Thanks.

    Link Building | | driansmith

  • That is to say, where there are links on public FB pages, such as those on my own company's public profile to my company's website---can the crawler detect these, or is it simply not bothering to crawl FB because so much is private? I don't see any links from FB in the crawl results, and don't believe I ever have, even for very large brands' domains.

    Social Media | | jimseo

  • kindly i need to know in comparing site i can only see the HTTP there no place to insert an HTTPS site.

    Competitive Research | | Moia

  • All Welcome! In the old interface, Google Analytics, you can find rare queries (organic traffic) in such a setting: ^ ([^] +) {5.50} [^] + $ (where 5.50 - spaces between words). As an option to use the new interface Google Analytics? This option does not work there?

    Reporting & Analytics | | meteorr

  • Hello, we've changed our CMS recently, everything seems to work well, but for some reason google, and other crawlers can't see or index other pages than main. There is no restriction in robots, nor any other visible issue. Please help if you can. Website:

    Technical SEO | | divan

  • Hi, We have a client who recently acquired a bunch of domains in all kinds of niches, each domain has a WordPress site on it, with content and backlinks. Clients wants to "merge" all these domains into categories in his "main website", moving content and "moving" backlinks as well. The syntax we came up with is the following: (sample domains of course) will be updated with .htaccess 301 redirect:
     Redirect 301 /fastpotatomixer.htm 1.) I'm not sure about the domain's root though. Where would I redirect, to Won't that be a problem that the new one is a "larger" category that has other posts as well, not only potatomixers? 2.) If this gets into the .htaccess (with several other lines for the other content as well of course), won't the first line "override" all the other ones? Redirect 301 /
    Redirect 301 /fastpotatomixer.htm
    Redirect 301 /easypotatomixer.htm etc. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MandLoys

  • Hello, I've been trying to get our website on 1st place (or at least 1st page to start) on several keywords, on google in all English speaking countries. In most of them I managed, but in USA I'm on 5th page. By Domain Analysis we are better than competition. Keywords are glass nail files, crystals nail files (some long tail keywords are ok, we are somewhere on top). Website: We worked on code, design (notice issues is just recent, because of server migration), on-page, blog. Can someone help me out with an advise? The goal is to be #1. We definitely doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Thank you.

    Competitive Research | | divan

  • Hi, I need some help w/ link blding and would like to outsource some of it. Can you recommend any reputable company thats affordable? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PaulDylan

  • I wrote a recent blog post on Friday. It was indexed and ranked on the first page on Monday. On Wednesday, it was nowhere to be found. I noticed that, after a few more recent posts, it was on page two of my blog. So I expanded my results so that it was back on my first page. Today, it is back on the first page - same spot as before. Was that my problem, or could it be something else I am unaware of?

    Algorithm Updates | | BMac54

  • Hi what is the best way to promote a blog or a blog article. What i want to do is to find a site when i can put part of the article on that site and then have a link going to my blog for the article. Can anyone recommend any sites that do this please or the best ways to promote a new article from a blog

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I guess this question comes in a few parts: 1. Would Google read a 2-letter country code that is after the domain name (after the slash) and recognize it as a location (targeting that country)? Or does is just read it as it would a word. eg. for a microsite for the Germans for a microsite for the French Or would it read the de and fr as words (not locations) in the url. In which case, would it have worse SEO (as people would tend to search "marketing france" not "marketing fr")? 2. Which is better for SEO and rankings? Separate country specific domains: and OR the use of subfolders in the url:   and

    Algorithm Updates | | richardstrange

  • Hi i am trying to find out if it is possible for me to put a search term down and found out what companies are using this. I know you can do this with google but i am finding that it is not bringing up the right results. What i am trying to do is, search for a search word that is being used on their content pages, so for example, if i put down the word holidays in spain, i want to find that word being used in their content and not the site being in google. Hope this makes sense, so i am trying to find how many companies out there use a certain search phrase in their content any help would be great

    Technical SEO | | ClaireH-184886

  • I've came across a suggested list of words that google will ignore in your content, if this is correct and one of our main keywords is one of those words, will it lose effectiveness? We are trying to get #1 SERP for "Self Tan" and it seems "Self" is one of the words ignored - so should we just be focusing on Tan? Any tips / advice would be great!

    Keyword Research | | ChrisMciIlroy

  • Hi, I have a client with a reasonable size WP site (around 5,000 pages) and we plan to launch a forum to increase user engagement and interaction. My client is in the B2C sector, mainly male and typically high net worth. I have read the Moz article the-huge-untapped-potential-of-qa-content-for-seo with interest and that raises a few questions: Does the Q&A model works in the B2C sector? What is the best way to mix / run in parallel Q&A and posts/threads? Who are the best technology providers within this sector? It doesn't need to be necessarily in WP, but it would help. We would like to incorporate the same reward structure that has been so well impemented with Moz and so it's the usual buy or build discussion... Can anybody highlight great examples of best practice? Thanks in advance ofr your help! J.

    Branding | | JonathanSmith

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